Marketing communications in the industrial market. Marketing communications using the example of the Art-i-shock brand. Marketing research plan

Marketing communications represent the process of transmitting information about a product to the target audience. The target audience is a group of people who receive marketing messages and have the opportunity to respond to them.

Personal selling - establishing personal contact with one or more potential buyers for the purpose of selling a product.

1. Establishing the target audience 2. Preparing for contact with the target audience 3. Winning the favor of the target. audience 4. Presentation of the product 5. Overcoming possible doubts and objections 6. Completing the sale 7. Post-sale contacts with customers. Basic stages of personal selling

Public relations (PR) is a management function that ensures the establishment and maintenance of effective communications between an organization and its public. Public Relations

The goal of direct marketing is the planned response of the buyer, expressed in the purchase of a product. The task of direct marketing can be considered in two aspects: establishing planned relationships with the buyer; implementation of the sale. In more detail, the tasks of direct marketing can be specified: attracting the attention of the recipient; keeping the consumer in the sphere of influence; development of long-term personal relationships with the buyer; stimulation of the first purchase; creating the prerequisites for numerous repeat purchases; study of consumer reaction; increasing sales volumes per buyer; expanding the range of purchases; increasing the frequency of purchases; growth of consumer loyalty. Direct marketing

Work done in 2010

Marketing communications on industrial market- Course Project, section Trade, - 2010 - Marketing of petroleum products Marketing Communications in the Industrial Market. By Communications He means...

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Marketing of petroleum products

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1. The importance of marketing communications

1.1 Motivation of marketing communications in market conditions

1.2 Marketing communications strategy

2. Marketing communications tools

2.2 Sales promotion

2.3 Public relations

2.4 Direct marketing

2.5 Personal selling

3. Marketing communications as an example trademark Art-i-shock

3.1 Marketing communications using the example of the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabbalktelecom


The marketing mix planning process ends with the development of measures to promote the product.

Promotion can be considered any form of messages with the help of which a company informs and convinces people, and also reminds them about its products, services, ideas, social activities or other actions that have an impact on society.

How do messages reach potential consumers?

The company can convey the messages it needs through its brand names, packaging, store windows, exhibitions, lotteries, the media, as well as through direct contacts between the company’s sales representatives and customers. This is the essence of marketing communications, through which a company:

creates an image of prestige, low prices or the novelty of the goods it offers;

informs customers about the parameters of goods and services, the place and time of sales;

ensures recognition of new products and services;

maintains the popularity of existing products and services among buyers;

creates favorable information about the company itself, its products and services relative to competitors.

In recent years, the role of marketing communications has grown significantly due to increased competition for consumers, increased risks associated with the creation of new products and increased requirements for product quality standards. Under these conditions, the success of a company largely depends on its ability to manage a fairly complex system of marketing communications.

Purpose: to consider the importance of communication policy in the activities of enterprises.

Consideration of the meaning of marketing communications, its strategies and motivation.

Study of marketing communications tools: advertising, sales promotion, PR, direct marketing, personal selling.

Analyze the communication policy of an enterprise using a practical example.

1. The importance of marketing communications

1.1 Motivation of marketing communications in market conditions

The modern concept of marketing requires, in addition to traditional ones, also the principles of communication and motivation.

Communication is carried out to create and maintain the necessary connections and contacts, both with all marketing entities and within the organization. Its effectiveness is closely related to the reduction of interference that occurs during the communication process.

Motivation in the marketing system is a complex process that includes all aspects of business activity. It is aimed at stabilizing and streamlining communications and makes it possible to reduce uncertainty in demand management.

Integration of marketing communications requires the creation within the structure of the marketing service of a department (group) responsible for coordinating all work on organizing communications and motivation, their planning and control. The organization of the communication and motivation process depends on the company’s place in market structures.

The complexity of the processes of communication and motivation, the impossibility of conducting an experiment in real life, necessitates their modeling, which is advisable to carry out according to the stages of the product (service) life cycle. This approach makes it possible to most fully cover all areas and levels and use resources with optimal efficiency.

Well-established communication (direct and reverse) connections of the commodity producing company (as well as other subjects of market activity) are an indispensable condition for its normal functioning as an economic unit, one of the decisive prerequisites for its successful market activity. The importance of communication in modern conditions is steadily increasing as a result of the increasing saturation of markets with goods, the increasing diversity of consumer needs, forms and methods of competition, increasingly advanced means of collecting, storing, processing, transmitting information and a number of other factors.

Marketing communication of a company is the complex impact of the company on internal and external environment in order to create favorable conditions for stable profitable activity in the market.

Marketing communication is a two-way process: on the one hand, it is intended to influence target and other audiences, and on the other, to receive counter information about the reaction of these audiences to the impact carried out by the company. Both of these components are equally important; their unity gives grounds to talk about marketing communication as a system.

For successful marketing of personal consumption goods, it is necessary that end consumers (buyers) are well aware of the consumer properties of the offered goods, places of sale, prices, discounts and payment terms. And since purchasing decisions are made by millions of people, large-scale, often national, advertising campaigns that require significant funds become necessary.

Modern marketing requires much more than creating a product that satisfies a customer's needs, pricing it at the right price, and making it available to target consumers. Firms must communicate with their customers. At the same time, there should be nothing accidental in the content of communications, otherwise the company’s profits will decrease due to the high costs of communication and due to damage to the company’s image.

The marketing communications complex consists of four main means of influence:


sales promotion;

personal selling

1.2 Marketing communications strategy

To successfully enter the market, an enterprise, focusing on the chosen target market, or rather, his preferred segment of the target market (in advertising practice- contact audience), must offer its potential buyers (consumers) an attractive product of market novelty. In accordance with this, it is planned to carry out activities in order to create demand for the product, the main one of which is trade advertising.

There are 2 communication models:

Interpersonal communication model (simple);

2. Model of mass communication.

In its most general form, the model of simple or interpersonal communication consists of the following main elements: the communicator (who?; transmitting the message), the message (what?; the content of the message in a sign or other form) and the recipient (to whom?; the addressee receiving the message).

Fig. 1 Interpersonal communication model.

Any communication involves the exchange of signals between a transmitter (communicator) and a receiver (target audience) using an encoding-decoding system to record and interpret signals. Between the transmitter and receiver there are six elements of the communication system:

encoding (transforming ideas into symbols, images, shapes, sounds, etc.);

message (a set of symbols sent by the transmitter);

transmission channels - the means by which a signal is transmitted from a transmitter to a receiver;

decoding - the process that allows the receiver to give meaning to the symbols received from the transmitter;

response - the cumulative reaction of the receiver after reading the message;

feedback - part of the response (reaction) of the receiver received by the transmitter.

What is characteristic of interpersonal communication and distinguishes it from mass communication is the presence of involuntary feedback between the recipient and the communicator (with what effect?). It is thanks to such feedback that the communicator, already in the course of transmitting a message, can perceive the results of his activities, correlate them with his goals and, therefore, if necessary, adjust his behavior. Graphically, the model of interpersonal communication is presented in Fig. 2

This model is suitable for describing only part of the marketing communications mix, namely the personal selling process and some oral propaganda techniques. The vast majority of marketing communications can be adequately represented using the mass communication model.

The model of mass communication differs from the previous one in the presence of a communication channel - mass media (print, radio, television, cinema, sound, video recording, local and global communication systems, etc. (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2 Model of mass communication (general communication model)

But this is not all the difference between simple communication and mass communication. In the latter, unlike interpersonal communication, the communicator and recipients are separated in space, and if the message is transmitted in recordings, then in the time of transmission and reception of information. In addition, in mass communication, recipients (or their groups) are separated in relation to each other, in other words, dispersed in space

The degree of influence of each element in both schemes on the effectiveness of communication is different. But priorities are not an argument for ignoring any of them. Practice has proven that there are no trifles in organizing a communication impact on the target audience. Often, a seemingly insignificant detail can derail a well-planned campaign.

Before you begin developing a communications program, you need to gather information from a variety of sources. Collecting information is one of the functions of marketing. You need to have good information about what is happening outside the communication networks, in particular about who is buying what, where, when, from whom, and at what price. The reasons for purchases should be identified: such an analysis helps to study the market and identify motivation, provides information about the actual and potential size of the market, about competing firms, about products, methods of selling and disseminating information, about distributors and their capabilities, about internal and external channels through which certain norms of behavior apply.

Taking into account the goals and information about the initial and final stages of its activities and its competitive environment The company develops a communication program, focusing on certain areas and goals that need to be covered.

In achieving the goals of communication, their clear definition in terms of content, as well as in time and space, plays an important role. It is necessary to decide which aspects of the product (reliability, quality, quality-price ratio) will be highlighted (directions of communication), to whom the communication is addressed, to which segments of potential consumers, through what means (press, mail advertising) it is possible will achieve the intended goals: for example, to create an image of a renewed, adapted to the needs current moment companies.

Today the company has at its disposal a comprehensive marketing communications system (see Fig. 3). The company communicates with its intermediaries, as well as with product consumers and various contact audiences.

Intermediaries exchange information with their clients and other consumers. Consumers tell other consumers and those who do not use these goods or services about products. In general, each component of this system acts as a source of information for the others.

It is important to say that the communication process will take place only if the object of communication (receiving information) has responded to the transmission of the subject (transmitting information). However, the decision about how significant the information is is made only by the object of communication.

In this regard, it should be noted that at least 96% of the information produced is not used, as it is lost in the process of transmission and acceptance. The decisive thing is what the receiving party chooses from it. Therefore, an important issue is also deciding which specific methods of information dissemination should be used.

2. Marketing communications tools

2.1 Advertising and its role in product promotion

Advertising is any form of communication paid for by a specific person, intended to promote goods, services or ideas. Although some types of advertising (eg, direct mail) are targeted at a specific individual, most advertising messages are intended for large groups of the population, and are distributed through such media as radio, television, newspapers and magazines.

Objectives: announce the arrival of a new product, inform potential buyers about its main characteristics, and ensure high awareness.

Pros: Reaches a mass audience, stimulates widespread demand, creates brand awareness, serves as a reminder.

Disadvantages: often intrusive, expensive, can pollute the information environment, it wastes most of its impact due to its mass focus.

Although the main purpose of advertising is to create demand, establishing a connection between a specific advertisement and the number of sales of a particular product is often very difficult, if not impossible. When conducting a study on the relationship between advertising costs, sales volumes and profits, the following was found:

A. Businesses with a higher relative advertising expenditure to sales ratio generate a higher return on investment.

In addition, other studies show that those businesses that do not cut back on advertising spending during severe economic downturns experience the highest growth rates in sales and net income. Conversely, companies that cut their advertising budgets during downturns experience the lowest increases in sales and net income.

To be effective, advertising must accomplish three things. It needs to grab attention, be memorable, and provide people with a compelling message. In addition, it must be aimed at the audience and satisfy the advertising goals. To evaluate the effectiveness of advertising, businesses can use research methods such as focus groups, image and positioning studies, consumer ratings, and market tracking to test the impact of advertising on sales.

2.2 Sales promotion

Sales promotion - various types of marketing activities that temporarily increase the initial value of a product or service and directly stimulate consumer purchasing activity (for example, coupons or samples), distributors and sales personnel.

Purpose: to prompt consumers or traders to take immediate action.

Advantages: not only helps create an immediate response by creating additional incentives and real added value, but also increases the tone of buyers, increases the likelihood of repeat purchases, and stimulates the support of intermediaries.

Disadvantages: Can increase information chaos, create expectations of price reductions, and undermine brand image and long-term consumer commitment.

Promotion strategies may be aimed at the consumer audience or at the trade representatives, which include intermediaries and sales personnel. Trade promotion provides support among intermediaries and sales personnel, i.e. assistance in “pushing” the goods. The most common sales promotion techniques in trade are:

A. Dealer competitions. The goal is to encourage mass purchases and arouse enthusiasm. Method of implementation: direct mail advertising, advertising for trade, sales personnel.

B. Trade coupons for the organization. The goal is to increase the frequency and volume of purchases, achieve quick product evaluation, and “promote” the local store and the manufacturer’s product. Implementation method: local advertising, vending machines inside stores.

B. Dealer bonuses. The goal is to encourage a certain level of purchases, reward the intermediary for supporting promotional efforts, and create favorable attitudes. Method of implementation: sales personnel, advertising for trade.

D. Trade agreements. The goal is to achieve cooperation in promoting the product. Method of implementation: sales personnel.

Consumer promotions, aimed at the end users of a given product, are intended to “pull” the product through the distribution channel. The most used methods of stimulating consumers are:

A. Price manipulation. The goal is to stimulate additional and trial purchases and increase the volume of a single purchase. Sales method: points of sale, media, bonus packages, combined packages, cash discounts.

B. Contests and lotteries. The goal is to encourage repeated purchases, strengthen the brand image, and arouse enthusiasm. Methods of implementation: sales personnel, media, direct mail advertising.

B. Gifts. The goal is to increase the value of the purchase and encourage multiple purchases. Method of sale: store gifts, attachments or attachments to packages, free gifts in the mail.

D. Distribution of samples. The goal is to stimulate trial purchases and encourage buyers to increase purchases. Sales method: attachments or attachments to packages, direct mail advertising, magazines, points of sale.

D. Long-term programs. The goal is to maintain customer loyalty. Method of implementation: sales personnel, media, direct mail advertising.

2.3 Public relations

Public relations (public relations) - coordinated efforts to create a favorable image of a product in the minds of the population. They are implemented by supporting certain programs and activities not directly related to the sale of goods: publication of commercially important information in the press, “publicity” on radio and television.

Goal: to increase interest in the product, change the positions and beliefs of the interested audience, develop and maintain a positive image of the company.

Advantages: they can increase the reputation of the company, allow you to track the attitude of consumers in order to assess their perception of the image of the company or its brand, have low costs.

Disadvantages: their effectiveness is difficult to assess, and usually cannot be a direct cause of increased sales.

Public relations can serve many functions. The main types are:

A. Relations with the media (working with representatives of the press and supplying them with stories for reporting and other information);

B. Corporate relations (advising senior managers on issues of the company's reputation as a whole, its image in the eyes of the parties and its reaction to important issues);

B. Crisis management (warning of where and when trouble will break out and planning how to handle company relationships and communications during a crisis);

D. Relations with personnel, relations in the financial sector (maintaining information contacts with analysts, stock brokers and investors);

D. Community Affairs and Community Relations (working on local government issues that affect the organization);

E. Product propaganda (the use of publicity and other PR tools to market and promote products).

2.4 Direct marketing

Direct Marketing - an interactive marketing system that allows consumers to easily obtain the information they are interested in and purchase goods through the use of various information distribution channels. Includes direct mail, print catalog orders, and online catalog sales.

Advantages : can be highly targeted, is a great way to reach limited or niche audiences, is cost-effective when working with small audiences, can provide one-on-one contact with the client, can provide feedback with the client, its results are measurable, all elements are extremely flexible.

Flaws : efficiency depends on the accuracy of the database, often goes unnoticed due to information overload of clients, requires high costs when working with large audiences.

Direct marketing differs from indirect marketing in that it bypasses middlemen and retailers; the use of direct marketing involves contacting customers to distribute the product directly; Direct marketing relies on direct response advertising rather than introductory advertising.

There are three types of direct marketing - one-step, two-step and negative feedback.

The direct marketing process (Figure 4) plans in a special way because marketing's primary objectives are sales and it relies on high-quality databases. Database is the essence of direct marketing. It contains information about customers and prospects that is collected over a significant period of time.

Fig.4 Direct marketing process.

There are several types of direct marketing message delivery vehicles:

B. Catalogs, which are divided into four categories: retail, offering an entire product line, business-to-business catalogs, and specialized consumer catalogs.

B. Media used in direct marketing include magazines, newspapers, radio, television, video text and online services.

D. Telephone marketing includes outbound and inbound calls.

2.5 Personal selling

Personal selling - establishing personal contact with one or more potential buyers for the purpose of selling a product. Examples of such contacts include telephone conversations regional representatives of the manufacturing company with local companies or retailers, selective calls to potential buyers directly at home or selling goods by telephone orders.

Advantages: marketing message is offered only to a target audience of likely buyers, face-to-face meeting allows for repetition of specific calls to action, multiple possibilities.

Disadvantages: high costs per contact, inconsistent message, difficulty in controlling sales agents.

The role that personal selling plays in the marketing communications mix depends on several factors, including the product itself, the market distribution channel and the availability of alternative marketing communications solutions.

The approaches most commonly used in personal selling techniques can be divided into two categories (Fig. 5)

Sales orientation involves the use of persuasion techniques - buyers are “forced” to buy the products offered. Sales-oriented sales rep techniques include exaggerating product features, criticizing competitors' products, using carefully prepared presentations, and offering a discount to close the sale immediately. This approach assumes that consumers are unwilling to purchase a product except under pressure from the salesperson, that they are strongly impressed by a smooth presentation, and that they will not regret the purchase.

Fig.5. Approaches used in personal selling techniques.

Focusing on the consumer is about identifying their needs and finding ways to satisfy them that are beneficial for the manufacturer and consumer. This orientation requires new skills from sales personnel.

First, the seller must help the buyer clearly articulate his needs.

Secondly, the seller must demonstrate to the buyer the value of the product offered, which can be both economic and psychological (the purchase brings satisfaction, self-confidence, increases the consumer’s prestige and self-esteem).

Thirdly, the seller is called upon to find a solution to the problem that meets the buyer's needs. The seller offers the consumer real value by emphasizing that his product is more satisfying than competitors' products.

Fourth, the seller creates the basis for a long-term business relationship with the client.

There are other marketing communications tools (sponsorship, licensing, souvenirs, exhibitions, fairs, etc.). The role of auxiliary marketing services, which include many marketing tools, is also important. They are used to build buyer confidence in a given product and its manufacturer or to assist in concluding a potential sales transaction.

3. Marketing communications using the example of the Art-i-shock brand

The Art-i-shock brand is the fruit of the creative search of designers Galina Romanova and Svetlana Tychkina. Fashion designers themselves built an ideology and developed a graphic solution for the brand based on the definition of their target audience. The brand was created a year ago and is designed for young, extraordinary and liberated people. Experts have not yet undertaken to evaluate its success - too little time has passed since the first announcement of the new fashion brand.

Experts estimate the costs of promoting the Art-i-shock brand to be no more than $3-4 thousand per year. To achieve fame at minimal cost, Ekaterinburg designers have to do their own branding, saving on literally everything - hiring, advertising campaigns supporting PR campaigns. Give away promotion own brands The company is not yet ready to outsource, as big brands do.

The “branding” estimate also includes costs for marketing, design and media planning - approximately $10 thousand.

As the experience of promoting local fashion brands shows, designers do not always use such a marketing ploy as direct advertising. This is due to the fact that such a method will not be the most effective for all target audiences, and because advertising budgets local fashion designers are very limited. Designers find non-standard methods of promoting their products.

The first step of the advertising campaign for the Art-i-shock brand was the distribution of printed products with the corresponding logo in Ekaterinburg universities. The advertising campaign was attended by Ural State University, USTU-UPI, Pedagogical University, Humanitarian Institute and Economic University. In each educational institution, the work was carried out individually: flyers were placed in places with the largest concentration of students. At USTU-UPI the company coincided with the competition "Mr. and Miss UPI". The effectiveness of the advertising campaign was obvious - sales began in the store.

For the stable operation of the production-advertising-sale-profit chain, constant costs are required to promote the brand. Realizing this, designers are considering various schemes to attract money, including searching for sponsors and investors. According to fashion designers, with a well-chosen marketing and advertising strategy, investments in fashion brand pays off within a year. Now, for example, Art-i-shock designers are looking for a company willing to invest in a new brand. They do not resort to the services of specialists in the field of investment relations - the budget does not yet allow this.

3.1 Marketing communications using the example of the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabbalktelecom

The Kabbaltelecom branch of the open joint-stock company "Southern Telecommunications Company" is a traditional telecommunications operator operating throughout the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic.

The main competitive advantage of the branch is based on the use of unique infrastructure resources and technical means of a traditional operator, which allows providing users with the maximum range of communication services.

In the process of unification, the open joint-stock company "Southern Telecommunications Company" had the opportunity to use a single information space, optimal planning and development of interregional communication networks to reduce the cost of services, which allowed the branch to gain price superiority and increase profitability.

At the same time, the target consumer segments of the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabbalktelecom are:

federal-level corporate clients with an extensive network of branches;

affiliated operators;

VIP and corporate clients of the business sector;

regional business sector (18.3% overall, 12.0% for package services);

high- and medium-income subscribers;

waiting lists (9.8%);

According to the results of marketing research of the telecommunications market of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic for 2003, brand awareness of UTK PJSC in the “subscribers” segment amounted to 53.2%, in the “business sector” segment - 42%.

Research confirms that in order to achieve the main communicative goal of promoting services, namely ensuring recognition throughout the entire territory served by the branch at the level of 80% of the target audience, it is necessary to achieve the following tasks:

Achieving a stable association “UTK is the best company in the field of communications”;

Active promotion of new services (Internet, IP telephony, ADSL, VPN) on the market of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic using both traditional and non-traditional means of advertising;

Informing target audiences about the scope of traditional communication services of the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabbalktelecom;

Implementation of a program into the activities of the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabbalktelecom, which includes service standards for all consumer segments;

Development of a program of PR events and principles of interaction with media representatives;

Creation positive image branch of OJSC "UTK" - "Kabbalktelecom" at the regional level;

Use of a single corporate symbol of the branch of UTK PJSC - "Kabbalktelecom" and a uniform style of presentation of advertising materials by all structural divisions branch;

Implementation of a comprehensive customer relationship management system.

The mechanism for achieving the goal and objectives of promoting the branch’s services on the market of the Kabardino-Balkarian Republic in 2005 is the development and implementation advertising companies, including:

A concept for promoting the branch's services to the market was developed in 2005, which included advertising the following types of services.

2. Internet access services for legal and individuals.

IP telephony services for legal entities and individuals. IP telephony is a voice communication in which the voice is recoded into packet form. Prices for this service are lower than for long-distance calls, and the quality is almost the same as when using traditional telephony.

ADSL, VPN, smart network services for corporate clients and high-income individuals. ADSL-Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line - allows data transmission using an asymmetric scheme. This means that the frequency bands used for transmission in different directions are different.

Additional services for legal entities and individuals with average and above average income.

Traditional services for legal entities and individuals.

According to this methodology, the annual budget for promotional events was calculated based on the use of three methods:

% of sales of communication services;

the growth rate of the company's income and expenses.

Also, the sales, marketing and advertising department of the Kabbalktelecom branch almost fully takes into account the recommendations for choosing advertising agencies, as well as layouts of the necessary documents - technical specifications for a more complete transfer of all necessary information to the contractor.

The main criteria taken into account when choosing advertising agencies to develop advertising materials for the Kabbalktelecom branch in 2005:

Professional reputation of the agency;

2. Pricing policy agencies;

Quality of service;

Order execution time;

Knowledge of the relevant market segment and consumers.

The general contractor and subcontractor in the provision of advertising services for the branch are determined on the basis of selection according to the specified criteria and, if necessary, through tenders.

After selecting a general contractor to perform a certain type of work, the sales, marketing and advertising department of the Kabbalktelecom branch notifies the promotion of new services and advertising department of the General Directorate of UTK PJSC about the selection results.

Taking into account the recommendations set out in the methodology for developing a program for promoting the services of OJSC Svyazinvest, it is planned to carry out activities to monitor advertising indicators efficiency, marketing performance indicators and economic performance indicators of service promotion. Economic indicators The effectiveness of investments is assessed by combining marketing performance indicators and indicators for sales of certain types of services over time, taking into account the general situation on the market for the analyzed period.

Thus, we can say that this organization for promoting services on regional market determined the main goals and objectives of positioning in 2006, the branch of UTK OJSC - Kabalktelecom, based on the main consumer segments. The organization's program is strictly tied to the marketing strategy of this branch for the period 2004-2006.

4.Marketing research plan

1 Definition of the problem and purpose of the study:

1 Determination of the enterprise's problem based on the analysis of marketing activities.

2 Formation of the purpose of the study

3 Hypothesis development

4 Choosing a research direction

Marketing research activities by type:

Exploratory research should provide insight into the essence of the problem.

Final research is necessary in order to choose the best course of action. The results of the study act as the starting point for making a decision.

Descriptive (descriptive) research - describes phenomena and behavior. This is research, as a result of which a cause-and-effect relationship is established between variables, because How a change in one variable will affect a change in another.

Field research is research that results in the collection of primary information (information that is collected for the first time to solve a specific problem), through surveys, observations, experiments, and computer modeling.

Desk research is research that results in the collection of secondary information (information collected by someone, once upon a time, to solve other goals and problems), by working with documents related to external information (advertising, media, printed publications etc.) and internal (internal reporting system at the enterprise).

5 Selecting a research object

Selection of information sources:

1 Determination of the content of the required information

2 Identification of sources of information (secondary information: external, internal)

Analysis of internal and external information, assessment of the need for further research

Analysis of ways to collect additional information.

Selection of methods for collecting primary information (survey, observation, experiment).

5. Development of a plan for sampling procedures:

5.1 Definition of the study population

Communications is understood as the entire set of emerging connections and relationships between market entities in the process of their activities. They may include production and technological connections between cooperating companies, business relationships between buying and selling companies, personal contacts between company personnel, information connections, etc. In this regard, communications in industrial markets are not limited to considering only the relationships between selling and buying firms, they also include relationships between competing companies, relationships with banks, government agencies and all other industrial market players. This determines the fact that relationships between industrial market actors, or communications, become the main element of analysis in industrial marketing, and the establishment and development of relationships is the main goal of the industrial actor.

Since industrial leaders develop relationships with partners more than act in the market (that is, they try to sell their product by any means), they are ready to invest in the development of relationships. These investments are of various types: in the technical adaptation of products, in the procedure of communication with partners (consultations, meetings, business negotiations, business trips) and market ones (creation of sales networks, branches, offices, advertising, etc.).

Organization of a marketing service for an industrial enterprise.

The marketing service can be organized in four main structure options - functional structure, product-oriented, market-oriented and regional structure. The choice of one or another structure is mediated by the characteristics of the enterprise’s production and sales activities, the range of products, the location of the enterprise’s clients, etc.

Creating a marketing service at an enterprise will require corresponding changes organizational structure management services and establishing new functional connections between divisions of the enterprise.

Organizationally, the marketing service should be subordinated directly to the director of the enterprise, which ensures the independence of its position in relation to other departments and objective assessment capabilities of the enterprise in developing its marketing policy. In its activities, the marketing service must interact with the divisions of the enterprise involved in achieving its production and commercial goals:

The interaction of the marketing service with other departments is shown in Fig. 2.3.

The tasks of the marketing service at an enterprise are the collection and analysis of initial information, planning and forecasting, and operational work. Let's consider the main options for building a marketing service based on its objectives.

Organization by function occurs when there are few types of products and markets; they can be considered in the form of some homogeneity. The company's divisions specialize in the following areas:

Studying market conditions, planning assortment and new services;

Organization of product distribution and creation of a dealer network.

Organization by type of product is useful in cases where an enterprise produces several types of products aimed at different categories of consumers and also requiring the organization of special services. In this case, managers for each type of product, as a rule, are assigned to all of the above activities with the exception of advertising, exhibitions and public relations, which are assigned to a separate manager.

An organization by markets (“market” is a specific industry) is appropriate if the promotion of a product to the market requires specific knowledge of its use in specific industries. In this option, managers are also assigned enterprises in a specific industry, regardless of geographic location, and the entire range of tasks, except advertising, etc.

Organization by territory is considered beneficial when in each of the selected regions the product range is not very high, and the differences between consumers are insignificant. In the structure of the enterprise's marketing department, all managers are divided into geographical regions. This allows the manager not only to clearly imagine the picture in the region, but also to maintain personal contacts with the managers of the wholesale and retail trade levels in them. In practice, various mixed schemes for organizing a marketing service are often used.

Principles of organizing marketing research on the industrial market.

With the growth of sales volumes, the number of buyers and markets, sellers need to study their buyers - who they are, their needs, purchasing behavior, motivation, etc. Each seller tries, after studying the consumer, to create a standard model (rules of seller behavior) that promotes sales.

Industrial buyers refer to all companies and organizations that enter into relationships with manufacturers and sellers to purchase goods and services.

The following types of industrial buyers can be distinguished:

Industrial enterprises;

Construction organizations;

Trading (wholesale and retail) companies;

Transport companies;

Non-production enterprises;

Government bodies and organizations;

Non-profit organizations;

Individuals licensed to carry out various commercial activities (agents, brokers, brokers, notaries, lawyers, etc.).

Industrial buyers are characterized by their sizes:

By number of employees;

By turnover or gross income;

By volume of resource purchases, etc.

In addition, each buyer is characterized by its organizational structure, field of activity, level of personnel qualifications, reputation, etc.

The salesperson must have a clear understanding of his core customers, their size and capabilities, and trends in preferences and needs. All this is necessary for the correct understanding and setting of priorities and accents for servicing certain types of consumers, for allocating resources to maintain and develop communications with the most profitable or promising customers.

In industrial marketing, the Pareto rule also applies, which states that 20% of customers provide 80% of the profit. It is otherwise called "80/20".

The main value of analysis based on the Pareto effect is that it can help identify areas of activity that a company should pay the most attention to.

The next point that you should pay attention to when organizing marketing research is identifying " market niches"unsatisfied demand.


1) Discussion of such issues with companies representing the most promising market segments.

2) Developing a list of problems faced by the use of this type of product, then 100-200 customer firms (or individual consumers) are asked to rank the identified problems according to their importance and, in accordance with this ranking, measures are taken to improve the product.

3) Analysis of the structure of the required qualities and the degree of their presence in the supplied product.

Taking into account the interests of customers often not only helps to identify needs, but also allows for new ways to satisfy them. In some industries, most new product designs are developed by consumers themselves.

1.2 Marketing communications in the industrial market

Communications is understood as the entire set of emerging connections and relationships between market entities in the process of their activities. They may include production and technological connections between cooperating companies, business relationships between buying and selling companies, personal contacts between company personnel, information connections, etc. In this regard, communications in industrial markets are not limited to considering only the relationships between selling and buying firms, they also include relationships between competing companies, relationships with banks, government agencies and all other actors in the industrial market. This determines the fact that relationships between industrial market actors, or communications, become the main element of analysis in industrial marketing, and the establishment and development of relationships is the main goal of the industrial actor.

Since industrial leaders develop relationships with partners more than act in the market (that is, they try to sell their product by any means), they are ready to invest in the development of relationships. These investments are of various types: in the technical adaptation of products, in the procedure of communication with partners (consultations, meetings, business negotiations, business trips) and market ones (creation of sales networks, branches, offices, advertising, etc.).

Organization of a marketing service for an industrial enterprise.

The marketing service can be organized in four main types of structures - a functional structure, a product-oriented structure, a market-oriented structure and a regional structure. The choice of one or another structure is mediated by the characteristics of the enterprise’s production and sales activities, the range of products, the location of the enterprise’s clients, etc.

The creation of a marketing service at an enterprise will require a corresponding change in the organizational structure of management services and the establishment of new functional connections between divisions of the enterprise.

Organizationally, the marketing service should be subordinated directly to the director of the enterprise, which ensures the independence of its position in relation to other departments and an objective assessment of the capabilities of the enterprise when developing its marketing policy. In its activities, the marketing service must interact with the divisions of the enterprise involved in achieving its production and commercial goals.

Advertising is information disseminated in any way, in any form and using any means, addressed to an indefinite number of people and aimed at attracting attention to the object of advertising, generating or maintaining interest in it and promoting it on the market.

1. There are fewer buyers in the market for industrial goods and services. This limits the choice of both promotion methods in general and advertising media in particular. There remain methods of promotion that allow you to convey information in a differentiated manner to the target audience: specialized (including advertising and information) press, exhibitions, Internet advertising, souvenir and print advertising.

2. When making a purchase decision, buyers of industrial goods (services) are more guided by rational motives than by emotional or psychological ones. This factor most influences the content of advertising. Original creativity and a beautiful slogan (read – promises) should not supplant the meaningful part of the advertising message or event. They should only initially attract attention to themselves against the general background. They should not “put pressure on the psyche.”

3. Purchasing decisions are made by people with different social status. This can be either an owner or an employee. The motives for purchasing from them, although mostly rational, are still different. For the owner, this is primarily an economic benefit for the business; for the employee, personal benefit, recognition and confirmation of his status can play a role.

4. The buyer of industrial goods and services, like no one else, wants to have long-term, permanent and trusting partnerships with their suppliers. He is not interested in “new taste”. The main selection criterion is convenient, constant and understandable delivery conditions and, most importantly, trust in the supplier.

Another feature of advertising, more typical for companies selling industrial goods, is due to the fact that not only the volume of demand is limited, but also the volume of supply, which depends on the supply of factories. The phenomenon of excess should be avoided advertising information. It is necessary to clearly analyze what volume of goods is planned to be purchased during the forecast period? How much customer flow can a warehouse complex handle? And only after that advertise. Otherwise advertising campaign may be too intense and attractive, and demand will exceed supply. The relationship between the volume of advertising information and the volume of purchases is an important feature of advertising in the industrial market. The absence of one can lead to a situation where a buyer calls, attracted by calls, but the product is out of stock. A client deceived in his expectations will think a hundred times next time before turning to such a supplier again.

Of particular importance in advertising on the industrial market are printing products and souvenirs. The consumer receives the bulk of information during negotiations, presentations, exhibitions and fairs. For a potential buyer, visibility is important, the opportunity after negotiations or a fair in a calm atmosphere to return to your proposal, find confirmation of the benefits of cooperation, and, ultimately, defend to management or shareholders the need to conclude a contract. And it is at this stage great value purchase printing products and souvenirs. The easiest way to do this is to have a significant set of your advertising and marketing materials on hand. At worst - at least a business card with the name of the company, last name, first name, patronymic and details of the contact person. Booklets, leaflets, catalogs, folders, presenters serve completely utilitarian purposes. And if you supplement this with souvenirs: practically useful gizmos: fountain pens, notepads, key rings. Baseball caps, T-shirts, bags and other “oversized” gifts with branded symbols are usually distributed directly to customers. After all, as you know, a person will clearly and for a long time associate such a thing with the company and influence the consumer’s positive attitude towards the supplier.

Internet advertising also has a number of its own characteristics. Since industrial goods are not goods of mass demand, such advertising options as mass mailing by e-mail, advertising in banner exchange networks or image advertising on popular Internet portals will not have a commensurate effect with the investment, so companies mainly use contextual and banner advertising on thematic portals. Industry and specialized sites and trading systems; sites of professional communities on the Internet, including professional thematic Internet forums/conferences (“smart” work in them allows you to get not only pleasure from communicating with colleagues, but also direct profit, but you should not engage in direct self-promotion on such forums - this is the best a way to ruin the company's reputation); non-core sites visited by representatives of the target audience, including so-called “blogs” - virtual clubs of interests - this is where enterprises operating in the industrial market should post information about themselves. And also the creation of your own websites, the task of which is not limited to telling a story about yourself, but is much broader. It is necessary not only to disclose the company’s data, but to sort and formulate the information in detail in such a way that it fully answers all the questions that a potential or actual client may have when considering the company as a supplier. The main feature is the presence of a catalog on the website, which can replace paper catalogs and not only allows customers to make their choice remotely, but also get acquainted with the main technical characteristics goods. This saves time for both the buyer and office staff during negotiations. That is, optimizing the use of employees’ working time, indirect proof to the buyer of a professional approach to work and respectful use of his time. If the product (or service) is fundamentally unsuitable for the buyer, this fact can be identified at the stage of his preliminary acquaintance with the company. This reduces the likelihood of mistakes, usually made by inexperienced sales managers who are trying by hook or by crook to “drag” the buyer into the office.

The Internet, as a marketing communications tool, is undeniably convenient when communicating with remote regions, when the time difference can be 10 hours. Or when the experience of specialists from a leading region in a specific professional field is needed.

Interactive in its essence, the Internet is perhaps the most suitable channel for promoting complex goods and services with non-standard or non-mass target audiences. The Internet is as flexible as possible and allows any experiments.

The next element of company promotion that we will consider is public relations.

Features of public relations

Public relations - a system of non-commercial relations with external organizations, influencing public opinion through the media; a type of image advertising activity that is carried out by firms in order to increase their popularity, fame, achieve mutual understanding, goodwill and cooperation between the organization and the public. (Marketing: Dictionary / Azoev G.L. et al. - M., 2000)

Public relations events are aimed primarily not at promoting the consumer properties of a product, but at creating an image and popularity for a company (individual), explaining the positive value of a product for society or the consumer. (Encyclopedia of Entrepreneur / S.M. Sinelnikov et al. - St. Petersburg, 1994)

If earlier “PR” had more of a political connotation, today it is actively developing in a commercial environment.

PR laws are the same for all areas of the economy, but their application in different markets always has specifics. Industrial enterprises, concerns and holdings are no exception.

Promotion object. The first feature of PR for industrial enterprises- the object of promotion itself. If the market for consumer goods primarily promotes products or a brand of products, then the object of promotion in the industrial sector is the enterprise itself, and not its products as such. In other words, we are talking about PR for the manufacturer. The benefits of PR promotion in this case are that his positive reputation automatically transfers to everything he produces or sells. Low level of public awareness about enterprises is a typical problem for our market. More often than not, the public has no idea what stands behind a company name. Moreover, she may not even realize that specific products It is produced by this company, and not another.

PR promotion goals. It is very important to correctly formulate the goals of PR promotion. First, PR goals and marketing goals are different concepts and should not be confused. For example, “increasing market share by 15%” is a marketing goal, and “making the company famous in the business environment” is a PR goal that will help achieve the marketing goal. On the other hand, to achieve a successful result, PR goals must be linked to marketing ones. Typical PR goals for enterprises operating in the industrial market are the following: increasing visibility in the business environment; formation/strengthening of reputation in the market; informing the wider public; organization public opinion etc.

Audience research. PR is never “unaddressed”; on the contrary, it influences certain types of public - priority ones for the enterprise at the given moment of its development. How to determine priority audiences? The criterion is simple: if the actions or inactions of the audience can affect the market position of the company/enterprise, they are a priority. The most typical types of public that are important for industrial enterprises are: the media; business environment; public organizations; government organizations; shareholders/investors; staff; partners. Mass-media relations are important for any company, but, unfortunately, sometimes they remember this only when some negative information appears in the media. If in advertising the media are only a channel for transmitting messages, then in PR the media are a separate specific audience, relationships with which can either help the enterprise or harm it if they are not established or are fragile. It is no coincidence that anti-crisis PR focuses on the media. Similarly, public organizations can bring a lot of trouble to an enterprise or even an entire industry. First of all, we are talking about public organizations for environmental protection, societies for the protection of consumer rights, as well as various informal associations local residents. The role of PR in establishing relations with government agencies lies in the active public position of the enterprise and the organization of positive public opinion in relation to the activities and products of the enterprise. Another nuance is to achieve the involvement of government officials in the activities of the enterprise. For example, one way is to invite government officials to important events - the opening of facilities, the launch of a new production line, a round table with heads of industry structures, as well as to media events - press conferences, briefings, etc. Shareholders, investors, partners and staff are the so-called internal public of the enterprise. The importance of strong connections with them is obvious. As for the general public, i.e. population, then socio-economic issues are especially important for this audience. There is no doubt that an industrial enterprise is a subject of the economy, but it is often forgotten that it is also a subject of society.

The channels and forms of presenting information during PR promotion of an enterprise are diverse. It should be noted that there are no identical promotion programs - each of them is developed individually depending on the goals set, the market situation, the stage of development and the priorities of the customer company. In most cases, industrial market enterprises and holdings do not need bright advertising. Rather, they are interested in a reliable reputation in business circles, strong and established relationships with partners, investors, and other types of public. It is reputation today that can become the main competitive advantage that is most difficult for competitors to neutralize. On the other hand, reputation is a margin of safety, a credit of trust in an enterprise in a crisis. Often, 40% of the average company's market value comes from its intangible assets and reputation.

Features of personal selling

Personal selling is the most effective form of commercial communication between a manufacturer and consumers. The very principle of personal selling as a method of commercial communication is used both in the sale of consumer goods and in the sale of industrial goods. But it is precisely in the process of concluding a transaction on the industrial market that the personality of the seller plays an important role. Let's look at the principles of personal selling. If we reduce the sale to its simplest expression, then we can always distinguish two parties - the buyer and the seller. The communication process is influenced by background variables, which include the personality of the seller, the perception of the partner and hidden selling situations psychological relationships, the partners’ expressed and implied goals, as well as the feelings they have for the client. The personal selling scheme represents the two main subjects of communication - the buyer and the seller - as equal participants in the process. During the communication process, it is necessary to achieve a connection with the buyer. If communication occurs without the buyer being put on the defensive, the sale is likely to go through. On the contrary, if communication does not occur, if the buyer perceives himself as an object of coercion, he is likely to resist the act of selling. It follows that the correct approach will be to ensure a real, meaningful meeting between the two partners.

Many experts view selling as a certain sequence of actions, brought to the point of automation and excluding any individual involvement. According to this approach, everything is about moving through stages, logically and inexorably following one after another. This theory suggests the possibility of manipulating people.

However, it is unlikely that a sale can be reduced to a certain set of predictable actions and events. The consumer is not under our control. Moreover, the development of unions for the protection of consumer rights, the emergence of the whole science of “consuming”, on the one hand, and the presence of unexplored depths in human nature, on the other hand, indicate that the consumer is absolutely indecipherable and is an uncontrollable object. In this regard, the definition of sale proposed by the French researcher Philippe Cofret would be more appropriate: “Sales are an oral exchange between buyer and seller, during which the seller makes a presentation of the goods with the aim of concluding a transaction.”

Selling is not a chance meeting, not a simple conversation, it is commercial activity, in which everyone defends their interests. In this sense, the act of sale can be considered as a negotiation, because the interests of the parties do not always coincide. These negotiations take place between two individuals, each of whom has his own status, role, motivations, real and imagined desires. Therefore, during the sales process, flows of likes and dislikes arise and emotional connections are subtly formed or destroyed.

The following stages can be distinguished in the act of sale:

Negotiation: this requires the ability to persuade, respond reasonably to raised objections and skillful use of expressive means oral speech.

Establishing relationships: this requires knowing how to accept a client or establish a contact, approaching the matter correctly, carefully monitoring the development of the relationship and closing the deal at the exact moment it is needed.

Satisfying the need: to catch or find the client’s motives for purchasing, that is, the key points of his interest, share the client’s concerns and listen carefully to his complaints or criticism.

Features of direct marketing

Of particular importance for enterprises operating in the industrial market is this type of promotion such as direct marketing. Thanks to it, you can inform the client about new products, price changes or the provision of new services. And also congratulate the client on professional or personal holidays. At the same time, the exclusivity of direct marketing is that it is based on an individual approach to consumers or consumer segments. The goal of direct marketing is to build constant communication with each of the existing addressees, in such a way that the addressee has a feeling of personal communication, concern for his needs, increasing his self-esteem and sense of importance. The database should include the maximum number of clients, even the smallest ones. After all, clients are not only a source of income, but also an excellent source of secondary advertising - advice, recommendations, positive reviews, etc. If one company has several contact persons, it is desirable that the database has full coverage of them, because they are all "advertising agents" creating a wave of secondary advertising. Moreover, if there are more than three such persons, it is necessary to select the most influential of them and send mailings specifically to their names. The selection criterion is quite subjective and the decision to include a person in the database must be made by the person who directly works with him.

A few rules of direct marketing: The newsletter must have a clear informational reason, the newsletter must be personalized, the newsletter must be personal. The letter should resemble a small, exciting story. This is the seller in the envelope. Work with the database must be carried out regularly. Once a quarter, clients are graded: new clients are assigned a status, some clients are “downgraded” in status. At the same time, mailings should be carried out to new clients, starting with the first letters and gradually “reaching out” to the mailings of the current moment. Usually this does not cause difficulties - slightly adapted (date, etc.) letters are sent to clients: the same ones that were worked out for the others. Psychologists say that everyone loves to receive letters. And they will bring not only profit, but something else that cannot be measured by money - respect, recognition and gratitude.

Features of sales promotion

Sales promotion is the use of a variety of means of stimulating influence, designed to accelerate and/or strengthen the market response. These include consumer incentives (sample distribution, coupons, etc.); stimulating the trade sector (purchase offsets, joint advertising with a dealer, etc.), stimulating the company’s own sales staff (awards, competitions, etc.). The peculiarity of sales promotion in the industrial market is that consumer stimulation is not effective. This is due, first of all, to the peculiarities of consumer behavior in the industrial market. Firstly, more than one person is involved in the procurement process, and secondly, the market for industrial goods is low profitable. Therefore, stimulating the company’s personnel comes first, which helps increase sales.

In recent years, a method called rollback has begun to develop and gain momentum. Compromise with conscience - this is how one can briefly qualify the moral and ethical side of a rollback. On the one hand, a rollback scheme in one form or another always contradicts current legislation, on the other hand, it effectively stimulates the receipt of orders, and, accordingly, the profit of the company. It has been customary to talk about the nature of a rollback for a very long time and from a wide variety of positions. Sergei Bogolepov in the article “Where am I here” writes “...In various circles it is considered “the next stage in the evolution of a bribe”, “grease on the wheels of business”, an ineradicable relic of corrupt Soviet society, etc. Accordingly, the attitude towards such a phenomenon as rollback, the most varied - from outright rejection in all its manifestations; to an almost enthusiastic greeting as the only instrument to guarantee business relations. Today, rollback as a deeply social phenomenon permeates all layers of society and all spheres of its life. Rollback schemes in pure form or some “improvisations” based on them can be found in almost any business. As funny as it may seem, elementary observations show that rollback in the post-Soviet space is no longer just a concept, but is almost turning into a specialized term along with “leasing”, “franchising”, etc.”

So, the peculiarities of promotion include the fact that such means as advertising and sales promotion are not as effective as in the consumer market. Advertising is more informative. And PR and direct marketing come first, i.e. those means that form a favorable image, trust in the supplier and the reputation of the company. The main means of promoting goods on the industrial market is personal selling.

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