New Year's funny fairy tale Frost in a new way. Script for a musical fairy tale in a new way “Morozko. Baba Yaga and Kikimora attack Koshchei

Yuliana Galyamova
Scenario musical fairy tale on new way"Morozko"

Script for a musical fairy tale, new way« Morozko»


1. Costumes: costume Morozko,

stepmother costume, Marfushka costume, Nastenka costume, Matvey costume, costumes Buffoons(2 pcs., costume of Lady Babka - Hedgehogs.

2. Attributes: bed, table, chair, tablecloth, coffee pot, cup and saucer, stove, chest, bench; imitation of a snow-capped mountain, two Christmas trees, a wicker fence.

Characters :

2 Buffoons

Lady Grandma-Ezhka



The song about fairy tale

Buffoons: Good afternoon, invited and welcome guests.

We are glad to see you in our mansion.

Again fairy tale is knocking on our door,

IN fairy tale anything can happen

We don't know everything in advance.

Over again we laugh and cry like a fairy tale, what will be there in the foggy distance?

Things might turn out differently

Take a closer look watch the fairy tale!

Old woman: Nastenka! Nastenka (Out on stage. Nastenka is knitting).

What are you doing, sweetie?

Nastenka: I’m knitting stockings for Marfusha. You yourself ordered it.

Old woman: She ordered me to knit, but I didn’t order you to knock with your knitting needles, honey. You'll wake up Marfushenka's darling.

Nastenka: Can you really hear it through the wall?

Old woman: Why can’t you hear? And Marfushenka-darling dozed off all day and didn’t break her back. Now she can wake up from the most silent rustling. Here, sweetie, you will knit. The moon shines brightly and is not heard, and it is not hot (leaves).

Buffoons: Once upon a time there lived an old man and an old woman. And they had two daughters.

One was the old man's daughter,

For the grandmother, it was the second one.

The old man's daughter was beautiful and modest,

And she was always in a hurry to help everyone.

People in the village knew about her hard work

And they even called her a needlewoman.

Marfusha appears, chewing a French loaf.

(to the tune of "To be or not to be")

Where are my slippers, where are my T-shirts?

No one washed my smart jacket, you didn’t cook my favorite jelly for me, I can’t do this - I’ll die of hunger!

Whether or not, do something.

To be or not to be, to be or not to be.

Marfushka sits down in front of the mirror and looks at it.

The stepmother comes up to Marfusha and admires her.

Stepmother: Oh, you are my berry. Princess, as there is a princess. (rubs Marfusha’s cheeks with beets) No, not the princess. Queen!

Nastenka in response: Here are your slippers, here are your T-shirts,

I ironed my jacket and washed my clothes.

I cooked the soup, fried the meat,

The bun and compote have been in the kitchen for a long time.


I've been looking at you all day

I'm so tired of this!

Everything is easy for you

It always works out!

Everyone praises me, they say: “How wonderful!”

I hate even listening!

Marfushka sits down and turns away. The stepmother comes out.

Don't cry, my beauty!

Don't cry, my darling!

I came up with something

Come and listen to me!”

Hey, Matvey, come here.

(They whisper.)

Stepmother: I’m wooing Marfushenka, I’m wooing her, and everyone is looking at the damned Nastya. Take her to the forest, worthless, out of sight, out of sight as a snake under the well.”

Matvey: Sit down, dear daughter, in the sleigh. Eh, Nastenka! My beloved daughter!

Forgive me, your weak-willed father!

Nastenka: What are you talking about, father?

Matvey: Eh, my little blood (puts Nastenka in a sleigh, takes her on a slide with Christmas trees. At the slide

Nastenka jumps off and hides behind the Christmas trees)

No, Nastenka, this will not happen! Theirs was the top, ours will be! (turns around and goes home)

Skomorshchi: Weeks flew by, snowstorms came, the old man took his dear daughter into the thicket of the forest, not of his own free will, but at the behest of his stepmother.

And now the time has come fabulous miracles.

And in that reserved forest our aunt lived

Oh, the cheerful girl Granny the Hedgehog was!

A young, energetic Baba Yaga appears (to the tune of "Lady Perfection")

I always easily and simply go to the crossroads,

Geese-swans stand motionless in a row, and the bears roar about my beauty!

Lady, uat iz yo neim?

Lady - Baba Ezhka (2 times)

I am perfection itself, I am perfection itself,

From a smile to a gesture - beyond all praise.

Oh, what bliss, oh, what bliss,

To know that I am perfection, to know that I am ideal.

Lady - Baba Ezhka (3 times, lady!

Matvey, heartbroken, walks through the forest to meet Baba Yaga.

Baba Yaga: Oh, he showed up without getting dusty. Why are you wandering here, Matvey, making my forest sad? Ali what happened?

Matvey: The old woman decided to take my daughter Nastenka away from the world. Take her, take her, he says, wherever you want, so that my eyes don’t see her! Take her to the forest, to the crackling freezing.

Baba Yaga: (shakes his head and twirls his finger at his temple) Other old women's old men are also fools, but still not like that. It’s necessary to drag your own daughter into the forest. Grandfather For Frost's fun, to the hungry wolves for reprisals.

Matvey: That's me

Baba Yaga: (interrupts him) Me, me.

Old man: I’m silent, I’m silent.

Baba Yaga: Eh, old man, his head has a hole! Let’s quickly go look for Nastenka and help her out of trouble! Nastenka sits under the Christmas tree, rubbing her nose and cheeks with her hands.

Appears Morozko. He sees Nastya, comes up to her and shakes her shoulder.

In reality, or perhaps in a dream? What is the girl doing here?

Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?

Nastenka: Warm, father, warm Frost.

Morozko: (Frost runs around the Christmas trees, catching up with the cold). Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?

Nastenka: Warm, father, warm Frost.

Morozko: What are you doing here? Ali what happened?

Nastenka: I don’t blame my dear father

Here I am sitting in the forest and freezing.


One? Into the dense forest? In such freezing?

What is this - a joke! Or are you serious?

You can't do it without my help!

Just work a little for me!


I am ready to gladly hear your request!

What needs to be done?


Yes, embroider a scarf!

To my beautiful Snow Maiden.

Choose a nicer scarf.


I will embroider a handkerchief of wondrous beauty!

I'm sure you'll be pleased!


Snowflakes come to the rescue,

Bring some beautiful white threads.

Dance of snowflakes.

(Morozko sits on a stump)


Morozko, here is a handkerchief for the Snow Maiden.


Thank you, beautiful needlewoman.

The handkerchief is just a miracle! Just the way I like it.

Thank you! Made a friend! Of course, you deserve the gift!

He gives away the casket and Nastenka goes backstage.

Buffoons: The old man went into the forest, came to a large spruce, and there sat his daughter, cheerful, rosy-cheeked, in a Sable fur coat, in gold and silver. The old man was delighted to put all the goods in the sleigh and took his daughter.

Scene in Nastya's house. The stepmother and Marfusha are fussing around the Christmas tree.

Sing to the tune "Malinki" Accident:

The Christmas tree, the Christmas tree has prickly needles. Let's decorate the green needles with tinsel!

We sing enough, now we can live without Nastya, there will be happiness, without Nastya it will be good!

Skomorokh 1

The old man's daughter is bringing expensive gifts.

Skomorokh 2

But no one marries an old woman’s daughter.

Shoo! Look what they came up with!

Grandma drives me away buffoons.

Nastenka and Matvey come out.

All dressed up! I'll just die of anger

It’s as if she wasn’t going into the forest, but on a visit!


Oh, mommy! Well, of course! What is this!

I want such gifts too!

If only you could take me to the forest as soon as possible,

I’ll get nicer outfits.

The stepmother puts a scarf and fur coat on Marfushka and sends her to the forest.


It's cold! Everything is numb!

If it weren’t for gifts, I’d be sitting at home!

Appears Morozko.

Hello, hello, girl!

Hello, beauty!


Right, Freezing, beautiful

I can please everyone.


Is it good in the forest in winter?


I can't wait to go home!

Give me gifts too

Yes, more beautiful, more expensive.


What do you want?


Beads, rings in silver,

Dresses, fur coat, mittens,

Yes, more than my sister.


You deserve gifts

Quickly knit a scarf for the Snow Maiden.

What would happen faster?

I will give you birds and animals to help.


Are you out of your mind?

I don't know how to knit!

Tie it yourself if you want,

It's not my concern!


You're not good with needlework.

Maybe this is how you can serve me:

You made me laugh, dance and dance.


Well, you asked the task -

I'm almost crying out of boredom

I'm still wondering what to do!

I'd rather sit here

I'll look at the fun.


I want to tell you a riddle,

Now try to guess.

Clubbed feet, sleeps in a den during the winter. ?


It's a bear

I knew it!


Okay, at least I guessed the riddle.


Enough! I'm tired, you know that!

Give me gifts quickly!


Since you've been worrying about gifts,

You will get everything you deserve!

They leave, Marfushka with the chest.

My daughter has been gone for a long time,

Here's more worries!

Or maybe there are so many gifts,

That we need help now.

Skomorokh 1

The old man's daughter will get married soon.

Skomorokh 2

But the old woman’s daughter will not come from the forest.

You are slandering me, my daughter!

I ask you to leave the house!

Marfushka and Morozko.


I'm exhausted! It's really hot!

She brought a chest of gifts.

(opens chest)

Yes, what is this?

After all, there are no gifts at all!


Are there no rich gifts there?

For work and pay!


There are many in the world fairy tales

Sad and funny

And live in the world

We can't live without them.

Let the heroes fairy tales

They give us warmth

May goodness forever

Evil wins!

Us all that remains to be said is

Thank you all for your attention!

Well, we’ll part with you until a new date!

Main characters(adults): Storyteller, Nastenka, Stepmother, Marfa, Santa Claus, Fox, Wolf, Hare

Storyteller: There are many fairy tales in the world. All of them are filled with kindness and mystery. In fairy tales, good triumphs over evil. Today you will see a new fairy tale in a new way "Morozko". You sit quietly and watch carefully. The fairy tale begins.

Magic music sounds.

Nastenka(sits, knitting). It’s already dawn, the cockerel will soon begin to crow, but I haven’t finished my work yet. I only have a little time left, if I don’t have time, my stepmother will kill me.

Stepmother: Oh, you scoundrel. You don’t let me sleep, you woke up the whole house with your knitting needles.

Nastenka: Mommy, I'm already finished. I won't do it again.

Stepmother: Why won't you, won't you work? Look, what did you come up with! Go get some wood, light the stove, bring some water, and prepare breakfast for Marfushenka-darling.

Nastenka: Okay, mother.

Stepmother: Go.

Marfushenka appears on the porch (yawns).

Stepmother: Marfushenka, darling, how did you sleep, my beautiful daughter, on 12 feather beds, on 6 pillows, under 3 duvets?

Marfa: It's bad, mom. She kept bruising her sides and kept humming something in her ear.

Stepmother: This damned Nastya kept strumming her knitting needles and didn’t let you sleep, darling. Here you go, lollipop.

Marfa: I don't want any candy.

Stepmother: What does my beauty want?

Marfa: I want a New Year, with gifts, with a real magic tree from Santa Claus, so that it burns and sparkles and the star shines on it. And let Santa Claus give me a whole cart of gifts.

Stepmother: What are you saying, daughter, there’s a snowstorm blowing outside, who’s going to go get the Christmas tree?

Marfusha: Who-who? Let Nastya go. Not everything is strummed on her knitting needles, she doesn’t let me sleep.

Stepmother: Nastya, and Nastya?

Nastya: Yes, mother

Stepmother: Have you done everything?

Nastya: Yes, mother, I chopped the wood, lit the stove, brought water, and prepared breakfast.

Stepmother: So go into the forest then.

Nastya: For what?

Stepmother: New Year is coming soon. Bring a magical Christmas tree from Santa Claus so that it burns and sparkles and the star shines on it.

Marfa: And let Santa Claus give me a whole cart of gifts.

Nastya: Why, mother, the snowstorm is sweeping, a good owner will not drive the dog out into the yard, but you are sending me into the very cold.

Stepmother: Don't you dare contradict me. Get ready and don’t return home without a Christmas tree.

Nastya leaves the hall in tears.

Stepmother: Marfushenka, close the door, you see what a blizzard has cleared up.

Storyteller: So our Nastenka went into the winter forest. And so that she won’t be afraid in the forest, we’ll sing her a song

Song« Quiet song»

Nastenka: Here I am in the forest. All alone. Where to go, where to look for Santa Claus. If only someone had told me, showed me the way. Oh, who is that hiding under the bush? Who are you? Come out, don't be afraid of me, I won't hurt you.

A hare appears from behind a bush.

Hare: Oh, I'm frozen, I'm cold. I forgot to change my fur coat.

Nastya: This is a problem - not a problem. Take mine. It is white, fluffy, and will warm you.

Hare: Thank you, Nastenka. What about you?

Nastya: It's OK. I'm not cold.

Hare: What a warm fur coat I have now. I’m not afraid of frosts, now I’m not afraid of anyone, because I’m white as snow. The wolf won't see me, the fox won't notice me. You can frolic and have fun. Oh, I have carrots. Let's play with her.

Playing with children « Pass the carrots»

Nastya: It's fun with you, little bunny, but I need to hurry.

Hare: Where are you hurrying, Nastenka?

Nastya: My stepmother sent me to the forest, to get a magic Christmas tree, to see Santa Claus.

Hare: To Santa Claus? This is not an easy task. Take this carrot with you. When you need my help, take it in your hands and say “One, two, three, carrot, call the bunny.”

Nastya: Thank you, bunny.

Bunny: Nastenka, let’s go, I’ll accompany you and show you the path.

Storyteller: While the bunny shows Nastenka the path, you and I will remember that it is winter, it’s frosty outside, and snowflakes are falling from the sky.

Song« Snow-pearls» (at the choice of the music director)

Nastya: Who is coming towards me? Singing a sad song?

Wolf(singing): I'm hungry gray wolf, I know a lot about bunnies.

Even if you walk around half the forest, you won’t find a better wolf.

I wander through the forest, I keep order.

Well, the trouble is, the trouble is grief, I got frostbite.

My felt boots were torn and they were getting old.

Nastya: Hello, Uncle Wolf.

Wolf: Who called me uncle? How long have I been living in this forest, but no one has called me that. It is immediately obvious that she is a kind girl.

Nastya: I see, Uncle Wolf, what trouble you have. Take my felt boots. They are almost new, warm, and will quickly warm you up.

The wolf puts on felt boots.

Wolf: Oh, and in fact, it immediately became warm. The legs themselves are asking to dance.

Dance« Felt boots».

Wolf: Thank you, Nastenka, kind soul. Where are you heading?

Nastya: Yes, my wicked stepmother sent me to the forest to get a New Year's tree from Santa Claus himself. But the problem is, I don’t know where Santa Claus is.

Wolf: And I, Nastenka, will help you, show you the path. For your kindness and generous soul, I will give you a magic fir cone - it will help you, show you the way. And if you get into trouble, throw a winter cone and say, “Cone, cone, call the wolf.”

Nastenka: Thank you, Uncle Wolf.

Wolf: Let's go, Nastenka, I'll show you the way.

Storyteller: The tale is told quickly, but the deed is not done quickly. While Nastenka and the Wolf are walking along the path, we will sing a song about what happens in winter when the bear does not sleep.

Song« Once in a frosty winter».

Fox: I heard a wonderful song, isn’t it about me?

Sings a song:

In the middle of nowhere in the forest,

Despite the beauty

Lives: Fox Patrikeevna

I don't understand why, why

They don’t let godfathers into the village.”


Fox: What does it smell like here? Hare meat? No. Wolf meat? No. Maybe a bun? No.

Nastya: Hello, little fox. This is me walking in the forest, looking for Santa Claus.

Fox: Have you ever seen this before, walking alone through the forest at such a time?

Nastya: Yes, I don’t walk of my own free will. My wicked stepmother sent me to the forest to get a Christmas tree from Santa Claus himself. But the problem is, I don’t know where Santa Claus lives.

Fox: Everyone needs Santa Claus, but not everyone can find him. If you can solve my riddles, I will help you.


Fox: Well done, Nastenka, you solved all the riddles. And for this I give you a magic mushroom, it will help you - it will show you the way. And if you need me, shake the mushroom and I will appear.

Nastya: Thank you, Lisa. For your help I give you my mittens.

Fox: Oh, thank you. I've been wanting these mittens for a long time. Let's go, I'll accompany you

Storyteller: Whether it was close or long or short, Fox and Nastenka came out into a large clearing. It’s quiet in the clearing, the snowflakes are sparkling and the frost is crackling. And so that our heroes don’t freeze and meet Santa Claus sooner, we’ll sing a song for them.

Song « Who is Santa Claus»

Father Frost: Quieter, quieter I hear someone snoring. Oh, not snoring, but drip-drip-drip. No, it doesn’t look like it’s raining, the girl looks like she’s crying.

(Nastya enters the hall, pretending to look like a frozen girl).

Nastya: I've completely lost my way and am probably lost. It’s so cold, I’m completely frozen (sits down under the Christmas tree).

Father Frost: Are you warm, girl? Are you warm, beauty?

Nastya: Warm, Morozushko, warm, father.

Father Frost: Now, are you warm, girl?

Nastya: Warm.

Santa Claus asks for the third time, Nastya does not answer.

Father Frost: Oh, I'm old, my head has a hole. The girl was completely frozen. Now I'll try to warm her up. A winter fur coat appears, followed by felt boots, a hat and mittens.

Nastya: Thank you, Grandfather Frost.

Freezing: What is such a beauty doing in the forest?

Nastya: Yes, my stepmother sent me to get the Christmas tree and told me not to return home without a Christmas tree and gifts.

Father Frost: Ege-ge-ge. I see, you are a kind girl, you didn’t come here of your own free will, I’ve been watching you for a long time, you deserve gifts from Santa Claus. Hold (hands over gifts). And take the magic Christmas tree with you. Let's go, I'll accompany you, I'll show you the way.

Storyteller: Nastenka returned home and brought rich gifts. The stepmother and Marfushka marvel and envy. So they decided to send Marfusha to the forest and ask Santa Claus for gifts. They packed Marfushenka for the journey. They wrapped me in a down jacket, leather boots on my feet, a down scarf on my head, and gave me a basket of pies. And here is Marfushenka in the forest. He walks, puffs, rolls through the snowdrifts.

Marfusha(mumbling): All this nasty Nastya. And I, and I will bring two, no, five Christmas trees and a whole cart of gifts. She will envy me and bite my elbows. Wow, I’m tired, I’ll sit and have a snack.

The Hare appears to the music

Hare: Oh, how delicious it smells. Girl, girl, treat me to a pie

Marfa: Go away, cross-eyed. Not enough

Hare: Oh, how evil, bad, bad you are.

The hare cried and galloped away. A wolf appears and sniffs

Wolf: Oh, how delicious it smells. Pies with meat and mushrooms. I'll go and ask. Beautiful girl, treat Uncle Wolf to some pies.

Marfa: Get lost, you ragged tail. Now it hurts.

Wolf: U-U-U. Greedy. What an ill-mannered girl. U-U-U (leaves).

Marfa: I'm like that myself. Look, you wanted some pies, but there weren’t enough of them. Bake and eat.

Lisa appears to the music.

Marfa: Here, another freeloader has appeared. Red-haired, cunning, and I’m even more cunning (hides the pies).

Fox: Oh, chicken pies?

Marfa: Whatever the case, it smells like wolf meat here.

Fox: Everything is clear, she is cunning, but not smart. Yes, I can smell chicken from 100 miles away. Can you outwit me, the red fox? Funny! What are you doing here?

Marfa: tell you

Fox: You don't have to tell me, I still know. You were jealous of your sister Nastenka and became greedy. Well, wait for the gifts. As it comes back, so it will respond (leaves).

Santa Claus enters the hall to the music.

Father Frost: Oh, what do I see. The girl is beautiful. She’s sitting alone under a fir tree, waiting for someone, waiting. Well, let's see what you are like? Are you warm, girl, are you warm, red one?

Marfa: Can’t you see how cold it is, and he’s also asking

Grandfather hits with staff

Father Frost: Are you warm now, beauty?

Marfa: No... I'm freezing.

This is the third time Santa Claus asks.

Marfa: Give us gifts (shakes Grandfather).

Father Frost: Well, the free man has his freedom. Have it your way. Get it.

He knocks with his staff. A broom and a bag of snowballs appear.

Father Frost: Here's your Christmas tree, here's your gifts, and go home while I'm good. This is the first time I have seen such a miracle in my forest.

Marfa: This is not what I came here for. Give away gifts.

Father Frost: No. Just look. She swears and barks, worse than a dog. Well, let it be your way (knocks with staff). Since the girl is very rude, put on a dog fur coat.

Marfa: Woof-woof! (turns into a dog).

Father Frost: What a character! You should be in a dog’s fur coat until a kind soul takes pity on you (leaves).

The dog runs away barking.

Storyteller: Marfa came running home. Barks. There is a scratching at the door, asking to go home.

Stepmother: Something, someone else's dog got stuck. Get out of here. There's no point in barking here. Here I am with a broom.

Nastya: Poor dog. Go hungry. Let me feed you. (Strokes the dog.)

Nastya: Oh, there's something familiar about you. The eyes are familiar, and the voice reminds me of someone. Isn't this Marfusha?

Stepmother: Why are you comparing my darling Marfushenka to a dog? My beautiful Martha is about to return from Santa Claus and bring gifts.

Nastya: No, mother! Look, Martha is ours. That's the problem.

Only Grandfather Frost will help us (rings the bell).


Past the fir trees and birches

Santa Claus is rushing to visit.

Father Frost: I hear, I hear. I'm coming, I'm coming. Did you call me, beautiful girl?

Nastya: I called, Frost! I called you, grandpa! We've got into trouble. Marfa turned into a dog. Marfa needs to return to her previous appearance. Help us, grandfather!

Father Frost: Oh-ho-ho! I cast a spell, but I can’t break the spell alone. What is needed here is good, forest power.

Nastya: I know who to call. (Picks up a carrot.) One, two, three, carrot, call the bunny. (Throws a winter cone) Cone, cone, call the wolf. (Shakes fungus). I'll shake the mushroom and call the fox.

A hare, a wolf and a fox appear.

Together: Did you call us? What's happened? What kind of misfortune happened?

Nastenka: Help the forest animals, Marfushenka, break the spell.

Hare: Is she still as evil? Afraid.

Wolf: Is she still that greedy? I won't help her.

Fox: She thought that she was more cunning than everyone else, so now let her bark.

Nastya: Come on, she is completely different, she will no longer be evil, greedy, cunning. I know she will be good. Really, Marfushenka? (Martha confirms).

Hare: Well, that's another matter then. Magic carrot to the rescue, remove the dog's fur coat.

Wolf: I’ll touch you with a cone, you’ll be a good little girl (takes off his mask).

Fox: Here is a mushroom - beauty, I touch it - and there is no tail.

Nastya: Look, Marfushenka has turned from an evil dog into a kind girl. Hello, Marfushenka.

Stepmother: Ay, baby, my dear, miserable one is back.

Marfa: Oh, thank you forest animals, they helped me out. I will no longer offend animals, scold Nastenka, or upset adults. I will be a good and obedient girl. Oh, I won’t be lazy, I’ll work with Nastenka. And now, honest people, join the round dance.

Round dance« Goodbye old year» (at the choice of the music director).

The fairytale script was prepared by N. Sharilova.

Nomination "Tale in verse"
Smirnova Marina Yurievna
The fairy tale “Morozko” in a new way.
(New Year's theatrical performance in 4 acts)
 Storyteller
 Old man
 Old woman
 Nastenka
 Marfushka
 Morozko
 Ivantsarevich
 Babayaga
 Robber
Action 1.
Narrator: The tale begins in the room of an old man and an old woman, who are sitting and
drinking tea. The old woman’s own daughter Marfushka only recently woke up and is sitting
preens in front of the mirror. She listens to the player, and Nastenka at this time
walks by, sweeping the floors. (PAUSE)
Old man (reasons):
Eh, old woman, life passes,
My daughter is not getting married.
Where can we find a groom?
Old woman:
What are you whispering?..
I'm deaf!
Old man (shouting):
Where can we find a groom?
(hearing old people screaming):
Why are you shouting? I don’t understand!..
(stomps his foot)
I want a cool phone!
Cell phone!..
You will equip Nastka
Yes, hurry up...
It doesn’t matter to me that it’s cold...
That he plucks his ears and nose.
Old man:
What are you, daughter...
Are you serious?
Yes! Seriously…
The day has come. It's white all around.

Old woman:
What? I can't hear you well!
You speak to me louder...
What do you want, groom?
Where can I get it? Ha! Ha!
Hey, Nastya, get dressed,
Go to the forest this very hour.
Without a cool phone
Don't come back to this house!
How about it, my dear father!?
This is certain death for me!
Old man:
Oh! Oh! Nastenka! I'd be glad
But Marfushechka doesn’t...
Be careful dear...
You have a long way to go...
You are cooler than Marfushechka
Bring your phone number...
Action 2.
Nastenka put on what she had at hand and went. Going out into the street, she
he cowers and walks wherever his eyes look, since there is no road, only fir trees and pine trees. And the road is
the far one - to the store where none other than Her “Majesty” Baba Yaga sells. Going
Nastenka, the snow is deep, it’s stuck in the snowdrifts, it’s cold. Suddenly he sees a peg in
snowdrift, she touched him. And this was the staff of Moroz Ivanovich, he already
He's been searching through the forest for a week, but can't find him. Nastenka touched it and froze. Posokhto
was magical.

No. Suddenly he saw a girl, and in her hands she had her lost staff.
Frost is coming, upset, soon New Year, the Christmas tree must be dressed in frost, and the staff
Morozko (upset, running around Nastenka, worried):
What a fool I am, what sclerosis!
Here are those Santa Claus!
After all, beautiful maiden,
You will not return to life...
Who took my staff in his hands,
He bewitched himself...
What should I do?
What should I do?
Maybe I should ask grandma?
Granny is my sister.
I'll take you to her...
Now only she can tell you
Yes, he will tell the kin,
How can I revive you?
Morozko takes Nastenka in his arms and carries her away.

Action 3.
Narrator: And Moroz Ivanovich took the girl to Babeyaga’s store. In the store
Babayaga traded not only “LIVING WATER”, but also “DEAD WATER”, as well as
telephones cellular communications, because I didn’t want to lag behind life. She also has a toilet
water, and cosmetics for youth, and New Year's gifts. After all, the New Year is coming soon, and the guests
They rarely come in because they are afraid of the old frog.
What did you come with, Moroz Ivanovich?
What did you bring for the New Year?
Are there not enough gifts?
Did something happen?
Yes, it happened! What a disaster!
It’s impossible without you!
Help! Be kind
All power is yours...
Give me advice on how to get it back
The virgin's former beauty?
Babayaga (serves “Water of Living”):
It's simple, here's water.
You're nowhere without it!
Only she will bring her back
To a world where there is happiness and love!
Morozko sprays “Water of Living” from a bottle onto Nastenka.
Nastenka (looking around):
What's wrong with me? Where am I?
Who are you people, gentlemen!?
I am Frost, the old culprit.
Almost killed you
My staff is magical.
But as a reward from me
You will also receive wealth
And the groom.
Ivantsarevich (appears on the threshold of the hut):
Hello, honest people.
They gave it to me here
The map is incomprehensible.
Explain how to find
Damn hut.
Has tormented me all
Beauty card.
I downloaded it from the Internet...
I uploaded it to my phone...
Oh my God! Here she is!
This is who I was looking for!
This is who I dreamed of!
This is who will be my wife

For many years!
Here, sister,
Here you go, girl
And the groom himself came to you,
And it didn’t get dusty along the way!
Here are your phone numbers, dear guests!
Choose, choose!
Happy New Year!
Action 4.
Narrator: The guests choose gifts and, accompanied by Frost, leave satisfied.
(PAUSE) Soon Nastenka and Ivantsarevich returned to the old man and old woman.
Seeing them happy and with gifts, Marfushka forgot about the phone and
New Year's gifts, I rushed to Baba Yaga, but... on the way I met not Frost, but
Well, girl, how are you?
What are you looking for?
No way!
Groom? Haha!
Don't dream and forget!
And come up with something
So as not to fall in sight
And follow me
Now... you are in my hands.
Marfushka had no choice but to obey the Robber. And Nastenka and Ivan
soon they got married. The old woman and the old man were grieving over their missing daughter, but
forgotten, because the old ones were there. And Marfushka soon became the leader of the robbers,
subjugated them all.
That's the end of the fairy tale,
And whoever listened – WELL DONE!
(The artists bowed to the guests and left the stage)

The fairy tale “Morozko” remains popular today, although it has been told to children for a very long time. But the modern world requires a new approach even to fairy tales. Therefore, our script takes place in the present tense, although it is very reminiscent of a real fairy tale. Unlike the original plot, the lazy sister and stepmother are not punished here. They just don't receive gifts. This script New Year's fairy tale"Morozko" is suitable for both high schools and colleges, and for primary classes, and even for children from kindergarten. In order to adapt the fairy tale for a younger age category, you just need to change the age of the named sisters and the name of the lesson that Maria teaches.

Characters and surroundings

Since the script involves action in modern world, then the decorations need to be selected accordingly. The characters in the tale are also slightly changed.

Entourage and stage

You won't even need to change too much on the price. The main emphasis is on the characters' clothing and the objects they use. For each new action, the scenery will change slightly, so it’s worth preparing a “background” for each of them in advance. For this, several large sheets of whatman paper are suitable, which depict the general picture of the place where events are taking place at the moment - an apartment, a forest, a hunting lodge.


Act one

Scene one

The scene begins in a city apartment belonging to Antonina Pavlovna. There are two girls in the room.

Nastasya finishes cleaning, sets the table and, at the same time, runs to the kitchen to check that dinner is ready. Maria sits at the table, “nods off” and pretends that she is solving a problem in higher mathematics. Antonina Pavlovna enters. Stepmother: Mashenka, well, did you do your math? Maria: Of course, mommy. But she’s so uninteresting, she barely finished! I'm tired of it already. You just sit and sit. Let's go for a walk now... Stepmother: Well done, daughter. You've worked hard, you can go for a walk. Just eat it now. Maria: Nastya hasn’t done anything yet! Stepmother: So, Nastasya, why isn’t dinner ready yet and the table isn’t set? Nastasya: Antonina Pavlovna, just a couple more minutes, almost everything is ready. Stepmother: What a lazy girl, she doesn’t do anything at all! And why should I feed you? So, now father will come, we’ll eat, and then you’ll clean everything up here, fold Mashenka’s textbooks and tie her blouse, otherwise the child has nothing to wear! Here you go, I brought some new yarn. Nastasya: Of course, Antonina Pavlovna, it’s already six in the evening, I won’t have time to finish. This is too much... Stepmother: Nightmare! You are good to her, but she keeps grumbling and grumbling, and even contradicts her elders and is a terrible lazy person! Now, wait, your father will come, I’ll tell you to take you to his mother in the village. That's the place for you!

Scene two

Anatoly Fedorovich enters the room. Father: Well, girls, how are you doing here? Stepmother: Tolya, your daughter doesn’t do anything at all, and she doesn’t even listen to me. I'm so tired of her! Take her now and take her to the village. It will be more useful there. Father: Right now? Yes, I haven’t completely repaired the car yet, and it’s already late, it’s dark. Maybe on the weekend? Stepmother: No days off! Now! I can’t see this girl anymore, and Mashenka complains about her. Father: Well, if so... Get ready, daughter, let's go. You will see your grandmother, help her with the housework. I'll go and drive the car to the entrance. He gets dressed and leaves the room. Stepmother: You, Nastasya, don’t relax too much there, take the yarn with you and finish the blouse there. And your father will pick you up for the holiday, so don’t forget to prepare homemade cottage cheese and cheese in advance. Here you will bring it. After all, Mashenka needs to eat well. Maria puts dinner on the table and leaves.

Act two

Scene one

Morozko, Blizzard with a blizzard and Snowflakes gathered in a bright clearing in the forest. Snowflakes(in unison): Oh, how boring! Winter is very calm... Blizzard: And it’s true, girls, you can’t even turn the snow, Grandfather doesn’t allow it... Blizzard: And I have nothing to do. Grandfather Morozko, maybe we can work a little, otherwise we’ve already stayed too long. Morozko: Here are the restless ones! Calm down, I tell you. It's not time yet. Snowflakes(in unison): When will the time be? Morozko: When I say it, then it will be. Blizzard: Look, look! We have some people here. Maybe a parrot? Blizzard: Oh, exactly! Now there will be work! Snowflakes(in unison): Hurray! Let's play enough! Morozko: Well, what is it? I said - only when I tell you to. What if this good people? Why should we scare them in vain? Blizzard: Grandpa, let’s check them! Snowflakes(in unison): Exactly! Let's! can we check? Morozko: What have you already come up with, Vyuzhenka? Blizzard: And I know how too! We will blow cold and snow on them, cover them with frost... Then we will set up tests - we will call Vochitsa and her sons, we will ask for the river over there, the Christmas tree. If People are not afraid and try to help them, then they are good. Blizzard: Exactly the way I wanted. Thank you, girlfriend! Morozko: Tests, that means... Well, that sounds good! Snowflakes, fly to call the Wolf. We'll start here for now. Just listen to me in everything and don’t be too zealous until I tell you!

Scene two

Maria and her father are driving in a car. Already in the forest, not far from the village where the grandmother lives, the car finally breaks down and they get out.

Father: Well, it’s broken. There was no need to listen to Antonina, we would have left tomorrow morning. I would have time to fix the car. And the phone, as luck would have it, doesn't work. Nastya: And I’m completely out of charge... Yes, okay, dad. Let's walk there, it's not far. There, in the village, we’ll go to grandma’s neighbor, Uncle Kolya. He definitely has all the spare parts. You will spend the night with your grandmother, and in the morning you will fix the car with Uncle Kolya and go home. Father: No, daughter, that won’t do. How much snow do you see? And your boots are thin. I'll go myself - it will be faster. Nastya: How are you? No, let's do it together. I'm afraid to let you go alone. Father: I’m telling you, I’ll get there faster alone. I'll leave you a thermos of tea and some sandwiches. I think I can do it in two hours. Just sit in the hunting lodge, it will be warmer there. Nastya: Okay, dad, just be careful, don’t get lost. Father: Okay, I'll be careful. Well, that's it. I went, go to the house, lock yourself and don’t open it to anyone.

Scene three

Anatoly Fedorovich leaves. Nastya heads to the house. She needs to go near the River. River: Girl, help me, please. Nastasya: Oh, who's here? Who is speaking? River: This is a river. Don't be afraid, tonight is a magical night and I can talk. Nastasya: Well, if so... How can I help you? River: Over there, a little further, a log lies blocking the water’s path. I’m small and winter, I can’t move it myself. Try it. Nastasya(to himself): It’s strange how... The river is talking... Maybe I fell asleep? But moving a log is not difficult. He goes to the log and pushes it out of the water. River: Oh, thank you! You're a good girl. Nastasya: My pleasure. I didn't do anything special. Goodbye, I'll go into the house to warm up. River: Goodbye. Thank you. Nastya goes further. There is a small spruce tree almost near the entrance to the house. Herringbone: Oh, it hurts. Someone help! Nastasya: Is there anyone else here? Herringbone: It's me, Elochka. Don't be surprised. We are in a fairy-tale meadow on a magical night. Nastasya: You asked for help. What's happened? Herringbone: Someone broke a branch for me, it hurts terribly. Can you bandage it? Nastasya: Since there is no need to be surprised, then, of course, I’ll try. He takes off his scarf and carefully ties up the broken branch. Herringbone: Thanks a lot! You saved me. After all, almost no one is here, only hooligans sometimes wander in to steal a Christmas tree from the forest for the New Year. Nastasya: Please, Christmas tree. Don't be sick. Next time, prick them with needles so that they don’t climb. Herringbone: I will definitely take the advice. Well, run into the house and warm yourself. Nastya enters the house and closes the lock. After a short time he hears a knock. Nastasya: Who's there? Dad, is that you? She-wolf: This is the She-Wolf with her kids. Let us warm up. Nastasya: Dad asked me not to open it to anyone. But how can we not let you in, it’s so cold there? She-wolf comes in with two wolf cubs. She-wolf: Thank you. Wolf cubs: Yeah, but don’t you have something to eat? She-wolf: These are rude! You came to visit, what kind of talk is this! Nastasya: I have some sandwiches, would you like some? Wolf cubs: We want, come on! (they quickly eat the sandwiches). Oh, how delicious! What else is there? Nastasya: There is tea. Do you drink this? Wolf cubs: Haven't tried it yet. Come on too. She-wolf: Yes, children. What needs to be said? Wolf cubs: Thank you! She-wolf: We are very grateful to you, girl. We warmed up a little, and now we need to go. Nastasya: You're welcome. Come again!

Scene four

The wolf family leaves. The knock is heard again. Nastasya opens the door immediately. Nastya: Oh, I thought it was dad. And, you are probably the real Santa Claus? Morozko: That's what they call me now too. Tell me, honey, isn't it cold for you here? Nastya(wraps himself up in a coat): It’s not cold at all, grandpa. Morozko snaps his fingers, calling for his assistants. It's getting colder. Morozko: And now? Nastya(trembles): No, I’m dressed, and in the house... Morozko(snaps fingers again): But now, it’s not at all cold? Nastya(trembles more and more, hides his hands in his pockets): No, okay. It's winter now... Morozko: Well done! And she was not afraid of me, and helped all my friends willingly. And your father is brave. Because you are so good, you will definitely receive gifts. Nastasya: What gifts? For what? We were just going to see grandma... Snowflakes(in unison): Gifts, gifts! Don't refuse. Morozko: What would you like? Nastasya: So that dad comes back soon and fixes the car. Morozko: Well, that's easy. Then I’ll give you something else from myself. Soon the father returns and sees a new car, his daughter is wearing new boots and a fur coat, Metelitsa and Vyuga did their best - they knitted a blouse, and nearby there are many bags with gifts. They go to their grandmother, happy, and then return home. Leading: Nastasya, of course, shares gifts, but neither she nor her father ever told what happened and where it all came from. And on the first day of the new year, a guy who studies with her sister comes to Nastasya and asks his father for her hand in marriage. When a person is good, he will succeed in everything! Live like the main character in this fairy tale. Well, if you decide to add something to this scenario, then it wouldn’t hurt to start by watching the fairy tale “Morozko” in original version:

Morozko: Ruslan.
Baba Yaga: Luda.
Storyteller: Julia.
Old woman: Lyubov Ivanovna.
Nastya: Tanya Vinakurova.
Varvara: Victoria Verkhovets.
Old man: Sasha Kuzmenko.
Tsar: Oleg.
Tsarevich: Vanya.
Butler: Maxim.
Makeup artists 1 and 2:
Repairmen 1 and 2:
Doctor: Gene.

Please note that the toastmaster offers his services for corporate events. If you need to organize a holiday in Moscow, this is the place for you.

(The storyteller looks out behind the scenes.)

1. (Exemplary choreographic group "Alliance" senior group,
"The ceiling is icy").

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and an old woman.
And they have children... oh...
I wish I had said no.
Wait... they had children.
Oh, of course they were!
The old woman had a daughter, Varvara, terrible, from her first marriage.
And the old man had a daughter, also from his first marriage.
Oh. I’ll tell you, if you look at it, the family was still the same.

(The storyteller hides. The curtains open, an old woman is on stage.)

Old woman: What is this? Lord, I have to do everything myself. Old man, old man, Yasha!

(An old man comes in, well tipsy.)

Old man: Me.

Old woman: What am I? Where have you been? Have you pawned the sleigh?

Old man: Well, I laid it at this hour.

Old woman: You don’t need to put it here, but in the sleigh. I told you that you are a fool -

Old man: My wife spoke.

Old woman: Did you call it an old stump?

Old man: Of course, she did.

Old woman: Well, why are we standing, waiting for someone. Go pack your sleigh.
(The old man leaves.)
2. (Amateur folk group “Krinitsya”. 1. “And you walk the crowd”
2. "Fir trees - pine trees."

Old woman: Anastasia, Nastya!

(Nastya runs out with a scolding.)

Nastya: Yes, mother.

Old woman: Don't call me mother! Not when!

Nastya: Okay, mother.

Old woman: Come closer to me. Where were you?

Nastya: I was cooking.

Old woman: Another terrorist attack.

Nastya: I'm on my way.

Old woman: Cooked food. Have you dressed Varyushka?

Nastya: Which Varyusha?

Old woman: What, what, beloved sister. Varyushka for the bride's show?

Nastya: Dressed.

Old woman: Dressed. Have you prepared a gift for the Tsar-Father?

Nastya: Yes, I cooked the jam all night and salted the pickles.

Old woman: (whispers) This is it? Father Tsar, this is it? Come closer. I told you you were disgusting.

Nastya: We spoke twice today.

Old woman: Do you want a third one?

Nastya: I want to.

Old woman: You're disgusting.

Nastya: Thank you mother, what should we do about it? (points to the table).

Old woman: In the sleigh, in the sleigh!

3. (DMSh Trio “Dress”).

(Palace. The prince is sitting on the throne, the king is standing next to him, and on the other side is the butler.)

Tsar: Actually, Van, are you wasting your food in vain?

Butler: You're going overboard.

Tsarevich: I’m not going overboard! I choose!

Tsar: I wish I had gotten married sooner. And if I got married, we would improve our finances.

Tsarevich: What finances?

Tsar: Don’t you argue with your father?

Butler: Don't you argue with your father?

Tsarevich: Dad!

4.(The song “New Year” by Irina Bannik ends.)

King: So it is. Vanya, okay. Choose the bride yourself, since it’s time to choose now
allowed. Yes, only faster.

Tsarevich: I’ll try, the next one please.

King: Okay.

Butler: Bride number 27, let's go.

5. The finale of Valery Deshchenko’s song “I want to sleep.”

Tsarevich: Nope!

King: Okay. You are free, we will definitely call you back.

Butler: We'll call you back.

Tsarevich: What do you mean we’ll call you back? I said she wasn't right for me.

Tsar: According to etiquette, Vanya, that’s what they say, we’ll call you back.

Butler: And now, enchanted, most beautiful, (falls to his knees). Tsar-
The priest was not ordered to execute, but was ordered to say a word.

King: I command.

Butler: We've run out of brides. Everyone was stuck on the road. Not the weather everywhere.

6. (Zazkovsky choreographic team “Alliance” little ones “Barynya”.

(On stage, B. Ya. gives a weather forecast, Morozko sits and listens.)

B. Ya.: You are looking at the weather forecast. Today on the territory of the distant kingdom
The thermometer dropped sharply to zero and broke. Therefore we will not be able to announce
your temperature. Well, on the Lukomorye there turns out to be a beater, in an oak forest
Naturally it’s a dud, but in the forests and cities it’s cold.

Morozko: Oh, it’s always like that. I wanted to do the best, but it turned out to be a snowstorm.

B.Ya.: Well, Morozko is not everywhere. Well, look, the Maldives is sunny, the Canaries are hot.

Morozko: Oh, this is not order, not order. We'll fix that now.

(Morozko knocks on the floor with his staff.)

B.Ya.: So, now it’s going to be warm here too, right?

Morozko: No, no, now they have a snowstorm too. (B.Y. is indignant). Yes, yes, of course,
This is my job. After all, I am the master of the blizzard. Haha.

B.Ya.: And they also scold me, Baba Yaga this, Baba Yaga that, what kind of Yaga I am, a woman I am.

Morozko: NO, no, that's true. There is a big difference between us. I'm very kind.

B.Ya.: Am I bad, but next to such a man, even vice versa. Oh, Morozko, we
together we do one thing.

Morozko: Yes, we are like that.

7.(Morozko and Baba Yaga sing the song “We are a couple”).

B.Ya.: That’s it, my weather service is ending.

Morozko: Yes, and our meteorological friendship begins.

8. (Amatr folk group “Polyssia”1.”Generous evening, mother of Ukraine”
2. “I am a village.”

(There is an old woman on stage.)

Old woman: Oh God, I have such heartburn that my nerves are gone.

Varvara: Mamanya, mamanya.

Old woman: Baby!

Varvara: (runs onto the stage). Mommy!

Old woman: God, who is this beautiful thing that came, well, you have to give birth to such beauty. Which
cheeks, lips, nose. The prince will see and fall from such beauty. AND
He'll marry you right away.

Varvara: Exactly!

Old woman: At least he’ll definitely get married.

Varvara: Hey, mama, why, he’s getting married. I'm all in trouble, I don't know what to wear. One
a dress makes me look older, another makes me look fatter, and a third one makes me smarter.

Old woman: Don't be stupid.

Varvara: Getting smarter.

Old woman: No, it can’t be like that.

(An old man comes in.)

Old man: I report, the sleigh has been delivered.

(The old woman and Varvara were scared.)

Old woman: Well, why shout like that to the whole apartment?

Varvara: Shaw, are you stressing us out, Father?

Old woman: He’s stressing us out, and I gave our Varya a surprise. I invited you from
capitals of makeup artists.

Old man: Haha makeup artist, what a beast he is.

(The old woman and her daughter laugh.)

Old woman: Fool is a fool.

(Makeup artists come in.)

Makeup artist 1: The star is shocked.

Makeup artist 2: Shocked, it's true.

Makeup artist 1: Naturally, this complexion, and bright ala iris. This is a nightmare!

Makeup artist 2: This is terrible! This is a halabuda on the head, this is a sausage in the head. Not
possible to watch. We remove all this and throw it away immediately.

Varvara: Guard, mama, undressing!

Makeup artist 1: That’s right, let’s shoot to the music.

Old woman: We’re filming to music, it’s a striptease.

Makeup artist 2: My dear, this is a song.

Makeup Artist 1: It's a hit.

9. (Olexandr Pushko’s song “Hello guests”).

Makeup artist 1: How's that?

Varvara: How, how, but they didn’t seem to spoil it. I mean alive.

Makeup artist 1: Lively! Yes, this is fresh.

Makeup artist 2: Very glamorous.

Makeup artist 1: It's not real.

Makeup artist 2: This is brilliant.

Varvara: The main thing is that it’s not expensive.

10. (Zazkovsky choreographic group “Alliance” senior kids “Cartoons”).

(The Tsar Father and everyone else are on stage).

Butler: Father Tsar, they didn’t order to execute, but to say a word.

King: I command.

Butler: Despite the weather, and volcanic eruptions, and other nonsense. On our
The next participant broke through the competition. Winner 23
castings, and 7 of them were knockouts.

King: Seriously.

Butler: Absolutely.

Tsarevich: Dad.

11. (Natalia Klyuchishcha’s song “Migratory Bird” ends).

Tsar: Well, how is this, son?

Tsarevich: How, how. We will call you back.

Tsar: Well, Van, we won’t choose a wife for you at all. Yes, lunch for sure, and you have it
it's time.

Tsarevich: (eats gingerbread). I am on a diet.

Butler: And I'm on a diet.

Tsarevich: We are both on a diet.

(The old woman and Varvara come to the Tsar.)

Old woman: Well, what are you afraid of, don’t be afraid?

Varvara: I'm afraid.

Old woman: Well, we’re not going to the tiger’s cage, are we? (Varvara saw the king and opened
mouth.) Father Tsar, here is my daughter Varenka. Cabbage maker, needlewoman,
salad bowl God, how she cooks. People who tried it went away
mind. Yes.

(The prince choked on the gingerbread.)

Varvara: Mom, I don’t cook.

Old woman: Mom knows better, mom tried, look, mom is still alive. Show me how
you are chopping the salad. (Varvara shows how she crumbles the salad.) Wow, wow,
I told you so.

Varvara: (Cowardly with his hand). Mom, stop me, I’m chopping half a barrel.

(Varvara goes to cook.)

King: You go do magic, I’ll listen to the songs. Music.

12. (Amateur folk ensemble “Kalinovi Zori”1.” “Ah, this evening”
2. "Winter"

(The king sings near the table.)

King: Well, come here.

Butler: Yeah.

King: Come on.

(The old woman and her daughter approach the king.)

Old woman: Well, go please the Tsar-Father with something delicious.

King: Oooh, fufu.

Varvara: Please, in the heat and heat.

King: I see.

Butler: Food is served.

Tsar: What has been served, call the firefighters.

Butler: I called.

Butler: They refuse, they said they won’t eat.

Old woman: Ugh. This is what my daughter did.

Tsar: It wasn’t your daughter who made the foo, but your dish, the foo.

Varvara: Not fu, but kulebyaka.

(Nastya approaches the king.)

Nastya: Here, try some homemade food, Your Majesty.

King: Wow, but it looks beautiful, and this and this, and this and this. Tsarevich, Ivan! (Suitable
Tsarevich looks in the mirror.) Vanya, look at how beautiful it is.

Tsarevich: I see that beauty... What, what's your name?

Nastya: Nastenka, I am your royal.

Tsarevich: For you, maybe not Tsarskoe, but just Vanya.

Nastya: Oh, Vanyusha.

(The Tsar smiles contentedly, and the old woman and Varvara bare their teeth.)

13. (Tsarevich and Nastya conclude the song “You and I”).

Old woman: Well, if you don’t want anything of ours, allow it, Your Majesty,

King: What? (Pretends not to have heard.)

Butler: They say you can get better from this. Haha.

King: Wait, now.

Old woman: No, no, we'll go. Your mouth is full of worries.

Varvara: Well, Nastya!

Old woman: You girl played big time. When you come home, I'll teach you
how to beat off other people's suitors.

(Includes Vikhor Yulia’s song “…………………………………..”).

(House of the old woman, on stage the old man, the old woman, Nastenka.)

Old woman: Lazy guy, sit down. Let's talk calmly. I sentenced you to
correctional work in a hut?

Nastya: I sentenced you.

Old woman: Why don’t you do repairs?

Nastya: Because I can’t.

Old woman: Why can’t you?

Nastya: Because I'm a fool.
Old woman: That's because you are a fool, and you must always remember this.

Nastya: Okay, mother.

Old woman: Are you starting again?

Nastya: I’m finishing.

(Builders appear.)

Repairman 1: You said repair, then it’s for us.

Repairman 2: The company “Two from the Casket” repairs have a beginning...

Repairman 1: Repairs have no end. This is our motto. Who is the owner?

Old man: I am the owner, but all the questions come here. (Points to the old woman.)

Old woman: And if it’s for repairs, then it’s here. (Points to Nastya.)

Repairman 2: I see, then I’ll ask all strangers to leave the premises. You
You won’t know when you come back.

Repairman 1: If you find out, you won’t come back. Please, we love you. Please.

(The old man and the old woman leave.)

Repairman 2: Well, what? golden rules do you know about repairs? How more money for repairs
you gasp, the more you gasp after the repair.

Repairman 1: So then. The hut will be in Rococo style.

Repairman 2: And the chicken coop is in the cococo style.

Repairman 1: So the interior is in techno style.

Repairman 2: And the facade is all henna style. Are we installing double glazed windows?

Nastya: Why?

Repairman 2: (throws a hammer, something breaks.) We put glass bags. Well
and of course, marketing, plastering, whitening, painting,

Repairman 1: Advance, prepayment, overspending….

Nastya: Wait. I'm certainly not a professional, but maybe the floor is cement-
a sand screed, covered with thermal film, with an electric
wiring. And also parquet boards for under-sleepered baseboards. And without
noisy PVC ceiling, tape and clip.

Repairman 1: Well, of course it’s possible. Get your tools.

Repairman 2: Already. (Nastya and the builders are making repairs to the song).

14. (Larisa Kucher sings the song “Festive.”)

(The old man, the old woman and Varvara enter the hut.)

Varvara: Oh, what a beauty. This is the kind of interior Mommy I’ve been talking about all my life.

Old woman: Varya, daughter, you need to think about the groom, and not about the interior. And although of course
gorgeous, terribly good.

Nastya: I'm glad you liked it.

Old woman: And I said good! I said horror, how good. And for this horror, you
deserved a fair punishment.

Old man: Wife, why? Well, Nastenka is not a stranger, she lives in the same room with you
home, this is already enough punishment for her.

Old woman: Be silent! Be silent! That's what I decided. You take your daughter to the forest.

Old man: What! Your own daughter, never mind!

Old woman: What, I just heard it! (Everyone leaves.)

(Old woman storyteller.)

Storyteller: Long or short, that’s what sexologists say. No, but if
Honestly, I have never understood this place in a fairy tale. Look,
the evil stepmother asks the old man, her only beloved daughter
take you to the dark gray forest. And what do you think, you're lucky! Like this
called dad? Stay with us and you will find out: who warms their hands
in the cold. Someone is in the little house, and someone is living in it with someone. For what
Chiplet Morozko, and other horrors of the winter forest. And as a result, that
will be with a simple girl, in a dense, wild forest.

(The backstage opens, there is a forest on the stage. Nastya walks and is afraid from the cold. Morozko and B.Ya. meet her.)

B.Ya.: Oh, look, here’s another positive character. When negative

Morozko: Positive, this is not order. It's cold for you girl, it's cold for you

Nastya: It’s warm, dear, very warm.

Morozko: And so. (Knocks with staff.)

Nastya: Everything is fine, grandpa. Thanks grandma.

B.Ya.: Who, I’m a grandmother! Come on Morozko give her some heat, I mean cold.

Morozko: Why, she’s so good. Frost-resistant girl. And how are you
drifted into this dense forest that there were not a soul around 100 miles.

15. (The song “Snow is Flying” by Nadiya Chobotar and Volodymyr Kryuchok “Chistye Prudy” are finalized).

(The old woman’s hut, the old woman and the old man.).

Old woman: Shame on you, you eat as much as you can, you eat up your family.

(The butler, the king and the prince enter.)

Butler: Meet the Tsar Father.

Old man: The king himself. Your Majesty did not recognize. You will be rich.

Tsar: Yes, I would like to. Well, I see that yours is not a ruble, but a hut.

Old woman: All on yourself.

Butler: You have goods, we have this (points to the prince.) ... merchant. Briefly speaking,
We came to marry your daughter... well, in the sense of wooing her.

Old woman: True, but here is your betrothed. Varenka, Varenka, come here.

(Varvara comes out.)

Tsarevich: Oh!

King: Oh-oh-oh.

Tsarevich: We will call you back.

Tsar: He will call you back.

Tsarevich: Not me, but he! (points to the butler.)

Butler: Me!

Tsarevich: I need Nastya!

Tsar: Where is Nastya, you are a witch.

Old woman: Who? Oh. Nastya. She's not at home.

King: Where is she?

Tsarevich: Where?

Old woman: The last time she was seen in the forest, the strangest thing is that she was eating pine cones.

Varvara: She's extreme. Winter swimming with homelessness for survival. And here I am
always at home.

Tsarevich: Well, then I’ll never be home.

King: Listen, he will never be home.

Tsarevich: I need Nastenka, I’ll go around the world for her.

(The prince leaves.)

(Maxim Mazur composes the song “…………………………………………...”).

(Morozko’s kingdom. Nastya and B. Ya. came to Morozko.)

Morozko: Here’s my little mansion, do you like it?

Nastya: Very much.

B.Ya.: Yes, and the design is Scandinavian, just chillingly beautiful.

Morozko: Well, girls, undress... (B. Ya. and Nastya looked at each other.)
I say, take off your clothes, dear guests. Sit down in the ice-cold chairs, and
if someone wants to lie down, here’s a soft snowdrift,

Nastya: Thank you, grandfather.

Morozko: Azyabla, right?

B.Y.: Yes!!!

Morozko: Well, girls, what should I treat you with, huh? There is jellied meat, there is
ice cream, ice fish, and drinks: iced tea,
iced coffee.

Nastya: Don’t you have a boiling pot?
Morozko: Just a boiling pot, of course there is! Chuikovsky boiler with ice
will it go?

B.Ya.: Well, thank you very much for the treat, I’ve got a lot to do.

Morozko: I hope things are going well?

B.Ya.: Why! To lead travelers astray, to provide a cob, icicles
Naturally, hang it everywhere.

B.Ya.: Well, stay happy, I flew away.

Morozko: Well, let's go, let's go. Yes, she needs an eye and an eye. Well Nastenka,
stay here for the hostess, and now I’ll give you a star. I mean, a star
I'll light it. It's not scary to be alone, huh?

Nastya: Nope.

16. (Consume the song Natalia Klyuchishcha and Volodymyr Kryuchok “Two Swans”).

(Nastya cleans up Morozko’s place, B. Ya. and Morozko come in.)

Nastya: Sorry.

B.Ya.: You installed the central heating for yourself. Original.

Morozko: What is this, granddaughter? Where are my snowflakes, where are my icicles,
where are they?

Nastya: I tried, I cleaned up the water, lit the stove, defrosted the refrigerator.
Are you warm, grandpa?

B.Y.: What are you doing, huh? Oh, I hope you get a good groom.

Morozko: Granddaughter, water is your dowry.

Nastya: Thank you, grandfather.

Morozko: I have nothing to do, let’s go home Nastya from the visa.

B.Ya: I forgot my staff again.

Morozko: And this is dangerous, whoever touches the staff will immediately freeze.

18. (Zazkovsky choreographic collective “Alliance” “Unharness the horses”).

(House of the old woman.)

Old Woman: Oh God, gold and silver.
B.Ya.: And jewelry, and a whole chest.

Varvara: I don’t believe it, it’s fake, costume jewelry.

Morozko: No need, sloping pearls, semi-precious berries, pure diamonds

Nastya: And all these gifts from Grandfather Morozko.

Varvara: Well, what is going on? Mom, what kind of scumbags are there in our house?
get up. I want it too, but me, eh.

Old woman: Just give us more gifts, okay. (Morozko leaves with B.Ya.)

Varvara: Wait. Where is the old man who brought Nastka, huh?

Old woman: Everything is clear, swindler, only the staff remains.

(Nastya comes in).

Nastya: Oh, what about him without a staff? Frosty wait.

(Nastya touched the staff and froze.)

Old woman: Ah-ah!!!

Varvara: Oops, great.

Old woman: Yasha, what’s wrong with her?

Old man: But she feels bad, morally bad. We need a doctor here. Oh Nastenka, what
What should I do? Who will help my grief?

Doctor: Like who, it’s even strange to hear from you, father? Dear fabulous
viewers, if you are sick, do not self-medicate, exercise

Old man: Teletherapy? We don't have a TV?

Doctor: Remember, friends. If you don't have a TV, run to the doctor immediately,
because he definitely has. And so, we start talking about the
the main thing.
Old man: Wow about the Tsar Father?

Doctor: Today we will talk about frostbite. Remember friends, the most important thing is not
freeze the most important thing.

Old man: Ha, ha, ha.

19. (Zazkovsky choreographic team “Alliance” senior group “Good”

Doctor: As you can see, only health is incurable. You can't buy it, although it's medicine
at the same time it sells very well.

Old man: Well, what about Nastya!

Doctor: Do you want to turn on the defrost mode?

Old man: Yes.

Doctor: I say no.

Old man: Or maybe you shouldn’t give me an injection?

Doctor: Oh, there is nothing against frostbite. I tried everything, syringes father

Old man: Or maybe jump over the fire?

Doctor: No, many didn’t make it. Understand, father, if medicine is without much,
and even more so the old-fashioned folk methods. Here who is not
be one of the people?

(The prince enters.)

Tsarevich: From the people, I am from the people.

Doctor: Excuse me, who are you?

Tsarevich: I am Ivan Tsarevich.

Doctor: Well then, of course, from the people, yes.

20. (Vocal ensemble “Rosinka”, the prince kisses Nastya and she grows up.)

Storyteller: Everything is clear here, it’s time for the wedding. Oh listen, I don’t like these
fairytale endings. Well, how is it, I was here and drank honey here,
It flowed on my mustache but didn’t get into my mouth. What do I want to say, on time
You have to come, and it won’t run down your mustache and get into your mouth. How
they say, the fairy tale will soon have a happy ending, to those who listened to my respect.

Tsarevich: Here is my betrothed, father.

Nastya: Bless me.

Tsar: Marry for health, especially since it’s high time for the table.

Old woman: Guys, I am against the wedding, the wedding will be over my corpse, that’s all.

Old man: Tsyts, I bless you to get married, kids.

(Varvara comes in.)

Varvara: Have they forgotten about me?

Old woman: Who forgot, come on.

Varvara: Guys, bring the goods.

(They bring in the chest.)

Old woman: Varvara with a dowry, and there are probably berries and emeralds.

Varvara: You are mistaken, mother, suitors.

Old woman: Oh well.

Varvara: Well, two, one berry, and the second emerald. Stand up guys.

(The repair boys stood up.)

Old woman: Why do you need two?

Varvara: You are not modern, mama, in reserve.

Morozko: Well, it seems like I pleased everyone. As they say, be happy
advice to you that love.

Old woman: I didn’t tell you that love is the most important thing in the world.

Old man: I haven’t spoken yet today. But it’s not too late to say. Is it true.


(All participants sing the final song: “And it’s snowing.”)
