What you can make from porcelain with your own hands. Cold porcelain without cooking: recipes for cooking at home. With citric acid

The recipe for real porcelain was invented in Ancient China, and was protected under 7 seals as a state secret, and modern masters have an analogue - cold porcelain. This mixture has nothing in common with the noble composition, but is named so because of the visual fragility and translucency of the crafts. Today we’ll talk about how to make cold porcelain with your own hands, we’ll study different ways preparations with photos and step-by-step description of the work.

What is cold porcelain

Cold porcelain(HF) is a plastic mixture mainly of different types of starches, oils, PVA glue and glycerin, which is used for creativity. Today, HF is a completely natural, harmless, convenient and budget-friendly material for decorative molding. When cooled, the mixture hardens, and this distinguishes HF from polymer clay.

Recipes for making cold porcelain

Here is a description of how to prepare cold porcelain at home.

Recipe No. 1 “Classic”

  • 1 cup of PVA glue;
  • 1 cup potato powder;
  • couple of st. l. glycerin;
  • 1 tbsp. l. any baby cream.

Cold porcelain from potato starch for beginners is made according to the following scheme:

  1. Pour the glue into the container, immediately put it on medium heat, add the baby cream first, stirring vigorously.
  2. Add glycerin, but do not stop stirring, add starch a little at a time.
  3. Soon the mass will thicken and visually begin to resemble cottage cheese.
  4. Over time, a lump emerges, which is transferred from the container to a table greased with cream.
  5. Let the mixture cool slightly and knead until it forms a plasticine-like consistency.

Recipe No. 2 “Corn”

  • a couple of cups of starch (corn);
  • the same amount of PVA;
  • 3 tbsp. l. Vaseline, glycerin and Johnson's Baby oil;
  • 1 tsp. acid (citric).

Cold porcelain from starch is prepared as follows:

  1. Combine all the wet ingredients and cook over low heat until the mixture becomes smooth.
  2. Add corn powder and mix until a ball forms.
  3. Remove it from the bowl and knead by hand.
  4. If the bun is hot, cover it with a towel and wait for it to cool a little.

Recipe No. 3 “No cooking”

Cold porcelain without cooking is prepared using the functions of a microwave oven. Take:

  • potato starch - cup,
  • PVA furniture Lux-cup;
  • 3 tbsp. l. glycerin;
  • a pinch of lemon;
  • water - 1 tbsp. l;
  • a couple of spoons of cream and Vaseline.

Here is a master class on making cold porcelain in the microwave:

  1. Pour water into a small cup and add lemon juice.
  2. Pour potato powder and glycerin into a bowl and grind thoroughly.
  3. Add glue to the container and rub until smooth.
  4. Place in the microwave for 60 seconds, remove and stir. Repeat the manipulation three times. Periodically mix any clots that appear with liquid.
  5. Then place the container in the microwave for 30 seconds, repeat three times, stirring.
  6. When warmed up, the glue takes on a slightly milky tint. Potato starch is snow-white, so only PVA will provide the pigment.
  7. Now send the mixture to the microwave three times for 20 seconds, and then several times for 10 seconds, so that the composition becomes homogeneous and viscous. Don't be lazy to mix all the ingredients.
  8. When finished, place the vessel in the oven a couple more times for 5-7 seconds until the mixture acquires the consistency of plasticine.
  9. Move it to a table greased with cream and knead it piece by piece.
  10. Let the lump sit, then spread it with Vaseline. plastic bag, and wrap it around the dough. Leave for 5 hours.
  11. Lubricate your hands with cream and take out the HF for 10-15 minutes.
  12. To bring the material to perfection, take a piece and put it in the microwave for 5 seconds, repeat 6-7 times. As a result, the consistency will be ideal for sculpting thin, carved parts of crafts.
  13. It is better to paint the composition with oil paint, as watercolors fade.

Option No. 4 “With formaldehyde”

You will need:

  • 1 cup corn starch;
  • 1 cup of powdered chalk;
  • a couple of cups of vinyl-based PVA glue;
  • 6 tsp. liquid Vaseline;
  • 6 drops of formaldehyde (formalin) * you need to work with this substance with gloves, it releases toxins.

Action plan:

  1. Mix chalk powder and starch, stir in PVA and Vaseline.
  2. After compaction, add formalin.
  3. If the mixture is too thick, thin it slightly with water.
  4. Mix well and keep in cellophane in a cool place.

The advantages of this HF are that it does not need to be cooked, the dough will not crack or deteriorate, and will withstand staining well.

Recipe No. 5 “Cold Method”

  • 2 tbsp. l. starch;
  • Vaseline - a full tablespoon;
  • a pinch of baking soda;
  • 3 tbsp. spoons of PVA glue.

Cooking cold porcelain:

  1. Place the starch in a dry and clean container and add Vaseline there. Grind the composition.
  2. Add baking soda while stirring.
  3. Gradually introduce glue.
  4. Grind everything vigorously until smooth. If the dough is thick, then add Vaseline, and if it is sticky, then add a little glue.

Recipe No. 6 “Soda porcelain”

  • 200 gr. - soda;
  • 100 g - corn starch;
  • 150 ml - water.

The cooking recipe is extremely simple:

  1. Combine corn powder and soda, add water little by little.
  2. The result will be a homogeneous slurry. Place it on the stove with the gas on low.
  3. Stirring, continue cooking. It will take 2.5 minutes to reach the desired state.
  4. Dump the “cottage cheese” onto a table lined with a cloth napkin. Knead.
  5. You will get a snowy, shiny lump in appearance.

Important! This material does not stretch like adhesive options, but it molds perfectly and rolls out until transparent.

Option No. 7 “Original”

Cold porcelain without starch is prepared like this. Take:

  • 2 tbsp. l. - wallpaper glue;
  • 2 tbsp. l.- soda (baking soda);
  • 2 tbsp. l. - clean water;
  • 2 tbsp. l. - Vaseline or detergent.

Manufacturing process:

  1. All components are combined into one snow-white mass.
  2. Rub until smooth.
  3. Cover with cellophane and store in a cool place.
  • After drying, the craft decreases in volume by 30%.
  • The mixture should be boiled in a Teflon or glassware, but not in aluminum.
  • Many masters advise letting the dough rest for a day after cooking.
  • It is not advisable to store the material in the refrigerator.
  • To remove excess moisture, replace the bag containing the mixture with a new one.
  • Mix all the ingredients thoroughly to prevent the dough from cracking later.
  • Before placing the dough in film, coat it with baby oil to prevent the development of fungus.

  • Before you start sculpting, lubricate your hands with baby cream to prevent the mass from sticking.
  • are light and elegant.
  • For natural coloring, you need to apply food coloring to the finished product and hold it over steam, then the coloring will be absorbed.
  • If you use corn powder, the products will be white, but potato powder makes them yellowish.
  • When purchasing glue, pay attention to the label; it should contain a plasticizer responsible for elasticity.
  • If the mixture does not hold its shape, add corn or potato powder.
  • If cracks begin to appear on the dough, add a little more glue to it.

Painting cold porcelain

The HF, which is made by hand at home, can be painted in any colors. The following coloring agents are suitable for this:

  • acrylic;
  • food coloring;
  • gouache;
  • pomade;
  • watercolor;
  • blush;
  • shadows;
  • powder dyes, etc.

You just need to add pigment at the kneading stage to ensure an even shade.

From the compositions described above, craftsmen make beautiful panels, photo frames, decorations, postcards and other designer decor. Do you have any comments or advice for novice masters? Write to readers in the comments.

Video: Making cold porcelain without cooking

Ceramic floristry came from the land of the rising sun, where more than five thousand years ago craftsmen created amazing flowers and figurines. Cold porcelain appeared in Argentina, today this material allows you to create with your own hands unique interior items, decorations. Visually it looks like porcelain, but hardens in air. Children will also be able to create souvenirs and accessories from such material. It is inexpensive, safe for health, plastic, and easy to work with. This is an excellent hobby that promotes the development of imagination and perseverance.

Cold porcelain recipe

Masters engaged in this type of work develop their own recipe over time. For beginners, an option that includes standard components is suitable.

You will need:

  • Take 200 gr. cornstarch or use potato starch.
  • You will need 150 gr. PVA glue to connect the parts of the product.
  • Some recipes include water, but too much of it will cause the finished product to crack and fall apart.
  • Glycerin is necessary to give the mass plasticity.
  • Be sure to make sure you have hand cream. When working, it is necessary so that the material does not stick to your hands.
  • Sometimes craftsmen add citric acid to the composition, which helps increase the shelf life of the finished product.

Important! Corn starch makes products light and transparent, while potato starch will make your figures and compositions look heavier.

Mix everything in a container, except starch, and place on the stove over low heat. The mass should be stirred constantly so that it does not burn. After obtaining a homogeneous mixture, add starch. The mass is ready when it begins to lag behind the dishes. It is easier to cook the material in a water bath; this method allows you to obtain a more homogeneous mass.

Today, craftswomen also use a microwave to obtain a homogeneous material. To do this, the mixture is placed in the oven in a glass container and the timer is set for 30 seconds. After the specified time, the mass is removed from the microwave and mixed. The procedure is repeated until the material reaches the desired consistency.

We place the raw materials on a cloth soaked in water, and pour water into the pan to make it easier to clean. Hot material is kneaded in a towel. When it cools down, you can knead it in your hands so that the raw material does not stick; sprinkle your hands with starch. During this procedure, we add pigment to the mass to color the raw materials. After this, the porcelain is placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes. The raw material must stand for a day before working with it.

There is a method that does not require cooking. The resulting material is not inferior in plasticity to cooked raw materials. To do this, take potato starch and grind it with Vaseline. There should be twice as much starch as Vaseline. While mixing, a pinch of soda is added to the mixture, glue is gradually poured in, and the mass is brought to the required thickness. Then continue kneading the mixture with your hands lubricated with cream.


You don't need to go to the store and buy a lot of expensive tools and equipment. Everything you need for work is often already at hand. You can use knitting needles and other metal objects found around the house as stacks. You will need a metal ball on a stem to roll out the material to a specific thickness. For such purposes, take a bead and secure it well on a toothpick. Special texture devices (molds) are replaced with ordinary leaves or petals of living plants.

List of tools, materials:

  • Rolling pin for rolling.
  • Scissors.
  • Round nose pliers are necessary when creating jewelry using fittings.
  • Tweezers will help you deal with small parts.
  • Pliers will help you straighten or bend thick wire.
  • Stacks.
  • Paints for coloring the material in the desired color. You can use different types, but professionals prefer oil paints. They do not contain water, they do not dry out quickly, and they are easy and convenient to work with.
  • Decorative cosmetics.
  • Gloves.
  • A cutting board on which it is convenient to knead the mixture with your hands and roll out the material.
  • Cling film for storing material.
  • Wet wipes.
  • The tape will help connect the parts to the frame. Double-sided adhesive tape is used to tighten the wires to obtain a neat stem for the plant.
  • Wire for assembling products may need different diameters. The choice depends on the type of flower and its size.
  • PVA glue perfectly connects raw parts or a wet part with an already dried component. But if you need to glue two dried parts together, use instant glue.
  • Molds are imprints of a leaf or petal, they are necessary to make flowers look realistic.

Many tools are easy to find at home; if something is missing, then buying them today is not a problem.

How to determine that the material received is of low quality?

It is difficult for novice craftsmen to immediately determine how well the raw materials were kneaded and whether the resulting material is suitable for the job. Let's list some disadvantages:

  • If the finished porcelain is hard with obvious inclusions of starch, then you have added a lot of this component to the mixture. To correct the flaw, you need to add glue to the mixture and knead it again.
  • If the resulting figurine does not hold its shape, then liquid glue was used or the mixture was not cooked enough. Try to cook the mixture until the required thickness is obtained. If this cannot be done, then you need to buy another glue and start the work over again.
  • After drying, the products crack, which indicates an excess of moisture in the mass.
  • If the raw material sticks to your hands, and prolonged kneading fails to change anything, it means you forgot to add glycerin to the mixture.

The drying speed of the product depends on its thickness and ranges from 1-7 days. When drying, the figures must be turned over to avoid deformation of the products. To speed up the drying time of the product, use a hair dryer or place it in the oven at a low temperature. You can also use the microwave to speed up the drying process.

Cold Porcelain Staining

The material can be colored by kneading. For this purpose, dry pigment is used, acrylic paints, gouache, etc. Craftsmen paint finished products. To do this, take a brush and apply paint to the surface of the porcelain, then hold it over steam. This is necessary for the dye to be absorbed. After painting, adjustments are made to the finished product with a thin brush. Water-soluble paints fade when they dry, but oil-based paints do not lose their brightness. To change the color, craftsmen use food coloring and chalk. Painting the surface of porcelain products begins after complete drying.

Jewelry and interior items are made from this material. You can decorate the nursery by creating with your child fairy tale characters from porcelain. Frames and vases in the interior, decorated with stucco, look original. The decoration of the home will be flowers, animal figures, and interesting compositions. Easy to make using cold porcelain pleasant surprise for friends and family.

Features of products made from cold porcelain

When working with such material, it is important to consider the following:

  • After kneading, do not rush, the raw materials are left for a day.
  • Immediately before sculpting, hands are lubricated with cream.
  • Store the finished material in sealed packaging.

Porcelain products are beautiful, but it is better to store them away from moisture and direct sun rays. At temperatures below 10 °C, the structure of the material is destroyed. High temperatures lead to porcelain drying out and destruction of figurines. Protect products with varnish; this coating will increase their service life and help maintain the brightness of the colors.

Cold porcelain is a surprisingly plastic material from which craftsmen sculpt many interesting products. For decoration, use beads, threads, beads, shells, etc. To learn how to work with such material, you do not need specific knowledge or skills; even a child can cope with the work.

Sakura flower made of cold porcelain

Flowers bring joy to people. They are given as gifts for holidays and grown on windowsills and front gardens. But the cut flower fades, and indoor plants require care. Therefore, people looked for ways to replace natural flowers and created artificial plants from beads, fabric, paper, and ceramics. Today the original ones are popular flower arrangements from cold porcelain, which are easy to make yourself.

Let's create a sakura flower. To do this, prepare the mass and divide it into two components. One component remains white, and the second is painted a soft pink color. Make blanks for the petals. The white component is thicker than the pink one. They are joined together along the length, and then rectangles are cut from the resulting material.

After this, we proceed to sculpting the petals. The base will be pink, and the edges of the petal will be white. The finished petals are glued together with glue, a hole is made in the middle of the flower with a sharp object, where a wire stem is then placed. Under the buds we place a sepal with a green base and white edges. We fasten and place on the stem. Each branch is collected separately, and after drying, the composition is assembled.

To practice floristry, you need to be patient; developed finger motor skills will help in this matter; operations are performed carefully. These qualities will help you obtain realistic flowers, figurines and other products. The qualities listed above develop directly in the process of work, so the main component is the desire to create!

Today we will make cold porcelain with our own hands without cooking at home. I use cold porcelain instead of polymer clay and use it to make flat figures on magnets. You can work with cold porcelain both with molds and to sculpt something out of it yourself. The figures do not break, they are quite resistant to moisture and can be painted with any dyes.

Cold porcelain recipe without cooking

The recipe is the simplest, without cooking. We need the simplest things, namely: corn starch (I didn’t make it from potato starch, I don’t know how it will work in the recipe), a metal bowl in which we will mix it all, a plastic cup, sunflower oil and Moment Joiner Express glue. This is the glue I use. It makes porcelain very good. If you use PVA, then the porcelain will not work - everything sticks to the molds and then the figures are difficult to get out. We also need a bag to wrap it all up. To give it a whiter color we need a little acrylic paint. You can also use food coloring to give the porcelain the desired color.

How to make cold porcelain

It is worth mixing for one serving so that there is no excess left, and next time mix fresh, rather than using the rest. Pour two parts starch to one part glue into a bowl, using the cup as a measuring cup. Don't worry about the dishes, they are quite easy to clean if you don't dry them. Can be used disposable tableware, so as not to wash, they made it and threw it away. Immediately add just a little white acrylic paint here so that the porcelain is white, because the glue has a slight yellow tint. Then mix the mixture thoroughly. Knead until you want to pick it up. Now the porcelain can be collected by hand into a large lump.

Crafts made from cold porcelain

Now you can start working with porcelain. Pour some into your palm sunflower oil and rub thoroughly with the palms of your hands to lubricate them. Take a lump of porcelain and knead it in your hands. It should come out in the form of plasticine. You can either sculpt flowers or figures from it yourself, or use it for molds. I use it for molds. Cold porcelain is ready. A budget option that replaces Fimo clay.
When you work, it is better to put the porcelain in a bag so that there is no contact with air and it does not harden. That is, tear off the piece needed to fill the mold from a large lump, and put the rest in a bag for now.
Now you can fill the mold with a piece of porcelain and compact it thoroughly so that no air bubbles remain. As in working with polymer clay, porcelain has a caveat - you must wait until the porcelain has completely hardened before taking out the figurine, otherwise you may damage everything. Cold porcelain dries within 24 hours in bad weather and dampness. But you can put it on the battery and wait literally 2-3 hours. The figures should easily come off the molds; if you can’t remove them, then it’s better to wait until it dries.
The resulting cold porcelain figurines can be used as refrigerator magnets, key rings, and in scrapbooking this is generally an excellent decoration option.

Evgenia Smirnova

To send light into the depths of the human heart - this is the purpose of the artist


Creative activities involve working with various types of materials. When sculpting figures, for example, in addition to clay, you can use cold porcelain, which is much easier to deal with. This plastic composition is more delicate, which guarantees the preservation of a feeling of weightlessness in finished crafts. Flowers and small details that require careful design are often made from cold porcelain.

What is cold porcelain

The main ingredients, without which it is difficult to imagine preparing this type of porcelain, have long been considered glycerin, corn starch, PVA glue and oil. Modern recipes undergo changes in composition. A homogeneous composition for modeling was invented at the beginning of the last century in distant Argentina. Initially it was created for the production of small figurines with many details. Artistic modeling made of cold porcelain is popular among adults and children due to its extreme ease of working.

How to make cold porcelain with your own hands

The convenience of soft, pliable mixtures for creativity lies in the ability to prepare them at home. You can make cold porcelain with your own hands without much effort and cash. Step by step instructions vary, but mostly contain the same steps and ingredients. A recipe for cold porcelain at home may contain a step such as cooking, or it may do without it. There are methods of cooking even in the microwave, but they are more labor-intensive.

Training master class for beginners

It will take time to learn how to sculpt beautiful figures, but even beginners who have never sculpted crafts before can easily prepare cold porcelain. The mass is prepared from the following components:

  • cornstarch;
  • baking soda;
  • water;
  • vegetable oil.

A more common cooking method looks like this:

  1. Take equal amounts of soda and starch and move them around in a saucepan.
  2. Gradually add water to the dry ingredients. The proportions should be 2:1.
  3. Pour in a little oil.
  4. Place the mixture over low heat and stir continuously until it thickens. The porcelain should have a dense consistency.
  5. After turning off the stove, cover the saucepan with porcelain, previously moistened with a towel.
  6. Once the temperature has been reached, knead the material with your hands to ensure uniformity.

Cold porcelain recipe without cooking

To cook or not to cook? That's the question! Craftswomen who prepare cold porcelain with their own hands are divided into two categories: the first are for cooking, and the second are against it. There are practically no differences in consistency and properties. Cold porcelain without cooking is just as flexible and easy to make. Among the necessary ingredients are the following:

  • starch - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • Vaseline – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • baking soda;
  • PVA glue.

The algorithm is as follows:

  1. Take a dry bowl and pour starch into it. You can take corn or potato.
  2. Lightly melt the Vaseline in a water bath and add it to the dry ingredient.
  3. Sprinkle a little soda. Knead the future porcelain thoroughly to avoid the formation of lumps.
  4. Next, add glue a teaspoon at a time to make the composition soft.
  5. Before work, lubricate the material that has been pressed until smooth with Vaseline.

How to cook with potato starch on the stove

Potato starch is a more familiar ingredient for culinary experts than its corn counterpart. It can be found in almost every home, so cooking porcelain from it may be easier in terms of availability. If you plan to create light elements, such as rose petals, it is better to avoid potato starch, since the peculiarity of the product is a grayish color. A simple classic method involves cooking on the stove. List of components:

  • potato starch – 180 g;
  • glue – 180 ml;
  • lemon juice – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • glycerin – 1 tbsp. l.;
  • Vaseline – 1 tbsp. l.

The steps are as follows:

  1. Combine all ingredients one by one in a small saucepan. The mass will turn out to be liquid; it must be mixed to a uniform consistency before cooking through heat treatment.
  2. The container with the solution is placed on the lowest heat and the composition is stirred. Readiness is determined by the mass sticking to the spoon.
  3. The cooled material is kneaded with creamed hands for at least 5 minutes.

How to color the resulting mass

Cold porcelain made at home requires staining. To add color to the mass, food coloring, pigments and acrylic paints are used. The first two coloring substances are used when cooking porcelain, adding them to the composition along with the main components. In this case, you will need to prepare several balls of porcelain mass to give each one a different color. Acrylic paints are used when the product is dry and just needs to be painted. This option is a little more convenient, more practical and takes less time.

How to make crafts

Cold porcelain is a material that is often mentioned in master classes on making flowers. You can mold them without using special tools, with just your hands, but the best result can be achieved with the help of molds. Apart from these, delicate flowers are made using plastic spoons. The plastic mass is laid and rolled out along the recess of the spoon, and then several of these elements are assembled into a flower, for example, a tulip. You can use different tools, this creative process limited only by imagination.

How to properly dry the finished product

Drying the finished craft - important stage all work with cold porcelain. There are cases when, when drying the finished product, the material cracks, leaving unsightly grooves. How to properly dry a craft? This is done at room temperature, at least for 24 hours. It is very important to turn the product over if it is lying on one side and not in a vertical position. To speed up the process, some needlewomen slightly heat the oven, and then, turning it off, place the craft there for a short time.

1. So that the lymph nodes no longer become inflamed! I’m sharing a great exercise, all you need is... 2. Say goodbye to spots, wrinkles, freckles and warts! 3. Interpretation of blood tests. Be sure to keep it for yourself, it will be 100% useful! 4. A conference on cancer prevention was held at the Kashira Oncology Center. Here are the recommendations made at the end of it: 5. A folk remedy for lung diseases that our grandmothers used to treat. Forget about coughing! 6. Izotov’s oatmeal jelly or “Russian balm!” 7. Use this clever trick to avoid becoming a victim of ticks! I feel safe in nature. 8. Recipe for eternal youth Don’t “throw away” money on beauty salons! 9. CEDAR TINCTURE FOR MANY DISEASES. 10. 15 little beauty tricks that will be useful to any girl. ===================================================== ============== 1. So that the lymph nodes no longer become inflamed! I’m sharing a great exercise, all you need is... Lymph nodes are the most important part of our immune system. They are something like a border outpost that prevents foreign substances from entering the body. Their main goal - delay the infection and prevent it from spreading. The main weapon of our lymphatic system is lymphocytes, which accumulate and cause enlargement of the lymph nodes and even their inflammation. Many people have probably experienced inflammation of the lymph nodes. To avoid this, you need lymphatic drainage, and “I Love Healthy” will tell you how to do it yourself. Inflammation of the lymph nodes Lymph nodes often become inflamed when various infections become active. If the infectious process is long and difficult, then the chance of inflammation of the lymph nodes increases. In this case, you need to suppress the infection itself as soon as possible. If the nodes are constantly enlarged, this may be a symptom of other diseases. For example, if the lymph nodes are symmetrically enlarged and have a dense consistency without any other symptoms, this signals acute lymphocytic leukemia, a malignant blood disease. Also, enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes can be a sign of connective tissue diseases. But the claim that this may be a sign of cancer is a myth. This condition is observed only in advanced stages. In any case, do not panic, you should go to the doctor and have everything checked thoroughly. Early diagnosis helps avoid severe consequences of the disease. 100 jump technique But still, the most common cause of enlarged and inflamed lymph nodes is improper circulation and stagnation of lymph in the body. Swelling, excess weight - all these are also sad consequences of disruption of this process. How to fix everything? This is what we will talk about. To get your lymphatic system to work properly and your lymph to circulate as it should, you will need lymphatic drainage techniques. One of the simplest and most effective is jumping in place. This exercise not only makes the lymphatic system work well, but also helps eliminate swelling in the legs and face. What should I do? Everything here is simple to the point of banality. Stand on your toes, practically without lifting your toes from the floor, and perform small jumps. No need to jump high. The jumps should be fast and much lower than when you jump rope. When performing the exercise, women can support their chests with their arms bent at the elbows. Every morning you need to perform 100 jumps. If you feel discomfort during the exercise, stop at this number of jumps for a while and increase it gradually. The stomach should be pulled in throughout the entire exercise. Make sure that there is no tension in the spine. This exercise will help disperse lymph throughout the system and prevent its stagnation. Now do an exercise to help relieve swelling in your legs. The same 100 jumps, only with your heels hitting the threshold. You will need a threshold or other surface that rises 5 cm above the floor (book, balcony threshold). You stand on your toes and perform 100 jumps with your heels. Make small and quick jumps, carefully and without strain. These exercises are recommended for everyone. People who lead a sedentary lifestyle and abuse alcohol and fatty foods especially suffer from lymph stagnation. And also women, because the bra interferes with the normal outflow of lymph. It is not recommended to do this exercise only for pregnant and lactating women. Agree, there is nothing complicated in this exercise. But thanks to it, you can ensure healthy lymph flow and, as a result, get rid of excess weight and swelling. To me, it sounds very attractive, it’s worth a try!
