Winter discounts on windows. Discounts and promotions on plastic windows. Sale, seasonal programs

We all love gifts and surprises, so on New Year's Eve and Christmas, the OKNA MEDIA portal wants to invite its readers to take a short excursion into the world of promotions and discounts in the window market.

At the end of the year, it is customary to sum up the results, draw conclusions, and, in a word, evaluate one’s actions and successes from the height of the experience gained during this period. In digital terms, 2012 will give a verdict to window market players after the New Year holidays, but now I would like to summarize the work in the segment of promotions and discounts, a win-win engine of trade and a way to involve new people in the circle of customers.

Offers and promotions from window companies for the New Year

Let's see what, so to speak, window makers are willing to sacrifice in order to attract a new or existing customer to the world of windows.

Looking through the 2012 offerings, undisputed leaders are interest-money “temptations”. The generosity of companies fluctuates in a very wide range of rates from 5% to 50%, or even 100%. Also included in this category of discounts are offers of a more effective product, for example, energy-efficient double-glazed windows, warm slopes, anti-burglary fittings, and so on at the price of a standard product.

Issues are becoming increasingly popular gift certificates for the manufacture and installation of windows, installments without overpayment, as an alternative to a loan.

Implementation bonus systems The rewards for the client who contacts the company also do not stand still and receive ever new facets. Bonus coupons, which can also be passed on to friends, colleagues or relatives, can provide the owner with many useful features of the window system.

Online discount on plastic windows

An online discount is a coupon that gives the customer the right to receive a one-time discount on the production of plastic windows. Simply print it out by clicking on the coupon image and present it to the company manager when placing an order. Here, however, interest rates are within 5%, but who would benefit from such a plus?

Last but not least is the fireworks display of various gifts. This niche of window company bounties can be divided into two categories: products that are related to windows and those that are not. The first category includes window sills, mosquito nets, micro-ventilation systems, window handles, balcony latch handles, tinted glass, drainage systems, blockers for erroneous opening of windows, branded thermometers and the undisputed leaders - care kits for plastic windows. The latter in some proposals even received the name - a first aid kit for windows, which can be small or large.

Regarding the installation of a wall-mounted air conditioner, a flexible system of discounts is possible depending on the volume of the order, that is, the more rooms are glazed, the “free” the air conditioner is.

Alternative New Year promotions for plastic windows

An alternative solution that is no less valuable for the customer are services such as free delivery, removal of dismantled windows, window washing, house cleaning, and even an unusual trip around the city. Professional installation is offered not only according to GOST, but even on the day of delivery

Among gifts, non-window-themed items are less common, but there are still some, for example, a tourist trip or a microwave oven.

Speaking about promotions, I would certainly like to note the creative approach to the names of the action itself, a kind of parade of slogans that motivates the buyer to take action, for example:
- Fireworks of gifts!
- Big house - big discounts!
- New Year's Ball!
- Free delivery on Mondays!
- “Freeze” favorable rates today!
- We will stabilize the economic situation in every Russian family!
- “Instalment without overpayment” or “how to deceive inflation”!
- Don’t miss the exclusive opportunity to install “thoroughbred” German windows at a discount and receive additional gifts:

The most creative promotions from window market manufacturers:
- Patriotic: Those who bring metal soldiers or a toy military equipment, produced in the USSR in the period 1936-1991, can become recipients of: a guaranteed discount on plastic windows any profile systems, a cash bonus, and in exceptional cases - a FREE window.
- Unique Discount Calendar. The client receives the right to use the gift on the day the order is made, if he has something to do with this holiday and can prove it.
For example, a family man, presenting a passport with a marriage registration mark, can receive a discount on International Family Day.

– Promotion for new residents: Future wonderful neighbors who decide on collective glazing can receive mega discounts on all window systems, for example: 3-5 people save 10%; 5-10 people - already 15%, and 10 people or more - as much as 20%.

Among the advantages of joint installation of windows are: a holistic, neat appearance of the facade of the house; neighbors will not be disturbed by noise installation work, since the installation of systems will take place simultaneously. And in a very Russian way, the company offers to celebrate this event after installing the windows by providing everyone with champagne at their own expense.

– Serial passport: Only this week: the last digit of the passport number is your ADDITIONAL individual discount on new plastic windows and balconies!

– “Plastic New Year”: On the eve of the New Year, you need to bring a sheet of a tear-off calendar for December with the current date, which will allow you to receive exactly the same percentage discount as a gift. The most high bonuses fall on the last day of the outgoing year, so, strange as it may sound, put off the purchase of PVC windows until the last day!

In addition to creativity, companies do not hold back from very virtuosic compliments addressed to themselves or their partners: Discount and guarantee best prices for the best products in all respects in Russia and around the world from a supplier and manufacturer of PVC profile systems from Germany.

Promotions and discounts for various categories of citizens:

  • Pensioners are often given a small bonus when purchasing a window.
  • Families with small children are usually given a special child lock or child handle that does not allow the window to be fully opened.
  • For birthday people - on their birthday.
  • For women - when placing an order in March.
  • For men - in honor of the popular men's holiday.
  • For lovers who are not afraid to openly express their feelings, St. Valentine, together with the window company, presents a surprise.
  • New residents, as mentioned above, benefit from making friends at the entrances.
  • Friends who referred their friend, that is, a window buyer, can actually receive a certain % IN CASH!

Also, activities in the fertile field of shares do not ignore the leading events of the year. For example, in 2012, many window manufacturers did not fail to mention the “end of the world” and EURO 2012 in their proposals.

However, activity in the segment of promotions and discounts increases in the off-season - campaigning for the mass installation of PVC windows in winter period. New tempting offers are entering the window market in a friendly formation. A phrase like - today you have saved an impressive amount with great difficulty, and tomorrow, due to inflation, it can turn into ordinary colored paper, they call for investing money in a real and reliable one, which, of course, is a high-quality and warm WINDOW.

Typical winter promotions on plastic windows

When preparing PVC windows for the winter season - a XX% discount on all services! As part of the promotion, the sashes are adjusted, window and balcony handles, seals, latches on the balcony door are replaced, and slopes are insulated.

When ordering PVC window repairs, you will receive lubricant for the fittings as a gift.

A professional installation team will install PVC windows in the shortest possible time(1 - 1.5 hours). Order production time - 6 days.

Free lubrication of sealing rubber.

Meet New Year with your loved ones in Warmth + energy saving as a Gift!

On the eve of the New Year, some companies give their super discount on windows together with Grandfather Frost and do not forget to enhance the New Year's mood with a dose of humor and Champagne, so to speak, “turnkey window”:

As Santa Claus, all customers of laminated windows receive an exclusive gift - a stained glass design for each window for free! Then not only warmth will settle in your home, but also beauty on the glass!

– When ordering a service - turnkey repair of balconies, the employee comes to take measurements not himself, but with two bottles of Champagne!

No house can be built without windows, nor can new year holidays can’t do without Champagne, so the company offers to combine business with pleasure! Only until January XX, 2013, each customer gets a bottle of Champagne as a Gift!

Concluding this little excursion into the world of promotions and discounts on the window market, I would like to wish all companies to be just as generous to their potential customers in the coming year, to bring quality, creativity and positivity to every Russian family!

The New Year holidays will soon end, and the window market will again begin another countdown of its biography, so new wonderful offers will appear in the section on the WINDOWS MEDIA forum. Get lucky by buying new PVC windows!

Our discounts will please you

Installing plastic windows at a discount is a great opportunity to get good quality at a reduced price. You want to install plastic windows - the promotions and discounts offered by the Rehau Windows Market company will pleasantly please you.

Our company tries to bring joy to every home. Discounts on plastic windows in Moscow are not uncommon, but we can still pleasantly surprise you. For many years now, a winter promotion has been successfully operating - this is a current discount plus an additional 20, 30 or 40 percent, which correspond to the readings of the actual air temperature outside.

By ordering plastic windows on February 23, defenders of the fatherland will be able to receive a 23% discount. Valentine's Day will also delight customers with a 14% discount, and on March 8, a 31% discount is intended as a gift for lovely women. And that's not all!

Additional discount 10% off is waiting for you on your birthday. On New Year's Eve, by placing an order on December 30, you can get a 30% discount, and on December 31 - 31%. This could indeed become pleasant surprise for the New Year.

In order to always stay up to date with all events and not miss an attractive offer from the company, we advise you to look more often at the Special Offers section.

Rehau Windows Market holds attractive sales and seasonal programs, and also gives its customers unprecedented promotions and discounts. Don't miss it!

Special Sale:

  • 50% DISCOUNT on the cost of ALL products, materials and work!
  • from 3200 rub. per square meter. Manufacturer prices!

Seasonal promotions*:

  • WARM IN WINTER, COOL IN SUMMER: multifunctional double-glazed windows at the price of regular ones! (both energy-saving and sun-protective glass)
  • CONVENIENCE: tilt and turn sashes at the price of regular sashes!

Permanent promotions*:

  • FREE: all window sills included in order
  • FREE: delivery within Moscow (within the Moscow Ring Road)
  • FREE: built-in ventilation system

* Now ALL 6 promotions are valid AT THE SAME TIME

Flexible working conditions:

  • Prepayment: 40%
  • Production: 7 days
  • Installment: 0%

Favorable price offers from the City Windows company

Our group of companies offers its customers high-quality and reliable plastic windows, discounts on which are valid all year round.

Promotions on our plastic windows will lift your spirits and allow you to save significantly on the purchase of windows.

Choose the promotion that is most suitable for you and inform the manager about it when checking out. This option will be completely free for you.

Energy-saving double-glazed windows at the price of regular ones

Double-glazed windows are a key element of thermal insulation of your apartment. Double-glazed windows occupy 90% of the window opening area. They account for 50% of all heat loss in your home.

A modern solution is an energy-saving double-glazed window with low-emission glass.

Low-emissivity coating on glass acts as a thermal mirror, preventing heat from passing from indoors to outdoors. This “greenhouse” effect improves the thermal insulation characteristics of a double-glazed window by 20–30%, i.e. it is 20–30% “warmer” than a regular double-glazed window.

The thermal mirror acts in a similar way in the summer, reflecting 20–30% of the heat coming from the street. This keeps the room cool and reduces air conditioning costs.

we will call you back

Such windows, purchased at a discount, are twice as warm, and their price will be equal to the cost of windows with conventional double-glazed windows. By taking advantage of this promotion, you will create unique comfort and coziness in your home, and also save money on heating and air conditioning.

Tilt and turn sashes at the price of regular swing sashes

The tilt-and-turn device ensures opening and closing in the vertical (opening) and horizontal (tilting) planes, regulates the pressing force of the sash and its fixation in the closed position.

Modern tilt-and-turn mechanisms provide slot (winter) ventilation, allowing the sash to open to a minimum (1–5 mm) distance at a certain position of the handle and creating natural air exchange in the room.

The sale of plastic windows at this promotion will save you from paying the difference in the price of a tilt-and-turn sash and a regular swing (hinged) sash.

Warm and “quiet” 70 mm profile for the price of a standard 58 mm wide profile

The standard installation width of the window profile is 58 mm. The first window profiles, developed in the 50s in Germany, had a width of 58 mm, repeating the geometry of classic wooden frames and allowing to solve most problems in the design and production of windows in all climatic zones.

However, in the 90s, profiles with an increased installation width of 70 mm appeared in Europe, intended for the manufacture of windows with improved thermophysical characteristics.

Systems with an installation width of 70 mm themselves increase the thermal and sound insulation of rooms. In addition, they allow the use of wide double-glazed windows with increased heat and sound insulation characteristics.

The four-chamber PROLINE system, included in this promotion, has excellent insulating properties. Windows from this profile will ensure silence and warmth in your home.

50% discount on the cost of all products, materials and work

Plastic windows, the promotion for which makes it possible to save up to 50% of their cost, are not only a wise investment, but also a pledge good mood. After all, our plastic windows, regardless of their price, are always of excellent quality.
