Exhibition of arts and crafts. Exhibition “Decorative and applied arts in the interior”

Design of the exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Author: Tamara Mikhailovna Kirichenko, additional education teacher.
Place of work: MBOU DOD "Dom" children's creativity №1".

Exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Target: development creativity children through their own artistic activities, ensuring creative self-realization of students.
organizing conditions for presentation best works students;
demonstration of students' achievements in the field of arts and crafts and fine arts for the 1st quarter academic year;
development of desire to master new knowledge and skills in the chosen field of activity, creative abilities and creative individuality.
The material is addressed to methodologists and teachers of additional education.

In our "House of Children's Creativity No. 1" there is a wonderful, spacious, cozy, friendly exhibition hall (responsible - methodologist Tatyana Anatolyevna Erovikova).

He has no time to be idle: personal exhibitions of teachers, final exhibitions of children's associations, regional stages of regional competitions, holding master classes, methodological associations - this is only part of the work. And also traditional thematic exhibitions of arts and crafts and fine arts of students. They are held once every quarter: “Autumn Assortment”, “Gift to Santa Claus”, “Spring Melodies”. At these exhibitions, each child can demonstrate their achievements in mastering a particular technique.
Today I invite you to the exhibition of arts and crafts and fine arts "Autumn Assortment".

Let's visit her together with Dasha and Sonya. So many different works! Beautiful panels, small dolls on the “fireplace”, wonderful drawings with picturesque autumn landscapes - it’s impossible to see everything in one visit.

The exhibition hall pleases not only with the variety of genres of children's creativity, but also with an abundance of plants.

In this corner of the exhibition hall, a topiary made of paper flowers, bright as a light, attracted the attention of children.

All the works are in their places, you can come closer to each one and examine everything.

It is very convenient that there are display cases in the exhibition hall. They are filled with exhibits. There are a lot of children's works, everyone wants to demonstrate their skills in front of friends and parents.

It's so great to see your work at the exhibition!

Dasha and Sonya admire their works. Let us also look at the exhibits provided for the exhibition, using the example of the works of the children of the association “Magic Stitch” (group “Valyashki”).

This is how they are viewed among other works.

Let's come closer.
Composition "Time to Harvest". Felting.. Mastering the basics of felting from wool, the girls made these wonderful pumpkin pincushions and presented them at the exhibition.

Composition "Mushroom meadow". Felting.". First steps in wool felting

Boxes-boxes. Wet felting. The girls really liked the wet felting technique. Everyone is happy with the result and decided to show it off at the exhibition.

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Scenario for the exhibition “Fantasy Flight and Hand-Creation...”

Ved. Good afternoon, dear teachers, guests, guys! Today we are opening another door to the world of children's creativity and craftsmanship.
This exhibition is a real carousel, united into one by the unearthly imagination of the authors - children living with a dream of beauty, goodness and joy.
With all our hearts, we are glad to everyone who came to see us today at the exhibition dedicated to the 15th anniversary of the “Magic Beads” workshop of the Children’s Creativity Center.
Today, young craftsmen under the guidance of a talented teacher experience real creative joy, because what they do with their own hands will give others the joy of encountering hand-made beauty. What you do with your own hands is a real miracle, a real fairy tale. And all this thanks to imagination and inspiration.

Fantasy flight and handiwork
Hold it in your hands with delight...
Fortunately, the beauty of aging does not know,
Love for beauty lives through the centuries.
A craftsman can make it out of iron,
Made of stone and wood - masterpieces of beauty.
From multi-colored beads and fishing line,
Like in a fairy tale, we also create miracles.
And I touch the brooch carefully,
She enchants and caresses the eye.
It's hard to imagine how this is possible
Create a pattern of unprecedented beauty.
As a result of patience and skill -
Grace and purity of color,
And the perfection of form... There is no doubt,
Our world will be saved by talent and beauty!

These lines from a poem by Zinaida Toropchina formed the title of our exhibition. It is appropriate to say that this fall has become an anniversary for us; in November, the Children's Creativity Center celebrates its 80th birthday. summer anniversary. 15 years out of the 10 80s, together with children, he creates things filled with love, teacher highest category, a wonderful mother, wife and housewife, passionate about her work, Svetlana Vitalievna Rarich. Together with the teacher, the children get great joy by creating small handicrafts, which over time turn into large masterpieces. Giving part of her soul, warmth and love to children, Svetlana Vitalievna leads them along the road of needlework to new creative heights. I am pleased to invite this wonderful teacher to join us.

Speech by Svetlana Vitalievna Rarich

Ved. Not everyone gets inspiration. Such people are easy to recognize. They look at the clouds and see curly-haired elephants. They string beads, felt wool, embroider, trim, and glue. In a word, they create.
And if it turns out well, then part of the creator’s joy is necessarily transferred to his creation. And then it will be felt by those who look at this creation. This means that creativity is when joy and inspiration are transmitted to people along the chain from the one who creates such wonderful things. The exhibition presents more than 150 works in various techniques, including bead embroidery and bead inlay, felting - works made from wool, thread printing and foamiran works, diamond display, products made from waste material, as well as all kinds of jewelry and souvenirs. The children’s works are prize-winners, winners and participants in competitions at various levels:
- Laureates of the International Festival “Chunga-Changa”
- Diploma winners of the International Competition “Talents of Russia”, “Open Europe” - “Open Planet”
- Diploma holders All-Russian competitions“Colors of the World”, “Tale of Tales”, “Edges of Science”
Participants of the Regional Creative Olympiad “Know-Ka”, scientific and practical conference of the NOU “DAR”

Winners of the Regional festivals “Cossack Siberia”, “Beauty will save the world”
Diploma recipients of the regional festival of creativity for children with disabilities “Sparkles of Hope”
Our guys have strength, desire, and skill. This means there is a lot of new work ahead good people for a treat. And so that the sparks of talent and inspiration do not fade away, accept as a gift a song performed by the Kamerton vocal studio

Performance by the vocal studio "Kamerton" (song "We are together")

Ved. Judging by their age - 15 years, this is so little, but if you think about how much this wonderful team has done, what results and heights they have achieved, then, believe me, this is a lot.
Remember the first creation
Your hands, and this day
Honor it for your birthday
Birthday at work.
How many needlewomen have been produced over the years, many of them continue their work and now, remembering their first creation, they happily meet with the children and the teacher. Today, our graduates Alena Parshukova and Valeria Plotnikova came to congratulate the children and their beloved teacher. Over to you, girls.

Congratulations to graduates

Ved. Skillful hands to appreciate creations
We have such an honor.
Fantasies rise and achievements
We have countless numbers at the exhibition.
And, believe me, these miracles would not be impossible without the help of reliable and faithful mentors - our parents, who are always there, always ready to help. I invite the deputy chairman of the institutional council from the parent committee of the Children's Creativity Center, Olga Yuryevna Ponomareva.

Parents' speech

Ved. Beauty lives everywhere
He doesn’t live anywhere, but nearby.
Always open to our views,
Always accessible and clean!
Beauty heals souls. And this is especially important in our time, to maintain the ability to create, not to lose the spark of creation, given to all of us from above from birth.
After all, every child is a doer! And his life is filled, first of all, with creativity. Many children create beauty with their own hands in the Children's Art Center. And everyone here feels like a creator: he invents, invents, fantasizes, composes. And all this under the strict guidance of the teacher and, of course, the director of the Children's Creativity Center. Speaking about Lyudmila Alekseevna, I would like to say that the guys first of all call her a friend, and only then a director. Over to you, Lyudmila Alekseevna.

Speech by director Lyudmila Alekseevna Vandysheva

Ved. Today is our birthday, which means it’s customary to give gifts. Svetlana Vitalievna, we don’t know how to create such beauty with our hands as you do, but we know how and love to compose. Accept from us this wonderful poem, which is without any doubt about you and about you.
I will collect the pearls of my life...
I'll string them on a thin thread,
I’ll secure it at the ends - I’ll save you from losses,
I’ll be fiddling with the beads in my hands...

Total 38 photos

I didn’t intend to talk about this exhibition, but something unconscious pushed me to do this, and probably - an interesting figurative phrase from one of the authors - “Where do old thoughts go,” which you see in the title photo. But really, where!?) After all, time passes - we change, the way of our thoughts changes, and the old ones that were once close to us leave and get lost in the haze of Time...

The exhibition "OR-NA-MENT" is currently taking place at the Museum of Decorative and Applied Arts and Folk Art, located on Delegatskaya, 3 in Moscow. I went here purposefully to the “Difficult Toy” exhibition about the history of the matryoshka world and at the same time to test a new lens. It is impossible to get into the general exhibition of the Museum without going “through” the OR-NA-MENT exhibition; one way or another, you will pay attention to its exhibits. And so, finishing my visit to the museum, I was irresistibly drawn into the depths of this exhibition. Her spaces are amazing and attractive, since the authors are both adults and children, within the framework of the creative union of studio DEZ No. 5. The association “Exhibition Halls of Moscow” and DEZ No. 5 offered this collection to the museum precisely because many non-applied objects made by children can be used as applied ones, and the theme “ornament”, seemingly historically defined and strict, turns out to be fresh, open and emphasizing the limitless possibilities of free creativity. I don’t know what about the conveyed idea of ​​the “ornament” of the exhibition - it seems to me that here, in its title, the initials or initial letters of the names of the authors are rather hidden, but the exhibition struck me with its freedom, fireworks of feelings, joy, light of life and immediate childish sensual the surprise of its manifestations in this World.

The titles of the works from the announcement speak for themselves: “Cat-chair”, “Ornament Factory”, “Cobweb - a catching net”, “Fish-elephant-elephant-fish”, “My Name remembered its Pattern”, “3D Dragon Table”, “Chicken in the Matrix”, “Molecular Hat Bearer”, “Doubts Manifested”, “Infinity”, “Flying Jester”, “Sweets” lamp, “Wave of Electricity”, “Self-Conclusion”, “Take Low Road”, about a blanket with tentacles and fantastic animals, about “animal architecture” and many others... I deliberately did not give these names of works for each photo, since I had my own impressions and feelings, which I will try to convey with photographs and my figurative impressions . Since by that time all my memory cards were full, these photos were taken on an iPhone, so please treat the level of quality of the images with understanding)

This is the first thing we will see - the exhibition halls are on the left and right.

Well, this was clearly “built” by children. There is some immediate feeling of childish sincere expression, I want to say something “funny”)

Magic cat and "snow" jellyfish...

Merry bells and outer spaces.

The path to Happiness and Joy

And here, in this separate room, we will try to find out “where old thoughts go”...

I must say that it was this exhibition hall that held me for a long time and unobtrusively. I suddenly felt a strange feeling of the absence of old and familiar thoughts. Old thoughts are lost like tangles in the endless nooks and crannies of our mind, occasionally peeking out funny or sad from behind our beliefs, criteria and values...



“Spreading along the tree, thoughts form an “Ornament”...

Where do old thoughts go? This childishly naive and at the same time deep unexpected question surprised and discouraged at the same time.

"...And again along the very edge - I'm sleepwalking..."

And here I invite you, if you wish, to figure out what kind of idea is confused here!)

"...Thoughts are an ornament...."

With surprise, I began to notice that some kind of internal dialogue of my thoughts, thoughts, old and new, was initiated in me, that they began to acquire a new meaning for me, the World appeared somehow brighter, more immediate; fresh colors and the sensual message of these works of pure emotion created my new world and its new forms..., my new thoughts were born on the basis of the once forgotten previous ones...

Right here, “I’m sleepwalking along the very edge”)


Metamophoses of the Cars of the Future)



Haunted Toy World. An unusual light, wonderful feeling of unreality envelops and beckons...

The center already has six exhibition halls, a lecture hall and rooms for master classes. In the future, they should add workshops where it will be possible to work with textiles, wood and ceramics. As Natalya Loginova, head of the Center for Fashion and Design, told TANR, he will not have his own collection. “We do not have the task of forming a collection - it is collected by the museum as a whole. We have a different function: we are a more mobile part of the museum, we can often organize exhibitions, hold meetings and see trends in modern design,” she explained.

The opening ceremony was attended by First Deputy Minister of Culture of the Russian Federation Vladimir Aristarkhov. According to him, the Fashion and Design Center is “a single multifunctional art space designed for scientific, cultural and information projects" Director Elena Titova noted that it was the ministry that allocated funds for the restoration of the left wing of the museum building to accommodate a new structural unit there.

One of the premises of the D3 Fashion and Design Center. Photo: VMDPNI

The name of the center contains several meanings. Firstly, the address is Delegatskaya, 3. Secondly, there are three dimensions. The events of the D3 Fashion and Design Center bring together art historians, cultural experts, fashion historians, curators, practicing Russian designers, representatives of famous and young brands, philosophers, marketers, and art critics, which allows you to create a three-dimensional, three-dimensional picture of Russian design. Thirdly, D3 is one of the types of professional glue, which is also used by designers.

The first exhibition in the officially opened center was the “Design System in the USSR” exhibition, prepared by. It talks about the formation of Soviet design and the functioning of the system of design bureaus and institutes in the USSR, which determined what the products of factories and factories should look like. The halls display about 500 exhibits - from textile industry samples to futuristic computer design developments that were never implemented in practice.

Tape recorder "Saiga". Prototype. Design artists A. Kolotushkin, D. Azrikan, M. Kolotushkina. 1987. Photo: Alexey Konoplev / Moscow Design Museum

Despite the fact that the center officially opened only now, it actually began to function earlier. The work of graduates of the British Higher School of Design has already been shown here at the exhibition “Nine”, a personal exhibition “Theory of Everyday Life” was held and a number of other exhibitions and educational projects. IN next year the museum should open a joint exhibition with the British high school design, an exposition dedicated to ornament, an exhibition dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Red Army and a number of other programs with graduates of specialized universities. “We want to give young designers the opportunity to show their work - not necessarily only 20-year-olds, but everyone who has recently entered this field,” adds Natalya Loginova.
