Business terms. Oil and petroleum products - on fob Sunflower oil "Zlatava" - "our product"

What is a “Letter of Intent - LOI”

In most large business transactions, a letter of intent (LOI) outlines the terms of the deal and acts as a “consensus agreement” between the two parties. An LOI is similar to a term sheet in its content, but differs in structure (one is formatted as a letter and the other as a list of terms).

BREAKING DOWN "Letter of Intent - LOI"

The real usefulness of a letter of intent is that it formalizes a preliminary agreement on a topic before negotiations begin, it lays out what can and cannot be said about the outside of those negotiations, and it contains a road map that describes how things will proceed.

Letters of intent go into negotiations, as do the contracts themselves. One party can submit an LOI, then the other party can fully respond to the changes or a different LOI. Ideally, the final product will protect both parties in subsequent negotiations and execution of the contract that the LOI believes it will attempt to negotiate.

A letter of intent may include provisions that are mandatory and optional. The methods used to link a letter of intent can vary. Some of the least binding LOIs essentially contain a contractual agreement to treat the LOI as optional. Some more binding LOIs may include contract negotiation rules as a binding agreement. Or the LOI may specifically outline the elements of the agreement (eg, date of completion of the deal, who will write the contract, financing specifics); they usually include a condition that the items must be approved by the board. One of the most binding types of letters of intent, also known as “failed letters of intent,” betrays the entire concept of a letter of intent and serves as a contract as a whole. A letter of intent should bring the parties together and help formulate terms as a way to reduce the risk of litigation.

It is not uncommon for letters of intent to include non-disclosure agreements or include “no solicitation” provisions. A non-disclosure agreement (NDA) is where the parties agree what information remains confidential and what information can be shared. In the context of the LOI, the NDA will refer to specific components of the transaction. In the absence of a motion, it is provided that one party may not employ any of the other party's employees.

Other ways that an LOI can protect both parties negotiating a deal include provisions that the deal can only go through if the financing has been purchased by one or both parties or that the deal must be done by a certain date.

Examples of use

Common uses of LOI include:

  • as a way to clarify what key deal points need to be agreed upon
  • as a method of announcing that two parties are negotiating (say, a joint venture between companies or a merger)
  • to protect all parties involved in the transaction

In the context of a business transaction, a letter of intent is created by management and the corporation's legal counsel, among other things, and describes the details of the action. For example, letters of intent are used during the mergers and acquisitions process to outline a firm's plan to purchase/transfer another company and typically disclose specific terms transaction (for example, it is a cash transaction or a stock transaction).

Letters of intent are not exclusive to the business world. An LOI can be used to outline parents' thoughts and hopes for their children in the event of a parent's death. Courts use the information contained in the letter of intent to determine what happens to the children. Unlike wills, letters of intent are often not legal documents. However, since a letter of intent represents the parents' wishes and desires, courts still often use it as a benchmark in conjunction with other documents to determine what happens to the children.

Letters of intent are also used by those seeking government grants. Letters of intent can help agency staff get an estimate of how much work a particular project or venture may require.

Letters of intent are also widely used by colleges that recruit high school athletes. When a university manages to attract a student with an aptitude for both a particular sport and academics to play sports in Division 1 at that school, usually shows the student signing his/her letter of intent to attend that college.

Sergiy Gurov, intercessor general director From the sovereign view of the DP “Volinstandartmetrologiya”: Which product is better to live with? The current market offers us a wide assortment of many different varieties. Nini in Ukraine is standard DSTU 4492:2005 Oliya sonyashnikova. Technical minds.

Sunflower oil - vegetable oil from sunflower seeds

Botanical name: Helianthus annuus L.
Synonyms: Sunflower Oil, Helianthus annuus L., OLEUM HELIANTHI
Family: Compositae/Asteraceae
Note: Currently, there are also ones that are obtained from plant hybrids. This sunflower oil contains a very high percentage of oleic acid and is twice as stable.

Sunflower oil Natural." Proper nutrition - 1

It has always been known that when you overeat fat, weight can increase, and it would seem that it is easier - you just need to completely eliminate fats from the diet. However, not everything is so simple. There is nothing superfluous in nature. It is only important to know the limits of the measure and understand the quality of the products. After all, fat is an important plastic material; It is part of cell membranes (cholesterol) and forms the myelin sheath of nerve fibers.

Properties of sunflower oil "Zlatava"

: oils, in comparison with rendered animal fats, are considered biologically valuable and are better absorbed; they contain more rare unsaturated, including non-replaceable biologically valuable fatty acids. The most linoleic and linolenic acids in soybean oil are 61.2%, slightly less in sunflower oil 59.8%, corn 57.6%, peanut 33.3% oils. The most common type is, which contains up to 50% fat.

Google queries: Sunflower oil

Vegetable oil: sunflower "Zlatava" and others

You have prepared a vegetable salad and are wondering what to season it with. Healthy and tasty - sunflower oil or olive? Are these products healthy?

Many people, unknowingly, claim that V sunflower oil There are fewer vitamins than in olive oil. And they are deeply mistaken. For example, vitamin E insunflower oil 10 more than in olive.

Sunflower oil "Spravzhnya". Proper nutrition - 2

For some reason, popularly called Lenten, in fact contains fat more than any creamy oil. Not everyone knows that fats of plant origin are easier to digest and enter the fat cell (adipocyte) faster than fats of animal origin. Most likely, this is due to evolutionary development, due to the herbivory of primitive man.

Dynamics of changes in prices for sunflower oil

Sales of sunflower oil to the domestic market EXW:

Sunflower oil, refined and unrefined In bulk. Tanker trucks

R refined and unrefinedsunflower oil "Prirodna", "Spravzhnya" and "Zlatava"Packaged. Deliveries by rail and road transport

Export of sunflower oil FCA:

P o sunflower oilrefined and unrefined In bulk . Railway tanks, Road tanks, Flexi tanks

Refined"Prirodna", "Spravzhnya" and "Zlatava"Packaged. Deliveries by sea, railway and road transport

Refined sunflower oil "Prirodna" and "Spravzhnya"

What good for health, even a child knows. Unlike recent years, today on store shelves you can find a variety of refined sunflower oil, both in price and quality. This is good, of course, but among many oils you have to choose only one. Which? It all depends on what they want and expect from sunflower oil. To do this, you need to understand why and how it is produced. oil refining .

in Ukraine. According to the classification of Prof. V.V. Beloborodova, technological processes of modern productionsunflower oil divided into: mechanical diffusion And diffusion-thermal hydromechanical chemical And biochemical processes

Sunflower oil Benefits - Zlatava oil as a source of health

Sunflower oil Benefits. Sunflower seeds ate, used as medicine, and produced dyes. The Incas worshiped the sunflower as a sacred flower and they already knew what it was Benefit). The “sunny flower” was brought to Europe by the Spaniards from North America in 1510.The flower was brought to us from Holland in the 18th century. However, during excavations of ancient settlements in the Moscow region, dating back to the 7th-5th centuries BC, they found sunflower seeds...

Sunflower oil from the Skalat company and your health

: Despite the fact that they have become fashionable diet And weight loss, fats cannot be completely excluded from the diet. A systematic lack of fat leads to a reduction in life expectancy, and with a sharp restriction, resistance to the development of atherosclerosis is lost. Recommended for daily use sunflower oil“Natural” or “Spravzhnya” in food to reduce the level of “bad” cholesterol...

Benefit: unrefined sunflower oil"Natural" and "Spravzhnya"

Unrefined "Natural" and "Spravzhnya"- This press oil first pressing, which is subjected only mechanical filtration, so it is the most complete. It contains huge amount vitamins A, E and D, more than in vegetables and fruits. We do not use in production chemical cleaning agents . Unrefined sunflower oil"Natural" and "Spravzhnya" - natural product, which, in addition to vitamins and minerals, contains auxiliary substances that promote its complete absorption...

Sunflower oil, fats and proper nutrition

Sunflower oil and proper nutrition. How to understand the variety of fats? How to choose the most optimal combination of them. Let's try to refer to the CINDI Nutrition Program Guide (EUR/00/5018028): Fats provide the body with energy and essential fatty acids, some of which contribute to the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E and K)

Vegetable oil: Encyclopedia of Skalat Group of Companies

If you take different vegetable oils:, corn, soybean, olive, cottonseed, etc. and refine them completely, then you will not be able to distinguish them from each other. These will be completely identical viscous liquids lighter than water, without taste, smell and color, the so-called impersonal oils. Different national cuisines use different vegetable oils: for example,For Ukrainians, sunflower is the most typical, in second place is corn, and there is no point in buying refined olive oil for frying:and cheaper, and our body is already accustomed to it. In Thailand, for example, coconut oil is most often used, in Mediterranean countries - olive oil, in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan - cotton oil. Thus, everything depends on the geographical location of the country and the plants growing there.

Ukraine Exports a record amount of sunflower oil

. Next year the volume export will decrease slightly, market participants say. In their opinion, this will contribute to the growth of investment attractiveness of the industry. In the near future they expect large foreign companies to enter the market...

Increase in prices for sunflower oil in Ukraine

According to analysts, prices for on domestic market will continue to grow during the harvest processing period. Last year they increased by 50%. The situation is influenced by the global market, where prices for domestic producers more attractive.World prices are much higher than domestic prices prices for , so most manufacturers are really trying to work harder export where you can get big profits...

Sunflower oil "Natural" - cleansing the body

: Remedies have long been known to have miraculous properties - they have a beneficial effect on many organs of the human body at once. One of these means is. This remedy, despite its ease of use, is really effective because helps remove from the body many harmful substances, wastes and microorganisms.

Sunflower Oil Production and Technology

Production: sunflower oil in Ukraine. According to the classification of Prof. V.V. Beloborodova, modern technological processes manufacturers sunflower oil (Ukraine, Russia) are divided into: mechanical- cleaning seeds, dehulling seeds, separating fruit and fruit kernels seed coats, crushing kernels and cake; diffusion And diffusion-thermal- seed moisture conditioning, mint frying, sunflower oil extraction, solvent distillation from miscella and meal; hydromechanical - pulp pressing, settling and filtration of sunflower oil; chemical And biochemical processes- hydrolysis and oxidation of lipids, denaturation of proteins, formation of lipid-protein complexes.

TC "Skalat" - Properties and history of sunflower oil

North America is considered the birthplace of sunflowers. The British were the first to learn how to extract oil from it. And yetAll over the world it is considered a Slavic national product.Archaeologists saythat sunflower seeds were found on the territory of Ancient Rus' during excavations of ancient settlements dating back to the 7th–5th centuries BC. Well, perhaps our distant ancestors knew and even cultivated this plant, but for some reason the flower was forgotten over time.

Benefit: Unrefined sunflower oil"Natural" and "Spravzhnya"

Unrefined "Natural" and "Spravzhnya"- This press oil first pressing, which is subjected only - truly a gift for people. After all, it is impossible to do without it when frying fish and vegetables (potatoes, mushrooms, onions), sautéing vegetables for seasoning soups, and preparing vegetable and mushroom caviar.The preparation of marinades, mayonnaise and many salad dressings, both for fresh salads and for canning, is also not possible withoutsunflower oil . This product is consumed all year round, both meat eaters and vegetarians...

Sunflower oil "Zlatava" - "our product"!

: without it you can’t create a salad, fry a fish, or paint a picture - it’s such a universal product, which in its popularity is not inferior to another Ukrainian food favorite - lard! And in many respects it even surpasses it. Items "sunflower superiority"are so exciting that people make up myths about them. So we decided to check to what extent this myth-making corresponds to the truth.

Sunflower meal and sunflower cake

Prices for sunflower cake and sunflower meal:

** GC "Skalat" - Sunflower cake and sunflower meal - production, sale and export. We invite you to cooperation farms and feed mills, domestic and foreign partners.If you want to buy sunflower cake or sunflower mealplease contact the direction "Sales of cake and meal"

Sunflower oil Benefits - oil "Spravzhnya"

Modern nutritionists are sure that it is an important part of our diet. Rarely does a dish go without it. Every day we add V salads, fry meat and fish in oil and don’t even think about what Benefit this valuable product...

Sunflower oil Ukraine. Overview of the oilseeds market.

During the years of Ukraine's independence, the sown area and gross yield of oilseeds increased by 3.4 times. The attractiveness of growing oilseeds such as rapeseed, sunflower and soybeans, due to their high prices, remains at a high level...

Vegetable oil – sunflower “Prirodna” and “Spravzhnya”, olive and mustard

– one of best views vegetable fat. It has low temperature hardening and a high percentage of healthy polyunsaturated fatty acids. In Ukraine sunflower oil the most popular, “folk”, of all vegetable oils.

Refined sunflower oil "Spravzhnya"

Refined deodorized frozen sunflower oil, grade "P"

The main difference between oils made from the same plant raw materials is in degree of purification. Available for sale as refined, i.e. purified in several stages technological process, and unrefined "Prirodna" and "Spravzhnya", the purification of which is limited mechanical filtration. Even a child knows what is good for health. Unlike recent years, today you can find a variety of refined sunflower oil on store shelves, both in price and quality. This is good, of course, but among many oils you have to choose only one. Which?

Contracts for the supply of all petroleum products in specified quantities to all directions both in Russia and for Export (except: 1.CIF China and Korea - FOB Russian ports are possible, 2. DAP Afghanistan).
Primary documents for those who need a resource:
BPZ (ICPO), Bank reference + statement (BCL), Storage Agreement with a terminal at the point of receiving the resource or Agreement with a processor (refinery).
1. Origin: Russia
2. Terms: FOB / CIF ASWP
3. Delivery: Starts In 15 Bank Days After Receipt And Verification
Of Payment Instrument By Seller Bank.
4. Payment: RDLC
5. Inspection: SGS (or) CIQ at Discharge Port by Buyer
6. PB: 2% (Only for Instruments placed for contract period of 12 months)
From you LOI / ICPO - specify the type and name, desired supply volumes, monthly quantities of products, financial instruments and quality requirements (GOST/TU, TYPE, TYPE).
LOI – (English: Letter Of Intent) translation: letter of intent. A free application form, issued as an intention to purchase a product, indicating the type, GOST name, volume, delivery conditions, intended place of shipment, etc. It has no legal force as a document and does not oblige us to anything. It can be named or unnamed.

In response, we send the operating procedures and the name of the seller through whom the resource is displayed. The final formula for the price - discount and seller - is given by the resource holder! FCO and draft contract after receiving all primary documents. On FOB - we work with GP resources and procedures.

Both primary, secondary resources and failure resources. Please DO NOT send applications for “space volumes”, namely within the limits indicated above. We also ask the “bicycle inventors” not to worry.

Procedure and examples of filling out documents (ICPO and BCL)
Operation procedure:
1. The buyer sends the documents specified below in the rules for processing documents
2. After checking the Buyer’s company, the Seller sends an address FCO or SCO and a draft contract.
3. Buyer and Seller agree and sign the contract via email.
4. The Buyer sends a copy of the Signatory’s passport
5. The seller sends an Invitation for signing in Moscow
Rules for document preparation:
The buyer prepares six documents for each volume:
1. ICPO on English– (phone numbers of the bank official and SWIFT must be indicated)
2. ICPO – translation into Russian, signed and stamped by the Buyer’s company.
3. Bank reference in the form with a mandatory link to ICPO in English
4. Bank reference – translation into Russian, certified by the seal of the Buyer’s company.
5. Company summary in English
6. Company summary – translation into Russian, certified by the seal of the Buyer’s company.
All sample forms are attached below. Documents in any other form will not be accepted. The Bank Reference form may differ from the one proposed. Each document must have an originating number and date, and the stamps must be blue. Bank references (each ICPO has its own) must include a link to the ICPO. BPZ (ISPO), reference, company resume, power of attorney, passport details of the signatory must be in Russian and English or Russian and German.

In different countries, trade is conducted differently (each nation has its own mentality, historical traditions, and a special view of foreigners).

When concluding transactions, this served as the cause of disagreements, misunderstandings, litigation, in short, both a waste of money and golden time for traders. To eliminate uncertainty in the interpretation of trade terms, in 1936 the International Chamber of Commerce published a set of rules for their precise definition. These rules are known as "Incoterms 1936"

Amendments to the addendum were later made in 1953, 1967, 1976, 1980, 1990 and in 2000 years to bring their rules into line with modern international trade practices.

The scope of Incoterms is limited to matters relating to the rights and obligations of the parties to a contract of sale in relation to the delivery of the goods sold (the word “goods” here means “ material goods", excluding "intangible goods" such as computer software).

In Incoterms, for ease of understanding, delivery terms are grouped into four categories that differ in substance:

  • “E” is an EX WORKS term, according to which the seller only provides the goods to the buyer on the seller’s own territory;
  • “F” - the term FCA, FAS, and FOB, in accordance with which the seller is obliged to deliver the goods to the carrier appointed by the buyer;
  • “C” means CFR, CTF, CPT and CIP terms under which the seller must contract for carriage but not assume the risk of loss or damage to the goods or additional costs due to events occurring after shipment and dispatch;
  • “D” is a term in which the seller must bear all costs and risks necessary to deliver the goods to the destination country (DAF, DEC, DEQ, DDU, and DDP). Now let's try to make it more clear. The following tables clearly explain the classification of trade terms.
Get acquainted with Business Training

Most often in practice there are two variants of misunderstanding of Incoterms. The first option is the misunderstanding that Incoterms have more to do with the contract of carriage than with the contract of sale. The second is sometimes misconception that the Incoterms provision should cover all obligations that the parties would like to include in the contract. As has always been emphasized by the International Chamber of Commerce, Incoterms deal only with the relationship between sellers and buyers in sales contracts.

“The man who knows how will always find a job, and the man who knows why will be his boss.”
Diana Reivich, American educational activist

The following table shows the correspondence of Incoterms terms to the types of transportation of transported goods; by following the links you can consider the full scheme of how this term works.

Any type of transport

Group "E"


Group "F"

Free carrier

Group "C"

Free/shipping paid until

(Destination names)

Free shipping/freight and insurance paid up to

(Destination names)

Group "D"

Delivery to the border

Delivery without payment of duty

(name of destination)

Delivered Duty Paid

(name of destination)

Only sea and inland waterway transport

Group "F"

Free along the side of the vessel (name of the port of shipment)

Free on board (name of port of shipment)

Group "C"

Cost and freight (name of destination port)

Insurance and freight costs
(name of destination port)

Group "D"

Delivery ex ship(name of destination port)

Delivery from the pier(name of destination port)

We will also consider important terms, without which not a single transaction can take place. Even before concluding a contract, these terms will hurt your ears if you do not know their meaning. The terms that we will consider below in the table work long before the conclusion of the main sales contract.

What is FCO?

What is "LOI"?

What is ICPO?

What is "POP"?

What is "BCL"?

Well, now that you know enough to conduct oral negotiations, you can move on to documenting their results. But first, let’s get a little familiar with the names of the documents.

What is a Draft Contract?

This is a ready-made contract form in draft form in Russian-English. Draft (English) — plan, sketch, project, draft. This form of contract is used for further discussion with the addition of terms and conditions for both shipment, delivery and payment of goods. In fact, this contract is ready for work only after the above conditions are added.

What is NCND?

This is a ready-made form of an agreement not to bypass the intermediary’s commission. Usually used to work as an intermediary with real suppliers and buyers, after signing this agreement, the supplier or buyer will be required to pay a specified commission to the intermediary for intermediary services.

Basically, this agreement does not work in Russia because our Banks have no idea what kind of agreement this is and how it works, so we do not recommend using it on Russian territory, otherwise you will be withdrawing funds from your account for a long time. To receive a commission on the territory of Russia, we advise you to use an agency agreement, which our banks skip to receive their commission. You can also download it from our website.

What is a Contract?

This is a ready-made draft contract form in Russian. This form of contract is used for further discussion with the addition of terms and conditions for both shipment, delivery and payment of goods. In fact, this contract is ready for work only after the above conditions are added.

What is an Agency Agreement?

This is a ready-made form of an agreement not to bypass the intermediary’s commission. Usually used to work as an intermediary with real suppliers and buyers, after signing this agreement, the supplier or buyer will be required to pay a specified commission to the intermediary for intermediary services, between the buyer and the supplier.

Samples Draft Contract, NCND, Contract, Agency agreement and additional documents for completing a purchase and sale transaction you can download

Watch the development of our site, we will supplement it necessary documents and lessons for future business.

What's left? Select the direction of business and the product you want to trade. There can be no specific recommendations here, since the market situation is constantly changing and what is profitable today will bring losses tomorrow.

What should I do? Create your own SYSTEM (several companies with accounts in foreign banks) and provide it for the use of others (with your direct participation as a documentary, able to “put together schemes”, owner of auxiliary companies used for tax optimization and manager of their accounts).

The advantage of this approach is the possibility of simultaneous work by specialists from different industries (some are beginning to stagnate, but others are just now on the rise). This allows you to take a closer look and evaluate the profitability of certain operations and then focus on them yourself.

Financial instruments can be used as collateral for non-recourse loans, as payment guarantees for trading transactions, or to improve the quality of their collateral assets. Financial instruments can be issued from rated global financial institutions.

To issue financial instruments, asset owners are involved: private institutions, international banks, investment funds and international financial companies.

Bank Guarantee (BG)

Bank guarantee (M.T.– 760) - an irrevocable obligation issued by a bank on behalf of its client who has entered into a contract for the purchase of goods, guaranteeing the fulfillment of the buyer's financial obligations to the supplier if the buyer does not pay for the goods. In other words, a bank guarantee is an obligation of the bank on behalf of its client.

Bank guarantee often helps companies conduct transactions with counterparties that they otherwise would not otherwise deal with. Many suppliers often prefer to do business with clients who have bank guarantee , as this eliminates the risk that they will not receive adequate payment for the item being sold.

Bank guarantee can be produced for many purposes, for example to increase credit rating structures issuing income bonds and debentures , to secure loans provided by a third party, to guarantee the performance of obligations under a lease or construction contract, or to ensure that a buyer will fulfill its financial obligations to a supplier.

Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL)

Confirmation letter from the bank (Bank Confirmation Letter / Bank Capability Letter) - BCL (M.T.-799) is a letter issued by a bank on behalf of its client (the buyer who has entered into a contract to purchase large quantity goods, which confirms the financial ability to fulfill its obligations in accordance with the terms of the concluded contract. It also shows that the buyer has sufficient funds and financial capacity to complete the transaction. However, it should be clearly understood that the Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL) does not constitute any guarantee of payment.

If the buyer states that he has the financial ability to purchase products through his bank, by providing such notification via SWIFT message MT799, he is indirectly confirming that he has sufficient funds to obtain the credit necessary to finance the transaction. The provider of the BCL letter, the buyer's bank, must send a notice confirming this fact, which will be addressed to the supplier in connection with the irrevocable purchase order or signed contract.

Confirmation letter from the bank is the initial guarantee provided by the buyer to its supplier when concluding contracts for large amounts. These are some of the ways to determine the buyer's solvency. That is, if the buyer's bank cannot issue a confirmation letter before the transaction begins, the supplier may decide that the buyer will also be unable to provide the financial instrument necessary to pay for the goods (letter of credit, standby letter of credit or bank guarantee).

BCL is a statement of fact, but not a promise issued by the bank to fulfill financial obligations. Bank Confirmation Letter (BCL) is in no way equivalent to Letter of Readiness (RWA). Letter BCL- this is simply an authorized SWIFT message from the buyer's bank confirming his financial ability (we can talk about funds in his accounts or line of credit) to pay for the goods he wants to buy.

Documentary Letter of Credit (L/C, DLC)

Letter of Credit is the obligation of the bank to pay the seller of goods or services a certain amount of money upon timely submission of documents confirming the dispatch of goods or the performance of contractual services.

Letter of Credit, also known as " documentary letter of credit» is one of the most important means of financing in international trade, since a letter of credit is a tool that eliminates most of the risks from the buyer (importer) and from the seller (exporter).A documentary letter of credit is a very flexible and convenient payment instrument that is widely recognized throughout the world.

There are the following forms of letter of credit:

Revocable letter of credit, which may be changed or canceled by the issuing bank without prior notice to the recipient of the funds.Revocation of a letter of credit does not create any obligations of the issuing bank to the recipient of funds.The executing bank is obliged to carry out payment or other transactions under a revocable letter of credit if, at the time of their execution, the bank has not received notification of a change in the conditions or cancellation of the loan.A letter of credit is revocable unless otherwise expressly stated in its text.

Irrevocable letter of creditfirm commitment of the issuing bank to pay the money in order and deadlines defined terms of the letter of credit, if documents provided they are presented to the bank indicated in the letter of credit.An irrevocable letter of credit guarantees that the exporter will make payment to fulfill its obligations, even if the importer wants to back out of the transaction.Thus, the exporter, fulfilling a special order for which, most likely, there will be no other buyer, chooses this type of letter of credit.

Irrevocable unconfirmed letter of credit. When accepting an unconfirmed letter of credit, the issuing bank providing the letter of credit is the only responsible party who is responsible for paying the seller.The nominated bank must pay only after receiving money from the issuing bank.The executing bank simply acts on behalf of the bank providing the loan, so it bears no risk.

Irrevocable confirmed letter of credit– an obligation of the issuing bank confirmed by another bank.Confirmation is an additional guarantee of payment from another bank (exporter's bank or first-class bank).
The bank confirming the letter of credit undertakes to pay according to the documents, in accordance with the terms of the letter of credit, if the issuing bank fails to make payment.

Currently, the issuance of letters of credit is governed by the Uniform Rules for Letters of Credit (UCP600).

Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC)

Standby Letter of Credit/SBLC (M.T.-760) - a written obligation of the bank issuing such a letter of credit to pay a certain amount of money to the beneficiary on behalf of its client in the event that the client/buyer is unable to fulfill its financial obligations to the seller/beneficiary.

A standby letter of credit is a sign of trust and serves as proof of financial reliability and solvency.

A standby letter of credit is usually used in trade transactions, such as when purchasing goods from local supplier or foreign exporter. A standby letter of credit can also serve as collateral for a loan and is an ideal solution for a company that plans to expand its business but does not want to use its assets to do so.

A Standby Letter of Credit is always issued as an irrevocable financial instrument and cannot be revoked or canceled once it has been issued by the bank and transmitted as an authenticated MT-760 message via SWIFT. The Standby Letter of Credit may be transferred or assigned to another beneficiary/party by written instructions first beneficiary. The transferring bank must notify the issuing bank of the amount and date of the transfer.

The standby letter of credit is issued in accordance with the latest edition of the Uniform Rules for Standby Letters of Credit (ICC Publication No. 600).

Medium Term Note (MTN)

A qualified debt instrument with a specified par value, issued by banks and offered for auction, which earns annual earnings until the end of its term.

REL IG operates in the primary and secondary markets for medium-term notes (MTN), and has access to the most sought-after debt through its relationships with specialist brokerage companies and banks. MTNs can be provided to customers who require recourse, non-recourse collateral or to strengthen their credit rating.

Certificate of Deposit (CD)

A certificate of deposit entitles you to receive interest. CD is released on certain period, with a specified fixed interest rate and can be issued in any denomination. CDs are usually issued commercial banks and are insured by the FDIC (Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation). CD terms typically range from one month to five years.

A certificate of deposit is a promissory note issued by a bank. This is a temporary deposit that restricts the owner from withdrawing funds upon request. Although you can still withdraw money from a certificate of deposit, this action often entails a fine.

Proof of Assets (POA)

A term used to describe an asset, company, industry, or legal entity which is considered economically resilient to the effects of a recession. Generally, stocks that are proven to be recession-proof will be added to many investment portfolios during times of economic downturn, which could be the start of a recession. Securities that are considered recession proof often have negative values beta value, which will indicate feedback with a growing market.

The following documents may be provided as proof of assets or resources:

  • Verifiable, safe (or Credit Union Draft/Share) Accounts – monthly report;
  • Certificates of Safety, Certificates of Deposit, Bonds;
  • Exchange-traded shares of companies and bond certificates;
  • Working capital in cash;
  • Personal Property - the value of each item and object that is not used in business;
  • Retirement Plans and IRAs – Total Cost Less Any Penalties;
  • Life insurance is the surrender value, not the amount that will be received upon the death of the insured;
  • Vehicles (second or more) – “Blue book” or “NADA book” (recorders vehicles), reports on wholesale trade and “trade-in”, loan statements;
  • Other assets and property.

Proof of Funds (POF)

This financial instrument confirms that the clients or company have the capabilities and stated assets, funds at their disposal, available for use in the transaction. The document is supplied in the form of a bank statement, safekeeping receipt or extract from the asset register. The purpose of the document is to confirm that the funds required for the transaction are available and obtained legally. It is used to enter into contracts with banks and large companies.

LLC House Ios provides “custom-made” Proof of Funds (POF) solutions to its customers who need to complete verification of their funds or financial opportunity to complete the transaction.

Elected owner of assets to place your asset in the care of an agent (with a fiduciary right), which is usually a bank or financial institution and is released as confirmation of asset availability from a fiduciary responsible for the custody of this asset. Asset owner may order that such a receipt was sent to a third party. For performing such services payment is usually required.

Can be placed for safekeeping completely different assets such as: stocks, bonds, real estate documents, property titles, precious or rare earth metals, explored oil reserves and natural resources and so on.

SKR owner can monetize (non-repayable loan) this tool or attract financing for it, just like SBLC, Bond or BG and use these means as an alternative source project financing.
