Production of cotton candy. Cotton candy production technology. Which qualifier to indicate when registering a business selling cotton candy?

Not only children, but also adults around the world love to enjoy cotton candy. That is why today the business of making this delicious product is very popular. But in order for it to bring you profit, you need to purchase special equipment for production cotton candy, and also understand how to prepare it correctly.

Where can I sell cotton candy?

First of all, if you want to turn into a millionaire with the help of this product, you need to think about where in your city you will sell cotton candy. Of course, it is quite logical to sell it in zoos, circuses, theaters, cafes, and children's stores. This product will sell well in places where people like to relax with their whole family. But remember that cotton candy is a seasonal product that sells best in the warm season.

What is needed to start production, besides purchasing equipment?

In addition to the fact that you will need a special machine for the production of cotton candy, the choice of which we will talk about a little later, you must also find a suitable room. According to the law, there are no special requirements for cotton candy producers regarding what the production premises should be like.

Therefore, you can simply choose one that will be most suitable for placing all the necessary machines and devices in it. It is important that there is good enough traffic there. Remember that cotton candy is a very delicate product. In addition, pay attention to the fact that there is low humidity and sufficiently good ventilation.

Will buying expensive equipment for cotton wool production pay off?

To start such a business, you will need to invest about 95-170 thousand rubles. They will be distributed approximately as follows: equipment for the production of cotton candy - from 35 to 100 thousand rubles, purchase of the necessary devices (generator, tent) - from 60 to 70 thousand rubles.

However, remember that you will also have monthly expenses, which will include employee salaries, rent of premises, and purchase of necessary raw materials. One serving finished product costs on average 100 rubles. During a shift, most likely, you will be able to sell about 50-60 servings. That is, daily revenue will be 5-6 thousand rubles. The cost of each portion is 1.8 rubles.

You also need to take into account that you will have to pay monthly salaries to employees and pay rent for the premises. In total, it turns out that in warm weather (about 5 months a year), minus cloudy, rainy days, your monthly income will be about 30 thousand rubles.

Equipment for the production of cotton candy

The very first machine for creating this tasty product in the CIS countries was produced by the Belarusian company Torgmash. It was her Focus device. Despite the fact that it was created quite a long time ago, even today it is considered one of the most popular and high-quality.

It has a white catcher made of durable aluminum with a diameter of approximately 66 cm. Main feature This unit is due to the fact that here the sugar is heated not on a spiral, but on a special ring heating element. Thus, the device is reliable. In addition, there are also comfortable handles, an electronic adjustment regulator, a protection system, and locks.

If you trust foreign technology more, then you should pay attention to the products of Gold Metal. It is characterized by high strength, reliability, and good performance characteristics. Also particularly popular is the Econo Floss model, which is characterized by its small size, but at the same time quite high performance. It is capable of processing from 3.6 to 4.5 kg of sugar per hour, which is considered a fairly good indicator. The price of such a device is from 35 thousand rubles, which is an economical option.

Want even higher productivity? Then you should buy the Tornado model. It is produced in the USA. With its help you can cook from 5.4 to 8.5 kg of cotton candy in an hour. This device in Russia costs about 100 thousand rubles and is considered one of the most expensive.

Today it is one of the most popular delicacies for adults and children, and its production can be very profitable business for those who are interested in this.

If you have a question, how to do cotton candy, then, first of all, you need to understand what kind of product it is and become familiar with the main technological aspects of its manufacture. So, cotton candy represents the finest sugar threads, which are obtained from preheated to a temperature of 180-200 degrees granulated sugar. Threads are formed from molten raw materials under the influence of centrifugal force. To add vitamin value, improve the taste and appearance of the product, fortified natural additives and dyes are applied to the cooled fibers by spraying. Currently exists large number such additives that allow the production of cotton candy with a wide variety of tastes.

The most common is the production of roll-type cotton wool, in which the fibers are wound on a plastic or wooden stick, or in the form of rolls they are laid in layers in special containers. This is the kind of product that is familiar to consumers and is widely available on sale.

Basic equipment to carry out all of the above technological processes are special machines for cotton candy. The basis of their design is a metal box on which a bowl made of stainless steel for collecting sugar threads. To protect against product loss, most manufacturers equip the bowls with a special protective mesh or plastic cap. Such devices operate from electrical network, with a rated voltage of 220V. It takes about 1 minute to warm them up to start working, and about 15-30 seconds to make one portion of cotton wool. Sugar consumption averages about 20 grams per serving. The operator’s actions do not require special preparation and boil down to pouring the required amount of raw materials into a container and, after time, assembling the finished dessert.

Today there is a wide variety of production equipment on the market. cotton candy, both from domestic and imported manufacturers. AIRHOT devices, presented in several modifications, have recently gained the most popularity. different performance. They are valued for their relatively low cost, as well as their compact, lightweight and portable design. STARFOOD equipment has similar advantages. The line of these devices is considered very economical and quickly pays for itself in the process. Upon request and depending on the expected production volumes, you can purchase units made in a tabletop or floor-mounted version, as well as equipped with a trolley. Carts, protective nets and plastic domes of various diameters are also available for sale separately.

For many people spending time in the park, cinema or on the beach, cotton candy and popcorn are indispensable attributes of relaxation. Business for the production of cotton candy: equipment, technology, reviews of entrepreneurs about this field of activity.

Description of technology

Cotton candy is produced by heating sugar in a special unit until it becomes airy threads, which are wound on a stick in the form of a cloud. By adding food coloring and flavoring, colorful cotton candy is produced.

The cotton candy production machine consists of a rotating drum with a container in the middle and a heating element underneath. Sugar is poured into the central part, melted and thrown into the bowl in thin threads under the influence of air circulation.

The seller collects the sweet substance on a stick in layers until the desired volume is obtained. Heating is carried out by a gas burner, rotation is provided by a small electric motor.

Cotton candy is made directly in front of the buyer or sold in packaging, formed mainly on a stick, and sometimes wrapped in thin pita bread.

In addition, cotton candy has recently appeared from automatic machines, where the process is completely controlled by the machine; you just need to put in the money.

Business Features

Like any business, cotton candy production has its pros and cons.


  1. Small size starting capital to start the project.
  2. A simple manufacturing technology that even an untrained person can handle.
  3. Small area for a retail outlet, which means savings on rent.
  4. Mobile equipment and the ability to quickly change location.
  5. Low cost and high profitability.


  • High level of competition.
  • Seasonality of business. Peak business activity falls during the summer months.
  • It is difficult to find a successful profitable place.
  • It is almost impossible to meet all the requirements for the design of a point catering.
  • Cotton candy production requires dry air.

You won’t be able to earn a lot of money solely by making cotton candy, but this is an excellent option for those with small capital with a 100% guarantee quick payback invested funds.

Download ready business plan production of cotton candy is possible.


Often, budding entrepreneurs do not register with supervisory authorities business on cotton candy, and they sell sweets at their own peril and risk. But if you plan to conduct business on an ongoing basis, then it is better to formalize everything according to the law.

The best option for the business organizer is to register an individual entrepreneurship with payment of taxes according to the simplified system or UTII. Registration takes several days and costs about 1000 rubles.

Since the sale of cotton candy relates to the catering industry, you must obtain the following documents:

  1. Permission to conduct activities, for which you need to have certificates of conformity for equipment and raw materials.
  2. Conclusion of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Station.
  3. Medical book for the employee point of sale.

If the implementation is carried out on outdoors, then to comply with hygiene standards, you need to install an awning or tent over the equipment to prevent dirt from getting into the food.


If there are two options for doing business - outdoors or indoors. In the first case, places for recreation and entertainment are selected:

  • parks;
  • zoos;
  • city ​​squares;
  • children's towns;
  • beaches.

Finding an empty niche will most likely be problematic, since cotton candy as a business is a very popular endeavor. In addition, you need to think about how to connect electricity and where to put the equipment away when not in use. working hours.

If you install the device indoors, you should focus on the following establishments:

  1. Shopping and entertainment centers.
  2. Circuses.
  3. Planetariums.
  4. Cinemas.

In this case, there will be no problems with electricity, water supply and property protection. The procedure for obtaining permits from supervisory authorities is also simplified.

To equip a retail outlet, 3 square meters is enough. m of area, so it can be placed almost anywhere in the selected complex. The main thing is to have a strong ventilation system to maintain low humidity, which is important in the production of cotton candy.

When making a decision in favor of street or indoor trading, you need to remember the seasonality of open-air business.

The list of necessary equipment for selling cotton candy is small:

  • production machine;
  • tent for street sales;
  • trolley for mobile trade;
  • generator in case of absence direct connection to power supply.

Devices for making cotton wool are made in Russia, America, Korea, China, and Taiwan. The most affordable ones are produced in Russia and Ukraine, the most multifunctional and expensive are produced in the USA.

The design of the machine is simple, and a person with certain skills can assemble it independently. Choice specific model depends on the financial capabilities of the entrepreneur: the cost varies from 3,000 rubles. up to 130,000 rub.

There are devices on the market with built-in music and lighting; these additional elements attract the attention of buyers.

Raw materials

To make cotton candy, regular sugar (beet or cane) is used. To diversify the assortment, sugar is painted in different colors and flavors are added. Multi-colored cotton wool is used to create three-dimensional edible shapes, animals and flowers.

It takes 1-2 teaspoons of sugar (7-15 grams) to make one average portion of the product. In order to sell 100 pieces of sweets per day, you will need to purchase 1.5 kg of raw materials.

In addition, the seller needs a protective uniform and gas to refill the gas burner.


The simplest, most reliable and economical way to run a business is for the entrepreneur to do everything on his own, including selling products. At first, this is exactly what you should do, until the investment pays off and net profit begins to flow.

Then you can hire a salesperson for a small rate, but pay a bonus or a percentage of sales for the additional revenue received. This encourages the employee not to just stand and wait for customers, but to take a creative approach to attracting customers.

To make cotton candy, no special knowledge or skills are required, so cheerful, sociable teenagers and students can handle this work.


For this, it is worth learning yourself and training the seller to make figurines, flowers, cartoon characters out of cotton wool, and turn the usual process of winding sugar threads onto a stick into an exciting performance. Financial costs will be minimal - consumed sugar and time for training.

Although cotton candy itself is a powerful magnet for customers, especially young ones, it would be useful to increase the attractiveness of the outlet with the help of balloons, music and other bright paraphernalia.

In addition, you can expand the assortment with products from the same range - popcorn, caramel, chocolate, sweet drinks.

Financial calculations

To determine the profitability of cotton candy trading, the business plan includes the calculation of starting investments, current expenses and planned income. It is planned to conduct a stationary business in a city park for six months - from May to October, and in the cold season to take part in public holidays and festivals.

Starting investments in a business project will be:

Name of expenses Amount, rub.
1 Cotton candy making machine 25 000
2 Site rental, 3 sq. m. 18 000
3 Canopy and tent 15 000
4 Generator 20 000
5 Legal registration and permits 5 000
6 Sugar, 50 kg 1 500
7 Sticks, 1000 pcs. 1 000
8 Dyes and flavors 1 500
9 Transport costs 5 000
10 Advertising 2 000
11 Other expenses 5 000
Total 99 000

Current expenses of activities using hired labor, per month:

Name of expenses Amount, rub.
1 Site rental, 3 sq. .m 18 000
2 Sugar, 50 kg 1 500
3 Sticks, 1000 pcs. 1 000
4 Dyes and flavors 1 500
5 Transport costs 1 000
6 Salesperson salary 15 000
7 Taxes 12 000
8 Other expenses 5 000
Total 55 000

Business income depends on many components - weather, holidays and weekends, successful choice of location, advertising. There are approximately 20 working days per month, of which 8 are general holidays, with the highest revenue. Based on the fact that 1000 servings of cotton candy are sold monthly at 100 rubles, the income is 100,000 rubles, the profit is 45,000 rubles. Investments in business will pay off in less than 3 months.

Video: cotton candy business.

These are very good indicators in the field of sales, entertainment and catering, as evidenced by reviews from entrepreneurs:

“In the summer, a classmate and I pooled together to buy a mobile cart for selling cotton candy. We tried standing in different places for several weeks until we found good point. In 3 months, we earned back all the money, earned ourselves enough to buy new phones and still have some left to live on. Great business!” - Nikolai.

“I made my first money from cotton candy. You could say it's easy money. The business is practically hassle-free, the costs are meager. The main thing is to learn how to handle the machine correctly, not to overheat the sugar, and to be friendly with customers” - Alexander.

“I organized several points selling cotton candy and popcorn in my city. Then he added balloons, ice cream and various sweets to the assortment. The income is very decent, even when working part-time” – Kirill.

Is the cotton candy business profitable and where should you start opening your own business? Most beginning businessmen choose the most common directions. Such a business is initially doomed to failure. In most cases this grocery stores, cafe fast food. These are the most complex types of business, characterized by a high level of competition and only at first glance seem simple and understandable. Need to have big ones financial possibilities, obtain a significant amount of permitting documentation, be able to choose the right location for a future enterprise and invest in the purchase of goods.

It is best to choose a simpler direction, for example, selling cotton candy. To open such a business, no special knowledge is required, just a desire to learn and understand all the problems that may await you when running a business. Cotton candy is sold in many cultural and entertainment establishments, so search ready-made business there will be no problems with the plan. However, the best option is to carry out all the calculations yourself, since many indicators will depend on the location of the outlet, the personal qualities of the business organizer and the abilities of the sellers. The return on the initial investment occurs almost instantly. You can start receiving high income on the first day of operation of your location.

If you maintain the proper sales volume, your initial investment will pay off within a month, after which you will receive net profit. If you are an aspiring entrepreneur, cotton candy business is an ideal option for you. Naturally, certain difficulties occur in any business, so you should not take running a business lightly. Learn to deal with problems as they arise.

How to organize your own business selling cotton candy

Selling cotton candy is practically no different from selling other goods; you need to have individual approach to every buyer. You can organize a stationary retail outlet or purchase mobile equipment for the production of cotton candy. In the first case, you need to take a responsible approach to choosing a location, because your profit will depend on its trafficability. You can open a retail outlet of this type in a cultural park, zoo, or shopping center. Special attention attention should be paid to the design of the counter and the quality of the products produced.

Since most of your customers will be children, come up with an interesting, memorable name and place a colorful sign. Use various materials (metal, plastic, wood) painted in bright colors in the design. The seller must keep workplace clean, because customers will refuse to buy at the sight of dirty counters. In large areas it is better to use a cart with the company logo. You will be able to move your outlet between parks, shopping centers and zoos, increasing sales volume and, accordingly, own income. Many people buy cotton candy more than once, but not everyone wants to come back for it, so it will be very good if your outlet is always nearby.

Equipment for the production of cotton candy

The basis for the success of such a business is high-quality equipment for the production of cotton candy. The best option is to purchase a machine that will produce high-quality and attractive products for a long time. Such a machine for making cotton candy is not cheap; not every novice entrepreneur can buy it. If you have special knowledge, you can assemble the equipment yourself; fortunately, you can now find many assembly instructions. The process itself is not complicated, but this approach can lead to unpleasant consequences. You can make a non-working cotton candy making machine. In addition, you will spend extra time and money that could be spent on purchasing normal equipment, and you will lose part of the profit.

It is best to purchase equipment made in America, where cotton candy has been manufactured for several decades and is very popular. Such a machine is capable of producing up to 500 servings of this delicacy per hour and ensuring the desired profitability of the business. There will be no queues even with a large flow of people wanting to eat the sweet delicacy.

Preparation of documents for opening a retail outlet selling cotton candy

Organization of any direction commercial activities starts with registration in tax office, PF, etc. But, before tackling this issue, you must choose a legal form for your business.

Registration of an individual entrepreneur is cheaper than paperwork for legal entity. For an individual entrepreneur it's much easier to use cash in cash, he does not need a legal address and authorized capital. On the other hand, if you have partners or your business project involves not only the sale of cotton candy, but also other areas of activity, then it is better to draw up LLC documents.

The procedure for preparing all documents necessary for trading cotton wool includes:

  • registration with the Federal Tax Service and statistical authorities;
  • registration with the Pension Fund, social and health insurance funds;
  • obtaining a trade permit (from the city administration);
  • paperwork at the SES;
  • obtaining a quality certificate.

To register with the tax office you need to choose from all-Russian classifier code that matches your business. Trade in cotton candy falls into the group with OKVED 54.24.22. Be sure to check the availability of medical books from your sellers.

In addition to all the above documents, you no additional permissions or licenses required.

Taxation regime for a retail outlet selling cotton candy

Experienced businessmen recommend, even at the stage of preparing papers for registering an individual entrepreneur or LLC, to write an application about choosing a taxation system. Ignoring this issue ends with the beginning entrepreneur falling into the category of business representatives who pay taxes on general principles. These are unnecessary expenses and additional “paper” work, for which you will have to hire an accountant.

To operate a retail outlet selling cotton candy, you can choose UTII, but only if local authorities The authorities allow the use of this taxation regime for this area of ​​commercial activity.

An alternative option is a simplified taxation system. It allows you to pay to the state treasury 15% of gross income or 6% of the difference between revenue and expenses (costs must be supported by documents).

Which raw material is better to choose?

When organizing a cotton candy business, you need to find a reliable supplier of raw materials.

Bad sugar significantly deteriorates the quality of the final product, which negatively affects business profitability.

Selling cotton candy requires the ability to make innovative decisions, stand out from the crowd and attract potential consumers. The client himself sees only the final product, so it must be attractive appearance. In most cases, cotton candy is wound on a regular wooden stick, but you can attract young customers by making a bright design for the holder. The cotton wool itself can be painted in bright colors, for example, you can make it multi-colored using 2 devices. Dyes and flavors are cheap, but the attractiveness of the product increases significantly.

How much can you earn from the production and sale of cotton candy?

Profitability is calculated based on the initial investment, ongoing expenses and monthly profit. Buying a compact device will cost you 50 thousand rubles. It is small in size and produces up to 400 portions of product per hour. For 100 thousand you can purchase equipment with twice the productivity. A package of food coloring will cost 500 rubles. As for sticks, it is better to purchase several types at once. Children prefer bright sticks with drawings, which cost about 1,000 rubles. for 1000 pieces, older people can make cotton wool on a plastic cocktail tube (500 rubles for 1000 pieces)

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Undoubtedly, the sale of cotton candy - profitable business. But in order for the business to bring a stable profit, it is necessary from the very beginning to choose the right device that suits you specifically. What aspects should you pay attention to first?

Country of origin

This is one of the most important criteria. After all, its price and very often quality will depend on where the device is manufactured. From us you can purchase machines for making cotton candy from the following countries:

  • Russia
  • United States of America,
  • China,

One of the most popular are devices from the USA: they are capable of performing large volumes of work in very little time. little time. The productivity of such machines, as a rule, ranges from 4.5 to 8.5 kilograms per hour (each model has its own productivity, this parameter can always be clarified on our website). Therefore, those who intend to service crowded parks and events often choose American products. Devices from Russia have also proven themselves to be of good quality; their output volume is from 3 to 5 kilograms per hour, but the quality of the cotton wool is slightly worse. But prices are significantly lower than American ones. Chinese and Taiwanese cars are also not very productive (up to 3 kilograms), but they can also boast of build quality and reasonable prices. Russian products with low output volumes, as well as similar goods from China and Taiwan, are in demand among small entrepreneurs.

Heating element

There are two types of heaters for melting sugar - and in the form of a spiral. The latter makes caramel much faster - in less than half a minute. But on the other hand, it gets dirty more quickly and breaks down much more often. Another advantage of a ring heater is that it only needs to be heated to remove any remaining sugar, but the coil needs to be washed at the very end of the work. Where there is a large flow of customers and there is a risk of large queues, heating element heaters are often used. Where the flow of customers is distributed fairly evenly throughout the day (for example, in shopping centers), and where the heating speed of the apparatus is important, it is better to use a spiral apparatus

Working head

There are two types of devices - with cotton wool dispensing at the top, like Chinese and Taiwanese models, and with side dispensing, like American ones. The top dispensing is very convenient, it allows you to roll out large beautiful portions, as well as make cotton wool in the shape of flowers and other shapes; even a beginner can work with such a machine. Also, with these machines the cotton wool usually turns out a little fluffier, but they also have a main drawback - they are not designed for high productivity and cannot cope with a large flow of people and huge queues. When severely overheated, these devices can often become clogged with unproduced sugar and even simply stop producing cotton wool. Another significant drawback is the long heating time, about 3 minutes, in some cases this can be critical. Devices with side dispensing, on the contrary, heat up quickly and are able to work for many hours in a row without interruptions, but preparing cotton wool with them is more difficult, especially if you wind large portions of cotton wool. But, nevertheless, it is precisely such devices that are considered professional and serve as a standard of quality throughout the world. At good locations with high traffic, for example, in circuses, zoos, and public events, they are used.

Thread catcher bowl

Here you should pay attention first of all to the material of the catcher: it is made either metal or plastic. Metal lasts longer, but increases the overall cost of the device. A plastic bowl is most often found on cheaper models, but it requires more careful handling, because... may be damaged during transportation. The recommended bowl diameter for ease of use is more than 50 centimeters if speed of maintenance is required.

Electricity consumption

The motor of cotton candy making machines runs on electricity and its power also plays an important role in the choice. If you have a small flow of customers, then you should not buy a high-power device that produces from 4 to 8, or even more kilograms of product per hour. The costs of its maintenance will be very high. In this case, it is best to purchase a machine up to 1.5 kilowatts, which will produce from 2 to 3 kilograms per hour.

Availability of additional accessories

On the one hand, these items seem insignificant, but it is impossible to do without them - for high-quality work, of course. For example, if you have a device with a side discharge of cotton wool, then you should equip it with a mesh with holders for stabilization. This element will allow the sugar threads to stick to the walls of the catcher and not fly out of the device. It is also important to have a lid on the bowl - it will protect the resulting cotton wool from dust, rain and insects and will help maintain the aesthetic appearance of the machine itself. When working outdoors, a protective dome is mandatory SES requirement. If you have a small device that needs to be moved frequently, then it can be equipped with a trolley. You can also install a portable hood to eliminate the smell of burnt sugar if the device is located in a shopping center.

What equipment do we offer?

On our website you can order the following equipment:

  • for medium workload - Floss Boos and EX Breeze from Gold Medal;
  • for light load - EF-MF-03 and EF-MF-05 (Starfood), Twister-M (TTM), WY-MF03 (GASTRORAGE), CC-7E (ENIGMA);
  • for high productivity (up to 5 kg) - Focus M2 (TTM).

All details regarding equipment and order conditions can be found from consultants on our website. Leave your phone number and we will call you during business hours to discuss all issues.
