State and prospects of bitumen production in Russia. Plant products sold by TransService

From the collection plate of the first section, the LVG is supplied to the N-9 pump. Part of it is supplied under the battery to the switchgear in the third section, the other part is pumped through the X-3 refrigerator, where it is cooled to 600C. Required quantity cold LVG is supplied through an overhead circulation irrigation distributor to the top of the regular nozzle in the first section, the balance part is removed from the installation.

Heavy vacuum gas oil from the K-4 column accumulator is supplied to the N-7 pump and sent for mixing with the K-1 column heavy vacuum gas oil, and then removed from the installation through the X-1 refrigerator.

The tar from the bottom of the column is taken by the N-8 pump and supplied for oxidation.

Schematic flow diagram of oxidation


Raw materials with a temperature not exceeding 260 °C are continuously taken from the evacuation unit by the N-8 pump and fed into the oxidation column through the side fitting. After the level in the column reaches 1/3 of the working level, air is supplied to it through a receiver with a pressure of at least 3-4 kg/cm² air in an amount of 1/3 of the optimal amount.

The amount of supplied air in the first 15 minutes should not exceed 100 Nm³/hour.

Then, as the column fills, the air flow increases to 400 Nm³/hour. The amount of supplied air is changed by changing the automatic setting in the control program.

Oxidation of the raw material continues until the reducer reaches the softening temperature according to K&I within the required parameter. After this, transfer the oxidation process to operation mode.

Operating mode.

The raw material flows through the pipe into the built-in GZhKVA (gas-liquid cavitation-vortex apparatus) of the K-6 column (Figure 4), which consists of two functional chambers.

In the first mixing chamber, the swirling gas flow interacts to form a gas-liquid mixture. In the second chamber, a finely dispersed phase - foam - is formed.

In the foam chamber, fine foam is formed due to the contact of the air flow and bubbles liquid phase high-speed gas-liquid jet. The resulting fine foam enters the “defoamer” chamber. From the defoamer, the gas-liquid mixture flows upward along the entire height of the K-6 column into the separation zone of the column.

When the gas-liquid mixture moves upward, an additional oxidation reaction takes place with further contact of the liquid phase and atmospheric oxygen.

The air required for the oxidation process is taken from the atmosphere by compressors through filters and supplied to the K-6 column through an air receiver. The air flow into the built-in MGKVA is regulated by the FRC device.

The oxidation temperature is recorded by the TJRSAH instrument.

There is an alarm for the maximum oxidation temperature of raw materials in the K-6 column of 260 °C; for a maximum oxidation temperature of 275 °C there is a blockage in the air compartment supplied for oxidation by shut-off valves.

The oxidized product (bitumen) with a temperature not exceeding 260 °C on the side of the K-6 column is pumped out by the N-10 pump through the T-7 immersion cooler into the cubes finished products R-1-3.

Figure 4.

To achieve indicators that meet the standard requirements, pumping is carried out from the top or from lower level. The lower branch pipe of the column is provided for complete unloading of the column. From cubes R-1-3, the finished product is poured through the drain manifold into tank trucks or railways.

If bitumen quality indicators are not achieved, the installation switches to working with recirculate in batch mode. The valve on the raw material supply line is closed, and the bitumen pumping line into the finished product cubes is also closed. The valve on the recycle line opens.

To avoid boiling finished product Before loading it into tanks, add anti-foam additive PMS 200A.

The level of bitumen in cubes for finished products R-1-3 is measured and there is an alarm at the maximum level.

The temperature of the oxidized bitumen at the outlet of R-1-3 is recorded accordingly. There is an alarm for the minimum temperature of oxidized bitumen at the outlet of R-1-3 (130 0 C).

The product level in the K-6 oxidation column is regulated by a device, the valve of which is installed on the product pumping line from the bottom of the K-6 column into R-1÷3 cubes. At the maximum level in K-6 (85%) and at the minimum level (55%) there is an alarm; at the minimum level (51%) there is a blocking of the cut-off of air supplied to the oxidation of raw materials in the column K-6.

The pressure in the K-6 oxidation column is regulated by a device, the valve of which is located on the exit line of oxidation gases from the K-6 column to C-2, and should not be higher than 0.6 kgf/cm 2 (g).

Oxidation gases and vapors distilled from above from column K-6 enter separator C-2, which serves to separate oxidation gases from condensed water vapor and carbon.

Oxidation gases, exhaust air and the non-condensed part of the distillate are removed from above from S-2 through a fire arrester into the afterburning furnace of oxidation gases.

The temperature in the combustion chamber of the furnace is regulated by a device whose valves are located on the supply line of fuel gas and liquid fuel to the nozzles of the furnaces. There is an alarm for the maximum temperature in the afterburning chamber of the furnace of 1100 0 C.

The temperature of the flue gases at the furnace outlet is measured by a device and should not exceed 1000 0 C.

The condensed part of the distillate vapor (black diesel fuel) is collected in the lower part of the C-2 separator. Black diesel fuel is periodically pumped through the T-7 immersion cooler into the fuel oil pipeline.

To maintain the required temperature (120-230 °C) in cubes for finished products R-1÷3 there is electric or steam heating.

The temperature in cubes for finished products P-1÷3 is recorded at the top and bottom, respectively.

If there is no space in the finished product cubes R-1÷3, bitumen is pumped into the fuel oil pipeline or pump station.

Insufficient production of petroleum bitumen in Russia is a consequence of a number of objective and subjective reasons. TO objective reasons This includes the seasonality of consumption, and therefore production, of road grades of bitumen, as well as the sharply increased degree of “waxiness” (increased content of paraffin hydrocarbons of normal structure) of oils in the last 10-15 years. The latter circumstance does not make it possible to provide the entire necessary range of operational properties of road bitumen without the use of modern technologies.

At the same time, it should be noted that world experience suggests very specific ways to solve these problems. Thus, the influence of seasonality in the consumption of road bitumen in many cases can be dampened by the production of bitumen materials that have a certain all-season use or a long shelf life (for example, bitumen emulsions or polymer-bitumen materials). The dependence of the quality of road bitumen on the quality of raw materials has been eliminated in most European countries intended use special heavy, tarry oils. Unfortunately, in Russia this is difficult both due to the existing centralized pipeline supply of raw materials to most large refineries, and the lack of technological capabilities at them for separate processing of two or more types of oils.

The most important subjective reason is the inadequate pricing system, in which selling price bitumen is only 60-70% of the cost of the original oil. At the same time technological scheme production petroleum bitumen As is known, it includes at least five complex processes that require corresponding material, operational, energy and other costs. Such “profitability” of bitumen production at most Russian enterprises (see table) arises due to:

Low occupancy of existing production capacity(less than 40% compared to the world average of 90-96%);

Use of outdated technologies and equipment;

Inconsistencies in the quality of raw materials;

Absences modern systems filling and packaging;

Low degree of automation of control of all stages of the process.

The reasons listed above explain not only the low investment activity of the largest Russian oil companies to create modern bitumen production, but also an almost paradoxical situation in which it is economically profitable for companies not only not to improve the quality of the produced road bitumen, but also to completely stop their production. At the same time, alternative technological methods processing and utilization of tars (production of lubricating oils or coke, gasification, inclusion in boiler fuels or cracking raw materials, etc.) at refineries have a fairly high degree of economic attractiveness. The situation is aggravated by the development of "wild" Russian business", aimed at making a profit in any way, even at the expense of product quality, and the unpredictability of annual and seasonal pricing policy largest Russian oil companies. This leads both to uncivilized commercial storage of bitumen and profit-making by practically doubling their prices during the construction season, and to the construction of small-scale regional installations (vacuum and bitumen blocks) with uncontrolled quality of raw materials and products. In any case, there is no need to talk about the durability of road surfaces based on such materials.

The way out of this difficult situation is to organize a serious state support both at all stages of basic pricing (examples - EEC countries, Kuwait, etc.), and in the form of stimulating the production of high-quality road bitumen and the construction of private roads.

Table 9. Bitumen production in Russia as of 2006


Bitumen produced

thousand tons



Ryazan NPK


Moscow Refinery

Omsk Oil Refinery

Achinsk Refinery

Novokuibyshevsky Refinery

Syzran Oil Refinery


Saratov Oil Refinery



Angarsk Petrochemical Plant


Novo-Ufa Oil Refinery

Khabarovsk Oil Refinery



According to road specialists, currently up to 25-28% of road bitumens used for preparing asphalt concrete mixtures are substandard, i.e. do not meet the requirements of GOST 22245-90 for one or more indicators. The results of surveys of a number of asphalt concrete plants (ACP) in various regions of the country confirmed that in approximately three cases out of four the cause of defects is non-compliance with technologies for transportation, transshipment and storage of bitumen, the use of bitumen with an unpredictable chemical composition, namely: from low-tonnage local plants; of undetermined origin, after commercial storage, overheated during transshipment, contaminated and misgraded during transportation, etc. Thus, the "contribution" of the main large Russian manufacturers road bitumen in the total volume of bitumen waste does not exceed 25%. However, this is an unacceptably high percentage for such high-tech industry like oil refining. The main reasons for substandard production at refineries include the use of outdated (again, obviously due to the above-mentioned economic prerequisites) production technologies.

Modern technology should ensure the stable production of commercial bitumen from tars and other intermediate products of various compositions and qualities, and also provide the opportunity to produce not only products that exceed the quality requirements of the all-Russian standard (for example, according to the corresponding standard of the organization), but also promising materials. This is achieved by equipping the installations with automation systems for all technological operations, in-line quality analyzers, and sealed loading and packaging racks for products. Commodity and raw material tank farms of modern bitumen production must be equipped with heating and compounding systems. When designing and operating bitumen production environmental problems should definitely be taken into account. It is clear that the creation of such a modern bitumen production requires serious financial investments.

The instability of the quality of the processed raw materials (first a commercial mixture of oils, and then tars) and at the same time ensuring the quality of the product and the stability of its operational properties is the main problem of technological oxidizing column-type bitumen plants, which now form the basis of production. Technological features of the operation of vacuum columns also make a negative “contribution” to the instability of tar quality: the efficiency of contact devices, fluctuations temperature regime, vacuum depth, flow rates, amount of “failed” circulation irrigation. Therefore, the scheme of modern bitumen production should include a special raw material preparation unit to optimize fractional and group chemical composition tar. The solutions to both posed problems are largely interrelated: making tar heavier is at the same time a way to reduce the degree of its waxiness, and increasing the degree of aromatization (for example, by compounding) allows you to simultaneously regulate the fractional composition of the prepared tar.

Preparation of raw materials - increasing the content of resinous compounds in it and simultaneously reducing the degree of its “waxiness”.

The most modern in this regard include bitumen production at OJSC Novokuibyshevsky Refinery, which produces bitumen of the Novobit brand (Fig. 1), at OJSC Yaroslavnefteorgsintez, Permnefteorgsintez, Nizhegorodnefteorgsintez.

The process of producing oxidized bitumen at most Russian refineries is technologically well developed and does not cause any serious problems. In recent years, some refineries have modernized and re-piped existing oxidation columns in order to increase the degree of use of atmospheric oxygen in the production of mainly high-melting bitumen. These primarily include the development of a fuel oil oxidation scheme (Moscow Oil Refinery OJSC), the creation of columns with internal or external separation of reaction and separation zones (Ryazanskaya NPK OJSC) and columns with a quenching section. Such solutions make it possible to increase the efficiency of the oxidation column by reducing air loads and increasing the oxidation temperature in the reaction zone. For the same purpose, mechanical mixing of phases in columns (JSC Yaroslavnefteorgsintez, TAIF#NK), the use of gas-liquid cavitation-vortex or ultrasonic dispersants (JSC Permnefteorgsintez, Novokuibyshevsky Refinery) are quite effective.

At the same time, there are publications on the development of special designs of stationary air mother liquors, which make it possible to reduce the air load and significantly reduce the oxygen content in the exhaust gases of oxidation (JSC Kirishinefteorgsintez, Moscow Oil Refinery, Novokuybyshevsky Oil Refinery). Thus, the presence of a raw material preparation unit , which allows minimizing the influence of fluctuations in the quality of a mixture of commercial oils and the mode of previous technological installations on the properties of oxidized bitumen of road grades, and a modern automated oxidation unit is a sufficient guarantee of the stable production of road bitumen that complies with GOST 22245-90. The production of road bitumen is more. high quality(so-called “branded”) should be based on the use of a modern product compounding unit, which includes the necessary tank capacities and is equipped with dosed mixing systems, in-line analyzers, etc. With its presence and the use of the necessary intermediates and additives, certain operational performance can be significantly improved characteristics of road bitumen materials.

Grade economic aspects bitumen production in Russia forces oil refinery specialists to consider bitumen not only as a commercial product, but also as a semi-finished product. For example, organizing the production of polymer-bitumen binders (PBB) materials and bitumen emulsions allows solving a number of important problems:

Increasing the profitability of bitumen production in general;

Year-round employment of personnel in production;

Stability of supplying the road industry with high-quality bitumen materials.
