Selection of cold sales managers. How to select an active sales manager What criteria are used to select sales managers?

Excellent negotiation techniques, outstanding knowledge of theory, excellent ingenuity - no sales. A familiar story when recruiting sales managers? Or is there persistence and perseverance, but something is missing and sales are stalled again? If you haven’t encountered such a situation, it means you simply haven’t recruited enough managers, or you have a truly unique talent for sensing star sales managers. We have successfully recruited more than 400 managers not because we never made a mistake, but because we realized our mistakes very quickly, either during the initial training or during the first week of work. I’ll share a secret on how to minimize mistakes in selecting effective sales managers.

First of all, you need to decide on the methodology for finding sales managers. When the initial flow of managers is established, you need to decide how to select them. A good sales manager must be able to sell himself. He himself is a product that he learns to sell all his life. And if he really knows the sales technique, he can easily sell himself. But this is the biggest problem with experienced sales managers. They masterfully sell themselves at an interview, they can masterfully make one sale, but often cannot show a stable, sustainable result due to an expired shelf life. That is, they have all the necessary knowledge to sell well, but do not have the interest and energy to take active steps to find and attract new customers every day. Young managers have the energy and desire to act, but do not know how to work effectively. Therefore, the selection of employees will depend on the ability of managers to train and guide managers.

Next, you need to move as far as possible from the selection of sales managers HR specialists. HR employees, with rare exceptions, can be well versed in a specific category of sales managers. The employee’s task is to create a flow of candidates, screening them out based on as few requirements as possible. Each additional condition, this is a formal reason to reject a possibly good candidate. Managers are a special people; they can have 100 shortcomings and two advantages and still sell well.

Now let's move on to the selection criteria.
I hope you can imagine what qualities a sales manager should have. I won’t bother you with how to determine communication skills, the ability to listen and hear your interlocutor. Those qualities that are difficult to live without effective manager on sales. In order to determine which candidate will do the job best in specific company, it is necessary to write down the entire algorithm of actions of the sales manager, break it down into its component parts and then determine the qualities, knowledge and skills for successfully completing each stage. Then decide what the company is ready to teach the sales manager and what he should have at the entrance. And based on the work done, formulate requirements for the candidate.

The most difficult thing is to determine the candidate’s performance during an interview. Quite often there are cases when the candidate is simply excellent, and his knowledge and skills are at their best, but when he starts working, he tries to minimize all his efforts. For ease of understanding, let's call such a candidate lazy. But you can also be lazy in different ways. There are lazy people who will not strain under any circumstances, there are those who if you set demands on them and regularly monitor them, they will cope with their laziness. In my practice, the second category is much broader. Thus, I am not a fan of selecting lazy candidates for interviews. I am in favor of giving them a chance to work in the system. If their level of laziness exceeds the requirements of the system, they themselves will quickly leave the company. If they can adapt, they will be effective both for the system and for themselves. When I talk about the speed of understanding whether a sales manager is able to integrate into the system, I mean a period of one, maximum, two weeks. Yes, of course, every person has an effect “ new job“When at first we try to work at maximum, and then, when we have proven ourselves, we reduce the speed. But this only means one thing: that a person certain conditions can work efficiently. Therefore, our task is to create these conditions for him using the created sales system.

If a situation arises that there are doubts whether the manager is suitable or not suitable. Or you need to choose from two candidates. My advice is to take both those who are in doubt and those two from whom you need to choose. An interview is one thing, quite another. real work. The manager can put everything in its place in one or two weeks. Of course not in terms of sales volumes. In fact, only stars or a very simple product can sell in two weeks of work in a company, or according to someone client base. A manager can be identified by the level of executive discipline, learning ability, and aspiration. During this period, it will not be difficult for a good manager to understand who is moving towards their sales and who is marking time. Even if a person does not go through all the stages, but based on the efficiency and perseverance of passing the first stages, everything will be visible. Just don’t give managers a long time to build up. One or two days to study the manual for a new product sales manager, and go into battle. Let knowledge about the product be consolidated. Let them “float” a little in the product, but he will learn about it exactly what the client needs

Remove restrictive requirements for job candidates

Very often, managers complicate the search for an HR manager by specifying a lot of limiting requirements for candidates. For example, having a specialized education in many companies is one of the main requirements for an HR manager. But does this factor really have such great value? As the experience of our clients shows, this requirement not only significantly narrows the circle of considered applicants for a vacancy, it sometimes even interferes with successful work hired HR manager. Let's look in more detail at why this happens.

Universities that teach how to work with personnel give their graduates a set of theoretical knowledge that often does not bring the desired results in practice. Nevertheless, people who have received specialized education are confident that they know everything about how to select personnel. In this case, it becomes very difficult for the manager to convince the hired HR manager that he needs to approach hiring differently. Not every person is ready to give up their usual actions, learn a new approach and stick with it. Especially if he is confident that he knows what needs to be done.

And you need to take this into account if you are considering only candidates with specialized education for the position of HR manager. Especially if in the future you plan to train your HR manager in our recruitment technology. Training sessions for HR managers and executives in Performia form a completely new perspective on the process of hiring and further work with personnel. A previously trained HR manager will have to forget about 80 percent of his knowledge and act according to technology without deviating from it. In this case, a person who does not have a specialized education in this area will be more willing to accept new information.

Experience in the field of recruitment is an important criterion in choosing an HR manager. It can show us whether the applicant has achieved the desired results in this area in the past. However, if among the candidates who responded to the vacancy there are no people with experience as HR managers, but there are those who previously held positions leadership positions and achieved good results with them, you should not immediately refuse them. Often excellent HR managers come from former store, hotel or restaurant administrators. After all, due to their line of work, they had to be responsible for the results of the entire team, and for this they need to be able to identify productive people and work competently with staff.

There is only one indicator on which you definitely cannot compromise when you are looking for the person who will be responsible for hiring in your company.

The main criterion by which you should select an HR manager is his productivity.

That is, his ability to achieve expected performance results. No recruitment training can improve the performance of an HR manager if he does not initially have a high degree of productivity. A variety of recruitment courses only help to develop the best strategy employee search, that is, determine what actions will help achieve success in the field of recruitment. However, to implement a strategy, you need the ability to complete the actions you have started and keep your attention on the final goal. Performia's many years of experience show that only productive people have this ability.

Those who do not have sufficient productivity will simply not be able to implement the developed strategy in practice. They will give up when difficulties arise, or their attention will wander to something less important and they will lose focus on the goal they need to achieve. Only productive people can overcome laziness and complete all the actions necessary to achieve a goal, despite all the distractions and obstacles along the way. Therefore, productivity should be the main criterion in choosing an HR manager.

How to choose a sales manager is the main task facing the department head and HR specialist. You need to understand that the effectiveness of the staff, and therefore business success, depends on the personal qualities and experience of a potential employee and a properly conducted interview. We will tell you about some of the stages, secrets and principles of selecting candidates for the position of salesperson.

  1. How to select and hire a good sales manager? Use a wide funnel. Your task is to get as many responses to the vacancy as possible. Three hundred responses will turn into 30 good resumes, 10 worthwhile applicants and 3 specialists, two will accept your offer, and only one will remain on a long-term basis. The funnel works exactly the same as in sales. Fill it up and monitor the conversion, that’s the whole secret.
  2. Use test working days- this is another answer to the question “how to choose the right the best manager on sales." If you have 2 good applicants for 1 position, invite them both, this is a great technique. Or test them on remote transactions. After a few days, you will understand which of them is better for you (or one of them will decide not to continue working). Look at the numbers, but don’t forget about subjective impressions: you have to work with this person. The criteria for evaluating a sales manager may be different, but we look at the effectiveness of lead generation and the number of calls. Don’t forget to pay honestly and express gratitude to the unsuitable candidate. And if both employees show themselves well, then we can only congratulate you, we would hire two at once, they will not be superfluous.
  3. Selecting and selecting a sales manager that is right for you. If you are building an effective department where there is a division into functions, do not forget that you are looking for an employee for a specific role. And if a friendly and smart person seems to you not active and courageous enough for cold calls, think about whether you need an account specialist. Don't look ideal people, they don't exist. The first principle is not looking for unnecessary qualities in people.
  4. How to quickly find a sales manager in short terms? Search everywhere! Use all channels: work sites, bulletin boards, special chats and groups on social networks. Have an assistant hand out the job vacancy text (well written, of course!). Great coverage means a lot of responses, and we already wrote about the funnel in the first paragraph. Do not delay processing, read your resume on the day of admission.
  5. If you often need “fresh blood”, for example, you have a huge team, or constant turnover, then keep applicants “in reserve” and always have a database of potential specialists. Or create a technology for selecting a sales manager - this is a template by which any of your employees can start the entire chain of search actions; you can order such a service from recruitment agencies.
  6. Don't delay starting. Once you start working, you will quickly understand whether you need to restart the search. Conducted an interview, agreed on the candidate and call her to come to the place. Check with HR specialists in advance how to register a sales manager so that there are no problems if you don’t work out well.
We have shared with you our principles for selecting people for the sales department. We hope that they will help you solve an issue that is important to you. In any case, the one who walks will master the road. Good luck to you!

Webinars and events:

Free course “Head of Cold Sales Department”

Take an online course on cold calling from the Skorozvon service and receive a personalized certificate.

Free webinar “How to increase sales by 2-3 times”

On October 10, Dilara Muzafarova will tell you how to build a sales pipeline using cold calls. You will receive step by step program actions.

  • Manager separation
  • Portraits of managers
  • Employee search
  • How to write scripts
  • Call and conversion databases
  • Control and efficiency

“Man (woman) 25-35 years old, higher education, 1 year of sales experience, motivation, communication skills, ability to work in a team...” We’ve already read this somewhere, haven’t we? Job search engines are flooded with job offers in the sales field, and the requirements that employers make are very similar to each other.

Finding a good sales manager is incredibly important, because he will bring you new clients and increase the company’s profits. How to determine whether the young man sitting opposite you in your office is right for you? Let's look at some useful principles.

Tip 1.Draw a portrait. Who is he anyway, your salesman? It would be good to decide in advance what specific qualities you need and then purposefully find out if the candidate has them. The portrait of a manager depends entirely on the specifics of your company. Answer a few questions:

  • Who and what are you selling to? If you are going to sell anti-wrinkle and anti-aging cosmetics, it would be strange if 23-year-old guys were doing it. Most likely, in your case everything is not so obvious, but still it would be nice to at least roughly understand what gender and age people will be able to find common language with your potential clients.
  • How should relationships with clients be built? If you work in the b2b segment and have contact mainly with major managers, that is, with serious people, then communication with them should be appropriate. A young and naive seller who takes things in stride will simply not be allowed into the negotiations. A calm and balanced approach is needed here, and this must be taken into account when recruiting personnel.
  • How should a sales department work? Perhaps you are going to build a multi-stage system where sales are carried out in stages. Then you need to select people for specific tasks: cold calls - separately, building a database - separately, meetings and signing contracts - separately. If all stages are performed by one person, then you need people with a universal set of qualities.

Tip 2. The ability to present yourself. Trite, but usually it's really important. During an interview, it is easy to assess how a person behaves, whether he knows how to put words into sentences, whether he even understands where he came and why, and so on. Your assessment will most likely be terribly subjective, but some things can be determined immediately.

Tip 3. Motivation. The most important success factor for any seller. Many of your manager's shortcomings will disappear if he is extremely motivated. Can this be determined during an interview? Sometimes this can be done by tactfully asking about the person's life situation. If in front of you is a single woman with a small child, it means that she will have to do everything to earn money, and this will only benefit you.

Tip 4. Probation. No matter how astute a person you are, it is still difficult to understand in a few minutes whether the person sitting in front of you can sell effectively. Therefore, if you are in doubt, or the choice is small, it is better to give the applicant a couple of weeks and look at him in the mode daily work. Is he capable of learning? Does he cope with stress? Does his communication skills show? And in general, how collected and organized is it and can it work systematically? You can find out all this during the trial period, and only then you can select the best.

There is no universal formula for choosing a sales manager. When dealing with people, it is difficult to guess who will be able to sell and who will not - too many factors influence this, so you still cannot do without mistakes in this matter. And yet, if you know your clients well and have a clear idea of ​​who you need, your search will be successful!

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There are two difficulties in working with personnel: we hire the wrong people, we manage them wrong. And if from a management point of view we are only strong in how to increase efficiency.

We feel very comfortable in hiring sales managers (they are also retail salespeople), at least because we ourselves constantly practice searching for sales personnel for our company.

Hire, don't buy

Great surprise can be seen in the eyes of an entrepreneur who has just started hiring staff.

The idea that if you give good salary and conditions, then the people will come in a crowd and each of them will be a superhero, collapsing like a sand castle on the seashore.

Practice shows the opposite - people are reluctant to come, and if they come, most of them are not professional at all. suitable.

Sales personnel are one of the most complex professions in selection. Therefore, this process needs to be approached systematically.

And it doesn’t all start with creating an ad. This matter is not as complicated as it is made out to be.

It all starts with the formation of values ​​and working conditions. And this is not for you to carry bags of potatoes.

I focus on this because, from our experience, the reason for the weak flow of potential candidates lies initially in the lack of competitive conditions.

Now is the time when you do not choose, but you are chosen. This sounds crazy, especially if you look at the ratio of vacancies to resumes.

But we must take into account not a quantitative indicator, but a qualitative one. And there are already ten times fewer such managers.

Therefore, before proceeding to the instructions below, you need to take a fresh look at your company and then monitor the conditions that competitors offer.

If you initially lose, then it is better to invest a little money and effort to make the conditions as tasty as possible, and only then hold an open house for future sellers.

And one more important point. Clearly define the job profile. Portrait of the person you are looking for.

Most likely nothing will change if I say the following phrase, but still:

Important. There is no need to look for a multi-armed and multi-legged one. You must clearly understand who you are looking for and the tasks that he will solve.

Multi-functional employees are not found, they grow within the company. And this is a completely different song.

We are looking and not complaining

To conduct a selection, you need to have someone to select. The logic is ironclad, I know.

But even with finding people and inviting them for an interview, many have difficulties, as a result of which we hear the phrase: “People are completely screwed, they don’t want to work.”

Therefore, first of all, we will look at how to find, and only then how to select a seller or manager.

And I warn you right away, I am not voicing non-standard/labor-intensive ways to find a good sales manager.

I include these: “steal” from another company, grow from another employee, find at sales training, ask friends, and so on.

All this has its place, but requires more professional skills and I will not be able to disclose them in this article.


Option 1. Passive search (ad)

The laziest way to attract a good salesperson is to place an ad on relevant sites and wait for a response.

It was not by chance that I called it lazy, since it requires minimal resources. But nevertheless, it also requires certain knowledge so as not to end up with nothing.

We monitored huge amount ads and came to the conclusion that all successful companies use similar ad structures.

Therefore, without thinking for a long time, we copied it and improved it from a marketing point of view. Therefore, you can also not invent a wheel and take our sequence:

  1. Briefly and vividly about yourself. In one sentence, tell us who you are and what you do;
  2. Position and reason. Write the position you are looking for and what it involves;
  3. Main benefits. Catch attention with compelling reasons why your position is better than others;
  4. Possibilities. Increase interest in you through future opportunities;
  5. Responsibilities. Describe what the person will need to do during the work process;
  6. No need to do it (individually). Write what you won’t need to do in your work;
  7. Requirements. Voice your wishes to the future employee;
  8. Conditions. Be as specific as possible about what the candidate will receive;
  9. Time limit. Create excitement by setting a deadline for applications;
  10. Call to action + contacts. Show what you need to do to submit your application.

If this is not your first day in business, you can easily compose your ad using this structure.

I deliberately do not post an example of our implementation of such an ad, otherwise everything will be like a template for everyone. You must be different, at a minimum, in your presentation.

For example (I’m exaggerating), write not “An experienced team of like-minded people,” but “A team of superheroes with 7 different abilities: from a human designer to a human who knows his place.”

Once again, this is important. You need to write an ad in non-dry language in the style of “ reliable company” or “stable payments”.

This is the last century even for Gazprom. A real sales manager is an active and non-standard person, which means he wants to work in an equally advanced company.

In addition, you need to clearly understand that very soon this position will be filled entirely by a generation raised on iPhones, and not on bread stamps.

Important. It is optimal to indicate the average salary; this will not create high expectations (often they do not believe in them) and at the same time will not be frightened off by a low base rate.

Just don’t hide this number and hope that they will call you. It must be a very well-known company for people to knock on your door so actively.

Option 2. Active search (calls)

If the mountain does not come to Mohammed, then Mohammed must pick up the phone and call. Are you surprised?

I hope not at all, because even contrary to the logic that a manager always makes the first step, you need to do the opposite.

You take sites with advertisements and start calling all the suitable resumes on the sites.

Unfortunately, now almost all sites have paid access to employee resumes. Either you pay for each open resume, or you simply buy access for a certain period.

And this was not done by chance. After all, now managers are mostly accustomed to posting their resumes and waiting for an invitation, rather than going to the front and calling themselves.

First of all, this is due to the fact that good employees are already working somewhere, and if they are looking for another job, they do it slowly.

I'm not ruling out a situation where a super seller will be in active search, but as practice shows, this happens much less often. Therefore, there is only one verdict - it is better to call yourself than to wait for responses.

Moreover, get ready, the conversation should also take place in a certain way.

You need to properly present your company and hook people so that they come to you for an interview.

This is difficult, because you initially find yourself in the position of a “begger,” but if you really have a strong offer on the market, then in just a few minutes the roles can change dramatically.

Interesting. Lately, we are more likely to find professional sellers on Avito than on specialized job search sites.

We select and do not regret

At first, we, like everyone else, used the approach with individual interviews, until we got bored (sorry) and came across a book by Konstantin Baksht, where he talks about the mass approach.

I just want to warn you right away that ours differs from what is written in the book and from those that you will find on the Internet.

We have developed our own style, which brings the best results at the moment.

A mass approach is when you invite up to 10 people for one position at one time, without telling them about it. Yes, yes!

Don't panic, that's the way it should be. We do this in order to make it easier to see “Salesmen” and “Not Salesmen” with this approach.

In addition, during such a meeting, your company grows in the eyes of candidates, since they see that there are several applicants for one position.

Important. In big cities, mass interviews are nothing new; be prepared for the fact that potential employees may know the answers to your entire list of interview questions.

Stage 1. Introduction

Well, you invited everyone for the same time and are waiting. At this time, your future sales terrorists gradually come to the waiting room, looking at all the people in bewilderment and asking a banal question: “Are you all booked for 14.30?”

Some, upon hearing the answer, will be slightly surprised, but will sit down with a calm face to wait for it to begin; the other part, being at a loss, will quietly turn around under the pretext of “Where is the toilet?” and they will leave.

And let them go, we don’t need salespeople who are shy or afraid of competition in the company.

When the clock strikes the appointed time and all potential employees have gathered in one place, we begin our show program.

At the beginning, you need to introduce yourself, saying your name with your position and 1-2 sentences about yourself, for example, how long have you been working in the company and what have you achieved?

Then be sure to thank them for all coming, and then “program” the applicants for timing and sequence, telling them how events will develop further.

For many people, an interview is already stressful, but here you are with the masses (as a rule, people initially prepare for a personal interview, prepare answers to questions, imagine how they will sell a pen, etc.).

Therefore, just in case, I ask the question at the end: “Are there anyone who wants to just pick up and leave?”

Previously, the first person to leave would be followed by a couple more who were embarrassed to take the first step towards the door, but now I see a situation where people, on the contrary, demand the continuation of the banquet without even blinking an eye.

Stage 2. Presentation of the company and vacancies

At the second stage, our task is to present the company and the vacancy. True, I prefer to use the word “sell” instead of “present”.

We start, naturally, with the sale of the company. You need to make a pitch so that everyone wants to work for you and understands that this is not a company, but a tasty morsel.

After talking about the company, we must sell the vacancy. After all, it’s one thing to work in a large and famous company, and another thing is to work there with terrible conditions and inflated demands.

The sequence of your further presentation will be based on the following scheme:

  1. Reason for vacancy. We tell you why you decided to hire a new employee;
  2. Job profile. We voice the characteristics of a person who is ideally suited;
  3. Working conditions. We show that working for you is profitable and useful.

Pay attention to the second paragraph “Vacancy Profile”. In it you need to state as accurately as possible what qualities you will pay attention to when choosing.

And in the future, you should also monitor those people who resonate with them in their answers, and even better, voice them during self-presentation ( next stage).

Based on the results of this block, I finally ask what questions there are about the company, vacancy and conditions.

If there were too many questions, then congratulations, you were poorly prepared for the presentation, which means you also poorly “sold” your company. If there are no questions, then you are great and can move on.

Stage 3. Mass survey

Now we come to the interview itself, where you will learn how to choose the right sellers. This stage consists of a questionnaire, questions and a meeting.

These three stages occur sequentially and each of them has a specific task.

Based on the results of these stages, it will be clear which of those who came will advance to the next stage, and who will be the weakest link and will leave your place of execution.


Before meeting with applicants, you need to print out a form with selection criteria.

It is a list of 10-15 criteria that employees are guided by when choosing a future place of work.

These criteria must include: high salary, comfortable place to work, friendly team. The rest is individually tailored to your area of ​​business.

You give this questionnaire to each person with the words: “Sign the questionnaire and mark the 3 most important criteria for you when choosing a future job.”

In order not to get lost in last names, I also ask everyone who comes to pay by serial numbers from left to right, and sign it next to their full name.

Literally within a minute after distribution, you will receive all the materials back, where you can see who pays attention to what when choosing a job.

Initially, I thought that people would be cunning and write what the employer wants to see. But as practice shows, people more often write the truth in these questionnaires, even if only 70%.


This part is the most stressful for those sitting in front of you. You start it with a fairly simple task - everyone must present themselves within 30 seconds.

To do this, you take out a stopwatch and everyone talks about themselves in any format. When making a strict selection, I recommend not setting the beginning of the queue, but asking who wants it first.

As a rule, those most suitable for the position in terms of activity are the first to raise their hands.

Some of the speakers won’t even do it in 30 seconds, but for others, on the contrary, 5 seconds will be enough.

But the main thing for you is not the duration of the presentation, but its quality. A person must sell himself from the side you need.

That is why at the very beginning you described in such detail who you are looking for and what requirements you provide for candidates.

After the presentation, it is already clear who has the potential, but we do not give up and continue the selection. The next test is three tricky questions of your choice.

My most frequently asked question is: “What does selling mean to you?” The ideal answer is “Result”. But when it comes down to it, there is no perfect answer. What matters is how a person speaks and how he thinks.

For example, those who voice that selling is the ability to identify a need, then I see that the person is more focused on work and does not always consider this a bad answer.

Lifehack. In order not to get confused in the answers, I put a plus or minus (like or dislike) for each answer in the participant’s questionnaire.

Meeting and results

Having thanked everyone for their answers, you, together with all the selectors, retire to a separate room and make a verdict - who will advance to the next stage.

First of all, you should rely on self-presentation (how the person was able to sell himself), then on the questionnaire (how similar you are in values) and then on three answers (what kind of thinking the person has).

Based on the screening results, you publicly name those who made it to the next stage.

And also, to cheer everyone up and end the interview on a positive note, you can give out mini-gifts or discount cards from your company.

After all, today they are your potential employees, and tomorrow they can become your current clients.

Your gifts from partners

Stage 4. Personal interview

This stage is familiar to everyone; it is no different from what you do during standard hiring.

Only you no longer communicate with everyone, but with the best. This saves your time enormously and increases the efficiency of screening.

Question and answer

How did the famous detective Sherlock Holmes solve mysterious murders so easily? He paid attention to detail. You need to do the same at this step.

When asking questions, you should notice details in the answers, look for investigative connections and inconsistencies in them with other known facts about the candidate.

In a short period of time (about 20 minutes), you need to ask the most piercing questions in order to decide whether to hire a person probation or not.

All these questions are divided into three zones that show a person from all sides. We call them analyzes and some of the questions look like this:

  1. Describe your 5 biggest accomplishments at work.
  2. How many calls did you make per day/What was the conversion from visitor to deal?
  3. What's your biggest deal?
  4. 10 of your first actions in the workplace
  5. Do you have experience in our field?
  • Analysis of motivation (what motivates and how)
  1. What didn't you like about your previous job?
  2. What ideal motivation do you see for yourself?
  3. What are your hobbies?
  4. Why the profession of a manager/sales consultant?
  5. What are you willing to work for if it’s not money?
  • Compensation analysis (how much money is needed)
  1. Minimum threshold for which you are willing to work?
  2. What will you buy first with 100,000 rubles?
  3. How long ago and what did you please yourself with?
  4. What is the most expensive purchase in the last six months?
  5. Approximately how much do you spend on yourself?

Sales manager interview questions are all pretty banal.

That is why there are entire articles for sellers, where they teach how to correctly say who they see themselves in 3 years and why they change jobs so often.

By this I am not saying that your task is to be different from everyone else. The goal is to get an answer “from the heart,” and not a prepared template.

And for this you need to be able to ask ordinary questions, choosing other words.

But in order to be able to reformulate questions, you need to understand their essence. For example, by asking the question: “Where do you see yourself in 3 years?”, we want to find out how big the person’s ambitions are in the long term.

Therefore, we can easily replace it with “What do you choose: now a small salary, but in 2 years the position of a manager with a 90% probability and with a salary 5 times more, or now a high salary, but no promotions for 3 years?”

Case stage

The seller sees the seller from afar. Therefore, it is very important that a person knowledgeable in sales be present at this step, because this is where the applicant will show his skills in the business.

Namely, you propose to simulate real sale product. Where he is the seller, and you are the buyer.

For purity of selection, we always suggest depicting the sale of a fictitious product. For example, an anti-baldness cream or a chair with three legs.

This is necessary so that a person is not afraid to make mistakes in technical details and shows his ingenuity, and most importantly, how he behaves in non-standard situations.

Pay attention not only to creativity and acting skills, but also to the use of the 8 stages of sales techniques.

A real seller will first make contact, then find out the need and only then present the product.

And don’t forget to check how it will be from the series “Expensive”, “We need advice”, “Give a discount” and so on.

Important. At the end of the interview, we never give an answer right away. We need to show what we choose. Therefore, take a break until the next day (in rare cases, until the evening).

Briefly about the main thing

Now you see that the questions “Where to find a sales manager” and “How to choose a seller” do not look as simple as it seems at first.

To successfully implement them, you need to go through 4 stages + preliminary search.

And most likely, if you have a constant flow of clients, it is better to hire a separate person for this and give him these instructions.

According to statistics, to select the right employee you need to review 50 candidates.

For you, this means 5 mass interviews and about 5 people accepted for internship.

That’s right, until you get people into internships, you won’t understand whether this is your person or not. Therefore, after reading and implementing these instructions, you can then begin to develop an adaptation plan.
