Denisov Ilya Pavlovich biography. Ilya Denisov: the capital garrison of the Ministry of Emergency Situations is my home. Could you tell me more about this?

Ilya Denisov is a well-known person for the capital’s rescuers and, one might say, dear. He began his service back in 1996 as the chief of the guard of the 106th fire department and over 19 years of service he held the position of head of the Fire and Rescue Forces Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow, and the position of deputy head of the North-Western regional center Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Colleagues are sure: Ilya Denisov truly deserved his new appointment as head of the Moscow head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The VM correspondent talked with Ilya Denisov and found out what will change in the life of the capital’s rescuers under the new leadership.

- Ilya Pavlovich, what main tasks do you set for yourself?

The main tasks for the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations never change and cannot change - the safety of Muscovites and guests of our capital, assistance to every person. Another thing is that for even more efficient work we will have to change a lot, take on more responsibility.

- Could you tell us more about this?

Truly high-quality results can only be achieved through constant self-improvement. This applies to knowledge, skills and the ability to take responsibility. It is especially important for us to constantly improve our work because our field of activity is emergency situations. Of course, we need to increase the level of responsibility of the first fire extinguishing manager, the head of emergency rescue operations. We also strive to improve the level of training of units that are the first to arrive at the scene of fires and are the first to begin work to save people, put out fires and preserve the property of our fellow citizens.

- Ilya Pavlovich, what can you call the most important thing in the work of the capital’s rescuers?

The main thing in any work, including ours, is the people who do it. It is our specialists who are of the highest value to us. Today I am very pleased to state the fact that the professional level of our team has grown significantly during the two years of my absence from the capital. This is truly a team of like-minded people capable of coping with the most difficult tasks, each member of which has high professional, moral and strong-willed qualities. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

- What has changed during the two years of your absence?

Much, but most importantly, nothing has changed for the worse. The Moscow garrison is mine home. And it is developing dynamically along with the capital. I would like to note that we are well equipped technically. If we talk about specific figures, today we have at our disposal 930 units of fire fighting, automotive and special equipment, as well as 18 watercraft. We successfully cope with all our tasks: putting out fires, saving people on land, on water, and from a bird's eye view. Our Moscow Aviation Center also specializes in medical evacuation from emergency situations and is one of the best in Europe. And, of course, we use the latest rescue technologies.

This year the service of the capital's water rescuers turns 140 years old. How does the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations plan to celebrate this event?

We are planning to make a bright theatrical performance. I would like to believe that the capital’s residents will come to our celebration and rejoice with us. We will celebrate the anniversary on June 6 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Today we have something to be proud of. Rescuers working on water bodies have at their disposal the most modern watercraft, which are equipped with both rescue means and means of searching for people. They are also equipped with diving equipment, communications equipment, surveillance cameras and public warning technologies via the Internet and mobile communications.

Ilya Denisov is a well-known person for the capital’s rescuers and, one might say, dear. He began his service back in 1996 as the chief of the guard of the 106th fire department and over 19 years of service he held the position of head of the Fire and Rescue Forces Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow, and the position of deputy head of the North-West Regional Center of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia. Colleagues are sure: Ilya Denisov truly deserved his new appointment as head of the Moscow head office of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

The VM correspondent talked with Ilya Denisov and found out what will change in the life of the capital’s rescuers under the new leadership.

- Ilya Pavlovich, what main tasks do you set for yourself?

The main tasks for the employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations never change and cannot change - the safety of Muscovites and guests of our capital, assistance to every person. Another thing is that in order to work even more effectively, we will have to change a lot and take on greater responsibility.

- Could you tell us more about this?

Truly high-quality results can only be achieved through constant self-improvement. This applies to knowledge, skills and the ability to take responsibility. It is especially important for us to constantly improve our work because our field of activity is emergency situations. Of course, we need to increase the level of responsibility of the first fire extinguishing manager, the head of emergency rescue operations. We also strive to improve the level of training of units that are the first to arrive at the scene of fires and are the first to begin work to save people, put out fires and preserve the property of our fellow citizens.

- Ilya Pavlovich, what can you call the most important thing in the work of the capital’s rescuers?

The main thing in any work, including ours, is the people who do it. It is our specialists who are of the highest value to us. Today I am very pleased to state the fact that the professional level of our team has grown significantly during the two years of my absence from the capital. This is truly a team of like-minded people capable of coping with the most difficult tasks, each member of which has high professional, moral and strong-willed qualities. But, as they say, there is no limit to perfection.

- What has changed during the two years of your absence?

Much, but most importantly, nothing has changed for the worse. The Moscow garrison is my home. And it is developing dynamically along with the capital. I would like to note that we are well equipped technically. If we talk about specific figures, today we have at our disposal 930 units of fire fighting, automotive and special equipment, as well as 18 watercraft. We successfully cope with all our tasks: putting out fires, saving people on land, on water, and from a bird's eye view. Our Moscow Aviation Center also specializes in medical evacuation from emergency situations and is one of the best in Europe. And, of course, we use the latest rescue technologies.

This year the service of the capital's water rescuers turns 140 years old. How does the Moscow Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations plan to celebrate this event?

We are planning to make a bright theatrical performance. I would like to believe that the capital’s residents will come to our celebration and rejoice with us. We will celebrate the anniversary on June 6 at the Tsaritsyno Museum-Reserve. Today we have something to be proud of. Rescuers working on water bodies have at their disposal the most modern watercraft, which are equipped with both rescue means and means of searching for people. They are also equipped with diving equipment, communications equipment, surveillance cameras and public warning technologies via the Internet and mobile communications.

The head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow talks about preparing for winter and how rescuers can help motorists in snowfall.

The Moscow Department of Emergency Situations has prepared an airmobile group for the snowy winter. About how rescuers and doctors on all-terrain vehicles will go around busy roads off-road, about rescue posts on the Moscow Ring Road and about new system, which allows you to transmit messages about incidents directly to firefighters’ tablets, Ilya Denisov, head of the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations in Moscow, told the site in an interview.

— Ilya Pavlovich, tell us how the preparations for the winter period are going. How do you plan to respond to the vagaries of nature?

— The Moscow fire and rescue garrison is fully prepared to work in winter conditions. 26,906 firefighters and rescuers, as well as 2,560 fire trucks, 80 boats and 10 helicopters from the Moscow Aviation Center will ensure the safety of Muscovites and guests of the capital.

In winter recreation areas on water bodies, as planned, more than 210 rescuers, over 80 different pieces of equipment, including 26 hovercraft, will ensure the safety of people. And over 100 volunteers who have undergone the necessary training will help the EMERCOM employees.

At the end of October, the Main Directorate of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow, on the eve of winter, conducted an airmobile group training.

We will begin to actively use all-terrain vehicles to provide first aid to victims of road accidents in winter. Such vehicles will allow us to deliver doctors, psychologists, and medicines to the scene of the incident, bypassing busy highways.

In what situations do you plan to involve her?

— The airmobile group was created in 2014, its task is to quickly respond to large-scale fires, road accidents and other emergencies. The group is equipped with everything necessary for a rapid response and minimizing the consequences of emergencies.

The AMG is armed with a crane capable of quickly evacuating a vehicle from off-road terrain, a medical service vehicle, an emergency rescue vehicle, heated modules that can accommodate more than 50 people, as well as a field kitchen.

All fire and rescue equipment can operate for up to three days without interruption. In total, 55 units of equipment and 190 units of personnel are involved in airborne assistance. Our plans are to develop its capabilities and range of applications.

- How?

“For example, this year the group received two ATVs and two snowmobiles.

We will actively begin to use all-terrain vehicles to provide first aid to victims of road accidents in winter. Such vehicles will allow us to deliver doctors, psychologists, and medicines to the scene of the incident, bypassing busy highways. One, with the help of special trailers on sled runners, will be able to “take on board” up to 200 kilograms of cargo.

Our fire and rescue center has a certified medical service. It includes both qualified doctors and fire rescuers who have been trained in the basics of first aid.

In addition, this year the airmobile group was equipped with . New technology has proven itself well. DJI Phantom was purchased for fire station No. 51 of the Northern Administrative District at the beginning of this year.

By the end of the year we plan to purchase another 17 quadcopters. Thus, Moscow rescuers will have 19 unmanned aerial vehicles at their disposal.

— How do you plan to use drones?

— For the first time, we are monitoring outbound routes using drones. Heavy snowfall during rush hour increases the likelihood of traffic accidents. To determine the cause of a jam in the shortest possible time, rescuers will conduct reconnaissance using unmanned aerial vehicles.

Rescuers will also use drones to search for people lost in forests. In winter, these may be skiers who have left the paved trails. A drone with a thermal imager will help speed up the search

We also plan to monitor places where people go out on the ice en masse - these are winter fishing enthusiasts who do not always go out on the ice in specially equipped places.

View radius of one aircraft can reach four thousand square meters. Thus, the drone will quickly help determine the location of a fisherman who needs help.

Rescuers will also use drones to search for people lost in forests. In winter, these may be skiers who have left the paved trails. A drone with a thermal imager will help speed up the search. It differs from the usual one in image quality. While a regular drone provides a general panorama from the air, a thermal imaging sensor can quickly recognize warm spots from a height and transmit a signal about a person’s location to the ground.

This year, the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Budgetary Institution “Automobile Roads” organized the first rescue post in Moscow near the Moscow Ring Road

— You talked about helping people involved in road accidents. Does the Ministry of Emergency Situations plan to expand work in this direction?

— This year, the capital’s department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the State Budgetary Institution “Highways” organized the first rescue post in Moscow near the Moscow Ring Road. It opened in Northern administrative district on Izhorskaya Street, in the former traffic police post. Two specialists from the State Budgetary Institution “Highways” and volunteers from the Russian Union of Rescuers are on duty around the clock. Their task is to quickly respond to traffic accidents on the Moscow Ring Road - in the zone from Leningradskoye to Yaroslavskoye highways.

Rescuers are working to evacuate victims and provide medical and psychological assistance. All employees are certified and have undergone the necessary training.

IN next year We plan to increase the number of posts. This will reduce the time of arrival to accident sites.

An automatic monitoring system helped reduce emergency response time by an average of 16 percent

— Where can Muscovites turn in case of unforeseen situations?

— First of all, by calling 101. The signal is sent to the Critical Situations Control Center (CSCC), from where help is immediately sent. By the way, in winter period one operator receives up to 500 calls per day.

With the help of a comprehensive information system monitoring and management of forces and assets, which we implemented this year, the operator automatically transmits information about the incident to the nearest unit. The electronic card, which is transferred to the rescuers’ tablets, contains all the input data, including on the map: when and what happened, how much force needs to be used to eliminate the consequences and other information necessary for the response. Previously, the duty officer had to call and relay information to the fire department verbally. Transmission of urgent data took time. The system for monitoring and managing forces and assets helped reduce response time by an average of 16 percent.

How difficult is it to work in the Ministry of Emergency Situations today? What qualities should a potential fighter in your department have?

It has never been easy to work in the rescue service. You always have to deal with human pain, difficult and sometimes tragic situations. You need to be prepared for anything, both physically and mentally. The latest example is the fire at the Rio shopping center.

Then, in conditions of extremely high temperature and smoke, the soldiers had to feel their way in gas masks to reach people who were cut off from the exit. When you are in a fire, many things are unclear: how the situation is developing, what threatens you specifically - after all, a collapse may begin, you may fall into a burnout... But you still need to go forward - to help people. In addition, any EMERCOM fighter must be psychologically prepared and have the skills to work with people. At least to reassure a person who was on the verge of death.

Speaking about the fire in Rio, many referred to insufficient training of personnel and bad job warning means...

The staff worked very competently. And the fact that only four people were blocked is rather the merit of the employees shopping center. They evacuated three thousand people.

Automatic systems also worked.

How are things going with civil defense in Moscow? How is it being restored and perhaps modernized now?

I wouldn't say that anything was destroyed... System organization civil defense- one of the most important tasks of organs executive branch. Currently, Moscow civil defense is a dynamically developing system and meets all possible risks and threats specific to the capital region and the center of one of the world's largest agglomerations. I can say with complete confidence: in Moscow there is a fund of protective structures that are maintained in perfect order. Meetings on civil defense issues are held under the leadership of Moscow Deputy Mayor Pyotr Pavlovich Biryukov. I don’t see any problems here - we continue and develop all the good things that were in the Soviet Union, taking into account modern trends.

Every year, on October 4, a citywide training is held, we deploy civil defense forces and military rescue units. According to calculations, our coverage of the population not subject to evacuation - working shifts - is 100 percent. A complex system emergency notification is provided by the centralized activation of 1,300 electric sirens, 1.5 million radio points, 3 thousand street loudspeakers.

Now there is an opinion that young people are reluctant to work in many industries, and they rely on veterans. How are things going with this in the capital's Emergency Situations Department?

Young people are coming to us. There is even a queue of people who want to get a job at our headquarters. We employ guys not only from Moscow, but also from Moscow, Tverskaya, Kaluga region. Many people from the regions are attracted to life in a metropolis. But our garrison is quite complex, young, and intensively developing.

By the way, many people from other garrisons do not fit in - we have very strict requirements. After all, from 1969 to 1997, conscript soldiers served in the fire department in Moscow.

Our army discipline has not weakened since then. There are, of course, veterans who, being the most experienced employees, pass on their experience. That's why they are veterans, to instruct and help. I can say that the number of employees over the age of 45, which is the first limit in our service, is just over two percent. Agree, “going out” at two percent is simply unrealistic. Just a couple of decades ago there was no queue to work in the fire department. Then the prestige of the profession was low - the salary was low, and the work was dangerous and difficult. Everyone was more attracted by business. Now it's the other way around. Stable salary, social guarantees, new modern technology and equipment. And patriotism among young people has increased.

Modern youth are often called infantile and immature. What do you think needs to be done to get young guys interested in real men's work again?

Those guys who come to us are not childish at all. They have the right upbringing.

Returning to the fire in Rio: a 24-year-old guy working in the Moscow fire and rescue garrison was injured there - he received a heatstroke. He acted selflessly, not sparing himself. When he left the high temperature zone, he didn’t think he was feeling bad.

He was going to take a little rest and go back to making his way to the people. Nikita is a lively, inquisitive guy. And in general, I often work in fire departments and see how many positive young people we have. And speaking in a global sense, infantilism needs to be “treated”, starting not even from school, but from kindergarten.

How often do the services under your leadership train?

The process of improving professional skills cannot be stopped. Every day, 10–15 units go to training.

And they learn from complex objects located in their area of ​​responsibility. They practice fire extinguishing methods, methods of rescuing people, and interaction with facility administrations.

First of all, of course, these are objects social sphere. We have developed plans for such training. And every day, classes, according to the schedule, are held in the duty guard. According to our rules, once a quarter, every gas and smoke protector must take a class in a heat and smoke chamber.

City rescuers are rightfully considered one of the best in the country both in terms of training and provision of equipment and special equipment. Do you share your experience with the regions, and vice versa?

For example, American or European.

The US has a developed property insurance system, so their firefighters prefer not to go inside. Instead, they place equipment in a circle and pour water on the fire.

We, just like the Germans or the French, have a different tactic - we try to penetrate to the source of the fire and prevent it from spreading. And technology improves with the development of technology.

We are now armed with a unique Cobra installation, which was developed by our Swedish colleagues. Using waterjet chips under high pressure, it allows you to make 5–6 mm punctures in concrete, iron, laminated glass, and wood. Then finely sprayed water is supplied through this puncture under high pressure. This gives a fantastic cooling effect. In addition, security increases - because this allows us not to enter an apartment or other room on fire. We also adopted a German achievement - air-compression foam without the use of water. It is very sticky - if you use it on, for example, a wall, it will stick. In addition, it successfully resists fire compared to other analogues. The generation of high expansion foam has proven itself well, returning to the fire in Rio. Using two installations, we were able to fill the minus first floor of the complex.

Moscow is being built up with skyscrapers. Are you ready to fight fire at high altitudes? The fire in Moscow City showed that we are ready for this. Of course, there are no limits to perfection.

But thanks to established tactics developed by Hero of Russia Evgeny Chernyshev, we were able to supply water to the 67th floor. Helicopters from the Moscow Aviation Center helped. Of course, we wouldn’t want to repeat this experience - defeating the fire there was not easy for us. But we are constantly improving our extinguishing tactics, and we have everything we need for this.

And the most important thing in our garrison is people who are true professionals in their field.

What are the main qualities, in your opinion, that a modern head of a law enforcement agency should have? Share your secret to success.

The first is professionalism. You need to know the work of all levels, starting from the bottom. By the way, I myself came to the Moscow garrison in 1996, immediately after serving in the Navy fire department, as a guard chief in the 106th unit in Chertanovo. Secondly, he must have high communication skills.

After all, it is necessary to resolve issues completely different levels. And only in cooperation with the Moscow government and law enforcement agencies can we achieve main goal- ensuring the security of our capital. Also - you need to love your homeland. After all, you have to practically forget about your personal life - you spend all holidays, all weekends at work - either in management, or at the scene of an event or incident. Look - we had the relics of St. Nicholas the Pleasant in Moscow for more than a month, the Confederations Cup was held. And everywhere it is necessary to take personal participation.

How is your department fighting corruption? We keep our finger on the pulse and, if necessary, conduct preventive conversations. If we receive signals or hints that a conflict of interest is possible, we will look into it at the relevant departmental commission. Now we are focusing on prevention. If it doesn’t reach a person, we part with him without regret.

How did the work of the capital’s administration change after the annexation of new territories to Moscow?

After the regional administration annexed the territories of the Troitsky and Novomoskovsky districts to Moscow, we, with the support of the Moscow government, repaired fire departments, put modern equipment into service, and introduced our own standards. We work closely with the prefecture and its head Dmitry Nabokin. Of course, to the risks that exist on the territory of old Moscow, new ones have been added: natural fires, flooding. We also actively involve volunteers in our work.

How much help do they give you?

They guard two settlements- Sakharovo and Marushkino. Volunteers have been winning a competition to ensure fire safety there for years in a row (they have the right to do this under the Law “On Voluntary Fire Protection”). In Moscow, we actively involve volunteer fire brigades in ensuring the safety of public events - concerts, football matches. We coordinate their activities. There is a State Budgetary Institution “Highways” in Moscow. In addition to their main functions, they created their own fire and rescue units. They even have a stationary post on Izhorskaya Street, on the territory of the former traffic police post. The guys accept calls and respond to emergencies and road accidents in their area of ​​​​responsibility - from Leningradskoye to Yaroslavskoye highways. According to the register, in Moscow we have 15 thousand volunteer firefighters. Of course, we don’t attract everyone at once, but there are about 300 people who constantly cooperate with us. But there is help from them - this is our combat reserve.

Which of the fires you have extinguished do you consider to be the worst?

Every fire is scary. After all, any fire means, at a minimum, grief, losses, loss of housing. And at the very least, someone’s life. Let's break your question into parts. Perhaps the most difficult fire in which I took part in extinguishing occurred in 2012 at the Institute of Experimental Physics on Nakhimovsky Prospekt. The first electron collider in the Soviet Union was built there at one time. Everything was mixed up: and very complicated design features buildings, more and more new circumstances arose that we had to take into account. The fire was difficult to extinguish. And the worst fires are where you lose your friends...

Therefore, for me personally it was the fire on Amurskaya Street last year. For 70 years, the Moscow fire department has not suffered such losses. This was a serious blow to the entire garrison. I, like any firefighter, had situations when I seemed to be saying goodbye to life. But still he came out: from the smoke, from the high temperature zone. He saved himself and saved people.

What is it like to work in a department where every day you have to risk life and health, regardless of your merits and the number of stars on your uniform? How do you manage stress?

I’ve worked all my life, and I can’t imagine life without work. I know that many people who leave us for a well-deserved rest first say: finally, everything is tired. And then after a couple of months they admit that they are missing something.

And the main reward is lives saved. Everyone copes with stress differently. For example, I really love the bathhouse. I try to have a good steam bath with brooms once a week. Moreover, I love it when the steam room is heated in Russian, in black. Sports also help me well. At one time I was involved in boxing, but now sometimes I warm up with weights - here they are in my office.

Do you have any hobbies or interests? How do you prefer to spend your free time?

Every year there is less and less free time. But if I have a day, I go spearfishing. Or a regular hunt. If I can’t get out there, I just go out into nature. My most interesting trophy is a huge elk. And if we talk about spearfishing - carp weighs 12.5 kilograms. I hope that someday I will be able to catch something bigger - for example, to fight with a seasoned catfish.

Lieutenant General internal service Ilya Denisov was born on June 14, 1971 in Vladimir. He joined the Ministry of Emergency Situations in 1996 as chief of guard. In 2010, he was appointed head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for Moscow. Repeatedly took part in liquidation of consequences emergency situations and fire fighting. Awarded medals “For Courage” and “For Saving the Dead.” Married, has a daughter and son.
