Scene of the Ryaba hen for the new one. The fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” (in a new way)

Theatrical skit for schoolchildren on March 8 “Ryaba Hen”- this is a scenario in a new way for everyone famous fairy tale, which is full of good humor and fun. Such a production is not difficult to prepare, and it will be a wonderful surprise at any school party dedicated to women's holiday.

Sketch for schoolchildren "Ryaba Hen"


Grandma Matryona

Neighbor Glasha,

Granddaughter Marfa,


Marfa's fiance is Shurik.

Scene 1.

Voiceover: Believe it or not, it was so. March 8th was the day. But the grandfather didn’t even buy a gift for his wife, grandmother Matryona. So he scraped his bins and collected only 50 rubles. So what should we do? For 50 rubles you can get away with a little bit of fun. Well, I went to the market, maybe something? yes there will be. He walks between the rows, but still finds nothing. And then a gypsy woman meets him.
Gypsy: Wait, dear! Gild your pen and I'll tell you the whole truth. I see that a bitter thought has eaten into you. Give me your hand and I'll take a look. Oh, grandfather, I see your great joy, you will have eggs!
Grandfather : FAQ?
Gypsy: Not a faq, but what - eggs! Yes, not easy, but golden!
Grandfather : FAQ?!
Gypsy: Why are you so upset, non-Russian?! I say your eggs will be golden! Do you understand mine?
Grandfather : Oh, fuck you, mouse, am I now carrying half of the country’s gold reserves with me!? Oh, grandma, wait! And which of us is a rotten stump!?
Gypsy: ( to the side) Crazy with happiness!
Grandfather : Listen, honey, won’t you buy one egg from me? I'll give it away for cheap! Later, when they're golden!
Gypsy: What egg?
Grandfather : Well, of course!
Gypsy: Yours?
Grandfather: Well yes, golden!
Gypsy: How golden!?
Grandfather : You just told me yourself that I will have golden eggs! Do you understand mine?
Gypsy: Grandfather, what were you thinking? If you are like that, then I'm not the same yet! By the way, old man, doesn’t your grandmother hit you with anything?
Grandfather : No, well, it happened a couple of times... a day, but now only once, ... yes, ... like a frying pan clicking. It used to hurt, but after her blows I became smarter - now I wear a helmet!
Gypsy: I see, he's very smart. I say, buy a chicken from me, its name is Ryabaya, so it lays golden eggs.
Grandfather : Eh, I was already glad that... eh
Gypsy: Listen, golden one, take the chicken... it will be a great gift for your wife, take it - you won’t regret it.
Grandfather : Eh, come on, is she really laying golden eggs?
Gypsy: Have I ever deceived you?
Grandfather : And that's true! How much does it cost?
Gypsy: And how much do you have... come on, that’s it.
Grandfather : Wow, grandma will be happy now.

Grandfather leaves.

Gypsy: Yeah, she’ll be happy, oh, as long as she doesn’t kill her grandfather, well, that’s their business. So, how many people are still there? (looks around the hall and hums). I twist and turn, I want to deceive.
Approaches one of the spectators.
Gypsy: Gild your pen, dear! Ah, I see great joy, your eggs will be not simple, but golden!

Scene 2.

Grandma Matryona and her neighbor Glasha are sitting at the table, celebrating the holiday.

Both (singing): Old grandfather, old grandfather
The old grandfather knocks on the window,
Inviting you and me for a walk
Why, why, why are we not going?
We just don't want to hang out with a moron!

Glasha: Listen, Matryon, where is your grandfather, otherwise it’s somehow boring without men.
Matryona: Yes, the jester knows him, he’s probably buying me a gift at the market for the eighth of March!
Glasha: Yes, what are you talking about! Well done!
Matryona : Yes, if I hadn't told him today. I come up to him and so gently and affectionately whisper in his ear: “Listen, scarecrow, if you don’t give me a gift today, you’re screwed!”
Glasha: Oh, you are lucky, Matryon, your man is obedient.
Matryona : Yes, and you would become obedient if you were heated with a frying pan every day. I’m tired, Glash, of buying frying pans every week, he’s like... if it cracks, at least a lump would come out, that’s it. and the frying pan is soft-boiled.

A knock on the door is heard.

Matryona: Oh, remember him, here it is.

Grandfather comes in.

Matryona : Showed up - didn't get dusty!
Grandfather: (solemnly) Dear, beloved, beautiful...
Matryona : Oooh, come on, come closer!
Grandfather: Don't interrupt! So what am I talking about! Oh, yes... my beloved wife Matryona!
Matryona : Oh, yes, sir, you are drunk! I have never heard such words from you in my entire life. It’s just that I got drunk early in the morning. Well, come under the distribution.
Grandfather: Uh-uh Matryona, if you make a hole, it will hurt your grandfather.

They start chasing him. Suddenly he stops.

Matryona: Grandfather, where is my gift? A? Well, now don’t expect mercy, Matryona promised - Matryona will do it.
Grandfather: Matryona, he brought...he brought a gift!!
Matryona: Well, if so, give it to me!
Grandfather: Dear, beloved, beautiful, adored wife Matryona! Happy birthday to you... oh-oh that’s not it... with what’s his name.... Eighth of March. Yeah, yes, just with him. And I give you... here... chicken.
Matryona: Who did you call a chicken, you old goat?!

At this time the chicken is taken out.

Matryona: This. what's happened?
Grandfather: (stammering) Present!
Matryona: So you want to give me a chicken!? And even from our barn!? And I wonder where our chickens go! Well, that's it, bearded Shrek, hold on.
Grandfather: Matryona, wait. She's got eggs!
Matryona: With what kind of eggs?
Grandfather: With gold!
Matryona: With which ones?
Grandfather: Well, she lays golden eggs!
Matryona: So, Glasha, call me ambulance, grandfather has delirium tremens! How many times have I told you - don’t drink! You've waited, now they'll come for you!
Grandfather: Who's coming?
Matryona: People in white coats.
Grandfather: Matryona, have mercy, no need for white coats. She really lays golden eggs, that’s what the gypsy told me.
Matryona: Grandfather, he’s 75 himself, but has the mind of a five-year-old. It's only in fairy tales that hens lay golden eggs.
Glasha: Matryon, maybe she really...that...lays golden eggs. Come on, grandfather, come on, do something to make her go away.
Grandfather: So, what can I do?!
Matryona: Or maybe he really does! Come on, grandfather, jump around next to her and cluck!
Grandfather: Why me?
Matryona: You are still a man, although old, but a man.
They start hanging around the chicken

Scene 3.

The granddaughter appears with her groom.

Granddaughter: Hey, chicks, what are you doing?
Matryona : Oh, granddaughter has arrived, grandfather, look, Marfushenka has arrived.
Granddaughter: Hello again, by the way, I’m not losing Martha, but Cleopatra. Maybe just Klopik.
Grandfather: Bug?!
Granddaughter: Well, yes, grandfather, why don’t you chop up Russian speech!? I'm a bug. Well, for you, just Cleopatra Augusta Frederica von Guggenstein. Yeah!
Grandfather: Matryon, who is she with right now?
Matryona : Wow, vigorous stump, now Marfa is our mademoiselle! What the hell is this with you!?
Granddaughter: Ah, ba, grandfather, just be funny, this is my fiancé Alexander... uh, what's next for you... ah, yes, Heinrich von Guggenstein. Yeah! Maybe just Shurik. He's a prodigy. Yeah!
Matryona : Oh, what a big granddaughter she has become! Bride already!
Granddaughter: In short, my boyfriend and I are off to Germany for the rest of our lives. So we came to say goodbye and party for one thing. What, this is some kind of joke you have with chicken, do you want to eat something?
Matryona : Yes, this is my grandfather’s gift for the eighth of March, that is, the hen that lays the golden eggs.
Granddaughter: Wow, nevermind, Shurik, you've seen what's happening on earth. Wow, funny! Yeah!
Shurik : From the point of view of banal erudition, every sane individual should be aware of the absurdity of this situation. The hen that lays golden eggs is a mythical creature created by Russian folk storytellers.
Grandfather: Matryon, who was he talking to just now?
Matryona : So wait, how are you... Guslich... Kurenschwein hairdryer
Shurik : Alexander Heinrich von Guggenstein.
Matryona : Well, that's what I said... Our hen will lay golden eggs, you'll see.
Shurik : Although... there is some truth in every fairy tale. Come on, let me look at your chicken...
They argue and discuss among themselves.

Scene 4.

A gypsy woman comes out.

Gypsy: So Ryaba's chickens are all gone. We should get some more. Where? Think, think, my golden one... Oh, so I’ll steal from Grandma Matryona again, the one that my grandfather bought. Oh, and I have a smart head! Yes, but how can I pick it up? Oh, I’ll go and figure it out on the spot.

Scene 5
Grandfather: Phew, I'm tired. Matryon, can we slam 100 grams for the holiday?
Matryona : Yes, it’s better for the chicken to calm down, maybe she’s getting excited...

They drink. Suddenly there is a noise, a clap, and a gypsy woman appears, coughs and shakes herself.

Grandfather: That's it, I don't drink anymore. (crawls under the table)
Matryona(grabs him by the scruff of the neck): Sit! (addresses the fairy). So, who are you exactly?
Gypsy: I? I...this...what's her name...and the Fairy, definitely the fairy Aza.
Granddaughter: What, in kind? Real Fairy?
Matryona : Hey, you don't look like a fairy!

The gypsy woman puts on a cap.

Gypsy: And so?
Matryona : Why do you need this here?
Gypsy: So... they sent me for an internship, yes! Give women gifts on March 8th!
Glasha: Can you do anything, just cast a spell there?
Gypsy: Of course I can!
Glasha: Then...then I want...

Matryona pushes her away.

Matryona : Stop, I'll go first!
Glasha: Why are you the first?
Matryona : Because I’m beautiful, and, after all, stronger than you! (addresses the gypsy) So fulfill my first wish: I want to have a lot, a lot of money, a husband who doesn’t drink, a beautiful car and a big house.
Gypsy: So I...
Matryona : Wait, this is just the first wish! Further…
Glasha: Matryon, well, let me make one little wish, well, Matryon, well, Matryon, well, please!
Matryona : Well, let's make a wish, just quickly.
Glasha: So, I want, I want Putin to be my husband.
Matryona : So now I will continue...
Gypsy: So wait, I’m hungry now, let me eat, drink, and then I’ll do it.

They sit down at the table. The gypsy woman points to the chicken.

Gypsy: What is this chicken doing on your table?
Matryona : Yes, we are waiting for the golden eggs to lay.
Gypsy: So she won’t lay a single egg from you. She needs different conditions. I’ll take it with me now, do everything that needs to be done, and tomorrow I’ll bring it to you. Agreed?
Matryona : Of course, of course, take it.

The gypsy takes the chicken and gets ready to leave.

Gypsy: Well, that's it, I'm off.
Glasha And Matryona (in unison): How did you go, and what are your wishes?
Gypsy: Ah, wishes! Sim-salabim, Turkish delight, your wishes will come true.

Both are standing waiting.

Matryona : Well, is it fulfilled?
Glasha: I think I already feel something...
Matryona : (addressing the gypsy) So, why didn't it come true?
Gypsy: Why didn't it come true, did it come true. You (addresses Matryona) tomorrow you go to the bank and withdraw money, and tomorrow Putin will personally drive up to you in a limousine with a bouquet of flowers. Well, that's it, hello! (to the side) Well, stupid!

Everyone understands and runs after the gypsy. Music. Curtain.

On new way for a corporate event.

As practice has shown, most readers are looking for fairy tales and scenes in a new way for corporate events and birthdays. People want to express themselves as an actor.

Used to be amateur performances, folk clubs. But that's not what we're talking about now. Not everyone can learn a role or rehearse.

But telling it from a piece of paper, adding impromptu things, is another matter. And some fairy tales and scenes only require showing the action that is being talked about. Here improvisation is obvious, express yourself however you want and you don’t need to say anything.

We bring to your attention a cool fairy tale and a scene in a new way “Ryaba the Hen” for a corporate party. My tips and recommendations for conducting:

  • Guests are assigned to the role of Grandfather, Grandmother, Mouse and Wolf.
  • In advance, the presenter prepares a text for himself and leaves with one phrase for the participants in the fairy tale skit
  • If possible, participants are made up and dressed up as the desired fairy tale hero.
  • The presenter reads the text in advance, prepares equipment: a chair, eggs in a dish (paper, potatoes), a bottle of moonshine, etc.
  • Next, reciting a fairy tale scene with a special expression, he makes some signs (for example, pointing with his hand) in the direction of whose turn it is to pronounce his phrase
  • Everyone can speak without a piece of paper, because you only need to remember one phrase, BUT, as practice has shown, people in the heat of excitement forget their role, and a hint in the form of a strip of paper with their own words is very helpful.
  • The leader oversees everything. If necessary, he suggests, if necessary, jokes.
  • There is an opportunity, be sure to reward all participants cool fairy tale scenes in a new way.

Better look at how we coped with this task without any preparation:

Scene “Ryaba Hen”

Grandma : Eggs give back their strength!
Grandfather : Well, just think, I can do no good without eggs.
Mouse: Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!
Wolf: Oh, what passions there are here, this seems to be my happiness.

In one village, by the river. Once upon a time there lived old people.
Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily, they lived well and did not grieve.

Sometimes guests visited them. And one day they gave
The chicken is neither this nor that, the grandfather called it “Pockmarked”.

But Ryaba was young, she laid a pot of eggs.
The grandmother takes them in her hands and quickly calls the grandfather into the house.

He puts in a quarter of the moonshine. Village surge,
And he says in his grandfather’s ear:

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather Vasily became emboldened, flushed, and brave.

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs.

Lo and behold, there are no snacks on the table, Grandfather is getting excited here,
She started talking about strength, but forgot about the snack.
Grandma pulled up her sock and ran to the cellar.
And all the while he repeats:

Eggs return strength.

And then there was a knock on the door, and Grandfather was overcome with fear.
Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother, came to take away the eggs!

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

Then the neighbor's Mouse came in and was known as a Twisty Tail.
She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

He sees that there is only one grandfather in the house. Somewhere you can see there is no grandmother!
He thinks grandfather is so-so...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

One, or better yet three. And she started wagging her tail,
To seduce Grandpa Kolya.

Well, come to think of it... I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Either he will sit on his grandfather’s lap, or he will stroke his bald head,
Runs gently on your back..

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Grandfather was led into temptation. He groans with pleasure!

Well, think about it, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse twirled its tail. There was a roar throughout the house.
She did something really bad, she broke Rowan's eggs
And she rushed around the hut!

Oh man, I wish I could do it better!

Grandfather runs here and there


Then Grandma Martha returned, At first she was surprised,
Where the hell are the eggs, they are on the floor.
As soon as he screams, he will wail.

Grandma: Eggs give back their strength!

Ved .: He sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Well, come to think of it, I’d be no good without eggs.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse’s hair, and the grandfather shouted: “Oh, women, be quiet!”
And as best he can, he separates, Yes, the Mouse protects more!

Grandfather :

Grandma uses her legs.

Eggs give back their strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy.

What a story Stop! Everyone freezes at once!
At this time, on the same day, the Wolf walked past on his way.
For what? I want to give you a hint here: I went to look for a Bride.

Hearing the sound of a struggle, He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what passions are here, This seems to be my happiness.

He immediately saw the mouse, understood what was causing the scandal,
Slowly, little by little, Bab separated the fighting!

Oh, what passions there are here...

Grandma hobbles towards the chair...

Eggs give back their strength!

The grandfather hurries to his grandmother and at the same time says:

Well, just think, things are going well, I’d be nowhere without eggs!

The mouse shows itself! “Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that"
And he strokes the wolf on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Oh, what passions are here, This seems to be my happiness!

Grandmother and grandfather made peace, Mouse and Wolf got married
And now everyone lives together, What else is needed in life?
And everyone began to live without worries Day after day, year after year!
Celebrating the holidays all together, What else is needed in life?

You can safely take these cool ones in a new way for your corporate party or other fun event.

Do you want more funny tales skits in a new way? Subscribe to

All mini scenes can be viewed on my

You can congratulate your friends in an unusual way on the site or send

In one village, by the river
Once upon a time there lived old people.
Grandma Martha, grandfather Vasily,
We lived well and didn’t have any troubles.
Sometimes guests visited them.
And one day they gave
Chicken - neither this nor that,
Her grandfather called her “Pockmarked”.
But Ryaba was young,
She laid a pot of eggs.
Grandma takes them in her hands
And he quickly calls his grandfather into the house.
Puts a quarter of moonshine
Village surge,
And he says in his grandfather’s ear:

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather Vasily took heart,
He became flushed and became brave.

Well, think about it, what's up?
And without eggs I would be nowhere.

Look, there are no snacks on the table,
Grandfather got smart here,
She supposedly spoke about strength,
I forgot about the snack.
Grandma pulled up her sock
And she ran to the cellar.
And all the while he repeats:

Eggs return strength.

Well, think about it, what's up?
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

And then there was a knock on the door,
Grandfather was overcome with fear.
Suddenly a bandit, a vigorous mother,
I came to take away the eggs!

Well, think about it, what's up?
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Then the neighbor's mouse came in
She was reputed to be a fidgety girl.
She has only one thing on her mind:

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

He sees that there is only one grandfather in the house.
Somewhere you can see there is no grandmother!
He thinks grandfather is so-so...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

One, or better yet three.
And she started wagging her tail,
To seduce Grandfather Vasya.

Well, think about it...
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Then he will sit on his grandfather’s lap,
Then he will stroke his bald head,
He gently strokes your back...

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Led Grandfather into temptation
He groans with pleasure!

Well, think about it, things
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

The mouse twirled its tail
There was a roar throughout the whole house.
I did something really bad,
Rowan's eggs broke
And she rushed around the hut!

Oh man, I wish I could do it better!

Grandfather runs here and there.

Well, think about it, things are going on,
I’m no good without eggs.

Then Grandma Martha returned,
I was surprised at first
Where the hell are the eggs?
Yes, they are lying on the floor.
As soon as he screams, he will wail.

Eggs give back their strength!

He sees a mouse in his hut.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Well, think about it, things are going on,
And without eggs I would be nowhere.

The grandmother grabbed the Mouse's hair,
And the grandfather shouts: “Oh, women, be quiet!”
And as best he can, he separates,
Yes, the Mouse protects more!

Well, think about it, things are going on,
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

Grandma uses her legs.

Eggs give back their strength!

The mouse hits the grandmother on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy.

Here's the story
Stop! Everyone freezes at once!
At this time, on the same day
The Wolf walked past on his own way.
For what? I want to give you some advice here
He went to look for a bride.
Hearing the sound of a fight,
He knocked on the door of the hut.

Oh, what passions there are here,
This seems to be where my happiness lies.

He immediately saw the mouse,
I understood what the scandal was about,
Slowly - little by little
Baba separated the fighting!

Oh, what passions there are here...
This seems to be where my happiness lies!

Grandma hobbles towards the chair...

Eggs give back their strength!

Grandfather is in a hurry to see his grandmother
And at the same time he says:

Well, think about it, things are going on,
I wouldn’t be anywhere without eggs!

The mouse shows itself!
“Why do I need a grandfather! I'm all like that"
And he strokes the wolf on the back.

Oh, I wish I had a cooler guy!

Oh, what passions there are here,
This seems to be where my happiness lies!

Grandmother and grandfather made peace
The Mouse and the Wolf got married
And now everyone lives together,
What else is needed in life?
And everyone began to live without worries
Day after day, year after year!
Celebrating the holidays all together
What else do you need in life?


The site offers to play a musical fairy tale-remake for the Year of the Rooster or any holiday (anniversary, birthday, wedding, New Year).

Fairy tale: Chicken Ryaba

Participants for the characters of the fairy tale are selected in advance:

– Grandfather;
– Grandma;
- Chicken;
– Cockerel;
– Mouse;
- Mouse tail.

Who can tell me what words the fairy tale begins with?

Guests:“Once upon a time...”

So, once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman. Our grandfather was old and frail. He loved to sit on a bench near the stove.

1 (Music track “Grandfather’s Exit”)

But the grandmother is young, mischievous, cheerful!

(2 music tracks by Dolce Gabana)

She did not offend her grandfather. She loved him, kissed him. First on one cheek, then on the other.

Then to one sore knee, then to the other. If grandfather’s head hurts, he’ll massage it; if his back hurts, he’ll massage it too. And if my grandfather develops tetanus, he will massage it everywhere.

(3 Music track Kiss my stomach.)

And my grandfather and grandmother had Ryaba the Hen.

(4 music tracks For striptease)

And who will tell me what our chicken should do? Laying an egg correctly. But who do we need for this? Of course, a cockerel.

(5 music track “Crow of the Rooster”)

Nice Petya! How does he flap his wings? What are Petya's breasts like? This is what... And how does Petya scream?... And how does he scream when he sees a chicken?... And after that he starts running after her diligently...

(6 music tracks I boom boom boom you, you boom boom boom me)

And then he caught up with her. And trampled a little...

(7 music track Clucking)

(8 music track It hurts me...)

Well, finally, let's see what came of it. This is what an egg is.

Applause to the chicken, it was not in vain that she suffered..

(9 music track “Chicken Coop”)

The grandmother was happy, the grandfather was happy. Everyone was happy. And they decided to cook eggs. Grandfather beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandma beat and beat the egg... but didn’t break it. Grandfather is crying.

(10 music track Vitas howls...)

Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then a mouse appears.

(11 music track I am baby tsunai...)

Who can tell me what our Mouse needs now? Well, of course, a ponytail.

This is our tail...

(a thin tall man comes out)

Where should the tail be? Right behind. Take the mouse's tail by the waist.

(12 music track “Lambada”)

And now the mouse is spinning around the testicle... Running... Sniffing... And wagging its tail... The testicle just broke...

(13 music track “The Egg Breaks”)

Grandfather is crying. (music track Vitas whines...) Grandma is crying... Everyone is crying...

And then the chicken tells them:

“Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I will lay you not an ordinary egg, but a golden one.”

Grandfather and grandmother were delighted. Grandfather is dancing...

(14 music track “Bird of Happiness”)


(15 music track “Kiss”)


End of introductory fragment. For purchase full version fairy tales go to cart. After payment, the material and tracks will be available for download via the link on the website and from the letter that will be sent to you by e-mail.

Price: 199 r ub.

Marina Shalkova
Scenario of the theatrical fairy tale “Ryaba Hen in a new way”


1. Create conditions for the development of children’s creative activity in theatrical activities(encourage performing creativity, develop the ability to act freely and relaxed when performing, encourage improvisation through facial expressions, expressive movements, intonation

2. Continue to acquaint children with the living conditions of people.

3. Develop the ability to convey the emotional state of characters fairy tales.

Characters: grandfather, grandmother, hen,mouse, chickens, storyteller.

Storyteller: Not on Mars, on the moon, on my native side Near a river, on the edge, in the Volga region, in a village,

Once upon a time there lived a grandfather and a woman, with them their Ryaba chicken.

And from year to year they carried a cartload of countless worries:

Sweep Baba's house and bring some water,

Heating the stove, chopping wood - that’s a woman’s lot.

Grandfather, lying on the sofa, gave it to her orders:

The grandfather is lying on the sofa, the grandmother is managing the housework.

“Grandma, put on the samovar and go to the market!”

Grandma takes the basket and leaves.

Sketch "Fair".Music "Golden Fair".Several people with trays walk around and sell their goods, the grandmother goes around choosing, buying, and at the end of the music she returns home.


Ryaba knew only one thing: peck grain all day.

Grandfather, looking at Ryaba, says:

What use is this mess to us? Everything is going haywire all day long.

You're rooting for her. Where's the meat? Where's the feather?

A burden was placed on my little head, I would now eat meat from my belly, If only I had kept a pig. Grandma: Grandpa, don’t get excited, decide to listen to me...

Children are adults for a long time, the younger generation,

Everyone with guitars is screaming as if facing a big disaster.

Everyone went to the cities and forgot about you and me.

Well, what about you, Ivan? Eat and go straight to the sofa.

You watch movies all day, or play dominoes with friends.

Ryabushka, I won’t hide it, old age has brightened me up.

Grandma sings "Yaroslavl songs":

Thin Ryaba is ours, she does not lay eggs,

But for us she is the most beautiful bird on earth.

The nightingale cannot compare with her and Firebird far

In the morning we are glad to wake up to our native "ko-ko-ko"

I've become grouchy for some reason, oh, I'm getting old, getting old

God sent us Ryabushka to make it more fun,


Ryaba listened to the conversation, Ryaba felt good,

I realized that my grandmother and grandfather loved Ryaba with all their hearts.

And finally took it down Ryaba large egg.

The woman and grandfather were surprised, crossing themselves a couple of times,

Silently to chicken They come up and don’t take their eyes off the testicle.

Grandfather: I’ll tell you what now, but it’s golden! There's an old woman over there look: five hundred eighty three!

That's how Mother Nature is!


Ryaba was well fed and everyone was surprised.

Ate chicken grain - and egg, here it is!

We'll live with you, grandfather, and we'll never know troubles

Let's build a brand new barn, it will be a chicken paradise!

Dance hens with chicks.

A painfully large egg. How can we break an egg and get a large rolling pin?


Grandma found the rolling pin instantly and immediately brought it to grandfather.

They beat and beat endlessly, there was not a single crack in the egg.

Grandfather and woman began to cry, grieve and lament,

I felt sad with them Ryaba, their sadness cannot be quelled

Lo and behold, a gray mouse came from a dark corner.


Why are you sad, old people?

Tears seem to come from a river.

Has there been a problem? I'm always happy to help you.

Dance of the Mouse. (During the dance, the mouse touches the egg with its tail and breaks it in half. In the egg lie "Kinder Surprises" for participants).


Grandma and grandpa don't bother anymore

And they returned to business again.

Ryaba and the mouse are praised,

They tell them about love.

The fairy tale ended successfully,

Happy, happy family.

A friendly dance, of course,

I'm finishing up I tell a fairy tale.

Dance of all heroes. Music "Red Maiden"

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” Municipal budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 42 “Zernyshko” village. Art. Sheloksha Use of folklore.

A dramatization of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” for children 2–3 years old Educational areas: Communication, Socialization, Music. Objectives: Educational: *to form knowledge about Russians folk tales, *learn,.

Summary of a lesson on FEMP in the middle group based on the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” Summary of OOD on FEMP in the middle A group based on the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen” Developed by: teacher Stepanenko V. A Purpose: consolidation of knowledge.

I want to tell you how the kids and I showed a fairy tale for children senior group. My little artists are not yet three years old. The fairy tale is included.

Mini-study of children based on the plot of the fairy tale “Ryaba Hen” Mini-study of children based on the plot of the fairy tale "Chicken Ryaba" Educator: CHCH " Kindergarten Hummingbird" Semicheva Olga Viktorovna.
