The talent to sell: from God or from a script? Salesman from God: myth and reality Salesman from God aggressive sales

More than once I have come across the fact that rich parents send their offspring to work in sales so that the child becomes a good salesman. The ability to sell is truly a very useful skill. A person who has learned to sell will always be able to earn money not only for bread, but also for butter. How to become a good salesman? This question is asked by many who have applied for a sales position.

Where can they teach you how to sell?

IN large companies there are very good school sales, where, if you wish, you can learn everything you need. Such large Western companies as Coca Cola, Pepsi, Mars, Citi bank have an excellent sales school. But getting a job in these companies is not so easy now. Then you can go to domestic retail chains Eldorado, MVideo, Tekhnosila, Svyaznoy, Euroset. There are many good sellers in Russian retail, but even more not very good ones. Choose who to learn from and learn from the best.

But often there is no way to get a job higher listed organizations, for example, in small towns In general, there are not many job offers and you don’t have to choose. In this case, you will have to stand on your own.

The essence of sales

The most common mistake that novice sellers make is being dizzy with their first successes. You worked for a month, learned something, learned something and felt the first results. You are no longer afraid to talk to clients, you know what you can sell, you begin to understand that selling is not so difficult. After this, many sellers relax and stop growing professionally.

The seller begins to feel that he has grasped the main essence of sales and understands that for him everything else begins to seem secondary. But this is the most important mistake. The fact is that sales always happen and it is not always the seller’s fault. Even while doing business, the seller, purely by chance, stumbles upon a client who needs the product being offered and concludes a deal. However, it is not a fact that the seller acted professionally.

It is important for the seller to understand such a concept as. In short, the essence comes down to the fact that, having made a certain number of contacts with people, the seller will sell a certain amount of goods. And the quantity of goods sold will depend on two indicators - and the number of contacts (traffic). That is, if you sell poorly, i.e. your conversion rate is poor, make more contacts and everything will be fine. But just because you have a lot of contact with people does not mean that you understand how to sell correctly.

The previous three paragraphs are written to make you understand that each person can understand sales differently. Accordingly, at the beginning it is important to form a list of what you want to learn and what you want to learn to do.

Sales Learning - Basic Level

The first step towards the goal of becoming a good salesperson is to study sales techniques. We will conditionally call this the basic level. So, in order:

If you study in detail all stages of sales and learn to use them when working with a client, this will be a signal that you have become a real seller. We could stop here, but there is also a more advanced level, which opens only to those who have comprehended the basic one.

Sales Study - Advanced Level

Why shouldn’t you study this section until you have mastered the basic level? The fact is that communication consists of several aspects; the simplest one is described above - verbal. It needs to be mastered in order to sell a product, not .

Here is a list of articles and, as a result, topics for further study of sales.

Books for sellers

  1. "" Harry J. Friedman is the best book for store salespeople. Lots of colorful examples, easy to read.
  2. Best book For , active sales and for conducting complex negotiations.
  3. – the most famous Russian book about sales. Rysev Nikolay is one of the most famous domestic business trainers

Films about sales

There are a lot of interesting films that can be recommended for viewing as a good visual aid for sellers. Eat good article– , in it you can watch the best film masterpieces for viewing.

Communication with colleagues

Very important point The development of any specialist is communication with colleagues and exchange of experience. There is a lot that can be adopted, some things are very difficult to understand just by reading, a more detailed explanation is needed. Not everyone has the opportunity to communicate with professionals in their field. It is for this purpose that there is a sellers forum where you can ask questions that are relevant to you and communicate with colleagues.

A salesman? Talent is needed, or a person can independently develop necessary qualities? Anyone can become good manager. It’s just that some people will get the necessary skill without difficulty, while others will have to put in a lot of effort. But in the end, both will sell equally well.

What does a salesperson do?

What is the essence of a manager's job? The seller must offer the buyer several categories of goods and tell about the advantages of certain items or services. Main goal manager is to sell your product a large number people. How to do this and how to become a good salesman? More than one generation of managers has been struggling with these questions. Many books have been written, a huge number of videos have been shot about how, to whom and what exactly needs to be sold. By using advice gleaned from specialized literature and practicing it daily, a person can quickly become good seller. What will the instructions look like, which any individual planning to build should follow? successful career?

Set yourself a goal

A person who is thinking about how to become a good salesperson must constantly set goals for himself. What might they be? You can develop in different areas, and do it at the same time. And in each area the goals will be different. For example, a manager can set himself two tasks for the day: talk to 20 clients and sell at least 5 products or services. Is the goal achieved? This means you can move to a new level. Talk more and sell more. By gradually improving in these two areas, you can become an excellent communicator and a great salesperson.

Goals should be set not only in work, but also in learning. A salesperson must constantly improve his level of competence. Therefore, a week he should read at least one book on sales techniques, methods of persuasion, discreet imposition of goods, etc.

Love for your business

You've met salespeople in stores who didn't care what you bought or whether you bought it at all. Such managers are no good, and they definitely shouldn’t expect a promotion. Do you want to know how to become a good salesperson? You need to love your job. If you are not passionate about sales, then nothing will come of it. A person who is afraid to approach a client and start a casual conversation will not be able to sell anything. The manager must be well versed in psychology and have an idea of ​​what is interesting to each specific category of citizens. A person must obtain this sacred knowledge on his own by observing customers and drawing conclusions from their behavior and responses. A person must have a good understanding of the product and love communicating with people. To climb up career ladder, you need to love your job and be passionate about it.

Everything comes with experience

Have you been working for a month and not seeing much results? You shouldn't be surprised. Everything will come in time. How to become a good sales manager? You need to work every day for a year to see proper results. A person who expects easy victories will be disappointed. It is impossible to get them in management. Learning to convince people to buy something, as well as skillfully selling related products, is difficult. You need to train a lot. Every person who wants to become a manager must learn a variety of approaches to people. There are different types: hard, soft, aggressive and restrained. Depending on the client, his level of income, character and product that the person intends to buy, the manager must choose an approach. There is no point in working according to the standard scheme all the time. This style of work will not bring great results.

Listening skills

People love to talk. But few people know how to listen. Are you thinking about how to become a good sales manager? The advice I can give is this: learn to listen to people. The person who comes to the store is a potential buyer. If he came, it means that he is missing something in his life. The salesperson’s task is to find a weak point and convince a person to purchase a product or service. A person who entered a store without permission will definitely buy something if the seller is courteous and enterprising. Listen to the client, try to understand him. Offer what the client asks of you, and be sure to give the person an alternative item that you think the client might also like. Use the same jargon in your speech that the client used. If the buyer told a story, you should remember it and tell how exactly the item will help a person in everyday life. Be attentive to details. They will help you establish contact with any individual.

Ability to speak

Are you watching your speech? Become good specialist Sales can only be done by a person who speaks well and competently. A person whose vocabulary does not have enough words to express his feelings, emotions and to describe a situation does not have a chance to make a career in management. A person must speak well and fluently, be well-read and educated. It is with such a person that clients will be pleased to conduct a dialogue. Naturally, if necessary, the manager should switch to a more down-to-earth style. After all, not all clients are the same. The salesperson must speak his language with each individual. Then the buyer will perceive the manager as his boyfriend, and trust in such individuals is always higher. Know how to adapt to people, learn to recognize what social type refers to a person, observing his actions. This will bring you a huge “exhaust” in the form of grateful customers.

Learn sales theory

How to become the best in sales? You need to not only practice, but also study theory. It will help a person stay on the same page with his clients. Sales techniques change every year. Clients are tired of intrusiveness, and they want to see a comrade in a consultant, and not a machine stuffed with knowledge. The salesperson must invite the client to dialogue, must create interaction. By including the client in the sales process, it will be easier for the manager to communicate with the person, and he will definitely not let the person leave the store empty-handed.

New techniques appear every month, but not all of them are translated into Russian. Therefore, a good specialist should read not only specialized articles in his native language, but also be interested in the experience of foreign colleagues. Don't miss the opportunity to attend seminars and trainings. By meeting interesting people, you can learn useful experiences from them that you can use in practice.

Study psychology

The best sales manager is a person who understands the souls of his clients well. The person must see right through the customers. Thanks to extensive communication experience, a manager can tell a lot about a person even before he comes up and says hello. A salesperson must determine at first glance whether a person is going to buy something or whether he entered the store out of boredom. Knowing the client’s financial wealth is also very important. Therefore, you should secretly find out how much money the client is willing to leave in the store.

The salesperson must be able to adapt not only to the pace of the conversation, but also copy the client’s gestures. Simple mirroring helps managers instill unlimited confidence in the buyer. A salesperson must understand which thin strings of the human soul can be played on and which ones should not be played.

Be competent

A person who wants to climb the career ladder simply must have a good understanding of the field in which he works. If a manager offers a particular product, then he must thoroughly know the features of the product, its pros and cons. How to become a good sales specialist? A manager should help people do right choice. The customer should leave the store with the thought that he has just purchased something he has long dreamed of. If the manager can instill a feeling of happiness in the buyer, then soon he may be waiting for him again. A person who received good advice in a store will be satisfied with the manager and will recommend the seller to his friends. This kind of word of mouth effect will help a manager quickly make a good career. Therefore, all novice salespeople should know what they should do to the client even if at the moment they do not receive any material benefit from their help.

Learn from mistakes

How to become a great salesperson? A manager must learn from mistakes. If clients look disapprovingly in his direction and do not want the person to approach them, then you should leave people alone, and not approach them with suggestions and help. A salesman must learn every day. If one of the recently read approaches does not work in practice, then it should not be used. If something worked once, then you should try again. A manager needs to monitor not only his own actions, but also the actions of his colleagues. By observing people, you can avoid many mistakes that an unobservant person will certainly repeat. Watch what good salespeople say, say, and act. Adopt them strengths and try to avoid what you don’t like about the behavior of these people.

Why do sales people get burned out? (From the coach's notebook) March 14th, 2010

Those managers who have experience managing sales teams have probably noticed how sales people burn out.

The first year, year and a half - everything is fine, people’s eyes light up, they show results, and then - somehow not so much. Options when a person did not receive what he earned and was blown away, I don’t mean, we’re talking about something else. I'm talking about demotivating salespeople. Why does it happen? At one time I was concerned about this issue, and this is what I found out.

It turns out that not all people, simply due to their typology, are able to engage in sales for a long time. The fittest, born to sell, is the type of so-called hysterics. It is important not to confuse them with the hysterical young ladies from novels. Hysteroids are strong and courageous guys; they often like to do mountain climbing or something else that is equally risky. The main motive is adrenaline.

As a rule, these are sales people, as they say from God, because they can handle blows well, are not afraid of rejection, they have good self-esteem, and also because they are prone to demonstrative behavior. A penchant for acting and acting is a mandatory attribute of a good salesperson, any coach or sales director will confirm this to you. They get drive from the process and at the same time are results-oriented, because a good salesperson is, as a rule, a man of percentages. All other types of people can work as salespeople and quite successfully. The question is how long? After all, they are not given the opportunity to recharge themselves from the sales process, as hysterics do.

Sales is an energetically quite costly process, because not every sale leads to a deal. In the second or third year of work, ordinary salespeople begin to dose out. Clients see this very well and are in no hurry to meet the person who is working with them half-heartedly. The percentage of successful transactions for sellers at this stage begins to decline. In addition, they develop, as I call it, the syndrome of a driver with two years of experience, when it seems to them that they have mastered the profession and there is no need to reduce the speed.

In sales, this is expressed in the fact that people begin to follow 1-2 established schemes that worked before. Naturally, clients are different and this approach does not work. The question may arise why it worked before, but now it has stopped. And it’s simple - before the level of enthusiasm was different, clients read it and forgave a lot.

Well, then comes the third stage - when the salesperson simply burns out emotionally. If you do something for a long time that does not give you drive, that is, you don’t want to work through it, sooner or later chronic fatigue and a general reluctance to do any kind of work sets in. The best thing you can do in this situation is to leave sales for at least 5 years. This is difficult for many because they are accustomed to a certain level of consumption and status, especially if the transactions are large. But it is better to do this so as not to harm your health. Speaking of medicine, intensive care unit employees are also susceptible to burnout syndrome. The average period of work there is 3-4 years, no more. So, in terms of emotional stress, salespeople are like resuscitators.

“Salesman” from God... Who among you doesn’t want to have his qualities or have a similar employee on the team? Many will agree that it is difficult to run a business without such people. And yet, who is he? What qualities does he have? What is the basis for a good “sales person”?

We also did not stay away from these thoughts. And here are our conclusions:

1. Talkative or silent ? Neither one nor the other. He is an expert. And his task is to understand you, not to evaluate you. It is not in his rules to evaluate at all. He clarifies and asks, drawing up an overall picture of the state of affairs. And, of course, does not compare the client with others, NEVER!

2. In a hurry or completely at the client’s disposal ? And again, neither one nor the other. Some “sales people” sit leisurely in their chairs, while others are constantly distracted by the phone, email, and requests from colleagues. What behavior model is comfortable for the client? It is best if the “sales person” informs you in advance about the free time that he is ready to spend on the conversation, because... this relieves the client of stress from the very fact of contacting strangers, and his thoughts and description of the situation are formed more clearly and understandably.

3. Always knows what the client WANTS to talk about ! And these are not his victories or other achievements. This is PAIN: from unscrupulous staff, from corrupt officials, from indebted suppliers, etc. And yes, the main pain for today is 54-FZ, no matter how hackneyed it may sound.

4. In an unkempt robe or a haute couture suit ? Both options create an unpleasant feeling for the client. An overly well-groomed “sales person” evokes feelings of inferiority and envy; the client spends more time looking at the presentation than delving into it. And an unkempt one won’t make you want to sit next to each other at the same computer and look at programs. Cleanliness and business style- the most optimal combination.

5. MisterNor Ivan Ivanovich ? We have said many times that the most beloved and warmest word for any person is his name. And yes, a good “sales person” always remembers the names of his clients.

6. Non-verbal or All this is nonsense ? Gentlemen, alas, but it all works... Therefore, control yourself and your employees and in your spare time do not forget to practice in the most favorable position: smile, chin slightly down, body turned slightly at an angle, and palms open.

7. Time is the main commodity . Fast response to the client’s interest, calling at exactly the agreed time, responding to e-mail within an hour, receiving feedback in a timely manner, etc. Everywhere the main thing is time. A good “sales person” is always at ease with CRM and other tools that help him properly manage time - the most valuable commodity of any business niche.

Of course, the list is far from complete, and a true “sales person” is not just a salesman, it is a philosophy of life. And people who want to do this professionally are always looking for new techniques, new channels and tools. One thing remains constant for them - the basics, which we tried to formulate in this short article.

P.S. And the most important basis of a good “salesman” Microinvest- this is knowledge of the program and options for its presentation BEFORE the start of communication with the client. That's why we always insist that you explore all of our products, looking like an expert in front of the audience, and not a confused student.

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First, about the profession in general. Getting started in sales is easy. But becoming a successful salesman is another task. Anyone who thinks that sales is not a profession is mistaken. Although it does not contain such a theoretical basis as, for example, programming, it nevertheless requires huge amount efforts for development.

I would compare sales to some kind of physical work. This is where training and personal experience, although theory is also important. There is also constant contact with people.

Are salespeople born or made?

Debatable. I answer subjectively.

Although great value(as in any business) they have initial data, acquired skills are much more important. I believe that any nerd can swing and achieve some success in the field of sales. Another thing is how much effort and overcoming it will require from him.

Why did I choose sales?

Everything is standard.

Firstly, it is a useful skill in life. We still live in society and negotiations, communication, etc. are not going to go anywhere. I am sure that this experience will be useful to me in the future in business.

Secondly, money. Everyone knows that successful salespeople make good money. So it is here. If you fulfill the plan by 150%, you can get 100 thousand rubles, and absolutely in white. A pretty penny will also drop on your ololo pension.

How to become a good salesman?

In general, my sales experience has exceeded a year. I used to have my own business.

So, I thought about what leads to a high result in this path and came to three determining factors.

  1. Number of leads
  2. Lead quality
  3. Sales skills

Let's go through it in order.

Number of leads.

We're talking about the notorious sales funnel. Agree, if your sales plan is 10, and you process 5 leads, the plan will not be fulfilled under any circumstances, no matter how skilled you are.

That's it. You need to take it in volume in any situation. If you set a goal of 10, then there should be 13-14 preliminary consents. Etc.

Speaking of setting goals. You can always set benchmarks for yourself based on the amounts we strive for. For example, I want X rubles, for this I need to get Y leads, and for this, accordingly, process Z clients. You always need to have a clear plan in your head and understand the indicators you are striving for. In general, it turns out sales is statistics + sales skills. Not such an ephemeral profession. Everything is considered good.

At this point, the primary task is to increase the number of clients entering the neck of our funnel.

Lead quality.

By quality I mean how well the leads meet the definition of our target audience. Relatively speaking, if people are eager to buy mangoes, and we sell them tomatoes, no matter how much of a sales genius you are, the result will be poor.

It is important to understand that a good salesperson is not someone who will sell ANYTHING to ANYONE, it is someone who understands his Target Audience and looks for the keys to it, adding negotiation skills, persuasion, etc.

Sales skills.

Where would we be without them? Perhaps the most extensive factor in successful sales. Important:

  • Listen to the client (for example, selling using the SPIN method), find his pain, work with it, offering solutions. Even if you have just one product and one offering, it may appeal to people in completely different ways and solve different needs. The main thing is to understand this yourself and convey it to the client.
  • Work with objections (For example, using the ISIDA method). Be able to recognize false objections. Even from life, we know, for example, if a girl says no, this does not always mean that she does not want to.
  • Be able to competently present your product. Alive. So that it does not look like a sale, but rather resembles a regular heart-to-heart conversation.
  • Close the deal. Motivate to take the necessary action and, if possible, now.

Remember good sale- doesn't look like a sale. She is as natural as possible. And the client is left with a smile afterward.


These are the three main factors for successful sales. It is impossible to show results if there are problems with at least one of them. Remember this.

I hope I was able to answer the question of how to become a good salesperson. In the future, I will write about specific sales methods, their application in practice, tricks, maybe even cases. So let's go deeper into the topic.

Thanks for your attention, good luck!

P.S. And yes, I couldn’t come up with anything more original than adding a wallpaper with DiCaprio to the article.
