Danone is traditional. Danone - brand history. Danone (“Danone”) - natural yogurt: calorie content, beneficial properties, reviews

Written by LJ user zyalt: Recently, the Danone company invited a group of bloggers to its plant in the Chekhovsky district of the Moscow region to show how everyone’s favorite yogurt is made from milk. The plant was built in 2000 and is considered the most modern and powerful among all Danone enterprises in the world! About 300,000 tons of fresh dairy products are produced here every year.

1. Yogurt starts with a cow! Amazing, right? The yogurt plant receives milk from 20 different farms located near the plant. Danone does not own the farms themselves, but they monitor the quality of their milk very carefully. We were shown one of them.

2. The cows appear happy, contented and well-fed. They should make good steaks.

3. Cows have no names, only numbers. But the pattern of a cow’s nose is unique, like a person’s fingerprints.

4. It turns out that cows love winter more than summer. -10 degrees is their favorite temperature. Do you know how long a cow sleeps? You'll never guess! A cow sleeps only a few minutes a day! 10-15 minutes and you're done! This is where I really want to be a cow sometimes

5. This is a special thing for removing manure. She constantly moves around the barn and shovels manure into a special pit.

6. Calves are kept separately in a manger. Orphans grow up without parents and do not know maternal love at all. This does not stop them from being curious, playing with visitors and being frightened by any rustle.

7. By the way, I’m just now wondering, how do they remove manure from calves? Don't change the straw every day.

9. Several times a day the cows go out to be milked. Everything happens almost automatically. Milkmaids only wash the udder and attach the milking machine.

10. Fresh milk is cooled to 3–4 degrees

12. At the milk reception there is a laboratory where they take samples and check that everything is in order with the milk. If something nasty is found in the milk, the entire batch is sent back to the farm.

13. There have been countless accidents at work over the years; information about them is posted on stands. In general, everything is in order with safety at the plant. All employees must wear gowns, hats and special shoes. You cannot wear any jewelry or watches. Before entering, everyone must be washed and then their hands are disinfected. They put a protective cap on me, it turned out very funny, but all the photographs were then classified.

14. Corridors are like small streets. There are passages, sidewalks and protective barriers; to be completely happy, all that remains is to run a tram here.

15. This is where yogurt is made.

16. It seems to me that no one knows how this happens. It is impossible for a random person to understand this web of pipes.

17. Today this plant produces yogurts and curds “Danone”, “Activia”, Actimel, “Rastishka”, “Danissimo”, and others for the whole country plus for export to the CIS countries.

19. Some pipes are signed. By the way, artesian water from our own wells is used for production.

20. All this is controlled from a computer. In general, you will hardly see people at the plant - all production is as automated as possible. I think that in 10 years people will completely disappear from factories and everything will be done by robots.

21. But in this machine a cup is made, filled with yogurt and packaged. The cups are made from colored food grade plastic.

22. In the first half, cups are stamped, in the second they are filled with yogurt and closed. It is important that everything is done in one place, this prevents bacteria and foreign particles from getting into the yogurt.

24. Empty cups.

25. Labels.

26. By the way, every employee of the plant is given a box of yoghurts for the whole family once a week. The main injustice is that they give out the product that you make. Therefore, some families eat only Rastishka, while others drink only Actimel.

28. Danissimo bottling machine.

29. And these are huge tanks of jam. They come from another plant and are added to yogurt. In the foreground is a 900kg tank of chocolate. I wish I could put one like this in the kitchen!

30. Rastishka is bottled here.

Who doesn't love yogurt? Tasty, airy, they just beckon you from supermarket windows. Until recently, in Russia the only yogurt was regular kefir with a shelf life of 2-3 days, to which we ourselves added sugar, berries or syrup if we wished. It turned out to be a wonderful and very healthy drink. Has Danone managed to repeat this?

The yogurt from this manufacturer is a priori considered healthy, as advertising tells us about this year after year. Latest development scientists, live bifidobacteria, a product that restores digestion and intestinal activity, strengthens the immune system - all these are well-known slogans that we hear from TV every day. Does this product really have such an effect on the body, or is it just a publicity stunt to sell as many as possible? Let's figure it out together. So, meet the product from the Danone company - yogurt with live bifidobacteria.

First acquaintance

It is not surprising that the modern consumer is in no hurry to believe advertising. And the more the manufacturer assures him that the optimal solution to all his digestive problems is the Danone product - yogurt without chemical additives, flavors and dyes, the more the buyer begins to think. Today there are many lactic acid products on the market, the shelf life of which is more than 30 days, and at the same time the information on the label states that it can and should be used to normalize digestion.

Not a single beneficial bacteria will live in a closed jar for 30 days, so you can immediately refuse such a purchase. Bright color, pungent smell of fruit - it’s better not to give this yogurt to your child, as it will do nothing but harm. This is precisely where the difference between Danone products manifests itself. The yogurt produced in this production is truly natural; it does not contain any questionable additives. But so that you know exactly what you will buy, let's look at the composition in more detail.

Live bacteria

I would like to make a reservation right away: natural Danone yogurt is not a medicine, therefore, if you have serious problems in the field of gastroenterology, then consult a doctor, not a supermarket. But it is perfect for the prevention of various diseases. Fermented dairy products will help your digestive system function as it should. In the composition, living cultures come first. These are types of probiotic microorganisms that are the active components of yogurt.

How exactly do they affect the gastrointestinal tract?

What are probiotic cultures? These are special microorganisms that, once they enter the intestines, survive and help fight harmful, putrefactive and pathogenic bacteria. This way you get double the effect. On the one hand, probiotics improve the health of the digestive system, slowing down inflammatory processes in the stomach, and on the other hand, they maintain the balance of natural microflora. You get this effect by regularly eating Danone yogurt.

The natural product does not contain chemicals or dyes, its composition is extremely simple. Moreover, the calorie content of this yogurt is only 83 kcal per 100 g of product. Now we will continue to look at what it consists of.

Sodium citrate

An unclear term on the packaging of a natural and safe food product leads to some confusion for the buyer. What is it? In fact, it is just an acidity regulator, it acts as a buffer. widely used in commercial food production and considered completely safe. If we talk in simple language, then this is the sodium salt of citric acid. It is added to improve the taste, as this ingredient allows you to control the acidity level of the final product. And again we are convinced that this is natural and safe yogurt. Danone coordinates the composition of its products so that these yoghurts inspire the greatest confidence among consumers.


We know yoghurts as a sweet dessert, although they also come in neutral flavors. However, this brand comes with added sugar. If you are planning to lose weight and are advised to give up sweets, then it is better to choose fermented milk products without fillers. However, the manufacturer, taking care of the end consumer, introduced sugar and fructose into the composition in a 50/50 ratio. No synthetic sweeteners. However, this is precisely the reason for the appearance of negative reviews on the Internet, in which consumers accuse the company of producing low-quality products. The fact is that a certain category of people suffer from fructose intolerance. When consuming this yogurt, they will experience diarrhea and bloating, as well as abdominal pain. However, these are isolated cases; in general, consumers tolerate Danone yogurt well. The price is not overpriced.

The product is sold within the middle price category. On average, a bottle (290 g) of drinking yogurt of this brand costs 46 rubles. A regular dessert product is a little cheaper - about 30 rubles.

Additional Ingredients

Milk fermented with lactic acid bacteria does not have the same consistency as the yogurt you are used to buying in the store. To achieve this, manufacturers use gelatin. This component gives yogurt smoothness and texture, and it also helps improve the taste and aroma of the product. However, it should be remembered that gelatin is always of animal origin, so vegetarians are better off looking for a product using agar-agar.

Cornstarch is used to thicken yogurt. It not only makes the mass thicker, but also protects it from spoilage at high temperatures. Finally, the composition contains This is in itself useful and natural product, which does not allow harmful bacteria to multiply in yogurt, which is very important for maintaining beneficial microflora and stability of the environment inside the jar.

Special technology

Until now, we knew two forms of yoghurts that are presented on the shelves. This is bottled drinking and dessert. In both cases finished product poured into prepared containers. However, meet a new product from the Danone company - thermostatic yogurt. This is a product that is fermented and matured directly in the container in which it is sold in the store. It contains only three ingredients: milk, starter culture and bifidobacteria. A unique environment is created inside the package, which allows milk to ferment. And since the container is hermetically sealed, there is no access for other bacteria, due to this it is possible to abandon various preservatives, even such as citric acid and apple cider vinegar.

There is one more cardinal difference of the new product, which the Danone company pleased the manufacturer with. The consistency is dense, which allows you to avoid adding starch and gelatin. Thus, the buyer receives exactly that healthy and natural product that helps improve intestinal activity and quickly lose weight. If we take into account the low calorie content of this type of yogurt (50 kcal per 100 g of product), then it is obvious that it is better to use it for weight loss.

I remember very well the first Danone store, which opened in 1992 on Tverskaya. Then it was the same miracle as McDonald's, where people stood in line for several hours. People went to the store to look at the strange goods, take pictures in front of the famous clock and, of course, buy gourmet yogurt (the most delicious was chocolate). Now the store, unfortunately, is closed, and Danone yoghurts can be bought at any store in the country. Recently, Danone invited a group of bloggers to its plant in the Chekhovsky district of the Moscow region to show how everyone’s favorite yogurt is made from milk. The plant was built in 2000 and is considered the most modern and powerful among all Danone enterprises in the world! Every year about 300 thousand tons of fresh dairy products are produced here. Yogurt starts with a cow! Amazing, right? The yogurt plant receives milk from 20 different farms located near the plant. Danone does not own the farms themselves, but they monitor the quality of their milk very carefully. We were shown one of them.
The cows appear happy, contented and well-fed. They should make some good steaks :)
The cows have no names, only numbers. But the pattern of a cow’s nose is unique, like a person’s fingerprints.
It turns out that cows love winter more than summer. -10 degrees is their favorite temperature. Do you know how long a cow sleeps? You'll never guess! A cow sleeps only a few minutes a day! 10-15 minutes and you're done! Sometimes I really want to be a cow
This is a special thing for removing manure. She constantly moves around the barn and shovels manure into a special pit.
The calves are kept separately in a manger. Orphans grow up without parents and do not know maternal love at all. This does not stop them from being curious, playing with visitors and being frightened by any rustle.
By the way, just now I started thinking, how do they remove manure from calves? Don't change the straw every day.

Several times a day, the cows go out to be milked. Everything happens almost automatically. Milkmaids only wash the udder and attach the milking machine.
Fresh milk is cooled to 3–4 degrees
Then the milk is taken to the yoghurt factory.
At the milk reception there is a laboratory where they take samples and check that everything is in order with the milk. If something nasty is found in the milk, the entire batch is sent back to the farm.
There have been countless accidents at work over the years; information about them is posted on stands. In general, everything is in order with safety at the plant. All employees must wear gowns, hats and special shoes. You cannot wear any jewelry or watches. Before entering, everyone must be washed and then their hands are disinfected. They put a protective cap on me, it turned out very funny, but all the photographs were then classified.
The corridors are like little streets. There are passages, sidewalks and protective barriers; to be completely happy, all that remains is to run a tram here.
This is where yogurt is made.
It seems to me that no one knows how this happens. It is impossible for a random person to understand this web of pipes.
Today this plant produces yogurts and curds “Danone”, “Activia”, Actimel, “Rastishka”, “Danissimo”, and others for the whole country plus for export to the CIS countries.

Some pipes are signed. By the way, artesian water from our own wells is used for production.
All this is controlled from a computer. In general, you hardly see people at the plant - all production is as automated as possible. I think that in 10 years people will completely disappear from factories and everything will be done by robots.
But in this machine a cup is made, filled with yogurt and packaged. The cups are made from colored food grade plastic.
In the first half the cups are stamped, in the second they are filled with yogurt and closed. It is important that everything is done in one place, this prevents bacteria and foreign particles from getting into the yogurt.

Empty cups.
By the way, every employee of the plant is given a box of yoghurts for the whole family once a week. The main injustice is that they give out the product that you make. Therefore, some families eat only Rastishka, while others drink only Actimel.

Danissimo filling machine.
And these are huge tanks of jam. They come from another plant and are added to yogurt. In the foreground is a 900 kg vat of chocolate. I wish I could put one like this in the kitchen!
Rastishka is bottled here.
A man watches how robots work!

And here are the finished yoghurts.
Each country has different flavors of yogurt. For example, the French love lemon yogurt, but it didn’t work for us. I also love lemon, but for my sake they have refused to put it into production yet.
Samples are taken from each batch and stored in special rooms at different temperatures. If a defect is suddenly discovered, the entire batch is recalled. But this has never happened before. By the way, if you suddenly come across defective yogurt, you can call a special phone number and they will exchange it for a normal one.
Drinking yogurt.
In 1998, Danone became the first company in Russia to launch the production of drinking yoghurt.

At the end the yoghurts are packed into boxes...

And they are taken to the warehouse!
Well, then to the store!

Danone large company, known to the market since 1992. The products manufactured by the company are familiar to many families, since the components of Danone are 19 famous brands, including: “Rastishka”, “Theme”, “Actual”, “Baby”, “Baby”, “Summer Day” and others.

Danone's product range is wide and varied. The products offered are aimed at both children and adults. The number of flavors is varied, so everyone finds something for themselves among them. At the same time, the company does not stand still, does not rest on its laurels, constantly developing and offering new ideas.

Some interesting facts

Danone successfully survived difficult years when numerous successful brands left the market. Subsequently, the company joined forces with Unimilk and began to develop even faster. In 2013, the name was officially changed to “Group of Companies”. On current moment sales figures exceed the norm, and this is far from the limit.

The secret of popularity

The secret of love for Danone goes back to the beginning of development. Then, in 1992, the company decided that it would create exclusively high-quality products. Following this direction even now, Danone continues to gain fans all over the world. People value quality, attitude, and decent choice.

Working in the Danone team is prestigious. Today the number of personnel is more than 10 thousand people, and the figure is constantly increasing. The number of enterprises in the Russian Federation is 17.

Danone product range

On Russian market The company is represented in the following main areas:

  • baby food;
  • dairy products (milk, cream, milkshakes, yoghurts, curds, sourdough, fermented baked milk, kefir);
  • soft drinks.

The brand includes more than 300 popular products that enjoy in great demand among the population. All of them comply with the stated standards, are sold in convenient, compact packaging, have optimal shelf life, and satisfy consumer needs.

The company constantly monitors this important factor and monitors production at all stages. So that only the best reaches store shelves.

To summarize, we can say that the Danone group of companies is the market leader. She has this status deservedly and justifiably. Focusing on the consumer, demand and preferences, the company quickly responds and changes in a positive direction. For this she is valued, trusted and respected. For other Danone companies - good example a role model from whom you can learn a lot.

According to the official statement from representatives of the Danon brand, the main beneficial component of Activia is live bacteria. They are specially bred in the company’s laboratories. But what do experts in the field say about this?

Although the product itself is called and looks like yogurt, its composition differs from most similar products on the market.

The manufacturer claims that their product helps you lose weight and maintain natural balance in the digestive system.

Is this really true? Let's take a look at the product's composition and analyze the effects of each ingredient on humans.

The constituent ingredients of the Activia product are:

  • cream
  • powdered, skim milk
  • yogurt starter
  • special bifidobacteria
  • sugar and syrup
  • caramel
  • pectin
  • citric acid
  • sodium citrate
  • dye
  • flavoring
  • starch

A detailed study of the composition leaves exactly the opposite impression than the manufacturer’s statement. Here's why:

  • a large amount of water has been added to the product, which reduces the value of the yoghurt component
  • for a product that is supposed to promote weight loss, contains too much
  • Artificial flavors and aromas raise suspicions that the product is harmful to the body
  • it has been reliably established that starch and powdered milk contribute to indigestion

In addition, natural yoghurt retains its main beneficial qualities only for a week from the moment of fermentation. And the manufacturer has set a shelf life for this product of one month. A dubious statement about the ability to keep yogurt healthy longer does not convince otherwise.

So don’t flatter yourself with empty hopes that regular use of Activia will bring any benefit to your body. You may not get harm either, but food products containing chemicals still bring a certain extra burden.

Is it really so? The main characteristics that nutritionists give to this product are as follows:

  • Activia, when consumed in the first week after fermentation, does not give a greater effect than regular
  • declared bifidobacteria have the same properties as bacteria in any other fermented milk product

That is, nutritionists are unanimous in the opinion that these products are no different from ordinary fermented milk products, except for the presence large quantity chemical additives.

In addition, a small part of nutritionists are simply confident that consuming products like Activia does more harm to digestion than good. So, such products help the process, like any fermented milk product.

At the same time, constant assistance to the body in the form of filling it with necessary bacteria from the outside eventually displaces the natural bacteria of the stomach. That is, over time, the stomach gets used to receiving help from yogurt and stops producing its own substances.

So it is better to isolate yourself from regularly consuming such products. Of course, on difficult days, when digestion is not in the best condition, it is worth rewarding yourself with some amount of this product, but experts do not recommend using it constantly.

Benefits of Activia

To avoid unwanted consequences for the body, doctors recommend not experimenting with various products that are advertised as healthy. Clinically untested substances can always have a detrimental effect on the body, even if they may seem completely harmless.
