Harvesting potatoes from 1 hectare. Potato yield in different zones. Dutch technology for growing potatoes

A business idea for growing potatoes brings profit even in the leanest years if you use special technologies. Potatoes are always a popular food product and are in constant demand. And the yield indicators of 50 tons per hectare force us to consider it from the perspective of business ideas. After all, this is one of the most effective ways to get maximum profit from a minimum plot of land. That is, use the sown area as efficiently as possible.

In this article we will take a closer look at the concept of a business idea. Dutch technology for obtaining high potato yields. And also not whimsical cultivation of potatoes under straw. To create a break-even business, it is also worth considering long-term crop storage technologies.

High-yielding potato varieties

The best potato varieties of the 21st century in terms of yield are “Radonezhsky” and “Ryabinushka”. The tubers were tested by the state variety test. In practice, both varieties met expectations for disease resistance. Varieties yield up to 4.8 tons per hectare! The result is three times the marketable yield of different industrial varieties.

Mid-early “Rowanushka” begins to be collected already 80-90 days after planting. The tubers are oval with small eyes. The peel is smooth, red. Starch content does not exceed 18%. Has presentation up to 97% of the harvest. During long-term storage, no more than 5-7% of the total harvest volume is lost.

The early variety "Radonezhsky" is a high-yielding variety with a high marketability of up to 94%. The mass of the tuber reaches 140 g. The number of tubers in the bush is 10-15 pieces. When to plant early potatoes of the Radonezh variety? The variety is distinguished by its intensive early accumulation of harvest, therefore it is suitable for early and even winter cultivation. But when planting in warm February or early spring, the risk of reduced yield increases. But it becomes possible to collect 2 crops per year from one piece of land. It has excellent keeping quality. The tubers are creamy oval with pinkish spots. The eyes are red and small.

Dutch technology for growing potatoes

Business idea for growing potatoes with minimal costs– Dutch technology. Her distinctive feature– when caring, use a minimum of mechanical treatments. The Dutch focus on aerating the soil - they carefully loosen it, place the potatoes in ridges, leaving wide gaps between the rows. As a result, up to 2 kg of powerful tubers are obtained from the bush, which easily tolerate long-term storage.

Soil aeration is the cultivation of soil in order to create maximum air ventilation of the soil so that soil air (mainly carbon dioxide) mixes well with atmospheric air (mainly oxygen). Carbon dioxide in soils is formed due to natural organic decomposition, and the free flow of oxygen accelerates intrasoil processes associated with the oxidation of mineral components and the decomposition of organic components.

In dense or waterlogged soils, plants develop poorly due to lack of oxygen. The soil itself suffers from this. But in loose soils you can get high yields.

In practice, it has been proven that for Dutch technology it is not necessary to choose Dutch potato varieties. It is important that the tubers match certain rules: had at least five eyes, were large (40-50 mm). In our case, these are “Radonezhsky” and “Ryabinushka”. Selected potatoes must be heated in a bright room at temperatures up to +180 until sprouts form. Then you need to reduce temperature regime to +8 and wait until the sprouts reach a height of 2cm.

Before planting, it is better to divide each vegetable in half. This will increase the yield. Planting should occur as early as possible, as soon as the soil is already well warmed up at the time of planting.

Planting potatoes under straw

The technology for growing potatoes in straw is much simpler and produces high yields compared to the traditional growing method. The secret to the technology’s success lies in maintaining coolness and moisture in the soil around the clock, which is very important for potatoes. After all, at an air temperature of +22, potato tubers stop growing. Straw, with its thermal insulation properties, does not allow the temperature to rise, and the condensation formed due to the temperature difference maintains cool moisture, creating ideal conditions for potatoes. Straw insulates the soil from rising temperatures without interfering with gas exchange processes. Weeds also develop poorly under the straw. In the fall, straw is ground when cultivating the soil; it makes an excellent fertilizer.

Planting potatoes under straw is performed according to the following sequence of actions. Potatoes are planted in pre-treated, loose soil at a shallow depth of 7-10 cm. The top of the beds should be sprinkled with the first 30cm layer of straw. The second layer (15cm-20cm) is laid between the beds when the sprouts have reached 5 cm. And the potatoes do not require any more care. When the tops are dry, you can harvest the crop.

How to plant potatoes?

Let's look at the procedure, which contains simple tips for planting potatoes correctly.

Rules for forming beds

It is important to form the beds from north to south for uniform, full illumination of the bushes. Great value The Dutch pay 75 cm to row spacing. Domestic farmers save land, so they leave only 40-50 cm, which makes hilling with loose soil difficult; developing roots are cut off. This inhibits the growth and development of plants. Insufficient hilling exposes the tubers. Do not neglect the dimensions specified by the technology: the row spacing and bed width should be about 0.75 m. The holes must be dug 8-9 cm deep, leaving a gap of 30 cm between them.

Planting and caring for potatoes

Seeds must be planted in the holes with the sprouts facing up. It is advisable to add a pinch of ash or onion peel to the tubers to control pests. On top you need to make a mound about 10 cm high. No more than 600 potatoes should be planted per 100 m2.

After the sprouts appear, the mound needs to be increased, and so repeated according to the growth of the bush. Further care is weeding and watering. Watering is necessary three times:

  • the first time - at the first shoots;
  • the second - before flowering;
  • third - after.

There is no need to water anymore - this is an economical method of cultivation, the least expensive. It is better to treat the tops against the Colorado potato beetle before flowering.

Timely harvesting: beginning of August - for seed material, end of August - for food purposes. Important: first remove the tops, after 10 days - harvest. As a result of this technique, the tubers have a strong skin and excellent preservation.

Secrets of productivity

The main secret of the productivity of the Dutch technology is that the vegetable is not buried deep in the ground, it is covered with loose soil on top, which allows it to breathe. In addition to this fact, the yield increases by dividing the tuber in half.

There are many technologies for growing potatoes, however, as practice shows, the Dutch method is the most effective in terms of yield.

To cultivate potatoes using the technology of Dutch producers, you need a milling tool to loosen the soil. Domestic walk-behind tractors equipped with working milling units are suitable for this. For loosening and leveling, motorized cultivators are needed that can hill up and remove weeds.

Long-term storage of crops

A favorable environment for storing potatoes has a temperature of +5 degrees and air humidity of 85–90%. Such conditions can be created by a dry and cool room, protected from sun rays. The annual potato storage cycle is divided into 3 phases:

  1. After harvesting, potatoes are stored for two weeks at a temperature of +17.
  2. The fruits are stored for another 2 weeks, but with the temperature reduced to +12. During these periods, fruit lesions created during harvesting heal.
  3. The main period temperature is +5 humidity – 85%.

To control temperature and humidity in potato storages, it is better to use two sensors. One at the door at a height of 30cm, the second in the center of the room at a height of 150cm.

Important to note! Do not over-dry the air, as low humidity will cause the potatoes to turn green. This is the result of the process of producing the alkaloid saponin (a toxic substance). Green potatoes are being planted, but they cannot be eaten.

Sales of products

The average payback on a business idea for growing using Dutch technology is two seasons.

Main harvest distribution channels:

  • retail chains;
  • fairs, food markets;
  • wholesale buyers;
  • vegetable stalls;
  • grocery stores;
  • processing plants.

Income depends on the buyer and the period of sale:

  1. It is necessary to resolve the issue of storing potatoes in order to be able to sell them in winter at a favorable price.
  2. An important factor is the issue of environmental friendliness. If the growing process occurs remotely from industrial enterprises lands, previously untouched lands, not overfed with pesticides, inorganic fertilizers, the price of grown products can increase multiple times, as well as the demand for it.

Potatoes are a flexible, fertile crop. Low yields among domestic farmers are due to ignorance of biological characteristics, sowing random vegetables of low reproduction, and unscrupulous cultivation.

Non-compliance technological process is fraught in any industry. When growing the most common food product, do not break the rules! Your profit is in your hands!

Potatoes are the main ingredient in most dishes around the world. Its juice has healing properties (treats ulcers, burns, gastritis) and is useful in cosmetology. Growing with the right technique, good choice varieties are a profitable business.

" Potato

Due to abnormally hot weather conditions in recent years, the potato harvest began to decline. It is becoming increasingly difficult to grow a good harvest and predict how many kilograms will it take to get the maximum from one hectare of land?. How to avoid this problem, calculate the norm, select the right planting material, how to get a bucket of potatoes from one bush? You will find answers to these questions in our article.

Potato seeding raterelative concept, it depends on several factors, such as the area you are going to sow, planting density (depending on the region) and others.

How many potatoes will go on 1 hectare of land?

Perhaps earlier you had to rack your brains, roughly estimating how many tuber crops would be needed to sow a field; below is the generally accepted seeding rate in kilograms per hectare of land.

The area of ​​a hectare is 10,000 square meters, the optimal quantity is approximately 65,000 pieces, the total mass of which will fluctuate within four tons.

When harvesting potatoes, it should be taken into account that some may spoil, so there should be a reserve of approximately 20% of the total mass.

Does consumption depend on the variety?

Undoubtedly, the variety must be chosen correctly; each of them has its own characteristics and care requirements. Everything will depend on what size tubers you select. Provided that they are average, the consumption per hundred square meters is approximately the same.

Formula for calculating potato seeding rate

To determine the required number of kilograms of tubers per hectare of land, use the formula:

H = G * M

  • N– consumption rate (kg/ha);
  • G– planting density (thousand pieces/ha);
  • M– average weight of potatoes.

How to increase your harvest

Most current question among all gardeners - how to increase the harvest. Let's look at the basic principles of increasing it.

Selection of planting material

One of the first and basic principles is the selection of planting material. It is worth taking a responsible approach to the matter - your harvest directly depends on it.

Potatoes are selected for seeds during harvest. If you have dug up a bush and all the vegetables are approximately equal, you can safely put them aside for planting, there is nothing wrong with that, it is much more difficult to select from the general heap. It is very important not to mix varieties under any circumstances.

Powerful plants are noticeable during flowering; it is worth highlighting them with an identification mark. Then select potatoes from the marked areas. If the tubers are laid from one bush, all of about the same size, smooth and even - in the future, they will produce a better harvest, due to strong genes.

Calculation of the volume of planting material

Using the formula presented above, you can easily determine the amount of sowing potatoes you need. But, you are unlikely to be able to calculate by the mass of the vegetable how much harvest you will get, since this is fully influenced by growing conditions, soil fertilization and proper care.

Planting density

It would seem that the denser we plant, the more we will collect, but no. In fact, if planted too often, the feeding area of ​​one plant will decrease, which will result in fewer tubers.

But if the feeding area is 70*20 cm, the harvest will be decent.

When to plant?

The time for planting potatoes directly depends on the region. In the southern regions, planting is carried out at the end of March - beginning of April; the further you go north, the later the earth warms up and sowing occurs.

When planting potatoes in unheated soil, there is a high probability of tubers freezing and, as a result, slow germination and development.

Increased yield

Due to genetic characteristics, some varieties can form up to 16 tubers, while others only 7-10, but do not forget about the importance of fertilizers. Any potato needs complementary feeding during the period of tuber formation. Below are some effective ways to increase potato yield.


To use bark as fertilizer, it must be rotten, because the process of its decomposition in the ground can take a long time. With the help of bark you can not only fertilize potatoes, but also protect them from pests, for example, by mixing bark, ash and compost in equal proportions.


Wood ash is a natural fertilizer

Ash is an excellent potassium fertilizer; in addition to potassium, it contains phosphorus, calcium, magnesium and a large set of microelements. It is suitable for plants sensitive to chlorine, because it lacks this element. Also it loosens the soil and changes its structure In addition, it can be used to deoxidize the soil on the site. If you use ash as a top dressing, you will need only 150-300 grams per square meter. Bring it dry into the holes when planting.

Onion peel

Onion peels will not only serve as an excellent fertilizer, but will also protect your plants from wireworms and other soil pests. It should be placed in the hole before putting in the potatoes. Husks should come exclusively from healthy bulbs to avoid infections and fungi. You can also steep the onion peel in water for three days, then dilute it with 10 liters of water and water it.

Stimulating incision

Another known method– stimulating incision. This is a longitudinal cut of the tuber with a sterile knife, to avoid infection and further decay.. This method will speed up germination and also help the plants to grow stronger before the Colorado potato beetle appears.

Growing potatoes in a bucket

This method is suitable for people who do not have a garden. Let's look at growing potatoes in a bucket:

  • Best suited plastic bucket with a volume of 8-10 liters. It should be washed and dried. After which it is worth making 4-5 holes at the bottom.
  • As a drainage you can cover with hay. Sprinkle some soil mixed with compost on top.
  • Put the potatoes medium size, cover with dry grass on top and wait for shoots.
  • As the hay settles, it should add a little bit.
  • Water and feed potatoes are needed once a week.

If you follow these tips, the harvest will be 13 tubers from one bucket. This method will protect potatoes from soil pests, and is also suitable for growing seed potatoes.

A bucket of potatoes from one bush is real

To collect a bucket of potatoes from a bush, it is important to properly and constantly care for it.

If you want to get the maximum yield, you should plant potatoes a little less often than usual, this will increase the feeding area of ​​one plant.

Even during planting, you should add half a bucket of humus to one hole., then add 1-2 tablespoons of wood ash, mix directly in the hole, put the sprouted tuber, bury it and cover it with hay. Regular watering is important - once every four days. If you are chasing the harvest, you should not miss it.

To obtain a high potato yield, when planting, seed material should be fed with humus and ash.

As soon as the tops wither, mow them and leave the potatoes for two weeks, allowing them to dry. Then we dig up the potatoes and get a good result.

For both beginners and gardeners with extensive experience It is useful to learn some features of caring for potatoes, as new varieties appear from year to year, climatic conditions change. If you follow the tips, you will get the desired result.

When selecting seed tubers from the fall harvest or when purchasing them, it is important to determine in advance how much planting material will be needed. This value depends on many factors: potato varieties, tuber size, soil fertility, climate in the region, growth path.

The traditional method of growing potatoes is to plant the tubers in rows. The width of the rows is 70-90 cm, the distance between plants in the row is 25-45 cm.

Expert opinion

Filatov Ivan Yuryevich, private farmer for more than 30 years

For example, on one hundred square meters (a plot measuring 10 × 10 m), with a distance between rows of 70 cm, there are approximately 14 rows (taking into account that the outer rows on the plot are located indented from the border). If the distance between plants is 40 cm, then you can plant 25 tubers in a row. Therefore, 350 potatoes are required to plant 1 hectare. With a weight of seed tubers of 70-80 g, the total mass of planting material will be 27-28 kg.

Of course, in practice, seed tubers are calibrated with high accuracy only in specialized stores. Therefore, if planting material is taken from your own harvest, then it is necessary to take into account the error (as well as possible damage to the seeds in storage) and leave the seeds at approximately 28-29 kg per hundred square meters,

When marking the same plantation scheme, the hectare size will be 142 furrows, each with 250 bushes. This will take 35,500 seed tubers with a total weight of about 2.84 tons (in practice 2.8-2.9 tons).

Potato consumption when planting per 1 ha

As an example, we will calculate the rate of sowing potatoes per 1 hectare of land or per hundred square meters:

  1. rectangular section size: 12.5 m long and 8 m wide, beds are located in the direction from south to north, the section contains 10 rows; distance between rows - 80 cm;
  2. the length of each layer is 125 m, the distance between the tubers is 10 cm from each other, each tuber must weigh on average 200-300 g and contain at least 5 eyes;
  3. row length (125 cm) multiplied by 10 rows of rows will result in 1250 pieces. It is necessary to divide by 5, as a result we get 250 tubers.

Conclusion: for one hundred square meters of land, the norm is 250 tubers. Calculation of norms for sowing potatoes over large areas is carried out in a similar way. To calculate the planned harvest, the number of seed tubers planted on an area of ​​1 hectare is multiplied by the average weight of potatoes.

Example: The average weight of a tuber for planting is about 60 g or 0.06 kg. 65,000 tubers are sown per hectare. The planned income from 1 hectare will be: 65,000 x 0.06 = 3.9 tons per hectare.

How many potato seeds are needed per 1 hectare?

The main goal of growing seed potatoes is maximum yield with the smallest tuber size. This is important because small seed potatoes are more expensive than large ones. A high yield with a small number of tubers is achieved only due to a large number of these tubers. This is achieved due to greater planting density. For example, in the Netherlands the optimal density is 25 - 45 base stems per square meter.

The optimal density of bushes is selected depending on the variety, soil type, length of the growing season (class), the price of seed potatoes in general and a certain size of seed material. Ask your trading partner (or whoever you buy your seeds from) to select the best density for the selected variety, taking into account all local conditions. If the bush does not completely cover the leaves with soil, then during hot periods there is a risk of secondary growth. As a result of this germination, secondary tubers with a very low dry matter content are formed, and the primary tubers are deformed.

Having determined how many seed crops need to be planted per hectare to achieve the required plantation density, the distance between bushes in a row is easily pink. Let's say you want to have 35 thousand plants per hectare. This means that the area of ​​one plant will be 10,000 m2 / 35,000 = 0.286 m2. If the distance between rows is 75 cm, the distance between bushings in a row will be 2.860 cm2 / 75 cm - 38 cm.

How many potatoes can be harvested from 1 hectare on average?

So, what is the average potato yield per hectare? The size of the seed potato greatly influences the development of the plant. However, with the same number of stems per square meter, this will ultimately lead to higher yields. In terms of kilograms of tubers, relatively smaller tubers develop relatively more stems than larger ones. In some variants, this difference is up to 40 percent. Therefore, for example, in Dutch seed tubers measuring 28-35 mm are larger than tubers measuring 35-45 mm.

The size of seed tubers significantly influences plant development. Because larger potatoes contain more nutrients.

Determine how many tubers are in 1 kg to calculate the total weight of potato seeds you will need. This way you will know how many seed potatoes are needed to maintain your chosen planting density.

Potato yield depends on many factors. We evaluate the harvest not by the area of ​​the plot, but by the amount of planting material. From one to five. If a summer resident planted one bucket and dug up five buckets, that’s good.

How many potatoes can you harvest from 1 acre?

You can get more than 200 kg (say 4 bags) if you buy elite seeds, monitor each bush more often, feed it. The yield of potatoes largely depends on the condition of the soil and its fertility. In well-fertilized, unpolluted soil, without wireworms and mole crickets, from 1 potato you can dig up 3 to 5 huge potatoes. For example, Zhukovsky early potatoes yield from 100 square meters from 200 to 450 kilograms. The Red Cat potato variety yields from 450 to 600 kilograms per 1 hectare, that is, 100 square meters.

But, nevertheless, not a single variety will survive and every year there will be less harvest if the land does not rest and is not fertilized.

The answer to this question depends on many circumstances and specific factors:

  • Firstly, from the land on which these potatoes will grow.
  • Secondly, it depends on the type of potatoes planted.
  • Thirdly, from the weather conditions and characteristics of the area, even from a height above sea level.

A specific indicator is in the Tambov region, on chernozems, Sineglazka, under favorable conditions, produces about two bags, i.e. about 70-80 kilograms.

How many kg do you collect from 1 hundred square meters?

More than 100 kgLess than 100 kg

How to increase potato yield

To get closer to the desired harvest volumes per hectare, a number of conditions must be met.

  1. It is necessary to carefully select a variety: it must be suitable for the conditions of your region and tested for yield. Even the most highly profitable varieties, but not resistant to drought conditions, will not give the expected results; you plant them in the southern steppe regions of our country.
  2. One more important point is that do not grow potatoes in the same place for several years: in this way you can degenerate very quickly. Either we change landing pad, or change the planting material.
  3. As you know, potatoes love loose soils that allow air and water to pass freely, so if you plant them on a clay plot, you should not expect any decent return. Sandy soil mixtures that are generously fertilized with organic fertilizer and allow good oxygen circulation will work well for crops.
  4. But the most important point is, of course, high-quality soil fertilization. Fertilizing can be done with both organic (bird droppings, humus or compost) and mineral fertilizers.


In this video you will be given practical tips on how to grow a rich potato harvest.

Every person who grows vegetables wants to get a high yield. The most popular and in demand vegetable crop is potatoes, which in countries with temperate climates are rightly considered the “second bread”. Typically, the average potato yield per 1 hectare does not exceed 15 - 20 tons. But these are very low figures! In fact, the yield of root crops can be much greater. Let's try to find out: how can we increase potato yields?

Factors affecting potato yield

Potato yield per hectare is directly related to a number of factors:

  • quality of seed potatoes;
  • preparation of seed material;
  • implementation of planting technology;
  • region where the crop is grown and weather conditions;
  • soil quality;
  • provision of watering;
  • fertilization of potato growing areas;
  • pest control;
  • carrying out crop care operations.

How to increase potato yield?

Maximum potato yield can be achieved if a number of conditions are met. First of all, you need to choose a potato variety that is successfully grown in the area. In this case, you should focus on the State Register of cultivated plants recommended for cultivation in a particular area. It should also be taken into account that even the most wonderful variety, when cultivated in one area for several years, gradually reduces the yield. Therefore, every 3 - 4 years you need to change the planting material.

Soils with a structure that provides good moisture and air permeability, mainly sandy and sandy loam, are most suitable for growing potatoes. But clayey and saline lands are completely unsuitable for growing root crops. Before planting, it is necessary to carry out high-quality loosening so that the tubers receive enough moisture and air during the growing season. It’s great if alfalfa and other feed crops, as well as legumes, were used as green manure (predecessors).

The best effect on the yield of early and late potatoes is the application of fertilizers for plowing. This can be organic fertilizers (compost, rotted manure or bird droppings) and mineral fertilizers, primarily potassium-phosphorus complexes. For early varieties of potatoes, fertilizing with magnesium-containing fertilizers is also necessary.

Technological methods for increasing potato yields

Timely implementation of technological operations when cultivating potatoes: weeding, hilling, pest control is the key to a good harvest.

There are a number of techniques to increase potato yields.

Gülich method

The land is divided into plots measuring 1x1 m. Humus is added to each square and a large tuber is placed. After the sprouts appear, loose soil is poured into the center of the bush so that the shoots grow at an angle. The procedure is repeated until a bush with several tiers is formed. With good watering, one plant produces 16 kg of potatoes.

Potatoes are planted in beds 0.5 m wide with 1 m wide passages between them. The beds are fenced with earthen rollers in order to save water. The crop is regularly watered and fed 3 times per season, but hilling is not carried out. The method allows you to reduce the area allocated for potatoes and increase the yield to 50 - 55 tons per hectare.

Dutch technology

The currently popular Dutch technology allows you to collect 2 kg of tubers from a bush. Its peculiarity is that the planting potatoes must have 3–5 cm in diameter and be treated with special preparations. Tubers are planted in ridges 25 cm high, row spacing is made at least 65 cm. During the season, watering is carried out at least 3 times and loosening to aerate the soil. A week and a half before the planned harvest, all tops are removed.

Another effective way increase potato yields - eliminate flower stalks in the bud formation phase.

Every self-respecting gardener considers the goal of his work to be increasing the harvest. Efforts to care for the beds are aimed at impressive results and the question of particular concern is: what potato yield can be obtained from 1 hectare.

Potatoes are a root vegetable that everyone has heard of, but not everyone has heard of. It’s hard to imagine a Russian family’s lunch, as well as dinner and sometimes breakfast, without tasty and nutritious potato dishes. The average potato yield in Belarus and Russia is 25 tons per hectare, but even a novice gardener understands that this is not enough! If you care for the beds correctly and meet the conditions necessary to increase the yield, then its indicator can reach 45 tons or even two potato harvests per season.

So how many tubers can you collect, what to do, and how to grow a good potato crop?

What factors influence potato yield?

There are reasons that determine how to increase the yield of potatoes harvested per hectare. It is important to follow a series necessary conditions growing crops in a country garden or personal plot. First of all, you only need high-quality planting material.

Also among the fundamental factors are:

  • whether the tubers were properly prepared for planting;
  • how thoroughly were they observed? technical requirements to the process;
  • when they were placed in the ground;
  • region and weather conditions in which the development of potato tubers occurred.

To reap excellent harvests, the quality of the soil in which they are planted is also important; and regularity of irrigation; and whether the site chosen for the future harvest is fertile; and whether planting standards were fully complied with.

The effectiveness of preventive measures to combat pests and diseases is the last compelling argument that influences the high or low yield of potatoes from 1 hectare or from 1 hectare of land.

Of course, the gardener also needs to take into account the frequency of planting: if only potatoes appear in the same bed year after year, then how can one expect better yields from it? If you want to delay the degeneration of culture (and this is absolutely necessary), you need to mandatory alternate plots.

Ways to increase potato yields

If a clear goal is set - to achieve a certain yield per hundred square meters or hectare, then a number of conditions must be met:

  1. It is necessary to pay attention to the variety: potatoes that produce good yields in one place, for example, regions in Belarus, may not at all meet the conditions of another. Therefore, you need to choose exactly the variety that was bred for specific environmental conditions. For example, a variety with an average yield of 40 tons per hectare in the middle zone will not produce even 10 tons in the south, since it is not resistant to dry growing conditions.
  2. To prevent the variety from degenerating, you do not need to grow it in the same place from year to year. You can change not only the planting location, but also the planting material, switching to some other variety. Experienced gardeners know that the most potatoes can be harvested if the soil is loose. It must allow both air and water to pass through: if planting material is placed in clay soil, then, regardless of the quality, you should not expect a decent harvest - hopes will still be in vain. Suspended soil mixtures are best; they are ideal for this crop. Such soil ensures the circulation of oxygen; before planting, it must be fertilized in large quantities with organic fertilizers.

Good soil fertilization is another key to success and obtaining a potato harvest per hundred square meters. Despite the fact that this seems to be a self-evident point, it must be mentioned. You can feed the soil with bird droppings, humus, as well as compost - fertilizers of organic origin, and their mineral analogues.

Increasing yields using technological methods

When caring for potatoes, it is important integrated approach to this matter. Mandatory stages of caring for this crop must be involved - it is weeded and hilled, the gardener fights pests. In this case, you can rightfully expect that the harvest will be rich and the quality of the tubers will be high.

In addition, you can achieve a good harvest in 2018 with the help of a few small tricks that will only be useful.

Gülich method

The way to increase the potato yield is to divide the garden plot into squares, the edge of which is one meter. For each plot it is entered large number humus, and a potato tuber is placed in the center: it must be large.

When sprouts appear, the center of the bush is covered with earth so that the shoots then grow at an angle. This procedure is repeated several times, the result is a bush that grows as if in tiers.

If you provide sufficient watering, the potato harvest from one bush will yield up to 15 kilograms!

Mitlider's method

Tubers grown in this way increase the availability of high yields. The idea is simple: the tubers are planted in rows so that there is a distance of half a meter between them. The distance between the rows is a meter. An earthen rampart is made around the beds, which retains moisture.

If you plant potatoes correctly, they will need frequent watering, as well as hilling and even fertilizing. Proper care will yield a harvest of up to 50 tons per hectare, while it is no longer necessary to devote a large area to the crop.

Maintenance time is also reduced - mainly pest control.

Dutch technology

It is particularly popular due to its effectiveness. This method makes it possible to obtain up to two kilograms of high-quality tubers from a bush.

And for this you need:

  1. Carefully calibrate the planting material. All potatoes that go to the garden should have approximately five centimeters in diameter, and I also spray them with special preparations.
  2. After processing, the tubers are planted in bulk rows (height - a quarter of a meter), row spacing must be at least 65 centimeters.
  3. During the season, the beds should be watered at least three times, and the soil must be loosened regularly.
  4. Ten days before harvesting is planned, you need to completely cut off the tops. In this way, the plant will ensure maximum growth: it will no longer spend resources on the green part and will use them in tubers.

One of simple ways How to grow good potatoes in the country, which can be conventionally called “old-fashioned”, is that during the flowering period the flower stalks are removed from the tops. Thus, the plant will again switch some of its vital forces to the formation of tubers, instead of uselessly sending them to flowers. This way you can increase the yield regardless of the place of cultivation and the selected variety.

Experienced gardeners also advise disinfecting planting material: treating them with an aerosol method: spraying or soaking them in a nutrient-disinfecting solution. In any case, it won’t hurt to add boric acid there, which will stimulate growth.

Improves and increases home potato yields and a stimulating cut, which is made across half of the tuber: you do not need to cut all the way. Thanks to this, all the eyes will go into the tubers, and not just those located at the top of the potato.

Finally, through observations it was found that if potato furrows are placed in an area from north to south, then a large crop yield is guaranteed.

There is also one little trick that is suitable for updating the variety - propagation by sprouts. Immediately such a harvest will not be large, but the second harvest will be next year You will certainly be pleased, because the seed material will be fresh.

In fact, there are not so few ways to get a good potato harvest, both in Russia and Belarus. To find “yours,” it’s best to try each one - this sampling method will allow you to choose the optimal growing method for a particular gardener. There is no consensus on what is correct: you can combine several methods, but the combination must be competent.

And one more little trick: this root vegetable, like other plants, sensitively captures the gardener’s mood. The soul and care put into it will pay off with a pleasing harvest for the eye and the basement.
