What interactivity to use at a welcome training. Seven welcome tricks for newcomer adaptation. Starting up: three months

Two levers that can move people are fear and personal interest (c)

Napoleon I Bonaparte

The enthusiasm of a new employee who has recently gotten a job is comparable to a stormy river, flowing into a sea of ​​reporting and routine work as a thin stream that requires support and attention. In a company or division with more than 20 employees, the HR manager is not an expert in vocational training personnel, a clearly thought-out and prepared strategy is needed, within the framework of which the adaptation of new personnel is carried out.

Electronic technologies to increase team adaptability

The traditional training system for recruited personnel involves completing an internship and undergoing a formal or informal interview before being approved for a position. Busy employees of a department or division are not eager to devote time to a newcomer, who will quickly get lost in the continuous flow of information and the most he will have time to do during the internship is sort through a pile of documents and find out where the canteen is in the building.

The situation will be corrected by welcome training, a simple and effective tool that does not distract a person from the introductory internship, but allows you to quickly and easily understand the nuances of the work process. A specially prepared course included in electronic system training is necessary to relieve trainers and reduce funding used for qualifying training of newly accepted beginners who are minimum terms it is necessary to absorb as much information as possible.

E-learning strategy: opportunities to create the necessary content

Thoughtful and carefully implemented, this is the first and serious step towards the formation of an efficient team united by one goal, in which each employee is aimed at achieving overall result. And don’t forget about the newcomer’s colleagues who don’t need to spend personal or working hours for introductory and introductory speeches, this perspective ensures the smooth operation of the company, replenished with a new employee.

Presentation welcome training is a complex of information and data relating to the history of the company and its main achievements during its work in the market, listing the mission and goals, the foundations of corporate culture and values. Each organization has its own “rules of the business game,” a philosophy of development and a concept for achieving success, and familiarizing a newcomer with them helps him become part of the team, adapt to new conditions and become part of a large mechanism, set goals for himself and develop a path to achieving them.

Goals and objectives of welcome training: why an electronic course is needed

Properly prepared and filled with necessary and important information, welcome training for employees solves several problems at once, the main ones can be defined in three provisions:

  • adaptation with the opportunity to feel involved in a single and big cause;
  • transfer of knowledge and its accumulation, assimilation of important data about the traditions and mission of the organization;
  • motivation and stimulation of the desire to become part of a large and friendly team.

Final testing in introductory training is not just an analytical report for the HR department or HR manager; by supplementing it with a questionnaire, you can identify bottlenecks and unnecessary blocks of information.

Usage modern formats training opens up unique and practical opportunities that allow you not to lure experienced specialists from competing companies, but to train and retain qualified and professional personnel yourself.

When HR manager Alena N., after attending another HR seminar, enthusiastically announced that the company lacked an event that would facilitate employee adaptation, she was faced with sincere bewilderment from the manager and heads of departments. “Why is this necessary, because we already normally welcome newcomers”, “this is for large companies, with a high turnover, and we have someone coming every two months”, “that’s just what we lacked” - rang out in The answer is a dissatisfied murmur.

However, not wanting to cut it off at the root innovative ideas proactive manager, management agreed to the experiment. With the condition that this innovation will not require material and time costs from them. A week later, the welcome event plan was developed, and a few months later it was “tested” on several newcomers. In their opinion, as well as in the opinion of the curious old-timers who joined the “excursion,” the chosen format of the event turned out to be very successful.

“Of course, we cannot yet track long-term results. But preliminary analysis indicates that newcomers actually joined the team faster and adapted more effectively. This was determined due to the fact that for several years now, after a month of work in the company, new employees filled out a questionnaire in which they indicated what difficulties they had to face during the adaptation process, what information they lacked. Those who participated in the welcome training noted fewer such “blank spots,” said Alena N.

Between boredom and uselessness

Of course, in enterprises where the number of employees does not exceed several hundred, conduct two-three-day welcome trainings, as is sometimes done in large companies, inappropriate. On the other hand, reducing everything to a confused story from one of the immediate superiors or colleagues who, after patting the newcomer on the shoulder, advises him to “look around” and “figure it all out on his own” is also not best option. That is why it is better to get acquainted with the company according to a specific plan.

When developing welcome training, experts advise to be guided by such principles as the practicality of the information provided, its usefulness and applicability. Sometimes it may be more important for an ordinary employee to find out in time where he can have lunch, rather than some fact from the biography of the overseas president of the company, whom he is unlikely to ever see. A person should feel that he has been given a warm welcome. And we need to proceed from this when developing the structure of the training.

You should also avoid two extremes: on the one hand, excessive formality, pomposity and pomp, and on the other, familiarity. However, the first extreme is much more common. The recent trend of testing employees to see if they have assimilated the information from the training does not contribute to the idea of ​​a warm welcome.

“At seminars dedicated to the development of welcome training, I was often asked similar questions - “how to check that beginners have learned the information”, “how to conduct testing based on the results of the training.” I was always surprised by such zeal, and I asked to answer the question “why?” The answer was usually something inarticulate in the style of “well, well, they should know”... Of course, such a schoolboy approach completely discredits the very idea of ​​the training, which should emphasize that the company welcomes a new employee,” shared Liya Fafoltova, business trainer (Moscow).

Piece product

To avoid formalism, the content of each information block that traditionally includes welcome training should be carefully thought out.

Thus, representatives of the employing company make a mistake when they include presentations designed for clients in a block that should contain information about the company. After all, in this way the employee is shown that they are ready to share with him only the external, “combed” and “smoothed” side of the company’s life. Moreover, such presentations very rarely delight with a truly creative approach. It is also important not to “overload” a beginner with unnecessary information. After all, companies often sin by bombarding the employee with a huge flow of information about the history of the company, legends about the founders, their welcoming speeches and other attributes of tedious and painful “obligations”.

The amount of information in the block introducing the company’s products or services should also be taken into account.

When talking about corporate culture and personnel policies, you should not enthusiastically quote slogans from the corporate website or go into those details career growth top managers who are unlikely to ever be useful to an ordinary accountant.

At the same time, the most valuable and important information for a newbie is an understanding of the rules of work routine and interaction within the company, and the nuances of working with basic information and communication systems.

Organizational aspects

It is believed that welcome training should be conducted by a person who knows the organization well and is loyal to it. This allows you not only to answer questions that arise, but also to better convey the corporate spirit of the company.

In large companies, welcome trainings are usually held once a month, and in small companies - as needed, sometimes personally for each employee.

Most often, this function is assumed by the HR manager. However, a more effective option is to provide the employee with the opportunity to ask questions after he has read the information prepared specifically for new employees. (For information on how to create a guide for a beginner, see). “This approach makes it possible to clarify some points. Then employees feel that the company is interested in helping them get involved in general processes as quickly as possible. And it is important that the well-established welcome-training procedure allows employees of the personnel search department to take on some of the functions of line managers. At the same time, the adaptation of newcomers is not left to chance, because sometimes it happens that the immediate superior may simply not have time to talk about basic things. In turn, he himself new employee feels more independent, and this, of course, affects the efficiency and productivity of his work.

Our other experts agree with this opinion, confirming that the attention given to a newcomer will be rewarded handsomely, because it is in the first days of work that an employee most needs support.

How to present?

In order to introduce a new employee to colleagues, experts advise drawing up information letter which would include:

  • last name, first name, patronymic of the new employee;
  • job title;
  • brief information - which university you graduated from, where you worked previously and in what position;
  • what functions will it perform;
  • last name, first name and patronymic of the immediate supervisor and subordinates;
  • phone numbers, work email.

Welcome training – present the company correctly

One of the most important adaptation events is Welcome training. This tool has already been adopted by the majority Russian companies, even those that for some reason do not yet have a clearly defined adaptation system.

Welcome training is a presentation for new employees of the company, which provides introductory, necessary information about the organization itself, its history, product/service, corporate culture, company structure, etc.

Such training is usually conducted by an HR manager or training specialist; they can also involve department heads and other employees in the event in order to present their company in a more interesting and lively manner.

What elements should be included in the training:

  1. Company information: important dates, history of formation, top officials of the company and their photos. Company structure, description of how the company helps its customers improve their quality of life through its products/services, describe the profile of the average customer. The main thing is not to turn these slides into a collection of boring information, full of numerous dates. Use more photographs and diagrams, minimal text;
  2. Company products/services. Include information and photos of your best-selling products, dealer information, or own production companies. Not only sales department specialists and customer service specialists, but also office managers, recruiters, etc. should know about the company’s activity profile. Do not provide in-depth information in this block, because Not all specialists in all positions need it in full. For those who directly work with products, department heads will tell them in more detail;
  3. Corporate culture. Include in this block labor rules, information about corporate events, company traditions, and dress code. It is better to make this section not as serious and formal as the previous ones. For example, you can display all the necessary information in pictures: depict the “wrong” employee and show what “wrong” actions he commits - being late for work, dressing inappropriately according to the dress code, speaking carelessly to clients, not filing reports, leaving a mess on the premises. desktop, etc.;
  4. Company events for employees. Here you can briefly talk about the stages of adaptation and training that the company conducts for its employees. Describe how the training is carried out, from whom you can get the necessary literature (maybe you have a shelf/cabinet with professional literature in the public domain?);
  5. Show a film about the company. It will be great and useful if you ask each department of the company or all employees to make a short film about work in the department/organization. Let it be bright and humorous. It is important that it reflects reality and motivates new employees.

During your presentation, you may well involve your audience in games/discussions. Ask them to share their vision of what the mission is, corporate culture? Let them talk about their very first impression of the company: a vacancy they saw on the website, their first visit to the office, an interview, viewing a website or group on social networks.

At the end of the Welcome training, give new employees colorful handouts - the “company newcomer’s book.” It should contain: telephone numbers of departments/company employees required for the work of a new employee, information about the work schedule (time of arrival and departure from work, rest schedule, lunch break), company events (celebrating birthdays, New Years, sporting events, group viewing of films, etc.), company traditions, company mission, quotes from “old-timers” of the company about working in it.

The first impression of something or someone is the most important for every person. Make sure that the initial impression of your company is very positive for all new employees. Ignite them with your ideas, tell them about all the advantages of working in the company (remember, no lies, they are revealed in the first week of work and entail serious consequences for the organization’s reputation). Welcome training is a simple tool for long-term results.

Tatyana Shcherbakova, Leading expert SKV Business

When hiring a new employee, the adaptation stage is very important, but often underestimated by managers.

For each person, transition to a new workplace is stressful: you need to get used to new rules, meet people, learn the behavioral norms of the company.

To shorten the adaptation process and help the employee begin to work with maximum efficiency as soon as possible, management needs to pay a lot of attention to the adaptation procedure.

Purpose of the training

Teach managers to adapt newcomers and show the value of the procedure.


A group of managers of up to 20 people planning to hire or systematically hiring personnel.


First, the theoretical basis is conveyed, then practiced.
Result: employees leave the training with knowledge of the technology and the ability to implement it.

Benefits from the event

— Reducing employee turnover: if newcomers feel uncomfortable new job and do not realize their importance, then they quit;

— Time reduction: quick adaptation employee - fast financial result;

— Reducing the degree of uncertainty: creating beneficial goals for staff;

— Ability to form positive attitude to work: job satisfaction.

Order free consultation on organizing and conducting training on adaptation, team building, communications, management, sales for staff.

Preparing for the training

In addition to the presentation and training materials, it is necessary to prepare a list of problems that will be clarified with the recruit at an individual meeting following the results of the first day.

Example: not sure if this is mine; will be small for too long wages; For me this position is a step back; so much information at once; too long training; I am not ready to do homework while studying; I’m worried that I won’t pass the certification; I heard you have a high turnover and the like. The number of blanks is equal to the number of participants.


Target: charge with positive emotions and motivation to study the topic and show its problems.
Conducted in the form of an interactive session, participants answer leading questions from the presenter.

Examples of questions:
— What is adaptation?
— Why do newcomers leave us?
— Why is this topic important for the company?

Result: managers want to immerse themselves in the topic and understand its value to themselves.

Introductory theory

Target: provide a general understanding of the basis for the training.
Key points:
1. Definition of adaptation
2. Goals of personnel adaptation
3. Onboarding tools

Result: unified information field for key concepts training.

Theory block “Components of adaptation procedures”

Target: transfer adaptation technology

1. Preparing for the arrival of a newcomer.

Target: everything an employee may need to get started is provided in advance; preparing an action plan for the manager.
— organization of the workplace;
— writing a training plan;
— organizing work schedules (yours and your employee’s);
— confirmation of employee exit.

2. Newbie exit (first working day).

Target: provide basic information that allows a newcomer to be convinced of the reliability of the company and the opportunities for development in it; receive contact information.
— a story about the company and department (goals, objectives, mission, values);
— a story about yourself as a leader (success story, values);
— collecting data from a newcomer (contacts and additional information).

3. Presentation of the position.

Target: re-sell the vacancy, motivate for training.

4. Narration of the work plan.

Target: the employee understands what awaits him, is committed to it and feels comfortable.
— training (goals, deadlines, stages);
— certification (timing, evaluation criteria, importance of the stage for each participant);
— what a working day looks like (goal: the newcomer clearly understands why he has to study and is confident that he has chosen the right position).

5. Company presentation.

Target: the employee understands where the key departments are located that he needs in his work, and knows all the common areas.

6. Employee training.

Target: the beginner understands how to implement the assigned tasks.

7. Individual meeting at the end of the day.

Target: take feedback from the employee, compare expectations and work out possible negativity.

Result: Employees understand the stages of adaptation and realize the significance of each stage.

Key rules for successful adaptation

Target: focus on the important principles of adaptation, without which the result will not be achieved.

Important elements of the block:
1. Daily planning of new employees.
2. Daily summation of the day with newcomers.
3. Constant moral support.
4. Smooth pace of learning (the subordinate is not overloaded, but always busy).
5. Monitoring the availability of breaks and lunch.
6. Summing up the results of the week (the recruit understands what he has achieved and where he has progressed, knows the leader’s assessment of himself).
7. Individual meetings before the weekend.

Result: managers understand how to organize work on personnel adaptation.

Typical mistakes of a manager during adaptation

Target: give a list of fatal mistakes that most often lead to farewell at the initiative of the employee.
Result: risks are foreseen in advance, managers do not step on their favorite rake.

Practice “Preparation for adaptation”

Target: preparing successful scripts, drawing up an action plan.

— Write scripts (or structure): a story about the company and department; a story about yourself as a leader.
— Write down the structure of the conversation at the end of the day, prepare a list of questions necessary for discussion with an explanation of why this is important.
— Time to complete 25 minutes.

Feedback upon completion of the task:
- What caused the greatest difficulties during preparation?
— how did you manage to solve this?

Result: managers have ready-made scripts and are ready to use them.

Practice “Carrying out adaptation”

Target: consolidate the theory, work out the correct algorithm of actions.

Divide into threes: 1 - new employee (goal: assess how comfortable it is to work with a manager, whether there is a desire to work in the company and achieve goals, use the case at the final conversation), 2 - manager (goal: to adapt a newcomer), 3 - supervisor ( goal: to evaluate the use of technology and what has been successful and where improvements are needed).

Work out the first meeting:
Greetings, a story about the company and department; a story about yourself as a leader.
Work out the meeting at the end of the day.
Time to complete: 60 minutes.
Each participant must play all the roles.
After each practice, a short feedback inside the troika: what worked and what didn’t.

Feedback upon completion of the task for all participants:
Each group speaks about the conclusions they have made for themselves.

Result: managers know how to implement key milestones adaptation, understand their growth zones.


Participants take turns speaking, answering the questions:
— what were the key points taken away from the training?
- What additional considerations need to be given?
— what did you like most?

Post-training assignment:
1. Prepare detailed plan training for a position in your department, based on the studied theory.
2. Will be work schedule newbie for the first two weeks of work.
The execution of the task is controlled by the immediate supervisors of the managers.
