Service for creating Yandex Direct ads. Do you need Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords ad generators? Automation of management of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yandex.Direct

Video instructions for the ad generation module

Based on regularly updated XML upload of product offers, Alytics for Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords can:

  • Generate ads for each product card;
  • Turn off ads for products that are out of stock;
  • Resume display of an ad if the product is in stock;
  • Update information about the product in the ad, for example: price or delivery terms.

Log in to the Alytics system and select (or create a new) project for which you want to use the Generation module. By default, you will be taken to the “Analytics and Bets” tab.

To start setting up the generation module, go to the “Ad Generation” tab at the top of the screen.

Adding XML

At this step, enter the address of the XML file that is used for uploading to Yandex Market (YML file) in the “Price list address” field and click “Next”.

XML Viewer

You will see all the tags that are contained in your YML file. Of these, you are asked to select those that you want to see in the table. The list of displayed tags can be edited in the future.

By clicking on the plus sign located to the left of the category name, you can view all subcategories and find out which products belong to them.

Once you are finished viewing the XML file, click Next.

Generation parameters

Block "General parameters"

Alytics allows you to publish generated advertisements in Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords (or both systems at once). In the “General parameters” field, check the boxes next to the appropriate system.

When displaying product prices in advertisements, round them to the nearest whole number. We recommend checking these boxes if the price of the product is indicated in fractional form. You can save a few characters, which are so often missing when creating a beautiful selling headline or ad test.

What goods to export. A very convenient feature if you do not want to advertise on products that are of low cost. To do this, you need to check the box and indicate the price range of the products you want to advertise. If you don't need this option, skip to the next step.

Block “Assortment Management”

Allows you to configure the update of the XML file.

Check for XML updates How often to check for XML updates. The most common option is “every 24 hours”. But if your XML file changes very often, then it is better to select “every 12 hours”.

Validation time is the start of the first XML validation. For example, if the XML file is updated every time at 00:00, then set the check time to 01:00 (about an hour after the update) so that changes in the YML are reflected in advertising campaigns without delay.

Send ads for new products for manual preview before publication. If you set this option, then all ads for new products will await your manual review. Notifications about announcements for new products will be sent to the email address specified during registration. You will need to follow the link in the Alytics email and confirm the new listings. After this, they will be published in Yandex.Direct and Google AdWords. If the checkbox is not checked, then ads generated for new products will be immediately published in advertising systems.

Stop listings for items that are out of stock or have disappeared from YML. If you run out of an item, your ad will pause until the item is back in stock. For Google AdWords ads, you can delete ads if an item is out of stock.

After all settings are completed, click the “Next” button.

Campaign Breakdown

Structure of distribution of catalog categories between campaigns

  • Top level category name from XML. Convenient if you have a small XML file.
  • Second level category name from XML. Will be created separate campaign for each category of the second level. But if your subcategory names may be repeated in different categories (for example, the “iPhone” subcategory can be in both the “Apple” and “Smartphones” categories), then it is better not to choose this option. Well suited for XML that has one top-level category and many subcategories.
  • The name of the top-level category + the name of the second-level category from XML. A universal option that will suit absolutely everyone.
  • Top-level category name + third-level category name from XML.
  • The name of the second level category + the name of the third level category from XML.
  • Top level category name + third level category name + fourth level category name from XML. You can use it if some of the goods belong to the third level, and some to the fourth.

The latter types of campaign breakdowns occur in more rare cases in practice.

After setting up the campaign breakdown, click Next.

Campaign settings

As a result, we see the directory split into advertising campaigns.

The leftmost list is “Campaigns” - this is what your advertising campaigns will be called.

Please pay special attention the ability to configure selective generation.

At this generation stage, the following are specified at the campaign level:

Daily Budget Limit for Google AdWords Campaigns

You need to set a daily budget limit for all Google AdWords campaigns. The budget limit can be set either in bulk mode or individually for each campaign.

This is a required parameter when creating a campaign, but later you can change this restriction in the Google AdWords interface.

The limit is specified in the currency of your Google AdWords account.

When working with generation settings, you will encounter the following campaign statuses:

Campaigns prohibited from generation. You can always return to their settings in the future.
The settings are correct. Campaigns are allowed to be generated.
The campaign is allowed to be generated, but has not yet been configured. Settings must be specified.
Generation is active for this campaign.
Generation is paused for this campaign.
A new campaign has appeared in the YML file.

Selective generation

It will be useful for those who do not want to create ads for all categories from an XML file.

After unchecking the required boxes, click “Save”. As a result, you will see that all campaigns prohibited from generation are marked with a red icon. Made a mistake? It's okay! Click on “Selective Generation” again and change the settings.

Let's move on to setting up campaigns allowed for generation

By checking off certain campaigns in the “Campaigns” list, you see which product categories they include (highlighted in green). And if you click on the “eye” located to the left of the category, then in the table that opens you will see the products that belong to it.

In addition, the table displays the characteristics of the goods. And it is possible to display only the most significant columns. To change the table - add or remove columns - click "Customize displayed columns".

Choosing a strategy and geography for displaying advertisements

By default, you are in the mass editing mode for advertising campaigns, where you can set settings for all campaigns at once, or check the boxes next to them. In addition, you can set individual settings for each campaign. To do this, go to the individual settings mode for each campaign by clicking on the button with one check mark.

  • Settings on YAN thematic sites. You can display your ads not only on search, but also on thematic platforms. To do this, you need to set the necessary parameters.
  • Google AdWords advertising campaign type
  • Bid management strategy in Yandex Direct. By clicking on the "Set strategy (required)" button, you can select the type of bidding to manage bids in Yandex.Direct. You can find out more about the work of bidding and strategies in the article Managing bids in Yandex.Direct.
  • Google AdWords bid. Here you also need to specify the set cost per click.
  • Negative words. Indicate all the negative words for this advertising campaign, one per line.
  • GEO. Specify the region where ads will be displayed for this advertising campaign.

Elements are available both for group and individual editing of each individual campaign.

When all campaigns allowed for generation have been configured, click the “Next” button to proceed to the “Generation Templates” step.

Generation templates

Setting up ad generation templates and keywords

By default, you are in Bulk Edit mode, just like in the previous step. You can stay in it and set up generation templates for all campaigns (or several) at once, or you can switch to individual editing mode by clicking on the checkmark button. In order to set up generation templates for a campaign, you need to select its name in the “Campaigns” column. The content of this campaign will be shown in the Categories column.

Setting up ad templates

Here are two templates: for Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct.

In order to save time, you can fill out the template only for Google AdWords and check the “Link” checkbox - the field values ​​will be automatically duplicated in the template for Yandex.Direct.

You can fill in the generation templates using tags from the XML file.

In order to view the meanings of tags, you need to click on the “eye” in the “Categories” column, to the left of the name of the selected category.

First part of the title Google Adwords can be transferred to the second if the length of the first header is more than 30 characters. The second part of the heading can also be transferred to the ad text if the length of the second heading is more than 30 characters.

For advertisements in Yandex.Direct there is an opportunity move part of the title into the ad text if its length is more than 33 characters.

Tag processing filters will help you improve the quality of generated ads. With their help, you can cut out unnecessary characters or words from tags, remove content in brackets, change the case of words, and much more. You can see the capabilities and operating principle of filters by clicking on “More...” or using the color table Tag processing filters.

  1. Specify your parameters in the tag in an XML file.
  2. Add your parameters to links in ad templates after the "?" sign. For example, ?source_type=(source_type)&position=(position)&position_type=(position_type) . It is important to keep in mind that in the xml itself the links must be without any parameters.

In all generated advertisements, the system can add or omit its utm tags in accordance with the following rules.

Cascade of templates

Ad templates are set in the form of a cascade. This means that for each ad you can create any number of templates that will be applied sequentially. If the first template does not pass the character limit, the system will generate an ad using the next template.

Copying templates

You can copy ad templates and keywords from already configured and saved campaigns from other projects or campaigns of this project. To do this, select a project, campaign and click "Copy". Templates for Images and Quick Links will also be transferred from the copied ad templates.

Separate copying of ad templates is possible. To do this, also select a project, campaign and click “Copy”.

Separate copying of key phrase templates is possible.

It is possible to copy the contents of a template from another template from a cascade within the generation. This action is available from the second cascade. You can choose from which template in the cascade which parameters to transfer. To do this, indicate the template number in the cascade and the necessary elements to transfer.

For keyword templates, there is a similar option - copying template content from another template in the cascade. This opportunity available from the second key phrase template. To copy, you must specify the number of the key phrase template from which you want to copy, then click the “Copy” button.

Auto-copy templates

In the "Tools" section, in the "Generation templates" item, you can create a template, which can then be copied to the campaign template (in the "Ad generation" section) and then set up automatic copying of all changes to the template.

To create an autocopy template, go to the "Tools" section, to the "Generation Templates" item, click "Create Template".

Enter the name of the template, content of ad templates and keyword templates, save.

Go to the "Ad generation" section, select the campaigns to which you want to transfer templates.

You can transfer the entire autocopy template, including ad and keyword templates. To do this, click “Copy key phrase and ad templates”, select “Autocopy templates”, specify the name of the desired template, copy and save. Please note that in this case, no AutoCopy links will be configured.

It is possible to transfer ad templates and key phrases from different autocopy templates. In the "Ad generation" section, select the desired campaign, click "Copy ad templates", select "Autocopy templates", specify the name of the corresponding template, copy, save.

The "Automatically copy template changes in the future" checkbox means that changes made to the selected autocopy template in the "Tools" section will automatically appear in the "Ad Generation" section.

You don’t have to check this box, then you will simply transfer the autocopy template, which will no longer be updated with changes made in the “Tools” section.

After saving the copied templates, campaigns that contain elements for automatically copying template changes will be marked with a "COPY" icon.

In the "Tools" section, in Generation Templates, you can see which templates are associated with which campaigns. To do this, click on the connection icon.

You can unlink and your current campaign templates will remain unchanged.

Images and quick links for ads in Yandex.Direct

For ads generated in Yandex.Direct, it is possible to automatically set images and quick links.

Specify the tag in which the image or link to the image is transmitted in your XML file.

In addition to the ad in Yandex.Direct, you can set up to four quick links. To create a quick link in the corresponding column, you need to insert a tag in which the quick link is transmitted in the XML file, or add the link manually.

Please note that if, when tagging ads in Direct, the same quick links are received, such links will be numbered using the utm_sitelink label.

Setting up keyword templates

Let’s conditionally divide the keyword setting into two blocks.

Block 1. Directly customize keyword templates. You can set templates using tags from XML, combine them with selling words, or add filters. There is no limit on the number of keywords. You can transfer ready-made ones to the system keywords in tags

Key phrases are created using the “template constructor”. Creating and editing phrases is similar to creating an ad template. Please note that at the bottom of the key phrase templates window you can see sample phrases by clicking on the “Show sample phrases” button.

The block contains only a few settings, but they are very important. Whether or not to ask them is up to you. If you don't know what's best, talk to your Alytics manager. We have already set up a lot of generations and, most likely, we have already studied your topic too.

Once you have configured all the blocks, click “Save Campaigns”.

Support for negative keywords in the generation of key phrase templates

At the generation templates step, you can check the “enable recognition of negative keywords in key phrases” box for key phrase templates. All words that are located after the first space and "minus" are considered negative words.

This option allows you to recognize a construction like BUY ELEPHANT - PINK - YELLOW as the phrase BUY ELEPHANT and negative words for this phrase - PINK - YELLOW.

When this option is enabled:

  1. The following phrase with negative words will be uploaded to Yandex.Direct: BUY ELEPHANT - PINK - YELLOW;
  2. The following phrase without negative keywords will be uploaded to Google AdWords: BUY AN ELEPHANT.

On the Dashboard, under the match type, a line of information about negative keywords is displayed.

Keyword Match Type

Match type - the degree to which the keyword matches the search query at which the ad should be shown.

In keyword generation templates, when setting up an advertising campaign, you can set the match type for each individual keyword phrase. To do this, select the appropriate item in the keyword template and specify the required match type.

Match types for Yandex.Direct

When setting up templates, each keyword for Yandex.Direct can be assigned one of the following match types:

  • Quotation marks ("put a phrase in quotation marks")
  • Exclamation mark (!add!exclamation!mark!to!each!word!in!phrase)
  • Quotes + exclamation point ("!take! the phrase! in! quotation marks! and! add! an! exclamation! mark! to! each! word! in! the! phrase")

When creating templates for keywords, you can use some Yandex query language operators:

Match Types for Google AdWords

Each keyword for Google AdWords can be assigned one of the following match types when setting up templates, which determine which queries should be displayed for advertising:

  • Phrase matching
  • Exact match
  • Broad match (set by default if none of the match types is selected in the “Set a custom match type for Google AdWords” option).

When choosing a match type for a keyword, it is recommended to follow the general-to-specific principle. On initial stage It is better to use broad match, which provides maximum audience coverage on the search network. You can further limit the match rate for keywords with too many irrelevant variations.

Synonyms of words in generation

In the templates step, you can specify lists of synonyms for words. Synonyms are applied to tags with the synonyms filter. Before and after the filter synonyms You can use any other filters. You can use a filter several times in one word synonyms for different tags. A maximum of 50 keywords can be generated per synonym-based ad.

To use synonyms, you need:

  1. Set up lists of synonyms.
  2. In the key phrase templates, specify the synonyms filter for tags for which you want to replace words with synonymous meanings.

Let's look at an example:

  1. Let's say you have a keyword template set up: buy
  2. In the tag You are passing product names that look like this:
    • Apple iPhone 6
    • Apple ipad air 2v
    • Apple macbook pro 13
    • etc.
  3. Do you want to create key phrases with the spelling of the word Apple in English and Russian. Moreover, in Russian in two variations: Apple And Apple
  4. To do this, you need to specify synonyms for the word Apple. Like this: Apple - Apple, Apple

  1. In the keyword template you specify the synonyms filter. Like this:
  2. As a result, this template will generate three key phrases for each product containing in the tag word Apple. For example, for apple iPhone 6, three key phrases will be created:
    • Apple iPhone 6
    • Apple iPhone 6
    • Apple iPhone 6

View generation

The generation is completed, we have the results in front of us.

At this step, you see data on the number of ads, phrases and images published in Yandex.Direct, and you can also view ready-made ads that were generated using your templates. You can adjust them and correct errors that occur due to the size of the header or advertisement more than permissible.

For each ad, the offer id is displayed, as well as icons with the following information:

In YML the product status is "in stock".
In YML the product status is "out of stock".
The product has disappeared from YML.
Ad status in Yandex.Direct (active)
Status of the advertisement in Yandex.Direct (updated).
The content of the ad in Yandex.Direct is not updated via the YML file, since the ad was manually edited on the Dashboard.
The status of the advertisement in Yandex.Direct (stopped).
Ad status in Google AdWords (active).
The ad content in Google Adwords is not updated via the YML file because the ad was manually edited on the Dashboard.
Generation does not control the status of the ad group in Google Adwords, since the status was manually changed by the user.

Also at this stage, errors may appear indicating that you are publishing brands in ads and keywords whose right to publish is strictly limited. If you encounter these types of errors, but you have the right to place such brands in the advertising system, please write to email [email protected].

To view only ads with errors, select “With errors” from the drop-down list.

Hover over the yellow triangle with an exclamation mark and you will see the reason for the error.

Errors can occur both when generating ads and when generating keywords. To view them, go to the “Keywords” tab.

At the same time, you can make any changes to the keywords - this will not affect the update of the ad in any way.

If at this step you decide not to publish some campaigns, you can disable them. To do this, go to “Selective generation” and uncheck unnecessary campaigns.

Now that you only have the campaigns you want to publish, you can click on “Publish to Platforms.” If you haven't corrected all the errors, it's okay, you can correct them at any time in the Dashboard. At the next update after the correction, they will be published on the sites.

Please note that when publishing ads in AdWords, the feedback_sha1 url parameter is included in the link. This parameter is needed to implement feedback with AdWords. If you do not support an arbitrary label in the url, then please add this parameter to the exception so that the link will work.

Congratulations, the generation setup is complete!

Click the “Go to Dashboard” button.

In the future, changed advertisements will appear here (if something has changed in the XML file), as well as new advertisements for products that appear in the XML. You will need to confirm them - then the changes will take effect.

Displaying elements from generation.

In the "Analytics and Bidding" module, campaigns and ads from generation are marked with the YML icon.

At the level of groups and ads from generation, the offer identifier is displayed and it is shown whether the offer is available or not.

Generation control for suspended items

Editing published advertisements

Alytics has the ability to make changes to generated and published ads in Google AdWords and Yandex.Direct directly in the system interface.

To make changes, go to the Dashboard. Here you can see not only new advertisements, but also all generated by the module. To do this, select “All” from the drop-down list on the corresponding “Ads” or “Keywords” tab.

A list of all existing advertisements will be displayed on the screen. Make the necessary changes in the appropriate fields. Next, Alytics will automatically transfer the corrections to the advertising system and after a while you will be able to see them in Google account AdWords and Yandex.Direct. Please note that edited ads and keywords will be updated according to one of the rules below.

Publication of new campaigns and campaigns prohibited from generation

You will be taken to the Set Up Campaigns step. Click on the “Custom generation” button and select the campaigns for which you now want to set up generation.

If you change your mind about setting up other campaigns, click the Back button.

Manual pre-upload of images for Yandex.Direct

Due to Direct's requirements for image formats, sometimes due to an incorrect format, a published image may become invalid and stop being displayed. If you have corrected the format, but the link to the image remains the same in the feed, then you need to re-upload the images. To do this, on the Dashboard, click the “Other actions” button and in the drop-down list select “Reupload images to Direct”.

Making changes to generated campaigns

If after publishing your ads you decide to make changes, we recommend using the “Change Templates” or “Roll Back Generation” functions.

Changing templates

This function is worth using to make small changes to texts, ad titles and keywords.

After clicking the "Edit Templates" button, you will be taken to the "Generation Templates" step, where you can change the existing ad and keyword templates for each campaign.

After making changes, click Next. Ads and keywords will be automatically updated without any prior preview. Existing keywords will be paused and new keywords will be added. If a keyword has been manually edited, it will not be paused.

Please note that existing generated campaigns should not be deleted, as new campaigns will not be created, ads and keywords will be updated in existing campaigns.

If you edited ad texts manually, new ad texts will be created in accordance with the new templates.

If you changed the templates for one campaign, then regeneration will occur for all campaigns with the specified templates.

If you change your mind about making changes to the templates, click the “Back” button.

If you need to change not only ad templates, but also other generation parameters, then use the “Generation Rollback” function.

Generation rollback

A function for making large-scale changes, where you can change any generation parameters.

Please note that selecting this option will create new campaigns.

After clicking the “Rollback generation” button, you will be offered the options “Rollback” and “Rollback with campaign archiving”.

When you click the “Rollback” button, old campaigns will remain active in Yandex.Direct; you need to stop them yourself.

When you click the "Rollback with Archiving Campaigns" button, old campaigns will be stopped and archived.

If the generated campaigns had intelligent bid management enabled by the CPA, it will be disabled for the corresponding campaigns.

Using the “Back” button you can return to the previous steps of setting up the generation module.

If you are confused and cannot choose between “Change templates” and “Rollback generation”, consult your manager at Alytics or write to [email protected]

Stop generation

If you need to stop generation for any campaign, then you need to go to the Dashboard, select the campaign and click the stop button.

Limitations in the Ad Generation module

  1. Try to make all changes through the Alytics interface, or in an xml file;
  2. Before setting up third-party scripts, consult with your Alytics manager;
  3. Before making changes through the Yandex Direct or Google AdWords interfaces, carefully read the instructions:


Action in the Yandex.Direct interface Is it possible to perform this action?

Hello everyone!

Of course, such services will not do all the work for you, but they will help you save a lot of time. Let me give you an example from my practice:

When I was still completely green in the area contextual advertising, for me, using Excel to create an advertising campaign seemed something unattainable and it took about five hours to create one advertising campaign, since I worked in the interface.

It seemed to me that working in this program was very difficult. However, after I learned the basics of creating a campaign in an XLS template, it took less time to create an advertising campaign: one campaign with several hundred keys takes about 2-3 hours.

Then, when I threw away all the principles (yes, there were also principles about using other people’s services in work, yay) and started using various generators, including Adpump, the time decreased to 30-40 minutes for several hundred phrases. Most of the time is now spent on making advertisements readable. That's it, gentlemen!

It is not difficult to use these services; the main thing is to prepare Google Adwords accordingly. Actually, this is what it takes huge amount time, and after that insert the “keys” into required fields generator:

I think that now you will start using Yandex Direct and Google Adwords ad generators in your work.


Dear readers, recently on the topic of contextual advertising, it seems to me that lessons have begun to come out not of the same quality as they were before. Therefore, I ask your forgiveness for this.

Next week I will tell you in detail about how to set up dynamic remarketing in Google Adwords, and in general, all subsequent lessons on CD will be devoted to the “foreign” system.

See you soon!

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Hello everyone!

Creation and configuration of advertising campaigns (AC) in various systems contextual advertising is a sequence of routine actions that are incredibly exhausting. That's why large number Directologists or people setting up advertising campaigns for themselves sooner or later wonder about automation of Yandex.Direct or other systems.

At one time, I was also a lot interested in this issue, but I came to the conclusion that it is impossible to completely automate the creation and management of the Republic of Kazakhstan: you cannot completely trust automatic tools, since the result from their work is often not what is needed. But you can still entrust certain things to programs and online services.

Today I will tell you about two things:

  1. Automation of campaign creation;
  2. Automation of campaign management.

We automate the creation of a Yandex.Direct account

First, we need to decide what we can trust in programs and online services. So:

  1. Creating ad titles;
  2. Creating quick links;
  3. Placement;
  4. Re-backing.

In fact, all of the above operations are the most routine and annoying, but this does not make them less important, so everything will need to be checked and adjusted. I trust all these things only to proven and reliable “helpers”:

  • Key Collector(). Query parsing and grouping;
  • AdPump. Creation of headings and quick links, installation of UTM tags;
  • Excel. Creating campaigns and adjusting ads;
  • Direct Commander. Re-minus of phrases.

I don’t use other Yandex Direct automation programs and services in my work; the ones listed above are enough.

If I’ve already written about how to implement it, I’ve never mentioned AdPump yet, so I’ll tell you a little about this wonderful service.

AdPump is a service for Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords

You all probably know about such a wonderful specialist in contextual advertising as Konstantin Gorbunov. Thanks to his YouTube videos ( link to channel), I learned a lot of things and I am very grateful to him. So, he is the creator of a contextual advertising service called AdPump. The service can do the following things:

  1. Grouping and generation of keywords;
  2. Production of UTM tags, both in bulk and individually;
  3. Generation of advertisements;
  4. Re-mining of phrases;
  5. Budget calculation();
  6. Transferring a campaign from Direct to Adwords ();
  7. And a few more operations.

Giving detailed instructions I won’t talk about working with the service, since everything is very clear and clearly described there. It truly makes the life of a PPC specialist easier. I recommend it.

Automation of management of the Republic of Kazakhstan Yandex.Direct

After you have created advertising campaigns, configured them and launched them, you need to manage them, or rather manage bids. You can do this either with the help of special bidders (Yandex.Direct bid automation) or manually. Again, I prefer the second option, but the bidders also require special attention.

I’ll be honest right away: in all my practice, I have never used bidders or other contextual advertising automation services. But for the sake of you, my readers, I am ready to sacrifice my principles and will soon try these same services, so wait, a post about this will come out soon.

Well, now let’s talk in more detail about how bidders work. So, the principle of operation is approximately this: in the Yandex.Direct interface, namely on the campaign page, prices per click are indicated in a certain position, in a certain block, the bid manager, taking into account the indicated prices in the interface, sets bids every 10 minutes, ensuring your stay in the desired position. Their main goal is to save money, which is why they are so popular.

However, the following should be considered:

  1. Specified at a certain moment, the rate comes into effect after 10-30 minutes, which means only one thing: the rate will most likely no longer be relevant, since the cost of a click often changes very quickly;
  2. If the campaign works for several regions, then in the Direct interface we see the average value, which means that the bidder’s set rates may be incorrect and we may either not appear in the desired position, or we will show up, but at a very high cost.

What should you do then: use a bid manager or not? All I can say is: test it. If you save at least 10-15% with the automatic bidding system, then definitely use it, otherwise not.
