Promotion of a car dealership. Car dealership promotion: combining the most effective techniques. Outdoor advertising for a car dealership

If you need to improve your selling qualities, create or promote a website, then contact us through the online application form, by phone - (495) 661-4026 or by e-mail - to(at)gonka(dot)ru.

What can a car dealership website do?

The main task of the site is to inform about the car models offered and related services for their sale. The website of a salon that sells a well-known brand is a kind of dynamic auto catalog where the list of products is constantly changing. To maintain a website in a competitive state, it is necessary to periodically audit the created resource and continuously try to improve the structure of materials and their level of compliance with current demand because the Internet is a living and constantly changing environment. The semantic structure of demand is changing (yesterday this product was searched for by one query, but today it’s different), search engine algorithms are improving, fashion is being shaped differently, and so on. Finally, our sworn friends - competitors - are constantly inventing something new. Therefore, if you have already entered into competition with them for the soul of the buyer, you cannot stop. After all, as it is sung in Bulat Okudzhava’s pestle: “but there are always not enough sweet gingerbreads for everyone!”

So, your commercial proposal addressed to the buyer should be characterized by several basic parameters.

Brevity. Your proposal should briefly and succinctly describe the benefits and benefits that the purchase of this product or service will bring to a potential buyer;

Entertaining and trusting. The material should be interesting to the reader and hold his attention until the end of the text. And to achieve such an effect, a lot of effort will be required when working on the material so that, in addition to mentioning the advantages of the product or service, the benefits of its acquisition, the guarantees provided and other features, reading the material creates a positive image of this product or service, the simplicity of the purchase process and reliability seller;

Credibility. We must not forget that once a visitor visits your Internet project, he or she has probably visited or will visit competing ones. Therefore, any insincerity in the site’s materials will be detected and you will lose it as a buyer. What has been said can be applied to everyone components project: content, design, texts of the advertising message, etc.;

Clarity of presentation. If you are a candidate of science, then you should not expect that the site’s readers have your knowledge and abilities. Therefore, all materials should be easy to read and perceive by the potential target audience, should be understandable to the buyer and written as if you were addressing him and only him. Achieving this effect from a page of text is not easy. First you need to study all the features target audience and its individual segments: age, social composition, economic national and other touches to its portrait and only, presenting in detail the face of a typical representative of the target audience, take on key formulations commercial offer or composing an ad for contextual advertising;

Dynamism. What does this mean? On the one hand, it is generally accepted that advertising formulations should use succinct and energetic phrases and verb forms in the imperative mood, motivating the reader to perform a certain action. And the achievement of the set goal and the style of presentation itself are usually maintained in a manner that leaves no ground for doubt about the essence of the proposal presented on a website page or a contextual advertising message. It is believed that the combined effect of both of these "tricks" creates a stronger motivating impulse for the buyer. This is in theory. . . But the main thing here is not to overdo it. The target audience of any trend has now become so sophisticated and its eyes and ears are so blinkered advertisements, pouring in from all sides, that you can easily cross the line, beyond which the stimulating effect of the text on making a purchase can easily turn into its complete opposite;

Repeatability. One of the postulates of the advertising business states that any type of advertising, be it the landing page of your Internet project or a contextual advertising ad, must contain a certain optimal number of repetitions of a key phrase, unobtrusively inspiring the reader with the idea of ​​​​committing an order or purchase. Moreover, the choice of place to place key phrases, as well as the frequency of their occurrence, belongs to the art of the advertiser. After all, the effectiveness of advertising lies not in how many times the advertising message comes into the field of view of a potential buyer, but mainly in whether he will perceive the motivating impulse, will he react positively to it or will he immediately feel that something is being “snugged” into him against his will. Moderation, a sense of style and tact are no less important in Internet marketing;

Visibility. You can't argue with this parameter. You can't be a gray mouse in advertising. Your website or contextual ad should stand out from competing projects or advertising messages. Modesty here is only needed in choosing only such means and methods so as not to scare off the visitor. Otherwise, he will go to competitors. And in order to avoid negative consequences from carelessly and unskillfully made websites or stupidly composed advertisements, you need a little - either turn to professionals or constantly study the pros and cons of Internet projects or advertising of other companies, especially competing ones.

Promoting a car dealership website: how to make it work to its full potential?

For the site to work, you need to make it part of the car dealership. The main emphasis is on marketing, a detailed description of new models and their main characteristics. If a car dealership has existed for a long time and has managed to gain authority, then it would be useful to tell its story. The “News” section displays information about new models, promotions and discounts on purchases. A detailed description of technical services must also be made.

To promote the website of a new, just opened car dealership, or a branch of an existing one, it is necessary to use all channels of communication with a potential buyer. And first of all, it is worth making full use of search engines, where the query “car dealership” is used daily by millions of Internet users who also happen to be car enthusiasts. But, for search engine promotion of a site, verbose “keywords” have a much greater effect. As a rule, those who use them become buyers of car dealerships much more often.

But we must not forget that the car dealership website covers only a small part of the demand coming from Internet users. Mailings, presence in social networks, website modernization for convenient work with mobile traffic(adaptive design and adaptive layout) and much more allow you to significantly expand the points of communication with a potential buyer of a new or used car offered by your car dealership. And all these available tools for contacting the client must be used, as they say, “to the fullest.” Naturally, building communication through each of the listed channels is not an easy task. It is especially difficult to maintain the necessary balance between the cost of attracting a buyer through each of them with the effect of using this channel, that is, to correctly allocate the budget advertising campaign between the marketing tools used.

Internet users are keenly interested in the services of car dealerships, as evidenced by monthly statistics - over 1.1 million requests. The search for the necessary options was mainly carried out in cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Yaroslavl, Saratov, Kazan, etc.). Moreover, among this million potential visitors to Internet resources, two groups with clearly defined intentions can be distinguished: those who are looking for “used cars in Moscow”, “used cars” and those who are only interested in “buying a new car”. Therefore, depending on the specialization of the car dealership, it makes sense to target the entire campaign to improve the selling qualities of the car dealership’s website specifically at its target audience, and not offer something like “we sell all models of all times and peoples.”

The second large group consists of requests for car dealerships selling specific brands of cars - Hyundai, Volkswagen, Kia, Lada and others. Moreover, when carrying out work to increase sales of a car dealership website, you need to take into account all the spelling options for the car brand. For example, many of those who search for information on the Hyundai brand enter queries for both “Hyundai” and “Hyundai”, and all this is not counting the erroneous typefaces. But, despite the differences in requests or errors, any of them could be exactly the visitor - the buyer you've been missing! So why did you miss it?
Key search queries like: “Moscow car market”, “auto world”, “cars + prices”, “buy VAZ”, etc. are also firmly associated with car dealerships. Consequently, optimizing the texts of individual pages and entire sections of the site, and setting up contextual advertising, and “stimulating” interest in your car dealership on social networks should be narrowly targeted, hitting the target, and not firing at sparrows like a cannon.
We should not forget for a minute that there are many people interested in the topic, but only a few become buyers.
Well, the competitors of your car dealership, who have long been located on the Internet, are not asleep.

Competition among car dealerships and dealers is constantly growing, because there are more and more cars, and there are fewer and fewer people without personal transport. In addition, the tendency to buy “what’s cheapest” is becoming a thing of the past and our compatriots are trying to get as much as possible best service for the same money.

In this regard, dealers have to look for more and more new ways to attract customers to the car dealership, and one of them is promotion on the Internet.

Car dealership website promotion

One of the most effective ways to attract customers is to create a car dealership website or an auto parts website. But do not forget that this is only the first step towards success. – a more important and complex procedure than creating a quality resource.

A set of promotional measures is aimed at ensuring that even after a short visit to the site, the user thinks about purchasing a car and decides to contact this salon directly, visiting it in person.

Promotion is a large list of different actions that can lead to an increase in the site’s position in keywords in search engines, increasing its target traffic and increasing the company’s sales level.

Work with regional and thematic platforms

No less relevant for attracting customers to a car dealership is working with regional and thematic platforms. The success of such work is due to the nature of the business and its regional focus.

Today there are many regional resources where users not only get acquainted with local news, but also look for great deals on goods and services in their city, region or district. In addition, thematic websites, forums and blogs are very popular, in which car enthusiasts share impressions about their cars and where they bought them.

It is on such resources that the most complete information about the car dealership, its range, services and advantageous offers should be available.


To promote a car dealership, promoting its website on the Internet is not enough. In order for attracting customers to a car dealership to be as effective as possible, it is necessary to engage in it. Today, the overwhelming number of users are registered in one or several social networks.

Moreover, they use social networks not only to communicate and obtain information, but also to search for goods and services. Creating a car dealership group in the most suitable networks allows you to inform about goods and services, promotions and advantageous offers, attract the target audience and directly communicate with potential customers.

At the same time, information about the dealership should be presented in such a way that the user understands how this dealership differs from others and why it is profitable to buy a car there.

Free help

Marketing research shows that in any business there is a significant portion of potential customers, the decisive argument for which is the availability of discounts and other advantageous offers. Promotions that can be organized with leading coupon services, all kinds of promotions and sales at reduced prices.

Of no less interest will be small gifts for car buyers, free consultations, discounts on visiting an auto parts store or car wash.

By and large, there are a great many ideas, and their implementation depends only on the capabilities of the car dealership. However, in order for attracting customers to a car dealership to be truly effective, specialists must implement these ideas.

Effective car show promotion depends on the direction in which the site owner is moving. Such sites are characterized by 2 types of sales - a business card and a full-fledged web resource that provides information both about the showroom itself and the cars being sold. Both options work fine. True, the first is a little worse than the second. But it requires less financial investment.

Business card website – few pages, big possibilities!

Cars for sale are not published on the site. Or they will be mixed, but in small quantities. The format of the web resource is not conducive to complex technical solutions. We need to focus on something else. The main goal is to prove to the visitor that he should contact the car dealership whose website he is currently viewing. How to do this? The following techniques will help:

  • Focus on benefits. Explain the benefits of cooperation with the salon as concisely and clearly as possible. For example, paperwork, legal clearance, new car models, spare parts, etc.
  • Contacts and address. The user does not have to search for a long time contact information. The business card should encourage you to either call or come to the given address. Post your phone number in a visible place. Please include the address with a map.
  • Simple design. For a business card, a light and unobtrusive design that does not distract from the main information is quite suitable. It is important not to forget about cross-browser layout so that the site looks the same in all popular browsers.
  • Description of services. Buy, sell, rent – ​​priority services of every car dealership. In addition to those listed, it is worthwhile to dwell in detail on other services. Let's say, selling spare parts or completing paperwork.
  • Customer Reviews. Business card functionality is limited. Complex elements are practically not used. You have to rely on simple ones. Reviews in the form of texts + photos are a prime example of a powerful marketing tool.
  • Safety. Cars are expensive. Buyers and sellers often fear that they will be deceived by scammers. If you are able to somehow resolve the issue, be sure to mention it. Security guarantees are great for sales in any business.

Some “experts” claim that business cards are not entirely normal sites that work very poorly. Such statements indicate either illiteracy or low qualifications. Even a small site can bring good profits. Marketing approach influences effectiveness. Not the number of pages or the use of advanced web technologies.

Catalog of cars for sale

A more complex version of a car dealership website is a catalog with cars available for purchase. The site is being transformed into a kind of online store. You just can’t put a car in the cart. Although this option can be processed. For example, instead of “Add to cart,” write “Leave a purchase request.” If there is a desire, there will be a way to implement it. Let's talk about technology and marketing.

  • Filter. If the salon sells a considerable number of cars, it makes sense to introduce a filter. By manufacturer, production date, price and other parameters. The increase in convenience is obvious. At the same time, you will find out what characteristics people are most interested in.
  • Clear structure. Structure your catalog according to different criteria that are clear to visitors. Examples – domestic or imported cars; BMW, Mercedes, VAZ, Gazelle; cheap, expensive, luxury cars.
  • Search engine. Needed for visitors who clearly know what they need. Instead of digging through filters or a catalog, it’s easier for them to enter the information they are looking for in a special form. Through local search, you will also get to know your audience better.
  • Application form. Not all sellers immediately come to the salon. Make an application form especially for them. Through it they will send various data about the car. From photos to technical specifications.
  • Online consultant. On each page with a description of the machine, place a button to call a consultant. Chat communication has a positive effect on sales. It is important that he is always on site during business hours. Waiting = leaving.
  • Business card elements. Although the technical implementation of the described site is radically different from a business card, the benefits, contacts, simple design and other elements have not been canceled. Their presence is mandatory.

Since a car dealership website with a catalog is very similar to an online store of certain goods, no one bothers you to use shop marketing techniques. Many of them are not suitable due to the specifics of the product. But the remaining technical and marketing solutions will significantly facilitate ease of use. Behavioral factors will increase. Attendance will increase. Trust from popular search engines will increase.

  • Keep your information up to date. Let's say there is a page describing the BMW X5. By calling, the person will find out that the car was sold a long time ago. The catalog support manager did not remove the model from the database in time. It seems like a small thing. Imagine if there are dozens or hundreds of such positions. Website information should always be up to date. No data that misleads the user!
  • Monitor your download speed. A long-term increase in sales of a car dealership using the Internet implies bringing the website to work, if not to perfection, then at least close to it. We are not talking about technical errors. They are unacceptable in principle. Another thing is the heaviness of the pages. Try to ensure that documents download quickly even on a slow connection.
  • Answer questions promptly. Users ask questions not only over the phone. Sometimes it is more convenient for them to send email or contact via ICQ. Skype or ICQ are not always indicated. "Soap" is published almost everywhere. If you are going to leave, be prepared to respond to letters quickly. People don't like to wait long. Every hour from the moment of dispatch moves you away from the buyer or seller of the car.
  • Tailor your audience. Modern means analysts are an inexhaustible source of useful information. For example, studying queries from local search helps expand the semantic core. The result is coverage of a larger segment of the target audience. Collect data about your visitors and improve your site to improve usability.

Business card or catalog – what to choose?

If finances allow, immediately create a platform with a catalog. Little money, start with a business card. Add new functionality really at any time. Profitable promotion of a car dealership is achievable even under strict restrictions. Unlike “offline”, the Internet gives even small projects a chance. The main thing is the benefit for visitors. Size and technical bells and whistles are secondary.

Promoting a car dealership on the Internet is a very specific task, which involves the use of a whole range of tools. When choosing a car on the Internet, the user usually faces many difficulties, so the main task of specialists is to make sure that advertising mechanisms work, first of all, to gain the client’s trust. This allows you to remove the barriers that a potential buyer may encounter when choosing. Advertising Agency SOTNIKOV provides a full range of services for the promotion of car dealerships.

Our studio is ready to promote a car dealership on the Internet at the most reasonable prices. In just a few months we will improve the position of your website on the main car brands, we will increase traffic, and build a reputation as a reliable partner.

Promoting a car dealership from our studio consists of many stages. Let's look at the main ones in more detail.

Website preparation and optimization

The first stage includes drawing up semantic core from various variations of key queries. After optimization, filling the site with content and indexing search engines, You will begin to receive your first requests from customers.

SEO work allows you to attract natural links to your portal from other resources on similar topics. Search robots will definitely notice this, after which they will increase the ranking of your site. The result of our work can be assessed not only by the dynamics of the growth of the resource’s position and the increase in its traffic, but also by the number of incoming applications.

  • Promoting a car dealership on social networks

Correct social marketing demonstrates how effective social media can be in promoting a brand. In addition, product visualization plays an important role in promotion, and social networks allow you to actively use this tool. Our specialists will create groups in the most popular social networks, fill them with real paying subscribers and regularly fill them with interesting content (text information + photos/videos).

  • Local promotion of a car dealership based on its location

Local promotion of a car dealership based on its location is one of the most effective, fastest and cheapest ways to take top positions in search results and win the attention of the target audience. As you know, many consumers who plan to purchase a particular product quite often take into account the proximity of the store when making their final decision. However, competition can be enormous even in one specific area of ​​the city, since dozens various companies They have been working almost everywhere for several years now. The task of our specialists is to bring your portal to the leading position in local search, so that when a user requests, for example, “car dealership on Arbat,” they find exactly your Internet resource.

Our specialists carry out a set of measures for targeted promotion based on the unique name of the salon. Thanks to this, a user who requests certain variations of thematic key queries in Yandex sees in the search results also other options located in special tooltips, which are sorted (ranked) not only by relevance and popularity, but also by their significance .

For example, most options are displayed together with such well-known representatives of the Russian automotive segment as “Hermes car dealership”, “Avilon car dealership” and others.

The goal of SEO promotion of a car dealership and getting the company's brand into the search results is to motivate Internet users to ask for exactly those phrases and phrases when searching that will be shown along with the name of your company.

The result of this work will be an increase in trust in your business from potential buyers, since they will understand that if Yandex shows it, it means that the company is truly reputable and reliable. As a result, you will receive a noticeable increase in sales, an excellent reputation, and an increase in awareness of your brand.

We have not yet decided who to entrust the promotion of the car dealership in order to quickly attract new customers and not go beyond minimum budget? Just contact us for help!

In any case, you will need your own Internet representation, because for any car dealership this is one of the most effective ways quickly start earning money by attracting clients. Another way is local outdoor advertising based on the location of the center. We are ready to start promoting your website.

In just a few months, you will be able to record an increase in sales and an increase in targeted applications. Therefore, the problem with the issue of promoting a project from scratch will disappear on its own.

To promote a car dealership you need to use the Internet. After all, any person who wants to buy a car will definitely study all the information on the Internet.

Features of promoting a car dealership using an Internet site

The positive effect of promotion depends primarily on properly designed website. It must provide complete and reliable information about the car dealership and the services provided. The full range, including new items and related products, should be available on the website.
Also, the car dealership website should provide such information

  • Credit terms
  • Car showroom services
  • Offers to partners
  • Reviews about the salon's work
  • Mark on the map - how to get there
  • Test drives

Helps you stand out from your competitors unique service – calculator, planner, assistant for choosing a brand or car configuration.

Be sure to do fast and convenient process of communication with the manager. This will be helped by: a button to order a call back, contacts in the site header in a visible place, online chat.



A lot will depend on the segment that the car dealership occupies in this business. There are several options:

  1. official dealer;
  2. auto importer;
  3. multi-brand salon.

If the salon is an official dealer, then it is advisable to focus on the image of the brand that you represent. The site must definitely stand out from the sites of competitors.
If the car dealership is a car importer, then the website should include detailed information. Information about model range, about places of sale of cars, promotions. The assortment range must have detailed descriptions and characteristics.
For a multi-brand salon, it is very important to sell the currently operating special offer. Therefore it is necessary detailed information about the promotion on the main page.

Organizing online advertising for a car dealership

After creating the site, you should go to . Precisely active, because this niche is very highly competitive. And promoting a car dealership will not be a cheap process.

Specific methods of advertising a car dealership can be considered

  • Articles with test drives - future car owners will definitely look for such information before purchasing
  • Banner advertising on portals, car enthusiast forums, and car sales portals
  • Also on the forums you can buy links to your site in signatures and user messages. Such “hidden” recommendations can have a good effect!
  • Contextual advertising for a specific make and model of car + city
  • Registration of a car dealership in major online catalogs enterprises of the city, country
  • If you have an offer for owners of a car of a certain brand, then you can set up targeted advertising on social networks according to the criterion of the brand, which is indicated in the user profile. Not everyone will indicate this, of course, but it will be an accurate target, advertising will be shown to a narrow circle of users and you will not leak advertising budget wasted.
  • For very specific requests, you can create landing pages with a detailed and attractive description of your salon’s offer and customize contextual advertising to these pages.
  • Be sure to post on Yandex and Google maps - this information is visible in searches, and people always like to see how to get to the car dealership.
  • For solidity, you can create mobile application which the user can download to their phone and view all the company’s offers in a convenient form. And also receive news.

Of course, the methods of promotion, promotion and advertising are not limited to this, but for every car dealership you need
