How to stimulate staff with a bonus system. The best motivation systems and bonus programs for staff Bonuses for company employees

Widely or simply, in an office or a cafe, through the efforts of top managers or ordinary colleagues, but it will happen - every office will celebrate New Year. We know how to have fun this evening. We have the top list of games for corporate parties. You have the initiative and good company

Another New Year's corporate party is an opportunity to wear a New Year's dress, chat with colleagues in an informal setting, but a Christmas party at work is a celebration among your colleagues and management. And this celebration has its own rules!

Game for the New Year's corporate party: “DO NOT REMOVE!”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: A large box or opaque bag in which to collect various comical things: children's tights, boxer briefs, a large bra, caps, clown noses, etc.

ESSENCE: At the leader’s signal, the participants pass the box to each other to the music. As soon as the music stops, the one in whose hands the box takes out one thing from it and puts it on himself. The condition is not to take it off for the next half hour!

CLUE: Don't forget to charge your camera. When else will you see the guard Vasily in a 100°F bra!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “LOVES - DOESN'T LOVE”



ESSENCE: The presenter (the most active of his colleagues, you can take on this role) asks everyone sitting at the table to say which part of the body they like and which part the neighbor on the right doesn’t have. For example: “I love his left knee and don’t like his nose.” At the end of the revelations, the presenter asks everyone to stroke (kiss) the “successful” places and pinch (bite) the sufferer for the “unsuccessful” ones.

CLUE: It is advisable to have colleagues of different genders sitting next to each other.

TIP 2: Having bitten the system administrator in the ass, return to your work computer and do backups all important documents. Maybe he will take revenge...

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FLYING GAIT”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Bottles (plastic or glass).

ESSENCE: Bottles are placed in a row in front of the volunteer, at the same distance. He is blindfolded and asked to go through an obstacle without touching a single container. While the victim is indignant at the difficulty of the task, the bottles are removed. As a result, you get a proud flamingo bird, diligently pacing around the office.

CLUE: Remove dishes very quietly. She will still be needed.

Game for New Year's corporate party: "FISH-WHALE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Room (see Hint).

ESSENCE: Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The presenter speaks into each person's ear the names of two animals. Then he loudly lists the animals, the person, having heard “his”, must sit down. The task of his neighbors is to prevent this from happening. The game plays at a fairly fast pace. When everyone gets the hang of it, the presenter will say “Whale” - this is the animal that is wished for each participant in the second paragraph. The result will amuse everyone!

CLUE: Prudently clear the area within the fall radius of your colleagues from sharp and breakable objects. Not everyone is happy to land on a hole puncher.

Game for New Year's corporate party: “COMEDY OF POSITIONS”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: Any, but only male.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Inflated balloons, tape, matches.

ESSENCE: There are men in the group who still want a million dollars and who still wonder what it's like to be pregnant? Great, this game is just for them! Tape tape to participants' bellies balloons. A box of matches crumbles in front of each “pregnant woman”. The task is to collect matches as quickly as possible and not let the “belly” burst.

CLUE: Should you limit yourself to just one balloon? Give Chief Economist Sergei Ivanovich one more try!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT IS MY NAME?”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper signs with funny, not the most in simple words on them (lemur, bread slicer, bulldozer, cutie, etc.).

ESSENCE: Everyone receives a new name for the evening - a corresponding sign is attached to their back. The players' task is to find out their nickname from others. Questions can only be answered with “yes” and “no”. The winner is the one who first guesses the inscription on his sign.

CLUE: The bread slicer will be offended if you click on it like that for the next year.

Cool game for corporate parties: “WILL BE COMPLETED”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Maybe the desire to sing (with skill it’s more difficult).

ESSENCE: Divide into teams depending on the number of players. Together, choose a theme for the competition, for example, love, snow, animals... Each team must remember a song “on the topic” and perform a few lines from it. Those who last the longest win.

CLUE: Be creative and don't be afraid to argue. If you wish, you can prove to anyone that the song “You abandoned me!” dedicated to a real animal!

Game for New Year's corporate party: "BIG RACE"


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Cocktail straws and ping pong balls (according to the number of participants).

ESSENCE: Prepare the path: place bottles, glasses, glasses (in general, everything that comes to hand) on the table so that paths are formed. Players will chase their balls along them, blowing on them through straws. The one who arrives at the finish line first wins.

CLUE: It’s good to play in pairs for elimination: a new participant takes the place of the loser. At this time, the rest can sing in chorus the song “...pursuit in hot blood.”

Competitions for corporate events with colleagues: “TRIAL CARTOON”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 5 to 20.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pencils, paper and erasers.

ESSENCE: Each player draws a friendly cartoon of someone present. The portraits are passed around in a circle, and each back side writes who is shown in the picture. When art will go around the circle and return to the author, count the number of points (i.e. correct answers). The author of the most recognizable portrait wins.

CLUE: To ensure that no one is left out, draw lots in advance to see who is portraying whom. And there’s no need to draw personnel officer Glafira Pafnutyevna a mustache like Budyonny’s - in fact, the stubble above her lip is just beginning to appear...

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “WHAT, WHERE, WHEN”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens according to the number of participants.

ESSENCE: Everyone is sitting at the table. The host asks a general question, for example, “who?”, the players write the answer, fold the sheet so that what is written is not visible, and pass it to the neighbor on the right. Then the next question is asked, for example “when?”, and the procedure is repeated. The game lasts until everyone has filled out their sheets. Then, amid friendly laughter, the presenter reads out the resulting stories. You probably learned a similar game back in school.

CLUE: Having a presenter is not essential. Everyone can ask questions in turn. At the same time, you will find out who, when and what is actually doing late at night on the office sofa...

Competition for a corporate event: “FULLY AGREE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Paper, pens or pencils.

ESSENCE: Break into two teams. Each person receives a sheet with categories marked on it, such as city, river, country, technology, plant, etc. Select a letter of the alphabet and start the game. Within a certain time (a minute or two), the team needs to remember as many suitable words as possible.

CLUE: Categories can be professionally oriented, this will unite the team. How nice it is for friendly car service workers to jointly come up with the fifteenth name of an engine part starting with the letter Ш!

Game for a corporate party at the table: “FROM A TO Z”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Knowledge of the alphabet.

ESSENCE: The game is simple: Starting with “A” and further down the alphabet, everyone comes up with a congratulation for “their” letter. The author of the funniest phrase wins.

CLUE: Don't skip the letters G, Zh, J, Ъ, И. It will be fun. Wow!

Game for a New Year's corporate party: “YES NEVER!”

NUMBER OF PLAYERS: From 7 to 15.

PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Chips for each participant, at least three pieces.

ESSENCE: Honesty game. The first player says: “I have never…” and names something that he has never done in his life. Everyone who, on the contrary, had the specified experience, gives the hero one chip. Everyone’s task is to come up with something that they haven’t done, unlike most of those present. The winner is the one who, after a certain number of laps, collects the most chips.

CLUE: You can use matches, pre-cut pieces of paper, or large beans as chips. But you should not use the acquired knowledge about colleagues for your own selfish purposes. Just think, secretary Irochka never came to work on time, but she won!

Game for New Year's corporate party: “FROM A NEW LINE”


PREPARE IN ADVANCE: Pens or pencils, print out the beginning of a famous poem on sheets of paper.

ESSENCE: Let everyone add their own rhyming ending to the given poem. Believe me, even the popular “The bull is swinging...” with light hand your colleagues will find an unpredictable happy ending (or maybe not a happy one!).

CLUE: Prepare a few printouts, the game is addictive. And listen to what this bull will eventually come to...

Which fun competitions for a corporate event, do you know?

Irina Pobokina started playing


Paying talented employees well is important and necessary, but all researchers vying with each other claim that money motivates specialists only to a certain extent. Therefore, other motivators are needed. Some companies have found that the more unusual and “targeted,” the more individual the bonus, the greater the loyalty effect the company will receive from it.

Business Insider found 17 companies that motivate their employees in unconventional (and very attractive) ways.

Epic Systems . This company, among other things, offers employees great bonus so that they stay longer: for every five years worked in the company, a specialist receives an additional month of paid vacation. In addition, if employees decide to spend it in a country they have never been to before, the company bears part of the expenses (and not only part of the employee’s expenses, but also part of the expenses of his travel companion). By the way, Epic Systems’ office is also not the most ordinary: on a farm near Madison (Wisconsin), there is an Indiana Jones themed tunnel, a conference room in the form of a tree house, a moat with water and extensive spaces for various outdoor activities.

Google . It's not for nothing that Fortune magazine puts Google first on its list of 100 for three years in a row. best employers. Incredible offices around the world offer the most incredible perks, including free food that will satisfy even the most sophisticated gourmets. The company's headquarters in Mountain View has gyms, bowling, game rooms and basketball courts. Without leaving the office, you can not only have fun, but also solve everyday issues - use the services of a hairdresser, massage room and laundry.

Cisco . LifeConnections Health Center Cisco- more than just a fitness center. It provides employees with first aid services, physiotherapeutic procedures, and also offers an unusual option - acupuncture. In the center, among other things, there is a pharmacy.

S.C. Johnson . S.C. company Johnson, which makes cleaning products, offers concierge services to its employees to ensure everything from books are checked in at the library on time to dry cleaning is returned on time. "To make the best cleaning products for your family, we need best people in our corporate family," the company says. The company also offers childcare services for employees and additional benefits for fathers and mothers.

Southwest Airlines . Southwest Airlines employees fly for free with their airline and can offer this benefit to family members and even friends. They also have discounts on a number of other airlines, hotels, theme parks and car rental companies. When employees are not traveling, they take part in corporate holidays, like the annual chili festival or Halloween.

General Mills . The company firmly believes in maintaining work-life balance - so every new hire automatically receives three weeks of paid vacation. More General Mills offers flexible working conditions: both remotely and directly in the office (representatives of a number of departments are not assigned specific jobs, and they work wherever they please).

Chesapeake Energy . One of the largest US manufacturers natural gas Chesapeake Energy pays half the cost of scuba diving lessons for employees and their families. And once they develop sufficient diving skills, the company helps them organize trips to various exotic places, like Cozumel (Mexico). Those who don't feel like scuba diving make use of the company's fitness center, which features an Olympic-size pool, sand volleyball court and rock climbing wall.

J.M. Smucker . The company is engaged in the production of food products (fruit jams, ice cream toppings, drinks, peanut butter, etc.). When joining the team new employee, they give him a real reception: a gift basket is sent to the employee's home, everyone plays softball or bowling. Employees who have free time are simply obliged to take advantage of the "educational benefit": J.M. Smucker will reimburse 100% of your training costs. If an employee wants to gain new skills in the workplace, the company creates all the conditions for this training (also absolutely free).

Yahoo . The company's offices have fitness centers with yoga, cardio kickboxing, Pilates and golf. The offices are also equipped with special ergonomic chairs that provide back support; there are vending machines with healthy food and drinks on each floor. Outside the office, Yahoo! receive discounts on ski resorts and in California theme parks. The company holds an annual party - Octoberfest. In addition, the company organizes a baby shower (a party before the birth, when future parents are given things necessary for the unborn child - editor's note) for employees who are preparing to become parents.

Quinn Emanuel . Law firm Quinn Emanuel offers employees a bonus that is not usually associated with the legal profession. Employees receive $2,000 to be able to work from anywhere in the world for a week (provided they work the agreed amount of time). The company has a special dress code policy that encourages employee creativity. And the company selects its summer interns (who, by the way, are very well paid) not through interviews, but at parties on law school campuses.

Boeing . New employees won't feel lonely because the company connects them through a program called REACH. As part of this program, newcomers take part in various social projects. Boeing employees have 12 paid holidays a year, plus the holiday between Christmas and New Year.

Mattel . Large manufacturer toys makes sure that the employees’ children are happy as well. Firstly, the company covers all expenses if the employee decides to adopt a child. Secondly, employees are provided with 16 paid hours (so that they have the opportunity to leave, for example, for parent meeting). Of course, employees have a special discount on Mattel products. Mattel also has its own charitable foundation, where specialists can work as volunteers.

Microsoft . The company provides paid leave to new fathers and mothers. Microsoft has mentoring programs, and employees receive health insurance, which includes services from doctors for autism. Microsoft is the first large company offering such a benefit.

World Wildlife Fund . WWF has so-called Panda Fridays: during the week, employees work a little more, but have the right to a day off every second Friday. Specialists get short vacations, and the company saves energy and reduces carbon emissions into the atmosphere (although the layout of the company's offices is carefully thought out to save resources, and the offices themselves are built from environmentally friendly materials).

Oshkosh Corporation . Manufacturer military vehicles wins the loyalty of employees by providing them with training and development opportunities: training with an instructor, online training, compensation for obtaining an additional academic degree. Oshkosh Corporation has rotation programs for internal candidates - by participating in it, engineers have the opportunity to work in different departments and gain different skills.

3M . Known around the world for its tape and Post-it notes, 3M also has a reputation as an employer with an extensive benefits program. Employees receive insurance that provides higher than standard benefits, dental and ophthalmologist services. This can be done not only by opposite-sex couples, but also by same-sex couples. The family-oriented company offers counseling services related to child and elder care, smoking cessation and weight loss programs, and stress management training.

TIAA-CREF . TIAA-CREF management wants to make sure that its employees are taken care of in different areas of life. Specialists can get medical care right at the workplace, send your child to one of the Bright Horizons children's centers full time, and also take part in the pension co-financing program. TIAA-CREF has communication skills programs and sports programs (including six sports).

Who would refuse to work where they provide delicious food three times a day, offer long vacations, good insurance and take care of their future pension? True, in the IT industry such privileges will no longer surprise anyone, so employers have to rack their brains and come up with something unusual.

And they succeed! Read what some have to offer well-known companies- in some places it sounds absolutely incredible, but it’s true.

1. The smell of frying bacon

First on our list is Scopely- development team mobile games from Los Angeles. Not long ago they made a real splash with their “rookie kit.” It included several stacks of dollars tied with strips of bacon, a year's supply of Dos Equis beer, a custom-made tuxedo and a portrait of the very employee who received all this wealth.

2. Walking on the ocean

If you love sailing, you will surely enjoy the company iCracked from San Francisco, because here employees are offered not only free lunches, Mac computers and good insurance, but also trips on a yacht moored right next to the office. And one more plus: since the company specializes in repairing Apple gadgets, you don’t have to worry about the fate of your iPhone. If it breaks, they will fix it at work.

3. Meet the boss in the air

Don't like the ocean? Maybe you want to fly? In the company Dropcam There is a rule: every new employee goes on a flight - on a corporate helicopter in the company of friends and family. The car is driven by company director Greg Duffy, so you get to know him as soon as you get a job. Don't forget to take your Dropcam with you - it will be useful for broadcasting and showing off the gorgeous views.

4. Halloween every day

If you manage to get a job at a startup Exec, you won’t have to think about what to wear to the next Halloween: here every newcomer receives a cute dinosaur-shaped sweatshirt as a gift. It is assumed that this is what he should wear to work. In general, the company cleans apartments and generously puts things in order in the homes of its employees completely free of charge. Maybe he washes the sweatshirt at the same time, but we don’t know for sure.

5. Breakfasts on the roof for employees and their four-legged friends

And here it is. This may be biased, but we also have good traditions. For example, we throw great parties and take care of the relatives and four-legged friends of each of our employees. Yes, you read it correctly: a dog is a full member of the family, so it can come to the office. And she doesn’t sit alone while her owner has breakfast on the roof and admires the view of the Mediterranean Sea. There are entertainment and toys for animals on each floor, so our pets don't get bored.

6. Caring for loved ones

About working in Google there are legends. This is probably the only company in the world where you want to work until the very end in the truest sense of the word. True, bonuses in this case will not go to you, but to your loved ones. Google went beyond restaurants, insurance and massages right in the workplace and came up with this: when an employee goes to better world, his partner receives half the salary for ten years, and the child receives a thousand dollars every month until he turns 19. Or 23 if he is a full-time student.

7. Money for vacation

In the company Moz they understand that people need a good vacation and offer not just three weeks off, but also three thousand dollars in addition - for flights, hotels, restaurants and other expenses. We think that employees willingly take advantage of this opportunity and enjoy traveling to different countries.

8. Rest any time

And the company Ask In general, a very interesting attitude towards vacations. In short, it can be formulated like this: if you want to rest, rest. There is no need to go to your boss and ask for time off. Management completely trusts its employees and does not control them in this matter.

9. Ice Rink and Sociopath's Corner

IN Group It is customary to take care of the well-being and mood of the team, so there is a juice bar, a restaurant, a beauty salon, a doctor’s office, a fitness center and a large gym, which can easily be turned into an ice skating rink if desired. If you are tired of open space, you can sit quietly in the “sociopath's corner.” When it’s warm outside, the company gives out bicycles and scooters to everyone, and when it rains, umbrellas.

The bonus fund from which payments are made is formed as a percentage of the profit received based on the results economic activity organizations.

The main advantage of using a bonus system is the ability to motivate employees to achieve a specific work result. Also, the expectation of a bonus and the desire to receive it reduces the risk of dismissal of employees when implementing a bonus project, this in turn reduces staff turnover and gives stability to the organization as a whole.

An additional advantage of the bonus system is its flexibility, since the conditions for issuing a bonus can be easily changed in each specific case with any individual employee. And since the payment of bonuses is not an obligation, but the right of the employer, the employee, in the event of a dispute, does not have the opportunity to go to court (unlike paying a bonus).

The disadvantage of the bonus system includes cases when the employer may incur losses due to the fact that the size of the bonus is fixed, and the organization’s profit turned out to be less than planned.

To encourage an employee with a bonus, discuss the terms of the bonus payment with him in advance. Tell the employee:

  • conditions for issuing a bonus;
  • period for issuing the bonus;
  • bonus size;
additional conditions for issuing a bonus, which can increase the bonus or reduce its size (if any). First of all, formulate the conditions (criteria) under which the bonus payment will be made. To do this, determine the desired outcome of the employee’s work. Try to describe the result of the work in a clear form that is understandable for the employee, preferably in quantitative form, for example, exceeding the revenue plan for the six months by seven percent.

Next, determine the period for bonus payment. You can determine the bonus payment based on the results of work for a month, for a year, or upon completion of a specific task (project). In the latter case, indicate clear deadlines for completing the task, possibly several, and you can attach a certain bonus amount to each deadline.

For example, for a programmer for completing a project (program development) within the planned time (three months), the bonus amount will be 50,000 rubles. If the project is completed on time a week earlier, the bonus amount will be 60,000 rubles. While increasing the project completion time by a week will reduce the bonus amount to 40,000 rubles, by more than three weeks it will eliminate the bonus payment completely.

Bonus amount

Since the bonus incentive system is not regulated in any way by law, all conditions relating to such payments depend on the desire and ability of the employer. In this regard, determine the size of the bonus yourself, taking into account financial opportunities organization and economic feasibility of this type of expense.

Can you express the bonus amount in hard currency? fixed amount, or as a set percentage of the organization’s profit. The larger the bonus amount, the greater the stimulating effect. The bonus can be quite significant, for example, equal to wages for a month or an even longer period.

Please note that when installing large amount bonus, there is a risk that when performing the next bonus task, if the employee is given a bonus amount less than the previous one, with the same labor costs, this fact may demotivate the employee and cause dissatisfaction. In this case, the employee needs to justify the reason for reducing the bonus amount and focus on the very fact of the employer’s desire to reward the employee for his work, or to compensate for the smaller bonus amount with additional non-material motivators.

Determine additional conditions for issuing a bonus in each specific situation separately. Please note:

Individual characteristics of the employee (his positive and negative qualities (characteristics) as a professional and as an individual);

The influence of external conditions on the employee’s performance (market position, seasonality, performance of other departments, etc.);

The impact of project deadlines on the results of work of related departments and other employees;

Economics what is the validity of the bonus size if certain conditions for issuing the bonus are met, etc.

Labor legislation does not oblige the employer to legally formalize the procedure for paying bonuses promised to an employee. However, such registration will be desirable both for the employee and for the employer himself.

You can include conditions for the payment of bonuses in employment contract. However, such inclusion is not very beneficial, since in this case the bonus takes the form of an incentive payment and, therefore, is taken into account when calculating the employee’s average earnings. This, in turn, leads to an increase in the amount of vacation pay, sick pay and other similar payments due to the employee while he maintains his average earnings. Consequently, the inclusion of conditions for the payment of bonuses in the employment contract will lead to an increase in the organization’s labor costs.

There is another option for designing the procedure for paying bonuses. Invite the employee to register as individual entrepreneur and conclude a civil contract with him, in which you provide for a bonus payment. In this case, the work performed by the employee will be regulated by civil law. This is easier for the employer, but not entirely convenient for the employee. An employee may not agree to become an entrepreneur, since the status of an individual entrepreneur implies additional responsibilities on the calculation and payment of taxes. Even if he has no income, he will have to file tax returns for these taxes.

The most convenient option for registering a bonus is to mention it in employment contract employee about the possibility of accruing bonus payments to him. At the same time, everything essential conditions regarding the procedure for determining the size and receipt of bonuses, please specify in detail in a separate agreement between the organization and the employee, or define such conditions in another local normative act organization, for example, the Regulations on the payment of bonuses.

In these Regulations, provide for the procedure for forming a bonus fund, determine the method for calculating the individual amount of bonuses, and also stipulate the conditions under which they will be paid. The regulations provide for the employer’s right to reduce or deprive an employee of bonus payments, and also specify the conditions for changing the size of the bonus in the event of a decrease in the organization’s profit, dismissal of an employee, and so on.

A bonus is any financial compensation, reward, or return beyond the normal expectations of the recipient. The bonus can be given to company employees and executives, potential employees or shareholders. A bonus is additional compensation paid to an employee above his or her regular salary. Cash payment can be used as a reward for achieving certain goals set by the company or for loyalty to the company. In office settings, bonuses are usually given to either reward the employee or reward excellent performance.

Bonus as an incentive

Examples of bonuses that are offered as incentives include signing bonuses, referral bonuses (see also what are ) and retention bonuses. Cash at signing is a cash offer to potential employees who are perceived as top talent for the firm. The bonus is intended to stimulate potential hiring so that the best people cannot get a job at competing firms.

A referral bonus is given to an employee whose recommendation of an individual for an open position within the firm results in the hiring of that individual. Firms offer referral bonuses to their top performers in order to get people that reps can vouch for in terms of great work ethic, high skills and positive attitude. If the person referred ends up getting the job, the recommender will be given a bonus.

Corporations offer retention bonuses to key employees to encourage them to stay with the corporation, especially during periods of crisis or organizational changes. The financial incentive is intended to provide the employee with confidence that his or her employer values ​​the contributions to the corporation and would like to retain them.

Performance Bonuses

Rewards can also be offered to employees as motivation for some exceptional work that has been carried out and completed. A performance bonus is offered when a project, quarter or year is successfully completed; when a team or employee goes beyond what is required job responsibilities; when special remuneration should be provided to the employee. Bonus may be provided to an individual, team, department or everyone in the company according to the contribution of each subject. A compensation bonus can be a one-time offer or a recurring payment for employees and executives. Compensation bonuses are not always monetary rewards. Sometimes they are paid in kind in the form of shares, gift cards, weekends, holiday turkey or just a verbal assessment. Examples of bonuses given to an employee for a job well done include annual bonus scheme, points bonus, performance bonus, participation bonus and milestone bonus.

Some businesses have an annual bonus structure built into employee contracts. In the event that the firm makes a profit during the fiscal year, the profits will be distributed among the employees and C-Suite (C-Suite, or C-Level, is a widely used slang term used to collectively refer to the most important executives of a corporation. C -Suite gets its name from the top management titles, which usually start with the letter C, as the main one executive director (), financial director(), Chief Operating Officer ()) and will receive a larger piece of the pie. A bonus award is a microcredit payment, usually valued at around fifty dollars, given to an employee or team that deserves special recognition. An employee's compensation bonus may also fall under a bonus program, or it may be separate plan benefits provided to an exceptional employee. Employees who reach the milestone with a firm who says they have been working with the enterprise for ten years may also be recognized by the enterprise, which would offer him or her additional compensation in cash or in kind.

Other bonus schemes

Not all bonuses are offered as an incentive or reward. Some bonuses paid to employees are unearned and are given only because the individual is part of the company.

In addition to employees, shareholders can also receive a bonus as a return on their investment in the company. One type of shareholder bonus is dividends, which are paid to shareholders from funds received from profits, sold by the company. The board of directors must approve dividend payments and may also decide to terminate payments at its discretion.

The company may also issue bonus shares to shareholders, thereby increasing the total number of shares issued and held. The bonus issue is usually based on the number of shares already owned by the shareholder and is very similar to the stock spread, except that there are no gaps with bonus shares, and in the " Share capital» balance changes the balance.

Bonus plans are not limited to just employees and shareholders. Other stakeholders in the company's supply chain may receive additional compensation, such as signing bonuses, from the company to obtain the contract. In addition, professional sports groups also offer bonuses to highly skilled players who want to join the team.

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