Technological scheme for the production of non-carbonated soft drinks. Selection, justification and description of the technological scheme for bottling beer Description of the technological process of production of the bottling line

Technological diagram of bottling beer.

The line begins with the delivery of boxes with bottles to the packaging machine by a stacker. From the packaging machine, the boxes go to an automatic machine for removing bottles from the boxes. The extracted bottles go to a bottle washing machine, where the bottles are washed and extruded. The bottles then pass through a light screen for final inspection of the washed bottles. Bottles that have undergone water treatment are sent to a filling and capping machine. To increase the stability of beer, after bottling, the bottles are sent for pasteurization. Pasteurization is carried out in a tunnel pasteurizer. After pasteurization, the bottles go through a rejection machine to check the products for defects. Products that have been rejected are sent to the labeling machine. The bottles are then transferred to a machine for placing bottles into boxes. When bottling beer with a capacity of 12,000 bottles/hour, after placing bottles in boxes, packaging in shrink film follows.

Technological diagram for filling PET bottles.

PET bottles arrive at the plant in the form of performs. Next, the performances are manually fed into an automatic blow molding machine. Then the heated performs are transported via a plate conveyor to a rinsing machine where the performs are rinsed. The bottles arrive from the rinsing machine in a chaotic order; to arrange them in a row, the bottles pass through a packaging machine. PET bottles lined up in a row are supplied for capping; a cap feeding conveyor is connected to the machine. Finished products goes to the labeling machine. Finished PET bottles are sent to the packaging line. And then the packaged PET bottles are sent by stacker to finished product warehouses.

Technological diagram of beer bottling into kegs.

From the container warehouse, empty kegs are transported via a conveyor to an external keg washing machine to remove dirt. Then, from the external washing apparatus, the kegs enter the internal washing and filling unit. Ready kegs are sent to automatic scales for filling control.

2 Calculation of brewing products

Table 1 – Product range

Table 2 – Distribution of beer by variety and type of container

Into bottles


Slutsk esp.

Zhigulevskoe special

Bobruisk dark

We calculate the products per 100 kg of grain products consumed for each type of beer with subsequent conversion to 1 dal and annual production.

Vodka production includes water preparation, preparation of a water-alcohol mixture, filtration of a water-alcohol mixture, treatment of a water-alcohol mixture with active carbon, filtration of vodka and bringing it to standard strength, preparation of glassware and bottling. The hardware and technological diagram of semi-continuous vodka production is shown in Fig. 1.

Water preparation. Distilleries use water from city water utilities and artesian wells. Alcoholic drinks contain up to 85% water, so the quality of the finished product is largely determined by the organic and mineral impurities of water. Highest value impart hardness, which depends on the content of bicarbonates, chlorides, sulfates and other calcium and magnesium salts in the water.

When mixing alcohol with water, the solubility of calcium and magnesium salts decreases. Calcium bicarbonate - Ca(HC0 3) 2 - is especially poorly soluble in water-alcohol mixtures.

Rice. 1. Hardware and technological diagram of semi-continuous vodka production:

1 - salt solvent; 2 - ion exchange reactor; 3 - softened water meter; 4, 5 - alcohol measuring cups; c - mixer; 7 - pump; 8 - pressure tank for water-alcohol mixture; 9 - single-flow sand filter for pre-filtration; 10 - adsorber reactor; 11 - single-flow filter for final filtration; 12 - flow meter; 13 - collection of finished products; 14 - heat exchanger; 15 - adsorber trap; B - table salt; B - water; G - vodka; E - air; K - sewerage; I am a correctable vodka defect for reuse; O - condensate of alcohol vapors (distillates); P - steam; P - additional raw materials; C - alcohol.

In vodkas prepared with hard water, a precipitate forms, which consists mainly of calcium carbonate - CaCO 3. The formation of sediment leads to loss presentation finished products and significantly increases the cost of preparing glass containers when reusing them, so drinks are prepared with water with a hardness of up to 1.6 mg*eq/l.

Impurities found in concentrations exceeding threshold levels, i.e., are minimally noticeable, have a great influence on water quality indicators. Thus, magnesium cations give water a bitter taste, iron cations give a ferruginous taste, and copper cations give a metallic taste. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide gases cause the characteristic unpleasant taste and odor of water. The water may contain sand and clay. These suspensions impair its transparency and clog pipelines. In the spring-summer period, the content of silicic and humic acids in the water increases, which are in a finely dispersed state (particle size 1 * 10 -5 -1 * 10 -6 mm ) and form stable, poorly clarified solutions. It is impossible to obtain high quality vodka from such water.

Very high demands are placed on process water in distillery and vodka production. The source water is treated to purify and soften it to 0.35 mg*eq/l. In practice, factories use the following methods of water preparation: clarification, softening and deodorization.

Clarification is the process of separating various solid particles from water. Coarse suspensions - sand and clay - are usually removed by filtration through filters filled with

layer of quartz sand. Fine suspensions - gum substances and silicic acid are removed by coagulation followed by water filtration through sand filters. Coagulation is the process of enlargement of particles of a dispersed system due to their mutual adhesion. To enlarge particles carrying a negative charge, special substances are added to the water - coagulants, which neutralize the charge of suspensions or reduce it to a critical value. In this case, the enlarged particles settle in the form of flakes and the water becomes clarified.

Aluminum sulfate or iron sulfate is used as coagulants at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 liter of water.

Softening is the removal of calcium and magnesium cations from water, which cause its hardness. The most common in industry is the ion exchange method of water softening. It is based on the ability of some organic or inorganic substances, practically insoluble in water, called cation exchangers, to exchange the Na+ cation of their active groups for Ca 2+ and Mg 2+ cations contained in water. The water to be softened is passed through a layer of cation exchange resin. Ion exchange reactions are reversible and for the cation exchanger in the Na form are presented in the following form:

The softening ability of the cation exchanger is gradually depleted. It is restored by regeneration with a solution of table salt. During regeneration, the ion exchange reaction shifts from right to left.

Water is softened in an installation, the main element of which is an ion exchange reactor, 2 (Fig. 1). The reactor is a cylindrical vessel. A drainage device is located on the concrete pad of the reactor for uniform removal of softened water and saline solution during regeneration of the cation exchanger; it is also used to supply water during loosening. A layer of sand is poured onto the concrete pad to prevent the cation exchanger from being carried away into the drainage system. A layer of 1.5 m of cation exchange resin is poured onto the sand. Sulfonated coal or synthetic resin KU-2-8chS is used as a cation exchanger, which has an exchange capacity three times greater than sulfonated coal.

The reactor operates under pressure up to 0.5 MPa, has a diameter of 0.7-1.0 m, and a height of 3.2-3.6 m.

The full operating cycle of the installation includes water softening, washing, loosening, regeneration and washing of the cation resin with water. Unsoftened water enters the reactor from top to bottom, passes through the cation exchanger with an average linear speed of 15 m/h and is sent to the softened water measuring tank 3 (Fig. 1). When the hardness of the water in the collection increases to 0.1 mEq/l, softening is stopped and the cation exchanger is washed with water from bottom to top. After washing, the exchange capacity of the cation exchanger is restored with a 10% salt solution continuously supplied from the salt solvent. Next, the cation resin is washed from traces of salt and the water softening begins again.

The duration of the cycle depends on the hardness of the source water and the exchange capacity of the cation exchanger; it usually ranges from 12 to 48 hours.

The purpose of deodorization is to eliminate unpleasant odors and tastes from water caused by small amounts of organic impurities. For this purpose, chemical and physical-chemical methods of water treatment are used. G.I. Fertman and B.P. Lutskaya recommend deodorizing water for alcoholic beverages using active charcoal or ion-exchange resin - macroporous anion exchanger AV-22.

Preparation of a water-alcohol mixture. To prepare vodka, alcohol is mixed with purified and softened water. The water-alcohol mixture is called sorting. Auxiliary raw materials are also added to sorting. For example, per 1000 dal of “Extra” vodka add 25 kg of sugar and up to 10 g of potassium dichromate.

Water-alcohol mixtures are prepared by batch and continuous methods. In the batch method, steel mixers are used d: H = 1: 1.2; V=3-12 m3. Preparation of the sort lasts approximately 1.5 hours. First, the calculated amount of alcohol is added to the mixer from measuring cups, and then water. The mixture is stirred with a centrifugal pump or compressed air for 5-20 minutes, and then its strength is adjusted by adding water or alcohol.

After adding aqueous solutions of flavoring substances, the mixture is mixed again and pumped into pressure tanks. Air containing alcohol vapor is directed into the adsorber trap.

Rice. 2. Installation diagram for continuous preparation of a water-alcohol mixture:

1 - collection-measurer of alcohol; 2- collection-measuring water; 3,4- alcohol and water pressure regulators, respectively; 5 - alcohol flow meter; 6 - flow meter of the main water flow; 7- flow meter for additional water flow; 8 - mixer; 9- pump; 10- valve; 11- air separator; 12 - selection device for recording pressure; 13 - temperature converter; 14 - density converter; 15 - density regulator of the water-alcohol mixture with temperature correction; 16 - actuator; B - water-alcohol mixture; B - softened water; G - air; C - alcohol.

The layout of the installation for the continuous preparation of a homogeneous water-alcohol mixture is shown in Fig. 2. The installation is equipped with devices for automatic control and regulation of the alcohol concentration in the mixture with an accuracy of +0.1% vol. from nominal. The installation works as follows. Alcohol and water in a ratio of 1:1, 38+1.44, through pressure regulators and flow meters, respectively, enter a two-stage flow-type mixer. This ratio of flows makes it possible to obtain a sorting strength higher than the nominal one by 0.5 + 1.5%. When leaving the mixer, the sorting is sucked in and additionally mixed by a centrifugal pump, the operation of which is controlled by pressure-vacuum meters, and the productivity is regulated by a valve.

An automatic device supplies additional water to obtain the nominal sorting strength. Solutions of auxiliary raw materials are dosed through special measuring cups.

The prepared sorting is then sent through the air separator for filtration.
The described method makes it possible, with an installation productivity of 3-5 m 3 /h, to ensure the stability of the sorting strength, reduce alcohol losses and free up production space.

Filtration of water-alcohol mixture. The water-alcohol mixture is filtered using standard cylindrical sand filters (d = 0.7 m, H = 1.1 m). The filters are loaded with two layers of fine and coarse sand and equipped with flannel or cloth pads. The sorting arrives continuously and passes through the filter from top to bottom at a linear speed of 0.77 m/h. After the filters, the mixture is sent to coal reactors. When the filtration rate decreases, the sand is regenerated by washing it with water and a weak solution of hydrochloric acid in special sand washing machines.

The filter works without recharging for about a month.

Distilleries also use high-performance single- and double-flow filters, which are modernized standard filters. There are no fabric pads in them, the sand is strictly laid out in fractions. The filters are equipped with collectors for uniform flow of the initial sorting into one or two streams. The filtered mixture is discharged through perforated drainage devices. The sand is regenerated for 10 minutes with a reverse flow of a water-alcohol mixture without opening the filter. The filtration rate of the mixture on a double-flow filter increases to 7.0 m 3 /h, and the duration of continuous operation is up to 8 months.

The productivity of such a filter is almost 10 times higher than a standard one, it is equal to 2.5-3 m 3 / h.

Treatment of water-alcohol mixtures with active carbon. In the liquor and vodka production, birch activated carbon of the BAU brand (GOST 6217-52) is used. The grain size of such coal is from 1 to 5.0 mm. Coal contains adsorbed oxygen and oxides of some metals, therefore, when processing sorting with coal, both sorption and oxidation processes occur. As a result of these processes, changes chemical composition sorting and improves organoleptic characteristics.

Processing of sorting with active carbon is carried out continuously in two ways: dynamic and in a “pseudo-boiling” sorbent layer. In the first case, the water-alcohol mixture is passed through a column-type reactor (d = 0.7 m, H = 4.3 m), filled with active carbon, the layer height of which is 4.0 m. In the second, in order to optimize oxidative and sorption : processes and reduction of specific coal consumption, sorting is passed through a system of reactors in which a turbulent regime of movement and flow is created.

The intensity of the mixture flow is higher than critical - 5-8 l/(m2-s), which ensures the transition of the fixed layer of coal into a suspended state and significantly increases the productivity of the installation.

The installation for processing sorting with active carbon in dynamic mode (Fig. 3) consists of a reactor, sand filters and a heat exchanger. The processing technology is as follows. The filtered water-alcohol mixture continuously enters the reactor from below and passes through the coal layer at different speeds depending on types of vodka and degree of coal use.

When using fresh adsorbent, the sorting processing speed for “Extra” vodka is 0.3 m 3 /h, and for “Vodka” - 0.6 m 3 /h. The mixture is removed from the reactor from above and sent for final filtration into a sand filter.

During the operation of the reactor, the activity of the coal is depleted, so the rate of passage of the mixture is gradually reduced, but not less than to 0.05 m 3 / h. The operation of the reactor is monitored by the difference in the time of deoxidation of potassium permanganate by sorting before and after its treatment with coal. If this difference is less than 2.5 minutes, the filter is turned off for regeneration.
The duration of the inter-regeneration period ranges from 1 to 5 months. Before regeneration, the reactor is emptied of the water-alcohol mixture. The coal is regenerated with steam for 6 hours at a pressure of 0.07 MPa and a temperature of 115°C. The resulting water-alcohol vapors enter the heat exchanger. The resulting vapor condensate with a strength of 55% vol. sent for denaturation or rectification.

To reduce alcohol losses, the air displaced from the apparatus is released into the atmosphere through a trap filled with active carbon.

At the Moscow Distillery and Vodka Plant, an installation for processing sorting in a pseudo-boiling bed of fine-grained active carbon was put into operation. The installation capacity is 5 m3/h. Coal columns with a diameter of 0.7 m, equipped with expander-separators to prevent the entrainment of coal particles from the apparatus, were used as reactors.

Filtration of vodka and finishing it to standard strength. Vodka is filtered after treatment with active carbon

on sand filters of the design described above. When using a suspended layer of coal, it is filtered twice: first on a filter with a precoat layer, and then on a sand filter. The use of the first filter improves the quality of filtration and increases the duration of the sand filter's inter-regeneration period. Diatomite or fine-grained activated carbon is used as a coating layer. The resulting clear vodka is sent to a collection of finished products.

IN necessary cases adjust the strength of vodka by adding corrected water or alcohol.

Rice. 3. Installation diagram for continuous processing of a water-alcohol mixture in a suspended layer of active carbon:

1 - double-flow sand filter for pre-filtration; 2 - rotameters; 3 - reactors; 4 - filter material dispenser; 5 - pump; 6-filter with precoat layer; 7 - pneumatic regulator; 8- double-flow sand filter for final filtration; B - water; G - air into the alcohol trap; D - filter material; And - correctable defect for reuse; O - condensate of alcohol vapor after regeneration; P - steam; C - aqueous-alcohol solution.

Alcohol losses during preparation, filtration and processing of sorting with activated carbon in a semi-continuous manner amount to 0.6-0.7% of the input.

Vodka is a strong alcoholic drink prepared by mixing rectified ethyl alcohol and water, followed by processing of the water-alcohol mixture.

Varieties of vodka differ from each other in strength, i.e. the content of ethyl alcohol, the quality of the raw material used - rectified alcohol and some additives used (sugar, sodium acetate) added to soften the taste and improve the smell. 40% vodka is prepared with rectified alcohol, all other types of vodka are prepared with highly purified rectified alcohol. When preparing “Moscow special” vodka, acetic acid and sodium bicarbonate are added, from which sodium acetate is formed; When preparing “stolichnaya” vodka, sugar is added.

Vodka production consists of the following operations: receiving alcohol, preparing (correcting) water, preparing a water-alcohol mixture (sorting), filtering the water-alcohol mixture, treating the water-alcohol mixture with active carbon and re-filtration, bringing vodka to standard strength, bottling vodka (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Vodka production diagram

Reception of alcohol

Rectified alcohol is taken by volume, which is measured with conical (from 250 to 1000 dal) and cylindrical (75 dal) measuring cups. Simultaneously with measuring the volume, the alcohol strength is also measured, as in alcohol production. To receive alcohol, factories are equipped with alcohol receiving departments (workshops). Alcohol is drained from road tankers through the bottom fitting using a rubber hose. From railway tanks, alcohol is drained using a pump or by gravity. The first method is used only if the receiving gauges are located above the level of railway tanks. When receiving measuring units are located below the level of railway tanks, alcohol is drained using a siphon installation (Figure 2), consisting of a rubber corrugated hose, a hand pump and a funnel. One end of pipe 1, equipped with a tubular tip, is immersed in tank 2 to the bottom, and the other is connected to drain communication 3. Open valves 4 and 5 and, with valves 6 and 7 closed, and all valves connecting this communication with conical 8 and cylindrical 9 using measuring instruments, using pump 10 or a vacuum, suck alcohol from the tank. As soon as alcohol appears in the drain funnel 11, the pump is stopped, tap 7 and the tap in front of the conical measuring cup, into which alcohol should flow, are opened.

Using an installation of three measuring instruments makes it possible to quickly accept alcohol with the necessary measurements and calculations. While filling one of the measuring cups, alcohol is downloaded from the second through the receiving tank 12 using an alcohol pump 13 into the alcohol storage tanks.

Figure 2 - Diagram of the alcohol receiving compartment with a siphon installation for draining alcohol

Water and its preparation

Water must meet the requirements of drinking water, do not contain harmful impurities, must be colorless, transparent, odorless and taste good. Total water hardness should not exceed 1.60483 mEq/l (4.5°) and temporary hardness - 0.35663 mEq/l (1 0). If the water hardness exceeds the established limits, then it is corrected, i.e. softened using the sodium cationite or soda-lime method.

The soda-lime method is rarely used due to the significant consumption of reagents and cumbersome equipment. The sodium cation exchange method makes it possible to obtain corrected water with a minimum hardness of 0.07132-0.178-30 mEq/l (0.2-0.5°). The cation exchanger installation is simple in design, compact and easy to maintain. When receiving water with high temporary hardness, use combined method. Processing is first carried out using the soda-lime method, and then sodium cationization. Instead of the combined method, you can use the Na - H cationization method or, using only the sodium cation exchange method, neutralize the treated water with mineral acids (HCl or H 2 SO 4).

Preparation of a water-alcohol mixture

Preparation of sorting is carried out as follows. In a hermetically sealed vat, called a sorting vat, a calculated amount of alcohol is taken from measuring cups according to the required sorting strength, and then water is added until the specified sorting volume is obtained. After adding water to the vat, thoroughly mix it using a stirrer, pumping, or bubbling with compressed air (Figure 3).

Air for mixing is supplied from a compressor or blower through a beam bubbler with holes with a diameter of 1.5 mm. Air consumption is about 1 m 3 per 1 m 2 of the cross section of the vat per minute. Alcohol traps must be installed to capture alcohol from the air leaving the sorting tanks.

In the alcohol department, above the mixing vat, a conical and cylindrical measuring tank is installed on the platform, vats of return products, a softened water gauging tank, a vat for sodium bicarbonate (soda) solution, and slightly below there is a pump (in explosion-proof design) for pumping the sorting into the pressure vat in front of the filters.

1 - softened water meter; 2 - a jar of soda solution; 3 - collection of returnable products; 4, 5 — alcohol measuring cups; 6—mixing vat; 7 - pump
Figure 3 - Scheme for preparing sorting in a periodic manner

There is a known method for continuous preparation of sorting. To do this, use a mixer into which water and alcohol are continuously introduced through bubblers at a constant temperature and pressure, regulating the flow using taps. Below is a diagram of the installation for continuous automated sorting preparation.

Alcohol and softened water, respectively, from containers 1 and 2 enter pressure tanks 3 and 4, equipped with float level regulators (Figure 4). The flows of alcohol and water are measured by glass rotameters (types RS-2.5Zh and RS-4Zh), regulated by valves 23 and 25 and mixed in a mixer 9 equipped with a manifold 8, which serves to distribute water. The ratio of alcohol and water flows is taken such that the sorting strength after the mixer is 0.5-1.5% vol. above 40% (1:1.38-1.44). Finally, it is supplied with water coming from the pressure tank 4 through the rotameter 7 (RS-0.63Zh) and the actuator 16 into the product pipeline in front of the pump 11. The operation of the pump is monitored using a technical vacuum gauge 10, and the performance is regulated by valve 29.

To determine the strength of the sorting and process the corresponding pneumatic signal, a flow-through pneumatic sensor 14 is used. The selection of sorting to the sensor after the pump is carried out by valves 26 and 27 through the filter-gas separator 13. The speed of sorting is measured by rotameter 17. The total pneumatic signal processed by the density sensor enters the control unit and regulation 15, consisting of a secondary device and a proportional-integral regulator, and then to the actuator 16.

The secondary device is equipped with a push-button device to control the operation of the installation in manual and automatic modes.

1 — alcohol capacity; 2 — capacity of softened water; 3 — pressure tank with alcohol level regulator; 4 - pressure tank with water level regulator; 5 — alcohol flow meter; 6 — water flow meter; 7 — additional water flow meter; 8 - collector; 9 - mixer; 10 - pressure and vacuum gauge; 11 - centrifugal pump; 12, 34, 35 — pressure gauge; 13 — filter-gas separator; 14 — density sensor; 15 — density control and regulation unit; 16 — pneumatic actuator; 17 — flow meter of the solution taken to the sensor; 18, 30, 33 — shut-off and control valves; 19, 20, 21, 22 — shut-off valves; 23, 24, 25 - valves that regulate the flow of components; 26-29 - valves that regulate the selection of gas from the sorting and its supply to the density sensor; 31 - panel remote control; 32 - filter for air purification.
Figure 4 — Scheme of a continuously operating installation for the preparation of sorts

If an imbalance occurs between the current density value and the set one, the controller of block 15 changes the output pneumatic signal, providing a corresponding change in the position of the valve in the actuator towards aligning the resulting strength with the set one.

The installation for continuous preparation of sorting is completely sealed, which reduces alcohol losses compared to the batch method by 0.03%. Its compactness allows you to reduce production space.

Calculation of the amount of alcohol and water for preparing a water-alcohol mixture

The amount of alcohol required to prepare the sort is calculated using the formula:

V sp and V grade—volumes of alcohol and sorting, respectively;
a sp and a grade - alcohol strength and sorting

Filtration of water-alcohol mixture

To remove suspended particles, the water-alcohol mixture is filtered twice: before treatment and after treatment with active carbon.

Quartz sand is used as a filter material. Filtration is carried out under the pressure of a liquid column using sand filters, in which quartz sand is placed on a mesh partition covered with a filter fabric made of flannel or cloth.

Filtration of the water-alcohol mixture occurs under the pressure of the liquid column; the sorting is supplied to the filter by gravity from a pressure tank located above the filters. As the amount of filtered liquid increases, the height of the sediment layer on the filter material increases. Flow resistance increases and filtration rate decreases. To eliminate this, the filter is periodically cleaned. Filtration of the water-alcohol mixture through quartz sand is carried out using sand filters (Figure 5).

1 - body; 2 - bottom; 3 - cover; 4 — supply fitting; 5 — outlet pipe; 6 — lantern; 7 - valve - air vent; 8 — release fitting
Figure 5 — Sand filter with control light

The sand filter is made of sheet copper in the form of a cylindrical body 1, tinned inside, with a spherical bottom 2 and a removable cover 3, bolted to the body flange. Filter height 1100 mm, diameter 700 mm. Using two removable tinned perforated disks resting on rings attached to the body, the filter is divided into three chambers: the upper and lower chambers are free, the middle one is filled with quartz sand in two layers with a total height of 700 mm. In the lower layer, the grains range in size from 1 to 3.5 mm, in the upper layer - 3.5-5 mm. Before filling with sand, a tinned copper or wooden hoop covered with flannel or overcoat cloth is placed on the lower disk. The same hoops are placed between layers of sand and above the upper disk. The gaps between the hoops and the filter housing are clogged with a cotton cord.

The sorting to be filtered comes through fitting 4 with a tap, passes through the filter chamber and is taken through pipe 5 for treatment with active carbon.

Sand filters for filtration of vodka are distinguished by the fact that they are made from stainless steel, equipped with a rotameter and a glass lantern 6 on the outlet pipe. The filtration rate is controlled using a rotameter, and the transparency of the vodka is controlled using a flashlight.

The first, cloudy portions of the filtrate are returned to the mixing vat. After obtaining a clean filtrate, filtration is carried out at a speed of 0.77 m/h (30 dal/h), regulated by smoothly turning the filling tap.

After the filter has been running for 20-30 days (the speed with the tap open becomes low), it is turned off to recharge.

There are several types of sand filters that are widely used for filtering sortings in the alcoholic beverage industry. They are divided by design into single-flow and double-flow.

In single-flow sand filters, the sorting is supplied from the top and discharged from the bottom (Figure 6). The double-flow sand filter (Figure 7) is additionally equipped with a tubular drainage device, the pipes of which are wrapped in a fine mesh with a hole of 0.2-.03 mm. The bottom layer of sand with grains of 2-3 mm has a height of 50 mm, the middle layer with grains of 1.5-2 mm has the same height, and the top layer with grains of 0.5-1 mm has a height of 400-600 mm. The drainage device is located in the middle of this layer of sand. Sorting enters the filter from below and above and is discharged through the drainage system. The sorting stream coming from below is filtered first through large, then through medium and finally through small sand grains. The upper sorting stream is filtered only through small grains.

1 - body; 2 — supply fitting with distribution device; 3 — outlet fitting; 4 - drainage device; 5 - switchgear; 6 - partition; 7 - top layer of sand; 8 - middle layer; 9 - bottom layer
Figure 6 - Single-flow sand filter 1 - body; 2 - distribution devices; 3 - partition; 4 — outlet pipe; 5 - window; 6 — drainage device; 7 - top layer; 8 - middle layer; 9 - bottom layer
Figure 7 - Double-flow sand filter

Sand regeneration in single-flow and double-flow filters is carried out by a reverse flow of water: sorting during preliminary filtration, vodka during final filtration for 10-12 minutes.

Ceramic filters are also used, in which the filtering element is ceramic tiles. Regeneration of ceramic tiles is carried out by treatment with hydrochloric acid and calcination in a muffle furnace at 500-600°C.

Treatment of a water-alcohol mixture with active carbon

To remove impurities from the sorting that give it an unpleasant taste and smell, it is treated with active carbon of the BAU brand. In addition to adsorbing some impurities, activated carbon catalyzes the oxidation reactions of alcohol and its impurities with the formation of organic acids and their subsequent esterification, i.e. formation of esters. Activated carbon is loaded into columns made of copper or stainless steel. The sorting is filtered from bottom to top through carbon columns connected in series.

Regeneration of spent activated carbon

As filtration proceeds, impurities of alcohol and water accumulate in the pores of the coal and reduce its absorption activity. Columns usually pass from 15,000 to 100,000 dal of sorting or more. It is periodically necessary to restore the adsorption and catalytic abilities of waste coal. To do this, waste coal is regenerated in a column with water vapor at 110-130°C. As a result of processing, impurities absorbed by coal are distilled off.

Vodka filtration

After treatment with active carbon, the vodka is filtered to separate the smallest impurities and obtain a transparent product with a crystal shine. Vodka is filtered using sand or ceramic filters. In the latter, the filter partition is ceramic tiles with a pore size of 40μ.

Bringing vodka to the required strength

The filtered vodka enters the finishing vats, where it is mixed and the strength is checked. If the strength of vodka deviates from the standard, it is brought to the required strength by adding alcohol or water. After this, the vodka is sent for bottling.

In this course project, it is necessary to select lines for bottling beer into kegs, glass bottles and PET containers. Based on this, we will consider the operating principle of existing automatic bottling lines.

Bottling beer

Technologically, the process of filling beer into a returnable glass bottle is divided into the following phases:

1. Apparatus for removing bottles from a box.

2. Feeding empty bottles via conveyor to the bottle washing machine

3. Washing in two immersion baths, spraying with hot water, repeated treatment in an alkaline bath, during which the smallest particles of dirt and label are removed, and repeated spraying at a gradually decreasing temperature

4. Feeding bottles to the inspection machine

5. Transportation of containers to the filling machine

6. Consecutive vacuumization and filling of bottles with CO2 to eliminate oxygen from them

7. Filling cans with pasteurized beer (as an option, subsequent pasteurization of beer takes place in a sealed bottle) and capping the bottle with a crown cap

8. Braquerage

9. Applying a label with information about the date of bottling and expiration date

10. Packing bottles in boxes

Thus, an automatic beer bottling line consists of an automatic machine for removing bottles from boxes, a bottle washing machine, a filling machine, a capping machine, a rejecting machine, a labeling machine and an automatic machine for putting bottles into boxes.

For isobaric packaging and capping of bottles, units with a capacity of 3, 6, 12, 24 thousand bottles per hour are used. Their fundamental difference lies only in the performance of the equipment, but otherwise they are absolutely identical.

Technologically, the process of bottling beer into a branded glass bottle is divided into the following phases:

1 Apparatus for removing bottles from special boxes.

2 Feeding empty bottles along the conveyor to the rinser.

3 Rinse aid (it is used instead of a bottle washer since the bottles are new and do not need washing).

4 Feeding bottles to the inspection machine

5 Transporting containers to the filling machine

6 Sequential vacuumization and filling of bottles with CO2 to eliminate oxygen from them

7 Filling bottles with pasteurized beer (as an option, subsequent pasteurization of beer takes place in a sealed bottle)

8 Capping a bottle with a crown cap

9 Applying a label with information about the date of bottling and expiration date

10. Laying bottles on cardboard

11. Bag forming apparatus.

Physical-mechanical and physical-chemical methods are used to wash bottles. According to the washing method, washing machines are divided into syringe, soaking-syringe and soaking-syringe with treatment with brushes and brushes. Automatic chainless conveyor soaking and syringing machines are mainly used.

A clean bottle is sent to a filling machine, where the bottle is first filled with compressed air, purified by a desterorizing filter, creating a pressure equal to that under which the beer being bottled is located. Next, the bottles are filled with beer to a certain level in height, without an exact dosage by volume. In this case, the beer displaces air from the bottle. Beer is poured into brown and green bottles. The beer temperature should be no higher than 3? C. For bottling beer, continuous rotating isobaric automatic machines with a capacity of 1,500 to 48,000 bottles per hour are used.

Beer bottled in 0.5 liter bottles is sealed with metal crown caps. To cap bottles, automatic machines are used, the main components of which are heads with capping cartridges.

Washed bottles before bottling and capped bottles of beer before gluing labels are subjected to visual inspection on light screens and rejection machines in order to establish the tightness of the capping, transparency, the presence of foreign inclusions, and determine the completeness of filling.

The sealed and inspected bottles are sent to the labeling machine for labeling.

The machine has a “No label - no glue” locking mechanism and a “No bottle - no label” locking mechanism.

Fully decorated bottles are placed in boxes using an I2-AUA type machine. Bottles moving along a conveyor arrive at the machine table and are divided into rows by guides. When there is the required number of bottles under the head with grippers, the locking is activated, the head grabs the bottles and moves them to an empty box, stops and lowers the bottles into the box. After styling, the head rises and moves to the table.

Bottles of beer in boxes are sent to the expedition, where it is stored at a temperature no higher than 12? C.

When washing bottles, packaging and capping, broken glass bottles account for about 2% of their quantity. When storing and transporting empty glass bottles before washing, waste amounts to 0.8% of their quantity.

Basic requirements for the bottling process: tightness of the installation to avoid leaks of carbon dioxide and oxidation of beer with atmospheric oxygen; creation of isothermal and isobaric conditions; Ensuring complete filling and minimal bottle breakage.

Filling beer in PET

Filling beer into a PET bottle is divided into the following phases:

1 Heating the preforms in the oven.

2 Blowing bottles from preforms.

3 The bottle guide guides the bottles into the rinse aid

4 Clean bottles pass ultraviolet screen

5 Transporting empty PET bottles to the filling machine, purging the bottles with CO2 to remove oxygen from them, filling PET containers with pasteurized beer, capping the bottle with a screw cap.

6 Applying a label with information about the date of bottling and expiration date

7 Packing bottles with shrink film into blocks

The process of blowing bottles from preforms can also be done directly in the workshop, which reduces the cost of transporting and storing empty PET bottles and is therefore a significant advantage.

The automatic filling line consists of an oven for heating preforms, a plate conveyor, a PET blowing machine, a bottle orientator, a bottle rinser, an ultraviolet screen, a filling and capping machine to which a mechanism for feeding and orienting caps is connected, a machine for visual control, labeling machine, packaging machine.

When bottling, you have to take into account that the wall thickness of a regular PET bottle is very uneven - the plastic is thick at the bottom and at the neck, thin on the side walls. According to the standard, even at its thinnest point, a PET bottle must withstand an internal beer pressure of 8 bar.

A disposable PET bottle is not rigid, so you should not allow the filling device to fall on top of it and press the neck tightly, as is done with glass containers. The bottle simply deforms from the additional load and the required tightness of the connection will still not be achieved. By modern technology everything happens the other way around - the PET bottle is pressed tightly against the filling device. This is done with the help of a special lifting ring, with which it is picked up by the relatively rigid neck.

When filling beer in PET, the back pressure method is standard, but the volume of beer being filled is more often measured by volume rather than level. Importance is attached to fast and high-quality bottle capping.

Machines from different companies differ in design, layout of components, degree of application of original developments and know-how. But there is no significant difference in equipment for bottling PET and glass. Let's take a look at PET and glass bottle bottling lines together, classifying them by performance.

1. Low-productivity equipment that requires a large share of manual labor.

Such machines are easy to use and maintain, and are easy to install. But the cheapness and simplicity are “balanced” by serious disadvantages: lack of reliable sanitation, low quality of bottling and capping.

2. Automatic lines filling capacity:

a) from 800 to 20,000 glass bottles (0.5 l) or from 1000 to 6000 PET bottles (1.5 l) per hour.

Machines of similar power are the most popular segment, both in sales and production. Human intervention is required only during setup, preventive maintenance, repairs and unexpected failures. The level of sanitation, bottling, and capping meets modern standards.

b) more than 20 thousand glass bottles or 6000 PET bottles per hour.

This is the most complex, expensive and advanced equipment that only a few companies can produce. As a rule, it includes all the most modern and promising developments, such as: various kinds of sensor systems, gas analyzers, electronic systems management, etc.

Bottles of drinks, placed in boxes or packed in shrink film, are transferred to the finished product warehouse, which must accommodate at least two days of production.

Pouring beer into kegs

The automatic line consists of a pasteurizer, an external keg washing apparatus, a conveyor, an internal washing and filling unit, an intelligent counter, and a keg scale.

The primary stage of keg processing is external washing. It is carried out in tunnels equipped with nozzles for supplying water or washing solutions under pressure. In the reinforced version, external washing machines are equipped with high-pressure nozzle systems or brush stations. In all cases, the final phase of external cleaning is rinsing the kegs with fresh water.

Next, the kegs go to an internal wash (on stand-alone units or monoblocks), the technological chain of which involves the sequential execution of the following operations: washing out the remaining beer from the kegs with cold water, soaking the “problem” surfaces inside the keg with an alkaline solution, intensive washing with alkaline and acidic solutions, final washing hot water, keg sterilization with steam, pre-grooving of kegs with carbon dioxide.

After sanitization of kegs is completed, they are served for bottling. Filling kegs with beer is based on the traditional principle of back pressure, which involves additional tongue-and-groove of the kegs with carbon dioxide in order to ensure the same beer supply pressure and carbon dioxide pressure in the keg at the initial moment of bottling.

Machines for filling beer into kegs can be classified as follows:

1. Machines with one filling operating head.

The productivity of these machines is 10-20 kegs per hour.

Due to the heavy load, the head wears out quickly. In addition, there is a potential risk of residual cleaning solutions getting into the beer. Therefore, such machines are recommended to be used either for working with a small number of kegs, or for individual single operations (for example, sanitation).

2. Machines with two operating heads.

Their productivity, as a rule, is 30-35 kegs per hour. One operating head is intended for sanitation, and the second is for filling with beer.

These are already full-fledged machines that perform the entire range of operations. Many, incl. and large factories in the post-Soviet space at least started with such machines and only after reaching a certain level of sales moved on to more complex equipment.

3. Machines with 3 heads or more.

As the number of operating heads increases, productivity increases. The manufacturer faces the need to link the machine to a specific plant, a specific room, the availability of the necessary utilities, etc. In each specific case, an engineering solution for the placement of this equipment and design thought play a huge role.

Description of the technological scheme for bottling beer

Technological diagram of bottling beer into glass bottles.

The line begins with the delivery of packages with boxes containing bottles to the package-forming machine (item 2) by an electric forklift (item 1). From the packaging automatic machine, the boxes are supplied to the automatic machine for removing bottles from the boxes (item 3). The extracted bottles are transported via a plate conveyor (pos. 33) to a bottle washing machine (pos. 4), where the bottles are washed and extruded. Then the bottles pass through a light screen (position 5) for final control of washed bottles. Bottles that have undergone water treatment are sent to a filling and capping machine (item 6). To increase the stability of beer, after bottling, the bottles are sent for pasteurization. Pasteurization is carried out in a tunnel pasteurizer (item 7). After pasteurization, the bottles pass through a rejection machine (position 8) to check the products for defects. The products that have passed the rejection are sent to the labeling machine (pos. 9). Then, through an intelligent counter (pos. 11), the bottles enter the apparatus for placing bottles in boxes (pos. 12). The boxes are fed after the box washing machine (pos. 10) and sent to the package forming machine (pos. 13). And the finished products are sent by electric forklift (item 1) to the finished product warehouses.

Technological diagram for filling PET bottles.

PET bottles arrive at the plant in the form of preforms. Next, the preforms are manually fed into the oven for heating (pos. 14). Then the heated preforms are transported via a plate conveyor (pos. 19) to the preform blowing machine (pos. 16). After this, the bottles fall into the orientator (pos. 25), and then into the bottle rinser (pos. 22). Then the bottles fall onto the UV screen (pos. 38), and then into the filling and capping machine (pos. 16). Since both filling and capping take place in the filling and capping machine, a cork feeding conveyor (pos. 17) is connected to the machine. The finished product is supplied to the labeling machine (pos. 20). Finished PET bottles are supplied to the packaging machine (pos. 21). Next, through the smart counter (pos. 11), the packaged PET bottles are sent by electric forklift (1) to finished product warehouses.

Technological diagram of beer bottling into kegs.

From the container warehouse, empty kegs are transported via a conveyor (pos. 34) to an external keg washing machine (pos. 35) to remove dirt. Then, from the external washing apparatus, the kegs enter the internal washing and filling unit (pos. 36). The finished kegs are sent to automatic scales (pos. 37) through a smart counter (pos. 11) to control filling.

Shop for bottling drinking water into bottles of various sizes:

The diagram below shows bottling shop- option for placing a water bottling line with a maximum capacity of 80 bottles per hour. That is, a thermal tunnel for shrinking caps and a packer for 19 liter bottles in PE bags are optional equipment and are purchased at the request of the customer.

This diagram of the bottling shop is approximate - for a preliminary understanding of the required room dimensions. To order a detailed layout of equipment at production sites for your business,

The diagram below shows an option for placing equipment for filling 19 liter bottles with a capacity of 150 bottles per hour. The basis of this line is QGF-150 WellSpring.

The last diagram shows a placement option with a capacity of 240 bottles per hour.

These diagrams are typical and are shown on our website as an example. Our engineers Service center We will develop a project for placing a bottling line for water and drinks on production areas specifically for your enterprise, taking into account productivity and the supply of communications.

Layout of equipment in the bottling workshop " ":

in a 19 liter bottle, as a rule, includes the following set of equipment:

Automatic filling line (productive) Detailed information
1 Automatic machine for removing old plugs

The quite understandable desire of the population of large cities to consume environmentally friendly “living” water is actively supported by its producers, who are setting up production for bottling water and supplying this kind of “fuel” both to offices and to private clients. For organization small business for the production of bottled drinking water (water bottling) is sufficient production premises, in which the entire production process is carried out in two main stages: water purification and water bottling special equipment with subsequent group packaging. You can find out more about the water bottling process in the description of the equipment on our website.
