Height restriction sign 4 m. Description of the sign limiting the height of the car and cargo. Road sign requirements

Good afternoon, dear reader.

In this article, we will again talk about. This time, the meanings of road signs 3.11 - 3.16 will be analyzed, i.e. signs that are directly related to the characteristics of the vehicle (weight and size).

Height limitation, mass limitation and vehicle length limitation signs will be considered among others.

Let me remind you that earlier in the series of articles "Signs traffic Articles have been published:

Weight limit sign

The weight limit sign prohibits the movement of vehicles whose actual weight exceeds the weight on the sign:

In this case, the movement of vehicles whose mass is more than 7000 kg is prohibited. Naturally, to cars B this limitation does not apply.

This sign is installed, for example, in front of bridges in order to take into account their carrying capacity and prevent overloading. The sign is also installed in front of ice crossings. Violation of its requirements can be very dangerous, because. can lead to the destruction of the crossing and the submersion of the car under water.

Sign limiting the mass per axle of the vehicle

The sign of the restriction of the mass per axle of the vehicle (popularly - the restriction of mass per axle) prohibits the movement of vehicles that have at least one axle with a mass exceeding that indicated on the sign:

In the sign from the example, this is 6,000 kg.

This sign may be used in conjunction with plates 8.20.1 and 8.20.2:

Accordingly, in the presence of the first plate, the sign applies to two-axle bogies, and in the presence of the second, to three-axle ones.

The axle weight limit sign is used, for example, during seasonal traffic restrictions on federal highways. You can read more about this in the article "".

Height restriction sign

road sign height restriction prohibits the movement of vehicles whose height is greater than that indicated on the sign:

It is installed in front of structures with a span height of less than 5 meters. I note that the sign is usually installed with a small margin (20 centimeters), but I do not recommend violating its requirements under any circumstances.

This is due to the fact that every year there are accidents in which trucks crash into bridges or elevated pedestrian crossings. Since a downed bridge usually falls on the cab of the car, this violation does not bode well for the driver.

However, I note that usually collisions occur due to the fact that the truck has a raised body. However, just high cars sometimes knock down bridges.

Width restriction sign

The width restriction sign prohibits the movement of vehicles whose width is greater than the value on the sign:

This sign is installed in front of structures in which the passage width is less than 3.5 meters. The consequences of violating the requirements of the "width restriction" sign are the same as for the previous sign, i.e. the car can destroy the bridge.

Length limit sign

This sign prohibits the movement of vehicles, as well as vehicles, the length of which exceeds the value indicated on the sign:

The length limit sign is designed to prevent vehicles that are too long from entering road sections where they cannot pass. For example, we are talking about a narrow roadway, sharp turns, etc.

Minimum distance sign

The minimum distance limit sign prohibits drivers from leaving the distance between cars less than that indicated on the sign:

Usually this sign is installed in front of sections of the road that have a limited carrying capacity. For example, we are talking about bridges and ice crossings. Also, this sign is installed in front of weight control points.

The minimum distance limit sign is valid until the nearest intersection, and in the absence of an intersection - until the end locality. Its area of ​​effect can be reduced using plate 8.2.1.

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Currently, there is a height restriction on the roads in the country. According to GOST, when using road devices, in particular, those of a cargo nature, dimensions are subject to accounting, through which safe movement on highways is carried out. The geometry in the SDA is formulated in accordance with the international agreements concluded by Russia. In addition to our country, it includes states that are members of the CIS. Width and other height restrictions are specified in the said act. The clause has the wording 6.3. Mathematics indicates that the EAC has a height limit of four meters. In China, the limit value for vehicles will be referred to as 4.3 meters.

The sign about the height restriction has a prohibitive character. Concerning it in the legislation there are separate provisions. In particular, the legislator reflects the rules according to which the said sign is installed. This is done to ensure the safety of the people of the country.

Places of such installation are:

  • sections of the route where gas pipelines are located;
  • overpass location;
  • bridges.

This also includes other structures that provide that cars pass under them. The height restriction sign is also placed in those areas where the tunnels are located. Any route should be built taking into account what is shown on the map. According to the rules, the use of these structures is allowed when the car has a lower height than provided for by the building.

Subway travel is not affected by these provisions. Gates in some situations also have an indication of the sign in question. Transportation of goods by transport is also required in accordance with the established provisions. The height sign indicates the presence of the maximum size that a car can have. Drivers of vehicles must take these provisions into account. The height will be given in meters. At the same time, the motorist takes into account not only the car itself, but also the cargo that is transported by it.

The general level - those who on their way do not comply with the established rules regarding the height of the car and cargo - will not be able to negative consequences. In this situation, violators are subject to liability. These provisions are enshrined in legislation. In addition, it should be borne in mind that the performance of these actions during movement indicates a violation of the structure under which the car passes. It also affects the health of pedestrians and other motorists.

The main violation may be that the fence is destroyed and falls on a person, and damage is also caused to devices that supply light, systems through which video surveillance and other important objects are made. In fact, the person managing at the moment in question vehicle, violates the rules enshrined in the law. These provisions apply to all motorists moving around the country.

If there is a violation of traffic rules, then the driver will not be able to avoid punishment. Moving around objects where signs with restrictions are installed, he violates the rules regarding moving along them. Installation is carried out in accordance with the specified provisions of the law. Buy protection from punishment will not work. Measures of responsibility that are of an administrative nature are assigned. In addition, those provisions reflected in the civil law law may also apply. An important line - the consequences of the violation should be taken into account.

The height restriction sign is in the form of a prohibition and is placed on the ground. It is worth considering that installation work for the installation of this sign are carried out before the zone of action of the sign in question begins. The placement of the height vector, as an example, can be fixed as 3.5 meters. It depends on what the maximum size is envisaged by the design as possible. Height must be taken into account, affecting the distance from the pedestrian crossing or other area on the floor of the road to the edge of the building. In this case, the bottom edge is taken into account. The location of the sea does not matter in this case.

According to the fixed GOST, a small spare distance is established relative to the value in question. Photo symbols in this situation does not apply in statutory provisions. However, legislators reflect that for structures such as overpasses and bridges, the height will be about twenty cm less, while for various kinds of overpasses, such a distance becomes less than about 40 cm. The indicated centimeters are subtracted from the height that is permissible by law. Provisions are provided according to which evacuation or fire routes can be laid at a given distance in the future.

The designation of this sign applies only to freight transport.

In particular, it states:

  1. The sign to some extent repeats the legislative provisions. They affect the rules of vertical layout.
  2. Such marking is applied to structures that have a lateral or upper character.

In order for the sign to be visible in the dark, its drawing will be depicted using paint that has reflection properties. Evacuation, even from a familiar object, is carried out according to detour signs. Garages also have height restrictions in some situations. Flying in aircraft may also affect clearance positions, which indicates that the aircraft cannot be lowered to a certain level.

The construction of the buildings in question is implemented at the level prescribed by law. If the sign is applied on a yellow background, this indicates that it is temporary. When there are discrepancies between permanent and temporary signs, you need to follow the information reflected on the latter.


In private, you can download traffic rules and periodically repeat this, especially for novice drivers. The legislator stipulates that such provisions should be taken into account by all motorists. The consequences of non-compliance with the prescribed rules are various factors. In particular, when a person decides, contrary to physics, to drive under the buildings in front of which the act in question is installed, the consequence will be a catastrophe. The spikes can hook on the structure.

When a truck tries to pass under the indicated buildings, its design is violated. Damage is mechanical in nature. At the same time, these provisions apply to both transport and engineering structures. In this case, the driver endangers both his health and life, and also threatens other people with his actions. At the same time, those who are not guilty of anything suffer.

There are situations when a motorist drives through a structure at his own risk and does not cause damage to a car or structure - in fact, there is a violation of administrative norms.

In this case, the offender may apply:

  • penalties;
  • they are expressed in the amount of 500 rubles.

Considerable attention is recommended in these situations. This applies at all times when the vehicle is being driven. In this case, this allows you not to lose sight of all the warnings that are located along the route. If the motorist pays attention to all the signs, this helps him to reach his destination as quickly as possible. Such provisions are associated with the lack of the need to return to a certain point on the route in order to take a detour. Signs for detours are installed next to those indicated. If the goods are damaged, the violator will bear material and other liability. The height restriction sign is important among traffic rules.

It is unlikely that you will be able to rush along the roads on which you will not be able to meet a single road sign. It is they who are the main assistants, indicating to drivers what actions he should take in specific areas in order to avoid, get away from undesirable consequences. A variety of road signs are installed along the roadsides, among which a specific group stands out, strictly prohibiting certain maneuvers.

In each country, some restrictions are introduced not only on the amount of cargo transported, but also on the height of the vehicle itself. In particular, Russian legislation it is determined that the maximum height should not exceed four meters. By the way, the CIS countries also put forward such a requirement, therefore, a heavy truck with a height of 5 m will not be able to freely rush along their and Russian roads if engineering structures meet on its way.

However, this does not mean that exactly the same requirements apply in other countries. If someone has already been to China, he knows that cars are allowed to transport goods there, the height of which does not exceed 4.3 meters. It is important to note that the imposed restrictions on the permissible maximum height on different sections of the road may differ. In order for the driver to follow the rules of the road without fail, signs indicating the height limit are installed on the roads.

Appointment of a road "assistant"

This installation is carried out on those sections of roads where there are bridges, overpasses, flyovers, under which cars have to pass. Exactly the same signs are placed at the entrance to the tunnels. Even a child can understand why this is being done, since the space of the structure itself has a certain size, so it will certainly be difficult for a larger vehicle to squeeze into it.

Road sign requirements

The road sign "Height restriction" indicates to the driver of the vehicle a specific height restriction. In this case, the driver must take into account not only the parameters of the vehicle itself, but also the cargo that is transported, respectively, rises up, acting as a specific obstacle.

If you ignore the requirements of this sign, in the event of a car passing through, the size of which exceeds the permissible norms, under certain engineering structures, it will not be possible to avoid disastrous consequences. In particular, heavy trucks can damage the structures themselves, followed by other unforeseen troubles. Due to the destruction of structures, if the car touched and damaged crossings over the road, created specifically for the safe movement of citizens. Due to the excess of these parameters, video surveillance systems and lighting devices may fail.

The driver of the vehicle, who ignored the prohibition of the established sign, actually violates traffic rules. As you know, if you violate the rules of the road, you cannot escape responsibility. Trying to drive on a road with a height limit, the driver clearly violates the rules of the road, for which he is forced to bear administrative or civil liability, depending on the consequences.

Rules for installing a sign

The installation of the sign is carried out on several sections of the road, including even before the moment when the car approaches the engineering structure. This is done so that the driver has the opportunity, having noticed the restriction that applies to his car, to make a maneuver that involves changing the route. In this case, the driver will not have to panic about the fact that he is completely, therefore, he does not understand which way it is easier for him to turn in order to proceed further without hindrance, bypassing the forbidden zone for him.

Below the numerical limiter, circled in red, an additional indicator must be installed, on which an arrow is depicted indicating in which direction it is better to continue moving. On the structure itself, a sign is re-posted in case the driver was previously inattentive and missed the initial important warning.

The sign itself indicates the numerical indicator of the maximum height. The calculation of permissible values ​​​​is carried out by specialists, taking into account a certain additional margin, the value of which can reach forty centimeters. Such a margin is important, because over time the roads need to be repaired, respectively, a new pavement can be laid, following such actions, the total value between the structure and the road is reduced by several centimeters.

It doesn’t hurt to pay attention to what color background the numerical indicator of the restriction is written on. If the background is accompanied by a white background, then the height ban is in effect permanently. If you notice a yellow background, then the restrictions are temporary.

Whatever the background color, its paint is accompanied by reflective characteristics, so the driver of the vehicle, even at night, can easily detect the warning.

Liability for violation

Every driver must strictly follow the traffic rules. However, it should be borne in mind that the consequences that may arise due to non-compliance with the requirements of traffic rules may be different. If a driver tries to rush along a highway that has a vehicle height restriction, such rash actions will be followed by disaster. A heavy truck simply will not be able to pass unhindered under engineering structures, therefore, mechanical damage to the vehicle itself, as well as engineering structures that it encountered along the way, will follow. Unfortunately, in such situations, a person driving a car risks not only his own health, and sometimes life, but also those road users who, by chance, happened to be nearby at the time of the accident.

Even if the driver took a chance and rushed under the structures without damage, but at the same time the height of the vehicle still exceeded the permissible figure, the driver is subject to administrative responsibility, which implies a strict five hundred rubles.

So, it is important enough to be extremely careful during the entire period of driving. This will ensure that no traffic warning is overlooked. "Helpers" will help car owners to proceed to their destination quickly, while easily bypassing all obstacles, as well as avoid unpleasant adventures associated with the destruction of structures, damage to the car or the cargo being transported.
