Amplification of 4 g of a signal for a summer residence. How to strengthen the cellular signal and the Internet in the country. Passive or active Internet amplification

An article for those who, during the hours of rest from country affairs, recall the signs of civilization, and have already suffered with a low 3G / 4G LTE signal that makes it difficult or impossible to comfortably work on the Internet. After all, we are used to the fact that there is Internet on our tablets and laptops, and we are very upset when it is not.

Our goal is to help you figure out how to provide a country house / cottage with acceptable Internet with your own hands, saving resources and reducing the number of cones, so as not to hire a master who will come for 10-15 thousand and do everything. As practice shows, 8 out of 10 people are capable of self install amplifying equipment.All that is required is to connect the antenna cable to the modem connectors using an adapter and point the antenna towards the operator's tower.

The first symptoms that an antenna is needed are an unstable signal, sensitivity to the location of the modem and weather conditions. In such a situation, the antenna will help improve, increase, and stabilize the signal level, and therefore will make it possible to receive uninterrupted mobile Internet to the maximum.

In the first stages, you need to determine what speed you accept and what you can get. For example, if the signal strength in the house is 2.3 divisions (average 75-80 dBm), then for the purity of the experiment, we recommend climbing to the highest point of the building, taking a laptop and a modem, or a smartphone / tablet with you, try to get a confident reception (4- 5 divisions) and take speed measurements through the site Or drive up to the operator's tower and take measurements there. If, based on the results of the measurements, you did not feel the difference, then you should: 1) Check the speed limits on the tariff; 2)Try other carriers. If the difference is obvious, then buying an antenna makes sense.

Antennas and signal amplification methods 3G & 4G - LTE

  1. Antenna "homemade" - we will not focus on it, and all its pros and cons are described in a separate article.
  2. up to 15 dB. As a rule, these are panel-type structures with a stand;
  3. street3G/4G antenna: up to 20 dB. and higher. The most popular types of antennas presented on our website are - broadband and narrowband.

Broadband or narrowband antenna? Choice. Advantages and disadvantages.

Broadband Antenna universal and able to improve the signal in both 3G and 4G networks, switch to different modes of operation. This means that if today your modem receives 3G, and tomorrow the operator switches to 4G LTE, the antenna will automatically start amplifying the signal in 4G LTE, which will positively affect the speed of the Internet. Behind the minuses of such "omnivorous" lies the possible catching of interference and interference of signals from various sources. Such antennas presented on our website amplify the signal at the most popular frequencies of telecom operators in the Russian Federation - 2100 MHz (3G), 2600 MHz (4G LTE), 1800 MHz(4G LTE), 800 MHz (4G LTE)

Advantages : There is no need to define the frequency of the signal. I fixed the antenna, directed the operator towards the BS and work if the air is not oversaturated with interference. In addition, if you plan to move and use the antenna in another place / with another operator operating in a frequency different from the previous place (example: before the move there was MegaFon LTE 1800, and in the new place MTS LTE 2600), it will come in handy.

Disadvantages : As they wrote earlier in the conditions of a clogged ether, this is the collection of unnecessary interference.

Narrow band antenna receives a cleaner, high-quality signal, cutting off all unnecessary interference, providing a better signal-to-noise ratio on the air, because. work on a specific frequency in a 3G or 4G network. Frontwhen purchasing such an antenna, it is imperative to determine the operating frequency of the operator in your area, following our instructions. Such an antenna is often relevant in places where airfields, military units, and other objects that create interference are located nearby.If you have the desire and ability to test the network and determine the frequency, then it is preferable to choose the narrowband option.

Advantages:Receiving only a useful signal, cutting off everything superfluous.

Disadvantages:Binding to the frequency of the operator. If you need to change the operator, or change places of application, it is possible, hitting the desired frequency is not guaranteed.

BOTTOM LINE: The broadband antenna will pick up and amplify the signal in all the most common 3G / 4G frequencies, you do not need to do research.

MIMO support and what it is.

MIMO- this is an antenna having 2 antenna elements in one housing, located relative to each other at an angle of 90 degrees. This design organizes an additional channel for communication. The 4G-LTE standard supports this technology, and can provide an improvement in signal-to-noise values ​​by 7-12 dB, and therefore additionally add speeds up to 2x. But for 3G networks, things are not so rosy. In 3G networks, many BSs are already operating without MIMO, as a rule, using this scheme has the opposite effect - throughput goes down. Of course, the cost of an antenna with MIMO technology is higher than conventional antennas.

The signal reception quality is determined by several factors. In addition to the distance to the tower, one of them is the terrain. If there are obstacles (hills, structures) in the path of the path signal, then the direct signal will not reach you, and you will receive a weakened signal. Nai the best way for reception is a line of sight.

Reasons for the decline and degradation of the 3G & 4G signal in urban and suburban areas.

1. Attenuation of the signal in the walls of the building.

Depending on the material of the facade of the building, the thickness and type of floors, the signal received by the modem from the BS is subject to attenuation in different ways. Wood has the least resistance. It practically does not suppress the wave. If the facade is made of brick, then the signal will already be much lower. If the walls of the reinforced concrete mesh or, even worse, the structure is sheathed with metal. siding, then the modem often does not work at all, or keeps the signal in 2G mode at meager speeds. This is due to the 2G frequency band which is lower than 3G frequencies and the passage through walls is better.
DECISION: Removal of the modem at least to the window

2. Terrain and forest belt reduce signal strength

As a rule, the height of the BS operators is 30-45 meters. To get the best signal, you need to raise the antenna as high as possible. It is recommended to at least install it on the roof of your house - this will noticeably improvesignal quality.

DECISION:Use a parabolic antenna, which has a low wind load, which allows it to be mounted on a high mast. Besides,antennas of this design have high gain.


A modern 3G / 4G lte antenna is the key to fast and comfortable Internet.And the task of choosing the type and design of the antenna is very simple, if you understand the conditions under which you connect to the Internet. The main thing is to adhere to the basic conditions for receiving the signal and understand the situation. We hope this article will help you make the right choice.

The ideal conditions for the propagation of a mobile signal are direct visibility of the repeater tower of the mobile operator.

However, not in all corners of our country such a tower is nearby, hence the poor quality of communication.

Especially in countryside, in holiday villages, often the phone only works in a certain place - on a hill or other hill. Signal cellular communication can weaken in and in .

What to do in order to always stay in touch with family and friends, to be able to call ambulance if needed? The answer is simple - a weak signal must be amplified. For these purposes, there are cellular amplifiers.

From this article you will learn how to amplify a cellular signal in the countryside, get acquainted with the principle of operation of GSM and 3G amplifiers and approximate prices for them.

What is GSM and 3G signal amplification

To understand what signal amplification is all about, consider how a standard cell phone works. Radio waves are used to communicate between two subscribers.

The principle of operation of this type of radio waves is the same as the transmission waves of a television or radio signal. The main difference between them is the frequency of the wave.

The higher the frequency, the smaller the receiving antenna can be made and the greater the amount of information transmitted. We owe the miniature size of our phones with built-in antennas precisely to the high frequency of the signal.

An increase in the signal frequency can also lead to negative consequences, namely, to a decrease in the distance at which stable communication is provided. High-frequency signal (GSM and 3G) cannot "go around" large obstacles. Tall buildings, trees and other objects weaken the signal.

Amplification of a weak signal is an increase in its amplitude and power. And in general - the quality of communication. You can boost a weak cell signal like this:

  • Buy ready kit amplifiers. The standard "kit" includes an external antenna, a repeater, internal antennas, a power supply, and a cable connecting the system;
  • Buy individual elements amplification. For example, a repeater or an external high power antenna. Such a purchase will allow you to save some money.

Basic elements of a standard amplification system

To get a stable connection in a private house or country house, you need to create a personal cell (radio coverage area of ​​one or more base stations).

As a rule, all elements for creating a honeycomb are sold as a set, but can also be purchased separately.

A radio coverage area or cell typically includes the following components:

    • External Antenna - This receives the weak signal from the cell site and sends out a stronger signal from your phone (or internet modem). Such an antenna converts radio waves into electrical current, and electrical current into radio waves;

Attention! The antenna is installed in the place of the best reception, as a rule, on the roofs of houses, balconies. It is better to send it to the nearest cellular station (tower).

    • Cellular repeater. It receives a weak signal from an external antenna, reinforces it and, in the form of an electrical signal, transmits it to the internal antennas via power divider by cables. And, on the contrary, it receives a signal from internal antennas, amplifies and transmits to an external antenna;
    • Internal antenna. Installed in required quantityinside buildings;
    • Power divider- device, coordinating transmitting and receiving signals between the internal antennas and the repeater. It is usually installed near repeater;

Advice! Install the power divider and repeater near the external antenna. This will reduce distortion and signal power loss.

  • cable lines, which are used to connect the elements of the system into a single whole and transmit a signal between devices. The most commonly used coaxial cable, the type of which is selected depending on the technical characteristics of the antennas, repeater and power divider. Coaxial cable is an electrical transmission cable high frequency signals;
  • Power supply. In automotive amplification systems, power is supplied from the vehicle's battery, stationary systems - power supply uses industrial electrical network.


Main technical specifications standard cells of the GSM network are:

The principle of operation of the GSM and 3G amplifier

The principle of operation of the main part of the amplifier - the repeater, can be described by analogy with a person who exactly repeats to others the questions heard only by him on the handset and in the same way informs the remote subscriber of the answers.

"Repetier" in translation from English means "repeater". This device generates its own, more powerful signals and changes in the likeness of the weak signals of the cell site - loudly repeats everything that it picks up.

How to strengthen the cellular signal with your own hands

It is better to entrust the selection and installation of elements for strengthening cellular communications and mobile Internet to professionals.

But there are some things you can easily do on your own. For example, install an external antenna and, if necessary, connect it to an Internet modem.

You can also install a ready-made amplification system yourself according to the instructions attached to it. For a skilled owner, this is a simple task.

Where and at what price to buy an amplifier

Individual elements and ready-made kits for signal amplification can be bought at mobile phone stores or specialized online stores.

Prices range from 10,000 rubles (for a set to cover an area of ​​150 square meters and work with one communication standard), up to 25,000 rubles for more powerful and versatile models.
From the following video you will learn how to strengthen the cellular signal:

Internet access is necessary for every person for work, study or for their personal needs. The mobile phone does not always pick up the Internet. Not everyone knows how to amplify the 3g signal of a smartphone.

In cities where a large number of cellular operators, according to prior there should be no "dead zones" for the Internet. In reality, everything is different: a person, moving around the area, periodically gets into them. It has to do with architecture. building material from which the houses are built, metal structures. The reasons for poor Internet include the presence of many industrial interference.

To protect the smartphone from mechanical damage, various cases are sold. If there are metal inserts inside the protection, then this affects the quality of the received 3g and 4g signal.

When the user travels outside the city, a 3g signal booster for a smartphone is required, where the Internet speed is sharp or absent.

Almost all people use 3g or 4g Internet, which is offered by mobile operators. It provides access to networks anywhere, unlike wifi networks. But due to the congestion of communication lines, the Internet speed drops to the level of 2g. Even when the phone is on a tariff with a good speed of 3g or 4g, it guarantees that the speed will not slow down.

Two solutions will help improve smartphone reception - this is software and using devices purchased or made independently. Each method has pluses. At integrated approach increasing the speed of the Internet connection, the user will achieve the fastest possible signal.

Software settings

Sometimes people are unhappy with the speed of the Internet on a mobile phone. Everyone knows that the speed and quality of an Internet connection depend on the operator, the selected tariff and coverage area. But not everyone knows that you can amplify the signal on your smartphone using the InternetSpeedMaster application. The program optimizes the phone by changing system files. It is easy to strengthen the antenna on a smartphone using the application, but you need to have root rights, if the phone is rooted, then installation will take 2 minutes.

Configuring the program for amplifying 3g and 4g

How to configure InternetSpeedMaster to boost 3g and 4g signal:

  1. enter the application and grant superuser rights;
  2. if the device is rooted, enter ApplyPatch, reboot. The Internet signal booster on the smartphone will work;
  3. if the user does not have superuser rights, enter ImproveInternetConnection, then reboot the device.

This method does not work on all devices, so it is recommended that you first get root rights in order to surely increase the 3g signal on your smartphone.

If the user wants to restore the old settings, it is recommended to enter the menu, click "Restore", confirm their actions by selecting the "OK" button.

Hardware improvement

You can strengthen the cellular signal on your smartphone by purchasing additional devices in specialized stores - a repeater and various kinds antennas. Such devices significantly amplify the signal coming from the operator. In this situation, no manipulations with the device files are required.

All devices connected to the Internet 3g or 4g, included in the antenna coverage area, increase the download speed. To strengthen the 3g signal for a smartphone with your own hands in the country or in the apartment, you need to take steps that will enable the operator's signal to reach as quickly as possible.

With exotic plants and suffocating heat, others prefer a mild summer among their native birches and pines 🙂 To each his own, as they say. Rest in the country or in the village attracts many. First of all, for the lack of fuss and minimal communication with the outside world. But the global network is firmly seated in our brains, and social networks leave no chance to sit out in the wilderness.

This is where the problems begin. The quality of cellular communication is only in words perfect. We drive two or three dozen kilometers from a large city, and problems begin. The question arises: "How to improve the Internet in the country?". You can not bother and sit without likes, reposts and other nonsense. On the other hand, why not try to deal with the problem yourself?

INTERESTING. The first attempt to make a mobile telephone was made by the New York Police Department in 1921. A little over a decade later, police cars were equipped with two-way telephone radios. In the USSR, the first prototype of a mobile phone was made in 1957. It was called LK-1 and weighed three kilograms.

Before improving, you need to understand what kind of connection is possible in principle. As a rule, there are two options: Internet via satellite or via a cellular operator. The trouble is in the price of equipment and satellite Internet tariffs. Few people want to pay about 20 thousand for equipment and 3-4 thousand for using the service. Moreover, the speed, although good, is not super - within 20 megabits.

Amplifying a cellular signal is technically feasible and cheaper in terms of money. We buy an antenna, install and enjoy the benefits of civilization 🙂 But! You need to choose the right amplifier. Yes, and setting up the equipment is not so simple. Before making a decision, let's try to understand not only the cost, but also the labor costs. Because it’s not a fact that we can do everything ourselves, but calling in specialists means paying money.

Internet amplifier. Dreams and reality

Let's start with the definition of needs. How much traffic is enough per month? What speed is needed? Watching videos, surfing of course, possibly downloading torrents, well, network games. If you start counting from the friezes, then the speed is needed within 5-15 megabits. If more, even better. A channel at the level of 2-3 megabits is enough, but you can forget about downloads.

You can sit and count the traffic. On average, it turns out in the region of 15 gigs. On average, this is between needs. Someone watches movies more often, others download more, others play. So you need to choose a tariff with more daytime traffic and nightly unlimited. And then we will deal with the "technique". Both satellite and cellular, this is not a cable for you. There are many more problems - interference, thunderstorms, narrow channels in rural areas.

Strengthening the cellular signal in the country

All subsequent material is of interest to those who decide to strengthen the reception of cellular communications. Yes, yes, let's not even talk about the satellite. Firstly, it's a little expensive, and secondly, you can't do a damn thing yourself. And we proceed ... and start by choosing an operator. It doesn't matter what you use in the city. A village is a village.

IMPORTANT! The main reason why satellite Internet is used is the inability to provide the service in another way. Most often, the equipment is installed on the "last mile", that is, directly at the client. main feature such access is the division of traffic into input and output with subsequent combination. The technology is called asymmetric access. Reception via satellite, return via cellular.

First, let's look at coverage maps on the websites of operators. But, we don’t trust them much - they are for those who definitely won’t get a connection 🙂 Have you estimated your location? Now we open maps from Google or Yandex. Define the house accurately. It remains to compare the location with coverage areas. Perhaps locality will be overlapped by multiple operators. We choose the one whose territory is larger, the signal quality will be better. If this is not done, it may turn out that a 4g signal amplifier is not needed for giving.

How to strengthen the cellular signal in the country

There are entire threads on thematic forums where methods for finding the right cell are discussed. What for? “Air” differs from cable in that any uneven terrain affects both the signal level and the speed of the Internet. You can walk around the neighborhood with a beech or a tablet, entering trace data on the map 🙂 But you can make it easier. We find a simple antenna, fix it on a pole and raise it above the ridge of the house.

Antenna to the modem, and that to the computer. We launch the MDMA program and turn the device on the roof. We do this slowly, constantly fixing the signal level. Out of habit, you will have to spend half an hour or more. As a result, we get several directions that give the best signal. We choose the most powerful. Here we will direct the antenna to it. If you are thinking about buying an amplifier, look at the performance characteristics. It may turn out that the increase will not justify the money spent.

INFORMATION. Repeaters are called repeaters and amplifiers of a cellular signal. Devices are used to expand coverage areas. In the general case, this is an actively operating radar equipment that operates in conjunction with an antenna and cables. . A cellular amplifier for a summer residence can be installed without agreement with the operators.

It remains to decide on the height to which the antenna will have to be raised. To simplify, you can use the services "Ubnt" or "Linktest". Let's say right away, do not take the learned data for granted. According to calculations, it turns out that a height of 20 meters is needed, but the really high-quality reception is at 7-8 meters. Another tip - do not try to get the speed, like in the city. The maximum for summer residents is 20-30, sometimes 40 megabits.

And the last one in this section. Doing the right thing 🙂 calculations, a long choice of antenna, actually hand soldering, a height of 15 meters, you will get a gain in the range of 95-98 percent. If you buy a ready-made, not the most sophisticated, antenna, install it above the ridge with an approximate orientation, you will get a signal amplification of 70-80 percent. The result is good, less money and effort.

Antennas to amplify the Internet signal

In a good way, amplifying equipment should be selected simultaneously with the search for a confident signal. It is better to immediately pick up a set of antenna, mast, bracket, cables and other bells and whistles. This is the only way to understand what effect the actions will give. And that's not all the problems. How do you like the situation when the antenna operates on one frequency, and the base station on another? You can’t find out the information from the operator, it’s easier to split partisans during interrogation 🙂

Now about the form. It is not necessary to order some special model from the other side of the planet. Do you sell panel antennas nearby? Here, take it. They are slightly weaker than the "beam" ones, but they do not need precise directionality. And the range is much wider, which is only a plus. It's a great help to switch between 3 and 4 G. Why? 🙂 It's better to surf on a four - the browser just flies, but downloading large volumes - 3 G is beyond competition.

Antenna calculation for amplifying a cellular signal

It is doubtful that there will be many willing to make calculations. But let's give a table that you should be guided by.

This is necessary in order to mount the antenna, not to remain with the same signal level. Roughly speaking, we were looking for a direction with a device with a gain of 12 dB. Found the direction in which the signal is -90 dB. Cable and connections eat about 3 dB. Accordingly, after all the "dancing with tambourines" we get a signal level of -99 dB. Mediocre, however. And you need to get at least "good". So it turns out that you need an antenna with a gain of 20 or higher.

DID YOU KNOW…how cell phone base stations are built? The first section is put up by a team of 5-8 people and a truck crane. The next day, four more sections are placed by helicopter. Then, from two to three days, they are engaged in “broaching” the support shaft. Then they improve the territory - they put up a fence, install a drainage system. Only after this, the installation of the BS begins - the installation of sector and radio relay antennas, and other devices. Then electricity is supplied, lightning protection, light protection and grounding are mounted.

We will not powder our brains with evidence and calculations that determine the choice of configuration. Disputes on this topic have ended even in specialized forums. It has been proven that narrowly focused MIMO is the best option for uncertain reception. Among the positive aspects is a good increase in the speed and quality of the connection. The only negative is that you need a modem with two antenna connectors.

How to strengthen the Internet signal in the country. Choosing a router and cable

Here, with which there should not be any particular problems, it is with a router. There is only one requirement - the device must be compatible with 3 and 4 G. And, of course, a larger list of supported modems. There is less chance that yours will not be included in this number 🙂 By the way, there may be problems with unlocked devices. Therefore, it is better to buy a universal modem than to try to “flash” it on all operators yourself.

We do not discuss independent crimping of the cable. Appropriate knowledge and skills are required. And for those in the know, advice is not required. But even with a ready-made kit, difficulties can arise. You can calculate the losses and choose the right cable. That's just the price is unlikely to please. So that leaves just a couple of options. Losses can be avoided by using a short coaxial cable.

After all, it is enough to bring it to the second floor of the cottage or to the attic. And here we mount a router with a modem. Further, as your heart desires, at least wi-fi, at least twisted pair. This option is very good - usually a piece of 4-5 meters is enough. The maximum loss will be in the range of 2.5-3 dB, which is good. You can make a "knight's move" 🙂 Buy an antenna with a built-in modem. In the same office, we order a usb cable of the required length. And no troubles with losses.

We calculate the length and pull the cable to the router. Those who wish can suffer - make the cable themselves. Nothing at all. Yes, and you can get by with a piece of twisted pair and adapters. But why? Not such an expensive purchase, compared to the rest of the kit. We almost forgot about the minus of such antennas - we wanted to change the SIM card, we climb onto the roof. Although it is unlikely that you will do this very often.

How to mount a cellular signal booster for a summer residence

It is time to comprehend and sum up what was said above. So, we mount the antenna in a place that corresponds to the following parameters:

  • Max Height. You don't have to become an equilibrist. Height is tall, and safety comes first;
  • The less cable, the better;
  • Strength. The larger the area of ​​the antenna, the more likely it is to be blown away by a gust of wind.

IMPORTANT! For almost 20 years, scientists have been “breaking spears” in disputes about the dangers of cell phones. Despite the fact that WHO has classified radio emissions from mobile phones into group 2B - a potential carcinogen - there is no 100 percent data on this. The number of studies is approaching 15 thousand, but it was not possible to identify a direct relationship between the occurrence of tumors and the use of cell phones.

Don't take advice literally. The maximum height does not mean installing a separate 30m mast 🙂 Same with the cable. Bringing into the house a loose concept, you can stretch it through the whole house. What a reduction in footage. And so in everything. We advise you to reasonably approach the selection and installation of any equipment. The result should please, and not cause additional problems.

Amplifier of a signal of the mobile Internet for giving. lightning protection

It seems that everything has been calculated, everything has been thought of. Time to mount. But no, they forgot about one problem. The higher we raise the antenna, the greater the chance of a lightning strike. You know, we are building such an excellent lightning rod 🙂 The situation only seems ridiculous. The reality is that you can quietly build the highest point in the district. Naturally, it’s not a fact that you won’t be so lucky. But why take the risk?

We made a 3g amplifier with our own hands, but got burnt electronics throughout the house. No, it's not for us. There are several solutions. You can get confused with full protection. In fact, this is VERY well worth it. Ten times less was spent on amplification. Another option is everyday ways:

  • Do not raise the antenna too high. Let the signal improve by 80% instead of 100, but the lightning will not shy away;
  • Planning trips longer than half a day? We pull out the cable from the modem, turn off the router;
  • If you are leaving for a long time, it is better to de-energize the building. Naturally, we leave an empty refrigerator 🙂 Those who set the house under protection will have problems;
  • A thunderstorm has begun - at least we pull out the antenna cable;
  • Do not try to build lightning protection yourself. The result may be the opposite.

Internet signal amplifier in the country. What is the result?

It remains to answer main question: "Really get a decent Internet in the country?". The answer is unequivocal - there will be high-quality Internet! The final cost will not hit your pocket so much if you think about it before the summer season. With rare exceptions, it is realistic to meet 10-13 thousand. If the router, modem and SIM card are available, the total is less. In addition, there are sales, promotions and other options to save money.

In this layout, we do not count the ladder, screws, screwdriver and pole 🙂 Real men always have a tool at hand. In extreme cases, there are good neighbors, good friends or relatives. So getting a signal improvement from -110 dB to -90 is quite simple. And money is not the most important thing - you need desire, patience and time. For sim good luck!

If the connection outside the city does not work, this does not mean that the situation cannot be corrected.

The warmer the weather, the more time you want to spend outside the city. However, there is one small problem: the farther away the very “outside town” is, the more likely it is to be left without communication during the holidays. figured out what to do if the connection outside the city does not work well.

Welcome Complain

To some, this will seem like a useless exercise, but you should start by sending a complaint to the operator. You can do this with phone call, through the company's website or through a smartphone application, if available. Operators are attentive to the requests of subscribers related to the operation of the network.

As the press service of Beeline told, the operator responds to all customer requests - “it doesn’t matter if they are from the city or the region - and tries to take them into account in its plan for the development and modernization of the network. At the same time, of course, first of all, the modernization and development of the network takes place in the places of the greatest traffic generation. MegaFon also answered's question in a similar way: the company builds base stations "based on the needs of subscribers and economic feasibility."

It can be assumed that the operator will respond faster to an appeal from an urban-type settlement than from a summer resident from a small garden partnership. On the other hand, you can not wait for the weather by the sea and, while a large cellular company is “swinging”, deciding whether to expand the network in the right direction, try to deal with the problem yourself.

So, what can be done if there is no connection in the country? The easiest way is to amplify the signal. When phones were big, many had a separate antenna jack. All that had to be done if the phone stopped catching the network was to put an antenna on the roof and connect it directly to the phone with a cable. Today, phones only have headphone and charging jacks.

However, you can still put the antenna on the roof. But you need to connect it not to the device itself, but to a special amplifier inside the house. To purchase such a device, ask about it in the communication salon. Or order in the store on the operator's website.

Another way is to go to the communication salon of your operator and find out what can be done to amplify the signal. Or try to order a signal amplifier in the operator's online store. But at the time of preparation of this material, the necessary goods could only be found in the MegaFon online store for 7,999 rubles.

However, there is a way to save money. In others outlets GSM amplifier can be purchased much cheaper. If the task is to save as much as possible, you can order an amplifier at the well-known Chinese trading platform for about 2 thousand rubles. When buying, pay attention to the range in which the device operates: voice communication operates in the 900 and 1800 MHz bands.

To be completely sure that the base station closest to you is operating in the desired range, go to your smartphone settings and in the "Mobile networks" section, change the priority to 2G or GSM. Open the "Phone" application on your smartphone and dial *#0011# to enter the service menu on an Android device (depending on the device, the combination may be different: *#*#4636#*#* or *#*#197328640#* #*).

In the window that opens, you can immediately see which communication standard is used. If there are no GSM900 or GSM1800 inscriptions in the upper part, pay attention to the BCCH parameter. Its value from 1 to 124 means that the base station operates in the 900 MHz band, from 512 to 886 - 1800 MHz, from 974 to 1024 - again 900 MHz (EGSM900).

iPhone owners can check the communication standard in a similar way by typing *3001#12345#* on the phone keypad. In the menu that opens, select GSM Cell Environment, then GSM Cell Info. The network frequency is determined by the value of the ARFCN parameter in the same way as on an Android device.

Network access

The presence of voice communication does not mean at all that it will work mobile transmission data. However, if 3G or LTE is definitely present, but due to the terrain or the remoteness of the house from the base station, it works very poorly, the situation can be corrected in better side. Even Mobile Internet works well, with the help of a remote antenna, the network speed can be doubled.

Almost all mobile operators have such antennas in stores, and finding them in online stores is not difficult. The principle of operation of such a device is quite simple: a USB modem is mounted inside the antenna using a special connector and connected to a computer using an extension cable. The solution is inexpensive and quite effective.

Some stores immediately offer kits with which you can organize a wireless network at home. They essentially consist of an antenna, a USB modem and a Wi-Fi router. Few people know that some models of routers allow you to connect a 3G or 4G modem from the operator to an existing USB connector. Thus, there is no need to buy an expensive kit. All of its components can be purchased separately.

The only thing to consider is that not all router models can work with carrier whistles. Therefore, before buying, carefully study the compatibility of models. This information is usually found on the manufacturer's website. An example is the Zyxel Device Compatibility Table. However, such a set is only necessary if you need to cover a large area with a wireless network. If you need to “deploy” Wi-Fi in a small room, you can take a small USB modem with a router function. All you need to do is connect an antenna to it.

In any case, when choosing devices, pay attention to the presence of additional connectors in the modem for connecting an antenna. As for the antenna, it should include a long USB cable and a cord for connecting to a modem.

Beware of scammers

Be wary of "providers" whose flyers posted on village poles claim that the company can get the Internet up and running in one day without laying wires. As a rule, such a “provider” simply installs a 3G or LTE antenna with a USB modem from one of the “four” operators connected to a Wi-Fi router. At the same time, the cost of services will be sky-high, and the list of work performed during the installation of equipment may include an item like “scanning the area for a signal”, estimated at a couple of thousand rubles.
