Local instructions for switching production. Organization and order of switching - instructions for making operational switching in electrical installations

1.5.32. In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V switching

are carried out:

without switching forms - for simple switchings and in the presence of operating interlocking devices that prevent incorrect operations with disconnectors and grounding blades during all switchings;

according to the switching form - in the absence of locking devices or their malfunction, as well as in case of complex switching.

1.5.33. When eliminating accidents, switching is carried out without forms and is subsequently recorded in operational log.

Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in the prescribed manner.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log.

1.5.34. Electrical equipment that is turned off at the verbal request of process personnel to carry out any work is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for shutdown or replacing him.

Before starting up temporarily disconnected equipment, at the request of the process personnel, the operating personnel are obliged to inspect the equipment, make sure that it is ready to be switched on, and warn the personnel working on it about the upcoming switch-on.

The procedure for filing applications for turning off and turning on electrical equipment must be approved by the technical manager of the Consumer.

1.5.35. In electrical installations with permanent personnel on duty, equipment that has been repaired or tested is switched on only after it has been accepted by operating personnel.

In electrical installations without permanent personnel duty, the procedure for accepting equipment after repair or testing is established by local instructions, taking into account the characteristics of the electrical installation and compliance with safety requirements.

1.5.36. When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed:

the employee who received the switching task is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational log and establish the order of upcoming operations using the operational scheme or layout diagram; draw up, if necessary, a switching form. Negotiations between operational personnel should be extremely concise and clear. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by personnel of received messages and transmitted orders. The giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations;

if switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, using the operational connection diagram, to the second worker participating in the switching, the order and sequence of upcoming operations;

if there are any doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

After completing the switching task, an entry about this should be made in the operational log.

1.5.37. With planned changes in the scheme and operating modes energy equipment Consumers, changes in relay protection devices, dispatch services, which manage the equipment and relay protection devices, must make the necessary changes and additions to the standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels of operational management in advance.

1.5.38. Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to disable interlocks without authorization.

Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the switched-off position and determining the reason for the blocking failure with permission and under the guidance of employees authorized to do so by written order of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

SO 153-34.20.505-2003

The instructions determine the order and sequence of switching in electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V and higher. The instructions are drawn up in accordance with federal legislation, regulations technical operation power stations and networks, labor protection rules. Based on this Instruction, local instructions for switching operations must be developed at power plants and electrical networks, taking into account the features of normal and repair electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations, the design and composition of switchgear equipment, the features of relay protection and automation devices, and the procedure for operational maintenance of these facilities.

The instruction was approved and put into effect by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 N 266.

Document Format: .doc(MS Word)



2.1. Switching order

2.2. Switching forms

2.3. General provisions about switching

2.4. Switching in relay protection and automation circuits

2.5. Switching during elimination of technological violations

2.6. Switching during commissioning of new equipment and testing


3.1. Carrying out operations with switches, disconnectors, separators and load switches

3.2. Removing operational current from switching device drives

3.3. Checking the positions of switching devices

3.4. Actions with operational blocking

3.5. Sequence of operations with switching devices for connecting lines, transformers, synchronous compensators and generators

3.6. Sequence of operations when turning on and off power lines





7.1. Features of switching

7.2. General instructions for making switches

7.3. Sequence of operations when performing individual species switching




I didn’t find a table of contents in the instructions itself, so I compiled it myself.

Switching to electrical diagrams distribution devices (hereinafter - RU) of substations, switchboards and assemblies are carried out by order or with the knowledge of higher operational personnel, in whose operational management or jurisdiction this equipment is located, in accordance with the procedure established by the Consumer: by oral or telephone order with an entry in operational journal.

Operational switching must be performed by an employee from among the operational personnel who directly services electrical installations. The order for switching must indicate their sequence. An order is considered executed only after receiving a message about it from the employee to whom it was given.

Complex switchings, as well as all switchings (except single ones) on electrical installations that are not equipped with interlocking devices or have faulty interlocking devices, must be carried out according to programs and switching forms. Complex ones include switching that requires a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection devices, emergency and regime automation. Lists of complex switching operations, approved technical managers, must be stored at control centers, central (main) control panels of electrical stations and substations.

Lists of complex switching operations should be revised when the circuit, equipment composition, protection devices and automation change. Complex switchings should, as a rule, be performed by two workers, one of whom is a supervisor.

If there is one employee from the OP in the shift, the supervisor can be an employee from the administrative and technical staff who knows the layout of this electrical installation, the rules for switching production and is allowed to carry out the switching. In case of complex switchings, it is allowed to involve a third employee from the personnel of the relay automation services for operations in the relay protection and automation circuits. This employee, having previously read the switching form and signed it, must perform each operation as directed by the worker performing the switching.

All other switchings, if there is a working locking device, can be performed individually, regardless of the composition of the shift. In urgent cases (accident, natural disaster, as well as during the liquidation of accidents), it is allowed, in accordance with local instructions, to carry out switching without orders or without the knowledge of superior operational personnel, with subsequent notification and entry in the operational log. The list of employees entitled to perform operational switching is approved by the Consumer's manager.

The list of employees who have the right to conduct operational negotiations is approved by the person responsible for electrical facilities and transmitted to the energy supply organization and subsubscribers. For repeated complex switching, standard programs and switching forms should be used (when drawing up standard programs and switching forms, energy services are recommended to use standard instructions on switching in electrical installations, operating in energy supply organizations). When eliminating technological violations or to prevent them, it is allowed to carry out switching without switching forms with subsequent recording in the operational log.

Switching programs and forms, which are operational documents, must establish the order and sequence of operations when carrying out switching in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations and relay protection circuits. Switching forms (standard forms) should be used by the operating personnel directly performing the switching. Switching programs (standard programs) should be used by managers of operating personnel when making switching in electrical installations at different levels of control and at different power facilities.

The level of detail of programs must correspond to the level of operational management. Workers directly performing switching operations are allowed to use the switching programs of the corresponding dispatcher, supplemented by switching forms. Standard programs and switching forms must be adjusted in the event of changes in the main electrical connection diagram of electrical installations associated with the introduction of new equipment, replacement or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgear devices, as well as the inclusion of new or changes in installed relay protection and automation devices.

In electrical installations with voltages above 1000 V, switching is carried out:

Without switching forms - for simple switching and in the presence of operating blocking devices that exclude incorrect operations with disconnectors and grounding knives during all switching;

According to the switching form - in the absence of locking devices or their malfunction, as well as during complex switchings.

When eliminating accidents, switching is carried out without forms and is subsequently recorded in the operational log. Switching forms must be numbered. Used forms are stored in the established order.

In electrical installations with voltages up to 1000 V, switching is carried out without drawing up switching forms, but with an entry in the operational log. Electrical equipment that is turned off at the verbal request of process personnel to carry out any work is turned on only at the request of the employee who submitted the request for shutdown or replacing him.

When switching in electrical installations, the following order must be observed:

An employee who has received a switching task is obliged to repeat it, write it down in the operational log and establish the order of upcoming operations according to the operational scheme or layout diagram; draw up, if necessary, a switching form. Negotiations between operational personnel. must be extremely concise and clear. The operational language should exclude the possibility of misunderstanding by personnel of received messages and transmitted orders. The giver and receiver of the order must clearly understand the order of operations;

If switching is performed by two workers, then the one who received the order is obliged to explain, using the operational connection diagram, to the second worker participating in the switching, the order and sequence of upcoming operations;

If there are any doubts about the correctness of the switching, they should be stopped and the required sequence should be checked according to the operational connection diagram;

After completing the switching task, an entry should be made about this in the operational log.

In case of planned changes in the circuit and operating modes of the Consumers' power equipment, changes in relay protection and automation devices, the dispatch services, which manage the equipment and relay protection devices, must make the necessary changes and additions in advance to the standard programs and switching forms at the appropriate levels operational management.

Operating personnel directly performing switching operations are not allowed to disable interlocks without authorization. Unblocking is permitted only after checking on site the switched-off position and finding out the reason for the blocking failure with permission and under the guidance of workers authorized to do so by written order of the person responsible for the electrical equipment of the Consumer.

If release is necessary, a switching form is drawn up with release operations entered into it. The switching form is filled out by the duty officer who received the order to carry out the switching. Both workers who carried out the switching sign the form. The supervisor during the switching is the senior in position. Responsibility for the correct switching in all cases rests with both workers who performed the operations.

Switching in complete switchgears (at complete transformer substations), including rolling out and rolling in trolleys with equipment, as well as switching in switchgears, on switchboards and assemblies with voltage up to 1000 V, is allowed to be performed by one employee from among the operating personnel, servicing these electrical installations.

Switching in electrical equipment and in relay protection and automation devices, which are under the operational control of higher operational personnel, must be carried out by order, and those under his jurisdiction - with his permission.

The switching order must indicate the sequence of operations in the electrical installation diagram and relay protection circuits with the necessary degree of detail determined by higher-ranking operational personnel. The switching executor must be given no more than one task at a time to carry out operational switching.

3. What is the frequency of regular knowledge testing for employees? directly organizing maintenance work on existing electrical installations?

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5. Organization and order of switching.

5.1. Switching on electrical equipment and relay protection and automation (PA) devices controlled by operational personnel is carried out only by his order, and on those under the control of operational personnel - by his permission.
5.2. In distribution networks, in the absence of dispatch, switching can be carried out by order of a manager or specialist, who in this case performs the functions of a dispatcher.
The list of electrical installations with this switching order is determined by the order of the electrical network enterprise.
5.3. Multi-subordination of operational personnel of electrical installations to dispatchers is allowed different levels in accordance with the distribution of equipment of power plants and electrical networks according to the dispatch control method.
5.4. Switching without the order and permission of top-level operational personnel, but with subsequent notification, is allowed to be carried out in cases that cannot tolerate delay (accident, natural disaster, fire, emergency), in compliance with the requirements of Section 9.
5.5 . Performing switching in electrical installations is permitted to persons from the operational, operational and repair departments and persons from managers and specialists who have the right to conduct operational negotiations and switching. Lists of such persons are approved annually by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
5.6. The operating personnel, with whose permission switches are carried out, are responsible for the possibility and timeliness of their implementation under the existing circuit and mode of operation of the electrical network, and the admissibility of modes after switching.
5.7. The operating personnel, on whose orders switching is carried out, are responsible for the admissibility and timeliness of switching under the existing scheme and mode of operation of the equipment, as well as the correct sequence and required quantity operations with switching devices and relay protection and automation devices.
5.8. Persons directly performing operations and controlling switching are responsible for the permissibility of operations in a given circuit and mode of operation of the equipment, the correct choice of a standard form and the sequence of operations with switching devices and relay protection and automation (PA) devices, the timeliness and accuracy of execution of dispatcher orders.
5.9. Complex switchings are carried out according to switching forms by two persons, one of whom is a supervisor. The issue of whether switchings are classified as complex is decided by the management of the enterprise.
Simple switches can be performed without a switch form and by one person, regardless of the composition of the shift, in accordance with the requirements of this paragraph.
At each enterprise, a list of switching operations must be developed and approved by the chief engineer, which are carried out according to switching forms, indicating the number of persons taking part in certain switching operations, and the distribution of responsibilities between them.
At substations and switchgears where at least one connection has failed or there is no operational blocking, or the blocking has not been completed in full, all switching is carried out only according to forms (SZN SSh or Sek.Sh. are not interlocked with the ShR of outgoing connections, transformers, SHSMV, SMV).
5.10. When two persons participate in switching, the supervisor should be the senior in position. In some cases, the direct execution of operations may be assigned by the appropriate administrative document to the senior person on the shift. Both persons bear responsibility for the correct switching in all cases.
5.11. When switching in electrical installations using simple or standard forms, relay protection and communications service personnel can be involved to perform individual operations on assigned equipment. In the relevant paragraphs of the forms, it is necessary to note: “Performed by SRZA personnel.”
The employee involved in switching must be familiar with the purpose and sequence of operations. His last name is written down on the switching form. The orders of the duty officer who performs switching in the primary circuit, as well as notification of their implementation, can be transmitted by means of communication.
Persons involved in switching operations are responsible for the correctness and accuracy of carrying out the orders of the duty officer. Evasion of switching by these persons is not allowed.

6. Programs and switching forms.

6.1. Dispatchers of the ODS and ODG manage operational switching operations at power facilities according to switching programs.
The duty personnel who directly perform switching use exclusively switching forms. Their replacement with any other operational document is prohibited.
The programs and switching forms establish the order and sequence of operations in electrical connection diagrams of electrical installations, relay protection circuits, automation and communications.
6.2. Programs operational switching are developed by ODS dispatchers, ODCs in whose control the equipment involved is located. Operational switching programs are drawn up on forms strict reporting and are registered with dispatchers.
Programs for prompt switching to introduce new equipment and change the network layout are developed by the UDS, ODG together with the personnel of the SRZA, LIP, signed by the heads of these services or their replacements.
6.3. The essence of the operational switching program is to determine measures to prepare the circuit, mode, relay protection and PA devices for removal for repair or for commissioning of this or that equipment, as well as ensuring the necessary sequence of operations at various power facilities.
Operational switching programs are compiled in general view, without unnecessary detail. A group of operations that are performed at one object and aimed at achieving one goal can be displayed in the program with one order. For example:
“Turn off the switch and disassemble its circuit”; "Release bus system", etc.
Operations with RP and PA devices are contained in program paragraphs that define their essence, without giving the numbers of panels and switching devices. For example: “Initiate the action of automatic division to turn off the Zmiev TPP circuit breaker.”
6.4. Copies of operational switching programs should be sent to lower levels operational management to supplement them with issues that should not be resolved at the highest level. For example: “During the repair of the 110 kV Zemin – Shcherkanovo overhead line at the Shcherkanovo substation - 110 kV, carry out a repair scheme in the 35 kV outdoor switchgear”
6.5. Drawing up operational switching programs is mandatory for overhead lines and equipment, where they require complex preparation of the mode, circuit, as well as relay protection and PA devices at different power facilities. The programs are approved by the chief engineer of the enterprise.
6.6. Persons reviewing operational applications determine the possibility of using the available program in each case and, if necessary, specify changes or additions to the program in the application and determine the need to develop a special one-time program.
6.7. When performing operational switching at power facilities, both regular and standard forms are used, developed taking into account the measures given in the operational switching programs.
In switching forms, all operations in the primary circuit and secondary switching circuits should be detailed using dispatch names of switching equipment, panel numbers and names of switching devices.
Operations that are performed by order of the dispatcher must be marked “By order of the dispatcher.” In addition, the most important verification actions must be entered into the switching forms:

  • checking on site the position of switches before operations with disconnectors;
  • checking that there is no voltage before grounding the equipment;
  • checking the absence of “Earth” on direct current or in a 6/35 kV network;
  • checking the absence of a blinker “failure of voltage circuits” on distance protections;
  • checking the absence of blinkers and the entered protection position on transformers;
  • checking the absence of grounding and short circuits on the equipment.

Each operation or action entered in the switching form must have a serial number for ease of accounting. It is prohibited to enter items with serial numbers 1-a, 13-b, etc. into the switching form. Operations with switching devices in the switching form must be recorded with the following content:
_when performing operational switching in one electrical installation “Item No. RU-110kV. LR-110 add. Salt. Off LR-110kV pris. Salt without heat by order of D/D.”
_when performing operational switching in several electrical installations “Item No. TP-23. RU-6kV. VN-6kV with..TP-280.Okl. VN-6kV attached TP-280 under heating.
6.8. Standard forms should be developed primarily for complex switchovers in order to eliminate errors and save time for on-duty personnel when preparing them.
Standard switching forms must be signed: in the 35-110 kV network - by the heads of substations and the management of the SRZA. In RESakh deputy. head of OR. These persons are responsible for the correctness of their preparation. Standard switching forms are approved by the chief or deputy. chief engineer of the enterprise according to competence.
Standard forms must be replicated and issued to operational personnel in several copies for one-time use.
6.9. Standard forms should be developed for both normal and repair electrical installation circuits. In regular and standard switching forms, it is indicated specifically for which circuit the form is compiled in the line “The form is compiled for the circuit:”
When switching, the duty officer is prohibited from making changes or additions to the switching form.
If there are changes in the primary connection diagram or relay protection and automation circuits of the electrical installation that exclude the possibility of performing operations on individual items, then they should be canceled or replaced in advance. Changes are made by the persons who signed the form.
6.10. The usual switching form is drawn up by the duty officer who received the order to switch, after it is recorded in the operational log.
The switching form is allowed to be drawn up in advance, during the shift, by the duty officer who will take part in the switching, or the duty officer of the previous shift, with verification and signatures of the persons who will perform and control the switching.
6.11. Switching forms, both regular and standard, are reporting documents. They must be issued to operational personnel numbered. Double numbering of standard forms is required: the form number and then, through a line, the serial number of the copy, which is entered manually after reproduction. Used forms, including damaged ones, must be stored for at least 10 days. Control over the correct completion and execution of switching forms is entrusted to persons specified by the instructions of the enterprise for the relevant service.
6.12. Programs and standard switching forms must be reviewed (corrected) in case of changes in the electrical connection diagram of electrical installations associated with the introduction of new or partial dismantling of obsolete equipment, reconstruction of switchgear devices, as well as with the introduction of new or changes in installed relay protection and automation devices.

7. Sequence of actions of operational personnel.

7.1. The start time of planned switching is determined by requests, but in each specific case it is determined by the dispatcher, under whose operational control the equipment is located. Scheduled switching must be carried out at an air temperature of at least 10 ° C and in illumination at the workplace, which allows you to clearly see the inscriptions on the equipment, the position of the indicators, the condition of the contacts and the supporting insulation of the switching devices.
Scheduled switchovers at the end of the shift are not permitted.
7.2. The dispatcher in whose operational control the equipment is located, before starting switching, is obliged to check its operating mode and the electrical network diagram, make sure that switching is possible, and then request permission from the dispatcher in whose charge this equipment is located.
Permission to switch is given in general form without listing individual operations, after checking the possibility of their implementation according to the existing scheme, the operating mode of the equipment, and carrying out the necessary routine measures. The time of issuing permission to switch is recorded in the operational log.
Having received permission to switch, the dispatcher in whose operational control the equipment is located is obliged to warn the dispatcher of the adjacent enterprise whose circuit is deteriorating. Instruct subordinate personnel about the switching procedure and methods for eliminating possible emergency situations, establish the necessary sequence of operations or prepare an appropriate switching program and give orders for them to subordinate operational personnel with an entry in the operational log.
7.3. The dispatcher gives orders for switching directly to subordinate operational personnel. It is allowed to transmit an order for switching to the dispatcher or duty officer of an electrical installation, direct communication with whom is disrupted, through the duty dispatcher or duty officer of another electrical installation, who is obliged to record the order in his operational journal or on a recording tape and transmit the order to its destination.
7.4. In case of urgent need and the absence of the power plant shift supervisor at the control panel, the dispatcher has the right to give an order to perform a separate operation on the equipment, as well as relay protection and automation (PA) devices under his operational control, directly to the shift supervisor of the electrical department, who is obliged to carry out the order and notify about this from the dispatcher who gave the order and the shift supervisor of the power plant.
7.5. The order must be given for one task. In order to save time and rational use of transport, OVB personnel who service substations and distribution networks are allowed to simultaneously issue several switching tasks (indicating the order in which they should be completed). The number of tasks for one brigade is determined by the person giving the order.
EOD personnel must begin performing the next task after informing the dispatcher about the completion of the previous task. If the fault is repaired in the 0.4 kV network, and communication with the dispatcher is broken, the execution of the next tasks is allowed without prior notification to the dispatcher.
7.6. The duty officer who received the order to switch is obliged to:

  • repeat the order and receive confirmation from the dispatcher that it was understood correctly;
  • record the task in the operational journal if the order was received at the workplace;
  • according to the diagram, check the sequence of operations and, if necessary, draw up a switching form or prepare a standard switching form for use.

It is possible to perform sequential switching using several standard forms.
The essence of the received order, the purpose and sequence of upcoming operations should be explained to another person if he will be involved in switching.
After verification, the form must be signed by two persons - the one who performs the switching and the one who controls them.
7.7. Before performing complex non-standard switches on the instructions of the dispatcher, he himself must check the compiled form.
7.8. The procedure for switching between forms:

  • At the switching site, personnel are required to check the inscriptions for the name of the connection and the name of the device on which the operations need to be performed. Switching from memory is strictly prohibited;
  • Having made sure that the selected connection and device are correct, the controlling person reads out the contents of the operation from the switching form;
  • the person performing the switching must repeat the contents of the operation and, having received permission from the supervisory person, perform it.

If the switch is performed by one person on duty, he needs to read the contents of the operation on the form and then perform it.
To exclude the possibility of missing any operation, appropriate notes should be made on the form after they are completed. The form used is crossed out.
It is prohibited to change the switching sequence established in the form.
If there are any doubts about the correctness of the operations being performed, switching must be stopped. Check the sequence of operations according to the diagram and, if necessary, obtain an appropriate explanation from the dispatcher or the person who gave the order.
When switching, conversations that are not directly related to the task received are prohibited. Breaks in switching are allowed in exceptional cases. A break in switching must be issued as follows in all operational documents, namely: in the switching form, unfulfilled items must be crossed out, in the operational log the following entry is made: “Time. For the bank account, operations were completed from point No. 1 to point No._ inclusive. Reason for cessation of operations." The completion of operations is documented using a new form for switching to uncompleted operations of the previous form.
The presence of persons in the switching zone that are not related to them is prohibited.
7.9. After the switching is completed, a record is made in the operational log about all operations with switching devices, changes in relay protection and automation (PA) circuits, turning on (turning off) grounding blades, applying (removing) portable groundings with a mark of their numbers and locations.
The procedure for accounting for grounding is given in Appendix A.
When performing operations using switching forms, you should indicate its number in the operational log. A record of completed operations is carried out without unnecessary detail.
Changes that occur after switching are made to the operational diagram (mnemonic diagram). The order of their maintenance is given in Appendix B.
The end of operations must be reported to the person who gave the order for the switches.
7.10. The dispatcher's order is considered completed if he receives a message from the person who received the order.
If the switches were not carried out according to the program, the dispatcher who gave the order to carry them out must write down in the operational log about all the approvals completed and orders issued with a time stamp for their execution.
A record of switching according to the program is made in the operational log in abbreviated form. Appropriate changes must be made to the operational layout diagram. The dispatcher who gave permission for them must be informed about the end time of switching.
The dispatcher must note in the operational log the time of switching and make appropriate changes to the mnemonic diagram.
7.11. Operational negotiations between dispatchers at all levels must be recorded by a tape recorder or other device. Operations personnel have no right to influence their work.

Operational switching requires concentration and strict adherence to rules. Develop instructions for switching in electrical installations taking into account our recommendations and download the finished sample.

Read in the article:

What should the instructions for switching in electrical installations contain?

Switching can be carried out by an employee from among the local operational personnel directly servicing this electrical installation (EP). Such operations require adherence to a strict sequence of actions and are performed according to switching forms. IPEU for these workers should be drawn up using standard switching instructions SO 153-34.20.505-2003, approved by Order of the Ministry of Energy of Russia dated June 30, 2003 No. 266, but taking into account local service conditions.

All electrical installations have their own characteristics, their own set of switching devices, open and closed distribution devices, etc. Local conditions differ not only in equipment, but also in personnel, climate, geographical location, design features buildings and structures.

Complex switchings, as well as switching in electrical installations not equipped with interlocking devices, are carried out using programs and forms.

Complex switching is a strict sequence of operations with switching devices, grounding disconnectors and relay protection and automation devices. An approved list of operational switching operations must be kept in the control room.

Electrical safety training: who and how to conduct it

Training centers were prohibited from conducting knowledge tests on electrical safety to avoid corruption. In what order are employers now required to send employees for training and knowledge testing?

You cannot replace the form or program with any other documents; this is the main documentation for online switching (OS). The instructions should regulate the rules and procedure for the use, registration, storage and reporting when using inventory switching forms.

Each operation has its own serial number; its execution is the basis for starting the next operation in order. In the instructions for switching to the control center, it must be indicated that the used forms (BOP) must be stored by the dispatcher for 10 days, and then submitted to the archive.

They also prescribe the procedure for producing OP in relay protection and automation circuits, during, as well as when commissioning new equipment and testing it. When commissioning new equipment, the employee’s action algorithm emergency situations must be duplicated in the temporary instructions on labor protection.

It should be indicated that access to switching must be permitted by order of the head of the organization, with the exception of emergency cases when switching is carried out without orders from superior personnel, but with subsequent notification by telephone message and with an entry in the log.

Admission is granted to personnel who have passed a mandatory psychiatric examination. During the examination, the psychiatric examination commission excludes the presence of epilepsy and other fainting conditions, alcoholism, drug addiction and substance abuse in the employee. Only after this employee. Both inspections are carried out before concluding an employment contract.

The person in charge of electrical equipment approves the list of workers authorized to carry out operational switching, as well as the list of persons authorized to conduct operational negotiations. These documents must be at every workplace and control room.

One of the common operations for AP is. The instructions must indicate that the numbering of grounding storage locations coincides with the numbering of protective equipment. When accepting and handing over a shift, groundings are recorded in the operational log. The use of a stamp is allowed. The OP form is drawn up by the employee who received the order from the dispatcher. He must negotiate with the dispatcher and also report on the completion of work.

Production instructions for switching in electrical installations should remind the employee that adherence to a strict sequence of operations eliminates errors in operation. Ignoring the instructions may result in electric shock or an emergency. It is important that the employee clearly understands that the disconnectors on the switching devices are turned on first, and that a different sequence of actions can lead to the most severe consequences.

The instructions are drawn up to coordinate the actions of switching participants and control center. Workers are introduced to it during the initial training on labor protection, and repeat the actions after the mentor.

Sequence of actions in the production instructions for switching in electrical installations

Accidents during operational control, due to the fault of an employee who violated the algorithm of actions specified in the operational control procedure, as well as in the instructions, when the operational dispatcher’s instructions were incorrectly learned. You cannot speed up the process by refusing to carry out one of the components of the switching program; you cannot perform any action if it is illogical, misunderstood, poorly heard, etc.

In the IPEU, indicate the algorithm of actions of both participants in the operational switching:

  1. Check on site whether the name of the equipment in the order is correct with the name of the switching device.
  2. Without identifying the coincidence of the name on the form and on site, it is prohibited to conduct an OP.
  3. The work controller is an employee with a higher qualification. Another employee is appointed as the direct executor. If the work is performed by two workers with the same level of qualifications, the dispatcher gives orders which of them will be the performer and which will be the supervisor. The performer reads out the name of each operation in the BOP one by one. The controller must confirm that the performer has repeated the operation correctly.
  4. After completing the operation, you need to make a mark in the BOP. You cannot violate the order of the OP in the form, rely on your memory and not write down the actions taken.
  5. If the contractor and the controller doubt the correctness of the entry in the BOP, the work must be stopped and the dispatcher supervising the work must be contacted. Until the dispatcher’s explanation is received and understood by both employees participating in the OP, work is prohibited. Actions the meaning of which is not clear to the performer or controller are subject to re-checking with the dispatcher. Unintelligible phrases and incomprehensible phrases received from the dispatcher are grounds for termination of work.
  6. After the end of the operational period, the time is recorded on the form, the dispatcher will duplicate this entry in the operational log. The contractor, together with the controller, must report what changes they have made to the operational scheme of the power plant at their site. Negotiations with the dispatcher are conducted by the employee who received the order for prompt switching.
