Presentation on the topic of nursing. Presentation on the topic "the profession of a nurse." Solving a situational problem

State Budgetary Educational Institution “Medical College of the Ministry of Health and Demographic Policy of the Magadan Region” Project name: The most humane profession Project nomination: “My profession is my future” Completed by: first-year student of the nursing department Lyusana Vladimirovna Aleksandrova Supervisor: Elena Arnoldovna Zolenko, Magadan, 2015

There is no point in arguing about how necessary, important and wonderful the nursing profession is. Soulfulness, emotional culture, the ability to perceive the experiences of your neighbor, education in responsibility, a sincere understanding of your duty to other people, the awareness that only you and it is you who can and should help a sick person find the fullness of existence, that is, become healthy - these are moral indicators necessary, in my opinion, for people who choose this profession.

In the past she was called a sister of mercy. In the days of terrible epidemics and wars, sometimes with one word they could relieve the pain of those suffering, console them and give hope for recovery. Under the nurse's gentle voice, even the most painful injection is unnoticeable, and the bitter medicine does not seem so bitter. The history of caring for the sick and wounded in Rus' began in the era of Peter I (1803)

But it was the Englishwoman Florence Nightingale who, during the days of the Crimean Company, organized an ambulance squad, which included nuns, sisters of mercy, 38 people in total. Today, May 12, her birthday, nurses from all countries celebrate their professional holiday- International Day nurse.

The profession of kindness and mercy The peculiarities of the nursing profession include the fact that many people in this specialty not only give injections and measure blood pressure, but also morally support the patient in difficult times. After all, even the most strong man When sick, one becomes defenseless and vulnerable. And a kind word can work wonders.

This profession is incredibly relevant and in demand. The geography of possible work is extensive: small district hospitals, clinics, dispensaries and large medical centers, sanatoriums, all kinds of recreation centers, educational institutions, large public and private organizations, enterprises.

In order to work as a nurse, you need to complete a professional educational medical institution, college. A nurse can improve her qualifications through courses. It is possible to earn a bachelor's degree in nursing by graduating from medical school.

True specialists can only grow from people who, at the beginning of their training, have already gone through a fairly serious school of self-education and have not lost their humanity in the storms of experiences, but have strengthened their own spirituality; They did not become callous, did not close themselves off from human suffering, but became stronger and more confident in their own abilities, and learned to discipline themselves.

I believe that nursing is one of the noblest professions. In my work as a nurse, I am attracted by communication with people, because every day I will learn more and more, I will participate more in their fate, because they entrusted me with their health and life. People always treat medical workers specially, they value and respect them... In college, a world of knowledge and friendship opens up for me. I love my college, I’m glad that I study here and chose this wonderful profession - nursing!

For many, their student years are strongly associated with fun and joy. True, these joys from the very beginning of studying in higher education educational institution are complicated by a hectic school schedule that does not fit into the plans of young people.

Any attempts at independent living, initial steps in professional activities so exhaust the student that there is neither strength nor desire left to perform any type of resulting work. Furious pace educational activities does not make it possible to complete work such as a presentation on the subject “Nursing” on the scheduled date.

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Artyukova S.I. – Candidate of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor of the Department of Propaedeutics
childhood diseases and outpatient pediatrics

Learning Objectives:

a) know: organization of labor of average
medical personnel in medical
profile organizations, definition
functional responsibilities and optimal
algorithm for their implementation, the basics of medical
ethics and deontology in caring for
pediatric patients, moral and
legal responsibility of the average
medical worker.
b) have an idea: about the nursing process in
children's medical inpatient facility, about
features of nursing care for various

Lecture outline

Nursing process- definition of the concept.
History of the development of nursing in the world, in Russia.
Functions of a nurse:
providing nursing care
patient and nursing staff training
working as part of a team medical workers servicing
research activities
The main goals and objectives of nursing.
Ethical principles of nursing.
Functional responsibilities of a nurse (order No. 249 dated
08/19/1997, No. 176n dated 04/16/2008 “On the nomenclature of specialties
specialists with secondary medical and pharmaceutical education V
healthcare sector of the Russian Federation").
Job description of the ward nurse of the department
pediatric hospital.

Nursing is a multifaceted health discipline

Nursing -
multifaceted health discipline
Nursing is part of the system
health, science
and art, which
aimed at solving
existing and
problems concerning
public health in
conditions constantly
(1983, Golitsino - I
All-Russian Scientific and Practical
dedicated to theory

In 1818 The Institute of Compassionate Widows was created in Moscow

At hospitals they began
organize special
nursing courses. From this
time in Russia begins
special training
women's medical
personnel. Teaching was carried out
according to the textbook by H. Oppel. It was
first manual in Russian
language for special
care staff training
for the sick, which went out to
light in 1822 In this manual
for women physician assistants
for the first time the concept of
ethics and deontology
"care staff".

In St. Petersburg for care
for the wounded and
sick not only
points, but also in
military hospitals
Grand Duchess Elena
Pavlovna (sister
Emperor Nicholas 1)
at your own expense
established and
Holy Cross
community of sisters
mercy for
care for the wounded and
sick in wars.

N.I. Pirogov accepted the Grand Duchess’s offer to organize women’s care for the wounded and sick on the battlefield

In October 1855 V
Sevastopol N.I.Pirogov
for each category
Holy Cross
communities developed
activity instructions.

N.I. Pirogov and sisters
mercy in Crimea
the war began
International Society
Red Cross and
Red Crescent
Founder of the society
Henri Dunant with
with gratitude
admitted that "...
the existence of Red
We owe the cross
noble example
Grand Duchess Helena
Pavlovna in providing
helping wounded soldiers
during the Crimean
N.I. Pirogov among the sisters
Holy Cross
communities, 1855
(from the book by A.V. Voropai. N.I.
Pirogov and the Red Cross
movement. M., 1985)

Dasha Sevastopolskaya - first sister of mercy

Dasha Sevastopolskayafirst sister of mercy
Perhaps today she
could take a seat
Mother Teresa... True,
"mother" fighters
The Crimean War is not
could be called: Dasha
was then 18 years old. Someone
called her “daughter”, and
more often - “sister” or
- “sister.” Expiring
with blood the soldiers believed in
the miraculous power of these
girlish hands, on a whim
healing their wounds.
Dasha didn't save people
according to the duty of a physician, and according to
to the dictates of the heart,
driven by mercy

...At the beginning of September 1854, the girl Dasha from Korabelnaya
side of Sevastopol suddenly cut off her braids, changed into
sailor uniform, sold the house left by my parents, everything
your orphan property. In return she bought a horse with
a cart, a lot of blankets and white linen, bottles of vinegar
and wine. The neighbors thought she had lost her mind after
heavy feelings about her deceased father and decided to go
on all four sides. But the cart moved to the banks of the Alma,
to where one of the hardest battles of the Crimean War, Alminskoye, took place.

Dasha is like a bright angel, like the last hope.

This "carriage of grief" is like
nicknamed by the residents
Ship's side
cart "crazy"
orphans", became the first in
dressing history
point on the battlefield, and
Dasha herself is the first
nurse of mercy. Not
there were not enough doctors
vehicles for
delivery of the wounded to
hospitals, and they often
lay on the bare ground without
any help. To them
Dasha appeared as
bright angel like
last hope.

sailor's daughters
was shocked
the emperor himself
Nicholas I,
granted her
gold medal
with the inscription "For
diligence" on
tape for
wearing on

Dasha in a white scarf

Whitened with gray hair
veteran defenders
Sevastopol, among
which are two women
- Daria Mikhailova
(Khvorostova) and
Dressed up
old ladies with medals
breasts look in
lens, like
blessing the distant

Dasha's name
wears 3rd
there is one next to her
monument to the heroine.

Sisters of Mercy

Dasha's humanistic example ignited many
women's souls. Follow her to care for the wounded
other Sevastopol patriots - wives - took up
sisters and daughters of defense participants. Like Dasha,
gold medals “For zeal” on Vladimirskaya
The ribbon was awarded to the Kryzhanovsky sisters Ekaterina, Vassa and eleven-year-old
But all of them were not doctors, which were greatly needed
surgeon Nikolai Pirogov. And then he called
“use all your strength and knowledge for the benefit of the army
on the battlefield" nurses of the Holy Cross
community of St. Petersburg, created on the initiative and on
funds of Princess Elena Pavlovna Romanova, widow
younger brother of Emperor Nicholas I.
Already in November 1854 from the capital to Sevastopol
three detachments of sisters of mercy arrived. And with their help
Pirogov was able to restore order in hospitals in 12 days.

Women were not involved in providing medical care directly in the battlefields...

They only worked in
peacetime in hospitalshospitals. This was the first
experience in the world in attracting
trained nurses
mercy to work in
military field conditions.
The experience was very
successful thanks to them
good selection and
exceptionally talented
older sisters: A.P.
Stakhovich, Merkulova, E.M.
Bakunina, E.P. Kartseva,
E.A. Khitrovo.

Grand Duchess Elizaveta Feodorovna, monastic Martha, after 1909

Vel. book Elizabeth
Fedorovna (1864–1918),
sister of the last Russian
empress, dedicated
your life taking care of
the sick and the poor. In 1907
she founded in Moscow
Marfo-Mariinskaya monastery
sisters of mercy, in 1910
took tonsure.
The monastery contained
hospital, outpatient clinic,
shelter for girls, home for
consumptive women, house
cheap apartments for
students and workers,
free canteen and
Sunday school.

In 1912, a special medal was established - the highest award of the International Red Cross to nurses. "For the true

mercy and
caring for people
of all humanity"

1. An outline of the twenty-five-year activity of the Holy Cross Community of Sisters
mercy. St. Petersburg, 1879.
2. Pirogov N.I. Sevastopol letters and memories. M., 1950.
3. Posternak A.V. Essays on the history of communities of sisters of mercy. M., 2001.
Collection of letters from the sisters of the Holy Cross Community for the Care of the Wounded. St. Petersburg,
4. Charter of the Alekseevsky Society of Mercy on Assumption Island. St. Petersburg, 1903.
Statutes and rules of the communities of sisters of mercy of Vladychno-Pokrovskaya, Ekaterininskaya,
Ioanno-Ilyinskaya, Josephovskaya, Krestovozdvizheiskaya, Foundry parts,
Pokrovskaya, St. George. St. Petersburg, 1879. P. 130.
5. Annenkova E.A., Golikov Yu.P. Russian Oldenburgers and their palaces. St. Petersburg, 1997

Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) founder of modern nursing Notes on Nursing 1859

SD - “action on
use of the environment
patient environment for
promoting him
recovery”, and shown
its difference from medical practice.
F. Nightingale was absolutely
is convinced that “essentially
its nursing
profession is different from
medical activities and
requires special, excellent
from medical knowledge."

Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) founder of modern nursing. “Notes on leaving” 1859

Two main directions
nursing activities:
– nursing,
implying "help
suffering from illness -
live to the fullest
life that brings
- caring for healthy people,
"maintaining a person
such a state, with
where the disease is not
is coming."

Crimean War. The provision of competent nursing care for 2000 wounded allowed to reduce mortality from 42 to 2%.

Florence Nightingale (1820–1910) founder of modern nursing.

In 1883 Nightingale was awarded the Royal Red Cross and
in 1907 - the Order of Merit.
In 1912, the League of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent
(since November 1991 called the International Federation of Red Societies
Cross and Red Crescent) established a medal named after Florence
Nightingale, still the most honorable and highest award for the sisters
mercy all over the world.
On May 12, Florence Nightingale's birthday, the world celebrates International
nurse's day
In London there is the Florence Nightingale Museum, the exhibitions of which
exhibits are presented that clearly illustrate important
biographical and heroic pages of the life of this ascetic.
Several films and films have been made about the life and fate of Florence Nightingale.
documentaries. In 1951, the British film was released
historical film directed by Herbert Wilcox “The Lady with the Lamp”.
Films directed by Daryl Duke (1985) are also dedicated to F. Nightingale
and Norman Stone (2008).

Philosophy of Nursing

Basic principle of philosophy
nursing - respect for rights and
human dignity. It is not implemented
only in the work of a nurse with a patient, but also
in her collaboration with others

Paradigms in nursing philosophy: personality

The object of the nurse's activity
is the patient - a person as a totality
physiological, psychosocial and spiritual
needs, the satisfaction of which determines
growth, development and merging with the environment
Sister has to work with different
categories of patients. And for every patient
sister creates an atmosphere of respect
relationship to his present and past, to his
life values, customs and beliefs. She
takes the necessary security measures
patient if his health is in danger from
by employees or other people.

Paradigms in nursing philosophy: environment, health, nursing

The environment is seen as the most important
factor influencing life activity and
human health. It includes a collection
social, psychological and spiritual conditions, in
which human life takes place.
Health is seen as not an absence
diseases, but as a dynamic harmony of the individual with
environment, achieved through
Nursing is a science and an art,
aimed at solving existing problems,
related to human health in changing
environmental conditions.

Nursing solves the following problems:

Connecting professional and departmental efforts
By medical care population;
Carrying out work to ensure an increase
qualifications and professional skills of personnel;
Development and implementation of new technologies in the field
nursing care;
Providing advisory nursing care;
Providing a high level of medical information;
Conducting health education and
preventive work;
Carrying out research work in the field
Creating quality improvement standards that would
guided and helped evaluate performance results
Development and expansion of organizational and
management reserves for working with personnel.

Nurse's mission

Providing assistance
specific people
families and groups
people in achieving
them physical,
mental and
social health in
environmental conditions
their environment.

Code of Conduct for Nurses

promoting health,
disease prevention,
restoration of health,
relief of suffering.
In 1997, the Russian Association of Medical
nurses adopted the Medical Code of Ethics
sisters of Russia. Components of its content
principles and norms specify
moral guidelines in professional
nursing activities.

Nurse's appearance

Strict personal hygiene
(cut nails short, use
cosmetics should be moderate, not
there should be strong perfume smells,
tobacco, etc.);
The robe must be clean enough
long enough to cover completely
clothes, robe sleeves should
cover the sleeves of clothes;
Easy to put on under the robe
washable clothes, preferably from
cotton natural
Hair should be tucked under
Shoes should be easy to wash,
amenable to disinfection and
allowing you to move silently.

Nurse-doctor relationship:

Rudeness is unacceptable
disrespectful attitude in
Perform medical
appointments in a timely manner,
clearly and professionally;
Immediately inform your doctor about
sudden changes in
the patient's condition;
If there is any doubt about
execution process
medical prescriptions in
find out everything in a tactful manner
nuances with a doctor in absence

Nurses' relationships

among themselves:
Rudeness and
attitude towards colleagues;
Comments should
done tactfully and in
absence of the patient;
Experienced nurses
must share with
their young
In difficult situations
friend should help
to a friend.
with the younger one
medical staff:
mutual respect;
tactfully, unobtrusively
junior activity
medical staff;
Rudeness is unacceptable
It is unacceptable to do
comments in
presence of patients and

The nurse's relationship with the patient's relatives and loved ones:

Must be saved
restraint, calm
and tact;
For caregivers
seriously ill
explain the correctness
execution of procedures and
Chat only in
within its
competence (does not have
the right to talk about
symptoms, prognosis
diseases, but should
refer to a doctor
Answer questions
calmly, leisurely,
teach proper care
for the seriously ill.


The nurse is the first assistant in the treatment of the patient.
It is your duty to carry out medical prescriptions accurately and on time.
Attentiveness and participation in the patient’s suffering facilitates
his well-being. Treat the patient the way you would like
to be treated, respond immediately to every
a new complaint from the patient, not the slightest change in his
If the behavior and condition of the patient causes you concern,
concern about his condition, report it immediately
The word heals, the word hurts. Be restrained in conversations with
sick. Polite, attentive. Tell him about his health
only what is believed does not harm the psyche
Rest is one of the most important conditions for treating a patient.
Protect the medical-protective regime in every possible way in
Take care of your authority and the authority of the doctor in action
medical workers are half the success.


Be clean and tidy, smart and dressed in uniform,
the patient will be pleased to receive help from your hands.
8. Prevention is the basis of medicine, explain every day
hygiene rules and preventive measures for patients
9. Be attentive to the relatives of the sick. Manage them
inspire necessary requirements to do it your way
purpose, they did not harm the patient, by word or
prohibited drugs.
10. To consciously participate in the treatment of patients, you need
know a lot, constantly improve your medical knowledge.
11. A skillfully performed therapeutic manipulation eliminates
unnecessary illnesses, and sometimes from danger. Study well
own medical equipment.
12. Protect property, medicines, instruments,
which you are using. Reasonable savings allow those
the same means to provide assistance.

Reception duty.
Morning conference
Bed toilet control
Feeding patients breakfast
Distributing medicines to patients (patient
must take the medicine in the presence
Participation of the nurse in the doctor's rounds
Sanitary and hygienic services,

Day ward nurse work plan

A set of medications according to prescription sheets
Consultations of related specialists
Monitoring the toilet of bed patients.
Feeding the sick lunch
Distributing medicines to patients
Reconciliation of prescription sheets with doctors
A selection of prescriptions from medical records
Temperature measurement, work with the help desk
(receiving visitors to seriously ill patients, checking
all transfers for patients so that visitors do not
brought products prohibited by the rules).
Shift – transfer of duty.

Nursing Process, Definition, Benefits

process is a method
nurses who
applicable to any
areas of her work and
can be used
in various

Nursing process - the goal of the method

The purpose of the joint venture is to ensure
acceptable quality of life in
illness and health through
ensuring maximum
accessible to the patient
physical, psychosocial and
spiritual comfort, taking into account its
culture and spiritual values.

Stages of the nursing process

1. nursing examination;
2. nursing diagnosis, or
identification of patient problems;
3. care planning;
4. implementation of the care plan;
5. correction of care in case of
needs and assessment

1. Nursing examination

The purpose of the examination is to collect information about the condition
health of the patient at the time of seeking help.
The patient's condition is assessed according to the following data:
subjective (survey of the patient and his relatives)
objective (nursing examination)
additional (medical documentation)
The collected data is recorded in the nursing history
diseases in a certain form. Nursing history –
legal protocol - an independent document,
professional activity of a nurse within the framework of her

Nursing examination is independent, specific and cannot be replaced by a doctor's

Interview with the patient and his relatives:
patient's passport details;
doctor's diagnosis;
current complaints;
patient's medical history;
social information and living conditions,
allergy history, gynecological and
epidemiological history; description
pain, its location, nature,
intensity, duration, response to

physical data: height, body weight, swelling
(localization); facial expression, condition
consciousness; position in bed; state
skin and visible mucous membranes;
musculoskeletal system; temperature
bodies; respiratory system: respiratory rate,
breathing characteristics; BP, pulse;
natural functions; state
sense organs; memory; presence of prostheses;
ability to move; ability
eat, drink.

Objective examination or assessment of the patient's condition upon admission

GOST R 52623.1-2008 Technologies
performing simple medical

Technologies for performing simple medical services of functional examination

Who is involved in the service:
A specialist who has a standard diploma of completion
secondary vocational medical educational
institutions in the specialties: "Nursing", "General Medicine"
or "Midwifery"
Additional or special requirements for specialists and
support staff
Have the skills to perform this simple medical service
Requirements for ensuring medical occupational safety
Before and after the study, carry out hygienic
hand treatment
Conditions for performing a simple medical service
Outpatient clinics.
Functional purpose of a simple medical service

Features of the patient's informed consent when performing techniques

The patient must be informed about
upcoming research. Information about
measuring the patient’s physical parameters,
communicated to him by a medical professional,
includes information about the purpose of this
research. Written confirmation
consent of the patient or his legal
representative for the implementation of simple techniques
not required, since the data is diagnostic
methods are not potentially dangerous for
life and health of the patient.

Simple medical services

Body weight measurement
Height measurement
Head circumference measurement
Chest circumference measurement
Respiration rate measurement,
heart rate
Blood pressure measurement

Body weight measurement

The medical professional must warn
patient about the need to empty the bladder and
intestines until weighing.
Weighing a bedridden patient should be done with
using bed scales in accordance with the available
Body weight measurements in children are carried out in the morning before
eating. If the child is weakened, it is recommended
weigh it along with the clothes, subtracting from the result
weight of clothing values.
Body weight in children under two years of age is measured on scales
weighing infants: up to 6 months - in position
lying on your back, after 6 months - sitting. In children older than two
years - on lever medical scales or electronic

Body weight measurement

Single use paper napkin

Preparation for the procedure:
1.Check serviceability and accuracy
medical scales in accordance with
instructions for their use.
2 Balance the scales, close
shutter (for mechanical structures).
3 Place a disposable napkin
application to the scale platform.
4 Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the purpose and
execution sequence
upcoming procedure.
5 Wash your hands in a hygienic manner,

Body weight measurement

Performing the procedure:
1 Invite the patient to undress to his underwear
linen, take off your shoes and carefully stand (without shoes) on
the middle of the scale platform.
2 Hold the patient's hand while standing up
on the measuring panel of the scale and monitor it
balance during the measurement process.
3 Open the shutter of the scales (for mechanical
structures), determine body weight
patient (in accordance with the instructions for
application), close the scale shutter.
End of the procedure:
1 Inform the patient the result of the mass study
2 Help the patient get off the scale,
holding his hand (if necessary).
3 Remove the napkin from the scale platform and place it in
container for waste.

5 Record the results in the appropriate
medical documentation

Place the scale on a stationary surface.
Connect the power cord plug to the network, while
The frame should light up on the digital indicator. Through
Within 35-40 seconds, numbers (zeros) should appear on the display.
Leave the scale on for 10 minutes.
Check the scale: press lightly with your hand
center of the tray - the indicator should show
indications corresponding to hand force; let go
lifting platform - the indicator should show
zeros will appear.
Introduce yourself to the child’s parents or legal guardian
representatives, explain the purpose and sequence
performing the procedure.

Place a diaper on the lifting platform
single use - the indicator should show
its mass will be highlighted. Reset weight value
diapers into the device memory by pressing the "T" button - on
The indicator should show zeros.

Algorithm for measuring the body weight of an infant on electronic medical scales

Performing the procedure:
1 Unwaddle the baby.
2 Carefully place the child on the platform first
buttocks, then shoulders and head. Child's feet
should be held.
3 After the “0” icon appears to the left of the mass value,
indicating that weighing is completed, consider
child's body weight.
4 After 5-6 seconds, reset the scales to zero.
End of the procedure:
1 Report the result of a study of the child’s body weight
parents or his legal representatives.
2 Remove the child from the scale platform and place it on the table
for swaddling, swaddling a baby.
3 Remove the diaper from the scale platform and place it in
container for waste.
4 Treat hands hygienically and dry.
5 Record the results in the appropriate medical

Body weight in children is assessed according to special
centile tables
In adolescents and adults, body weight calculation
produced according to the Quetelet index:
Quetelet index = mass kg/(height, m2).
Based on the results obtained, the following conclusions are drawn about
-less than 18 to 19.9 – underweight;
- from 20 to 24.9 - normal indicators;
- from 25 to 29.9 – excess body weight;
- over 30 - obesity
Coefficient of conventional units of labor costs (UET)
nurse - 0.2


Material resources
Vertical height meter (certified and approved for work).
Horizontal height meter when measuring infants
(attorney and authorized to work)
Other consumables
Single use paper napkin.
Single use diaper (when measured in infants)
Algorithm for measuring height.
Preparation for the procedure:
1 Prepare the stadiometer for use in accordance with the instructions.
2 Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the upcoming procedure,
obtain his consent.
4 Place the napkin on the stadiometer platform (under the patient’s feet).
5 Ask the patient to remove shoes and hats.
6 Raise the bar of the stadiometer above the patient’s expected height.

GROWTH MEASUREMENT Completion and completion of the procedure:

1 Ask the patient to stand in the middle of the platform
the stadiometer so that it touches the vertical bar
stadiometer heels, buttocks, interscapular
area and the back of the head.
2 Position the patient's head so that the tip of the nose
and earlobe were on the same horizontal
3 Lower the stadiometer bar onto the patient’s head.
4 Ask the patient to step off the stadiometer platform
(if necessary, help get off).
5 Determine the patient’s height on the scale according to the lower
edge of the plank.

2 Remove the napkin from the stadiometer platform and place it in a container for

4 Make an appropriate record of the results of the procedure
in medical documentation

Algorithm for measuring height in a child under one year of age

For measuring height in children
infancy applies
horizontal stadiometer.
The child should be placed on
height gauge so that the head is tight
touched the crown of the head
fixed bar, upper
edge of the ear tragus and lower eyelid
were in the same vertical
plane. The child's feet should
be straightened with light pressure
on your knees and pressed to the board
height meter Move it to your feet
bent at right angles to
shins, movable bar
height meter Determine by scale
child's body length. Body length
equal to the distance between
fixed and mobile
stadiometer bars.

Achieved results and their evaluation

Growth measurement assessment
carried out as
in isolation and in
combination with others
indicators, firstly
turn body weight and
head circumference.
For evaluation use
centile tables
value distributions
growth in a given population
depending on gender and
UET coefficient
nurse - 0.1


Measuring chest circumference in children
early ages are carried out only in the state
rest, in older people - at rest, during inhalation and
When measuring chest circumference
newborn in the delivery room
medical staff working in sterile
clothing (mask, robe, gloves). For
measurements are applied sterile
measuring tape. The manipulation is carried out
on the changing table
Material resources
Measuring tape (disposable or
Chair (when taking measurements in
sitting position)
Other consumables
Single use diaper (with
carrying out measurements in infants

Algorithm for measuring chest circumference Nurse UET coefficient - 0.3

Preparation for the procedure:
1 Check the integrity of the measuring tape,
clarity of markings.
2 Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the purpose and process
3 Wash your hands in a hygienic manner,
4 Offer (help) the patient to release
chest from clothes and take a comfortable
position depending on state: sitting
or standing.
Performing the procedure:
1 Invite the patient to move his arms slightly to the sides.
2 Place a measuring tape at the back - along the lower corners of the shoulder blades, at the front - at
fourth rib.
For infants - place a measuring tape at the back under the bottom
angle of the shoulder blades, in front - along the lower edge of the isola.
Determine the chest circumference using the tape. At the same time
It is recommended to stretch the tape and lightly press the soft tissue.
3 Take the measurement three times (at rest, at maximum inspiration and at maximum


Material resources
Centimeter tape
(disposable or
Changing table (with
circumference measurement
heads in newborns
children and infants
Chair (if necessary)
Other consumable
Disposable diaper
application (with
carrying out measurements

MEASUREMENT OF HEAD CIRCUMSTANCE (A02.03.002) Nurse UET coefficient - 0.1

Preparation for the procedure:
1. Introduce yourself to the patient and explain the procedure
upcoming procedure.
2. Treat your hands in a hygienic manner,
3. Ask the patient to sit or lie down
baby on the changing table (if
measurement is carried out in newborns
and infants).
Performing the procedure:
1 Place a measuring tape on your head
patient according to landmarks: posterior - occipital
tubercle, in front - brow ridges.
2 Determine the measurement result.
3 Remove the measuring tape.
End of the procedure:
1 Inform the patient about the measurement results.
2 Place a measuring tape in a container with
3 Wash your hands in a hygienic manner,
4 Make an appropriate entry about
results of the procedure in

Labor safety requirements for
performance of the service
1 Before and after the study, conduct
hand hygiene.
2 If the mercury thermometer is damaged
collect the mercury and the remains of the thermometer and
place them in a hermetically sealed container.
3 When shaking the mercury thermometer, do not
It is allowed to strike with one hand with a thermometer
on the other hand


Material resources
Medical thermometer (mercury,
electronic or other
approved for use).
Couch (when measured
temperature in the supine position).
Chair (when measured
temperature while sitting)
Disinfectant solution for
thermometer processing.
Other consumables
Vaseline (Vaseline oil) when measuring rectal
Gauze napkins
single use.
Non-sterile gloves (if
rectal measurement


Additional information about the features of the technique

Measuring body temperature in stationary conditions
usually carried out twice a day: in the morning from 6 to 9
hours and evenings from 17 to 19 hours; as prescribed by a doctor
Temperature measurements can be carried out more frequently according to
as necessary.
Before measuring temperature, the patient needs
rest (10-15 min); carry out measurements no earlier than
one hour after eating; in emergency
situations the condition is not taken into account.
Children's body temperature is measured on an empty stomach at rest, but
no earlier than 30-40 minutes after waking up in
hours of maximum daily temperature fluctuation
(6 h 00 min - 8 h 00 min and 16 h 00 min - 18 h 00 min).
If the child is prone to a sharp increase in
body temperature measurements are carried out several times per
for one hour or continuously.

Preparation for the procedure:
1 Prepare a dry, clean thermometer:
check its integrity, if necessary
Wipe dry with a clean cloth.
2 Introduce yourself to the patient and explain the process
upcoming procedure.
3 Wash your hands in a hygienic manner,
4 Quickly shake off the mercury thermometer from above
down so that the mercury goes down the column
down into the tank.
5 Help the patient take a comfortable
Performing the procedure:
1 Examine the armpit, if
need to wipe dry with a cloth or
ask the patient to do this.
2 Place the thermometer in the armpit
area so that the mercury reservoir from all
sides were in close contact with the patient’s body
(press your shoulder to your chest).
3 Leave the thermometer in the armpit
for at least 5 minutes.

Algorithm for measuring body temperature in the armpit

End of the procedure:
Remove the thermometer from the armpit,
read the thermometer readings,
holding it at eye level.
Inform the patient of the measurement results.
Shake the thermometer from top to bottom so that the mercury
sank down the column into the tank,
place the thermometer in the container for disinfection.
Treat hands hygienically and dry.

implementation in medical documentation

Prepare a dry, clean thermometer: check
its integrity, wipe if necessary
dry with a clean cloth.
Introduce yourself to the patient and explain the procedure
upcoming procedure.
Clean your hands in a hygienic manner, dry them,
wear gloves.
Shake the mercury thermometer from top to bottom so that
so that the mercury drops down the column into
The outer surface of the thermometer tank
lubricate with Vaseline.
Ask the patient to lie on his side with his legs bent
knee and hip joints, lead to

Algorithm for measuring temperature in the rectum

Performing the procedure:
1 Spread the patient’s buttocks with the first and second fingers of the left hand,
examine the anal area.
2 Insert the thermometer reservoir into the anus to a depth of 3-4 cm.
If resistance to insertion of the thermometer is felt or
pain, stop the procedure immediately.
3 Leave the thermometer in the rectum for at least 5 minutes.
End of the procedure:
1 Remove the thermometer, wipe with a napkin, read
2 Wipe the anus with a napkin, help the patient take
comfortable position.
3 Tell the patient the measurement result.
4 Place the thermometer in a container for disinfection. expose
disinfection used material. If the material used
is not contaminated with biological secretions, then it can simply be
disposed of.
5 Remove gloves and place in a container for disinfection.
6 Treat hands hygienically and dry.
7 Make an appropriate record of the measurement results in
medical documentation

Achieved results and their evaluation

Body temperature, °C
Hypothermia 35.0 and below
Normal 36.2-36.9
Subfebrile 37.0-38.0
Febrile 38.0-39.0
Pyretic 39.0-40.0
Hyperpyretic over 40.0

Achieved results and their evaluation

Body temperature, °C
Hypothermia 35.0 and below
Normal 36.2-36.9
Subfebrile 37.0-38.0
Febrile 38.0-39.0
Pyretic 39.0-40.0
Hyperpyretic over 40.0
Normal temperature in the oral cavity and rectum
intestine is 1 °C higher than in the armpit.
Body temperature in older people is considered normal
35.0 °C - 36.0 °C, in newborns - 37.0 °C - 37.2 °C
Nurse UET coefficient - 0.2


Material resources: Clock with seconds
arrow or stopwatch.
Chair, couch (when taking measurements in
sitting position)
Before and after the study, conduct
hand hygiene.
Watch the movements of the chest while counting
number of breaths.
If you cannot see chest movement,
place your hand on the patient's chest and
feel these movements.
Count the frequency in 1 minute (only the number
Make an appropriate record of the results
measurements in medical records

Achieved results and their evaluation

Normally, breathing movements are rhythmic (i.e. repeated
at regular intervals). Respiratory rate
movements in an adult at rest are 16-20 V
minute, and in women it is 2-4 breaths more often than in
men. During sleep, breathing usually becomes less frequent (up to 14
- 16 beats per minute), breathing becomes more frequent during physical
stress, emotional arousal.
An increase in respiratory rate is called tachypnea; decrease in respiratory rate of bradypnea; apnea - lack of breathing.
Types of breathing: thoracic - in women, abdominal - in men,
mixed - in children.
When calculating your respiratory rate, pay attention to the depth and rhythm
breathing, as well as the duration of inhalation and exhalation, write down
type of breathing.


Material resources
Clock with second hand
or a stopwatch.
Chair, couch (with
carrying out measurements in
sitting position)
1. The measurement should be carried out in a quiet comfortable
environment at room temperature, after adaptation
patient to office conditions for at least 5-10 minutes.
One hour before the measurement, you should avoid eating,
smoking, taking tonic drinks, alcohol,
use of sympathomimetics, including nasal and
eye drops.
2. Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the purpose and course of the procedure.
3. Treat hands hygienically and dry.
4. Give the patient a comfortable position, sit or lay down


Place the fingers of your right hand around your left forearm
patient, fingers of the left hand, right forearm
patient in the area of ​​the wrist joints.
Place the 1st finger on the back of your forearm; 2,
3, 4th in sequence from the base of the thumb to
radial artery.
Press the artery against the radius and feel the pulse
Determine the symmetry of the pulse. If the pulse
symmetrical, further research can be carried out
on one hand. If the pulse is not symmetrical, further
Carry out the study on each hand separately.
Determine the rhythm, frequency, filling and
pulse tension.
Count your pulse beats for at least 30 seconds.
Multiply the resulting figure by 2. If available
arrhythmic pulse count at least 1
Make an appropriate record of the measurement results
in medical documentation


Places for pulse examination:
radial artery
femoral artery
temporal artery
popliteal artery
carotid artery
artery of the dorsum of the foot.
More often, the pulse is examined on the radial artery.
The resting heart rate of a healthy adult is
60-80 beats per minute.
Increased heart rate (more than 90 beats per minute) tachycardia.
Decreased heart rate (less than 60 beats per minute)
- bradycardia.

Achieved results and their evaluation

Pulse rate
Respiration rate
up to 1 month
6 months
1 year
2 years
3 years
5 years
8 years
10 years
over 12 years old


Material resources
Measuring device
blood pressure
(passed annual verification
measuring instruments),
corresponding to height and age indicators
patient allowed to
application in Russian
Stethoscope (with
auscultatory determination
Korotkoff sounds).
Couch (when measuring blood pressure in
lying position).
Chair (when measuring blood pressure in the position
Other consumables

Conditions for measuring blood pressure

The measurement should be carried out in a calm, comfortable environment
at room temperature, after the patient has adapted to the conditions
office for at least 5-10 minutes. One hour before measurement, you should
exclude eating, smoking, taking tonic drinks,
alcohol, use of sympathomimetics, including nasal and ophthalmic
Patient position
Blood pressure can be determined in the sitting position
(most common), “lying” and “standing”, but in all cases
it is necessary to ensure the position of the hand in which the middle of the cuff
located at the level of the heart. Every 5 cm the middle of the cuff moves
relative to the level of the heart lead to an overestimation or underestimation
blood pressure measurement values ​​by 4 mm Hg.
In the “sitting” position, the measurement is carried out with the patient positioned
in a comfortable chair or on a chair, supported by the back, with the exception of
crossing legs. Please note that deep breathing
leads to increased blood pressure variability, therefore
the patient must be informed about this before the measurement begins.

Frequency of blood pressure measurements

Repeated measurements are carried out at intervals of at least 2 minutes. In
During the patient's first visit, it is necessary to measure the arterial
pressure on both hands. In the future, it is advisable to carry out
this procedure on only one hand, always noting which one
exactly. If persistent significant asymmetry is detected
(more than 10 mm Hg for systolic blood pressure and 5
mmHg - for diastolic blood pressure) all
subsequent measurements are carried out on the hand, where, according to the results
measurements, higher arterial values ​​were obtained
pressure. Otherwise, measurements are carried out, as a rule, at
"non-working" hand.
If the values ​​differ from each other by more than 5 mmHg,
carry out a third measurement, which is compared according to the given
above the rules with the second, and then, if necessary, and
fourth dimension. If during this cycle it is detected
progressive decrease in blood pressure, then it is necessary
give extra time to relax the patient.
If multidirectional fluctuations in arterial blood pressure are observed
pressure, then further measurements are stopped and calculated
the average of the last three measurements (this excludes
maximum and minimum blood pressure values).

Features of the technique in children under 18 years of age

It is recommended to measure blood pressure at the same time
same hours of the day, after a 10-15 minute rest, on the right hand
(first time on both hands), three times with an interval of 3
To determine blood pressure in children, use
age cuffs. The width of the cuff should be
half the circumference of the child's shoulder. Blood pressure cuff
must be age appropriate and must be equal
shoulder circumference. Special ones are produced,
Age-appropriate cuffs 3.5-13 cm wide.
Blood pressure cuff sizes:
up to 1 year - 2.5 cm;
from 1 to 3 years - 5-6 cm;
from 4 to 7 years - 8-8.5 cm;
from 8 to 9 years - 9 cm;
from 10 to 13 years - 10 cm;
from 14 to 18 years - 13 cm.
Blood pressure measurement for newborns
carried out on the lower leg with an M-130 cuff, on the thigh with an M180 cuff, and on the temporal artery with an M-55.

Preparation for the procedure:
1 Check the serviceability of the device for
measuring blood pressure in
in accordance with the instructions for its
2 Introduce yourself to the patient, explain the purpose and
progress of the procedure.
3 Wash your hands in a hygienic manner,
4 Place the patient in a comfortable position
sit or lay him down.

Algorithm for studying blood pressure in peripheral arteries

1.Expose the patient’s arm by positioning it
palm up, at heart level.
2 Apply the cuff of the measuring device
blood pressure on the patient's shoulder.
Between the cuff and the surface of the shoulder there should be
fit two fingers (for children and adults with
a small hand - one finger), and her
the bottom edge should be 2.5 cm
above the cubital fossa.
3 Place two fingers of your left hand on
forearm where the pulse is felt.
4 Close the bulb valve of the device with your other hand
for measuring blood pressure.
Gradually pump in air
bulb of a device for measuring arterial blood pressure
pressure until the pulse disappears. This level
pressure recorded on the instrument scale
for measuring blood pressure,
corresponds to systolic pressure.

Algorithm for studying blood pressure in peripheral arteries

5 Deflate the cuff
measuring device
blood pressure and
prepare the device for repeated
pumping air.
6 Stethoscope membrane
place at the bottom edge of the cuff
above the projection of the brachial artery in
the area of ​​the elbow cavity, slightly
pressing it to the skin, but not applying pressure
this effort.
7 Reinflate the cuff
measuring device
blood pressure to the level
exceeding the received
result with finger
pulse measurement at 30 mm
8 Maintaining position
stethoscope, start
deflate the air from the cuff
speed 2-3 mm Hg/s. At
pressure more than 200 mm Hg.
it is allowed to increase this
indicator up to 4-5 mm Hg/s.

Algorithm for studying blood pressure in peripheral arteries

9 Remember the scale on the measuring device
blood pressure appearance of the first tone
Korotkoff is systolic pressure, value
which must coincide with the estimated pressure,
obtained by palpation by pulse.
10 Mark on the scale on the measuring device
blood pressure cessation of loud
last Korotkoff sound is diastolic
pressure. To control the complete disappearance of tones
continue auscultation until the pressure in the
cuff by 15-20 mm Hg. regarding the last
11 Remove the cuff of the device for measuring blood pressure
pressure from the patient's hand.

Achieved results and their evaluation

The doctor's UET coefficient is 1.5.
Medical UET coefficient
sisters - 1.5

Limit values ​​of blood pressure in children

Systolic blood pressure (SD) in children in
under 1 year of age is equal to:
76 + 2n (n is the number of months)
In children over one year of age, systolic
blood pressure is equal to:
90 + 2n (n is the number of years).
Diastolic blood pressure (BP)
in children under one year of age - from 2/3 to 1/2 of the maximum DM,
for children older than one year - 60 + n (n is the number of years).
Upper limit of normal systolic blood pressure
pressure 105 + 2n,
diastolic blood pressure - 75 + n.
The lower limit of the systolic arterial
- 75 + 2n,
diastolic blood pressure –

Measuring the thickness of the fat fold (plyometry)

Material resources
Other consumable

2. Nursing diagnosis - identifying patient problems

2. Nursing diagnosis identification of patient problems
Nursing diagnosis is symptomatic and/or syndromic
diagnosis. The nurse examines the reaction, not the disease.
the patient's illness and condition. This reaction could be:
physiological, psychological, social, spiritual.
The task of nursing diagnosis is to establish all real or
possible future deviations from a comfortable, harmonious
condition, to establish what most burdens the patient in
the present moment is the main thing for him and to try to
within its competence to correct these deviations.
The list of nursing problems currently includes
114 main items, including hyperthermia, pain,
stress, social isolation, poor self-hygiene,
anxiety, decreased physical activity, etc.

Sample list of patient problems or nursing diagnoses

1. Feelings of anxiety associated with... (indicate the reason).
2. Insufficient nutrition, inappropriate
needs of the body.
3 Excessive nutrition exceeding needs
4. Reduced protective functions of the body due to...
5. Lack of sanitary conditions (living, work...).
6. Lack of knowledge and skills to implement...
(for example, hygiene measures).
7. Fatigue (general weakness).

3. Formulating nursing goals and planning

A goal is what they want to achieve
patient and nurse as a result
implementation of the care plan. Goals
should be focused on
patient, recorded in simple
words so that every sister
I understood them clearly!

3. Drawing up a nursing care plan

After formulating goals, the nurse creates
the actual patient care plan, which represents
is a detailed list of special actions
nurses needed to achieve nursing goals.
The care plan coordinates the work of the nursing team,
adequate nursing care is provided
continuity, helps maintain connections with
specialists and services.
During planning for each priority
problems, goals and a plan of care are formulated.

Independent nursing intervention
involves actions performed by the nurse to
own initiative, guided by their own
considerations, without direct requirements and instructions from
by a doctor or other specialists - implementation
professional care related to problems
patient. It includes:
assisting the patient in self-care,
monitoring the patient's response to treatment and care, and
also for adaptation in medical conditions
education and counseling of the patient and his family,
organization of the patient's leisure time.

4. Implementation of the nursing care plan - nursing intervention

Methods of possible nursing interventions:
- life-saving measures;
- providing daily assistance with activities of daily living
- performing technical manipulations;
- providing psychological assistance and support;
- training and counseling the patient and his members
- prevention of complications and health promotion;
- creating a healthy atmosphere, favorable
to satisfy basic human needs, in
in particular, the need for freedom and independence,
security, communication and others.

Fifth stage - assessing the effectiveness of care

The goal is to assess the patient's response to nursing care.
care, analysis of the quality of care provided, assessment
the results obtained and summing up.
determining whether the goals have been achieved?
Is it effective in solving the patient's specific problem?
What needs to be done to reassess the patient's needs?
Nursing action plan if necessary
revised, interrupted or changed. If the goals are not
are achieved, then the assessment allows you to see interfering factors.
The nurse must find out the reason for the error.
Challenges in assessing the effectiveness of care:
studying the patient's response to medical staff,
treatment, satisfaction with the fact of being in hospital,
- professional search and assessment of emerging problems.

Nursing documentation

Nursing Assessment Chart
patient (according to pre-allocated
Nursing care plan (according to data, goals
and results)
Protocol for nursing interventions (according to
manipulations and procedures)

My profession is my calling Solomakha Olga Nikolaevna 2nd year student Specialty “Nursing” Head: Solomina Elena Sergeevna Nizhny Tagil branch of the State Budgetary educational institution Average vocational education"Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College"

A nurse is a soul. For the first time, nurses provide assistance to wounded soldiers from the Crimean War. World Nurses Day May 12 – Creation Day professional organization sisters of mercy from different countries peace. “A nurse is the legs of the legless, the eyes of the blind, the support of a child, the source of knowledge and confidence for a young mother, the mouth of those who are too weak or self-absorbed to speak.” Virginia Henderson

Professional qualities and nursing skills Hard work. Cleanliness, decency and modesty. Be able to sympathize with someone else's grief. Be able to perform injections (injections, vaccinations); Be able to care for patients in a hospital; Monitor the patients' regimen; Maintain order in hospital wards; Carry out medical procedures prescribed by a doctor; Provide assistance in operations and medical examinations; Prepare certificates, prescriptions, medical records; Conduct discussions on disease prevention for the patient.

Conditions for obtaining the profession of a nurse at a medical college The Nizhny Tagil branch of the Sverdlovsk Regional Medical College accepts applicants on the basis of grades 9 and 11 based on the results of the State Examination and the Unified State Exam, the duration of study is 3-4 years. Any young man or girl who has passed a medical commission can become an applicant.

Nursing. Fundamentals of Nursing. Communication in nursing. History of the development of nursing. My profession is nurse. Profession of a nurse. Nursing examination of the patient. Stages of development of nursing. Nursing process in atherosclerosis. Nursing technologies in preventive medicine.

Nursing care for infectious diseases. History of nursing. Nursing care for patients in the postoperative period. Standardization of nursing. Nursing process map. Nursing process in diabetes mellitus in children. Nursing process for chronic eating disorders. The concept of the nursing process.

Program for the development of nursing in the Russian Federation for 2010-2020. Fundamentals of nursing education. Ethics and deontology in nursing. Quality of nursing care: Organization and control." Nursing process for scarlet fever in children. Experience in introducing innovations into nursing practice. Analysis of the activities of nursing staff.

Application medicines in nursing practice. The first and second stages of the nursing process. GBOU HPE Ural State Medical University Department of Nursing. All-Russian competition Association of Russian Nurses "Best research work on nursing care 2015".

Department of Nursing and Clinical Care. The main problems of patients in nursing departments. Let's create the future of the profession together: The contribution of RAMS to the development of nursing. International and national standardization in the field of e-learning. World Standardization Day Standardization in the field of energy efficiency.
