How to be an excellent student without much effort. How to be an excellent student without much effort How to be an excellent student

School years are considered the most wonderful and almost carefree. Few will argue with this statement. Parents only require good grades from students as confirmation of their knowledge. However, not all students study well. Many children skip classes and receive unsatisfactory grades. Almost all schoolgirls have a question about what to do to become an excellent student. There are many practical advice in this matter. Let's try to deal with each separately.

The first tip on how to become an excellent student: change your thoughts and mood

First of all, you need to tune yourself to the right wave. You can only get straight A's and study well if you have own desire. No teacher, tutor or strict parent will force you to study well.

Imagine that you are already a good student and constantly receive praise from teachers and parents. Classmates and friends in the yard envy your ability to do everything and get straight A's. Do you like this outcome of events? If yes, then learn from the following tips how you can become an excellent student.

Before changing your inner world it is necessary to change the appearance. If you love bright colors, dress rather flashy and dye your hair an acid color, then it's time to give it all up. Give preference to classic office outfits and a neat hairstyle. Have you ever seen a successful lady with bright green nails and pink hair? Of course not! So don’t allow yourself to look like this. Show yourself some respect.

When you start wearing classic dresses, trousers and shirts, you will begin to make a completely different impression on others. Teachers will respect you and your peers will admire you. You will notice that even the boys in the class began to pay attention to you, because these are the kind of girls who take care of themselves that guys like. Try to match your future image of an excellent student.

Step Three: Build Relationships with Teachers

Before you become an excellent student, you will have to change not only yourself, but also your attitude towards others, in particular towards teachers. If you skipped school a lot or did not study well, then your teachers probably formed a negative opinion about you. It's time to break this stereotype.

Become interested in the subject you are studying. Ask questions in class, but at the same time, don't be too curious so as not to appear stupid. Listen carefully to the teacher during class and do not receive comments related to bad behavior.

If after this the teacher does not want to change his attitude towards you, then perhaps you should talk to him. Remember that teachers are just ordinary people. They will always make contact. Ask your teacher to explain a topic you don’t understand or to conduct some individual lessons.

This method is suitable for subjects such as algebra, geometry, physics, and chemistry. These exact sciences require consistent and continuous study. If you skip a few topics, you will no longer be able to understand how to solve problems and examples. This is why it is so important not to miss anything.

Get yourself a separate notebook or notebook in which you will enter all the definitions, examples of complex problems and options for their solutions. You can also write down the formulas and stable numerical values ​​you need.

If there are already gaps in knowledge, then try to study the missed material on your own. Ask your parents to help you, they will certainly appreciate your efforts, and you will receive well-deserved praise. You may need to take a few lessons with a tutor to improve your knowledge.

Step five: proper homework preparation

Before you can top your class, you'll have to completely overhaul your daily routine. If you previously put off preparing your lessons until the very last moment, you will have to give it up. Sitting at the computer for long periods of time, games and walks can wait. Everything has its time. After completing the required task, you will be able to do what you love. Let this be an incentive for you.

Try to fulfill homework on the day it was received. After a while you will like this option because the work assigned a few days ago for tomorrow’s lesson has already been done. Also, the topic covered in class will be reinforced by doing homework or reading the necessary literature. In this case, the information will be deposited in your head in the maximum amount.

Try to listen carefully to the teacher in class, as you will need much of what is said for your homework. Do not try to copy completed assignments from your classmates; this will not bring you any success in deciding how to become an excellent student.

Don't cram the subject. Try to read the information several times and understand the topic as much as possible. If you begin to understand rather than memorize the material, then it will be much easier for you to become a good student.

The sixth step to success: participation in school life

In order to gain respect and praise from teachers, you need to be interested. Take an interest in school life and activities. Participate in clubs, competitions and attend free lessons. A teacher who sees your thirst for knowledge will never give you a bad grade.

You may have to miss some classes because of your participation in school life, but not a single teacher will give you a minus for this. On the contrary, the teacher will support and praise your desire to be a leader.

Seventh Step to the Top: Tell the Truth

How to become an excellent student at school? Stop lying to teachers and classmates.

A lie is revealed sooner or later, and this does not make a good student look good. Try to always tell the truth to people, or don't say anything. A teacher who has caught a student in a lie, already at the subconscious level, begins to form a negative opinion about him, which, in turn, is quite difficult to change and gain the former trust.

You should also not deceive your parents. Of course, they won’t give you a bad grade for this, but if you want to become an ideal student, then be ideal in everything.

Alternative options

Some schoolchildren believe that magical amulets and various rituals will help them become excellent students. Undoubtedly, there are coincidences when, before becoming an excellent student, a girl at school performs a so-called ritual.

The most popular witchcraft is the following method.

Need to take blank slate paper and write on it the desire to become a diligent student and get straight A's. After this, you need to burn this leaf and divide the resulting ashes into four parts. Next, you need to place the remnants of the desire in the corners of the classroom in which the lesson will be held.

Another option on how to become an excellent student is to use methods of influencing the teacher.

During the lesson, look carefully at the teacher and mentally send him information about the desired grade. Perhaps you have the gift of hypnosis, and this method will be successful. In this case, you can consider yourself very lucky.

There are also so-called conspiracies or spells, after reading which you will become an excellent student.

It is worth recalling that all magical actions have no proven power and in most cases are just pampering. In order to study well, get good grades and have the respect of teachers, you need to put in a lot of effort.


Learn all the tips on how to become an excellent student. Analyze your behavior, find out the pros and cons. Write down an action plan for yourself to achieve your goal.

Know that even an excellent student who is unprepared for a lesson will never be given a bad grade by the teacher, but will be given another chance to prepare. A student who gets straight A's always inspires the trust of school employees. Being an excellent student is wonderful!

Remember that you won’t be able to become a diligent student overnight. To achieve the desired result, you will need to work on yourself for more than one day and, possibly, more than one month. Don’t despair if at first your behavior causes distrust from your classmates and teachers. Over time, everything will fall into place and you will achieve good results. Go towards your goal no matter what! Be an excellent student and make your parents happy!

So you went to school, in the first grade, and immediately your parents begin to repeat: “Remember, you study well, always do your homework, otherwise you will not be an excellent student, but you will be a poor student blah blah blah...”.

I don’t want to judge anyone, but it seems to me that this is a huge mistake. We don’t know that we can not only sit through lessons every day, listen carefully and kill time on unnecessary information (we begin to understand that information can be unnecessary from the 9th-10th grade), but also develop truly comprehensively. Believe me, school is exactly the place that can teach you a lot, not only the program of the Ministry of Education. So, how to be an excellent student, but at the same time not sit at night reading books?

Rule 1. First semester - last week.

Yes, that's what I call it. Whatever you say, teachers hope that the children will grow up over the summer. It’s like in the first grade you showed that you are smart and they will always try to pull you in. So, study for the first semester or at least the first quarter. Believe me, this is the time when you can make money huge amount"free" ratings. In the second semester, there are a lot of holidays and summer is approaching... Do you agree that you don’t feel like studying? I fully support it, but don’t forget to put your best foot forward in the last week and catch up and retake your debts.

Rule 2. Soul friends.

Learn to find your own approach to each teacher. It is not only possible, but also necessary to be close friends with teachers. This gives enormous privileges. Start with yours class teacher, believe me, this person can help you “correct” your grades well and help you come to an agreement with teachers who are the hardest to approach.

Rule 3: Kill passivity.

School is a time of entertainment, conferences and new acquaintances. Don't just sit through your homework. Go to self-government, participate in school sections. Firstly, you will be excused from a large number of lessons due to rehearsals, and if you win something else (a competition, for example), then you will not only be scolded for these absences, but also praised. And of course, someone will definitely be inspired and give the coveted twelve.

Rule 4. Outside of school for school.

It’s nice when people in the city talk about you, and then they call you at school to tell you about your successes. And not just parents, but bosses, for example? If you want to feel this feeling, then look for extracurricular conferences, meetings, or organize something in your city. Take part in competitions also without school help. This is, first of all, your prestige, and then an excellent tick for your educational institution.

Rule 5: Keep track of your grades.

This is a very important factor; we are not told everything we have. And it is important to watch carefully so that the situation does not get out of control. Try to come to an agreement with some teacher, and if it doesn’t work out, then there are different situations and everything is in your hands.

This is just a small list of what needs to be done. Very individually, from my own example I can say - it works! If you are a C student, but take note of at least a little of these rules, then in six months you will be a good student! And in another year, you can even become an excellent student.

The curriculum is difficult not only at school, but also at university, so getting high grades is not easy. There are several effective advice, how to become an excellent student, which will help you achieve good results and increase your knowledge.

Do you need to be an excellent student?

Many people ask this question both in high school and in higher education. This is due to the fact that there are a huge number of examples of how people, even without education, reached heights. This is the main argument why you don’t need to study perfectly. It is worth considering that such examples are more the exception than the rule. Such people still have some kind of talent or innate talent, which became an impetus in life.

When figuring out whether it is worth studying with excellent marks, it is important to note that a person who strives for high grades thereby demonstrates important qualities: perseverance, determination, diligence, desire to be first and receive only the best. All this indicates that in other situations in life, such as building a career or developing a business, a person will have a desire to receive only the maximum.

What do you need to do to become an excellent student?

  1. In order to keep up with everything, but still have time to rest, it is recommended to create a clear schedule for every day.
  2. Be sure to alternate different types activity, which is considered a form of rest for the brain. For example, first take time to solve problems, and then read a work of literature.
  3. When figuring out how to become an excellent student, it is worth pointing out that you need to study not for the sake of a grade, but for the sake of gaining knowledge and skills.
  4. You should study on your own, delving into the topic. If something is not clear, there is no need to leave gaps, but it is better to figure it out and contact the teacher.
  5. Get yourself a separate notebook, where you write down rules, make diagrams that help you master the materials.
  6. Be sure to come up with some encouragement for yourself.

After analyzing the advice of psychologists and teachers, we can identify a number of effective recommendations that will be useful to all people.

  1. Always do your homework, but not for show, but in order to master the material.
  2. When figuring out how to start studying with excellence, it’s worth mentioning the need to be an active participant educational process. During the lesson, take part in the discussion, ask questions and clarify if something is not clear.
  3. To become an excellent student, you need to develop punctuality, attentiveness and responsibility. It is recommended to work on speech and improve other qualities.

Motivation - how to become an excellent student?

To complete tasks as successfully as possible, it is important to have good motivation. In this case, it is necessary to understand why “A’s” are needed in a certificate or diploma. Each person may have his own motive, so, for some, being the best is a life rule, and for others, it is a necessity in order to enter a university or university. When figuring out how to force yourself to study excellently, it is worth knowing that the skills, knowledge and abilities acquired in an educational institution will be useful in everyday life in different situations.

How to become an excellent student with the help of magic?

There are many rituals that help to better understand the material, attract good luck and contribute to the discovery of talents. The ritual to become an excellent student gives better results if performed on yourself, but parents can also use it. It is advisable that it be performed by female representatives. The first results can be obtained in about a month and a half.

  1. It is better to read conspiracies during the full moon or the waxing moon, so that the results grow along with the Earth’s satellite. Take three thick church candles.
  2. In the evening, light candles and place them on the table in front of you. Without taking your eyes off the flame, read the spell to become an excellent student seven times.
  3. Extinguish the flame and hide the candles in a secret place. The ritual must be performed once a week.

Prayers to become an excellent student

Students and their parents can turn to the Higher powers for help using various prayers. One of the best helpers for Orthodox believers is. According to legend, the saint did not study well as a child, but met an amazing old man who instilled in him the power of knowledge and from then on the boy began to study only with straight A's. For those who are interested in how to study excellently, there is a special prayer that should be read every day in front of the image of the saint.

Every person has within them the desire to be special. That is why films where the main roles are occupied by people with unusual abilities are so popular today. We, in turn, are trying to find our own business in which we have the opportunity to succeed. Some people prefer to develop in art, others start writing a book. And the point is not what you do. The main thing is to feel that you are in your element. So some children, going to school, understand how easy and simple it is for them to study. At such moments, they definitely have a desire to become excellent students.

The special path of an excellent student

When all children enter first grade, they do not yet know all their capabilities. They don't care much about it. But now they start assigning the first homework assignments, taking tests and independent work. This is where the selection begins. The guys who cope with the tasks and those who find it very difficult to learn something new immediately stand out.

Probably everyone remembers their first good mark. It's an amazing feeling. It makes us strive for more. And the more the teacher sets us as an example for other children, the more we want to prove him right. Considering the fact that all people are vain, we can say with confidence that the child will move further and further along this path. If he really has the ability to study, then he will be able to overcome all obstacles and become an excellent student.

The next stage of life is university. Most medalists, having entered higher education educational institution, cease to show excellent results. It scares them large number new items. After several failures, the desire to continue to be an excellent student fades away. But the former blockheads are beginning to make progress. Why is this so? The main reason is that by moving to a new place, a person loses his authority and needs to earn it again. Agree that it is much more difficult to earn it at a university than at school.

In general, the path of an excellent student, although difficult, is exciting. It may open up special perspectives for you. If you decide to take the first steps towards your goal, then pay attention to a few simple but very important tips.

Step by step: how to become an excellent student

  1. Put your studies first

The desire to become an excellent student is not enough. After all, the point is to perform all tasks better than anyone else. You have to work hard for this. You need to devote a lot of time to studying. Although it is much more profitable to start planning your time correctly. Try to do everything in advance. Don't leave it for last difficult questions. It's best to write everything down in a notebook. This way you definitely won’t get lost in time.

Of course, being an excellent student does not mean knowing absolutely everything. There will definitely be questions that you will need to tinker with to resolve. Such work will only push you to a new stage in development. It has long been proven that a person will improve his skills only when new and complex buildings are placed in front of him.

You will also need to do all the tasks. Although, as practice shows, even excellent students find time to relax and go out for a couple of days. The main thing is not to abuse this. Consistency is the basis of an excellent student's work. Once you get a few bad grades, they will immediately lower your average score. And it will be much more difficult to correct the situation. This situation often causes people to give up their dreams of excelling in school. After all, it can be quite difficult to strain yourself day after day. Here again, a proper daily schedule will help you.

  1. Make friends with teachers

Any assessment is the subjective opinion of the teacher. He will definitely judge not only your answer, but also you as a person. If a perpetual poor student makes a mistake, the teacher will give you a bad grade and won’t think twice about it. But if a student with a good reputation starts talking nonsense, the teacher will begin to correct him and lead him with leading questions to the correct answer.

Never discuss teachers with your fellow students and friends. You will not become an excellent student until you learn to respect your elders. After all, in fact, teachers are your bosses at this stage of life. It doesn’t matter the character of a person, his manner of speech or just a boring subject - you are a student and must learn to tame your pride. Most proud people cannot achieve anything just because their rudeness alienates people from them.

Another important point- value the teacher’s opinion. If you are asked to write an essay or abstract, be sure to come back after the class and clarify the requirements and ask for advice. Don't forget that teachers are people just like us. They want to know that someone appreciates their work. This will not only help you write a high-quality paper, but will also make you stand out among other students in the eyes of the teacher.

When you are sitting in class, try to control yourself and not yawn. Of course, sometimes lectures are so boring that you want to put your head on your desk and fall asleep. And if they still go away in the morning, then this is generally sad. There are two ways out here. Or start delving into the material. It may become more interesting for you. Or just get distracted by something of your own. During all the classes, the teacher will look at you more than once. It is important that your facial expression communicates how important this information is to you.

  1. Don't be arrogant in your own eyes

Just because you are an excellent student does not mean that you know everything. It is impossible to study every subject perfectly. After all, every person has a wide range of interests. To be an excellent student means to be a person who performs all tasks with high quality, which are ultimately rated excellent. This is a very difficult job. You need to be able not only to quickly learn new things, but also to get along with students and teachers, and quickly navigate in unclear situations. It is no exaggeration to say that this is real art.

If you are a humanist and have absolutely no understanding of technical sciences, then try to find people who will help you understand the essence of these subjects. After all, what is important here is not a thorough study, but simply the work done correctly. Even a strong desire to get a diploma cannot make you a professional chemist or physicist. You need to go towards the ideal in the direction that you really like.

Try, in turn, to help others. There is no need to pretend to be a star. If you know how to correctly complete this or that task, help. No one is telling you to let them write it off. Just push the person in the right direction. Perhaps he will help you out in the future.


The desire to be an excellent student is absolutely normal. There is no need to be afraid of ridicule. wise man will always choose knowledge. And making fun of your comrades is always much easier than straining yourself for several years in a row, completing more and more new tasks.

If you have discovered a special talent for learning or simply want to try to improve, start working. Even if the result is not as successful, you will still be more experienced and confident.

The most important thing is what you get in the end. Just imagine, for many years you have done your job well. This prepared you for further difficulties. Once you get a job, you will quickly solve all difficulties, since no difficulties will frighten you. And many bosses will fight for such a person. In the future, you have every chance of getting important and honorable positions in any field. The main thing is not to stop on the path to success.

In each class there are students with different academic performance: both bad students, and third students, and good students, and excellent students. Some people have problems with their academic performance because they “forget” about studying, while others would be happy to study well, but they don’t succeed. And it is precisely the second category of students who often ask the question: how to become an excellent student at school?

The most annoying thing is when you seem to study well, but not well enough, and you are often just a little short of an A. How to step over this “just a little bit” and start getting straight A’s? Let's try to figure out how to become an excellent student at school.

First you need to decide: Why did you even need to become an excellent student? In fact, grades are not always an indicator of intelligence. Of course, no one is saying that you need to stop paying attention to grades altogether, but you shouldn’t chase too much for A’s either: it’s fraught.

If you are determined to become an excellent student in school, It’s important to remember that nothing will happen on its own: you will need to try, devote more time to lessons and study independently, because teachers physically cannot pay enough attention to each student in 45 minutes of a lesson.

You need to start with a positive attitude. Often what prevents you from getting good grades is a strong belief that you are not good at a certain subject, or fear of the teacher. Of course there is always more and less interesting items, more or less pleasant teachers. But you don’t need to prepare yourself for the fact that Maria Ivanovna will never give an A in geography, or not even try to learn algebra, because “I still won’t understand.”

Many people fail to become excellent students because in class they seem to listen to everything, take notes, answer, but treat homework negligently (this is especially true for oral assignments: if you are asked to do something orally, consider that you didn’t assign anything). But you can’t learn new information in a 45-minute lesson: it must be repeated and worked on independently It’s not for nothing that the saying “repetition is the mother of learning!” appeared.

Some people do their homework the day before the day on which it is assigned. But it is better to do it on the same day on which the teacher asked it, "hot on the heels." Firstly, the new information has not yet been forgotten, and it will be easier to do. Secondly, if you come across some difficult task, you will have several additional days to ask for help or figure it out yourself.

Of course, the oral task (retelling and poem) can be a little forgotten in a few days. On the other hand, during this time it will “sit” in your head, and it won’t turn out that you memorized the poem, handed it in with grief the next day, and then immediately forgot. So it’s better to do the oral task on the same day it’s assigned, and then just before the test day, spend fifteen minutes reviewing.

By the way, it is better not to memorize rules, theorems and other information mechanically, but read carefully several times, analyze point by point, understand. And then you won’t have to memorize anything: it will be stored in your head on its own. It is better not to memorize the proofs of theorems, but to try to derive them yourself, step by step. At first you will have to look at a book or notebook every time, but over time the theorem will definitely be remembered.

What prevents many from becoming an excellent student at school is fear of asking questions and asking for help. How often do situations like this happen when the teacher asks: “Do you understand everything?”, the students nod in agreement, and on the test it turns out that half the class did not understand anything.

Don't be afraid to ask, ask again and clarify. Questions are not a sign of stupidity, but evidence of a desire to understand the subject. Most teachers will welcome questions because it shows that students are listening and that they are interested. It’s better to ask once and understand everything correctly than to then look in confusion at the assignment of a test or, even worse, an exam paper.

To become an excellent student at school, you will have to... This does not mean, of course, that you have to study from morning to evening: if you organize your work correctly, there will be enough time for both study and entertainment. The main thing is to clearly set aside hours for studying and not occupy them with anything else, even if there is a temptation to go for a walk or surf the Internet.

And you don’t need to strive to become an excellent student at all costs, to the detriment of your own health and well-being. After all, people go to school not for grades, but for knowledge. Studying with straight A's is good, of course, but it is first of all important for parents that their child is healthy and happy.
