Ways to increase sales in the commercial service. Increasing sales: marketing moves, psychology and real tools. Methods to increase sales: create a department to work with new and current clients

If you use even just some of them, this will already have a significant impact on the growth of your sales.
The first thing you need to know is –


Most businesses have a chaotic approach to sales, from the series “we are doing something, but what exactly increases sales is unclear.” I give you a formula that immediately puts everything in its place and systematizes sales:

Profit = (Leads * Cv * $ * #) * Margin

Leads – number of potential clients (those who entered the store, visited the website, and whom you called yourself)
Cv – % conversion (potentials turn into buyers)
$ – average bill(we make the client buy as much as possible)
# – transactions (we encourage you to come to us again and again)
And all this is multiplied by your markup.

That is: Came -> Bought -> Bought more -> Came again

Where to start to increase sales in your business?

Start with what sags you the most. Not enough clients? Work on the first indicator. Don't buy enough? Apply sales promotion techniques. Small purchase amount? Increase the average bill and the number of purchases.

Accordingly, in order to work on any indicator, it is necessary to know their initial values, i.e. - measure.

Once you understand what sales are made of, it becomes much easier to influence your revenue using various techniques for managing each of the components of the formula. Here are 15 ways of such influence:


1) UpSell technology
Who doesn't know about #upcel technology? Offer the buyer an additional product/service at the time of purchase.

2) Magnet on top
Offer a small bonus to “hold out” the buyer to the purchase amount you need (“Your purchase amount is 1200 rubles. If you buy something else worth 1500 rubles, we will give you a gift - a #Alyonka chocolate bar”).

3) Using bonuses
4) Special promotions
5) Free shipping


1) Maintaining a client database (collecting contacts)
So much has already been said and retold about this by everyone that I hope this point does not need comment. Just do it.

2) First contact with the client
The most important one. Often millions of transactions depend on the first contact. As they say, you can't make a first impression a second time.

3) Speed ​​of response and reaction
If you respond to applications and letters from your potential (!) clients for 24 hours, it’s generally unclear how your business is still alive. These times are far in the past. Now the trend is the one who conducts support on #Twitter with lightning-fast reaction speed, responds as quickly as possible to questions in online chats, to customer requests through all contacts available to a potential buyer.

4) Mystery shopper
Great way to figure out what's wrong? Or vice versa, which is best. You can also ask your friends, focusing their attention on what exactly you would like to check in your business, or here are several services that will help you with this: mystery-shoppers.ru, 4service-group.com, radix-group.com, mshoppingnews.com, est4service.ru, your-people.ru

5) Why don't they buy?
Ask the person who came to you on the way out without buying - why didn’t he buy? If the reason depends on you, eliminate it. What could be simpler?


1) Wake up a sleeping client
Call/write to old clients who haven’t bought anything from you for a long time. Incentivize them to come back to us again and again and buy. Organize a system of touches to your customer base (for this you need to collect contacts). Do this periodically. Make it COMFORTABLE to work with you. Get comfortable.

2) Call the client after the purchase
After 3 days - 1 week, call and ask how you are doing, whether you are satisfied with the service and the quality of the product. This gives a strong increase in loyalty. Plus understanding your weaknesses. It very powerfully sets you apart from your competitors.
How many of you have bought recently? household appliances, telephone, TV? Did they call you a lot? Now imagine if you got a call?

3) Exceed Expectations
Unexpected bonus, gift. after the purchase. Greatly promotes loyalty! When they agree on one price, the manager calls back and says, I managed to negotiate for you additional discount, I’ll invoice you for bearings not at 200 rubles, but at 197. Great, isn’t it?

4) Loyal customer card
Discount, cumulative – purchase history, bonuses, benefits, privileges, loyalty. Use whatever you can that your business size and budget allows, and be smart about low-budget options. Attach the client to you.

5) Constant information about new products
Customers don't know what you're offering or when. Tell them about it. Again about maintaining a client base. This is your most valuable asset. You are not driving yet client base?? Then we are coming to you!))

Fast money in business

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Your personal assistant V world of marketing,
Alena Shefina

In trading, the issue of increasing sales is absolutely commonplace. No matter how much you sell now, the plan will always be a little higher. Otherwise, it's simply not the right plan. And most importantly, the answer to the question of how to increase sales has long been found. You just need to not be too lazy to use it best practices and developments of successful companies.

Sales Success Formula

On the difficult path of increasing sales, it is important to know the formula for success in sales. This formula works for everyone, this formula reflects the very essence of sales. If you learn to use it, you will get what you want. Here is the formula for sales success:

The sales success formula tells you several important things:

  1. If you want to increase sales, influence the following: traffic, conversion and average bill;
  2. You must constantly monitor the above indicators. If you do not know your current values ​​of these indicators, this is an alarming signal - you are not in control of the situation;
  3. It doesn’t matter who you are a business owner or a simple seller, these indicators do not depend on scale, they can simply be called differently;
  4. While working on one indicator, monitor and control the others. It often happens that the conversion rate has increased, but the average bill has fallen and, as a result, has not changed.
  5. In an established system, these indicators are in balance and are not so easy to influence.

The last point is especially important on the way to increasing sales. For example, suppose you have a store that sells food products in a residential area of ​​the microdistrict. The store’s audience is constant, the average check and conversion will not change much. In such a system, without changing the assortment and without attracting new customers, sales cannot be greatly increased; there is a ceiling on the consumer market. And your task is to decide whether you have reached the ceiling of this market. If yes, then all the standard methods to increase sales will not help you much; you are unlikely to recoup the costs.

What influences the main KPI indicators

So, when examining the issue of increasing sales, we have already learned 3 main indicators by which sales can be increased. Let's figure out what affects these indicators.

How to increase traffic

Traffic is the number of visitors to your store i.e. potential buyers. Generally speaking, there are two main ways to influence traffic.

Attract new customers to the store

It is worth noting that there are a lot of ways to express yourself to the consumer. All you need to do is choose those that suit you and are the most effective in your sales segment. Here are the main sources of attraction:

  • Outdoor advertising and;
  • Internet advertising – contextual advertising, targeted advertising, banner advertising;
  • SEO – search engine optimization, as well as another free advertising on the Internet;
  • SMM – promotion in social networks;
  • Customer recommendations (word of mouth);
  • Advertising in the media - TV, newspapers, magazines;

By the way, in network marketing you increase incoming traffic solely due to your active actions. This tool is also available to stationary sellers, primarily by working with the existing customer base.

Bring back customers who previously purchased

Customer return is influenced by such indicators as: quality of service, competitiveness of your offer, loyalty systems and bonus cards. Every sane seller works in this direction. In sales to the corporate segment this is called collecting a database. A seller with a large customer base is highly valued. However, not all trade organizations They are seriously engaged in collecting contacts of their clients and their further attraction.

A very interesting point is the long-term nature of these measures. New clients can be attracted quickly enough, but the price of attraction events is quite high. Conversely, creating conditions for clients to return to you again and again is less expensive, but you will not get the effect quickly.

How to increase conversion

Conversion is the percentage of customers who purchased to the total number of potential customers (traffic). The number of leads for each sales type will be different. So for a store this will be customers who come to the store, for a website this is website traffic, for SMM audience coverage, for contextual advertising number of ad clicks and number of ad impressions.

First of all, the internal state of the store (seller, website) is influenced by the more conditions for shopping are created, the higher the conversion will be. Conversely, the difficulties that the client encounters when purchasing reduce conversion. Conversion is a hygienic indicator of management professionalism. The main difficulties that reduce conversion in the store:

  • , or rather its absence, for example, lack of price tags or inconvenient navigation around the store;
  • Queues at checkouts and other factors that reduce the speed of purchase;

In fact, these points are relevant for other types of sales, for example, for a website:

  • Ease of site navigation, intuitive design, mobile version, etc.;
  • Unqualified personnel;
  • Complex form to fill out on the website;
  • High prices for goods or non-competitive offers;

In general, as we see, to increase conversion and, as a result, sales, it is necessary to restore order and train staff. While generally not that difficult, it is much more difficult to maintain order and the level of knowledge, skills and abilities of your salespeople.

Increasing the average bill

Average bill is how much money one customer spends in your store. The average receipt consists of two components - the number of goods in the receipt and the average purchase price. There are many ways available to you:

  • Cross sale (cross sale) is a related product to the main one;
  • – this is the sale of a more expensive product to the client;
  • – location of related products next to the main one;
  • also increases the number of goods in the receipt;
  • Expansion of the assortment - often the increase in the average bill is hampered by the lack of one or another product or the lack of expensive goods;

What types of clients are there?

Increasing the average check is, first of all, the correct monetization of incoming traffic. Remember that among the clients who come to you there are always loyal people who will buy everything you offer them. Anyone who has worked in sales will confirm that there are 3 categories of clients:

  1. Shopaholics buy everything in their path. They receive true happiness from the purchasing process and feel free to communicate with the seller. The main thing is to create a positive attitude for them. They are rare, depending on the sales area from 2 to 10% of the total number of clients.
  2. Skeptics are suspicious of any activity of the seller. They like to make decisions on their own. With the advent of the Internet, such clients almost completely moved there, although life still drives them to offline stores. No more than 5% of all clients.
  3. The middle class is ordinary clients for whom it is important to understand what they are paying for. They can exhibit the qualities of both shopaholics and skeptics, it depends on the conditions of sale. The vast majority of clients are like this. If you correctly explain to them that the product meets their needs and is worth the money, then they will buy from you.

Your task as a seller is to create conditions so that shopaholics and the middle class get what they need. Unfortunately, many sellers avoid using methods to increase the average check because they see no point in scaring customers. At the same time, the same seller may be puzzling over the question of how to increase sales.

Sales indicators are one of the main components of the success of any online store. The financial success of the company depends on this component. It is not at all surprising that any company is trying to increase the number of customers and sales of its products.

To achieve such goals, unique, in the opinion of the manufacturer, products are created high quality, an online store is being actively developed. But Having a good website, products and services does not guarantee high sales volumes.

This article presents 50 methods for increasing sales that will definitely lead to success of your online store.

1. Signature explaining the activities of your company under the logo

Once on the site, a potential client immediately pays attention to the top corner of the page, located on the left. This corner should contain information about where the client went. In this half of the page, under the logo, you must indicate what type of activity you are engaged in this company, what services it provides or what it sells.

If you are selling plastic windows, then you should write “ Plastic windows”, and not “We give people light,” for example.

2. Contact numbers. All available means of communication

Such information located in the right corner, at the top, always in large font. The more visible a phone number is, the easier it is to find it.

Clients often have doubts about contacting any company. Such doubts can be dispelled by displaying telephone numbers in large print and in a visible place.

The client is unlikely to notice contact information, if it is placed at the bottom of the page. Because of such an error, your company may lose a client.

3. Fully capture the attention of customers and the entire target audience

The largest concentration is observed in the following systems:

  • search engines Google, Yandex;
  • social media;
  • Various messengers (WhatsApp, Viber, Telegram);
  • YouTube.

Customers visit the site to find any information or purchase goods or services. If this goal has not yet been achieved, your organization's banner on the Internet will constantly remind him of the unfinished task. Thus, the person will return to the site to make a purchase.

4. City number, physical address

This nuance will characterize your company as a serious organization having its own office. This may affect sales levels.

5. More specifics

As stated above, the company’s products should be discussed specifically, without vague or incomprehensible phrases. If your company sells tables, then you should talk about those characteristics that the buyer may be interested in: round, square, wooden, metal or glass, exact size, available colors. You should also give importance to all the advantages of your product, for example, the environmental friendliness of wood products.

6. Improving landing pages

An effective headline that attracts attention. Must contain information about the page. When compiling names, it is necessary to analyze the main queries for which clients search. The most effective headlines are those with calls to action.

7. Call to action

After reading useful information and the characteristics of the product being sold, the client may still have questions.

A phrase that might help here is: “Any questions left? Call us! Such a call will increase the number of calls received, therefore increasing sales. Then the manager takes control of the client.

Call to action on the site

8. Call from the site

It is not necessary to call the manager using a mobile phone. Special equipment Many people have one for making online calls. The ability to call a call center directly from the company’s website will increase the number of calls received.

9. The most appropriate place for the “Buy” button

The button calling on the client to purchase the product should be correctly positioned - changing the position is of great importance. The button should not be placed at the bottom of the page, since not all clients reach the end. The buyer should not look for such buttons. It is possible that potential clients will mistake the site for an online catalog and not an online store. That's why This marketing element should be placed in a visible and advantageous place.

10. Game of contrasts

All buttons should not be lost, as mentioned in the previous paragraph. You can try to play with contrast, use bright colors.

11. Increase site visits

If more potential buyers visit your website, then the number of sales will begin to increase. How to increase visits? By exploring the vastness of the World Wide Web. This can be done by posting ads, establish activity on forums, in the most popular social networks and actively develop them.

12. Monitor website exit statistics

On the site one or more pages have greatest number exits - this is the page you should work on. This means that customers do not find the information they need on it. The potential client is lost.

A little analysis can improve sales.

13. Company of professionals

Your company has enormous knowledge and skills in the area in which it specializes. Buyers should have the same information. When choosing a product, the buyer often does not have information about which product to choose and is not aware of its main properties and advantages. Help buyers understand this with articles. Written articles and reviews will be found by search engines and, thus, will lead buyers to your site.

If people haven’t found answers to their questions about products on the site, the likelihood of making a purchase is extremely low.

If he is present and the client finds answers to all his questions, the chance of purchase will increase sharply.

The law of “purchase from the third contact” works here:“Customers have already visited your website - it helped, answered all questions - customers remember it.”

14. Pictures

Colorful and eye-catching pictures are much more interesting for the client than a textual (incomprehensible) description.

Thanks to the presence of photographs, the client sees what product he is buying. Without high-quality pictures and photographs, it is impossible to increase sales.

15. We take into account contacts of the client’s relatives or friends

Most often, buyers discuss purchases in various organizations with loved ones or acquaintances. It is necessary to use these tips to improve efficiency.

You can create coupons and add them to your order. “10 ml of branded perfume as a gift for your loved ones.” Condition: anyone from your client’s circle has the right to use this coupon. The present will be beneficial to several parties at once:

  1. The client will certainly please a loved one with a gift that will be to his liking.
  2. The person who has the coupon will place an order to receive the gift.
  3. The company will have a new client.

16. Make the most of your newsletter

It is necessary to constantly remind the client about your company. Don't make your newsletter text too long - the newsletter should arouse the client’s interest. Don't forget about an effective title.

17. Series of letters for the client

Proper customization of emails will increase the level of customer return to the site. Will increase additional sales.

18. Blog

Try to be generous to your partner. Thanks to these people, your core is formed in the first stages of business development.

46. ​​Delegate

It will not be possible to do all the work yourself at the stages when the business reaches large sizes.

Here it is important to create a good team of experienced and professional managers . They are the ones who will help you achieve your goals and increase sales in your online store.

47. Justice

When recruiting experienced and high-quality managers, it is important to build trusting relationships with them, since the majority of sales depend on your employees.

You should not take on the role of an arrogant boss. Be a member of one common team, try together to achieve the goals set for the store.

48. Honesty

Tell only the truth about your product. The worst thing is deceiving your clients. Don't describe your product with fictitious properties. If, after purchasing a product, the buyer does not see the qualities that your description provided him with, the likelihood that he will return again is almost zero.

49. Motivating employees

By creating motivation for your employees, you will see your sales increase. As a sales incentive you can use systems of bonuses or gifts from the company.

50. The ability to test the products of your online store

Providing an opportunity to try your product - one of the best technicians to increase sales. A customer who has tried your product and is satisfied will most likely make a purchase and, possibly, enter the database.

Buyers need to be given this opportunity. Having made sure of the quality of the purchased product, the client will be sure that your company is truly a place where he can return more than once.

We'll talk about possible reasons a drop in retail sales or wholesale store, ways to solve the problem and how to increase the number of sales step by step.

When they fall financial results business, measures must be taken promptly. How to increase sales? - the cornerstone issue of business.

There are several effective ways to increase sales and improve store profitability. Qualitative analysis activities will determine effective tools to stabilize the situation.

1. Features of wholesale and retail trade - sales psychology

Retail sales - individual sales of goods to the end consumer.

  • furniture showrooms;
  • women's clothing stores;
  • pharmacies;
  • markets;
  • crafts fairs, etc.

Wholesale trade is aimed at corporate buyers purchasing products in bulk. More often these are intermediaries who are engaged in resale. In some cases, large quantities are needed for the personal purposes of the enterprise.


Factory produces upholstered furniture- sofas, armchairs and ottomans. To ensure an uninterrupted supply of upholstery material, the company enters into a supply contract with a wholesale manufacturer.

When drawing up a plan to increase profitability, the director wholesale enterprise does not focus on the end consumer.

Attention is paid to:

  1. Finding new contractors - achieved through presentations, a recommendation channel, cold phone calls, personal selling, studying the psychology of buyers, etc.
  2. Developing relationships with current partners - optimizing logistics, providing discounts, processing feedback, etc.
  3. Increasing customer focus and developing professional skills of salespeople - conducting trainings, mentoring, motivation, etc.

For the head of a retail outlet main goal- to interest and encourage a visitor to a representative office or online store to make a purchase. To increase sales, you will need to analyze the current situation, identify weaknesses, development and implementation of measures to improve the situation.

2. Why retail sales are falling - possible reasons

Economic, political, social and other factors influencing sales volumes are difficult to take into account and predict. Even if they are obvious, it is often almost impossible to influence them.

But there are probable reasons for the decline retail sales that need to be identified and eliminated first.

Poor location of the outlet

Even when choosing a commercial premises for purchase or rent, you need to compare the location of the facility and the specifics of the company’s activities.


An entrepreneur decides to open a clothing store near a popular business center with the expectation of a large flow of customers. This idea is unsuccessful - visitors come for work, and not to update their wardrobe. It is better to move the retail outlet to a residential area and open a stationery store near the business center.

You need to take into account the presence of competitors and their conditions, transport accessibility, ease of access, population of the area and the daily number of people passing by. If the store is in the courtyard of a house with a barrier, then only customers living nearby will visit it.

Poor display design

If the buyer does not like the appearance of the store, he will not enter it.

A showcase that will encourage the buyer to visit the outlet:

  • informative - the consumer understands what the store sells;
  • attractive in appearance - the design is bright and noticeable, but not flashy;
  • talks about current promotions - the data must be relevant and truthful;
  • indicates a price category - an example of a product indicating its cost looks advantageous.

If you want to know an objective opinion about the design of the store, ask the customers themselves to evaluate this criterion through a survey or checklist.

Small assortment

If a competitor has a wider choice, then the buyer will go to him. Comparing the assortment of a similar outlet with your own will allow you to understand what is missing.

Another way to expand your product offering is to take into account the interests of a larger number of visitors. In a shoe store, it is good to have each model in unpopular sizes, and when selling food products, products for diabetics should be added to the assortment.

Poor quality of service

If salespeople are careless in communicating with the buyer, he will not want to return to the store. Service should be polite but not intrusive.

Trainings and seminars will teach staff the basics of quality sales, and secret shopping and feedback from users will help monitor the fulfillment of service requirements.

3. 7 simple tools to increase retail sales

When a manager sees that profitability is falling, he needs effective measures to stabilize the situation.

When developing measures to increase profitability, be sure to take into account the specifics of the company. But there are a number universal methods, which will increase profits from product sales.

Method 1. Competent merchandising

Clear and visual placement of goods in the store - simple and effective way increase sales by tens of percent at once. But the products should be laid out not only conveniently for the visitor, but also beneficial for the seller.

Place the most profitable products at eye level of the consumer, and place promotional products in the checkout area - these are the main recommendations of specialists for the effective display of assortments.

Pay special attention appearance goods. The packaging should be neat and intact, and the item should make you want to take a closer look at it.

Method 2: Related offer

McDonald's uses this technique - with each order you are offered to try a pie or something else. Products related to the purchase are available in every store.


In a furniture showroom, the buyer purchases a sofa; elite fabric is used for upholstery. The consultant suggests taking a cleaning product that will effectively remove the most common types of stains.

Some customers will agree to make an additional purchase, others will refuse it. But if you offer it to every customer, the average check will increase.

Method 3. Loyalty program

Discounts on discount cards and bonus points for purchases are powerful tools that increase sales. If a client chooses between two similar retail outlets, he will prefer the one in which he has privileges.

Use this method with caution. It happens that the return from a loyalty program does not cover the costs of using it. This happens if regular customers They issued discount cards, but no new clients appeared. In that case bonus system subject to revision or cancellation.

Method 4. Promotions and sales

The goal is to motivate the client to purchase more than he originally planned. The tool is especially popular for increasing sales during a crisis or when there is a need to get rid of old stock.

There are several promotion options:

OfferExample conditionsPossible features
Promotion “2+1”When you buy 2 items, 1 more will be freeAs a gift, goods with lowest cost by check
Discount for a particular categoryRed items are 10% cheaper for 2 daysExcept outerwear
Full sale20% discount on the entire rangeException - items from the new collection
"Bring a friend" promotion5% discount on recommendation from an existing clientMaximum 1,000 rubles
10% discount on birthdayProvided 3 days before and 1 day after the eventDoes not apply to alcohol and confectionery products

Method 5. Social networks

Representation of your store on Instagram, Facebook and VK will significantly increase the number of users. They will learn from public pages and groups about the product range, promotions and discounts. To do this, the manager needs to fill accounts with interesting content and relevant information.

An effective way to increase the impact of a website or group on social networks is to announce a reposting contest with a real prize.

The conditions are approximately as follows:

  1. The user shares the post with friends.
  2. The message is not deleted within a month.
  3. A winner is selected at random.

It is better to offer a product being sold or a service provided as a prize - the advantages and features of the offer indicated in the text of the repost will be read by a large number of users.

Method 6. Feedback

Selective calls to customers, questionnaires, surveys in groups on social networks - these tools will allow you to identify what customers are missing. It is better to ask closed questions about the assortment, quality of service, availability and design of the store and any other aspects, but detailed answers should also be provided.

Proper use of the information received will not only increase sales, but also improve service.

Method 7. Marketing promotions

Distributing leaflets, competitions and sweepstakes, gifts for purchases, offering to try products for free - these and other events will increase customer interest and business profitability.

When conducting marketing research monitoring their effectiveness is important. If the costs do not pay off, the customer acquisition policy should be reconsidered.

4. How to increase sales - step-by-step instructions

To determine which tools to use first, follow three simple steps.

Step 1. Determine the specifics of trading

Each store's problem is unique.

The specifics of the activity depend on:

  • product categories - food or non-food products;
  • forms of enterprise - network, single outlet, mobile trade, etc.;
  • type of service - online store, distribution through catalogues, posting ads on Avito, self-service point, vending machines, etc.

To understand the reasons for the decline in profits, it is necessary to determine the characteristics of a particular outlet.

Step 2. Looking for weaknesses

It will be possible to determine which method is more effective and will increase sales after analyzing the reasons for their decline.


A client enters a clothing store and immediately leaves it. There can be several reasons - an intrusive greeting, disinterest on the part of the staff, unsuccessful display of goods, etc. A buyer is more likely to leave an online store because of an incomprehensible menu or a repulsive interface.

Find out the reasons for customer dissatisfaction through surveys and questionnaires.

Step 3. Choose a method for solving the problem and implement it

After receiving answers to the first two questions, the way to increase sales will be clear.
