Unusual ideas for vending. The most unusual vending machines (12 photos) Vending machines that sell soccer balls

Older than she looks. First vending machines appeared in the 17th century in England, they served for the sale of tobacco. Drink vending machines were created in the mid-19th century. In the twentieth century, the active development of this direction began, and its rapid rise occurred several decades ago and continues to this day.

According to various estimates, currently about a fifth of all purchases in the world are made through vending machines. The total turnover of the industry is about 150 billion US dollars per year, and the profit margin here is in the hundreds of percent, at least when it comes to large vending chains.

At the same time, Russia is one of the most attractive markets for the development of the vending business. After all, today most of our trade is “humanized”, unlike developed countries. In the latter, on average, there is one vending machine per 20-25 people. In the vastness of our vast homeland there is only one per 1000 people. The field is unplowed, in a word.

But what to sell through such machines? As a rule, the first thing that comes to mind is coffee, sandwiches, chocolates and soda. But in fact, vending machines can be used much more widely. Below are ten examples the most unusual vending machines.

1. Sale of oxygen cocktails

An entrepreneur from St. Petersburg, Mikhail Talalay, decided to open his own vending business. But he was not interested in coffee and chocolate, so he decided to sell something more exotic. And I chose .

For this purpose, Mikhail bought O2Box machine for 250 thousand rubles. He sells one cocktail for 50 rubles and expects that the equipment will pay for itself in about seven months.

2. Sale of energy-saving light bulbs

It's no secret that energy saving is one of the main courses in development modern Russia. In this regard, the president even banned the use of powerful incandescent lamps, proposing energy-saving ones to replace them. By the way, the latter can be sold through vending machines.

The project was tested in a network of local supermarkets " Bystronom" It was there that the first milk vending machines were installed. A liter of a fresh and beloved drink by many people costs 35.2 rubles.

Our western neighbors from Siberia do not lag behind the Siberians. They also have a similar machine that sells fresh milk in one village. Local farmers are responsible for filling it.

7. Selling wine

If a few years ago good draft wine Only residents of the southern regions, where there is appropriate production, could pamper themselves. Today you can buy a liter or two of fresh red or white on tap in almost any city. But the French went further - they adapted

Wine machines are already installed in many French supermarkets. They sell either 0.5 liter or liter of wine. True, you must have your own container. But the wine in such machines is inexpensive - only 1.45 euros per liter.

8. Selling soap

Last fall, several Spanish supermarkets stocked unusual vending machines. They sell powder and fabric softener on tap. I must say that buyers liked them.

The manufacturer of all these products benefited significantly by starting to install vending machines. This allowed him to significantly reduce costs, since there was no need to package household chemicals.

9. Automatic library

More and more often you can find vending machines that sell books and DVDs. But the Americans went further and decided not to sell books and CDs using vending machines, but to rent them. This is how library vending machines appeared.

10. Automatic spawner

Finally, we’ll tell you about the original vending machine that operates in Russia. He sells red caviar. These machines are installed in buildings belonging to the administration of our capital. One of them is located on Tverskaya, the other on Novy Arbat.

As can be seen, through vending machines you can sell a lot of things. They even sell things that, at first glance, are incompatible with a vending machine. And the further you go, the more unusual things will be sold through vending machines. After all, the potential of this business is enormous!

The vending business is developing almost at the speed of light. In many countries, people enjoy using vending machines - it’s convenient, fast, and most often, inexpensive. The imagination of entrepreneurs is limitless: every year they delight and surprise us with more and more unusual devices. We have made for you a selection of the most interesting vending machines that you can’t help but pay attention to!

Sale of live crabs

They decided to sell these animals through vending machines in the city of Nanjing (China). In Chinese cuisine, a product such as crabs is not something very exotic. Therefore, buying a couple of live crabs for dinner is a common thing for the Chinese. The crabs themselves are loaded into the apparatus in special containers with the habitat they need. It may look like the crabs are dead, but in fact, they are just sleeping. When the customer opens the sealed package, the crab feels warm and wakes up.

If something goes wrong and the crab still dies inside the device, then the buyer who is unlucky enough to purchase it is offered compensation in the form of three free (and already guaranteed to be alive) animals. Some machines of this network also give customers bonuses: a bag of ginger tea and a portion of sauce.

Sale of ties

Such vending machines are installed in several Japanese cities. The Japanese are business people and often go to work in full dress - you can’t do without a tie. If you suddenly forgot to put it on at home or don’t have a tie that matches your suit, you can buy it right on the street. Or did you spill coffee on your tie and have an important meeting in half an hour? The nearest tie machine will save your reputation.

For our country, such a service might be somewhat unusual, and most likely not profitable. And the Japanese like it.

Sale of "Martini"

The concept of such vending was developed Russian company EmWi. It differs from other drinks vending machines in that it has a unique design and a liquid injection and storage system specially developed for this project, in this case, “Martini”. Inside the device, the drink is not stored in any separate container, but is loaded there directly in factory glass bottles. And thanks to a special system, it is poured directly from them into a glass from the tap.

Another feature that will delight lovers of this drink: this machine can give out change in paper bills, unlike many other vending machines. Therefore, in order to drink a glass of Martini, it is not necessary to change money first. Only one question arises: where to place vending machines in order to get the greatest profit?

Machine for releasing emotions

When you are angry and irritated, you want to break or break something - this feeling is probably familiar to many. The Chinese decided to help people splash out negative emotions through an unusual vending machine. They installed a device filled with various items made of easily breakable material - porcelain figurines, cups, plates. So your boss made you angry, you left the office, went to the nearest vending store, and break yourself as many dishes as you like, thereby letting off steam.

It must be said that the breaking objects in such machines are quite attractive, and sometimes it’s even a pity to break them.

Sale of marijuana

Such vending machines are installed in several states of America. Yes, these machines do sell marijuana, but it is intended not for recreational purposes, but for medicinal purposes. “Weed” is dosed in strict portions and it is allowed to buy it only if you have an identity document and a prescription from a doctor. Compliance with these conditions is monitored by the police, but we do not know whether they are on duty around the clock near all such devices.

Automatic machine that recognizes you

The unusual thing about this vending business is not what it sells, but how it does it. He only sells various drinks. But when a person approaches him, the device recognizes what the client’s face looks like, determines his gender and approximate age. Taking this information into account, the vending service offers several drinks that, in theory, a given person might like. Apparently, this service is designed for people who are often tormented by the problem of choice.

Selling boiled eggs

And why, in fact, not? In a country where vending machines are found at almost every step (we are talking about the land of the rising sun), there is nothing to be surprised about. Machines selling raw chicken eggs in whole trays have been operating for a long time, and are particularly successful in rural areas. But city residents were more attracted to vending machines with already boiled eggs. If you don’t have time to have breakfast, you can snack on a boiled egg from the machine on the way to work. And tasty, and healthy, and fast!

Nail design machine

This kind of vending can be found in Taiwan. It is made in a purely feminine style in bright pink shades, which attracts attention even from afar. Vending offers a variety of nail designs. You just need to place your fingers in a special hole, and the machine will apply a design to your nails for just one dollar.

This manicure cannot even be called cute, but many Taiwanese women use this service.

Sale of pornographic magazines

Many people are embarrassed to purchase such products in stores. But you won’t have to blush in front of the machine, which is what arouses particular interest in it among lovers of pornography and erotica. It must be said that such devices are popular among both teenagers and older people. So far they are located only in the area of ​​railway stations in Asia. Indeed, what else to read (or watch?) on the road?

Selling silicone breasts

In Asian countries it is sold directly in vending machines. These are not implants that are used during plastic surgery, but one might say, toy breasts. But they look quite realistic. The front wall of the vending machine is made of glass, so all available breasts are visible, and you can choose any shape and size.

How and why Asians then use these silicone breasts remains a mystery to us. Maybe as a stress reduction method? He kneaded and calmed down.

Selling comfortable shoes

In the UK, entrepreneurs are clearly more practical than in Asia. Instead of putting specimens of women's breasts into vending machines, they put comfortable sports shoes in them. Such devices are, of course, especially popular with girls who love long walks in high heels. No matter how much they want to be beautiful, their legs get tired sooner or later. A device with comfortable shoes comes in handy. In my opinion, such devices would not hurt near every nightclub in our country.

Poetry vending machine

In the United States of America, the vending business has reached the sphere of culture and art. There, for a small fee, a vending machine can give you a few rhyming lines. This project can be called more social than commercial. It does not bring in much income, but little-known poets can demonstrate their talent.

Selling caviar

Eating red caviar is a purely Russian activity. Moreover, only wealthy people can afford it. Therefore, vending shops with red caviar currently operate only in the buildings of the Moscow city administration. A can of caviar in a vending machine costs slightly more than a similar one in stores. Nevertheless, such devices are popular. The authors of the project are still considering whether it is worth installing such devices on the streets and inside metro stations. For some reason we think it’s not worth it.

Nowadays, vending is becoming more and more popular, and at almost every step we can find vending machines selling drinks, food, and toys. However, creative entrepreneurs around the world didn't stop there; they came up with something unusual. This is exactly what our selection will tell you about.

1. Vending machine for live crabs (China).

Who would have thought that one day crabs would be sold in vending machines? At the same time, they are still alive! You can buy yourself a couple of pieces in China.

2. Gold vending machine.

Yes, this is a gold ATM that dispenses gold instead of money. Such machines are provided with security measures to prevent robbery. These valuable cars can be found in New York, Las Vegas, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Lisbon, Mendrisio and Tyrol.

3. Cosmetics vending machine (America).

These vending machines from Sephora were introduced in 2010 at some American airports. They are designed mainly for travelers who want to touch up their makeup and refresh their appearance.

4. Healthy food vending machine (Russia, Moscow).

This vending machine sells healthy food for people interested in their health and watching their weight. In addition, it will satisfy vegetarians too. In "Vend-Eco" machines you can try the following unique products like: waffles with wheat germ and Jerusalem artichoke, cedar milk, cookies with cinnamon and iodine and much more.
In this selection, this car is the only one you can purchase, so if you are interested, here is the link - .

5. Vending machine for baguettes (France).

This machine, which sells fresh baguettes 24/7, was invented by the French baker Jean-Louis Hecht, who was tired of his customers who were even ready to wake him up to enjoy his favorite pastries.

6. Miniature art vending machine (USA).

These ART-O-MAT vending machines sell a variety of items ranging from small clay sculptures to miniature paintings and jewelry. More than 100 of these machines are located across the United States in places such as art galleries, museums, libraries, and even bars and grocery stores.

7. Vending machine for bras (Japan).

Over the years, Japan (by the way, in this country there are 23 machines per person!) has seen many different vending machines. Since 2013 Japanese manufacturer lingerie Wacoal provided a vending machine that sold bras.

8. Vending machine for good luck bracelets (Germany).

These are the bright bracelets this machine offers. By the way, according to the manufacturers, they bring good luck only if you purchase three of them at once.

9. Electronics vending machine (Germany).

These bright vending machines can be found at German airports. The idea is to provide travelers with electronics. They contain up to 50 different products such as headphones, memory cards, digital cameras and much more.

Material provided

Less than a century ago, in 1920, the Czechs Karel and Josef Capek, having had a good drink of beer, came up with the word “robot” and dreamed of those times when, in order to add foam to their belly, they would not have to turn to an unpleasant-faced waiter. Throw a coin into the machine - it silently gives you a bottle of Budvar.
The Czechs knew what they were thinking. After all, the first vending machine in history, that is, a vending machine, was invented and implemented back in the first century AD by the great engineer of antiquity, Heron of Alexandria. After swallowing a coin, the device poured the buyer a portion of “holy” water. In 1888, the first gum machines appeared on New York City train platforms. And in 1932, the first Soviet carbonated water machine appeared in the canteen of Smolny in Leningrad.

Years have passed and we have become accustomed to the fact that by turning to a soulless machine we can buy cigarettes, Coca-Cola, beer, a glass of coffee or a condom. Robots supply people with paper money and plastic tokens, pay the homeless in change for glass containers, and give the middle class books bought over the Internet. We quickly get used to good things. Modern youth dream not of a magic carpet, but of an ATM pocket...

Vending machines are capable of selling everything, even drugs (there is such a “maz” in some countries). We bring to the reader's attention the most extraordinary vending machines that work to the delight of the consumer masses in various parts of the robotic planet called Earth.

1. Vending machine for live crabs

If a real Chinese does not eat at least one crab a day, he is not entirely real. A live crab taken out of water spoils very quickly. Vending machines installed the year before last in China, at metro stations in several large cities, sell crustaceans in a “dormant” state at the temperature of a household refrigerator.
Animals cost from one and a half to 7 dollars apiece; each “crabomat” sells up to 200 units of goods every day. If the consumer comes across a dead crab, he receives three live ones for free as compensation.

2. Japanese machine selling umbrellas

From the Chinese metro we change to the Japanese one. If, going out to distant station, a passenger discovers that it is raining outside, and protection from rain and snow has been forgotten at home or at work, an umbrella vending machine will help him.
They write that similar examples of umbrella machines appeared in the UK. Because it won’t rain there either according to schedule.

3. Electronic librarian

In another cultural country, Canada, the central library has acquired a machine that, without the participation of animated staff, issues books, CDs, videos and video games to visitors at home. To use the machine, you need to insert a library card in the form of a magnetic card into the receiving slot. The device comes with a storage bin for returning storage media, similar to a mailbox for parcels.

4. Porn magazine vending machine

And again the Japanese are shocking. At the Meitetsu-Nagoya train station, to the delight of adults and children burdened with fantasies, there is a unit that poetically sells, um, alternative literature with pictures.

5. Yaikomat

The most tender food product- These are chicken or quail eggs. But soulless pieces of iron also manage to sell them to people. Residents in rural Japan recently had the opportunity to buy the freshest eggs from robots. Which, in turn, take goods at dawn from farmers. A package of unfertilized chicken eggs costs 200 yen. This is approximately 69 Russian rubles for 12 eggs. By our standards it’s a little expensive, but we’re not Japanese.

6. Toy car selling machine

This machine, installed at one of the metro stations in Milan, is designed to protect parents from bored, boring children. In addition to cars of various colors and brands, this machine sells... Rubik's cubes.

7. Hamburger stand on the streets of Holland

The gentlemen from the Netherlands took good care of satisfying the appetite of those who are accustomed to eating on the go. Some people don’t even have time to go to a cafe or canteen, and they eat fatty chips and sweet donuts without leaving the sidewalk. Dutch revelers and runners can now save time and buy themselves a sandwich from a vending machine. Sandwiches come in a range of fillings and sizes.

8. iPod

Every time, surveying technical wonders, we have to curtsy towards the Yabloko company. A vending machine selling mini and shuffle iPods, as well as batteries and digital cameras, operates at the Atlanta airport (USA). Very convenient for those who only last minute I thought that on a flight across the ocean I needed something to occupy my ears.

9. Soccer ball vending machine

In New York there is the Chelsea Piers sports complex, where, among other sports, traditional football is played, the fans of which are few in the United States, but they do exist. During field battles, balls are often lost. So that players would not be interrupted in their search, Nike installed a vending machine on the territory of the complex that sold poison-colored balls called “Joga Three.”

10. Black box with cannabis

America is slowly legalizing marijuana - for those who really need it. California was one of the first to allow the sale of state-owned cannabis for medical purposes. Patients for whom the doctor prescribes marijuana receive a special card, on which the drug is sold to them in specialized pharmacies from hand to hand. If there is a line at the pharmacy for weed or it is night and the store is closed, a Los Angeles resident registered as an “official drug user” has the opportunity to buy cannabis from a machine. Identification occurs by fingerprint.

11. Bicycle domat

This impressively sized trading machine actually sells bicycles to the population for rent. Gives a Snickers or caramel as change.
Several dozen of these amazing devices were installed in park areas in 2007 cultural countries. Rental bikes are equipped with RFID chips and are signed, so they are unlikely to be stolen - it costs themselves more. Having passed through the park to the next bike machine, the client hands over the “laiba” to him and then walks where he needs to go.

Russian entrepreneurs have been actively developing the industry since the 90s of the 20th century. Since the end of the 19th century, American and Japanese vending machines have sold a wide variety of goods: from cigarettes to underwear. Today, at least every fifth retail product sold in these countries through vending machines.

Typical automated trading devices in the post-Soviet space were not particularly diverse: they were mainly devices for selling carbonated drinks and snack products.

Currently in Russia automated business has entered a new stage of development, and the Moneymakers Factory brings to your attention an overview of ten new products in the field of vending.

In Russia, the vending business is gaining momentum every year. As survey data show (see Fig. 1), domestic consumers are ready to buy from vending machines, and not only the usual coffee and snacks.

And where there is demand, as a rule, supply is born. And modern manufacturers offer business owners new vending products. This is done in order to reach a larger consumer audience and increase competitiveness.

Thus, when asked about their readiness to buy goods from vending machines, 12.5% ​​of Muscovites surveyed answered that they were ready; 47.5% are ready to buy if the machine is conveniently located; 21.6% - prefer to go to the store; 5.3% found it difficult to answer.

Products that survey participants are willing to buy from vending machines: 18.9% - food; 26.9% - soft drinks; 17.7% - personal hygiene products; 8.3% - dairy products; 10.6% - confectionery; 16% - household goods; 1.7% - other.

Development trends and innovations of the vending business market in 2016

VendExpo is an annual international exhibition self-service systems and vending technologies, on which domestic and foreign companies industries will present not only automated devices, components, ingredients, but also the latest developments in the vending industry.

According to data obtained as a result of a survey of representatives of key industry companies who took part in the exhibition, the following trends in the development of the vending business in 2016 were noted:

  • Against the backdrop of positive growth dynamics in the industry as a whole, there is an increase in the cost of imported equipment, components and ingredients, and therefore many vendors are showing interest in cooperation with domestic producers;
  • despite the fact that purchasing activity in general decreased during the crisis, the overall consumer willingness to make purchases through vending machines has increased;
  • vending business, according to experts, not related to food will feel more comfortable compared to grocery;
  • representatives of the advertising business are beginning to actively use vending machines for marketing purposes - they apply images to the device body or broadcast videos on built-in monitors.

Among the innovations at the exhibition were presented:

  • mobile payments from Unicum and Vendi;
  • NFC technologies from Master Card;
  • built-in payment module by bank card from Terminal Technologies;
  • an updated line of coffee machines, an interactive vending store management module from Vavilon Vending Group of Companies;
  • VendShop presented the cell-based universal machine ELEMENT for the first time at the exhibition
  • disposable tableware from the Pharmacia company;
  • vending healthy eating;
  • new product solutions for sale through coffee machines— jelly, cold cocktails and others;
  • The debutant of the exhibition was a device that prepares pancakes itself - “Blindozer”, which is described below, as well as other new products.

The domestic manufacturer of vending equipment and components for it, Vendprom LLC (Vendshop), an exhibition participant, offers ready-to-use vending machines. Tatyana Shubina, the company’s public relations specialist, in her interview spoke about the equipment produced, including unusual vending machines, as well as the prospects for the development of the industry during the crisis.

New items from Vendshop

Automatic storage room ELEMENT SAFE

Such vending machines do not require investment in the purchase of goods or ingredients for their preparation. Cameras are designed to store personal items. It is advisable to install them in public places: on beaches, in swimming pools, gyms. Automatic cameras are convenient because to leave things in a locker, you just need to enter a digital code, that is, there is no need to carry the key to the locker with you and there is no chance of losing it.

The cost of equipment without additional functional modules is RUB 124,000.

Vending machine for selling electronic cigarettes SM 6367

Due to the ban on smoking in public places, electronic cigarettes and vaporizers have become very popular. It is not surprising that vendors have also become interested in this product. As practice has shown, sales of electronic cigarettes from a vending machine are not inferior to sales in stores. The manufacturer of this equipment offers branding of the machine with logos of electronic cigarette manufacturers and taking into account the wishes of the buyer, as well as a choice of body colors.

The price of the basic configuration is RUB 174,237.

Vending machine for flowers, toys and souvenirs ELEMENT

In such vending machines you can sell any piece goods: flowers, toys, hygiene items, perfumes, souvenirs. This is convenient because in the event of a drop in demand, you can repurpose the direction of your business with a small minimum investment. Or, taking into account the seasonality of consumer demand for certain goods, change their appearance. For example, on the eve of March 8 and September 1, sell flowers, and before the New Year - gifts or Christmas decorations.

It has special cells for displaying goods, similar to a storage room. The operating principle of the machine: the buyer deposits money - the door of the corresponding box opens.

A competent choice of installation location will reduce competition to almost zero.

You can purchase the device at a price of 158,000 rubles.

Gold sticker vending machine SM 6367

Another unusual product, which can be sold through a vending machine, are gold stickers with various designs that can turn simple items into exclusive ones. Stickers are designed to decorate personal items: gadgets, covers, keychains, household appliances, cars and any other flat surfaces. Those who like to show off their individuality will appreciate these mini-accessories.

The cost of the basic configuration is from RUB 174,237.

Vending machine for sushi and rolls SM 6367

Japanese restaurants and cafes, as well as mini-shops for the production and delivery of sushi and rolls have firmly established themselves in Russian market and are wildly popular. Interestingly, many people's favorite Asian delicacies can be sold through a vending machine. There is no need to waste time waiting for preparation or delivery. And the bright design of the Vendomat case attracts connoisseurs Japanese food.

The cost of the device is from 850,000 rubles.

Melt water is the most useful "Unique apparatus for the production and sale of melt water Tal-Tal"

A patented model of a fully automated vending machine, which itself prepares melt water using the correct technology and sells it. Productivity - 70 liters of melt water per day. Equipped with a vandal-proof housing, built-in refrigeration module, touch interface, and advertising monitor.

The cost of equipment is from 580,000 rubles.

Cleanliness is the key to health Clean Touch device

The machine is designed for installation in public toilets: in restaurants, cafes, on beaches, train stations. It consists of two parts: a payment receiver, which is mounted on the wall and a toilet seat, located on the toilet, covered with disposable film. Provides the ability to comfortably and safely visit public restrooms.

The cost of the device is 40,000 rubles.

Clean water is great Aquatic purified drinking water vending machine

Tap water in cities leaves much to be desired. People are increasingly abandoning tap water in favor of purchased water. Therefore, installing purified water vending machines will solve the problem for residents of large cities and allow vendors to make excellent profits. The main advantage of the machine is the enormous savings on the purchase of ingredients for vending. The equipment is simply connected to the water supply and does not require the purchase of ingredients, since thanks to the system reverse osmosis powerful water purification occurs.

The cost of the machine starts from 120,000 rubles.

The main thing is not to forget that in any business, and vending is no exception, the right approach to its organization ensures the maximum percentage of success.
