Which envelopes do not require stamps? Postal education: stamps, tariffs, envelopes. Postcards and postcards

In the section on the question Why do they put stamps on envelopes for mailing? given by the author European the best answer is A postage stamp is a sign of payment postal services- forwarding and delivery. Stamps are issued by postal departments of different denominations. Tariffs for services are also different - one price for a simple letter, more expensive for registered, valuable, air, etc. At the post office, the stamp is canceled (a stamp is placed).
Source - work in communications (though in telecommunications, but I’m familiar with the work of postal workers) :)
In Russia they now print stamped envelopes - convenient!
And this is just an interesting article: :)
Source: Happy New Year!
♡ ♫Tatiana♫ ♡
Supreme Intelligence
And they are not sold by mail, depending on the availability of stamps of a certain denomination. The main thing is that the total amount of stamps corresponds to the tariff for the service.

Reply from sundew[guru]
Historically, the affixed stamp means that the letter has been paid for and thus the work of postmen is not free. instead of paying directly to the postman or post office, we bought stamps from them (the money actually went to them) and stuck them on letters so as not to be confused

Reply from Advise[newbie]
Perhaps the stamp signifies the weight of the letter. If the letter is light, then 1 stamp is enough. If the average is by weight then 2. And so on.

Postage stamp on Wikipedia
Check out the Wikipedia article about Postage Stamps

Preobrazhenskaya Galina Sergeevna on Wikipedia
Look at the Wikipedia article about Preobrazhenskaya Galina Sergeevna

This may seem like a fairly simple procedure, but only the correct affixing of a postage stamp to the envelope can guarantee that it reaches its destination. The dimensions of the envelope and the specific weight of the letter affect the amount of postage, and therefore the required number of stamps that are affixed to the envelope depends on them. Postage rates vary from state to state and may change over time, so you will need to contact your post office to find out the current postage fee.

Where does choosing a brand begin?

You should start by finding out the postage fee for delivering your letter. You should find out the dimensions of the envelope, then weigh the letter and decide on the type of mail.

The dimensions of the postal envelope are indicated on the pack of envelopes or on the envelope itself. So, size 14 has dimensions of 12.7 x 29.2 centimeters. It is considered a standard. As a rule, such envelopes are rectangular in shape. They are sold in packs at all post offices. Alternatively, you can send your letter in a slightly smaller envelope, for example, a size 10, which is 10.5 x 24.1 centimeters. Then it is possible to stick a regular stamp on it. If possible, you should fold the letter in half, then it will fit more easily into a rectangular envelope, and postage costs will be correspondingly lower. Envelopes larger than size 14 are considered large or “flat” and are much more expensive than regular ones. Envelopes, the size of a postcard, are intended for small, usually greeting cards and for sending out wedding invitations. They require additional cash expenses. This can be explained by the fact that postal items non-standard, or even square, shape, or they are made of very thick cardboard, and therefore require individual processing using special mechanisms.

You can weigh your letter at any post office or using small office scales. Both the weight and size of the letter, together with the envelope, will affect the amount of postage and the cost of the stamp. Basically, the heavier your letter, the higher the cost of all postage will be. If the letter is in a standard envelope and its weight is less than 368 grams, then it can be sent by first class mail. The shipping price will be the same as a “flat” envelope. If a letter in a standard envelope weighs more than 368 grams, it is better to send it by priority mail, but the postage will be slightly higher than in the case of a “flat” envelope.

Selecting a delivery type

First class mail

You need to decide whether you will send the letter by “first class” mail, or “priority class” mail, or use “standard mail”. . There are three main levels of postal services today. They are designed to comply with US Post Office regulations. First class mail sends letters made of thick, square-shaped materials.


To send a letter by first class mail, it must weigh no more than 368 grams. And the shipping cost will be the same, regardless of the remoteness of the addressee’s location.

The average time for sending a letter is 2-3 days. For those who need to send one letter, this will be the ideal way. All you need is an envelope and a standard postage stamp, as well as access to any mailbox to drop the envelope into.

Priority mail is ideal when you absolutely need delivery by the next business day. However, to send it, your envelope with the letter must weigh at least 900 grams. You can also order additional services, such as tracking the movement of a letter and notifying that it has been delivered to the addressee, as well as some others.


Pasting a stamp will help your letter reach the recipient on time. To do this, you need to choose the right envelope, weigh it, and decide on the type of delivery. Then the postal operator will sell you the appropriate stamp, which, when affixed to the envelope, will guarantee successful delivery.

Stamps for envelopes

The address must be written legibly.

The recipient's address must be written in the lower right corner of the item. The sender's address is in the upper left.

The address indicates:

  • Full name of the recipient (in the format “Last Name First Name Patronymic”) or name of the organization (short or full)
  • Street name, house number, apartment number
  • Name settlement
  • Name of district, region, region or republic
  • Country name
  • PO Box number, if available (in the format “PO Box 15”)
  • Postal code according to the example:

Stamps must be affixed to the upper right corner of the address side of the envelope, postcard, or package. If this corner is occupied, place the stamps a little lower.

Sometimes the stamp may be printed directly on the envelope or card.

The letter A applied to the envelope allows you to send a simple letter within Russia weighing up to 20 g without affixing additional stamps.

Printed on the envelope the letter D allows you to send registered letter across Russia weighing up to 20 g without gluing additional stamps.

Printed on a postcard letter B allows you to send this postcard throughout Russia without adding additional stamps.

Having added stamps for the required amount, you can send postcards and envelopes with the letters A, B and D abroad.

They were two little children stuck in the bodies of grown ups.

In discussions of homemade envelopes, questions often arose about stamps and whether such envelopes were accepted at the post office. Therefore, we are doing an educational program on postal rates and rules. I will write about simple letters and postcards for Russian Post (that is, it works if you are sending from Russia). All this information is on the Russian Post website. If you are in some other country, then you can find the post office website of that country, where everything is also written.

Domestic simple letters = 11 rubles 80 kopecks

So, if you buy an envelope “across Russia”, then it usually has the letter A on it. It looks like this (letter A in the upper right corner):

The letter A equals cost of a letter in Russia = 11 rubles 80 kopecks.
If you don’t have it on your envelope, then you just need to stick stamps for this amount (it’s okay if you stick more, sometimes they stick for 12 rubles for good measure, but it’s just a shame to overpay).
If you are not a complete graphomaniac and write on regular paper, then your letter will weigh less than 20 grams. If your letter weighs more than 20 grams(together with the envelope), then for every next (full or incomplete) 20 grams you will have to pay an additional 1 ruble 25 kopecks. For example, on a letter weighing from 21 to 40 grams you need to stick stamps in the amount of 13 rubles 5 kopecks.
All post offices have scales. In some, there are scales right in the hall and you can weigh everything yourself, in some you will have to contact the postal worker at the window. You can weigh the letter at home if you have such an accurate scale.
If you label something incorrectly, the letter may be returned to you with a note about what is wrong.
Typically, stamps are placed in the upper right corner (above the recipient's address).

International simple letters = 20 rubles 40 kopecks or 23 rubles 10 kopecks

If you are sending a letter to some other country, then the rates are different. You have a choice to send a letter by land transport or by airmail (honestly, I don’t notice the time difference, but there is probably one).

The tariff for sending a simple letter abroad is 20 rubles 40 kopecks for ground and 23 rubles 10 kopecks for air This applies to letters weighing up to 20 grams.
Letters weighing from 21 to 100 grams cost 45.60 (ground) and 58.90 (air).
from 101 g to 250 g - 91.80 - 120.10
from 251 g to 500 g - 176.70 - 235.60
from 501 g to 1000 g - 307.10 - 426.10
from 1001 g to 2000 g - 535.20 - 834.00
(well, I guess no one sends two-kilogram letters, right?).

Now about the sizes. The mail rules include letter size limits: minimum: 110 x 220 mm or 114 x 162 mm; maximum: 229 x 324 mm. Within these dimensions, any envelopes are quite suitable. This applies to both domestic and international letters.

In a good way, you can only send letters in letters, that is, paper. But some cunning people put some other things there. Little things like a tea bag or a bauble are likely to get through the mail successfully. But it's all on your conscience.

How to write an address correctly

(all this is available along with sample pictures)
The most important thing in a letter is to write the recipient's address correctly. It is also advisable to write yours correctly, of course.
First you need to place the addresses on the envelope. Main rule:
The sender's address is written in the upper left corner.
The recipient's address is written in the lower right corner.

This way you will be understood even if your envelope does not have the words “to” and “from”. If you write in any other way, then you may not be understood, even despite the “to” and “from whom”.

Now we write the address itself. There is also a rule here that for some reason no one follows. Namely this subsequence:

Full name*
Street, house, apartment
Republic, territory, region, autonomous district**

*if we are talking about a simple letter or postcard, then the full name is not important, such items are thrown into the mailbox and not handed over in person. You can use a nickname or just a name or nothing at all.
But if you send a letter "poste restante", then the full name becomes important and should be written down.
**these things may not be in the address, that’s okay.

If your envelope has special dots for an index (usually located in the lower left corner), then it is better write the recipient index correctly.

By the way, if you are given an address, but it does not have an index, the index can be found. For example, there is a special form for this on the mail website.
There we select “Search by service area”, enter the address and get the index.

IN international letters The same rules apply regarding the location of addresses on the envelope. The sequence in the address is also preserved, however, in some foreign addresses it is difficult to determine what the postcode is, what the house number is, what the street is, etc. So it is better to write the address as it was given to you. It’s better for a person to know where he lives.
The recipient's address should be written in Latin letters, or in the language of the country of destination. In this case, the destination country should also be written in Russian.
Index in international letters No need write in dots (in some countries the index will not fit into dots at all; some indexes also have letters and other symbols).

Postcards and postcards

In addition to letters, you can also send postcards. Postcard - a postal item in the form of a written message on a special form, sent to open form.

Most often, people send single postcards - they have a picture on one side and empty space on the other (or have markings for addresses).
Some postal workers don't know that a single postcard is a postcard, but it is true. Postcrossers have long been waging war with postal workers, trying to explain to them the rules of their own organization. This is not always successful, unfortunately.
But the official response from Russian Post reads:
A postcard is special kind postcard to be sent without an envelope. The front side of a postcard is usually completely occupied by some artistic image, and reverse side A postcard is intended for a written message and a postage stamp.

Some postcards have the letter B on the back (letter B in the upper right corner):

The letter B is equal to the cost of sending a postal card across Russia = 8 rubles 50 kopecks.
If your card does not have the letter B, you just need to stick stamps for this amount.

If you are sending a postcard abroad, then the rates are the same as for letters - 20.40 or 23.10.

There are size and weight limits for postcards:
Limit dimensions: minimum: 90 x 140 mm, maximum: 120 x 235 mm.
Weight limit: 20

Addresses are written in the same way as on letters.
The entire back surface of the postcard turns out to be divided into 4 parts: in the upper left part the sender's address, in the upper right - the stamps, in the lower left - the text of the message, in the lower right - the recipient's address.

About brands

Standard and artistic stamps are suitable for postage.
Standard stamps now have Kremlins and little animals. They can be purchased at any post office.

Artistic stamps can be different and different. All sizes, shapes, with different patterns. Often art stamps are issued in honor of certain events, holidays, etc. Artistic stamps are also available in regular post offices, but it is better to look for them in large departments or special stores (in Moscow there is a good selection at the central post office, and a very huge one at). Artistic stamps can be sold individually or in blocks, sheets, couplings and other combinations that are more important to collectors.

The Publishing and Trade Center “Marka” is engaged in the issue of postage stamps for the Russian Post. On their website you can look at different brands and even order them, it seems.

Philatelic departments may sell different stamps - antique stamps, stamps from other countries, etc.
Only uncanceled stamps issued in Russia after 1998 are suitable for payment. Just in case, it is better to ask when purchasing whether the stamp can be used for payment.

By the way, about letters A and B. They are essentially marks and therefore can be used together with other brands.
For example, you have an envelope with the letter A (and we remember that it is equal to 11.80), and you need to send a letter abroad at a rate of 20.40. This means that you need next to the letter add stamps at 8.60:
11.80 + 8.60 = 20.40
Some postal workers may not know this either, but it is true.

If you have any other questions about sending postal items, then I think you can ask them in the comments and expand this post based on them.
Sorry if I don't explain it clearly.

I know almost nothing about other postal items - for example, parcels, parcels, etc. Perhaps someone encounters them often and can tell you about them if necessary.

When sending letters and postcards in postal envelopes, many of you probably wondered how many stamps are needed per envelope for the recipient to receive it? First of all, it must be said that a postage stamp is a sign of payment for the fee for sending postal items. They are issued by special postal departments. Postage stamps have different face values. The denomination of the stamp is usually indicated in the country's monetary units. For example, in September 2011, several series of postage stamps were issued in denominations of 9, 12, 14, 15, 20, 25, 30 and 50 rubles.

Strictly speaking, how many stamps you need for an envelope will only be told to you at the post office, since the cost of postage will depend on the type of item and the weight of the letter itself. Thus, in order to design an envelope and stick the required number of stamps on it, you need to know the current prices for mailing letters. The Russian Post website provides the following information on tariffs.

A simple letter weighing up to 20 g - 11 rubles 80 kopecks, a registered letter weighing up to 20 g - 26 rubles, a letter with a declared value weighing up to 20 g - 59 rubles. For each subsequent full or partial 20 g of weight of a simple/registered letter, you must pay an additional 1 ruble 25 kopecks, letters with a declared value - 1 ruble 70 kopecks. Value added tax is not charged when paying for postage stamps.

How many stamps do you need per envelope to send a letter abroad? It’s easy to guess that the prices for sending such letters will be much more expensive. For example, the cost of sending a simple letter weighing up to 20 g by land transport will be 20 rubles 40 kopecks.

The question of how many stamps are needed per envelope arises when we have a blank envelope without stamps. Some envelopes are initially printed with stamps, for example, the letter A. The presence of this letter on the envelope means that the cost of sending the letter is already included in the price of the envelope, provided that the letter is simple and its weight does not exceed 20 g. In other cases, when There are no stamps on the envelope; they need to be added additionally.

IN large organizations The volume of postal items can be so large that sometimes it is necessary to automate this process. For this purpose they use a special software. For example, "Postal Envelopes" allows you to print both individual envelopes and produce mass mailings letters in branded envelopes. When organizing large-scale mailings, you need to take care in advance of correctly filling out the envelopes, and also calculate how many stamps are needed per envelope. Let us remind you that the cost of shipping will depend on the type of letter (simple, registered, etc.) and its weight.

When sending a letter within Russia without the Latin letter A, stamps worth 11 rubles 80 kopecks must be affixed to the envelope. Otherwise, the letter will be returned back to the post office and will not be delivered to the specified address. We hope our article will help you figure out how many stamps you need per envelope in various cases.
