Business plan for a branch of a music school. Larisa Kudryavtseva: How to open a vocal school. How much did it cost you to start the project?

* The calculations use average data for Russia

Modern education Over the past few years, it has been gradually switching to a paid basis. And this no longer surprises anyone. In addition to state educational institutions, in large cities there are private kindergartens, schools, sections, and courses. At the same time, private music schools are a relatively new phenomenon.

Parents are more willing to send their children to paid classes or subjects school curriculum(for example, foreign languages), or to classes for general physical development (dancing, wrestling, etc.). Aesthetic education, including music education, has long been considered the prerogative of state, rather than private schools or, in extreme cases, individual tutors offering individual lessons.

However, recently interest in the services of commercial music schools has increased significantly. This is due to the fact that public educational institutions experience a lack of funding. Teachers' salaries leave much to be desired, which is why many good specialists either they engage in tutoring or completely change their field of activity. Some schools can't even afford to regularly update the instruments students use.

Another big problem of the state music school- relatively high competition for admission. Not every child can get there. And not every parent will take their child several times a week to the other end of the city. Tutors are relatively expensive, especially if music is a hobby and not the child’s vocation.

If you decide to open a commercial music school, first conduct a small marketing research: study the demand in this market, think about the location of your school, analyze the situation with competitors in the area and in the city as a whole.

If the data from this study is favorable (low competition with high demand), begin searching for suitable premises. Please note: it is best if your music school is located close to a regular secondary school or even several (for example, in residential areas). Municipal music schools are, as a rule, located closer to the city center, but more remote areas are often not covered. In addition, there are requirements for the room itself, including area and sound insulation.

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Music school is educational institution, which gives you the right to rent premises for it on preferential terms. For example, renting a premises with an area of ​​130-150 sq. will cost 35-40 thousand rubles per month. In addition, for such institutions there are special cash subsidies and preferential tax conditions that will reduce your costs by at least 20-25%.

Another significant expense item when opening your own educational institution is the purchase of the necessary musical instruments (piano, guitar, violin, saxophone, button accordion, accordion), furniture (chairs), equipment and materials (sheet music, etc.). As a rule, music schools provide training in classical instrument playing. However, vocal and pop lessons are no less in demand among children and even adults.

Ready ideas for your business

There is no point in saving on tools, since the level of training directly depends on their quality. Get ready to spend at least 350 thousand rubles on instruments; furniture, music stands and the notes themselves will cost 35,000-50,000 rubles. Another 200-250 thousand rubles will go towards salaries of teachers and administrators (based on 10 people on staff). Pay special attention to the search and selection of qualified teachers. 99% of the success of students (and, consequently, your business) directly depends on the experience, talent and patience of teachers.

Typically, training at a music school takes place in two shifts: in general, about ten lessons a day in six classes. Thus, the total number of lessons per month is as much as 1800 hours! Classes are held, as a rule, three times a week for one and a half hours each. The profitability of this type of business is 20%. Size medium monthly payment for students is from 3,500 rubles and above (in large cities about 5,000 rubles).

Music school business plan

Mirny State Industrial and Economic College


1. Introduction
2. General provisions
3. Organization of the school’s material and technical base
4. Calculation of the size of the school area
5. Calculation of costs for maintaining school premises
6. Fund calculation wages
7. Calculation of other expenses
8. Estimating annual expenses
9. Calculation of parental school fees

Key performance indicators of any enterprise in the conditions market economy is profit.
The efficiency of an enterprise can be predicted in the process of drawing up a business plan.
The value of a business plan is determined by the fact that it:
makes it possible to determine the viability of the enterprise
contains the main stages according to which the entrepreneur will act at the stage of formation of the enterprise.

General provisions

Children's music schools are an integral part of children's education; they provide general musical and aesthetic education, and also help gifted children develop their talents and prepare the basis for further creativity.
This business plan was drawn up for opening a private music school with two departments: folk (bayan, accordion) and piano with a student population of 80 people.
Organization of the school's material and technical base

Table No. 1

Quantity pcs.
Price (in rub.)
1. Piano425000=00100000=00
2. Bayan29000=0018000=00
3. Accordion212000=0024000=00
4. Music center15000=005000=00
5. Musical, methodical literature--10000=00


Calculation of school area sizes

The total area of ​​the school is divided into a work area, a recreation area and an area service premises.

Working area - the area occupied by rooms for individual and group lessons (room for individual lessons - at least 12 m2, room for group lessons - at least 18 m2)

Relaxation area – room for relaxation and meetings Pedagogical Council(teacher's room - at least 2.5 m2 per worker)

Area of ​​service premises - accounting, general department– at least 5 m2, wardrobe – at least 1.5 m2 per student (currently at school), toilet – at least 10 m2, utility room for storing adjuster’s equipment – ​​at least 5 m2, utility room for storing equipment premises cleaner – at least 3 m2.

Table No. 2

Name of the premises
Unit from.
1. Piano cabinet 212
2. Piano cabinet 212
3. Cabinet for accordions212
4. Cabinet bayanam212
5. Music theory room218
6. Teachers214
7. Accounting, general department28
8. Wardrobe215
9. Toiletm210
10. Utility rooms m28
11. Corridorm220


Calculation of costs for maintaining school premises

Table No. 3

No. Name of costs Unit of measurement Quantity Tariff per month
(in rubles)Number of monthsAmount per year
1. Rental of premises2141201233840
2. Heating 214125828200
3. Water supply 802.1122016
4. Disposal 806.4126144
5. Lighting (calculation in table No. 4) kW 1.573693
6. Communication services 1150121800

Calculation of electricity consumption

Required number of lamps in 1 study room– 4; in the corridors and office premises at least 2 by 8 m2.

Table No. 4

Name of electrical appliance
Number of devices
Device power kW.
Working time: hour. per year
Number of kW per year
1. Electric lamps 360.0416332352


Payroll calculation

Curricula school students

Table No. 5

No. Name of subject Number of hours per week per 1 student
1. Specialty (piano, button accordion, accordion)2
2. Musical literature1
3. Solfeggio1

The weekly workload of 1 teacher per staff is 20 hours.
The 1st group in music theory (music literature, solfeggio) is 8 people.
Calculation of a teacher's salary: rate / weekly load * number of hours per week.

Payroll teaching staff for a month

Table No. 6

No. /pTeacherQuantity
hours per weekRate
1. Piano teacher4014702940
2. Piano teacher4014702940
3. Bayan teacher4014702940
4. Accordion teacher4014702940
5. Theory teacher2014701470
Payroll calculation administrative and economic
staff for a month

Required number of administrative and service personnel:
document specialist
musical instrument tuner (1 rate for 20 instruments)
premises cleaner (1 rate per 300 m2).

Table No. 7

No. Position Number of units RankSalary
1. Director11217401740
2. Document specialist1610101010
3. Accountant1812201220
4. Customizer0.461010404
5. Cleaner0.472670314.9

Calculation of the wage fund of school employees for the year

Table No. 8

No. School staff Zar. fee per year
(rub)Regional coefficient
(rub)Northern surcharge
(rub)Total payroll (rub)
Teaching staff

2. Administrative and economic personnel

Calculation of other expenses

Other expenses include:
detergents and cleaning products.

Table No. 10

No. Name Quantity Price Amount
1. Handle82,520
2. Paper2110220
3. Mel1010100
4. Music books2010200
5. Folder 405200
6. Lamp LB-401070700
7. Gradebooks560300
8. Toilet soap 10550
9. Washing powder 1015150
10. Cleaning paste 31545
11. Bleach 1010100

Estimating annual expenses

p/n Name of expense item Amount (rub)
1. Annual payroll
Contributions for social needs, 38.5% of the salary 365545.56

2. Depreciation charges, as a percentage of the original cost:
Fixed assets (5%)
Music literature (10%)

3. Expenses for maintaining the building 75693
4. Other expenses 2085
TOTAL: 592408.6

Calculation of parental school fees

The academic year at the music school begins on September 1 and ends on June 30.
The monthly tuition fee for 1 student is 750.00.
The number of students is 80 people.
Thus, the annual amount of parental contributions is:
750.00 *80 people *10 months = 600000.00

In this material:

Some types of commercial training are just beginning to develop. One of them is classes in music schools. Many aspiring entrepreneurs are thinking about opening such an establishment. To do this, you need to familiarize yourself with all the organizational and financial aspects, after which you need to draw up a business plan for the future music school.

What should a music school business plan include?

When developing a business plan for a music school, the following points should be taken into account:

  1. Marketing analysis and identification of target audience. In the process of compilation marketing plan it is necessary to monitor the market and identify the target audience, its volume and the demand for specific musical trends. In addition, you need to look at the number of similar schools in the city. This will help determine which trends in music are used most in demand, as well as create a SWOT analysis of competing companies.
  2. Selecting a location and renting a building. It is best if your school is located near a general education institution that has benefits for renting premises and subsidies. In addition, the location directly affects its attendance. The room for a music school should be as spacious as possible (at least 200-250 sq. m), so that at least 4 classes, a teacher’s room, a bathroom, a utility room, a performance hall and a small hall (20-23 sq. m) can be easily accommodated there. . As for the cost of renting premises, in large cities it fluctuates around 100 thousand rubles per 1 sq. m. m, and in small ones - within 20 thousand rubles. for 1 sq. m.
  3. Musical instruments and furniture. Special attention When drawing up a business plan for a music school, you should pay attention to choosing high-quality musical instruments - they must be in excellent condition and in good condition. trademark. To begin with, 3 pianos, 5 violins, 2 saxophones, 3 guitars and 2 button accordions will be enough. Despite the fact that the cost of musical instruments is the main expense item, they do not have a significant impact on the return on investment in the project. One more important point is the purchase of furniture: 35 chairs, a table and a sofa in the hall.
  4. State. High-quality training is impossible without highly qualified workers who will ensure the stable operation of the music school. Recruiting excellent staff is the most important task, so this issue should be approached with full responsibility. The list of specialists should consist of teachers, a head teacher, a methodologist, 2 administrators, a financier and a cleaner.

Advertising a music school is an important component of business

Any music school needs advertising. We are talking not only about standard methods, including the distribution of leaflets, announcements, advertising on radio and television, but also about other methods. An excellent option would be to organize a concert to mark the opening of a creative educational institution, during which your teachers will speak and show what potential students can learn. You can also create a personal website and have pages on social networks. To make the whole country know about you, it is recommended to record videos of your students’ performances and post these videos online.

If you think starting this type of business from scratch is too difficult, there is another solution. Try to purchase a music school franchise, which will solve many pressing issues:

  • you will get the opportunity to work under a well-known brand;
  • you will constantly exchange experience with other network partners;
  • the level of knowledge of your employees will constantly increase through training and receiving modern teaching aids;
  • you will have a functional website with a user-friendly interface;
  • you will receive a set of documents regulating the work of the music school;
  • will become available to you CRM system, which will greatly facilitate maintaining the student database.

Financial side of business

The financial component of the business will be influenced by the training program at your music school. We are talking about an indicative list and number of classes. The size of the room, the list of necessary musical instruments, furniture and personnel will depend on this. Planning entrepreneurial activity, it is necessary to provide not only registration and organizational issues, but also to calculate the possibility of obtaining maximum benefit from available resources.

Cost of opening and maintaining a music school

To open a private music school in a regional region of the country, where it is planned to teach about 60-80 students, you will have to spend money on purchasing:

  • musical instruments;
  • educational material;
  • furniture and office equipment.

It is also necessary to take into account the costs of registration and licensing and advertising. The total amount of required initial capital will be about 615 thousand rubles. As for the current costs of running a music school, these include:

  • rental of premises;
  • utility bills;
  • payment for advertising services;
  • salary.

Income amount

When calculating the amount of future income of a music school, you should take into account that during the first 2-3 years your educational institution will be no more than 70% full. The annual sales volume of services from such institutions can reach 10 thousand lessons, but this is provided that the music school is located in one of the largest cities in the country. Most music schools operate on a 2-shift teaching system. About 10 lessons are taught per day in 6 classes, that is, 1800 hours per month. Training is conducted 3 times a week and lasts 1.5 hours. Considering average salary 5 thousand rubles, monthly revenue will be 450 thousand rubles, while the net profit will be equal to 130 thousand rubles.

Business payback period

In this situation, the business will pay for itself in 3-5 months, and the amount of profit that the organization will receive will be 600 thousand rubles. Using this indicator, it is possible to determine that investments in opening a private music school can pay off in 1-1.5 years of work. As you can see, by opening such a creative educational institution, you will become the owner of a highly promising business that will bring a decent profit.

To achieve success in such a difficult task, it is important to develop a competent training program that will include unique teaching methods and individual approach to every student.

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Before opening a private music school, you need to decide what target audience, which will teach this art. And also decide on the direction of music taught.

So, first you need to find a good room. Because we are going to open a general education institution, thanks to this we can rent municipal premises at a very favorable price. For example, a room measuring 150 thousand square meters. meters will be approximately $1,350 per month.
There are no special requirements for office space. Workplaces and a place for employees to relax, where they can have a snack and drink tea, should be equipped. But in the case of a stationary school, everything is a little more complicated.

The room should be large and easily accessible. It should be possible to equip several classrooms for classes, an office part, a place for the administrator, and a kitchenette. It is also important to make a good and interesting room design.

Finding great staff is the most important and challenging task. It is essential that your staff genuinely do a good job and want to please your customers.
The state provides assistance in the form of preferential taxes and government subsidies, all of which can cover about 20% of all expenses. Thanks to this, a private school becomes a very profitable business.

It is very important that children and their parents learn about the opening of your music school. This can be easily achieved by hanging advertisements in secondary schools. It would be nice if you advertise in the media.

You can offer preferential services and discounts to employees of businesses in your area. For example, a 10% discount for children of medical staff located near a clinic. At first, you will also have to negotiate with school principals about advertising; this may be a regular announcement, but a live performance on stage works better. parent meeting or in front of children.

In addition to advertising and renting premises, you will have to incur costs for the purchase of musical instruments, which will cost about 300 thousand rubles, for paying wages to employees - teachers and administrative staff- 200 thousand rubles, purchase of furniture and equipment: tables, chairs, music - 50 thousand rubles. In total, the initial costs of opening a private music school will be 350 thousand rubles one-time and 400 thousand rubles every month.

Let's calculate the profitability of this business idea. Training is carried out in 2 shifts, and one day there are 10 hours of lessons in 6 classes, a total of 1800 hours of lessons per month. According to the program, training is conducted 3 times a week for one and a half hours. The average monthly tuition fee will be 5,000 rubles. It is easy to calculate that monthly revenue is 450,000 rubles. Taking into account government subsidies, net profit will be 130,000 rubles monthly. The payback period for a business is 3-4 months. With a tuition fee of 6,000 rubles, you will earn a profit even without government subsidies.

A passion for music can be turned into a business - two Denis, Galeev and Egorov, were convinced of this from their own experience by opening their own music school. Young entrepreneurs were not mistaken - interest in musical instruments among the Chelyabinsk audience turned out to be quite high. Read about how to turn a hobby into your own business, choose a room and equip it yourself in the material from

The idea of ​​creating a school arose at the end of 2013. Denis at that time was already engaged in private teaching. In general, we have been looking for some kind of niche in business for a long time, we even had initial projects, but nothing sensible came to mind, but we wanted to have our own profit and do what we love.

We immediately started looking for premises, but almost everything we saw did not fit our criteria for a music school. The most important thing here is a separate building, because the drums have a noise of about 90 dB, and this is quite problematic if there are neighbors in the building. We didn’t find a separate room then, and the one we eventually settled on was initially perceived as a temporary option. We spent a few more months looking for another one. However, everything that was offered to us was either in the basement or with neighbors with whom you could not get along. And soundproofing today is not cheap at all...

In the end, we still returned to the current version. Previously it was production premises. When we came here for the first time, it was just a hangar: no walls, no doors, no floor, no ceiling. Since the meteorite fell, everything has been destroyed, no one has done any repairs, only some windows have been inserted. Of course, at first we doubted it, but the desire to start quickly prevailed, and at the end of May last year we got down to business.

The issue of repair was paramount. We understood that we needed to make rooms, walls, doors, insulation. Denis then doubted whether it was worth renting this space and whether we could handle the renovation, but something told us that we needed to start. We drew up a plan, calculated the approximate investments for repairs, and it turned out to be quite inexpensive, since we decided to do all the work ourselves.

The renovation began on June 1 and we spent the whole summer here. My friends helped a lot, I especially want to thank Pasha and Kostya. Until this moment, roughly speaking, we had never held a hammer in our hands. (Smiles.), but they were still able to install doors, walls, make a floor, a ceiling, assembled everything, painted it and hung wallpaper. The design of the walls was done by a very talented girl, Linara, who specially came from Orsk. She worked here for several weeks right during the process of our renovation, until two or three o'clock in the morning. Then we didn’t have light yet, we sat with a flashlight and morally supported her. The entire design is purely her idea and creativity; we did not have any special wishes or instructions.

While finishing the renovation, we simultaneously bought instruments; we wanted to quickly equip the classrooms so that students could not carry instruments with them, but study on ours. We already had some equipment and amplifiers, we bought some from stores, Denis had his own drum set. Now the choice of tools, of course, has expanded significantly.

We wanted to invite some group, our friends from Yekaterinburg, to the opening in August, but in the end the guys couldn’t come, and we did a small performance on our own - an acoustic concert. We planned to hold an opening for acquaintances and friends, but, to my surprise, a lot of people we didn’t know came, and it was really cool!

Guitar and drum teachers are ourselves. Denis already had such experience and a certain customer base, and I started from scratch, but the student base has already become quite rich during this time. Hired teachers work on keyboards and vocals. A subscription system was introduced. In total, at the moment we have four directions - keys, vocals, drums and various types guitars – electric and acoustic guitar. We don’t stop there, because this is far from the limit; in the future we are planning a bass guitar and maybe something else. Initially, we were counting on an older audience, but now, probably, most of the students are children, the youngest are from six years old.
