Timoshkov trading house. In Bryansk, the Timoshkovs will have to demolish their shopping center on Krasnoarmeiskaya. Only the Timoshkov shopping center needs to be closed

In Bryansk, entrepreneurs Timoshkov will have to demolish their shopping center on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street - lawyer Evgeniy Popov expressed this opinion to Bryansk News.

The shopping center was closed by the court for fire safety violations. The other day, the Sovetsky District Court refused Nikolai Timoshkov’s request to resume work, although he claims that he has fulfilled all the requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The main obstacle remains - there is no act on putting the building into operation.

Evgeny Popov expressed his opinion on how events could develop:

- Based on the law, then only one option is possible - demolition of the building. However, in the Bryansk region the law does not always prevail, so I will simply state my reasons. Article 222 Civil Code describes the concept of self-building. It is a building, structure or other structure erected on a site that is not provided in the prescribed manner. Or the building was erected without the necessary permits or in violation of town planning and building codes and regulations. I can’t say anything about violations of building codes, but the Bryansk authorities stated that the shopping center was built without permits. In particular, Bryansk News has repeatedly written that such a statement was made by the former head of the city, Igor Alekhin. What was Timoshkov counting on? To the previous order: if he had a registered ownership of the building, this guaranteed that the object would not be recognized as an unauthorized construction. But since July 2015, everything has changed. A person who carried out an unauthorized construction could no longer acquire ownership of it. Moreover, the authorities received the right to recognize the object as a squatter building even in cases where the ownership of the object was registered - paragraph 4 of Article 222. Thus, everything now depends on the administration of Bryansk, which can recognize the Timoshkov shopping center as a squatter building and begin to act through the courts, and on the prosecutor’s office .

In any case, the idle building only brings losses to the Timoshkovs, so they will have to make some kind of decision if the courts drag on. But this does not mean, Evgeniy Popov believes, that the authorities should remain inactive.

Shopping center "Timoshkovy" in Bryansk - modern shopping mall, who united on his retail areas over 150 branded stores clothing and footwear, perfumes and cosmetics, jewelry, gifts and souvenirs. Here are also located the sectors of household goods, various furniture from leading Russian and foreign manufacturers, goods for children.
The shopping center building has eight floors. Total area trade pavilions is 25 thousand sq. meters. The area of ​​all premises is 38.5 thousand square meters. meters. There is ample parking for 450 cars. The building was built according to the design of the Domovoy architectural studio.

Pavilions of the Timoshkovykh Trade House

Trade House "Timoshkov" is located in the geographical and business center Bryansk. Therefore, getting here from different parts of the city will not be difficult. For this purpose, visitors actively use public transport. In terms of the number of stores, the center is not inferior to the top metropolitan complexes. The project managers tried to attract as many product groups as possible here and subsequently adapt the list of retail tenants to the characteristics of different categories of buyers.

The main tenants of the Timoshkov shopping center in Bryansk are the Svenskaya Fair food supermarket and hypermarket household appliances"El Dorado".

Main types of products offered:

Various types clothes;
- all-season shoes;
- jewelry;
- cosmetics;
- audio and video equipment;
- children's products;
- a large list of products;
- sporting goods.

In the Timoshkovy shopping center in Bryansk there are furniture showrooms: “ECO-Furniture” offering products made from solid pine, “Flash”, “Tibet”, “Trading House Alisa”, “Dyatkovo” and others. Users are offered a wide selection of household products, building materials wholesale and retail in the House Construction pavilion.

Clothes, shoes and underwear are presented in the salons: “Baon”, “M-style”, “Fashionable Season”, “Discount”, “Kavalina”, “Lerros”, “ReActive”, “RICH Men’s”, “Dino Ricci” , “Svyatnyn”, “Cipo&Baxx”, “Elli”, “Dimon”, “Velvet”, “Glance”, “Concet Club”, “Come il faut”, “Doctor Leo”, “Lady’s whim”, “Seasons”, “ Leather Salon”, “Simona”, “Bosphorus Shoe Salon”, “Cavalier”, “YOUR” and many others.

Parents can purchase children's and teenage clothes in the salons "Shaluny" and "Solnyshko", "Daughters and Sons", "Children's Fashion", "Vita-Mamochka", "Children in Fashion", "Ladies' Happiness". A large selection of toys, radio-controlled models and educational games can be found in the Modelist and Erudite showrooms. Various souvenirs and creative gifts are offered in “Products from the Future”, optics, and “Book City”. Simona and the store offer popular plus size women's clothing women's clothing"Santeros".

On the second floor there is a beauty salon “Euphoria”. The Ladies' Karpiz, CLASSIC, PLAZMA and My Collection stores offer a large selection of high-quality underwear and swimwear. The choice of jewelry can be made in the salons “Emerald”, “Jeweler” and the jewelry store “Diva”.

The Timoshkovy shopping center in Bryansk has a Cinema Club cinema located on the seventh floor. The Mowgli gaming complex, ice cream parlor and 5D attraction are also located here. The shopping center has entertainment complex for evening relaxation, consisting of the billiard club "Abrikol", bowling alley and night cafe "Veles". They are located on the sixth floor of the building. To know latest news TD "Timoshkov" in Bryansk, cinema poster and list entertainment events can be found on the official website of the establishment.

TD "Timoshkovy" - here all the best dreams of shopping and entertainment come true!

It showed that any business can be stopped in no time. But business is not easy financial system, these are people, families, children. 1000 families were left without a livelihood. And they would have accepted it if the closure had been legal.

We're barely making ends meet

Ekaterina from Bryansk rented premises in . Eight years ago, immediately after the opening of the shopping center, Ekaterina and her husband organized a family business there. Their business is specific: not just buy and sell, but a workshop for making keys. Eight machines were purchased especially for the workshop at the Timoshkov shopping center. Customers have been coming from all over the city for years.

After the closure of the shopping center, Ekaterina’s business was under threat. In the first months, the family with three children (and Catherine’s husband and she herself also worked in the workshops with their own hands) found themselves on the brink of disaster.

“We fell very hard. To reach the previous level, we now need to work for five years. I borrowed a large amount of money - debts, loans - to open a store in another shopping center. The rent there is 2.5 times higher. And revenue, on the contrary, is 2 times lower. I have a good reputation and regular customers They come to me from all over the city, but even this doesn’t save me. I'm not living now, but surviving. For food, for utilities, I pay my employees’ salaries in white, and taxes for them. But expenses had to be greatly reduced. I have three children - and I even had to take them away from paid clubs and sections because we can barely make ends meet. This is the same situation for many tenants. We have repeatedly contacted local and federal authorities authorities, but no one is interested in the fact that 1,000 families suffer from dependent children and elderly parents,” Ekaterina barely holds back her tears.

All shopping centers were built with violations

Chief State Inspector Russian Federation According to fire supervision, Rinat Enikeev, officially stated that 80 percent of shopping centers are put into operation with violations of fire safety rules.

If these are significant violations, why are they not corrected? If these are formal violations, why report them? If 80 percent are dangerous, why is only one shopping center “Timoshkovs” closed, which does not pose a threat? Why is the "Mill" opposite it functioning?

According to official conclusion The Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Bryansk Region, during the inspection, more than 100 violations were identified in the Melnitsa shopping center, 27 of which, according to the conclusion of specialists of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Bryansk Region, “... create a threat to the safety of life and health of people.” Why is such a fire-hazardous shopping center still in operation today, and the prosecutor’s office does not demand judicial procedure prohibit exploitation? Isn’t the opinion of state fire inspectors about a threat to the life and health of people a basis for administrative suspension of activities?

What could be the reason for such loyalty of the prosecutor’s office and other authorities? Perhaps the fact is that “Melnitsa” belongs to a local deputy - Dmitry Agapov.

Only the Timoshkov shopping center needs to be closed

The fate of the Timoshkov shopping center, whose owners are not associated with the authorities, was not so successful. The inspection by the Ministry of Emergency Situations did reveal violations, but they do not pose a danger to people’s lives. However, the Bryansk prosecutor's office appealed to the court with a demand to ban the operation of the shopping center.

The Bryansk city prosecutor's office claims that the requirements of the legislation on fire safety of the main building and the extension of the shopping center were violated, and the owners of the building did not receive a commissioning certificate. The owners hastened to eliminate this violation, since they have all the documents on the basis of which a certificate of ownership is issued. However, the state construction inspectorate of the Bryansk region refused to issue an act. The refusal is now being challenged in the Arbitration Court.

“In the Timoshkov shopping center, Bryansk entrepreneurs had all the conditions to work efficiently, feed their families and develop their business. Now there is nothing even close,” Ekaterina continues. – There’s the Melnitsa shopping center nearby. There are some tricks with all the entrepreneurs. You don't just work and rent a place. You are obliged to show all your finances to the owner. And if he sees that your income has increased, your income is greater, then you must pay him a percentage of this profit on top of the rent. How can this work? I don't know".

Despite the demands of the President and the leadership of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation to ban the operation of fire-hazardous shopping centers, so as not to repeat the terrible tragedy in Winter Cherry, violations continue. For some reason, these requirements are not met.

The Timoshkov shopping center in Bryansk cannot resume operations, despite protests from the building's owners and tenants. Last Friday, the court again did not give permission to open a retail facility, although the fire safety violations were corrected by the owners. This was reported by the Bryanskaya Street newspaper.

However, the main issue - the lack of documents for commissioning of the building by the owners - remains unresolved. It was necessary for the state architectural and construction supervision authorities to obtain such a document before receiving documents on ownership and starting work, but this was not done in time. Now it is almost impossible to obtain documents. Now, at the end of June, a trial will take place, during which the question will once again be decided whether the shopping center will be open, or, on the contrary, a decision may be made to demolish it. In the meantime, tenants are leaving the disgraced retail facility.

The Timoshkov shopping center is a shopping and entertainment center that combines more than 150 branded stores, as well as the Yabloko perfume and cosmetics supermarket, the Eldorado household appliances store and the Svenskaya Fair food supermarket.

The shopping and entertainment center features a huge entertainment area, including an eight-screen cinema, billiard club and a children's entertainment center.

The fate of the Timoshkov shopping and entertainment center, located on Krasnoarmeyskaya Street in Bryansk, was decided in the Sovetsky District Court on Friday, June 29. A NASHBRYANSK.RU correspondent also attended the meeting, which lasted nearly three hours.

At the beginning of the hearing, the floor was given to a representative of the shopping center. Her speech boiled down to the following: today there is no reason to consider “Timoshki” dangerous to the life and health of citizens. According to her, all previously identified violations have been eliminated, which means exploitation is possible. She asked the court to lift the restrictive measures.

However, the prosecutor who spoke next said that the main building and the annex could not function. He said: in order for the shopping and entertainment center to open, it is necessary to obtain permission to put it into operation and eliminate violations in terms of fire safety. Representatives of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Bryansk Region, the State Construction Inspectorate of the Bryansk Region and the Administration for Construction and Development of Territories of Bryansk took the side of the prosecutor's office.

As a result, the court once again banned the operation of the multifunctional facility.

“They simply want to take away my business,” the owner of the shopping and entertainment center said after the meeting. Nikolay Timoshkov. - I feel sorry for the tenants. More than a thousand people work in the shopping center, and now they are left without a livelihood. I was amazed by what the head of Bryansk recently said. I assure you: his words are an outright lie. He stated that there is no design for the building, although there is a design. This project has been approved independent examination. There is a building permit issued by the city. Khlimankov should know these things. Because he has an appropriate staff that reports to him. I think that there are very long ears sticking out behind Khlimankov’s statement. Then he added some other economic method. Try to build something in the city center!”

The correspondent of the publication NASHBRYANSK.RU was able to communicate with the tenants present at the meeting. In the conversation it was felt that people were on edge.

“I have been renting premises since the building opened, and during this time I have had no reason to fear for my safety,” said Catherine. - I think that supervisory authorities some kind of prejudice. There are documents confirming the fire and construction safety of the shopping center, but for some reason they are not taken into account. It feels like there is some kind of conspiracy."

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“We were put in a hopeless situation,” said Oksana. — I have very large loan payments, so I had to open a department in another shopping center. But I’m there temporarily until Timoshki opens. Revenue does not cover expenses. And I have a disabled child. I didn’t ask the state for a penny, but now I’ve started applying for disability because I have no other choice.”

“I’ve been making fur coats and sheepskin coats for a long time; I previously took out three million rubles on credit,” she said, barely hiding her tears. Svetlana. — So, after the closure of the Timoshkov shopping and entertainment center, I was forced to take on a new debt in order to pay off the previous one. And so it turns out: debt upon debt. “I think they’re just taking our business away.”

“I only had a small optics department in the Timoshkov shopping center, and that was my only income,” she admitted Victoria. “During the months that the shopping center has been closed, I have not been able to find an alternative for myself. Recently I went and took out another loan to cover the loans that I had. I'm not working right now. I'm just waiting."

Let us remind you that the closure of “Timoshkov” was announced on April 10. The official reason for this decision: the building does not comply with standards fire safety. The prosecutor's office initiated the trial. Already at the beginning of May, the owner of the multi-story building announced that he had complied with all the instructions. However, the court still does not agree with this statement.
