Letter of recommendation to a student. Letter of recommendation to a student (samples) Example of a letter of recommendation for admission

This document may be needed in the following cases: for an internship, admission to graduate school, a foreign university, etc.

It starts with the title of the document.

Then it is indicated for how long and in what capacity the recommender knew the student.

After this comes the assessment strengths, the student’s abilities, his successes during his studies. Here you can talk about his participation in Olympiads, various competitions, competitions, awards, certificates, places of honor, etc.

MTUCI student Inna Vladislavovna Anokhina

Student Anokhina I.V. graduated in 2013 from the Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics, Department of Production Organization, Audit and Accounting, Faculty of Economics and Management.

During her studies, she established herself as a capable student, striving to constantly improve her level of knowledge. He is a laureate of the competition “Best student of Moscow technical university communications and computer science". She enjoyed respect and authority among the team. She actively participated in the social and cultural life of the university. He has a non-conflict nature and is distinguished by a high level of responsibility and hard work.

A letter of recommendation is a document that is perceived in two ways. In some companies it is treated as a relic from the past, in others (mostly in the West) it is a “start in life”, for example, for a student. One way or another, this application to your resume will not be superfluous.


A document written on behalf of the teacher might look something like this:

I, associate professor Alexey Petrovich Petrov, am a teacher of Alexander Dmitrievich Alekseev in the period 2009-2013. by discipline" International tourism", "Ethics", "New directions of Russian tourism". During the training, I noted the high level of knowledge of Alexander Dmitrievich: written and oral exams passed with "excellent" marks; participation in city student conferences with reports: "Prospects for the development of tourism in Murmansk", "Regional tourism reaching the international level", "Development extreme tourism in the field"; successful completion of educational and practical training in travel agencies"Russia Tour", "Around the World" as a manager.

Alexander Dmitrievich is my graduate student, his project “Rural tourism in Murmansk region: development prospects" was awarded a unanimous rating of "5". The student conducted his research on the basis of personally collected data and surveys, which gives his work great value.

I am confident that Alexander Dmitrievich Petrov will prove himself in his future workplace as an proactive, responsible, creative employee.

  • The high status of the referent, as well as mention of his personal acquaintance with the bearer.
  • Inclusion of opinions “from the outside”: the student’s classmates, teachers, dean’s office.
  • Specific examples of a student's achievements are a minimum of unfounded laudatory characteristics.
  • The mentioned successes should resonate with the specifics of the position being sought.
  • Description of both professional, business and personal qualities.

A letter of recommendation is a document that can help an applicant, especially abroad. Its substantive, stylistically correct, well-founded content often serves as the main factor for the employer’s decision-making.

There are several cases when a student may need a letter of recommendation. Firstly, it is needed to complete an internship. Your supervisor or supervisor of the department writes it on a special form, outlining your achievements and personal qualities. Secondly, such letters are provided by universities that are involved in the placement of graduates after graduation. Let's look at the main features of a student letter of recommendation.

What do they indicate in the letter?

A representative of the university notes when you entered, what you graduated from, what main disciplines you studied and how you proved yourself. It also characterizes your personal qualities and draws conclusions about your professional suitability. In essence, the recommendation resembles a characteristic, but is written in a more free form. The document itself is printed on official letterhead, ensuring that the heading and signature are formatted correctly. The text is usually small in length, no more than a thousand characters. 1.
Student Ovechkin V.G. Graduated from St. Petersburg State University, Department of Applied Economics, Faculty of Economics. During his studies, he established himself as an efficient student, striving to improve his level of knowledge and qualifications. He had excellent grades in his core subjects. Relations with the staff developed well, he participated in educational and practical events conducted by the department.
I recommend Ovechkin V.G. as an intern at the regional branch of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation in St. Petersburg.

Deputy Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs, Doctor of Economics, Professor A.V. Platonov (date, signature)

Student Vlasova M.N. studied at the Department of Higher Mathematics of the Faculty of Natural Sciences of Moscow State University. During her studies, she actively participated in seminars, conferences and round tables. Prepared three reports and five articles on the topic of the thesis. IN on a personal level She showed herself exclusively on the positive side: efficient, disciplined, and takes any work she does seriously.
I consider it necessary to credit Vlasov M.N. to the staff of the unit as a junior research fellow or an engineer.

Head of the Department of Higher Mathematics, Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Professor K.G. Zhdanov

Educational institutions As a rule, they require 1-2-3 letters of recommendation from students. Letters must contain contact information a teacher, fellow student, employer who writes a letter so that admissions officers can contact him and clarify some details if necessary.

It is important that the person writing the recommendation not only knows the applicant, but also teaches exactly the subject that directly relates to the chosen specialty. For example, if an application is submitted for a specialty in chemistry, and a recommendation is from a physical education teacher, then such a recommendation will have absolutely no value, since it will not be able to show the student’s knowledge in the chosen specialty.

Better recommendations write to immediately English, but if this is not possible, then the translation from Russian should be done by a specialist, indicating his personal and contact information and with the seal of his institution. provide professional translation services.

It is better that all information provided is reliable, and the characteristics are supported by examples. Each letter of recommendation must complement the next one, then when reading them, the admissions committee will have the most favorable opinion about the student.

Practice online recommendations. They are carried out in such a way that after reading letters of recommendation to the people who wrote them, postal address they receive links to a page with a ready-made login and password, where they can fill out another recommendation. After entering, they will be offered a two or three page form on which they will need to rate the merits of the contestant on a scale.

Example of a letter of recommendation from an employer for a student (in English)


This letter is issued to Student Name to confirm, that she has completed training practical work from 1/07/2013 until 25/08/2013 at Consulting Center Ltd in Moscow. Student Name has performed a wide range of assistant duties including practical services for organizations and individual entrepreneurs, looking for developing of their businesses. During her time spent with us, she gained experience in practical consulting activities, she has helped to conduct audit of management systems and learned methodologies of conducting analysis.

Student Name has done an excellent job and we wish her a good luck with her application and want to thank her once again for her contribution.

An example of a letter of recommendation from a mathematics teacher for a schoolchild (in Russian)

During two years of studying mathematics,Student Name He showed himself to be a conscientious and active student, he diligently completed his assignments. Receives with interest new material. I rate his knowledge as good to excellent today. Always strives for better results and works on mistakes. Student Name He is a purposeful boy, I see in him a certain potential and interest in the subject. It was a pleasure to work with him and I wish Student Name all the best for the rest of your life.

An example of an excellent, detailed letter of recommendation from a teaching professor for a student (in English)


Dear Admission Committee,

I am writing this letter to give my highest possible recommendation for Student Name. I know Student Name through his work in my laboratory. Student Name first approached me two years ago about the possibility of practice in my laboratory for a summer. At our first meeting I described the general outline of the project he might work on. He asked good questions and appeared intelligent. He then went to the library and found many papers on the subject and read them carefully. He did this independently - I did not ask him to do this. I learned that he had done this at our second meeting, and I was quite impressed at his motivation and independence. Student Name obtained funding from a program at our University to work in the lab for a summer. During that summer, Student Name demonstrated the ability to work independently with great creativity and enthusiasm. He also put in many long hours. He worked as hard as my best graduate student. I teamed Student Name with another student to work on a project involving testing of patients having shoulder pathology. The project included recruiting patients, testing patients using biomechanical instrumentation, and data analysis. Student Name excelled in each one of these areas. His interpersonal skills were excellent. He “schmoozed” the clinical staff to facilitate recruitment of patients. He tested the patients professionally. Sometimes this testing required long days due to the extensive setup and calibration of equipment each morning before the clinic began operation. He stayed after the testing sessions to back up data, clean up the area, and start data processing programs to run overnight. He was usually the first one in the lab in the morning and the last to leave in the evening. The other student working with Student Name commented favorably about working with Student Name. He said Student Name got along well with everyone, pulled his own weight on the project, and had the ability to compromise with other team members. One incident illustrates this point. There is a staff member in an adjoining lab that is a rather prickly person who has had many problems with students in the past. Student Name had to interact with this staff person in order to get his project done. Student Name was able to find a common interest with this staff person, which was folk dancing, and build a rapport based on this mutual interest. At the end of the summer the staff person noted what a pleasure it was to work with Student Name. Student Name also volunteered to help others in the lab. One of the other students was doing a project on knee biomechanics, and it required harvesting knees from the University’s morgue. Student Name volunteered to help harvest the knees on several occasions. I asked the graduate student in charge of that project about Student Name, and he commented that Student Name has excellent dissection skills. I was especially taken by Student Name creative mind and independent work ethics. He continued to read the literature independently and generate interesting hypotheses. We met about every other week, and at several meetings he presented papers and information that was new to me. By the end of the summer he was introducing me to scientific papers that were directly relevant to his study that I hadn’t seen before. Student Name also showed remarkable problem solving ability. Our instrumentation system began having problems midway through his experiment. Student Name spent a full weekend troubleshooting the system. He discovered there was a loose wire in the A/D connection box. Student Name is going to be the first author on a manuscript that he is preparing for publication. He followed through on his promise to write the manuscript during his M2 year. Moreover, he handled the manuscript revisions and saw the manuscript through to publication. This illustrates his high level of motivation. In summary, Student Name is clearly the best student I have worked with in the last 10 years. I would very much like him match to our residency program. Even though I hope he stays here, I think he would be an outstanding asset to your program. I give him my highest recommendation.

Sincerely, Professor Name (Signature)

Example of a letter of recommendation for a university (in English) from a student


To Whom it May Concern

It is my pleasure to recommend Student Name for admission to at. I am a fifth-year Ph.D. student at the University of California, Berkeley. I came to know Student Name when I was her Graduate Student Instructor for Philosophy (Ethical Relativism). The course comprised. Student Name distinguished herself by submitting an exceptionally well researched and interesting project on ethical practices in ancient Greece. I would rank her in the top 2% of students that I have taught in the past five years in respect of her writing ability and research skills. Overall, Student Name is highly intelligent and has good analytical skills. Her project on ethical practices in ancient Greece demonstrated her ability to come a detailed understanding of the ethical practices of another, very different, culture, and to analyze the consequences of those practices for contemporary ethical theories. She gave a particularly interesting discussion of the difficult practice of infanticide, and showed both sensitivity and detachment when discussing its ethical consequences. Her overall intelligence is also reflected in her grades for the course, which were by far the best in the class. Student Name has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read. She demonstrated her oral articulateness in the discussion sections that were an integral part of the course. Each discussion section focused on a particular ethical dilemma. Students were required to analyze morally problematic situations, and to develop and argue for their own ethical views with regard to the issue in question. Student Name was highly proficient in applying the course material in analyzing the problem situations. She always explained her views very concisely and gave supporting arguments that were both clear and persuasive. Student Name also demonstrated good teamwork skills in group assignments. At a personal level, Student Name is a well disciplined, industrial student with a pleasant personality. She went well beyond the course requirements in the quantity and quality of her project, putting in a lot of extra research and attending office hours every week. Throughout the course, Student Name demonstrated great perseverance and initiative. Not only was she interested in and motivated to learn the material, but she also put great work into assimilating it to her own experience and developing her own ideas about each ethical topic that we discussed. Student Name is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in Ethics. Student Name work in Philosophy suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study. She has proven herself to have the perseverance, initiative, and intellectual creativity necessary to complete an advanced graduate degree. I would therefore highly recommend Student Name . If her performance in my class is a good indication of how she would perform as a graduate student, she would be an extremely positive asset to your program. If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Yours sincerely,


The student may request from his teacher or other person at the place of study a letter of recommendation in which the student will be characterized from all sides with the resulting recommendations.

A student may request a letter of recommendation upon graduation in order to speed up and simplify the job search. Not every employer will agree to hire young specialist without experience, yesterday's student who does not have sufficient practical skills. Moreover, in this case only the diploma received can tell about the student.

Another reason for drawing up this document may be the need for internship.

Recommendations should be written by a person who knows the student, can characterize him, analyze his inclinations and recommend him in a certain quality. A sample letter of recommendation to a student from a teacher can be downloaded at the bottom of the article.

How to write correctly?

Before giving any recommendations, you must first characterize the student - his personality, acquired knowledge, ability to apply it in practice. It is necessary to list those qualities of the student that he not only possesses, but which will be useful for his future destiny as a specialist.
