Who is Zuckerberg and what did he create? Mark Zuckerberg: biography of the founder of Facebook. Childhood. Mark Zuckerberg's school years

Beginning in late 2014, Zuckerberg began conducting Q&A series with groups of people during his travels around the world. He answered the most various questions- for example, how to open a startup and what kind of pizza he likes most. Over time, such communication turned into almost daily publications on Zuckerberg page on Facebook. In them he writes both about the company’s important achievements and about his own successes. Sometimes Mark posts personal photos and talks about how he lives as a father. Sometimes he responds to user comments.

Meeting with developers in Lagos. Photo: Facebook

Zuckerberg is getting help, and a lot of it, writes Bloomberg Businessweek. Several Facebook employees are involved in Zuckerberg's communications with the public, helping him write posts and texts for speeches. Some are engaged in deleting offensive comments and spam on his page. They work at Facebook professional photographers, which film Zuckerberg, say, jogging in Beijing or reading a book to his daughter. Among them is Charles Ommanney, who recently photographed the Syrian refugee crisis for the Washington Post. Company spokeswoman Vanessa Chan said Facebook is an easy way for management to connect with different audiences.

Many big CEOs have employees who look after their image, but in Zuckerberg's case we're talking about a completely different scale. The image of Zuckerberg himself merges with the image of the company itself: photographs of the head of Facebook changing diapers are published next to statistics on user growth.

“I don’t think there are many executives who could publish personal and business news as easily as Zuckerberg does,” said Fred Cook, director of the University of South Carolina Center for Public Affairs, who once worked with and.

On Lake Naivasha in Kenya. Photo: Facebook

The company itself has a slightly different attitude towards this. Facebook co-founder Sheryl Sandberg used her Facebook page to discuss gender equality in the workplace and talk about her feelings after her husband's death. Company employees believe Zuckerberg's image reflects the company's image. If people think Zuckerberg is a charming innovation enthusiast, then the same definitions can be applied to Facebook. Perhaps this is why the Facebook PR department has been trying to compare its head to Iron Man lately.

Jogging in Beijing. Photo: Facebook

In December, the network began to appear with Zuckerberg, his wife, daughter, dog and relatives, which talked about a personal assistant for a smart home, which Mark had been developing for a year. Zuckerberg named his project Jarvis, which is the name of Iron Man's AI butler in the Marvel films.

It's always interesting to hear about the lives of famous people. Especially if it is filled with many interesting facts and reveals the secrets of achieving success. In the article we'll talk about Facebook creator Mark Zuckerberg, starting with the very idea of ​​​​developing such popular project and ending with forecasts. You will learn the history of the social network, the biography of its owner, and much more.

History of Facebook

Mark Zuckerberg is the name of the “father” of social networks, exactly the way we are used to seeing them. Back in 2004, using almost illegal means, he was able to develop the now popular website www.facebook.com. Of course, this story is not as simple as it seems. Not only Mark, but also his student friends took part in the development of this resource. This, as well as many other things, will be discussed further in the text.

Creator Mark Zuckerberg

Having dealt with the history of the emergence of the social network Facebook, let’s move directly to the biography of its creator Mark Zuckerberg. In addition to some well-known facts, we will talk about his personal life, income and wealth, as well as his good deeds expressed in donations to charity.


It makes sense to start the story directly from the childhood of the future millionaire. Mark Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in a family of American Jews. His childhood passed in the city of White Plains, which is located near New York. He grew up in a family of doctors, his father Edward Zuckerberg worked as a dentist, and his mother Karen was a psychiatrist. In addition to Mark, they had three more children: Randy, Donna and Ariel - all girls. The future creator of the most popular social network began to get involved in programming since childhood, and already at school age he developed the first network game. It was a computer version of the game Risk.

By coincidence, Mark was unable to receive higher education. He entered Harvard University in 2002, and studied only until 2004 at the Faculty of Psychology. In addition, he systematically attended IT courses and could work with many popular programming languages, including C, C++, Java, PHP, and so on. Zuckerberg described himself as a hacker. By the way, while studying in college, Microsoft executives paid attention to him after he developed the Synapse program. It was a simple program for compiling music tops on a computer.

As mentioned earlier, in 2004, Mark, along with his friends Dustin Moskowitz and Chris Hughes, began developing the now popular social network Facebook. At that time, their acquaintance, student Eduardo Saverin, who later sued Zuckerberg because the latter tried to remove Saverin from managing the company, sponsored them.

  • At the beginning of 2009, I met Yuri Milner, whose company five months later bought a 1.96% stake in Facebook for $200 million.
  • In 2010 he became “Person of the Year” according to Time magazine.
  • At the end of 2010, he joined the Giving Pledge campaign, founded by Warren Buffett and Bill Gates.
  • In the summer of 2016, I attended a meeting with Pope Francis.

As you can see, Zuckerberg’s life is quite eventful, but only general facts, now let’s move on to the most interesting thing – Mark’s personal life.

Personal life

Mark Zuckerberg married only once - on May 19, 2012, to Priscilla Chan, who was his longtime girlfriend. The ceremony was not entirely ordinary. The young couple invited all their friends and relatives to a celebration dedicated to Priscilla receiving her PhD in medicine. It was only after all the guests had gathered on the back patio that they revealed that the celebration was actually in honor of the wedding. Many thought that the young people timed such a significant day to coincide with the IPO of Facebook, but a representative of the couple said that this was not so, and the reason was the end of Priscilla’s education.

Three years later, on December 2, 2015, a daughter was born into the young family, who was named Maxima Chan, or Max for short. And on August 28, 2017, sister Max was born. Her parents named her after the month - August.

Income and wealth

Mark Zuckerberg owns 24% of his company's shares, making him the world's youngest billionaire, according to Forbes magazine. His share is worth 4 billion US dollars. The corresponding entry was published in March 2010. That same year, in the same magazine, Mark was ranked 29th on the list of the richest people in America. According to Forbes, his fortune was $7 billion. With all this official salary young billionaire is only one dollar.

Some time later, after all the above calculations, Mark increased his fortune, and already in 2011 Forbes magazine put him in 14th place on the list of the richest people in the United States. His income was 17.5 billion.

Mark’s personality will appear on various Forbes lists more than once; for example, in 2012 he took second place in the ranking of young billionaires. There were two interesting events in 2014. First, he purchased a piece of land on the island of Kauai. It cost him $100 million. In the future, Mark plans to build a family property; it is expected that its total area will occupy 280 hectares. Secondly, he was ranked 14th in Forbes. At that time, his fortune was estimated at $33.6 billion.

Four years later, in 2018, his capital doubles and equals 70 billion. This year he was ranked fifth in Forbes and received the status of the youngest multi-billionaire.

Since 2010, Zuckerberg has been on the list of the most influential people in the world, according to the same American magazine. By the way, in 2018 his position in this list was 13, although previously it reached 10.


In addition to all of the above, Mark Zuckerberg has made a huge contribution to charity. So, at the end of 2015, he published a post on his Facebook page in which he said that he would donate 99% of the company’s shares. At that time it was equal to 45 billion US dollars. This amount will be transferred to appropriate organizations throughout life, and it is aimed at “improving this world for the next generation,” the billionaire said.

In addition, in September 2016, Zuckerberg's wife announced that she was preparing to launch a project called Chan Zuckerberg Science. It will be aimed at combating all kinds of diseases; the total donation budget is $3 billion, distributed over 10 years.

Stages of creating Facebook

Now let's optimize all the information about the Facebook social network and look at the key points of its creation. And we will start directly from 2003, when Mark Zuckerberg took the first step towards his billions.

While studying at Harvard University, Mark had his eye on the institution's network, which represented profiles of students and teachers, with the ability to exchange messages within it. Having gained access to the network, Zuckerberg copied all his data and launched his own website called Facemash. As you might guess, the project was entirely based on the institution's network, so when it became more or less popular, it was blocked for copyright infringement. By the way, it was under this pretext that Mark himself was expelled from the educational institution.

Surprisingly, in 2004, all charges against Zuckerberg were dropped, and, without thinking twice, he began developing own project based on Facemash. Only this time it was given a different name - The Photo Address Book, or, in short, The Facebook.

The question of who exactly created Facebook is quite difficult to answer, since Mark is not the only one who was involved in its development. As mentioned earlier, the project was created through mutual efforts in close collaboration with Chris Hughes and Dustin Moskowitz, Mark’s student friends. By the way, Parker left the company in 2005, although he continued to communicate with its creators.

Fun fact: the domain name www.facebook.com was received in 2005, but the social network continued to operate within the framework of Harvard University. And only in 2006, every interested user over 13 years old could register in it.

Facebook headquarters and office

Have you ever wondered where Facebook's head office is located? Of course, the site's servers are scattered all over the world, which is why any user does not experience problems connecting to the social networking site, but such a multi-billion dollar company cannot exist without a headquarters.

It is located in the city of Menlo Park. The city itself is quite quiet and cozy, and, perhaps most importantly, it has been refined. All employees of the purple social network work in such a calm and peaceful atmosphere.

From the images above, you can see that the headquarters does not look like a typical office building, but rather a resort village. According to managers, such an atmosphere promotes productive work. All employees come not to work, but to create.

Further development of Facebook and its prospects

Perhaps, enough has been told about the entire history of the Facebook company, so we can only think about what will happen to it next. For example, in 2006, more than 25 million people were already registered on the resource. It is worth noting that the calculations took into account only active users who systematically visited the social network. At the same time, developers worked in two directions: they developed a news feed and made registration publicly available. While this was happening, Mark was haggling with Yahoo, trying to sell his company. He was offered $1 billion. In fact, any price would not have satisfied the young billionaire; he just wanted to know how much his company was worth.

Soon the news feed was added and a scandal erupted. The fact is that the developers completely forgot about confidential information, and users began to have personal data of their friends. Surprisingly, after letters poured in asking him to remove the tape, Mark did nothing, he just continued to watch everything.

Following the feed, registration appeared for everyone, and the flow of users began to pour in. Already in 2007, more than 50 million accounts were created on the resource. Accordingly, the company was developing and investments were required, so it was necessary to look for partners. Zuckerberg turned to two world-famous companies - Microsoft and Google. As a result, the contract was concluded with the first.

A year later, in 2008, the hundred millionth user was registered on Facebook, and in 2010 their number increased to 500 million. However, this does not suit the young billionaire. He is not going to stop there and is going to overcome the mark of 3 billion users. To do this, every day the company’s specialists try their best to improve Zuckerberg’s brainchild, introducing new additions and improving existing functionality. It is worth noting that Mark Zuckerberg is considered young for a reason. Despite the fact that he has a multi-billion dollar net worth, he is not yet thirty years old. Therefore, everything is ahead for him.

Talented people are talented in everything. Fencing, programming, knowledge of languages, psychology - this is not a complete list of the hidden capabilities of the young, purposeful guy Mark Zuckerberg. He managed to turn his favorite pastime into a profitable business, creating a world-famous social network. Today, Facebook is one of the five most visited sites, and its founder became the youngest billionaire on the planet. What brought an ordinary guy to success?

Mark Zuckerberg: biography, first steps

The future programmer was born into a family of doctors in the town of White Plains (USA). Zuckerberg's father found himself in dentistry, and his mother in psychiatry. Mark Elliott has 3 sisters - the eldest Randi and the younger Donna and Ariel.

Mark's acquaintance with information technology happened quite early, at 10 years old. The guy received a gift from his father, Edward Zuckerberg, - the first PC. The surprise was an investment in his son's future education. Computers and digital radiography were just beginning to be used in the workplace, and the elder Zuckerberg actively took advantage of this advantage. Edward became the first mentor in Mark's life, teaching him the Basic programming language. The child was so carried away by the new activity that after a couple of years he was writing the ZuckNet program to improve his work dental clinic father. The program allowed Edward, who was in the office, to communicate with his family and assistants.

In his free time, the talented child created computer games and received additional knowledge from a private tutor.

Zuckerberg's versatility

Programming wasn't Mark's only area of ​​expertise. While studying at Phillips Exeter Academy, the smart guy was interested in literature, mathematics, languages ​​and fencing. In his university resume, Mark indicated knowledge of languages ​​such as French, Latin, Ancient Greek and Hebrew. Often in literature classes, Zuckerberg quoted passages from original works.

The future billionaire's sporting achievements were also extraordinary. His passion for fencing led to the dominant position of captain in the school team.

First successes in programming

Despite being successful in many fields, Mark's heart and soul belonged to programming. While studying at the academy, Zuckerberg wrote the Synapse program with his classmate Adam D'Angelo. The invention was a music player capable of analyzing the tastes of the owner and, according to the information received, creating playlists. This program was created for personal use, but the creators shared it with the public on a special website. The creation was noticed by two well-known companies, Microsoft and AOL, and Zuckerberg received an offer to sell the product and then work together. However, the guy decided to refuse the world IT giants, justifying his decision with the words that “inspiration is not for sale.”

Instead of concluding an agreement with world leaders, Zuckerberg entered the prestigious Harvard University to major in Psychology.

University studies

At Harvard, Mark diligently studied psychology, not forgetting about improving his programming skills. Zuckerberg was a member of the Jewish student society Alpha Insilon Pi, studied diligently and attended computer courses.

The second year of study was marked by the creation of two computer programs. The first invention, CourseMatch, helped students decide on subjects based on the experiences of other students. The second creation was called Facemash and lasted only 2 days. The program consisted of choosing the most attractive one out of two students. Thus, a list of the most popular students at the university was formed. The invention had real photographs of students, which was the reason for large quantity complaints and project closure. Zuckerberg admitted to hacking the Harvard database, but explained his behavior with the usual desire to joke.

Soon everyone forgot about the failed joke. However, the incident became decisive for three of his fellow students, who were selecting a team to create a new project, HarvardConnection.com. Mark played an important role in programming the social network. Zuckerberg accepted the offer, but soon left the project due to being busy with another creation.

Birth of Facebook

Work on the site started in January 2004. Sophomore student Mark Zuckerberg registered a domain called thefacebook, and already in early February the project was seen by the world. Initially, it was a social network for communication between Harvard students. Within a day, about a thousand people registered on the site, and a month later, a good half of the students had their own page on the social network.

The site's growth required more people to work on it. Classmates Eduardo Saverin, Dustin Moskowitz, Andrew McCollum, and Chris Hughes joined Mark. Thanks to the efforts and financial investments within a few months the network became available to Stanford, Columbia and Yale universities. Over time, the list expanded to include Ivy League universities, top educational institutions Canada and USA.

The development of the social network was rapid and successful. In the summer of 2004, Facebook was created, with Sean Parker as its president, and general director occupied by Mark Zuckerberg. The guy decided to take an example from Bill Gates and quit studying at Harvard, completely devoting himself to the project.

A new page in the history of Facebook began in 2005, when the facebook.com domain was acquired. From that moment on, Mark Zuckerberg’s social network not only became a place for students to communicate, but also gave anyone the opportunity to plunge into the electronic world.

Three years later, Mark Zuckerberg was recognized as the youngest billionaire in the world, and his project continued to flourish. To date Facebook network has more than 1 billion users.

Below are some interesting facts about Mark:

Meeting your future wife

Mark Zuckerberg met his wife Priscilla Chan at one of the student parties at Harvard. They dated for nine years and finally legalized their relationship in 2012. The wedding ceremony took place in the circle of relatives and friends. Initially, the event involved celebrating the successful completion of his future wife's studies and the placement of Facebook shares on the stock exchange. However, the couple gave an unexpected surprise and announced their wedding.

The billionaire's chosen one has American and Chinese roots. The girl studied at the Faculty of Biology at Harvard, and then at the Medical College in San Francisco, in the Department of Pediatrics. In 2015, Priscilla began working to open a special school that would incorporate educational and health promotion elements.

Despite their enormous fortune, the couple are not regulars at parties and social events, preferring board games and walks in nature.

First experience of fatherhood

Mark and Priscilla dreamed of adding to their family for a long time, but the girl suffered miscarriages. In December 2015, Mark Zuckerberg's first child was born. Maxim's daughter Chan (Max) lit up the social network with her appearance just a few days after birth. The non-superstitious Mark Zuckerberg posted a photo with a child on his personal page Facebook. The happy dad took two months off to enjoy the joy of fatherhood.


In 2010, the billionaire joined charitable organization The Giving Pledge, which encourages wealthy people to give half of their wealth to those in need.

Mark Zuckerberg with his wife and children (they are still part of the plans of the young married couple) will give 99 percent of the Facebook shares (today about $45 billion) that they own to charity. The joyful couple made this statement after the birth of their daughter. The future should offer opportunities for everyone, regardless of their social status and financial well-being.

In addition, Zuckerberg supported the Diaspora project, which was a direct competitor to Facebook. Mark allocated $100 thousand for the development of an open source social network. The billionaire showed concern for development public schools in Newark. Mark Zuckerberg donated $100 million to improve them.

Visit Russia

In 2012, Mark Zuckerberg flew to Russian Federation. After staying on its territory for three days, the young billionaire managed to complete many important missions. One of them was a meeting with the Prime Minister of Russia. Mark also gave a lecture for MSU students. To attend the meeting, you had to register. The number of applicants exceeded the capacity of the audience, so a lottery was held among those who signed up. At the lecture, the billionaire shared with the audience the history of the creation of the famous social network and told his story. In addition, Zuckerberg took part in several Russian programs and was actively involved in the international conference created by him. The conference discussed the advantages of the Facebook network, the main one of which was huge amount active users.

Mark Zuckerberg's titles

Mark Zuckerberg has already won the following titles:

  • The youngest billionaire in the world according to Forbes magazine.
  • Time magazine's Person of the Year 2010.
  • The most tastelessly dressed billionaire according to GQ magazine.

Mark Zuckerberg, whose photo you see in the article, is young, successful person. He managed to achieve a lot thanks to his perseverance and hard work. Let's wish him success and prosperity!

Mark Zuckerberg is an enterprising businessman whose biography arouses keen interest among young people and the older generation. His name is associated with the creation of the world's largest social network Facebook, the number of users of which exceeds 2 billion. A prominent polyglot and inventive programmer became the best in many areas. Zuckerberg is a dollar billionaire with an official salary of $1.

Childhood and youth

Mark Eliot Zuckerberg was born on May 14, 1984 in the New York suburb of White Plains into an intelligent Jewish family of doctors. Mark's zodiac sign is Taurus. Parents Edward and Karen Zuckerberg still practice medicine today: their father in the field of dentistry, and their mother in psychiatry. The family of the youngest billionaire on the planet is large; four children have grown up in it: Marc Eliot, elder sister Randy and two younger ones, Ariel and Donna.

“Everything should be simplified as much as possible, but no more.”

The history of the creation of the popular project was not ignored by filmmakers. shot the full-length film “”, where he played the main character. Zuckerberg spoke negatively about the film, the plot of which he called implausible.

Personal life

The personal life of the red-haired and short (height 171 cm) billionaire Mark Zuckerberg does not correspond to ideas about richest man on the planet. He leads a secretive lifestyle, does not boast of wealth and does not waste money.

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Mark Zuckerberg and his wife Priscilla

He has a modest car - a Volkswagen Golf GTI, which Mark drives himself. For casual wear, the programmer prefers jeans and gray T-shirts. This commitment to minimalism allows the entrepreneur to devote more time and attention to those things that interest him.

In 2012, Mark married longtime girlfriend Priscilla Chan, whom he met in 2002 at a Harvard student party. Chinese by nationality, she was distinguished by her tenacity in achieving her goal - to realize her parents' American dream and get a decent education in the United States. For the sake of admission to prestigious university the girl even took up tennis, although she had never been particularly keen on sports.

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The young people maintained their relationship even after their life paths diverged for a while. Priscilla continued her studies, while Mark settled in the capital of Silicon Valley.

In the first years after the wedding, the newlyweds tried unsuccessfully to become parents: Priscilla experienced 3 miscarriages. But at the end of 2015, the couple had a daughter, Max, which became the happiest moment in the life of the couple who dreamed of a child. After 2 years, his wife, who was named August.

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Mark Zuckerberg and Morgan Freeman

Until 2015, the multi-billionaire lived exclusively in rented homes, without forking out for his own. Having learned about his wife’s pregnancy, Mark Zuckerberg built a cozy family nest for a comfortable life for his long-awaited first-born. The home cost Zuckerberg $7 million, and the programmer purchased it on his own, without resorting to the services of an agent.

The home of the Facebook founder is located in the historic center of Silicon Valley - the city of Palo Alto, a 10-minute drive from Facebook headquarters in Menlo Park. In the billionaire's mansion there are no extra servants, the function of a butler

Name: Mark Zuckerberg

Age: 35 years old

Place of birth: White Plains, USA

Height: 166 cm

Weight: 84 kg

Activity: American programmer, founder of the social network Facebook

Marital status: married to Priscilla Chan

Mark Zuckerber - biography

Mark Zuckerberg is one of the richest and most famous young businessmen in the world. What's the secret successful biography a celebrated young genius?

Mark Zuckerberg was born in the suburbs of New York. His parents are doctors. My father still works in dentistry; my mother used to practice psychiatry, but is not currently practicing medicine. Zuckerberg himself is the second oldest; the programmer has three sisters - Randi, Donna and Ariel.

Mark Zuckerberg - childhood, school years

Mark started programming during his school years. Soon after he began studying, he began to write quite simple programs, but constantly improved his skills. In high school, Zuckerberg introduced a full-fledged strategy game, which he called “Risk.” It was at this moment that representatives of Microsoft and AOL noticed his talent and immediately offered to collaborate with them. Since Mark Zuckerberg had not yet completed his studies at school, he rejected the offers. In 2012, Zuckerberg decided to continue his biography by enrolling at Harvard University.

Mark Zuckerberg decided to tackle the next development with a friend. They jointly created special program for the Winamp audio player, which analyzed the tastes of music listeners and then showed a selection of similar tracks. This program was called Synapse.
Zuckerberg was not only interested in programming. When he entered Harvard, Mark had a dozen different hobbies. It is known that he was engaged in fencing and devoted a lot of time to studying mathematics and ancient languages, Latin and ancient Greek. The guy decided to enter the university at the Faculty of Psychology.

Mark Zuckerberg - Harvard University

It was at Harvard University that Mark came up with the idea of ​​​​creating a network for communication. Initially, his project was created only for students. This is how the Facebook network was born in Zuckerberg’s biography. Of course, Mark did not work on the project alone; he was helped by Dustin Moskwitz and Chris Hughes. At that time, the project was in dire need of funding, and the students quickly found a sponsor. It turned out to be Mark’s classmate, Eduardo Saverin, with whom a conflict later occurred, which the court had to resolve.

The Facebook site needed serious promotion, which was undertaken by prominent businessman Peter Thiel. The result of this promotion was the multimillion-dollar popularity of the site. Already in 2006, the social network entered the top seven popular sites in America.

Monetization of the site began after Zuckerberg graduated from university. Then the programmer started making money from his brainchild. Three years later, in 2009, Facebook went public and was supported by more than 20 large investors. Then Mark became a billionaire. It was a huge success in the biography of Mark Zuckerberg.

In 2010, the success of the social network was noticed by Times magazine. At the same time, Zuckerberg appeared on the cover of this magazine, becoming “person of the year.” The magazine noted Mark's achievements and did not go unnoticed by the fact that the genius earned about 7 billion in his company. At the moment, Mark Zuckerberg's income is about 20 billion. Now profit growth has begun to slow, but Facebook and its director are still getting richer.

Mark Zuckerberg's visit to Russia

In 2012, another important event occurs in Zuckerberg’s biography - he comes to Russia. His goal was a meeting with Dmitry Medvedev. Mark also gave a lecture at Moscow State University, and with his participation two programs were filmed for Channel One. At the same time, I attended a conference of developers from all over the world, which took place that year in Russia. The event was called Facebook World Hack.

At this event, Zuckerberg gave a speech in which he called on the entire developer community to create social networks with a worldwide reach. He said that local sites obviously cannot achieve the popularity of global ones. The message also hinted at the vkontakte domain, which was Russian at that time. It was after this speech that the board of directors decided to move to an international domain.
In 2010, a film was made about the programmer, which was called “ Social network" The picture was a story about the emergence and development of Facebook, and also contained many moments from the biography of the main character.

Mark Zuckerberg - biography of personal life

Mark Zuckerberg and his family always behave extremely modestly in public. They rarely give interviews, and very rarely talk about their personal lives and their achievements. Mark usually talks to reporters, and he rarely goes beyond discussing Facebook.

Mark's wife, Priscilla Chan, became the legal wife of the computer genius only in 2012. They met much earlier, while still in their second year at university. The first meeting happened completely by chance - young people at a party were waiting in line to use the public restroom. The affair with Priscilla began precisely from this, and it continued until the official marriage for almost ten years. During this time, the couple learned a lot about each other, they strengthened their relationship every day. The premarital period passed calmly, without scandals, and even now the couple spends a huge amount of time together.

In 2012, Mark and Priscilla decided to legalize their relationship in their personal lives. But they had no intention of informing the public of their intentions. Moreover, until the last moment even close friends had no idea about the wedding ceremony. They were invited to the party by Priscilla, and the reason for the celebration was receiving a scientific degree. It was only while visiting that everyone learned that the Zuckerbergs were having a wedding.

The Zuckerbergs live extremely modestly. First distinctive feature Many people call the couple a poor wardrobe. Mark was repeatedly condemned in magazines for bad taste. Journalists and stylists are usually indifferent to his wife. Lately, it has been quite difficult to see a couple on the streets; spouses rarely go out in public. Often even the paparazzi can't take pictures. But what is certain is that the family is always together, they live quite modestly and donate monthly to charities huge amounts.

Mark Zuckerberg definitely great man. From a young age, he showed his genius, actively studied programming and mathematics, and later was not afraid to conquer the Internet and presented it worldwide famous project Facebook. His biography is eventful, and Mark has a successful personal life. We can only hope that the future of the genius is just as impressive and happy.
