Auction center trading platform. Electronic trading platform sales center. What does the operator offer?

Venues included in the Association electronic trading s sites:

Site groups

  • Trade portal
  • Group of B2B sites
  • Group of sites NTK Altimeta
  • Norbit site group
  • Group of iTender platforms
  • Electronic trading ETPRF site(OIDs of Federal Trading Platforms are used)

Electronic trading platforms of Russian regions

  • State order of the Altai Republic
  • State order of the Republic of Buryatia
  • State order of the Vologda region
  • State order of the Kamchatka Territory
  • State order of the Nizhny Novgorod region
  • State and municipal procurement Omsk region
  • State order of the Stavropol Territory
  • State order of the Republic of Tatarstan
  • State order of the Republic of Khakassia
  • State order of the Chelyabinsk region

Commercial trading and purchasing systems

  • Sberbank-AST. Procurement for commercial customers
  • Sberbank-AST. Bidding for commercial customers
  • Sberbank-AST. Procurement of OAO Sberbank of Russia
  • Electronic trading platform ONLINECONTRACT
  • Auction Competitive House
  • Baikal-Tender
  • Electronic trading platform "InvestEnergoservice"
  • TZS Electra
  • RB2B LLC "Purchasing and Marketing Systems"
  • Electronic trading platform "Tender.Pro"
  • SETonline - multifunctional e-commerce system
  • Electronic trading platform of OJSC Severstal
  • Electronic trading platform
  • Electronic trading system - Sitno
  • Trade purchasing system "AMS-Service"
  • Electronic trading system
  • Network of regional Electronic Trading Platforms
  • ETP "KamTender"
  • Electronic trading and purchasing platform AGC Glass Russia
  • Electronic trading platform OboronPromTorg
  • All-Russian electronic trading Lot-online platform OJSC Russian Auction House

ETP for the sale of property

  • Sberbank-AST. Sale of bankrupt property
  • Sberbank-AST. Privatization and rental of property
  • Unified Federal Register of Bankruptcy Information
  • Sberbank-AST
  • Trade portal
  • ETP B2B-Center
  • Electronic platform uTender
  • Electronic platform "Auction Tender Center"
  • LLC "Baltic Electronic Platform"
  • Interregional Electronic Trading System
  • CJSC "RUSSIA Online"
  • Electronic trading system of JSC Russian Auction House
  • ETP “Electronic Property Trading System”
  • Electronic platform of the Realization Center
  • Electronic platform “Auctions of Siberia”
  • "Electronic trading platform ELECTRO-TORGI.RU"
  • Regional trading platform ""
  • Electronic trading platform "A-COSTA"
  • ETP "Auction Center"
  • Electronic trading platform "Electronic capital"
  • Electronic trading platform "Electron-Mart"
  • Electronic trading platform "Profit"
  • Electronic trading platform "Alfalot"
  • Electronic trading platform "TenderStandard"
  • Electronic trading platform “Auctions of the Far East”
  • Electronic trading platform "Gloria Service"
  • Ural Electronic Trading Platform
  • Electronic trading platform ETS24
  • Electronic trading platform "KARTOTEKA.RU"
  • Electronic trading platform of JSC "Realization Center"
  • Electronic platform "Vladimir Tender Center"
  • All-Russian Electronic Trading Platform
  • Electronic trading platform “New Information Services”
  • Electronic trading platform "POVOLGA AUCTION HOUSE"


  • Electronic platform "ArbiTrade"
  • Electronic platform AZORO plus

International trading systems

  • China Bidding Ltd.
  • dgMarket (The Development Gateway Foundation Inc.)
  • - Ukrainian tenders
  • Portal e-procurement JSC National Welfare Fund Samruk-Kazyna
  • Electronic platform
  • National Center for Marketing and Price Study

Information about the Association

The goal of the Association is the creation and successful operation of a single interactive space in Russia, which will allow globally to unite the efforts of all electronic trading systems.

Joining the Association provides all its members with entry into a single electronic information space on a federal scale. Within the scope of interests specific enterprise membership in the AETP guarantees possession of a huge range of information and disproportionately greater opportunities for selling products.

Joining the Association is necessary for everyone who strives to business development, moving to a new level of sales and acquisition of products, reducing costs and ensuring information security.

You can find out more about the association and see the list of sites included in it on the website

Electronic trading platform Auction Center allows you to organize auctions with maximum benefit for all parties involved. Thanks to reliability, transparency of operations and ample opportunities, this trading service has earned respect and become one of the most significant on the network.

What does the operator offer?

This hardware and software system ensures the conduct of auctions and participation in them in real (or online) time. The following categories are available:

  • procurement in the corporate sector under 223-FZ;
  • sale of property of debtors (bankrupts);
  • sales of collateral in the corporate sector.

The operator of the trading platform is EastConsultingGroup LLC. This company entered into an agreement with BALT Insurance LLC, which allows trading to be carried out as comfortably and safely as possible.

Also, specialists from EastConsultingGroup LLC represent the interests of bidders, provide assistance in setting up a browser for working on the site, and conduct financial analysis debtor and full consulting on collecting the package necessary documentation and participation in tenders.


The Ministry of Economic Development has confirmed that the site complies with all the requirements prescribed by law, therefore the Auction Center operates legally.

Among its main advantages:

  • the opportunity to profitably buy confiscated property;
  • accreditation with NP "NGAU", NP "SOAU "Alliance" and NP "DMSO";
  • reduction (by 40%) of the prices of services and goods put up for auction;
  • prompt technical support;
  • purchasing an electronic signature in one of the accredited certification centers of the site.

Registration and participation in trading is free; for conducting electronic trading, 5,000 rubles are withdrawn from your personal account for one trading procedure. This is a really low price considering the versatility of the service.


The Auction Center electronic trading platform is convenient and easy to use; even a beginner can easily understand it. It gives many opportunities and has no disadvantages. Here you can purchase property and real estate at low prices without worrying about the security of personal data. "Auction Center" will be an excellent solution for enterprising businessmen.


For fits the key "Director's Key" of Taxcom TC.


Participation in tenders, auctions, purchases and quotations without a special digital signature for bidding is impossible. An electronic signature is needed to register on electronic trading platforms (ETP), submit documents and sign contracts in case of winning.

What electronic signature is needed for bidding?

The rules of electronic trading are prescribed in laws 44‑FZ (government procurement) and 223‑FZ (commercial tenders). They indicate that documents must be certified with an electronic signature, but do not say which one - simple, unqualified or qualified.

Trading platforms generally only allow the use of enhanced qualified electronic signature for tenders, trades and auctions. Electronic documents, signed by her, have the legal force of paper with a signature and seal.

Which ETPs can you use with an electronic signature?

To work on a specific trading platform, a special identifier (OID) is added to the electronic signature certificate. Therefore, when buying a signature, you must understand where you will use it. In Tensor you can purchase an electronic signature separately for government procurement, commercial sites and bankruptcy or universal bidding.

Government procurement takes place at eight federal sites:

  • Sberbank-AST;
  • National ES;
  • Roseltorg;
  • RTS-Tender;
  • Zakaz-RF;
  • Gazprombank (Government procurement);
  • TEK-Torg.

Commercial procurement can also take place at federal sites. In addition to them, companies post information about trading in other systems:

  • B2B-Center;
  • Manufacturer;
  • Group of OTC sites, etc.

Bankruptcy auctions are held at the following sites:

  • uTender;
  • Auction tender house;
  • Electronic trading platform (ETPRF);
  • KARTOTEKA.RU and others.

It's only popular sites, all of them more than 100. In order not to go to each one in search of interesting offers, use the VLSI service “Search and Analysis of Procurements”. It collects bids from all ETPs, selects the most interesting ones based on your requests, and helps evaluate competitors’ offers and chances of winning.

What besides a signature is needed to participate in electronic auctions?

Electronic signature for trading and trading platforms is not everything.

You will need:

  • electronic signature carrier – Rutoken or eToken (please note, Rutoken EDS, Rutoken EDS 2.0 and JaCartaSE are not suitable).
  • CIPF(cryptographic protection tool) - a program for verifying and protecting electronic signatures, the most popular CryptoPro CSP.

You have received a signature, what next?

If you have received a signature for the trading platform, please get accredited to it in order to participate in the auction. Each ETP has its own list of certification centers whose signatures it accepts. The CEP of the Tensor certification center is suitable for all popular systems.

For our clients, we can carry out urgent accreditation in 1 day at the following sites:

  • Sberbank-AST
  • Fulfillment Center
  • Baltic ETP

To participate in government procurement, in addition to accreditation on the trading platform, you must register in the Unified Information System (EIS). If you want to register yourself, use the instructions. If the procedure seems too complicated or time-consuming for you, contact Tensor. Our managers are ready to go through it for you.

What else can you use ES for bidding?

In addition to working on electronic trading platforms, you can use a signature to:

What documents are needed to obtain an electronic signature for bidding?

You can issue an electronic digital signature for bidding using two documents: a passport and SNILS.

Production time

It takes 15 minutes to produce an electronic signature at the Tensor certification center.

How much does an electronic signature cost for bidding?

The cost of an electronic signature depends on the marketplaces you want to work with. Each ETP independently sets the cost of the signature identifier for working on it.

You can obtain a qualified electronic signature at the office of Tensor or our partners in the region. The signature will be made within an hour. Or you can submit an online application, attaching scans of documents. The manager will check the application and then invite you to the office to receive an electronic signature. If you do not have time for this, we will deliver the ES by special communication.
