What brought TsentrObuv to business problems and an international search. Why are TsentrObuv stores closing in Russia? What will happen to centrifuges this year?


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Is TsentrObuv closed? Psychics in the city of Moscow claim that few people today do not know about the TsentrObuv company. More recently, a scandal broke out on the pages of newspapers related to the bankruptcy of a popular chain of shoe stores. It is quite difficult to blame one person for the sharp deterioration in business, but the widespread belief is that the company lost its assets due to the well-known businessman Anatoly in narrow circles...

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Then the shareholders Shoe Center» underestimated the capabilities of their rival, but later realized that they could be a serious competitor, because they attract customers almost more than the already well-known chain.

It was against the backdrop of growing competition that serious problems began in the company's management. Lomakin and Khachatryan began to doubt the reliability of their contributions, so they demanded expansion of their powers. Gurevich, who was ready to please Lomakin for his invaluable contribution to the development of the chain of stores, made significant concessions. Therefore, Nesterov actually became financial director company, and his chair was taken by Lomakin.

Insulted by the demotion, Nesterov decided to leave the company. The last straw, according to psychics, was Lomakin’s decisions, which did not correspond to the previous company policy.

To regain their positions in the market, shareholders used the services of Peter Ridler- a sales specialist who has proven himself by promoting more than one UK company. But the head Monsoon Accessorize I didn’t stay in Russia for more than six months, because I didn’t intend to completely immerse myself in a new business.

Although each of the networks had its own general directors, the shareholders nevertheless decided to divide the spheres of influence among themselves. They explained this move by the need to better understand the market in which each network operates. As Khachatryan notes, he learned a lot of “interesting things” precisely after the distribution.

In particular, it turned out that “ Kari"purchases shoes at prices that are approximately twenty percent lower than those that she is forced to agree to" CenterShoes" As it turned out, in fact, the company simply dealt not with the supplier, but with an intermediary company, through which additional costs arose.

Psychics about "TsentrObuv". Point of no return

A person close to the shareholders believes that it became in 2014, because then the company simply hung on its neck. The fall only worsened the situation. Due to hostilities, the retailer actually lost two more foreign markets - Ukrainian and Polish. The losses were colossal. The chain in Poland had to be sold, and franchising relations with the new owners did not bring in half the income that they had before.

On Russian market sales fell by about a third. The retailer was forced to delay payments to Chinese suppliers, and they, in turn, began to reduce the payment time. As a result, the funds had to be returned not in three months, but in one and a half months. It was clear that at this rate the company would not survive any longer, because without regular purchases and sales, shareholders would not be able to pay suppliers on time, not to mention return of loans. It got to the point that a batch of shoes worth one million rubles Khachatryan and Lomakin bought with our own funds. Khachatryan refused to comment on this step.

Company " CenterShoes“I lost my partners one after another. The reason for this was the simultaneous dismissal of more than sixty employees from the development department, who were searching for new premises for stores. It became clear that the development of the company was a big question. The layoff of another six hundred employees, whom the company simply could not pay salaries, added fuel to the fire.

Psychics say that it has become completely clear that without Nesterov the company’s business is getting worse. It was then that Gurevich decided to offer the former general director to return to his previous position.

Gurevich brought the company's condition to a critical level. According to SPARK, in 2015 almost five hundred claims were filed against stores “ CenterShoes"for non-payment of rent. The total debt was five million nine hundred thousand rubles. Another five hundred thousand fourteen million were added to this amount from two hundred twenty-three statements already in 2016. Problems also grew with loans.

Psychics claim that the company “ CenterShoes» was unable to repay the loan on time in one of the largest banks of Russia - VTB. Then Lomakin took up the matter, and only thanks to his diplomatic skills, the company received a deferment of payment.

At this time, Gurevich proposed filing for bankruptcy. The director believed that next year the company will not be able to purchase goods from Chinese suppliers, and, accordingly, will become completely incapacitated and will not be a competition for the network that was popular at that time “ Kari" However, not all shareholders wanted to give up. To save the network, Lomakin offered to inject his own eight billion rubles, and also promised to repay part of the loans himself. However, the debt was never repaid. Lomakin failed to keep his word, which led to the disruption of the purchase of the autumn-winter shoe collection. Lomakin explained this step by saying that he did not want to take risks own funds, because there were rumors about attracting other investors. However, journalists believe that Lomakin himself doubted whether there was still an opportunity to save the previously popular network.

Shareholders tried to attract new investors to the company. Some of the representatives of the board of directors began to negotiate with the head " Rosenergomash" Vladimir Palikhata, but due to the enslaving terms of the contract, the parties never signed the agreement.

At the same time, Lomakin negotiated with Andrey Pavlov, general director of the shoe chain "Zenden", who was ready to invest four billion rubles. The agreement was also never signed. As Pavlov himself comments, at that time the company already had so many shareholders, they simply could not come to common language. In his opinion, even then it was impossible to save the company. The debts were too great.

Why CenterObuv? New director - new rules

Psychics about Dmitry Vernimont little is known. According to the SPARK system, his full namesake is the owner of 100% of the shares of EvolutionMusicProduction LLC, which specializes in the production of magazines and sound recordings. Vernimont spent several years as an advisor general director one of subsidiaries Gazprom.

Taking Gurevich's place in "CenterObuv" Vernimont radically changed the composition of the board of directors. The shareholders who still remain in the company are uncertain about the future fate of the chain of stores.

Today Khachatryan and Lomakin do not have the slightest access to information (this has happened since November 2015), because they lost their only representative among the shareholders after the restructuring carried out by Vernimont. Now they have no chance to manage their investments. As they learned earlier, their money was transferred to foreign bank accounts. According to shareholder Svetlov, everything that is currently happening in the company has been agreed with creditors. This is the only way to keep the network afloat.

Bank representatives confirm that dialogue with the company’s management is ongoing, but participants in the television project « “They assure that this does not mean that the parties will come to a peaceful settlement of the case and will be able to agree on a deferment of loans.

Criminal case

In May of this year, the Ministry of Internal Affairs seized a number of documents during a search at the main office. The reason for starting criminal proceedings was an appeal from one of the largest creditors of the network - Gazprombank. Investigators checked the legality of management's actions " CenterShoes" And " Centro" Many violations, failure to fulfill the terms of agreements with creditors, and financial errors in documents were revealed. But that's not all.

It turns out that one of the company’s shareholders invested four billion three hundred million rubles in the development of corporations Nikta LLC, Fullainvest LLC and Irma LLC. According to the terms loan agreements, such a step without agreement with the banks is unacceptable. Investigators also suspect that about four hundred million rubles were withdrawn from the company.

Review scheduled for September 6 bankruptcy case "TsentrObuv""from the creditors' statement. The case will be considered Arbitration court Moscow. It is now difficult to predict who will be found guilty of the financial fraud that led to the fall of the chain of stores." CenterShoes» - popular not only in Russia, but also in the CIS countries

At least in our city, one of the two stores, 1 is still left... for now. But I talked to the seller, and she said that maybe they would close. I ask: why exactly??? She answers: they raised the rent, it’s no longer profitable!

Are we really in such a severe crisis? What will happen next? Sadness!

For me personally it was unexpected! A week ago I was still in the “centro-shoes”, everything was fine, and then recently I saw:

BOTH ON! Where is the store? But it’s completely empty; everything has already been taken out of there. Well, no matter what, I think!

Yes, now, actually, about the store itself.

First of all, I don't like this strange name. If so, then it should have been called the FOOTWEAR CENTER. That's how it is in Russian. And “centreObuv” sounds like it was named by a Chinese!

Previously, about a year ago, I bought shoes there for 190 rubles! Not ice of course, but I still wear it! But now there is no trace of such a thing!

I think it’s their own fault that profits have fallen, because lately they have raised their prices sharply!

Yes, speaking in general, the quality there is low, called " All-China." But if you choose well, you can find really successful models. And I found them! I still wear them, and more than one pair.

True, the heels are bad, I immediately changed them when repairing shoes.

Another thing is that some people fundamentally cannot wear artificial leather. But this is not about me.

Yes, my feet sweat, but it’s not always tolerable for me..

In general, I’ll tell you guys, this so-called. natural shoes actually don’t cost that much! We really overpay for it, and the quality is not always high either! So why pay more?

Therefore, in principle, artificial shoes in general (especially summer ones) and this store in particular suits me.

UPDATE September 2015.

Hooray! They've lowered their prices again! Their promotion: everything (or almost everything) for 599 rubles!

And a pleasant surprise: shoes from genuine leather also for 599 rubles!

They sell out quickly, but I managed to buy these genuine leather shoes:

Moreover, their original price was 1999 rubles. Here:

I've walked in them a couple of times already,

seems normal

genuine leather.

Then I thought, I thought, when will there be such a freebie again... and I took another brown pair.

In general, I'm pleased. As of today, this store gets a solid 4+ from me.

Update October 2015.
Looks like the second store has closed too! Now our city is left without central shoes. Where can I get cheap shoes now? Yes, the crisis is coming, however...

So, it was no accident that they sold everything for 600! It's good that I managed to buy it!

Update 2016.

I hastened to say that the shop was completely closed. Turns out, we have another store, only called Centro. But in principle it's almost the same. I only recently found out, he’s just in a different area. And when I found out, I immediately ran there and bought winter shoes at a 50% discount, for 1000 rubles.

Now I will go there! And I advise you!

Update 2017.

All! Now Tsentrobuv has finally closed in our city. It's sad, but there's nothing you can do about it. But Centro there's still some for now on Tsanova Boulevard, 8. True, prices there have now become more expensive.

Thank you for your attention!

Following Centro, Ukrainian Plato will close almost all of its stores by the end of summer. Cheap shoes have become unpopular

The inexpensive shoe chains Centro and Plato are closing their stores in Ukraine, and the large Polish chain CCC has been unable to fulfill its previously announced development plans and enter the Kiev market for several years. Why were stores unpopular at the height of the crisis? Experts talk about declining demand and tougher competition in the market.

Russian exodus
The largest Russian shoe chain Centro is leaving Ukraine. Four sources reported this: former employee company, director of Kyiv shopping center and two executives of competing chains. “They were supposed to close all their stores by August 1, but this period dragged on,” said a former employee of the chain, who wished to remain anonymous. He added that the network has not yet paid all of its partners. Confirmation can be found in the State Register of Court Cases. For example, at the end of May, the Commercial Court of Kyiv ordered the Tradeshoes company (manages Centro, TsentroObuv) to return about 1.5 million UAH of debt to the Ave-Plaza company (manages the Kharkov shopping center of the same name).

It was impossible to get a comment from the Ukrainian and Russian offices of the network: company representatives did not respond to requests. The Ukrainian page of the chain no longer contains store addresses, and only a Russian phone number is indicated for contact.

Centro is the largest Ukrainian shoe chain, whose stores sold inexpensive youth shoes. In 2013, the network operated about 120 retail outlets, and at the beginning of 2016 - about 100. According to the United state register legal entities Ministry of Justice, the final beneficiaries of the Tradeshoes company are Russian Anatoly Gurevich and Lithuanian Giedrius Pukas.

The problems of the Ukrainian unit may be related to the difficulties experienced by Russian business networks where stores operate under the brands Centro, CentroObuv. According to Kommersant, the network’s total debts are estimated at 30 billion rubles ($440 million), and the founder of the business, Sergei Lomakin, left the territory of Russia.

Moscow police have opened a case against the management of the TsentroObuv chain of stores. It was initiated by Gazprombank, according to whose representatives, part of the loans was withdrawn from the company with the sanction of its management. The network's debt to Gazprombank is about 9 billion rubles ($130 million).

Less money

Centro is the second example of inexpensive footwear leaving the Ukrainian market. MTI is closing the Plato chain, the press service of the MTI footwear and clothing division reported. “In August of this year, all stores of the chain will be closed, except for the Kyiv Plato in the Gorodok shopping center, which will continue to operate in outlet format. In addition, the online store plato.ua continues its work,” said Natalya Andryushchenko, head of the development and operation department of the MTI footwear and clothing division.

At the beginning of 2016, the company operated 26 stores of this brand. The main reason for closing the network is unsatisfactory financial results, the press service reported.

Several years ago, MTI was already considering the fate of Plato, and one of the options was to turn the network into stock store the company's flagship network is Intertop. But subsequently the retailer decided not to significantly change the concept of the chain, but to open Intertop Outlet stores.

The departure of Centrobuva from the Ukrainian market (where the company developed the Centro network) was announced local media and was confirmed by several Kommersant sources in Kyiv. On Ukrainian market“Tsentrobuv” was released in 2011, opening the first several stores under the brand of the same name. Then the network began to open only Centro points, says Natalya Kravets, director of the retail real estate department at Colliers International. According to her information, several Centro stores are currently operating, which will be closed in the near future.

According to one of the Ukrainian market participants, the chain began closing stores en masse last year: at the beginning of 2015, there were about 150 Centro outlets, a year later there were already 100. This is explained by a 30-50% reduction in shoe sales in the country amid the crisis and strict rental conditions. “The economic situation in Ukraine is even more difficult than in Russia, and political tension has an additional negative impact,” notes the head of the Infoline-Analytics agency, Mikhail Burmistrov. In addition, according to him, the effectiveness of foreign assets for the majority Russian companies in Ukraine was lower than in Russia.

The shareholders of Centrobuv were planning an IPO, so status was important to them international company, but already in 2014 it became clear that plans to enter the stock exchange were not feasible. After a series of corporate scandals and a change in the management of Centrobuv, foreign assets were virtually left without control, says Mr. Burmistrov.

According to Kommersant's interlocutors, the development of the Centro network in Ukraine was carried out by the Tradeshoes company, which, as indicated in the Ukrainian register of legal entities, belongs to one of the founders of Centrobuva, Anatoly Gurevich, and Lithuanian businessman Giedrius Pukas. It was impossible to contact them or a representative of Tsentrobuvi on Friday. Centro did not respond to Kommersant's request.

"Tsentrobuv" was created in 1992. By 2011, it included 598 stores of the same name and 148 Centro stores with an annual turnover of 30 billion rubles. In 2013, the number of points in Russia exceeded 1.2 thousand.

Centrobuv's problems began in 2015, when the chain closed more than 250 stores. In March 2016, the Moscow Arbitration Court introduced in relation to the parent structure of the network - JSC " Trading house"Tsentrobuv" - monitoring procedure. At the end of 2014, all obligations of "Tsentrobuv" exceeded 25 billion rubles (data from SPARK-Interfax). The list of creditors includes Gazprombank, Sberbank and VTB. In May 2016, the Moscow police, at the request of Gazprombank initiated a case against the management of Tsentrobuvi under Article 159.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (fraud in the field of lending). The Bank asked to check the legality of several transactions with loan funds provided in 2013-2014.

Ukraine is the last foreign market of CentroBoove. Stores in other countries closed a few years after they started operating, says one of Centrobuv’s creditors, Dmitry Vernimont. Only on the launch in Poland, according to him, about $170 million was spent, which in fact “simply disappeared.” Now, he says, there are 270 stores in Russia under the Centrobuv brand, which are managed by a new structure that pays royalties to JSC Trading House Centrobuv.
