The most interesting cartoons of the competition “Politics and Sex. Media literacy cartoon competition

Politics and sex. Perhaps there are not many things in our lives that would be so different and so similar at the same time. Judge for yourself: everyone considers themselves experts in both; In both, many things are not called by their proper names.

And it is mainly the participants who get pleasure from both. But for some reason I want there to be less of one and more of the other. We decided to combine these concepts in one cartoon competition. See what came out of this in this collection.

World-famous artists took part in the competition, announced by Cartoonists from Russia, Ukraine, Italy, Serbia, China, Brazil, Turkey, Australia, Uzbekistan, and Poland sent their works to the competition.

The works were evaluated by an authoritative and impartial jury - people well known to the Russian-speaking public in Russia and in the diaspora - cartoonists Andrei Bilzho, Sergei Tyunin, Victor Bogorad, Mikhail Zlatkovsky, writer and publicist Viktor Shenderovich, one of the luminaries of Russian sexopathology, Professor Lev Shcheglov.

All best works competition can be seen. And we publish our selection of the most interesting and memorable cartoons.

05/21/2018. Fellow cartoonists! Congratulations to the VI Winners International competition cartoons “Time is money 2018. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and others.” The presentation exhibition was held in Poltava (photo below), but a larger exhibition will be held in Poltava in September.

Results of the competition.


1st place (bronze “Rudy Panko”) – Igor Lukyanchenko (Ukraine).

2nd place (“Rudy Panko” made of wood) - MoyamirMihatov (Croatia)

3rd place Raed Khalil (Syria)

Competition winners:

Henryk Cebula (Poland);

Constantin Sunnerberg (Belgium);

Lee Ji Yang (China);

Ba Bilig (China);

Khaled Al Jaberi (UAE);

Luis Eduardo Leon (Colombia).

05.05.2018 Dear fellow cartoonists. Due to a technical error, Oleg Loktev was not included in the list. Now I have corrected this mistake and Oleg’s cartoons will be included in the final catalog of the “Time is Money” competition.


May 2, 2018. List of artists whose cartoons were included in the final catalog of the VI International Cartoon Competition “Time is Money 2018. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and others. We ask the authors of the list to urgently send the originals of their caricatures or high-quality copies (format 30cm x 40cm; A3 with your facsimile on the caricature (handwritten signature, not scanned) to the address: PO Box 107; 04111, Kyiv, Ukraine. Valery Alexandrovich Krugov:

  1. Sunnerberg Constantin. Belgium.
  2. Jitet KustanaJl. Indonesia.
  3. Christopher Nyiti. Tanzania.
  4. Lijie Yang. China.
  5. Raed Khalil. Syria.
  6. .Luis Eduardo Leon, Colombia.
  7. Mikola Kapusta. Ukraine.
  8. Carlos Alberto da Costa Amorim. Brazil.
  9. Aleksandr Vabanschikov Ukraine.
  10. Olexsander Dubovskii. Ukraine.
  11. Asifur Rahman. Bangladesh.
  12. Andrey Levchenko. Ukraine.
  13. Ba Bilig. China.
  14. Marco Ivic. Croatia.
  15. Jordan Pop Iliev. Macedonia.
  16. Oleksiy Kustovsky. Ukraine.
  17. Viktor Holub. Ukraine.
  18. Mojmir Mihatov. Croatia.
  19. Conrado da Silveira Brazil.
  20. Khaled Al Jaberi. UAE.
  21. Pavel Matuska. Czech Republic.
  22. Vasiliy_Alexandrov. Russia.
  23. Lukyanchenko Igor. Ukraine.
  24. Valerii Tarasenko. Russia.
  25. Dariush Dabrovski. Poland
  26. Nikola Listes. Сroatia.
  27. Klaus Pitter. Austria.
  28. Oleg Loktyev. Ukraine.


The competition is dedicated to the creation of a new virtual decentralized financial system in the world. In this system, citizens themselves organize themselves in the virtual space, buy equipment for mining and “mine bitcoins,” and organize their own “bitcoin clubs and companies.” This process occurs against the backdrop of weakening traditional currencies. At the same time, they invest their cash billionaires (Bill Gates, Richard Branson, Marc Andreessen and ordinary citizens from 103 countries - thereby confirming the significance of the new currency). Economists are talking about the victory of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin as the most expensive currency in the entire history of the global financial system, which can surpass the capitalization of all world gold reserves. Bitcoin is now traded on NASDAQ and other major world exchanges.


Vladimir Kazanevsky“Association of Cartoonists of Ukraine” (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Valery Krugov International Festival of Arts “Gogol - Fantasy” (Kyiv, Ukraine).

Alexandra Sidorenko Poltava branch of the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation

Yuri Palichev Chairman public organization"Bulgarians of Kherson". (Kherson, Ukraine).

Timur Ambroziev And Svetlana Lobareva Representatives of international financial company

JURY(the lineup is being formed)

Chairman - Vladimir Kazanevsky, Kyiv/Ukraine Members of the jury:

Shlafer, Mikhail Poltava, Ukraine.

Yuri Palichev, Kherson, Ukraine.

Mir-Teymur Mamedov,Baku, Azerbaijan.

Valery Krugov, Kherson, Ukraine.

Theme of the competition
I. “Time is money 2018. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and others.”

The topic reveals the emergence of a new currency as an absolute, democratic instrument for the formation of a new financial market.

First place: bronze prize figurine “Rudy Panko” + cash prize.
For second place: Rudy Panko. Author's figurine made of wood. + cash prize.
For third place: Rudy Panko in the form of a traditional interior doll + encouragement prize
All figurines are original works of Ukrainian masters.
5 Competition Diplomas
The authors of the cartoons in the final catalog will receive an author's copy. The prize fund is being formed.

Conditions of the competition

1. Send new cartoons to the competition that have not won prizes in other competitions. Cartoons that have won prizes in other competitions are not considered and are excluded from participation in the competition.
2. The technique of execution is free. Cartoon format in electronic form: JPEG (3MB -4MB), 300 dpi. to the address: info@site Accompanying caption for the caricature: in Ukrainian, Russian or English: nomination, surname, author's name, contacts, creative biography and photo.

3. Dates:

From February 20 to April 20, 2018— acceptance of works in electronic form to the address info@site. The final decision for selecting cartoons for the final catalog and determining the winners rests with the competition jury.

April 1— preliminary exhibition at the Poltava Art Gallery on Humor Day.
April 22 publication on the website of a list of 50-100 cartoons that will be included in the catalog.
May 19 - Saturday (May 20 is Bank Worker's Day)— holding the final exhibition of the cartoon “Time is money 2018. Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and others” on Bank Worker Day of Ukraine
Until May 15, 2018, the authors of the cartoons of the cartoon catalogue, send the originals (or high-quality copyright copies, A4 - A3 format (preferred) and a personal photo (A6 format) to the address published on the website on March 10, 2018 for high-quality printing and the formation of a museum exhibition.
May 10, 2018— announcement of the competition results on the competition website in the “News” section. Caricature artists who are included in the catalog will receive copyright copies.
Catalog presentation: May 20, 2018

Exhibitions: Exhibition competition works— April 1, 2018, Poltava (preliminary).
Final exhibitions from May 20, 2018: Kyiv, cities of Ukraine. (The list of cities is being agreed upon)

Competition regulations
1. Any author can participate in the competition without restrictions. The technique of execution is free.

3. Cartoons must satisfy the moral standards accepted in a democratic society. Should not contain scenes of cruelty, pornography, or humiliation.

4. In case of violation of the Terms and Conditions of the competition, the cartoons are removed from the competition without explanation. The organizers correspond with the authors only on the pages of the official website of the Association of Cartoonists and the International Festival of Arts "Gogol-Fantasy" -

5. By sending his cartoons to the competition, the author of the cartoon accepts the terms of the International Cartoon Competition “Time is money.Cryptocurrency: Bitcoin and others” without exceptions or limitations.

6. By the start of accepting works (February 20, 2018), changes and additions may be made to the Terms and Conditions of the competition; aimed at improving the competition.

7. The cartoons of the competition participants can be used by the competition organizers to hold exhibitions, popularize the competition, website, art festival, produce presentation products for the Association of Cartoonists of Ukraine and the International Festival of Arts, “Gogol Fantasy”. The cartoons of the winners and diploma holders of the competition remain the property of the competition organizers.

8. Information to artists about what is taking part in the competition: in case of obvious repetitions among the works sent to the competition and presented on the website in the “Caricature” and “Caricatures” sections, the final decision on the caricature is made by the jury.

9. Before the start of acceptance of works, the conditions of the competition may be finalized.


The presentation of the project “Time is money” took place on April 1 at the Poltava Art Gallery named after N.A. Yaroshenko.

Application deadline: November 30, 2017
Organizer: NGO "Media Detector"
Reward: 1st place - 8 thousand hryvnia to the 1st participant; 2nd place - 5 thousand hryvnia for 2 participants; III place - 3.5 thousand hryvnia for 2 participants

The public organization “Media Detector” invites you to take part in a cartoon competition on the topic of media literacy. The organizers are expecting a cartoon or a series of works that would reveal a specific topic from the world of media.

Media literacy is the knowledge and skills to analyze and critically evaluate information from various types media.

For example, your work may address the following issues:

  • journalism standards;
  • the dominance of jeans in Ukrainian media;
  • media manipulation and propaganda;
  • fakes;
  • Internet security;
  • violations of journalistic ethics
  • stereotypical coverage of various topics (for example, gender) in the media;
  • uncritical perception of information by citizens and the like.
For a thorough introduction to media literacy topics, use the News Literacy online course and the Media Driver online guide. NGO "Media Detector" has developed these resources to increase critical perception of media.

The professional jury will select five winners who will receive a cash reward (I place - 8 thousand UAH for the 1st participant; 2nd place - 5 thousand UAH for the 2nd participants; 3rd place - 3.5 thousand UAH for the 2nd participants). In addition, the best works will be presented at exhibitions in Kyiv and two other cities.

To participate in the competition:
1. Create cartoons in any genre (A3 format) or a series of cartoons (limited quantity) that would reveal one of the topics of media literacy.
2. A) If it is convenient for you to create a work (works) on paper, draw it in A-3 format and send it to us by mail (the deadline for submitting works by postmark is no later than November 30, 2017) to the address of the NGO “Media Detector” : Kiev, 04071, Yaroslavsky prov., 7/9, office 10. Please indicate on the envelope - “To participate in a cartoon competition.”
B) If you are comfortable creating work in digital format, follow the following parameters: JPEG (TIFF), A-3 (420x297), 300 dpi. Finished work attach (or provide a link to a file hosting service) and send to the address [email protected] In the subject line of the letter, write your last name and indicate that this is a work for a competition (Example: Prizvische_Caricature Competition).
3. Write an annotation for your work and paste it into the body of the letter (if it is email) or in an envelope. In this short text, describe what the theme of your work (or series), what you want to express with it, what its purpose and audience are. Also include your phone number or other contact information that will make it easier for us to contact you.

Don't hesitate, entries will be accepted until November 30th. The presentation of the results and awarding of the winners will take place in Kyiv (travel expenses will be reimbursed).

Please note that only unique works are accepted for consideration and evaluation by the jury, that is, those cartoons or a series of cartoons that have not previously participated in previous competitions, have not been used for commercial purposes, and have not received royalties for this.

In addition, work must meet ethical standards. Incitement to violence, discrimination based on gender, language, race, religion, nationality, regional or social origin or political preference, etc. are unacceptable. In case of violation of the rules or open plagiarism, the work will be removed from the competition without discussion.
