How to translate audio or video into printed text. My transcription experience. Transcription is the translation of speech from audio or video into text. What you will need for work

Translation of audio into text in the transcription module is based on the sound fed from the speakers to the microphone. This can be achieved either by placing a microphone to the speakers, or through an audio cable, either physical or . You can also use a stereo mixer.

Transcription of audio files longer than 15 minutes is one of the advanced capabilities of the notepad. There is a small fee for these. To try or pay for it, you need to register on the site and go to the voice notepad user account (an orange link will appear).

The audio to text translation panel opens after clicking the button +Transcription on the main page of the site.

In the above picture, I have circled in red what belongs to this module and crossed out what should not be used with it. That is, there is no need to enable checkboxes output to buffer And integration. Field Phrase Buffer Length prevents text from accumulating in the preview field (relevant when using virtual or physical cables).

Switch Noise protection used to combat input stuttering in noisy videos.

To download a video from Youtube into the module you need to enter its ID.

Transcription can be carried out in two modes, depending on the checkbox. When this checkbox is enabled, clicking the button enable recording simultaneously turns on the player and stop recording- stops him.

The whole algorithm of work in this case is:
1) in loading a video or file into the player
2) ensuring that sound from the video reaches the microphone
3) Setting the settings, checking the box insert timestamps
3) pressing the start button.

If checkbox Run synchronously with recording is not installed, the panel for setting pause and work times appears.

In this mode, the button playback will start the player in intermittent mode, that is, after 5 seconds (as set in our figure) of playback, it will pause for 5 seconds. Button enable recording does not depend on her. If the pause time and playback time are not set, then just the button works enable/disable playback.

This mode can be used for semi-automatic transcription. In this mode, a person plays the role of a virtual audio cable - he listens to the recording during playback time and dictates it during the pause time.

Text processing after transcription

The text obtained by speech recognition contains errors. To correct it, time stamps obtained during transcription are used. In this mode, you must also disable the checkbox run synchronously with recording or use the player's start/stop hotkey to expand the notepad.

The fix algorithm is as follows:
1) text with labels is first brought to a more convenient form by sequentially pressing buttons marks in SRT And SRT in tags
2) check the box start from timestamps
2) the cursor is positioned at the desired place in the text
3) using a hotkey or using a button turn on/off the player listens to this piece of recording (the time stamp closest to the left of the cursor is triggered)
4) text is edited manually or using notepad buttons
5) marks are removed by pressing a button remove timestamps, or the text is converted to SRT format (if captions are being made for Youtube)

Batch mode for transcribing audio and video files

Transcribing audio and video files in batch mode (for more than two files) is a premium feature of voice notepad. Like advanced functions, they are available after payment in the user account. To try this mode, when loading audio and video, you need to select several audio or video files at once, holding down the Ctrl key while selecting with the mouse.

Contacting technical support

When contacting technical support. You need to send four screenshots:

1. Notepad window screen (you can take two screenshots if it doesn’t fit)

2. Screenshots of the audio recording and playback tabs

3. Screenshot of microphone settings in Chrome (chrome://settings/content/microphone)

Automatic audio transcription

Transcription by speaking method

Errors and difficulties during transcription

Recently I was faced with a task: Translate audio and video files into text. Since I had never dealt with this issue, as always, I went on the Internet and started Googling how people do this. After all, it’s no secret that many people and even professional companies who built a business on it.

Wikipedia gives us: The act of recording a transcription is called transcribing.

In a sense, transmitting sound and writing it is the same as transcription, but what we are interested in here is not what transcription is, but how to use it for practical purposes.

Why might you need transcription into printed text?

Let's say you have an audio recording of a seminar or an audiobook that you want to save in text form for easier information retrieval. After all, in the text you can always use the search and the text takes up much less space than audio and video.

You have several options:

  • contact the company and pay approximately 16 rubles per minute of the file;
  • find a freelancer who will do all this for you cheaper;
  • do it yourself manually, listening and typing;
  • do it yourself by listening and dictating;
  • do it yourself using special programs.

Since you didn’t want to delegate to someone else, but ended up on this page, I can conclude that you are interested in understanding the process in detail and doing everything yourself. Everyone knows that if you want something done well, do it yourself.

By the way, if you still choose to dictate the text by voice, then in this article I will give the answer to how best to do it.

What methods exist and which one is better to choose?

Online transcription software

Virtual Audio Cable

I scoured the Internet and everywhere they mostly advise using the Virtual Audio Cable program (instructions on how to use it are below)

What does it offer us? this program and why is it recommended? Well, imagine that in order for a voice to be recognized, you first need to reproduce it, and then transfer it in real time to special transcribers, which convert the sound into text. So, if you start turning on the sound through the speakers and trying to transmit it through the microphone, then there will be a huge loss in quality, since there is noise in your room, you need to turn on the speakers at a high volume. The microphone may not be the best. You will end up with poor quality due to all this distortion. The quality will be ideal if you can directly transfer audio or video directly from your computer to the transcriber. The Virtual Audio Cable program is needed precisely for this purpose.

The meaning of its work is that it creates a virtual cable, with the help of which it directly transmits data. Which is exactly what we need!

I tried to do as it says in the video itself and I was able to download the program, install it and make the necessary settings. When I turned on all the settings, I realized that I had a terrible echo and I spent an hour trying to figure out why I was getting an additional audio channel.

How to emulate a virtual cable without programs

I’ll post instructions here on how to do this right away. You don't even need to install Virtual Audio Cable, as you can get by with simple manipulations in the volume settings. I tried it myself and liked it, so I settled on this method, since it is the simplest.

You need to turn on the stereo mixer in the sound settings in the recording tab and make it the default recording device. This way, the sound will be immediately transmitted to the computer and playback through the speakers will still remain. That is, you can calmly listen to your file and work with it. The video talks a lot about working with the “Notepad for Speech Input” service, which we'll talk further. Watch and learn.

Speechpad “Notepad for speech input” - a service for dictation (text transcription)

This site is highly praised because it is well supported and has all the necessary settings.

In principle, anyone can figure it out in 10 minutes, especially since there are a lot of instructions there. I want to express my opinion - it did not suit me, because when a video clip is transcribed, there is a buffer. It lasts about 20-30 seconds and the video seems to reload after this time. And everything would be fine if, when rebooting, the video began from the place where it ended, but it loads 1-2 seconds earlier and the words are repeated. Perhaps this is not bad, since when you reboot, part of the phrase may be cut off, and then it will be repeated and move on logically, but for editing it is terribly inconvenient. You need to remove repeated words every 20 seconds and this takes a lot of time. I also didn't like the quality. Of course, the service understands speech in 95% of cases, but I really don’t want to correct these 5% of errors. Sometimes you don’t even understand what kind of words he inserts and where he gets them from. Another disadvantage is that if you didn’t have time to save the text or the page was accidentally reloaded, you can lose the entire result, and if the text is long, you’ll have to start over and this is very annoying.

Overall very good service, many people use it and many are satisfied, especially if the speech is clear, there will be no problems at all. The service is free and there are many tools inside, I think you will like it. I tried this service and continued to look further for a more convenient tool.

Realspeaker - transcription and transcription software

I also found this program realspeaker, read what they write about it, and thought that it was more likely for those who professionally dictate texts. A program for translating audio into text is useful if you work as a transcriber and make money from it.

What she can do:

  • Voice to text can process any length;
  • Transcribes audio and video into text;
  • Big data and deep learning;
  • Cloud computing and API on demand;
  • Entering data into any editor or website;
  • Multi-platform and multilingual;
  • Transcription taking into account accents and dialects;
  • Simple and accessible system payment.

From this entire list it follows that if you make money from texts, then it will probably help you. Well, it’s not suitable for me, since it’s paid, and I went looking further.

Google Translate - just a translator and more

If not everyone, then almost everyone knows this monster! It is located at Everything is very simple, go to the site, click on the microphone and record and instant transcription begins. Then you can simply copy and paste wherever you need. Here is a translator into English or a sound-to-text translator.

As you know, Google is very good. This is a company that is constantly improving its technologies in creating Internet search, cloud computing and additional services. Just recently they announced a service for translating voice into text, and today it is already the most popular. Why? Because all android phones have started using voice commands and in general it is very convenient. And Google is already built into phones from the very beginning.

And here’s another reason: because Google makes its products at a high level. What does this all mean? Yes, that when you press one button you get the most thoughtful and high-quality service without unnecessary garbage. Google has invested a lot of money in its voice recognizers and brought its product to the world market, and now in all languages ​​(including Russian) you can transcribe your voice and translate it into any other language.

In general, Google Translate captures speech from sound with the highest quality and you can already use this by adding punctuation marks. Use it for your health, you quickly get used to good things.

Of the minuses, I can note that at the moment you can write a text document only 5000 characters long. If you need to dictate or recognize multiple sentences, then this tool is suitable for you due to its simplicity. But if you have longer texts and want to be able to transcribe text of any length with Google accuracy, then the following tool will be more suitable for you.

Google Docs is the most versatile audio-to-text translation tool online

Why is this tool better? It's that simple online document. Or is it not easy?

The whole point is that he:

  • allows you to save text instantly and it will not disappear anywhere;
  • can record endlessly, even if you put on an audiobook at night, you’ll wake up in the morning and everything will be ok;
  • uses the google voice module, and it is good (this was already mentioned above);
  • allows you to edit and save directly there;
  • works online on any device.

In connection with all of the above, in my opinion this is the most adequate and convenient tool that can be used to transcribe sound into text.

How to use it?

  1. Go to
  2. A list of documents opens in front of you
  3. create a new document
  4. press tools -> voice input or Ctrl+Shift+S
  5. press the microphone

All! Transcription of audio into text has begun! Of all the tools, I liked this one the most. No distracting gizmos, it’s simple and clear.

To translate an audio file or video from YouTube into text, simply run the file first, then go to the document window and click record. Wait and watch a miracle happen before your eyes. Then all that remains is to edit and design and the text is ready!

To add punctuation to text, use these commands:

  • "dot";
  • "comma";
  • "exclamation mark";
  • "question mark";
  • "newline";
  • "new paragraph"

Note. Punctuation input is supported in English, Spanish, Italian, German, Russian and French.

How and what to use if you need to dictate by voice?

Options discussed above software absolutely suitable for voice input. The only difference will be that you will need to use a microphone instead of a mixer.

  • You can simply dictate your thoughts so as not to waste time on writing and then quickly format it;
  • You can put on headphones and listen, play back as you like into the microphone;
  • Can be used special applications on the phone.

Need to dictate quickly, but only have a mobile phone at hand?

If you have an iPhone

You can download the Dragon Dictation app for free

It’s very convenient when you don’t have a computer at hand and thoughts come into your head that you need to write down, otherwise 2 minutes will pass and you’ll forget what you wanted to say. Unfortunately, this happens very often and it’s good that we can now carry a cell phone everywhere and easily translate voice into text. An idea came to me - record audio. It's fast and convenient.

If you have Android

You can download the Speechlogger app for free

A good application that will help Android fans. If you are a journalist, a housewife, a writer or simply a developing person, then be sure to use additional opportunities to reduce time and not forget the most important things, use mobile applications to record text by voice.

By the way, you can still place punctuation marks there, which will make further editing easier. All applications understand Russian perfectly.


  • In order to transfer sound to a computer, it is best to use the Windows settings and the built-in mixer.
  • In order to transcribe better, it is best to use Google Docs with the voice input setting enabled.
  • To make transfers from a mobile phone, download applications

Happy transcription, I hope my experience will help you. By the way, write in the comments what you think about this and what tools you use yourself. Maybe there's more better way transcribe and if you know about it, be sure to tell us to help those who are looking for a solution to this issue.

Today I want to tell you about this type of earnings, such as audio transcription, and if we talk in simple words, audio to text translation.

The essence of audio transcription

Quite often, a person has notes that need to be translated into text. With the help of programs, I will say right away, this is impossible.

Therefore, machine transcription, even if it were possible, is not suitable.

From this a market for services is born, which is called text transcription. The worker, carefully listening, turns the audio into a beautiful, readable text that the customer needs.

The work is not difficult, and is perfect even for beginners, as it does not require a creative approach; the only skill that is desirable in this work is fast typing.

Although this skill can be acquired in just a few weeks of active training.

Transcription programs

Many beginners make a serious mistake and start working with improvised programs. For example, open Word and start audio recording in the player.

Of course, you can work this way, but as my experience has shown, switching between windows and constantly searching for the right moment takes up a lot of time, and the work slows down.

Accordingly, this is a decrease in possible profit.

Personally, I really liked the transcription program Express Scribe, easy to use, free (unless of course you decide to buy the PRO version), the only drawback is the English interface.

But since I only use a few of its functions when transcribing, this does not bother me much. If you wish, you can use a translator and understand the full functionality of the program; I personally did not do this.

A short instruction on using the program.

In fact, to transcribe, you only need three functions of this program: load an audio file into it, start the track, and then calmly type in the text window.

There is a button for adjusting the playback speed, it also helps during operation, since in slower playback you have to go back less often.

In principle similar programs you can find a lot, and many of them are free, most importantly, download from trusted sources so as not to infect your computer with viruses

Whether or not to buy machine transcription software

Of course, the dream of anyone who does transcription is to receive an order, load it into a smart program and then receive, without any effort, a finished text that can be sent to the customer.

On the Internet you can find offers of similar programs that can recognize speech from any audio recording. But here you should be careful, remember, miracles do not happen, and I do not believe that a small group of programmers, or even one genius, could develop such a program.

I'll bring you small example. Each person has a unique voice, in addition to this, there are also intonations, some people pronounce the same letters differently, and it’s also worth adding ambient noise.

Yes, we perfectly recognize the speech we hear, but can a computer do this? The answer is no definite, since in its database for audio recognition there must be terabytes of information about how words can sound.

Of course, work is underway in this direction, the only most relevant service that I came across is Google Voice Notepad, but even here you need correct diction so that it recognizes most of the words, and you need a good microphone.

And what about bad recordings that have to be deciphered during manual transcription; a program that could efficiently translate it into text does not exist.

So, no matter how tempting it may be to buy a machine transcription program, know that a full-fledged option does not yet exist. So it's best not to waste your money.

Even a gigabyte-sized program cannot have a full-fledged speech recognition base. It’s better to buy yourself good vacuum headphones; as my experience has shown, it’s much better to work with them, since nothing distracts you from your work.

Who orders transcription and how?

Transcription is most often ordered by those who deal with interviews, courses, conferences and other similar events.

When, for example, after a lecture all that remains is a recording that needs to be converted into text in order to post it on the Internet.

This is exactly the niche where audio transcription is ordered. It is worth noting that customer records can be of very different quality, as well as the formulation of the task itself.

First and most importantly, you will have to break the text into sentences and add punctuation marks yourself. As stated above, a machine cannot do this.

Second, quite often you need to title who is speaking. Usually these are marks like first and second voice, or simply, man and woman.

Sometimes this requires removing clumsy phrases from the recording, but such orders are quite rare.

Where to look for customers

Of course, any beginner is interested in where to look for customers, since this is one of the fundamental issues in freelancing. Of course, the most reliable place where you can find customers is freelance exchanges.

This is where such orders most often come across. Almost every day, you can come across orders for transcription.

You can still post on the Internet standard services and advertisements on boards on the Internet. This will not give results right away, but in the future several customers may contact you.

Most importantly, try to avoid standard expressions such as negotiated price; it is better to describe specifically what you do and for what cost.

How much can you earn by transcribing texts?

Even if you are a beginner, but you good speed printing, then you can start making good money by transcribing texts.

In principle, you can easily make two hours of audio in a day, even of the poorest quality. The average price for one minute of audio-to-text transcription is 10 rubles.

Of course, if the volumes are large and you have permanent job, then you can agree to 8-9 rubles per minute of audio, but below this cost, you shouldn’t even start working, since the time spent will not pay off.

Therefore, if you make two hours of audio a day, you can earn more than 1000 rubles a day. Agree, not at every factory you will be able to receive such a salary.

But working calmly at home is much better. Well, in addition, orders with a small creative component will cost a little more, and accordingly your earnings will increase.

How to avoid unscrupulous customers

In the end, I want to talk about how to avoid unscrupulous customers, since I myself have encountered a similar phenomenon more than once. The Internet is full of “smart guys” who want work done for them for free.

They may be very polite when communicating, but as soon as you send the result, the customer disappears, and you will not see the money earned. These are the kind of customers you need to avoid.

The first sign of an unscrupulous customer is a high order price and a recent registration on the freelance exchange.

Such customers create one-day accounts that simply die after the work is done for them. Therefore, such customers need to either ask for an advance payment, or send the work in parts so that the customer pays for it immediately.

You can also agree with the customer that you send him a text skin, he checks it and pays. After that, you send a text document.

This method will also help you protect yourself from non-payment for work. Remember, if you are working with a client for the first time, you need to be careful not to waste time.

Transcribing audio into text is a simple job that even a beginner can do. The most important thing is to show attention and diligence.

In addition, you can earn no worse from transcription than from copywriting, especially if you are a beginner and do not have your own customer base.

Hello fellow freelancers!

I think you completely understood this from yesterday’s article. Let's move on.

Today I want to tell you which programs will help significantly simplify the entire transcription process. There is more than one transcription program you can use, and there are several options for easily translating audio and video into text.

But I will go into detail about how to do transduction and in what ways. Today only detailed review of these programs with all the advantages and disadvantages.

Download Express Scribe(official website)

Unfortunately, there is no version of this program in Russian, but it is very simple, intuitive and free.

Main advantages:

  • Convenient field for typing text. No need to switch between the player and the text document.
  • Change the playback speed of the audio track so you can take dictation.
  • Customizable hotkeys to play, pause, and rewind recordings.
  • Adapted for working with Word.
  • Arrangement of time codes.


  • On English. Although this does not interfere with work one bit.

In the next article I will analyze in detail how to work in it and what hotkeys to use.

LossPlay program

Download the LossPlay program

A simple and also free player for transcripts.

Main advantages:

  • Customizable hotkeys.
  • Play audio and video files.
  • Changing the recording playback speed.
  • Arrangement of time codes.
  • Customizable rollback after a pause.
  • Adapted to work in Microsoft Word.


  • Sometimes you have to switch between windows.

3 video lessons on working with LossPlay

Lesson 1

Getting to know the player, how it installs and works.

Lesson 2

Inserting time code into decrypted text.

Lesson 3

How to increase the productivity of transcribers by fine-tuning the program.

Speechpad online service

A very simple online speech recognition service. With it, you can dictate text by voice and then edit it by saving or copying it to a text document.

In fact, this service can replace regular Google documents, which have a voice typing function.

Such programs exist to facilitate the work of transcribers. You can write your opinion below in the comments or leave a review about what you use. I wish you all good luck and see you in the next article.

What is transcription, how to convert audio and video files into text, is it possible to make money from it? Such search queries are increasingly appearing on the Internet. This topic is interesting to both my subscribers and everyone who makes money via the Internet. Therefore, it makes sense to provide clarification on this issue.

What is transcription

Hello, friends and colleagues! The question of what transcription is is of interest to many Internet users today. This newfangled word appeared in the lexicon not so long ago, as they say, a phenomenon of the times.

So, transcription is translation sound file into the text. And not just a retelling in your own words, but a literal translation. This could be an audio or video file, an interview or a video conference. In other words, this is the name for creating a well-formatted text that literally conveys the meaning of an audio or video recording.

It's no secret that the video format took a worthy first place in educational materials, both in trainings and in business education. But, nevertheless, there is a certain percentage of people who perceive video or audio formats worse than text ones. And, of course, if you are a blogger or information businessman, an online consultant or an MLM entrepreneur, then you most likely conduct webinars, Skype consultations, and online trainings. You must have video or audio recordings of these events.

And when you post these materials on your website, blog or page social networks, It is advisable for you to have detailed text support for this video or audio recording.

This practice will significantly increase the flow of visitors to your resource, which means the number of subscribers and clients will increase.

I myself am one of those people who read first and then watch.

Many authors prefer to speak the desired material into a microphone, record an audio file, listen, and then translate it into text. And this is often more convenient and faster than typing the material directly in printed form. This is often done by those who conduct various trainings.

The combination of video and audio formats with text accompaniment makes the content multi-format and interesting.

Transcription of audio and video into text

Converting audio to text format is no different from creating a text file from a video. After all, we are recording speech, but whether there is an image or not is not important.

Any person who has a computer, the Internet and the ability to type on a keyboard can be a transcriber. In order to learn how to translate speech into text format, start recording video reviews, audio presentations and provide text accompaniment for them.

You can transcribe video lessons or trainings you like. To do this, you need to install a media player and any text editor, for example, MS Word.

Practicing transcription, so to speak, for yourself, is a very useful thing. You significantly increase your typing speed on the keyboard and train your memory. After all, you have to retain a certain amount of information in memory. Involuntarily, by typing a lot by ear, you become more attentive and competent. This work teaches patience and perseverance.

And most importantly, having learned how to “transcribe” audio and video, you can always make money through the Internet.

Earning money from transcriptionvia the Internet

How much can you earn from transcription? On average, 8 – 15 rubles per minute of audio or video recording. If the text needs to be edited, then twice as much.

By “transcribing” 1 hour of video or audio every day, you earn about 25,000 rubles per month. And this without leaving home, without spending money on travel and eight hours for work.

Your earnings directly depend on your typing speed. There is help for transcribers special programs, such as ExpressScribe or LossPlay. The programs are in English, but the interface is intuitive and can be understood by anyone who is familiar with computer software. The programs are completely free.


So, we figured out what transcription is, how to convert video and audio files into text format, how and how much you can earn by providing such a service. This is quite valuable information for those who are taking their first steps in making money online. After all, you don’t need any special knowledge. Find orders and make a “transcription” of the speech. At the same time, you can create a blog or website, create your own information products, and write articles. You have money here and now. This gives you the opportunity to prepare the ground for making money online in your niche. Good luck!

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