How to become a business coach without experience. What do business coaches live on? Features and advantages of the profession

Not all people can become trainers; some are given this, but others are not. This myth poisons the lives of many of our participants who want to become coaches, as well as all those who dream of any profession, but doubt what is “given” to them. Unfortunately, many of us adhere to the so-called “given paradigm”, i.e. They believe that there are a number of professions in which, in order to succeed, you must have some special properties, talent or gift. And if it’s not “given” to you, then no matter how hard you try, you will not find success in this field. Many people classify coaching as one of these professions. And since it is very difficult (if not impossible) to understand whether it is “given” or “not given,” many suffer, sometimes for months, and sometimes even years, never daring to try themselves in a new profession.

Fortunately, now an increasing number of studies confirm what we already wanted to believe: the given paradigm is not correct, but the development paradigm is correct: if you put in the effort and train a lot, without a doubt, you can become a first-class specialist in your field. You can read more about this in Carol Dweck's book The Flexible Mind and in Malcolm Gladwell's book Geniuses and Outsiders. If you tend to doubt whether something is “given” to you or not, we recommend that you definitely read both of these books.

So, we have just dispelled the first myth: “To become a coach, you need to have some special talent in this area.” By the way, it is also a myth that you need to have a certain gender (both men and women are successful in this profession), age (one of our business coaches has been working successfully since he was 19 years old, we also know people who came to this profession after fifty), external data, special build, height, hair color, etc. In this article we will look at what other myths exist regarding this profession and which are often expressed by those who want to become a coach.

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To become a trainer in any field, you must have extensive experience in that particular field (to conduct sales training, you need to be a first-class salesperson). Myth. Customers actually often ask about this, but rarely insist. Because in fact, everyone knows that a person who knows how to do something well is not always able to teach others to do it. Moreover, it is common for a person with extensive experience in some field to consider his experience to be the most correct, and it is natural that he will teach others to work the way he works. And his style of work is not always suitable for all training participants. Moreover, in this case, the training risks turning into a seminar or even a lecture, during which the lecturer will tell the participants “how to do it correctly” (and maybe even show the highest class), but will not create conditions in which the participant can learn for himself do it. This does not mean that such training is bad. It's just not training. This is a master class by a pro or guru, in which he will tell you “tricks” from his experience. If you are lucky, you will be able to use them in your work and be satisfied. If you are unlucky, you will rack your brain for a long time about how to apply this in your business, you won’t come up with an idea, and you will remain dissatisfied. During the training, you will look for your own “tricks” and create them yourself.

For example, we had an experience when, after the training, one of the participants came up to us and told us that literally a month before our training, she had been trained by a trainer well-known throughout Russia on this topic, who himself was excellent at doing what he was trained to do. training is dedicated. So, this participant said the following: “You know, I sat, looked at him and realized that I would never be able to do this. After that training, I left almost depressed. And with you, I realized that I can, moreover, that I can already do a lot of things and know exactly what I now need to continue to practice.” This does not mean that the trainer may not be able to do what the training is dedicated to. If you have never sold anything in your life, do not take up sales training. Because sometimes you really need to “show the participants your class” or give some example from your experience in order to win their trust. But you don't have to have twenty years of sales experience to teach how to sell. If the customer insists on having such experience, most likely he needs a seminar or lecture, not training.

To become a trainer, you do not need to undergo special training (). And this is also a myth. To many from the outside, the work of a coach seems simple and clear; what is there to learn? But, firstly, look at the vacancies for training managers - in almost every one in the requirements for the candidate you will see “ Additional education in the field of conducting trainings (training of trainers).” That is, at least for the sake of having a certificate, you will most likely need to study. And besides, in the profession of a coach lies huge amount nuances that are often invisible from the outside, but play a key role in whether the training will be successful or not. What rules should be introduced during the training and why? What is labilization, is it needed in training and how to plan it? What exercises to use and depending on what? How to build a training logic? How to work with difficult participants? As a rule, all these issues are discussed during the training of trainers.

In addition, you must definitely choose one in which you will conduct any exercises for the group at least three times with high-quality analysis and feedback. When choosing a training for trainers, focus on this criterion. And it is important that this work takes place throughout the entire training, and does not represent your presentation for one hour at the end of the course. To become a good trainer, you need to know about your strengths and areas for immediate development, and you can get this information only by conducting exercises and training blocks in a group with professional and high-quality feedback.

To become a coach, you need to have a psychological or pedagogical education. Myth. Let's start with teacher education. "Ped" is a root meaning "childish" (for example, "pediatrician" is a children's doctor). Pedagogy is the science of teaching children. And adult education has its own, very significant features. By the way, it can be very difficult for people with pedagogical education to work with adults, and they need time and effort to relearn (otherwise “the teacher turns on,” and adult training participants don’t like that)! So in most cases it is better if you do not have a pedagogical education and work experience, believe our experience (there are, of course, exceptions... But very, very rarely).

Now regarding psychological education. Everything is not so clear here. If you want to become a coach and conduct personal growth trainings, then psychological education may be useful to you, in addition, the leaders of such trainings are often expected to be psychologists. If you want to become a business coach, then psychological education may become a hindrance. Business people do not like psychological terminology and get extremely annoyed when a psychologist tries to “treat” them at a business training (which happens very often). On the other hand, if you are an experienced psychologist, then I would like to hope that you have already learned to cope with your desire to treat someone “without asking” and diagnose everyone. Then practical experience psychological work, of course, will help you. It will be easier for you to understand some processes and patterns of what is happening in the group. But psychological education alone will not help you with this. If you do not have such an education, then, as a rule, the basics of psychology contained in the training of trainers will be enough for you. As a last resort, if you want, you can later receive additional practical psychological education (by practical we mean training in which you will have large number practices and where you will actually be taught, for example, how to consult; in contrast to academic education, where you learn a bunch of smart theories, studying which you will never have time to learn how to work with living people).

What does it take to become a coach?

You will be surprised, but to become a coach, you must first of all conduct trainings.

Business coach is a specialist in teaching techniques, methods and algorithms for working in business. The work of a business coach. Business trainer courses. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in psychology and social science (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

Features of the profession

Training is an active learning method. The main thing in it is not dry theory, but the application of theory in practice. With the help of trainings, skills and abilities are developed, old psychological attitudes are revised and new ones are introduced. The trainer helps participants structure their work in a new way, helps them open up, and in some cases, overcome interfering habits and ideas. A business coach can also be called a training manager if he is on staff commercial company and is responsible for the development and training of its staff.

A coach is not a teacher with a pointer. It does not require professional and personal changes from participants, and does not give grades. All changes happen on their own if the coach manages to build the process correctly. As the experts themselves say, a business coach does not so much broadcast and inspire, but rather organizes a group process for practical training.

When outlining the topic of classes, the trainer proceeds from what is currently relevant for a specific group of participants. Often it is they, sometimes unwittingly, who prompt him to choose a topic. For example, a real estate company instructs a business coach to teach employees how to talk to customers so that they do not have the desire to turn to another company. Each time, even before the classes, the trainer tests the organization’s employees, identifies their professional difficulties and outlines a training course. And during such preparation, a burning problem is revealed: the novice realtor feels that it is difficult for him to communicate with the rich, i.e. with the most enviable clients. He hates them because they “stole everything, destroyed it and now sit on their millions and despise everyone.”

The coach analyzes the problem with the group and helps them look at it, if not with humor, then at least without hysteria and with optimism. He models various situations, in which he “rehearses” interaction with the “money bag” - constructively, without hostility and servility. In other words, it helps to get rid of the social barrier or makes it less noticeable. Instills confidence in your own ability to earn good money.

What new things do the training participants take away from the classes? First of all, new or improved skills. Maybe, new algorithm work. A new look at a familiar situation. And sometimes a new look at yourself.

Can anyone cope with such tasks? Of course not. For successful work the coach himself must possess all the virtues that he wants to instill in the group. He must believe in himself and fill the group with his confidence.

A business coach usually uses existing training techniques, but adapts them to the business objectives of a particular company. He constantly monitors new approaches to training, studies them, and some trainers develop their own methods.


A business coach can work in a special training agency, in a recruitment agency, or individually as a freelancer. He can also work in the HR department of a company (training manager).

Salary as of May 23, 2019

Russia 20000—60000 ₽

Moscow 60000—120000 ₽

Important qualities

The profession of a business coach requires optimism, sociability, tact, goodwill, a sense of humor, good intelligence, good memory, artistry and resistance to stress. Also a big plus is the ability to constantly work on oneself and on one’s education.

How do people become business coaches? As in any other business, there are long paths and short ones. I myself have been selling my business trainings since 2011, so I can tell you about the most quick ways x, how to become a business coach from scratch.

Why do people become business coaches?

I remember how for the first time I myself wanted to go out in front of the audience and start explaining to them some complex and intelligent things in simple words. This happened after I went to business training for the first time.

Yes, this is exactly how, in the vast majority of cases, the desire to teach others and make money from it is born. The profession of a business coach combines several strong “motivators”:

  • Be rich. You, too, have probably calculated how much money the business coach earned approximately for three hours of speaking, based on the number of people in the hall and the cost of the entrance ticket.
  • Be popular. When a person stands on stage and says something, and everyone else listens to him, there is some kind of magic in this, you must agree.
  • Have a lot of free time. It's great to perform just once a week, instead of going to work at 9 am every day.

And this is all really... true. But provided that you become a successful and sought-after business coach. Otherwise, you will have to share the fate of thousands of poor people who plow for pennies around the clock in all cities of Russia. So they see nothing except the plane and hotels.

And in order to become successful and in demand and expensive, you need to start right away right away.

3 quick ways to become a business coach from scratch

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages. You can choose the one that best suits your character and personality.

Option #1 - “Springboard”

What is the most important thing for a business coach? A piece of paper. That is, diplomas, certificates and other signs that he is truly a business coach. I used to think that every business coach is a successful owner of his own transnational business (at least). But in reality everything turned out much simpler.

You don't need to have your own business, and you don't even have to understand business processes. The main thing is that you have a piece of paper, and that the logo on this piece of paper is known.

And the first quick way is that you go to some kind of “training for trainers” at a large well-known training company. There they will teach you different things interesting things, but this is not the main thing for us.

It is very important for us that we have the opportunity to “get hooked” on this training company. Most often, large customers do not look for trainers individually. They contact a large “name” training company, and they are offered several trainers to choose from.

And now you need to become at least one of these “optional” trainers. Of course, you can just come to the same company “from the street” and say that you would like to work for them, and all that. But they have a lot of trainers, and they don’t know you at all.

Accordingly, there is a very high probability that they will forget about you as soon as you leave their office. But to prevent this from happening, we first pay them money. In general, this is probably the fastest, but also the most expensive way to become a business coach. Because the price tag for such trainings can be 200 - 300 thousand rubles.

But they will definitely recognize you there, and then you will be able to continue your career in the same agency. Calculate approximately how many trainings you will need to conduct to recoup the costs of training. It may well turn out that this is a profitable activity.

Method #2 - “Your own boss”

If in the first option we “tied” ourselves to the training company and are very dependent on it, then here it’s the other way around - we are on our own, and we don’t need anyone.

This method consists in the fact that you find clients for yourself, organize trainings yourself, and conduct them yourself. This is done approximately this way. You choose your list small companies who could benefit from your services.

At a meeting with your manager, you show yourself in all your glory and offer him two options for how you can further cooperate. Option one is expensive consulting, where you come to the campaign once or twice a week and help set up some processes. It usually costs from 150 thousand rubles a month, and few managers like it.

The second option is that you invite a manager to your training, where you will tell everything that you would tell in consulting, but not individually, but to a small group of people (5-10 people). And all this costs just a few pennies - around 15 - 20 thousand rubles for the entire training.

So you methodically visit several dozen companies per month and recruit one training group. As a result, the earnings are quite good.

Of course, here you have to have a suitable topic, and almost all the time you will have to do personal selling. But that's quite good alternative classical coaching through a campaign. Besides, who knows, maybe someone will order full-fledged consulting from you.

If you are interested in the option self-promotion your business trainings, but you don’t want to spend all your time visiting clients, then pay attention to the third option.

Business coach online

Are you familiar with the word “information business”? It’s probably familiar, and with a 90% chance it causes you a vague negative reaction. But there’s really nothing wrong with this type of activity. It's just the same business coaching, but only through the Internet.

Of course, there are rules here. I want to tell you about them in more detail.

Firstly, it is much more difficult to sell trainings and courses on the Internet than in person. People are ready to pay 10-15 thousand rubles for a living person to come out in front of them and start telling something. Even if this “something” is complete nonsense. But this won’t work on the Internet.

And this is connected with two things. Firstly, the very fact that a person comes out in person and says and does something evokes respect. We see his “work”. And on the Internet we are most often offered some kind of recordings. We will download them for free via torrent, right? And we won’t suffer any remorse for this, because it’s just a recording.

Secondly, people on the Internet and real world- completely different. In the real world they are "wild". They don’t know anything, they don’t see the proposals of their competitors’ coaches. And on the Internet they are literally inundated with offers to take courses, trainings, get a million rubles, get rich without leaving the couch - from all sides.

Is it easier or more difficult to be an online trainer?

On the one hand, it’s easier on the Internet, but on the other hand, it’s more difficult. Personally, I almost immediately came to the conclusion that online training was for me. Yes, I had to learn all sorts of new things. For example, how to advertise on the Internet, how to write selling texts, how to conduct an email newsletter.

But the result was definitely worth it. Now I can sell and conduct my trainings without leaving home. And it's a very cool feeling.

And the first thing you need to do if you decide to engage in information business is to choose the right niche. You see what’s the matter, business trainers from the “real world” come to me almost every week and say that they would like to earn money through the Internet. They are tired of flying around all the cities of Russia on planes, and now they just want to calmly share the secrets of their wisdom with people on the balcony of their hotel.

And almost none of these business trainers stay online. The problem is that they are trying to teach the same thing as offline. I ask them, “What topic are you going to sell training on?” They answer: “On the topic of sales.”

But this will not work on the Internet. The rules of the game are much stricter here. “Sales” - such a topic does not exist in our world. Offline, you can easily gather a whole room of small business leaders with clear and innocent eyes on the topic “Sales for your business.”

And on the Internet you must first clarify. Are we talking about sales through webinars? Or about sales through texts? Or about sales through social media? Or about sales through landing pages? This is all - perfect different topics, and they need to be sold in different ways and to different people.

If you still want to start a career as an online business coach, I recommend that you first read my free book. She will help you a lot initial stage. And then look at the article and. There I described in great detail how and what first steps you need to take.


Let us now, by tradition, summarize all of the above for memorization.

  • If you want to become a business coach, then you have three quick ways to choose from: “springboard”, “be your own boss” and “online business coach”.
  • The “springboard” option means that you undergo training at some large training company, and then you “stick” to them, and they start giving you orders. The disadvantage of this method is expensive training and dependence on the employer company.
  • The second option, “being your own boss,” allows you to be completely independent. However, you will have to look for orders and organize training yourself. Such independent business trainers gather 10-12 people a month for trainings costing 12-20 thousand rubles. Or they sell expensive individual consulting.
  • The third option - "online business coach" - is an information business. A special word was invented to denote this type of activity, because it is completely different from traditional business coaching. Here you will have to learn a lot and face tough competition before you can earn money “sitting on the balcony”.

I hope this short review was helpful to you. Share the article with your friends, let them find it useful too. Don't forget to download my book. There I show you the fastest way from zero to the first million on the Internet (extract from personal experience in 10 years =)

In the 90s, they did not think about this issue, since there were no business coaches yet. And Foppel’s first books with exercises for training sold like hot cakes.

There wasn’t even such a name as a business coach. Businesses did not yet know that it was possible to train their employees.

Everything started from scratch. And these were the years when business coaches worked creatively and for results. There were no invented frameworks that now make business trainings similar, repetitive and, as a result, boring for participants.

Well, think about it, employees attend business training several times a year. And they already know in advance that the trainer will begin his training with an introduction, then he will write and discuss the rules, then most likely there will be a warm-up, etc.

Business training has become divorced from reality. And because of this, the problem of motivating employees arose - so that they transfer the knowledge and skills from the training to work.

How to become a business coach from scratch

The first thing we would recommend to those who want to start conducting trainings is not to go to training schools for trainers. You will become like thousands of their graduates and lose your individuality. And at the first trainings, you will think more about how and where to stand at the board and not forget to introduce the notorious rules (which, by the way, few people follow).

When you realize that you want to become a business coach, ask yourself the question - what is my real motive? Why I want to become a business coach. And if the answer is in the area of ​​self-realization, development, and getting satisfaction from working with people, then this is your profession.

Don't expect to start making a lot of money right away, as many trainers say. Believe me, they are exaggerating. The work of business coaches is hard, with daily work on oneself, overcoming many mistakes and failures. And poorly paid at first. When we are asked the question - how to become a business coach and where to start, we always talk about motivation, and not about where to go to study. We talk about the difficulties personal growth, permanent job above yourself. And if this inspires, then move on to next stage– recommendations.

We give unconventional recommendations on how to become a business coach. Start by working in business if you are a psychologist or teacher or someone whose specialization is still far from business. Join the company for a position sales representative, agent, to find out from the inside what difficulties there are in sales and what really needs to be developed.

The best trainers are those who have gone through the school of life, starting from the bottom of the company and moving up the steps. They create their trainings based on their own experience, and not on the outdated traditions that are given at trainers’ trainings.

If you already work in business and want to retrain, then start by analyzing your work and the work of your colleagues. Those. those for whom you want to create training. Identify all the effective techniques, combine them and figure out how to train other people to do the same. This will be the basis of your training. Add your stories from your own practice. And learn to manage group behavior. This is what you need to learn from professionals. Observe what the business coach does with the group, what techniques he uses to keep the participants active and at the same time manageable.

To do this, you need to know group dynamics, i.e. how groups develop and how to manage them during training. Learn facilitation. This is an important point. The most effective training is when you don’t do everything and teach how to do it. And when participants obtain the knowledge they need in guided discussions.

Believe me, your training will be filled with unique content, different from other trainings. And, most importantly, it will become valuable for the participants. And you will become a famous business coach.

So, let's summarize. What you need first:

  1. Practice what you want to practice.
  2. Analysis and identification of the best practices on the selected training topic.
  3. Creation of techniques with the help of which other participants can master these developments.
  4. Knowledge of group dynamics and ability to manage them.
  5. Knowledge of facilitation and the use of its techniques in training.
  6. Belief in your talent and ability to convey your experience and systematize the experience of other people.

We really hope that we have answered your question - how to become a business coach from scratch. And if you want to go all this way with us, then write, call, we will advise and help you start creating your own trainings. And not only in the classroom, but also online.
