Presentation on the topic of the story of the left-hander. planes on a ladybug

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N. Leskov "Lefty" The presentation was prepared by the teacher of the Kalashnikovskaya secondary school Stepanova O.A.

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“Lefty” (full title: “The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea”) is a story by Nikolai Leskov, written and published in 1881. The author included the story in his collection of works "The Righteous"

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First published in the journal "Rus", 1881, No. 49, 50 and 51 under the title "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea (Shop Legend)". First published as a separate edition in 1882. When published in "Rus", as well as in a separate edition, the story was accompanied by a preface:

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I cannot say exactly where the first tale of the steel flea was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, on Izhma, or in Sestroretsk, but, obviously, it came from one of these places. In any case, the tale of a steel flea is a special gunsmithing legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gunsmiths. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which our masters came out victoriously and the English were completely shamed and humiliated. Here, some secret reason for the military failures in the Crimea is revealed. I wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk according to a local tale from an old gunsmith, a native of Tula, who moved to the Sestra River in the reign of Emperor Alexander the First. The narrator two years ago was still in good spirits and in fresh memory; he willingly recalled the old days, greatly honored Tsar Nikolai Pavlovich, lived "according to the old faith", read divine books and bred canaries. People treated him with respect.

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Critics of the first editions considered that Leskov's contribution to the creation of the story was minimal and that he allegedly only retold the legend that was circulating among the Tula masters. Leskov argued with this opinion and explained that the work was almost completely invented by him: All that is purely folk in “the tale of the Tula left-hander and the steel flea” lies in the following joke or joke: “the British made a flea out of steel, and our Tula people made it shoed and sent back to them. There is nothing more “about the flea”, but about the “left-hander”, as about the hero of its entire history and about the spokesman for the Russian people, there are no folk tales, and I consider it impossible that anyone “heard of him for a long time”, because, - I have to admit, - I composed this whole story in May last year, and the left-hander is a person I invented.

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The story "Lefty" is an example of a Russian tale, the traditions of which were laid down by Gogol. The narrative looks like an oral story in which the author, who is unfamiliar with foreign words, distorts them in the most unexpected way. The real wealth of the work is a special language of the story, which is interspersed with puns and words that arose in the writer's fantasy, a kind of folk etymology: nymphosoria, melkoscope, slander, etc.

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Left-handed in Russian has become a household name denoting a talented native of the people, a master with golden hands.

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Why do you think Leskov referred to the old gunsmith's story? What is a tale? A tale is a genre of epic based on folk traditions and legends. The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a person with a special character and style of speech.

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Working on the first chapter What elements of folklore did you notice? Who do you think the narrator could be? When and where does the story take place?

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Characteristics of the heroes Find and read quotes characterizing Alexander Pavlovich and Platov. Pay attention to new, unusual words of the tale. How are they formed? What is the role of such words?

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Characteristics of the characters How does the author portray Alexander Pavlovich and Platov? Find in the footnotes the years of Platov's life. Find the discrepancy in the text of chapter 4. What do you think, on the side of which of the heroes - Alexander Pavlovich and Platov - is the author's sympathy? How is the life of the royal family portrayed?

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Characteristics of the heroes Read the quotes - the characteristics of Nicholas the First and Platov. Read out historical background about Platov in the textbook. How does this message differ from the image of Platov in the tale?

MBOU secondary school No. 20 of Stavropol Teacher: Maslova Yulia Pavlovna Literature lesson in grade 6 based on the work of N.S. Leskov on the topic: “The image of the people in the tale of N. S. Leskov “Lefty” 1. The illustrations depict the following episodes: 1 _____________________ 2 _____________________ 3 _____________________ 4 _____________________ 5 _____________________ 6 _____________________ 7 ______________________ 2. Artists pay attention to .... 3. A quote from the text that can serve as a title for this illustration: “…….” 4. The main features of the image of a left-hander (appearance, behavior, speech, character) 5. The three most important, basic, striking features of the image of a left-hander (+) 1 (-) 2 3 Plot The fabulous story of a steel flea does not seem very intricate: Emperor Alexander I received as a gift from the British a microscopic steel flea, brought it home and forgot about it. The flea was found by his successor, Emperor Nicholas I, and instructed Ataman Platov to transfer it to Tula, and there the Tula masters would “think” about it. Tula and shod the flea, causing surprise and admiration among the English masters. This is the plot of the story. A small flea becomes a test for the heroes - their feeling of love for their homeland is tested. Alexander I Platov Matvey Ivanovich (1751-1818) - count, general, ataman of the Don Cossacks, hero of the war against Napoleon. Tula master gunsmiths Nicholas I Left-handed Testing: A) Knowledge of the text: 1. What letter does the author write “LEFT-HANDED” from? (with lower case) 2. How does the work of the “Tula masters” begin? (Prayerfully) 3. Which saint do they turn to for help? (To Nikolai Ugodnik) 4. What does the narrator call the multiplication table? (“The multiplication table”) 5. What sea washes England in Leskov's tale? (“Tverdizemnoe.”) B) Verification of literary terms: Hyperbole is an excessive exaggeration of the properties of the depicted object. Satire is ridicule, exposing the negative aspects of life by depicting them in an absurd, exaggerated, caricature form. A tale is a genre of epic based on folk traditions and legends. The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a person with a special character and way of speech. About Lefty and about the people N.S. Leskov was asked: “... so is it good or bad for you? So do you laugh at him or admire him? So are you for the people or against the people?..” Anninsky L.A. Svistovye Dolbitsa Abolon half-veder small Merblues microscope Ceramides Veroyanii Nymphosoria Poubel Nogavki studen pudding Tugament Danse Public Buremeter Solid earth sea slander feuilleton Leskov "as if set a goal" to approve, inspire Rus' and began "to create for Russia an iconostasis of her saints and righteous." His "righteous little great people." M. Gorky RIGHTEOUS - a) a person who lives a righteous life has no sins (Dictionary of S.I. Ozhegov); b) a saint who lived and worked his feat of philanthropy outside the monastery; a person who confesses and keeps the commandments of God (Orthodox Encyclopedic Dictionary.). For Leskov, a righteous person is "one who, overcoming his shortcomings, seeks to subordinate life to the service of people." The righteous are "little great people", impassive and selfless, fighting for justice. A righteous man is necessarily a patriot, “a lover of the fatherland, a zealot for his good, a lover of the fatherland ...” WORK WITH ILLUSTRATIONS. ANALYSIS OF THE TEXT artists Kukryniksy artist I. Glazunov 1. The illustrations depict the following episodes: 1 _____________________ 2 _____________________ 3 _____________________ 4 _____________________ 5 _____________________ 6 _____________________ 7 ______________________ 2. Artists pay attention to .... 3. A quote from the text that can serve as a title for this illustration: “…….” 4. The main features of the image of a left-hander (appearance, behavior, speech, character) 5. The three most important, basic, striking features of the image of a left-hander (+) 1 (-) 2 3 "A Russian person can handle everything." He is immensely gifted, talented and simple-hearted, kind, sincerely generous, physically strong, fearless and steadfast, always able to help the weak, he is characterized by high morality and patriotism, the Russian person “I really want to die for the people”, “and his enlightenment remains until time in the hand of those who hide their destinies from the smart and reasonable, and only sometimes reveal them to babies. These are the main features of the Russian national character. Russia and the Russian people are destined to endure many sorrows and troubles until they find their only, righteous path leading to happiness.

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N. S. LESKOV "LEFT-HANDED" IMAGE OF THE MAIN CHARACTER Author of the presentation: Tkhazaplizhev Idar, student of the 6th grade MOUSOSH No. 17 (Klin) Head: Zakharova Irina Nikolaevna, teacher of Russian language and literature

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BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION ABOUT THE AUTHOR Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov was born on February 4 (16), 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province, into the family of a poor judicial employee. Leskov received his initial education in the house of wealthy relatives. In 1841, he entered the Oryol gymnasium, but his studies were uneven, and in 1846, unable to pass the transfer exams, he began serving as a clerk in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court. In 1857, Leskov began to serve in private company distant relative, the Englishman A. Ya. Shkott. Portrait of N. Leskov by V. Serov.

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LITERARY ACTIVITY In 1864, Leskov's novel "Nowhere" was published, in 1870 - the novel "On the Knives". The best works "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" (1865), "The Warrior Woman" (1866), the chronicles "Old Years in the Village of Plodomasovo" (1869) and "The Seedy Family" (1874) went almost unnoticed. Leskov entered literature as an expert on the spiritual and everyday life of the people. He was a brilliant stylist who imitated the language of the 18th century (the cycle of stories "Notes of an Unknown", 1884), who mastered the Aesopian style ("Hare Remise", 1894), who loved colorful style (the legend "Beautiful Aza", 1887) who knew how to write and exquisitely simply (the story “On Christmas Day they offended”, 1890).

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PEOPLE'S MEMORY For the last five years of his life, Leskov suffered severely from constant asthma attacks. On February 21 (March 5), 1825, the writer died. N. S. Leskov was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. The grave of N. S. Leskov at the Volkov cemetery. Monument to N. S. Leskov in Orel.

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THE HISTORY OF THE CREATION OF "LEFT-HANDY" The story "Levsha" was created and first published in the magazine "Rus" in 1881 under the title "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Left-hander and the Steel Flea (Shop Legend)". A separate edition of the work was published in 1882. When published in Rus, as well as in a separate edition, the story was accompanied by a preface: “I can’t say exactly where the first factory of the steel flea fable was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, on Izhma or in Sestroretsk, but, obviously, she went from one of these places. In any case, the tale of a steel flea is a special gunsmithing legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gunsmiths. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which ours came out victoriously and the English were completely disgraced and humiliated ... I wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk according to a local tale from an old gunsmith ... "

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THE PLOT OF "LEFT-HANDED" The plot of the work mixes fictional and real historical events. Emperor Alexander I visited England during a trip to Europe, where, among other curiosities, he was shown a tiny steel flea that could dance. The emperor bought a flea and brought it to St. Petersburg. A few years later, after the death of Alexander I and the accession to the throne of Nicholas I, a flea was found among the things of the late sovereign and for a long time they could not understand what the meaning of "nymphosoria" was. Ataman Platov, who accompanied Alexander I on a trip to Europe, appeared at the palace and explained that this was an example of the art of English mechanics, but immediately noticed that Russian masters knew their business no worse.

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THE PLOT OF "LEFT-HANDED" Nicholas I instructed Platov among the local craftsmen to find those who could adequately respond to the challenge of the British. While in Tula, Platov summoned three of the most famous local gunsmiths, headed by the craftsman Levsha, showed them a flea and asked them to come up with something that would surpass the plan of the British. Returning on the way back, Platov looked into Tula, where the trio continued to work on the order. Taking Levsha with what Platov believed was unfinished work, he went to St. Petersburg. In the capital, it turned out that the Tula people had surpassed the British by shoeing a flea.

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THE PLOT OF "LEFT-HANDED" The sovereign and the whole court were delighted with the work of the Tula masters. The sovereign ordered to send a savvy flea to England to show the skill of Russian masters, and also to send Levsha. In England, Lefty was shown local factories, work organization and offered to stay in Europe, but he refused. On the way back to Russia, Lefty made a bet with the half-skipper that they should outdrink each other. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Lefty, not having received in time medical care, died in a simple hospital, where "an unknown class accepts everyone to die."

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ARTISTIC FEATURES Critics of the first editions considered that Leskov's contribution to the creation of the story was minimal and that he allegedly only retelled the legend that was circulating among the Tula masters. Leskov argued with this opinion and explained that the work was almost completely invented by him: “Everything that is purely folk in the“ tale of the Tula left-hander and the steel flea ”is the following joke or joke:“ the British made a flea out of steel, and our Tula they shod her and sent them back.” There is nothing more “about the flea”, but about the “left-hander”, as about the hero of its entire history and about the spokesman for the Russian people, there are no folk tales, and I consider it impossible that anyone “heard of him for a long time”, because, - I have to admit, - I composed this whole story in May last year, and the left-hander is a person I invented.

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ARTISTIC FEATURES The story "Lefty" is an example of a Russian tale. The narrative looks like an oral story in which the author, who is unfamiliar with foreign words, distorts them in the most unexpected way. The real wealth of the work is the special language of the story, which is interspersed with puns and words that arose in the writer’s fantasy, a kind of folk etymology: nymphosoria, melkoscope, slander, etc. Critics noted that, for all the outward lubok and grotesque, the national-patriotic theme, a call for awareness of the role of a single person in the affairs of a national scale. In his last words, the dying Lefty turns to the tsar: “... the British do not clean their guns with bricks. Let them not clean our place, otherwise, God forbid, they are not suitable for shooting.

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  • to acquaint with the biography of the writer; give an idea of ​​the genre of the tale;
  • develop the ability to work with text;
  • interest in the unusualness of the story;
  • cultivate a sense of patriotism.

Equipment: multimedia board, crossword cards.


1. introduction teachers

- Today we are starting to get acquainted with the most interesting writer, Nikolai Semenovich Leskov and the heroes of his work. ( Annex 1 , slide 1) I really hope that you will not remain indifferent to the writer's work, get aesthetic pleasure, learning and discovering a new name in literature, and the heroes of his works will help you find life guidelines in this vast world.

- I invite you to make a trip to the city of Orel - the city of N.S. Leskov's childhood and youth. Without leaving the classroom, mentally overcoming time and distance, we will go through the places associated with the life of the "original Russian writer", visit the houses in which he lived or visited, admire the views that attracted his attention.

From the black frame looks into my eyes
With greedy eyes Leskov's face,
Like a hidden thunderstorm
In the image of clever Serov. ( Annex 1 , slide 2)

2. Correspondence trip to the city of Orel

- So, we are in Leskov's hometown - Orel, founded at the confluence of the Oka and Orlik rivers back in the 16th century by Ivan the Terrible as a fortress that was supposed to protect the approaches to Moscow. A passionate patriot of his native places, Leskov loved and was proud of his small homeland to the depths of his soul.

Here, in Orel, a monument to Leskov was erected, which never ceases to amaze the residents of Oryol and the guests of the city. ( Annex 1 , slide 3) In the center - the figure of the writer, cast in bronze. “Smart, temperamental, with prickly black eyes, with a complex and bizarre soul, full of rebellious passions” - this is how Leskov was seen by his contemporaries, this is how the creators of the monument portrayed him. And around, raised on columns to the height of human growth, Lesk's heroes come to life. ( Annex 1 , slide 4)

Among them is the familiar Tula gunsmith Levsha, he conjures over the anvil with a hammer in his left hand. We notice vises - Lefty's working tool. The hero himself is shown just at the moment when he managed to forge an amazing clockwork flea from "English blued steel, worked out in London." The column, on which Levsha is raised, is the only one in the ensemble composition of the monument that has a beautiful lace carving. This is understandable: Lefty is the personification of the talent of our people.
The place where the monument was erected was not chosen by chance. This part of the city is connected with the life and work of Leskov. The future writer lived nearby, in the house of the Khlebnikovs. From here he went daily to the service in the Oryol Criminal Chamber across the Orlik River past the church. ( Annex 1 , slide 5)

Next to the monument is the building of the male gymnasium. ( Annex 1 , slide 6) As Leskov recalls about his studies: “Who taught us and how they taught us - it’s funny to remember this ... In the Oryol gymnasium, the classrooms were so cramped, the stuffiness was terrible, and we sat decidedly one on the other. Among our teachers was Vasily Alexandrovich Funkendorf, who often, coming to class, fell asleep, bowing his head on the table, then jumping up with a ruler in his hands, ran around the class, beating us at random and in whatever place. It is not surprising that Leskov left the gymnasium without completing the course.

And this is a house on Third Dvoryanskaya Street, where the writer once lived, now here is the house-museum of N.S. Leskov. ( Annex 1 , slide 7) We can visit his study, carefully recreated from a photograph taken on March 5, 1895. The cabinet reflected not only the tastes and preferences, but also the character of its owner. The room is colorful, bright, original. ( Annex 1 , slide 8) Numerous old clocks, with which his room is lined and hung, echo every quarter of an hour. Countless portraits, paintings in photographs and originals, a long, narrow image of the Mother of God hanging in the middle of the wall - all this was full of colors before my eyes from all sides. On the tables are many multi-colored lamps, a mass of trinkets, separately in a small case, a simple, all dotted with marks and notes, the Gospel.

It seems that the walls say: “…worked, written, honored. It's time to rest." And watches of every kind and size peacefully agree: "Yes, it's time, it's time, it's time." And the bird in the cage fervently and sharply shouts: "We'll fight again, damn it ...".

And the lines of the Oryol poet Alexander Belsky ask to the soul:

The spirit has grown unparalleled
By the quiet ocean waves,
With its own sense of time
Half him.
With social untruth
The artist was in the fight
When he wrote to Lefty,
He wrote about himself.
The narrator is enchanted
great dreamer,
He and the magician of the word,
And words hypnotist.
And the forces in it are
And he has such a talent -
Talent to love Russia,
Love native people.

Leskov was deeply convinced that not a single Russian city could exist if there were not at least three righteous people in it.
Who are they, the righteous, what kind of people are they?
According to Leskov, the righteous are people who have lived their lives "without lying, without deceiving, without deceit, without upsetting their neighbor and without condemning a biased enemy." And the righteous is always a patriot.
And Leskov went to look for the righteous in the Russian land, and together with him we will go in search of the work of N.S. Leskov - the tale "Lefty".

3. Acquaintance with a new literary term

Notebook entry: A tale is a genre of epic based on folk traditions and legends. The narration is conducted on behalf of the narrator, a person with a special character and style of speech.

– What elements of folklore did you notice in the work?

4. Working with illustrations

- Leskov's tale evoked a response from well-known illustrators, and we will also turn to illustrations. Here is an illustration that was located with the page title of the book. ( Annex 1 , slide 9) Look at the illustration.

- Why did the artist depict Lefty's portrait in the title?
- What do you think, what traits of character and appearance are displayed?
- For what business is Lefty depicted?
- What does it say that Lefty is doing a “shameful for the English nation” work? What tools are shown on the wizard's desktop? Why is there no microscope on the table?

5. Working with the text of the work

- But Leskov did not begin his work with the story of Lefty. Let's read the beginning of the piece.
What feelings do you experience while reading these lines?
The reflection of Russian glory colors the narrative: Russia is a victorious power, Russian soldiers in the Patriotic War of 1812 not only defended their Fatherland, but also brought liberation to the peoples of Europe. There is something to be proud of! Admire! There is something to reinforce the feeling of national pride. One can imagine what a sense of pride the Russian emperor experiences when traveling around Europe.
- How does Alexander I behave during the trip? Does it meet our reader's expectations?
- Find in chapter 1 the word that defines the essence of the character of the emperor? How would you explain this word?
- Choose epithets for the image of the Russian emperor.
- We will follow Alexander I and visit the museum, which stores rare things, i.e. cabinet of curiosities. Imagine that you are guides in a museum, take a tour of the Kunstkamera. And the text of the work and the following illustration will help you. (slide 10)

- And now I suggest that you play the role of translators: you must "translate" into modern Russian the following words from Lesk's work.

Abolon polvedersky- Apollo Belvedere
Marine wind meters- marine barometers
Merblues mantons- camel coats
huge busters- big busts
Prelamut– mother-of-pearl
probabilities– variations
Melkosko p - microscope
Egyptian ceramide- Egyptian pyramid
Nymphosoria– ciliates
Valdakhin- canopy
Resin waterproof cables.

- Why does Leskov “distort” the sound of these words?
- Indeed, many scenes in the work make you smile. For example, this one. ( Annex 1 , slide 11)
What title would you give to this illustration?
How are the characters portrayed? How are the mood and behavior of the characters in the story conveyed?
- How often did you smile while reading "Lefty"? Can you tell me a memorable episode?
- And I remember and liked the Don Cossack Platov, lying on the "couch". Remember what epithet "got up" next to the word "bite"? Why this one? (slide 12)
- Compare the picture with the final lines of the 3rd chapter. What has the artist added?

6. Vocabulary work

- Try to guess the words-objects that refer to the image of Platov. (cm. Annex 2 )

7. problem question

- Do you think Platov is similar to Lefty? Can he be called righteous?

8. Summing up

- So, guys, today at the lesson we met a talented Russian writer, N.S. Leskov, tried to penetrate the world of his heroes, started talking about the Tula master. I would like to believe that the heroes of Leskov will find a response in your soul. And again I repeat the lines from the poem:

When he wrote to Lefty,
He wrote about himself.

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Biographical information about the author

Nikolai Semenovich Leskov was born on February 4 (16), 1831 in the village of Gorokhovo, Oryol province, in the family of a poor judicial employee. Leskov received his initial education in the house of wealthy relatives. In 1841, he entered the Oryol gymnasium, but his studies were uneven, and in 1846, unable to pass the transfer exams, he began serving as a clerk in the Oryol Chamber of the Criminal Court. In 1857, Leskov began to serve in the private company of a distant relative, the Englishman A. Ya. Shkott. Portrait of N. Leskov by V. Serov.

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Literary activity

In 1864, Leskov's novel "Nowhere" was published, in 1870 - the novel "On the Knives". The best works "Lady Macbeth of the Mtsensk District" (1865), "The Warrior Woman" (1866), the chronicles "Old Years in the Village of Plodomasovo" (1869) and "The Seedy Family" (1874) went almost unnoticed. Leskov entered literature as an expert on the spiritual and everyday life of the people. He was a brilliant stylist who imitated the language of the 18th century (the cycle of stories "Notes of an Unknown", 1884), who mastered the Aesopian style ("Hare Remise", 1894), who loved colorful style (the legend "Beautiful Aza", 1887) who knew how to write and exquisitely simply (the story “On Christmas Day they offended”, 1890).

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People's memory

For the last five years of his life, Leskov suffered severely from constant asthma attacks. On February 21 (March 5), 1825, the writer died. N. S. Leskov was buried at the Volkov cemetery in St. Petersburg. The grave of N. S. Leskov at the Volkov cemetery. Monument to N. S. Leskov in Orel.

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"Lefty" N. S. Leskov

N. S. Leskov "Lefty", book cover.

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The history of the creation of "Lefty"

The story "Levsha" was created and first published in the journal "Rus" in 1881 under the title "The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea (Shop Legend)". A separate edition of the work was published in 1882. When published in Rus, as well as in a separate edition, the story was accompanied by a preface: “I can’t say exactly where the first factory of the steel flea fable was born, that is, whether it started in Tula, on Izhma or in Sestroretsk, but, obviously, she went from one of these places. In any case, the tale of a steel flea is a special gunsmithing legend, and it expresses the pride of Russian gunsmiths. It depicts the struggle of our masters with the English masters, from which ours came out victoriously and the English were completely disgraced and humiliated ... I wrote down this legend in Sestroretsk according to a local tale from an old gunsmith ... "

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The plot of "Lefty"

The plot of the work mixes fictional and real historical events. Emperor Alexander I visited England during a trip to Europe, where, among other curiosities, he was shown a tiny steel flea that could dance. The emperor bought a flea and brought it to St. Petersburg. A few years later, after the death of Alexander I and the accession to the throne of Nicholas I, a flea was found among the things of the late sovereign and for a long time they could not understand what the meaning of "nymphosoria" was. Ataman Platov, who accompanied Alexander I on a trip to Europe, appeared at the palace and explained that this was an example of the art of English mechanics, but immediately noticed that Russian masters knew their business no worse.

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Nicholas I instructed Platov among the local craftsmen to find those who could adequately respond to the challenge of the British. While in Tula, Platov called three of the most famous local gunsmiths, led by the artisan Levsha, showed them a flea and asked them to come up with something that would surpass the British plan . Returning on the way back, Platov looked into Tula, where the trio continued to work on the order. Taking Levsha with what Platov believed was unfinished work, he went to St. Petersburg. In the capital, it turned out that the Tula people had surpassed the British by shoeing a flea.

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The sovereign and the whole court were delighted with the work of the Tula masters. The sovereign ordered to send a savvy flea to England to show the skill of Russian masters, and also to send Levsha. In England, Lefty was shown local factories, work organization and offered to stay in Europe, but he refused. On the way back to Russia, Lefty made a bet with the half-skipper that they should outdrink each other. Upon arrival in St. Petersburg, Lefty, having not received medical assistance on time, died in a common people's hospital, where "an unknown class accepts everyone to die."

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Artistic features

Critics of the first editions considered that Leskov's contribution to the creation of the story was minimal and that he allegedly only retold the legend that was circulating among the Tula masters. Leskov argued with this opinion and explained that the work was almost completely invented by him: “Everything that is purely folk in the“ tale of the Tula left-hander and the steel flea ”is the following joke or joke:“ the British made a flea out of steel, and our Tula they shod her and sent them back.” There is nothing more “about the flea”, but about the “left-hander”, as about the hero of its entire history and about the spokesman for the Russian people, there are no folk tales, and I consider it impossible that anyone “heard of him for a long time”, because, - I have to admit - I composed this whole story in May last year, and the left-hander is a person I invented.

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The story "Lefty" is an example of a Russian tale. The narrative looks like an oral story in which the author, who is unfamiliar with foreign words, distorts them in the most unexpected way. The real wealth of the work is a special language of the story, which is interspersed with puns and words that arose in the writer’s fantasy, a kind of folk etymology: nymphosoria, melkoscope, slander, etc. Critics noted that for all the outward lubok and grotesque, the national-patriotic theme, a call for awareness of the role of a single person in the affairs of a national scale. In his last words, the dying Lefty turns to the tsar: “... the British do not clean their guns with bricks. Let them not clean our place, otherwise, God forbid, they are not suitable for shooting.
