Personnel records. Conducting personnel records in LLC

Construction of a personnel records management system from scratch must be carried out in strict accordance with labor legislation. Read about where to start working as a personnel officer and how to restore personnel records management

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Why is HR records necessary?

Where to start building a system personnel document flow - current question for newly created companies. Despite the fact that organizations are essentially left with no choice whether to keep records or not, it remains a very convenient tool for monitoring personnel at all stages of their work. Legislation only unifies the form of its functioning and determines the standards that must be followed not only by the employee, but also by the employer.

Personnel records, first of all, help to understand who works in the company, determine the number of personnel, and the company's expenses on wages.

In addition, the system allows you to document all movements in the team, be it:

  • reception;
  • dismissal;
  • vacations;
  • personnel movements, etc.

Accounting for length of service helps the employer in determining the number of vacation days that each employee is entitled to. Maintaining a time sheet allows you to clearly control the presence of personnel at work and accurately calculate wages.

HR administration from scratch step by step

Conducting HR records from scratch in practice raises many questions not only among HR newcomers, but also among experienced specialists. First of all, the order of release of documents raises doubts.

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When the company has already been registered and all supporting documents have been received, it is time to start preparing personnel documentation. The first thing to do is to sort out the future staffing of the legal entity and determine the need for personnel for the first time and for the future. To do this, the company needs to publish.

If an organization plans to use non-unified forms of personnel documents, they must first be approved by the appropriate order of the manager. It would be ideal to publish the Regulations “On personnel policy enterprises" or " ". Such documents prescribe all the rules for maintaining records at a newly created enterprise in accordance with current legal norms.

Topic of the issue

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Personnel records for LLC

HR records management for LLCs did not undergo significant changes in 2018. It is important to note that HR records do not differ much depending on legal form enterprises. The rules are the same in most cases.

Still, the bulk of companies are LLCs. The activities of LLCs provide greater freedom of action than for municipal or budgetary institutions. Government organizations are more formalized and most decisions come down from ministries (for example, staffing for district administrations).

Whereas LLCs have greater freedom of action and are less limited in choosing a behavior scenario.

HR documents

The basis of personnel records in an organization are personnel records documents. All documents can be divided into 3 categories:

  • primary documents on personnel records;
  • primary documents for recording time worked and wages;
  • journals for recording the movement of personnel documentation.

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Both the first and second groups have their own approved forms (Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation dated 01/05/2004 N 1 “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment”). Recently, they are not mandatory for the use of legal entities. If necessary, the company can use them to develop and approve its own forms that comply with legal requirements. Those for whom the unified documents are convenient can continue to use them.

Today, the issue of maintaining personnel documentation is an issue that is quite acute. There is special legislation on the territory of the Russian Federation, in accordance with which it will be necessary to maintain such records.

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Moreover, violation of this can lead to quite significant troubles.

There are some features of maintaining such records depending on a number of different factors. One of the fundamental ones is just legal status specific organization.

For example, maintaining personnel records in a company with limited liability must be conducted in accordance with a number of regulatory documents.

That is why the optimal solution would be to hire a specialist who has some experience in maintaining such records. This will make it possible to avoid fines from the labor inspectorate.


In any type of enterprise, regardless of the number of employees, it is strictly necessary to maintain personnel records. There are a number of responsibilities of the employer to maintain such.

Separately, it should be noted that such accounting has a number of features depending on the type of organization itself. and must be carried out with reflection in such accounting.

The work schedule involves maintaining work records in accordance with certain subtleties and features of the procedure.

There are many different orders that must be properly executed when carrying out certain transactions within an organization.

Again, it would be best to deal with these in advance. Only in this way can many difficulties and difficulties be avoided.

What is it

Personnel records mean documenting various procedures related to the reception and work of officially employed employees.

Moreover, such records must be kept not only at the enterprise, but also at the individual entrepreneur.

Today, the following points should be reflected appropriately in personnel records:

  • documentation of the reception;
  • movement of employees among positions within the organization;
  • dismissal;
  • other.

Such records must be kept on the basis of primary personnel documentation, as well as special labor standards.

To keep records without errors, you will need a fairly extensive set of knowledge. First of all, this concerns knowledge labor law, as well as formats of various personnel documents and more.

In the absence of experience of this kind, it will be necessary to mandatory hire a qualified specialist.

Since the inability to maintain personnel documentation can lead to the imposition of large fines. This is especially true.

These must necessarily reflect various aspects directly related to the dismissal. A certain algorithm has been established for compiling such books and maintaining them.

For what purpose is it carried out?

Personnel records as such are maintained for various purposes. In this way, it will be possible to solve a fairly extensive list of various problems.

The main problems that can be solved with the help of qualified personnel work, are the following:

In addition to the main tasks that the personnel service solves, there are also a number of different additional areas in which work will also be carried out.

These areas today include the following:

At the same time the tasks HR department can vary quite significantly depending on many different nuances and the specifics of the enterprise itself.

In addition to its main task regarding maintaining personnel records, this unit can carry out other instructions from management.

In each case, everything is purely individual. But it is important to remember that the list of rights and responsibilities must include the tasks assigned by management.

There are a number of restrictions that are imposed on conducting this type of activity. You will definitely need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. This will prevent many problematic situations in the future.

This document includes an extensive list of items within which accounting must be kept.

It is important to note that this process implies not only compliance with the norms of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, but also a number of other regulatory documents. For example, the process of registering a work book is regulated by a separate NAP.

In most enterprises, the main task that HR employees must solve is precisely.

Typically, this is required in cases where an employee is hired or dismissed from a job.

The main NAP, within the framework of which labor records must be filled out, is It includes all aspects of record keeping.

Separately, it should be noted that labor legislation implies the formation of a number of fairly specific documents.

First of all, this applies, as well as many other papers.

Separately, it should be noted that in addition to being filled out correctly, such documents must be stored for a certain period of time. This process has many different features.

Moreover, knowledge of labor legislation is necessary not only for the personnel employee himself, but also for an ordinary employee who is applying for a job.

Since in this way it will be possible to independently monitor compliance with your rights.

If a citizen believes that his rights are being violated in any way, then he must or labor inspection. Employment laws are extensive and it is worth obtaining legal advice if necessary.

How to keep personnel records in an LLC from scratch yourself

The process of independently maintaining personnel records in a limited liability company is associated with some specifics.

There are enough large number various subtleties, important specific points.

Moreover, if for some reason there is no experience in maintaining such records, then it is better to turn to specialists. Since, for example, making mistakes when filling out work books is not allowed.

Accordingly, filling out other documents related to personnel issues is also associated with certain specifics.

The situation is similar with . Such documents must be drawn up within the framework of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

If for some reason there is no opportunity to hire a qualified personnel worker, then you will need to first consider the following questions:

  • where to start;
  • step-by-step instructions;
  • paperwork;
  • what journals are used in office work;
  • nuances for individual entrepreneurs.

Where to start

Personnel records can be maintained in different ways. At the moment, there are many different points directly related to this procedure.

There are several options for this type:

  • Creation personnel service, hiring a qualified specialist;
  • transfer the management of personnel records to a secretary or accountant;
  • cooperation with .

Keeping personnel records on your own is often difficult. If you plan to maintain personnel records yourself, you should definitely start with planning.

Thus, it will be necessary to determine a number of important points for the organization:

  • how many employees and what qualifications should be hired;
  • certain requirements are established for different categories of employees;
  • how to attract new employees;
  • what costs will be required?

After all the above points have been determined, it will be necessary to begin familiarizing yourself with the accounting procedure, as well as the list of documents required in this case.

The latter will need to be given special attention. Since the presence of errors can cause many difficult moments.

Step by step instructions

You will need to start by organizing document flow accordingly. This primarily concerns the following:

local regulations:

  1. Rules for maintaining internal regulations at the enterprise.
  2. Basic provisions on labor.
  3. for each category of employees.
  4. Regulations on labor protection.
  5. Other.
  • a staffing table is drawn up for each employee separately;
  • staffing is drawn up;
  • standard forms are drawn up for conclusions with employees;
  • personal employee cards are issued in form No. T2;
  • standard orders.

In fact, personnel records in any enterprise are based on the above list of documents. And not only in LLCs, but also in other types.

This also applies to individual entrepreneurs. The requirements for such are not so serious, but they are also established.

If possible, you should avoid making typical mistakes in this case. Since this can lead to significant troubles and questions from the labor inspectorate.


All documents that need to be drawn up for personnel records can be divided into two types according to the type of registration:

It is also important to note that the second type of document may have content requirements.

Video: how to register an employee

Again, it is imperative to carry out a preliminary review of the legislative documents that govern this moment. This will prevent violations and avoid other problems.

What journals are used in office work?

Special journals must be used in office work.

A standard list of these would include the following:

  • accounting of incoming and outgoing documents;
  • information sent;
  • incoming and outgoing correspondence;
  • other.

The complete list of journals used may differ depending on the field of activity of the enterprise, as well as a number of other factors.

You will need to familiarize yourself with all of them in advance. This will allow you to avoid many difficulties and difficulties.

Nuances for individual entrepreneurs

The personnel of any enterprise are its main value and key resource. Therefore, organizing a competent personnel accounting process is an important component of the work, which requires competence and in-depth knowledge of the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

Properly selected HR department employees will guarantee that errors are reduced to zero and the rights of the entire team are protected. Read on to learn more about the peculiarities of maintaining personnel records and the main mistakes made by employers.

The concept of personnel records

Personnel accounting is a complex of processes and measures related to regulation labor relations between employer and employee. This mechanism is necessarily present in any company, regardless of its staffing levels and legal form.

In general, personnel records include the following activities:

  • formation of personal files of employees;
  • calculation of and other payments;
  • compilation and recording of working hours;
  • registration of sick leaves, applications and certificates at the place of request;
  • submission of periodic reports to the tax authorities;
  • drafting and monitoring compliance;
  • preparation of personnel orders;
  • maintaining relevant documentation;
  • work on and evaluation of employees;
  • compliance with the rules of non-distribution of personal data of company employees.

According to Labor Code In the Russian Federation, each organization must have the following documentation:

  • Staffing schedule.
  • Personal cards of employees.
  • Prisoners and additional agreements to them.
  • Vacation schedule.
  • Regulations on the procedure for protecting and processing personal (personal) information of employees.
  • Orders and statements of employees (about, provision, etc.).
  • Labor regulations (within the organization).
  • Work records of all employees.

Organization of personnel records

The most common ways of maintaining personnel records in an organization are:

Creating a HR department or hiring a HR specialist (HR manager)

The main advantage of this method of personnel records management is the ability to organize in accordance with its principles and requirements, so the employee is directly in the company.

Assigning responsibilities for maintaining personnel records to a secretary or accountant

In times of crisis and the need to save money, a situation often occurs when one employee combines the duties of a secretary, accountant, HR specialist and even a lawyer. Such an employee, as a rule, specializes in one area, and, accordingly, is not entirely competent in others.

And this is fraught with possible mistakes and liability of the company’s management, which leads to unnecessary costs - time and material.

Transfer of HR functions to an outsourcing company

Organizational work, personnel management, training and selection are managed by a third-party outsourcing company, which is a specialist in its field. There are many professional staff and organizations with which it is concluded agreement for the provision of relevant personnel accounting services.

Each of the above options has its pros and cons. How exactly personnel records will be kept and who will directly deal with them is decided by the management of the organization, taking into account the number of personnel, its turnover and domestic policy.

Features of management

Sometimes employees need to obtain a copy of their time sheet. In accordance with the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to issue such a document. But in accordance with laws on the protection of personal data, a complete copy can be issued only with the consent of all employees registered there. Therefore, an extract from the report card is issued, which provides only information about the applicant

The main mistakes that employers and HR employees make

In the process of maintaining personnel records, errors may be made that will lead to the inspection authorities. Typical mistakes personnel records are:

Mistakes when working with personal files

The personal file of each employee is formed from the moment of his hiring until his dismissal. The most common mistakes when managing personal affairs are:

  • there are no required documents in the personal file;
  • the order of documents is disturbed;
  • there are no personal files (not documented);
  • reconciliation is not carried out in a timely manner;
  • filled out instead of a personal personnel record sheet;
  • the case includes documents that should not be part of it;
  • HR employees do not comply with the procedure for transferring personal files to third parties and organizations.

Correct formation of personnel files allows for better security of documents and prompt access to them.

Errors when drawing up an employment contract

Mistakes made by the employer during the process often lead to serious consequences in the resolution process. labor disputes. Typical mistakes in this case are:

  • employment contract consists of one copy;
  • the employment contract is not registered, there is no registration date;
  • there are no signatures on employment contracts;
  • not registered mandatory information and/or conditions;
  • there are no written employment contracts with employees;
    one copy of the employment contract was not received personally by the employee, or
  • there is no receipt mark;
  • the terms of the contract are not defined;
  • the conditions for employment, if any, are not specified;
  • no specific value specified wages employee, the terms of payment and place of receipt of salary, working hours and duration of leave are not established.

Errors in maintaining work records

Here, the bulk of errors are related to the procedure for filling out the work book. The most common mistakes:

  • a receipt was not issued when receiving a work book from a company employee;
  • the order does not appoint a person responsible for maintaining, recording, issuing and storing work books;
  • the employee information section is not supplemented when the employee receives a higher level of education;
  • the sequential numbering of records is incorrect;
  • not all records of work (including translations) are contained;
  • refusal to issue work records to students combining work and study;
  • when issuing a duplicate, the “duplicate” mark is not made;
  • incorrect corrections were made in the job information section;
  • the book recording the movement of work books and to them is not maintained properly or there is no book;
  • the employee information section was not filled in when filling out the insert;
  • the employee’s signature is missing in the employee information section;
  • the job information section does not contain the full name of the employer;
  • the dismissed employee is sent a work book by mail without a written statement from the employee about such a request.

A work book is the main document of any employee, reflecting his work experience throughout the entire professional activity. Therefore, it is necessary to minimize the occurrence of possible errors and violations during registration and maintenance of this document.

Each of the mistakes can have an extremely negative impact on the management of the organization and lead to serious consequences. Therefore, it is recommended to assign the functions of personnel accounting to competent and competent specialists who are well versed in current legislation and the requirements of inspection bodies, or trust professional outsourcing companies.

Every employee expects their employer to respect their rights, pay their wages on time, and deserve a well-deserved vacation. The manager, in turn, expects the employee to strictly fulfill his duties. In addition, any business owner must be legally protected. All these points are regulated by personnel records. Conducting HR records in an LLC will help you sort out all your relationships with your employees.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a way of managing personnel and working with the organization’s document flow related to personnel. This may include the movement of personnel, settlements with employees and working hours.

Methods of maintaining personnel records

Unlike individual entrepreneurs, personnel production in an LLC is a mandatory component, even if only one participant is registered in the LLC, performing the functions of an accountant and general director. This is explained by the fact that the founder and the LLC are two different entities. Consequently, the LLC plays the role of an employer, and the founder plays the role of an employee.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a way of managing personnel and working with the organization’s document flow related to personnel.

Personnel records can be maintained in 3 main ways:

1. Take on the role of HR officer.

If you are not afraid to “start” the process, have time and your organization is not so large.

2. Hire a personnel officer.

A modern HR specialist must think creatively, be legally savvy and pedantic.

3. Trust an outsourcing company specializing in personnel records management.

There are several programs designed for personnel records. This is an automated control system ( automated system personnel management), ERP system(enterprise resource planning), maintaining personnel records in the cloud (SaaS). If we talk about software, then this is 1C.

Independent maintenance of personnel records

Step-by-step instructions for maintaining personnel document flow:

1. It is necessary to determine the regulatory and information bases that will be required to conduct personnel work.

Most of the documents required for conducting personnel records are standardized by the decree of the State Statistics Committee of the Russian Federation “On approval of unified forms of primary accounting documentation for recording labor and its payment” dated January 5, 2004. Documentation that does not have standardized canons is drawn up in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003.

  • Labor legislation of the Russian Federation (updated every six months).
  • Instructions for maintaining work records (approved by Decree of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation No. 69 of October 10, 2003).
  • Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On maintaining labor records” (dated April 16, 2003).

Documents required to enroll an employee on the staff:

  • Passport (registration and registration).
  • SNILS (pension insurance certificate).
  • Military ID.
  • TIN (individual tax number).
  • Medical policy.
  • Specialist Diploma.

The importance of personnel documentation lies in the fact that it allows you to secure legally significant facts and clearly regulates the rights and responsibilities of the employee and manager.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization, the package of documents for maintaining personnel records can be expanded. Leader deciding personnel issues, may independently adopt local regulations within the limits of its powers, if they do not contradict the law.

Depending on the characteristics of the organization, the package of documents for maintaining personnel records can be expanded.

2. The statutory documentation of the organization should be drawn up.

The charter must clearly state the conditions for hiring a director, the terms of the director’s work, the amount of his salary, as well as the procedure for approving the work schedule.

3. You need to register a manager.

The registration of the manager is the first personnel order created in the organization. It indicates the date from which the manager begins to perform his duties.

4. It is necessary to compile a list of personnel documentation involved in the organization’s personnel production.

These include:

  • Internal labor regulations of the organization.
  • Personnel structure.
  • Staffing schedule.
  • Schedule of employee vacations.
  • Documentation defining the protection of personal data of employees.

The list of required documents also contains labor agreements, work books and a book for recording their movements, a working time schedule, personal cards of employees, personnel orders and the grounds for their issuance (applications, reports, acts, notes, etc.), a register of calculation and payment of wages, pay slips , job descriptions.

5. Hiring employees.

A package of documents must be created for each future employee. All that remains is to fill out work books, personal cards, and draw up other personnel documents (on payroll, accounting for vacations, sick leave, business trips; sign an agreement on non-disclosure of the employee’s personal data).

According to Art. 419 Labor Code of the Russian Federation, non-compliance labor legislation faces a fine of 200,000 rubles.

Conducting personnel records in an LLC is a very delicate and responsible matter. Many things depend on the correct document flow and the selected personnel records program. legal features affecting the observance of your rights and the rights of employees. All personnel documents are legally binding and can be used in court.

On any even small business There are employees, which means there is a need to maintain various personnel documentation.

In companies that have been on the market for a long time, HR records are usually well established, but in newly created organizations it is necessary to create everything from scratch.

Who is responsible for office work at the enterprise?

As a rule, HR department employees are involved in conducting personnel records and processing all documents, but if the enterprise is small, then this work can be entrusted to one of the employees as a... Usually this is an accountant or.

If the company has a large number of employees, then a personnel department is created, which may have several specialists. Need for personnel workers is determined not only based on the number of employees (although this is the main factor), but also on the specifics of the enterprise itself. So, in an organization with harmful and dangerous production, HR officers will have more work.

If you have not yet registered an organization, then easiest way do this using online services, which will help you generate all the necessary documents for free: If you already have an organization, and you are thinking about how to simplify and automate accounting and reporting, then the following online services will come to the rescue, which will completely replace an accountant in your company and save a lot money and time. All reporting is generated automatically and signed electronic signature and is sent automatically online. It is ideal for individual entrepreneurs or LLCs on the simplified tax system, UTII, PSN, TS, OSNO.
Everything happens in a few clicks, without queues and stress. Try it and you will be surprised how easy it has become!

Collection of the necessary legislative framework and regulatory documents

The first thing you need to do when creating HR document flow from scratch is to decide what documents should be there. There are documents that every enterprise must have, and there are those that are required only to perform a certain type of work or company activity.

By the way, yourself regulatory documents, regulating the availability of components of personnel documentation, it would also be a good idea to store them in a separate folder, so that if necessary, they would always be at hand.

Orders on a personal and personnel. Personnel orders include orders related to the movement of workers:, dismissal, etc. These orders relate to work experience and are therefore kept for 75 years.

TO personnel orders all others include:

  • vacations;
  • bonuses;
  • business trips;
  • disciplinary sanctions, etc.

Shelf life These orders range from 3 to 5 years.

It is more advisable to create two separate folders for these two types.

The next mandatory document is one that reflects all basic information about the employee. These cards can be stored either separately or as part of the employee’s personal file.

The third mandatory document is. Currently, according to the law, work books must be prepared even by an individual entrepreneur, not to mention enterprises of other forms of ownership. The employer must issue a work book within three days from the date of hiring the employee.

Since work books are, it is necessary to keep them. This book is also kept for 75 years.

The next required document is. It must be concluded with each hired employee, regardless of the term.

After new jobs have been created, it is necessary to conduct a special study of each of them. Documents related to the SOUT are stored until they are replaced with new ones, as a rule, once every 5 years.

TO other mandatory documents applies:

There are also documents that the law does not oblige to keep, but, nevertheless, almost every employer has them, this is a book of grounds for orders.

Collection and study of constituent documents

After you have decided on the general mandatory documents, you need to decide on the remaining documents. To do this, you need to study all the statutory documents regulating the activities and production process enterprises.

Here the documents can be very different. For example, if employees are also entitled to PPE, then it is imperative to approve by order or other administrative document the list and terms of providing them to the category of employees.

If the enterprise has people who have irregular working hours, work at night, work in hazardous and hazardous conditions, then it is necessary to document the benefits and compensation they are entitled to.

Preparation of the list of documents

When the whole list necessary documents determined, you can begin to draw up the Regulations on the conduct of personnel records.

This provision lists all the necessary documents, the procedure for their maintenance and storage periods. This provision is not mandatory, but greatly facilitates the work of the HR department.

Registration for a director's job

If an enterprise is created from scratch, then the first person to register is the head of the enterprise.

It is he who then enters into employment contracts with the rest of the employees. If the position of director is elective, by competition, then the chairman of the elected body concludes the agreement; if the enterprise has founders, then they sign the agreement. If the manager is at the same time the sole founder or individual entrepreneur, then he signs an employment contract for both the employee and the employer.

Be that as it may, concluding an employment contract and issuing an employment order are mandatory procedures.

Drawing up local regulations

In order to determine what positions and how many of them are needed for the operation of the enterprise, a staffing table. For him there is unified form and, although it is not required to use, it is very convenient.

If desired, you can add additional columns to it. IN staffing table the title of the position is indicated, required quantity staffing units, salary or form of remuneration and required allowances. All positions in the staffing table are indicated, starting with the most important and ending with support personnel.

IN labor regulations First of all, the work schedule of the enterprise is indicated, if any shift schedules, then they are described in detail. This document may also indicate requirements for appearance and employee behavior, corporate ethics, etc.

Development of a standard sample employment contract

The employment contract must include all the basic provisions listed in the labor code.

Here applies:

In addition to these clauses, the employer can add any other clauses to the employment contract that do not contradict the law.

Preparation of accounting documents

All log books before using them needs to be prepared. Namely, each magazine must be numbered and sealed. The sheets are numbered consecutively, starting from the first to the last. Then all the sheets, excluding the cover, are stitched with thread and two tails are drawn onto the last endpaper. They are sealed with a piece of paper, but which indicates the number of sheets and bears the signature of the manager or the person responsible for maintaining the journal.

Each journal indicates its start date, and the name of the organization is required.

Appointment of a person responsible for maintaining work records

Work records are one of the most important personnel records documents and belong to the forms strict reporting, then the attitude towards them should be careful. They must be stored in a safe, locked with a key.

To maintain work books, a responsible person is appointed who fills them out and is responsible for storage. Responsibility is assigned to the employee by order of the organization.

Registration of employees

For each employee, it is necessary to perform a certain sequence of work:

  • reception from an employee;
  • familiarization of the employee with all local regulatory documents, regulations on remuneration, internal labor regulations, collective agreement etc.;
  • drawing up an employment contract and signing it. Be sure to make a note in the employment contract indicating that the employee received the one hundred and second copy;
  • issuing an employment order;
  • filling out a personal T-2 card and creating a personal file. It includes the following documents: application for admission, copies of personal documents, a copy of the admission order, personal card, documents on education and qualifications, employment contract, and other necessary documents.
  • transfer to the accounting department of all necessary documents for the employee for accrual.

The following video playlist provides instructions on how to conduct HR records:
