Using the display planner in Google AdWords (for advertising on the Display Network) and creating image ads. Using the display planner in Google Adwords (for advertising on the Display Network) and creating image ads Campaigns in

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Let's continue the topic successful work With . In previous articles in this section we managed to consider:

  1. In the first article, we also discussed the account organization scheme. We also learned what parts an advertisement consists of, what groups user requests are divided into, and how you can limit the display of ads when adding keywords (match type operators). Well, in the second half of the first article we talked about CTR and created our first advertising campaign (to display ads in a search engine).
  2. In the second article, we introduced the concept (they are not used in Direct) and went through all the stages of creating an effective ad. And, of course, the tools for selecting keywords in Google AdWord were not left without attention.
  3. In the third article, we finished exploring and completely focused on creating a campaign to display ads on the Display Network (Display Network). special attention on its differences from the previously created campaign for displaying ads in search results.

Today we will talk about working with a wonderful tool that has recently undergone significant changes and improvements in Adwords - display planner. KMN stands for contextual media network, which consists of websites, mobile applications and YouTube video hosting channels. It accumulates a huge audience, a significant part of which cannot be reached by focusing only on display advertisements in Google search results.

Today we will also look at the process of creating image ads (banners) for display on the same contextual media network. It is noteworthy that AdWords has built-in banner generator based on the content of the page you are advertising. Thus, you can, even without understanding anything about Photoshop and without spending money on a designer, create quite decent graphic ads to show them to your target audience in the Display Network. I hope it will be interesting.

Using the Display Planner in Google AdWords

In the last article, we have not yet finished the conversation about advertising on the contextual display network (GDN or GDN, in English), so let's continue it.

  1. The content of the Display Network includes platforms (sites) that have registered and passed moderation (verification) in Google Adsense. Those. they are completely autonomous and independent resources, associated with Google only by an agreement to place your advertisements on them.
  2. In addition, the CMS also includes mobile applications(usually distributed according to a shareware model and making money from displaying advertisements), where it is also possible to display context. These applications have only an indirect relation to Google and can be customized for different mobile platforms. In this case, the context is determined based on the topic of the application and its gender and age characteristics.
  3. Advertisements from AdWords can also be shown in video clips, for example on those owned by the same Google. Which ads to show in this particular video are decided based on the analysis of the data of this video (its title, description, tags, etc.).

KMS also has its own scheduler, which can be found approximately along the same path as the keyword planner we discussed in the second and third articles. To do this, you will need to select “Tools” - “Display Display Planner” from the top menu of your Google AdWords account:

In the previous article, we manually created a campaign to display ads on Display Network. The second way is to use a scheduler. Let's launch it.

In the display planner you can set targeting options(selecting a target audience to show your ads to).

  1. To do this, you can indicate the interests of your target audience (enter a key query, select a category or website topic)
  2. Or indicate the target (landing) page where links from your ads will lead, if such a page already exists. Then the system will automatically determine its topic, the key queries for which it is optimized, and the areas of interest of the users visiting it.
  3. You can use both targeting options together.

In the field (unlike a campaign created for display in the PS), you should not choose English (unless, of course, your audience is Russian-speaking), because here we are not talking about the language of the browser through which the user views your ads, but about the language of the site itself ( website or mobile application) participating in the Display Network network.

In the area you can select payment options: per click (this is typical for text ads) or for thousands of impressions (typical for banner advertising, which we will talk about below). Banner advertising mainly serves branding purposes (increasing brand awareness), but for now we are interested in sales (leads), so we will stick to the classics, i.e. pay per click.

After making the settings, click on the “Get options” button. A page will open with results of the display planner in Google AdWords, which will provide a lot of information (your eyes will run wild from the abundance of data). Let's start in order.

The left column partially repeats the settings made in the previous step (location and language), which you can adjust here. Just below you will be given the opportunity in the field, if you wish, to configure the display schedule depending on the day of the week and time of day (by default, this scheduler is turned off). It makes sense to create a schedule if you have a clear understanding of when it's best to run your ads.

Just below is the area "Filters", where you can configure the ad formats and sizes that you plan to run on the Display Network. This way, you will receive sites that are more accurately selected for you (which host the types of ads you need) and more accurately calculated statistics for assessing potential traffic from them.

Let's now move on to review.

Selecting ad groups in the AdWords display planner

Here information about the audience that Google has and that will be your target is presented and visualized in the form of graphs. The selection was made based on the data you specified in the settings.

Those. Google currently has approximately 10-50 million in its statistics, which correspond to the criteria we set in the Display Network Scheduler settings. Once caught in sight search engine the user receives a tag in his browser (a small text fragment called a cookie), by which he can always be identified.

The entries in these files (telling about which sites the user visited, what queries he typed in the PS, etc.) are precisely used to determine the interests of users (what topics are interesting to him and what ads to show him). Thus, Google is able to find tens of millions of users on the Internet who, to one degree or another, fall within the definition of our target audience. From the same cookies, the graphs shown slightly to the right are obtained by the gender of users (from the target audience) and by the type of device from which they access the Internet.

The Display Network Planner is exactly the same as the keyword planner we discussed earlier, can automatically create ad groups, which are shown in the main window just below. Moreover, he groups them according to different principles: by topic, by interest, by keywords and by placement (by platform, i.e. websites).

Within each group there is an already selected list: either key queries, or selected sites, or suitable topics or interests. You can see for yourself in more detail by clicking on the group heading in the table below. Naturally, all this will need to be carefully reviewed. For example, let's look at the selection by site:

For each of the proposed sites, Google Adwords will show data on the ad formats accepted for placement, the degree of relevance of this site to your criteria (even the subject of the site itself is taken into account, but the interest in our offer of the audience that visits this resource), as well as the price range for click (calculated for ads already placed previously on this site) and the approximate number of impressions of your ad per week.

If you are completely satisfied with some of the groups selected by AdWordsm, then you can add to plan(its window is located to the right). You can do this using the arrows in the last column. Groups already added to the plan will be marked with a green checkmark.

But adding entire groups is not at all necessary. You can systematically view them all and add only individual items to the plan (for example, websites, as shown in the example above). To do this, the arrows in the last column of the table are again used, and the results of the addition can be seen in real time in the “Plan” window.

On the tab, you will find a summary table of groups selected based on keywords that, according to Google AdWords, meet the criteria we specified when setting up the display planner. On the next tab you will find a user interest group. A little further you will be offered groups by topic (taken from a certain Google thematic directory).

Well, on the tab you will see the groups we have already mentioned, containing potential sites for placement (websites, mobile applications and those that suit you).

In general, there are quite a few ways to target an audience in the Display Network Planner (in this regard). When you add the groups or individual positions in groups you need to the plan (using the arrows in the last column), then on the right in the area "Plan" you will be able to visually assess what audience you can reach and the approximate number of impressions of your ads you will receive as a result:

To see a more accurate percentage of the gender and age groups of your target audience or the types of devices from which they access the Internet, just move your mouse cursor over these areas in the “Plan” field and you will see a pop-up window with detailed information. Well, the “View Plan” button located just below allows you to go to the final audit page a created plan for placing ads on the Display Network (Google AdWords Display Network).

The plan page only gives an estimate of how many times your ads will be viewed per week. is not given, but it can be estimated. Let’s take a CTR of one percent as a basis, and then we can expect to receive clicks from the shown number of views using a simple formula: divide the number of views by one hundred (i.e., from a hundred views we will get one click). You can see the maximum cost per click when viewing the content of groups, and then multiply this number by the possible number of clicks. As a result, we get the “ceiling” of the weekly budget of the future campaign in AdWords Display Network.

If the created plan fully satisfies your requirements, then you can safely click on the “Save to account” button located in the upper right corner.

The plan created in the Display Planner can be added to both a new and an existing campaign in your AdWords account. I chose the option to add to an existing campaign. At the same time, I was asked to select the one I needed from the list (in my example there is only one). I was warned about differences in language and geotargeting settings, and was also asked to assign maximum price per click used by default.

Next, you can go to the “Campaigns” tab from the top menu in your Adsense account and make sure that the desired campaign has new group for advertisements, just collected and transferred by us from the Display Network Scheduler:

Naturally, there won’t be any announcements for this group yet, so you can start creating them right away. To do this, just go to the “Ads” tab and click on the red button there (+Ad). I will not repeat myself, because we have already discussed this process more than once in previous articles in this section.

At all, using the display scheduler is a pretty correct approach - the main thing is to consciously use the variety of tools offered to select the right target audience for showing your ads to them. In this case, we “dance from the stove”, first outlining the circle of users interested in your services or products, and only then creating ads for them.

Creating Image Ads in Google AdWords

Actually, let's create an image ad just for the group that we just added using the Display Planner. To do this, go to the “Ads” tab and click on the corresponding button, selecting the option from the drop-down list:

As a result, a pop-up window will open with a screenshot of your website, or rather the page that you are going to advertise in Google Adwords. If desired, you can change it by editing the URL at the top of this window:

Now you can safely click on the “Create ad” button located below. The process of scanning the desired page of your website will begin, tearing out text and graphic blocks, based on which Google AdWords itself will fully automatic mode will create many ready-made options, which will correlate remarkably well with the design and content of the promoted page. True, first you are asked to choose only a suitable layout:

And you can see what banners of different sizes created on the basis of these layouts will look like by clicking on the link located under each layout. If the layout satisfies you, but you would like to correct something in it, then all you need to do is move the mouse cursor to it and click on the button. As a result, a rather sophisticated editor window will open:

Here you can select the banner format at the top that will be displayed in the example, and using the left column of tools you can change the banner title, add a description to it, replace the logo, as well as the inscription and color of the button. You can also work some magic on the background colors, and add animation if you wish using the button located at the top. The main thing is that everything is concise - the headings are not too long and to the point, and the colors are not too pretentious.

All changes made can be seen in real time in the example picture on the right. After finishing the process of perfecting your image ad in the Google AdWords editor, it doesn’t hurt to click on the “Done” button. The edited layout will immediately appear in yours (the button in its lower right corner will be highlighted in green), after which you can scroll the page with layouts up to the end and use the button located on the right.

As a result, on the “Ads” tab you will receive thirteen options for banners of the most popular sizes, which were automatically created by AdWords based on the layout you selected and modified.

All created image ads can be viewed in full size using the link of the same name located below. It is likely that not all of them will look perfect. In this case, the CTR may drop due to empty impressions of the unsuccessful banner. In this case, you can either return to editing, or simply, in your opinion, image ad formats. This can be done from the green dot drop-down menu in the second column:

If you yourself are good at Photoshop and have an idea about design, and also if you want to use banners created by the professional designers you contacted, then you can upload your own image ads by selecting not the “Create ad” button in the second screenshot in this chapter, but located next to it "Load ad".

On the page that opens, in addition to actually uploading the image for your banner, you will also need to add a visible and target URL (of the page of your site that will be advertised):

After launching the campaign, the image ads you create will be shown on sites that are part of the Google Display Network (added by their owners to Google Adsense). Which ones exactly? In this example, we selected the target audience using the Display Network Planner, but on the “Display Network” tab for this ad group you can set additional conditions for targeting using the button of the same name with a plus sign in front (it will be highlighted in red).

In general, of course, the CCM scheduler has very seriously expanded its capabilities recently and has become almost the ideal tool for targeting the ones you need target audience among visitors to sites included in the contextual media network. It happens that the audience available in the Display Network is not available at all in search, so advertising on these sites is in demand.

In addition, retargeting is very often used in Display Networks, i.e. showing ads to an audience that we ourselves can gather. For example, you can use retargeting to set up ads to be displayed only to those users who have visited your website at least once. But retargeting and remarketing is a topic for another discussion, and for today, I think there will be enough information. See you on the pages of the section.

Click on the plus:

Type - “Contextual Media Network”:

Once you select a target, the range of options for further customization narrows. If you need all the features that AdWords has to offer, click on the option without specifying a goal:

If your account has had at least 50 display conversions in the last 30 days, another option will appear - . In it, the system automatically selects targeting, manages bids and collects ads.

Choose standard. We skip the website - we will indicate it when creating ads. Click “Continue” and get to the campaign settings.

Note. Alternatively, you can combine search and Display Network - create without a goal and leave a checkmark for Display Network in the network settings.

Disadvantage: this will significantly narrow the available functionality. We only create ads. The system decides where to show them and at the same time tries not to spend a large budget on the Display Network.

Plus: This is an opportunity to run a test campaign to see which sites Google selects and use them in a real campaign.

Algorithm for setting up an advertising campaign in Google Display Network

1) Title

We include or exclude places from displays:

Another way: click “Advanced search”, indicate a point on the map and a radius to reach the specific audience that falls within it:

For more information on how to set up hyperlocal targeting on Google, see this article:

Adding the languages ​​of content for display sites. For Russia, this is, at a minimum, Russian and English:

4) Bets

Choosing a strategy:

The default strategy is “Manual CPC”. It allows you to set any rates and change them at any time, and therefore is suitable for launching a new campaign.

What options are still available and in what cases should they be used?

  • Target CPA is an automatic strategy. For it to work, you need to accumulate enough statistics on conversions (from 30 conversions in 30 days);
  • Target ROI for advertising – for online stores;
  • Maximum number of clicks - if you are only interested in clicks, not conversions;
  • Cost per thousand impressions in the visible area of ​​​​the screen - for branded media campaigns, the goal of which is to introduce a new product to the market and increase awareness.

5) Budget

For display media, it is better to choose a standard impression method so that the system distributes it itself.

6) Additional settings

  • Rotation

The first 2 types are available in the updated interface (the last 2 are inactive):

The default is the first one - and it’s better to leave it. For each group, we create several advertisements, and the system selects the most effective one for a specific auction.

With the second option, ads are shown at the same frequency.

  • Ad display schedule

  • Devices

We turn off mobile Internet if the mobile audience is not a target for us or the site version is not adapted for mobile.

  • Frequency cap

When the campaign works, you can change the number of impressions to 4-5.

  • Location option

We choose depending on the coverage and audience we need. The last two options are for excluding these categories.

  • Campaign URL Parameters

Important! After any changes - including labels - the new version replaces the old one. As a result, the old ad along with all statistics on it is deleted.

To prevent this from happening, it is better to add a tag through a tracking template.

  • Excluded Content

Create ad groups

Setting up targeting

We choose the characteristics by which we will target the audience: who our target audience is (audience targeting) or where it can be found on the Internet (contextual targeting).

User targeting

The following options are available on Google:

You can create a special audience and independently set what interests the system should focus on:

  • Intentions

Unlike the previous one, Google does not simply select users according to the parameters that you specify, but analyzes the entire chain of their behavior.

A simple way is to mark the category in which potential customers indicate readiness to buy:

A more accurate way is to add keywords and sites related to products that interest the audience. Google will target these:

For example, if a user’s search query history starts with the colder “entrance doors, how to choose”, “entrance doors catalogue” and ends with the hotter ones “buy entrance doors to an apartment in Perm”, this is the target user. The system includes it in this targeting.

Demographic characteristics

They are in a separate menu:

Content targeting

  • Keywords

This type takes into account how users search for a product on the Internet - by name, problems that it solves, or other interests of the target audience (visited resources).

We put “Content” - this guarantees a more accurate fit into the site’s themes and, therefore, more accurate targeting of the audience.

  • Topics:

We choose the theme of the sites (by product, industry or topics that interest the target audience on the Internet):

  • Placements

Targeting intersection

For more precise targeting, you can combine types of targeting by users and content in any combination: interests * keywords, intents * keywords, interests * placements, interests * topics, etc.

This narrows the reach but provides targeted users. Therefore, we separately set up a combination of targeting for each ad group.

Ad group bid

Specify the rate:

It is assigned by default to all targeting that we have added to the current group. In display networks, it is better to start with low bids and constantly monitor changes in impressions.

Display Network Google Adwords provides a good flow of traffic, but to run a profitable campaign on this site you need to know its nuances and be able to use this knowledge. In this article we will look at step-by-step setup advertising in KMS, and techniques that allow you not to waste your budget without return.

Google updated appearance and some functions of the Adwords account, and I will show all the actions in the new interface.

How to set up Google Adwords Display Network.

In the presented list of types, select “Display Network”

At the next step, you need to note the goal of the campaign - some differences in the settings and functions of automatic advertising optimization in the display network depend on your choice.

To attract visitors to the landing page during traffic arbitrage best option— “Website traffic”, subtype — “Standard”, if you are not going to show ads specifically to Google mail users in the interfaces of their email accounts.

Click “Continue”, in a new tab we write the name of the campaign for our own understanding - for example, I advertise watches, for the convenience of analyzing statistics and optimizing, I create several campaigns with different geography of impressions, and I call one of them “Seiko Watches, KMS, Moscow, St. Petersburg” .

Below you can set up geotargeting - you can specify the country, or you can specify the region, narrowing it down to the target if your offer is aimed at users of a specific place of residence

The next point is the language in which your audience communicates. There is nothing smart here - mark the ones you need, usually “Russian” is enough.

In strategies we have a choice of two betting options:

  • in automatic mode with cost-per-click optimization;
  • V manual control— You set the bid yourself and adjust it based on statistics during the campaign promotion process.

In auto mode, the system will achieve results at the optimal cost per click, based on the specified strategy - what more do you want to get from advertising in the Google Adwords display network:

  • landing page conversions;
  • ad clicks;
  • showing your offer to users.

For the first item on the list, you need to connect Google Analytics to the landing page, set up conversion goals, indicate their cost, and link the statistics account to the advertising account. In this article I will skip detailed analysis launching a campaign for this strategy and for now let's move on to the next one.

To get the maximum number of visitors to your landing page, you should use the second option - your ads will be shown at the lowest possible cost per click on sites with audiences similar in interests and other Google data to users who have already clicked on your ads.

One of the disadvantages of this strategy is that the quantity of traffic is not its quality and a high click-through rate can produce many curious visitors with low conversion on the sales side, which will make the campaign unprofitable.

Here it all comes down to the question of how accurately Google identifies user interests. The answer is - as luck would have it.

More than half of the topics on the list do not interest me in any way, but Google, based on this data, will show me unnecessary ads, and I can click on them only out of curiosity, but not for the purpose of making a purchase.

Now let’s consider a method that allows you to conduct the most targeted, and therefore profitable, advertising campaign on the display network for the target audience.

How to be in the black in KMS.

Price per 1000 impressions - p When this rate is set, GA will begin to select sites relevant to the offer for placing ads and strive to display your advertisement to the largest number of potentially interested audiences.

But we will not rely on Google’s selection algorithms, but will filter sites manually. To do this, open Adwords in the next tab again, click on the key in the upper right corner and go to the old account interface - in new version the required functionality is missing.

Here we go to “Tools” - “Display Display Planner” - “Find new ideas for optimizing targeting.”

We enter several options for high-frequency key phrases for the offer, indicate the country and language and click “Get options”

In the tab that opens, we are interested in the sites on which Adwords plans to place our ads. To do this, click on the buttons one by one, as in the screenshot, and in the left column we will see a footcloth with partner sites that Google has identified as relevant to the keys.

Now it’s time to work manually - copy the addresses in order from above, open the sites in the browser and check for relevance and the possible presence of potential buyers. We save the URLs of all suitable sites in some file, in the planner we click “Specify bid and budget”, where we are interested in one indicator - the predicted CTR.

All data in this tab is average for the hospital and is needed only as a guide. In my example, the click-through rate is 28% with a click price of 18.63 rubles, but in reality, the CTR will definitely be at least three to four times higher, and the click will be cheaper.

We close the parallel tab with the Adwords planner, in the campaign settings we write a daily budget based on allowable monthly expenses, the “standard” display method is a uniform rollout throughout the day, since it is not known what time will be the most converting.

Ad groups in Display Network.

We enter the addresses copied from the planner one by one, we are given hints of relevant sites, we also check them for the presence of target audience and mark the appropriate ones

We add all the advertising display locations targeted for our offer, then check “without automatic targeting”, indicate any cost per thousand impressions and click “Create campaign”

The next step is creating ads.

What does the chosen strategy provide in the display network?

On the Display Network huge amount partner sites on various topics. But in addition to thematic ones, there are sites and services here general purpose- for example, I use an online image compressor, where I am shown ads that Google has found interesting for me.

But Google is wrong on my behalf - I don’t care, I won’t click, and the ads will give the person who posted them bad statistics.

When manually selecting sites, advertising will only appear where our audience is located. This will increase the CTR to at least 2-3%, accordingly, the cost per click will decrease, and the conversion of the landing page will be higher and sufficient for profitability.

After collecting the necessary statistics, it makes sense to create separate campaign to sites with the highest click-through rate - this will give the cheapest visitors to the landing page. Otherwise, sites with low CTR will push the overall rate down, and the cost per click of all advertising in the Display Network up.

Some experts forget that the reach of the Display Network is not just large, but incredibly large. If the search situation is limited by the statistical number of search queries, then in the Display Network there are no such restrictions.

"Display Display Campaign Planner" is a free tool that helps predict the amount of traffic and selects the most effective ones targeting settings and also allows you to quickly upload them to your AdWords account.

Practical Application

In order to start working with the scheduler, you need to log into your account and click on Tools

Rice. 1 – Tools in Google AdWords

After that, we find ourselves in the targeting configuration selection menu, select the very first option: “Find new ideas for optimizing targeting - by keyword, site or category”

Fig 2. Selecting the “Scheduler” configuration

Rice. 3 – Targeting configuration

When you click on the block with filters, you can select ad formats, and calculations will be made based on them. Within this filter, you can select only those ad formats that you need.

Rice. 4 – Ad formats for calculation

The generated forecast will be displayed on the page that opens. Now you can begin to analyze the calculated placement options, study the proposed sites and targeting.

Rice. 5 – Main menu of the “KMS Scheduler”

In the highlighted block on the left, you can change settings if you did not specify them when creating the list of ad groups.

1) On the Ad group options tab - groups with general settings, which were selected and automatically broken down by the planner (keywords, demographics, interests, topics, placements)

2) On the Custom Targeting Settings tab – you can configure targeting as you wish (keywords, demographics, interests, topics)

3) To the right of the table is a field - plan. To add the desired group ads or targeting settings option, click on the link in the right column.

Fig. 6 – Selecting targeting parameters

The phrase or group will be added to the plan, then the calculation will be performed and a preliminary forecast will be displayed.

Rice. 7 – Preliminary calculation

Rice. 8 – Placements

It is important to understand that successful display campaigns are campaigns that use various targeting methods with overlap. The most effective, proven in practice: keywords + interests, keywords + topics, direct targeting of placements, interests + topics + demographics.

You can more clearly see the forecasts for our chosen methods of placement on the Display Network in graphs with budgets and the number of clicks. To do this, click on the “Specify rate and budget” button. Set daily budget limits if necessary.

Rice. 9. – Example of a generated forecast

Generated forecasts can be saved in your account and downloaded in the form of tables.

In conclusion, I would like to say that the KMS scheduler not only allows you to get an approximate forecast, but also makes it much easier to configure advertising campaign. Especially the selection of thematic platforms for certain placement formats!
