How to make money from consulting. Paid consultations as a way to earn money via the Internet. The main costs will be for

Earning money from consultations– these are honest, absolutely white, accessible to everyone schemes for doing business that do not require special technical knowledge or financial investments.

To start this business, go to and register on the site. Spend a little time filling out your profile, study the instructions described below, and go ahead to money and work.

Remember: as in any online business, in online consulting the hardest thing will be to earn the first thousand rubles. But it will be the most joyful and most inspiring money. If you, using only your own knowledge, manage to earn a thousand rubles, then nothing will prevent you from reaching a monthly income level of more than thirty thousand rubles within two to three months.

But don’t expect freebies from this method of earning money: there is no magic, trouble-free “Loot” button. But there is a real opportunity to extract money from the network using your own mind. Hundreds of users have been working in the Liveexpert service for a long time - apply persistence, perseverance and faith in yourself, and you will succeed too!

→ Another earning scheme here —

Tips for filling out a service user

1 . Use only your photo. It must be of high quality. It is desirable that the facial expression be friendly and the gaze open. Showing that you are a responsible, serious and honest person, the photo will help win the favor of clients. Your photo should inspire confidence that you can truly help.

2. Fill out the “Specializations” section as detailed and informative as possible.. List the area in which you have the most knowledge as your primary area. In addition, indicate additional areas - as many as possible.

3. Be sure to fill out the “Information” section. Information from it may be important for your potential clients when making a decision to cooperate with you. This section also helps to establish new business contacts.

4. Be sure to write a few words about the consultation time. The ideal text looks something like this: “Every day and around the clock! Having received your message describing the problem, I will respond to you as quickly as possible in order of priority.” Your potential clients should have the impression that you will quickly respond to their requests, since you are constantly in touch.

5. Be sure to tell us about the cost and duration of your consultation. Appreciate own time– if you indicated that one hour of your consultation costs a thousand rubles, then try not to deviate from this figure.

6. If in any of the selected areas of consulting you have certificate or diploma, be sure to write about this and confirm it through the service administration (you will need to send scans of these documents to the moderators). Once verified, an Education Confirmation badge will appear on your profile. This will add more authority to your profile.

7. Fill out the empty field as completely as possible. Tell us in detail about your education, the list of services, work experience in each area (selected for consulting), the cost of services, the procedure for organizing and conducting a consultation, etc. This will greatly simplify your communication with clients in the future.

You need to ensure that the potential customer of services has no questions left after reading the information from this block of your profile and gets the impression that you really have expert knowledge in these areas. As an example, you can use the profiles of service leader consultants - do better than theirs.

8. Periodically add a “Promotion” - it attracts attention perfectly. Offer “tasty” conditions, and you will constantly be provided with a flow of customers. Show your imagination and experiment!

9. Be sure to respond to customer reviews.. People love live profiles and open, communicative experts.

10. Create a blog on the service Regularly publish useful posts in it, advise and recommend something related to the areas in which you act as a consultant. This will not only increase your rating, but also attract new customers.

Post for promoters

Quick exit strategy in the serviceLiveexpert on stable income from a thousand rubles per day (from scratch)

Select areas of consultation. Rest assured, there are definitely activities in the world that you are great at! Maybe you are a professional psychologist or a doctor, or are well versed in matters of style and beauty, or know how to predict the future with the help of cards... Carefully explore the huge variety of consulting areas presented on the site. Indicate one of them, which you understand better, as the main one. Select other areas in which you also have good knowledge as additional ones.

1. According to the scheme described above, carefully fill out your profile information. In all available places on the Internet (on forums, on social networks, on bulletin boards, in comments on websites, etc.) place a link (or personal banner) to this profile.

By inviting new users to the service, you will kill two birds with one stone:

  • show your profile to additional potential clients
  • you will start earning money from the first day in affiliate program service (for each referred user you will receive a rating increase of 50 points and a reward of up to 500 rubles (read more about this in the rules of the affiliate program))

3. Download from the link special program – Consultant agent. It will allow you to be constantly online, which will attract additional clients (you will be able to receive them even when you are not near the computer).

4. Follow this item together with the recommendation above for filling out the “Consultation time” field. The text should interest the client, demonstrate your expertise, and tell about the cost of services. Continue your consultation after the invoice has been issued.

5. To quickly and effectively gain a rating, during the first week answer not only paid, but also free questions from the section This needs to be done regularly.

6. In parallel with work on the rating try to get more positive reviews about your services and build customer loyalty. Don’t be greedy, work for a week or two “for reviews.” Give free quality advice and ask for comments on your services. Satisfied clients, as a rule, are happy to “settle” with the expert in this way.

7. To making money from consulting turned into full-fledged business, make sure that the online client is always on: experience shows that more often clients turn to online experts. You can answer later, at a convenient time.

8. "Fight" for regular customers. Improve the quality of consultations, develop a reward system for “returning” clients, improve service - and your income will grow non-stop.

9. If you do not consider yourself an expert in anything or are not very confident in your own knowledge, choose simpler areas of consulting in which special knowledge is not required (for example, sports, home, beauty).

Once you receive a question from a client, you will have time to think about it. If your knowledge is not enough, look for information in search engines. When you're ready, formulate a quality response and send it to the client. In this way, you will not only help him, but also “weight” your personal knowledge. By working this way, you will very quickly become an expert in certain areas. The amount of time required for this depends only on your persistence and desire.

10. Once you feel like a professional in your chosen areas, begin to gradually increase the cost of consultations. Don’t be afraid to lose clients: there will always be buyers for the advice and knowledge of professional experts. If you are persistent, your skills will increase in value very quickly.

P.S- Develop constantly, without stopping there. Follow the rules of the service. Increase your base of regular customers. And then your earnings with Liveexpert will turn into work, and work into business. Great checks and success to you!

Very in an interesting way make money online are paid consultations. Clients in need of the services of paid consultants can be ordinary citizens, as well as enterprises and firms. And the scope of consultation varies from accounting and legal services before choosing the color of the pillow for the sofa. But you should not advise on little-studied areas of science that currently differ from the “generally accepted” dogmas. There is a risk of losing your reputation and the possibility of earning income in this area. The virtual sphere, no matter how otherworldly it may seem, is actually closer to reality than it might seem at first glance. Legal advice is the most popular one on the Internet and you can start with it if you have basic knowledge in this field.

To start making money as a consultant, you need to constantly search for customers. This can be done on forums dedicated to your topic or on your own website. It is necessary to create a reputation for yourself; all comments must be logical, concise, and contain a maximum of easily digestible information. But don't overdo it, or you risk alienating people.

If the forum is located on a personal website, then it is necessary to promote not only the forum, but also the site itself. Then potential consumers of your services will come to the site themselves through search engines.

However, not everyone can afford to create a website, and there is no free time. In this case, there is an option like an exchange. Here you need to register, create your account and offer your services. It is necessary to decide and indicate on the exchange the cost of the consultant’s services. It is imperative to indicate the methods of contact, that is, how the consultation will take place: via the Internet or in a personal meeting.

The main methods of communication with the customer can be divided into three groups.

1. Consultations via the Internet. Programs such as ICQ and Skype significantly simplify the work of a consultant.

2. Consultations via email characterized by a lack of live communication with the client. But this can both play against the consultant and play into the hands, for example, of beginners who are still learning the basics.

3. Paid consultations on various forums. There is an obvious significant disadvantage of such consultations, because the result can be read by all forum participants, and, therefore, they will pay for it only once.

There is another way to sell consulting services. If we collect all the developments and solutions, we can compose e-book, making it available for paid download.

Now “” has more than 4.5 thousand registered experts. To obtain permission to work with users, a lawyer must send a digital copy of his diploma legal education, and if he claims to indicate additional regalia in his profile (for example, the title “Honorary Lawyer of Russia” or “more than 20 years of experience in the legal business”), he will need to provide supporting documents. The team checks their authenticity and admits the lawyer to free consultations, the answers in which indicate the level of his competence. "Lawyers - in in a good way this word is “literal,” says Meshkov’s partner Sergei Andreev. - They cannot ignore the mistakes of their colleagues - they will correct them, make a remark. Therefore, on average, a lawyer gives 200-300 free answers before he starts getting paid.”

From the very beginning of the site’s operation, a division of payments has been in effect: the lawyer receives 70% of the check from the client, 30% is made up by the commission.

“It has never been a problem for us to attract lawyers,” says Meshkov. - Now we do not promote the service in the expert community; lawyers come on their own. Some register to expand their practice and gain experience working with cases in non-core areas, some honestly admit that for them this is a way to help people, some consult in order to get good positions in our internal ratings. But, of course, for most, the opportunity to earn money is the main factor.”

How does work?

The user registers on the site, accepting the user agreement, receives a login or password, or logs into the portal using a social network. After this, the client gets access to a database of questions and answers, and can also ask his own free question. To ask a paid question (it is pinned on the main page and provides better and faster consultation), the user must top up his account - by bank card or through transfer of funds from an electronic wallet. Then the client himself determines the cost of the issue depending on its complexity, and also indicates its urgency. A response to a paid request comes within half an hour, and three or four lawyers will respond to it - this is how the creators of the project want to eliminate the risk of expert error.

Lawyer from Belarus

While still studying at the Belarusian State University, Meshkov was interested in programming, so he understood how a service could be designed for interaction between lawyers and clients on the Internet. In 2008, his Lexburg provided legal services in St. Petersburg. Meshkov suggested that up to 70% of legal services on the market could be provided online. The business consistently brought in about 450 thousand rubles. revenue per month, which is for small company 5-7 people was not bad, Meshkov thought. For a long time he did not dare to launch new service and was limited to experiments on the Lexburg site.

In 2010, Meshkov returned to the idea of ​​a web platform for remote interaction between lawyers and clients, realizing that Lexburg’s classic business was growing extremely slowly. At that time, several similar services were already successfully operating in the United States: the largest of them, LegalZoom, worked on the market for 12 years before it was purchased by the private fund Permira Advisers, based on the value of the entire business at $425 million.

“I understood that a classic legal business is difficult to scale; an increase in the number of clients must always be supported by an increase in the number of employees in the company, and online you can increase your turnover many times faster,” explains Meshkov.

He handed over control to established legal business his wife, called in new project his school friend Andreev, an economist by training, and assembled a team of developers.

The first version of went live in December 2011. On the website you could get a free consultation: leave a request and receive a written response no later than 3-4 hours later. Paid consultations that involved solving more complex problems cost 100 rubles. At the start, managed to gather about 20 lawyers who helped Internet users on their blogs and forums - Meshkov and Andreev contacted them and offered to test the new service.

In the first days after the launch, only 30-40 people visited daily, but thanks to good search engine optimization website and significant costs for contextual advertising (now they amount to about 400 thousand rubles per month), the audience grew monthly by 10-15%.

The vast majority of service clients are individuals(90%) from Moscow (85%), the rest are business representatives.

"" in numbers

380 thousand . users registered on the website “” as of mid-October

10-15% - the number of service users is growing monthly

14 people - team

1200 users of the service receive consultations daily

19 out of 20 consultations on the site are free

20% clients ask questions again

4500 lawyers cooperate with

800 rub . - average bill service

Source: company data

Convinced “freebies”

Focusing on a mass audience allowed to quickly increase client base(there are currently about 380 thousand registered users on the site), but she also played a cruel joke on the portal’s creators. It turned out that the need to get legal advice The average Russian doesn’t experience it very often, and the demand for such a service actually cannot be stimulated. According to site statistics, only 15-20% of users ask questions again. In addition, only one visitor out of 20-30 was willing to pay for a consultation - the rest were limited to reading standard answers. At the beginning, Meshkov and Andreev were happy about this too - the conversion of free users to paid ones was about 2-3%, but then they decided that income was not growing fast enough.

They experimented with tariffs for services and achieved an increase in the average bill to 680 rubles. The website now offers the opportunity to order a lawyer’s consultation by phone (from 400 to 1.2 thousand rubles per conversation), chats for real-time communication and a document preparation service were launched.

“We understand that people go online not because of the cheapness, because for 600-700 rubles. It is quite possible to get advice in the office of a law firm, and due to the convenience and speed of online consultations. But we are faced with the fact that this is a feature of the Runet: people are not ready to pay for content, services and services on the Internet,” says Meshkov. - Now for every thousand free questions there are only 50 paid consultations. And we don’t expect the situation to change in the next two to three years.”

According to Meshkov, the company was negotiating with a German company about purchasing a franchise - the platform was supposed to be adapted for the Russian-speaking diaspora in Germany, but the partnership did not materialize. German colleagues were ready to pay about 500 thousand rubles for the brand and a set of IT solutions. and deduct about 50 thousand rubles monthly. royalties, but insisted that free services be turned off at a resident of Europe simply would not understand how a lawyer could work “for free,” and the German firm was afraid of comparisons that were not in their favor.

How much does it cost to open a legal consultation online?

RUB 20.6 million - total investment

1.3 million rubles. - monthly expenses

RUB 1.4 million. - monthly income

100 thousand rubles . - monthly profit

3 years - payback period

5 years - return on investment period*

*Assuming current revenue and profit growth rates are maintained

Source: RBC calculations

New twist

Due to the reluctance of private users to pay, the creators of seriously thought about changing the business concept. In mid-2013, they noticed that a client who received confirmation of his case as an online service was often faced with the need to find a lawyer to protect his interests in court. And representatives of many law firms were ready to work with such a person, but in one of the rooms of their office.

“” began to select lawyers to resolve citizens’ issues in courts. For individuals, this service is provided free of charge, and a law firm pays from 70 to 2 thousand rubles for the “supply” of a client. Now “Pravoved” generates about 200 cases per day, which can become the basis for the work of the client and lawyer already in real world, and cooperates with seven law firms in Moscow.

Thanks to this approach, now earns in a week as much as clients transferred to it for the entire 2012. The service passed the break-even point in July 2014, notes Meshkov. “We realized that the two models are not contradictory,” he says. “In fact, from thousands of free consultations, we get “leads” [in Internet marketing - a targeted user action] and sell them to law firms.”

“Through we receive up to 500 online requests monthly, about 100 more people come to our office,” the director shares his experience of working with the portal law firm“Justice” Sergei Karpov. - Of course, “Pravoved” does important work: increases the level of legal literacy of the population. But it is impossible to say that online consultations can be a universal tool; people prefer to consult with a lawyer in person.”

In the next two years, intends to focus on the development of the b2b direction. The portal will launch the opportunity for start-up companies to subscribe to the service: depending on the set of options, the monthly fee will range from 3 thousand to 15 thousand rubles. According to the calculations of Meshkov and Andreev, representatives of small and medium-sized businesses will be most actively connected, due to which by the end of 2015 the share of business representatives among active users will double, to 20%.

To enter this market, is looking for an investment of $1 million (about 40 million rubles). According to Meshkov, the company is discussing the possibility of raising this amount while valuing the entire business from $2.5 million (about 100 million rubles); the names of potential investors have not yet been disclosed.

By the end of 2015, entrepreneurs plan to double the number of users visiting to 2.9 million people per month, and triple the number of consultants.

“Online legal support will help start-up companies reduce costs for lawyers to a minimum,” supports executive director Fast & Shine company Arkady Khokhlov. “Between a business client and a lawyer, a very trusting relationship often develops over time, and I am not yet sure that the client will want to share his “secrets and secrets” with an unknown lawyer online,” doubts Anton Inshutin, managing partner of the venture fund InVenture Partners .



Year founded: 2000

Lawyer base: 13.5 thousand.

 300 thousand people per day

Consultations: 8-9 thousand per day.

Average check: 400 rub.

The oldest and most popular online legal consulting service on the RuNet is the website, which has been operating since 2000. According to Kirill Iskrenko, head of the Legal Social Network, about 300 thousand people visit the site every day, mostly individuals receive consultations. The most popular topics for which users turn to lawyers are housing, work, and loans. Every day, lawyers give about 8-9 thousand consultations, of which about a thousand are paid. The portal's commission is 20% of all paid consultations given by lawyers through the website and multi-channel telephone of the Unified Telephone Legal Service, which is advertised by the portal. Another source of income is direct and contextual advertising on the website. The business became profitable three years ago, when the average daily traffic to the site reached 50 thousand people, they assure the Legal Social Network. Financial indicators the company does not disclose, but indicates that over the last month the company’s lawyers earned more than 1 million rubles. Unlike “” “Legal social network» released mobile applications for iOS and Android, which were downloaded by more than 130 thousand people in 2014.



Year founded: 2008

Lawyer base: 1.6 thousand.

Attendance (section “Jurisprudence”): 120 thousand people per month

Consultations: 6.5 thousand per month

Average check: 1000 rub.

The LiveExpert website offers users “connections” with experts in various fields, including the legal field. The user can view the profiles of experts and start chatting with them online. According to Oleg Oks, the author of the project, the “Jurisprudence” section is visited monthly by 120 thousand people, and 6.5 thousand questions appear in it over the same period. The cost of the question depends on the complexity, speed and quality of the answer and varies from 200 to 1000 rubles, there is also free consultations. “Experts answer 70% of free questions and 98% of paid questions within three hours,” Oks tells RBC. - The cost of consultation varies greatly depending on the complexity of the work and the expert’s price list. LiveExpert retains about 30% of the client's check. Oks does not disclose revenue figures.

A person who has achieved certain success in a specific field or area can make money by consulting online.

Online consultations

It is also now very fashionable to call paid consultations consulting.

This type of income is suitable for those who have themselves achieved significant results in one area or another, and can now provide advice. You can advise both individuals and entire companies.

It is important to work with full dedication. If you do not consult to your full potential (hiding the main points), then the person will not contact you again.

Here you need to know the limits and human psychology. It is necessary to consult in such a way that the person being consulted receives everything required and something new every time.

However, it is not enough to just be a professional. Many are capable of conducting consulting on their topic, but cannot present themselves. However, whoever is mature enough to advise people for money knows very well how and what.

And the prices here depend on what level you are and what topic you are consulting on. How is the consultation going (real meeting, by phone, icq, etc.). And of course, from the person you advise. Prices vary. For example, for an hour of consultations on icq ~40-50$ is not much. Naturally, in the case of a personal meeting it will be much more expensive.

Paid consultations are certainly an interesting and quite profitable way making money on the Internet. You can be a specialist in a narrow field or a “walking encyclopedia”, a professional with extensive work experience or a passionate amateur who thoroughly understands all the intricacies. In any case, it makes sense to try to pass on your knowledge and experience (possibly unique) to other people for a reward. The number of potential clients is determined by the demand in the market for advice on your business, depends on your professionalism and, last but not least, the fame (reputation) of your name and (or) your website. To maintain your reputation, you will have to continuously improve, deepen your knowledge and promptly update it. Therefore, the topic of your consultations should be of interest, first of all, to the consultant himself, that is, to you. In this case, you will not perceive your activity as hard work, and your favorite job (or hobby) will bring a stable income.

Paid consultations can be implemented in almost any area. From legal and accounting services before drawing up psychological tests or horoscopes. From explaining the nuances of constructing nonlinear mathematical models to selecting color combinations in the interior. Your clients can be legal entities and individuals, students and businessmen, girls and grandmothers. By selling knowledge and experience to those who need it, bringing benefits to people, you can not only earn money, but also establish yourself professionally. Consulting, including remote consulting, is a worthy way to earn an honest income. We are sure that you will not get carried away with monetizing esoteric and other pseudoscientific knowledge. Otherwise, your reputation may be ruined once and for all. Remember, the virtual environment is not anonymous and inseparable from reality; the Internet is more transparent than it might seem.

How to find and attract customers

1. Choose several well-attended specialized forums and register on each of them. Take part in lively discussions, speak logically, reasonedly and, if possible, concisely. Do not skimp on information, be prepared to give advice for free, but do not overdo it, otherwise you will be known as “the plug in every barrel.” Your opinion should be valued, and your advice should be asked for. Positive feedback on your recommendations will help attract customers.

2. Upgrade your own website and its forum. As a result, customers will find you themselves.

Earnings from paid consultations are used quite actively. There are not many services that provide communication between consultants and those who have questions for them. The largest to date is the L iveexpert project. After registering on the site, you can also add your consulting services.

Share your knowledge and earn money

You can choose in which area you will consult users, and for what fee. You can choose from tourism, repair and construction, physics, chemistry, dentistry, family relations and many other areas. If you can really help users with something, then this is your chance to make money online.

How much do experts earn?

It is difficult to present average figures, because... firstly, everyone sets the price of services independently, and secondly, some areas attract more users (for example, law and medicine). In addition, each expert sets the time for payment:

In the image you can see several offers from experts; note that some are willing to conduct a half-hour consultation, while others charge per hour. The amounts are also different for everyone.

There are now more than 11,000 experts registered on the site, and you can join their ranks. After you register in the system, you will have a minimum rating, and accordingly, your services will not be used often. To fix this, try to be online as often as possible, and also in the questions section on the site, leave your answers.

In this section, users post various questions, and with just one answer you can show the level of your professionalism.

For people who spend a lot of time on the Internet and have some knowledge, this job is ideal. Try and become an expert, even if you don’t earn much, you won’t lose anything.
