Scenarios Cossacks kindergarten art group. Scenario of the sports and theatrical holiday “Cossack Circle” for children of the preparatory group. Children perform the Cossack dance


On the club territory at the entrance to the recreation center, guests are greeted with songs by a folk group. Yesaul appears.

Hey, villagers, meet the marching ataman!

They meet. The ataman appears with a group of Cossacks.

Well, shut up, brother Cossacks, our marching ataman will speak.
Cossacks are friends, free people! Gather together, brothers, to walk in a single circle from your kurens with your families, and let us choose a chieftain for our holiday.
Do you, brothers, like our Koshevoy ataman to become our Gulebny ataman?
Love, love!
Grandfather Shchukar!

Grandfather Shchukar appears.

I don't mind being in charge...
Always ready to help...
Quiet, old ladies!
Holidays are not toys!
To go for a walk, you need to at least chop,
I disagree without a glass (too stupid),
I give myself...
You are the power in our village,
So, enjoy the party to your heart's content,
And the chavoy bothers me,
Someone's bald head was boiling.
You are such a fool
By Sundays or how?
That sobriety is the norm
How are words for you?!
I'm a helpful prospect
Never against.
If the line is like this,
I'm always for the team!
I have a sharp tongue too
And I love my native folklore!
Hey, Cossack girls, start singing,
I am now a director!

Song "Golden Bee".

Your choir, grandfather Shchukar, is good,
But ours can’t stand it either!
Look here, how nicely he dances
No alcohol, young people!

The dance “Krivyanskaya quadrille” is performed.

Oh, and they dance wherever they go,
Girls are ripe fruits.
But it seems they have long forgotten
These are, what's their name, rituals!
You chavoy are in the wrong place!
He also blurted out - rituals!
Don't you know the accent?
It would be better to put some water in your mouth!
Maybe I said it wrong
Only what I was inclined to do,
What are the rituals of these old
You haven't seen it for a long time!
Don't waste your words,
Better start a wedding!
Show me how it is on the Don
They gave girls away in marriage
According to the ancient ritual!
That's it, your order is clear,
I'm doing it right now,
Don't hesitate,
Tea, it's not the first time.
An announcement sounds.
Dear friends, guests have arrived for our holiday! Newlyweds - Galina and Gregory. Meet them.

Mendelssohn's march sounds. The newlyweds appear.

Listen to the chieftain,
I visited different countries
Saw London, Singapore,
Ai love you knew and lyamur.
Seen the whole wide world
Josephine and Henriette
But people like your Galya,
There are no beauties among them.
I approve of your choice
And with all the Cossack circle
I bless this saber!
And I’ll tell you, wife:
Be faithful to him all your life!
Look what I grabbed -
Everything is with him, everything in full!
Hey, wait a minute, friends!
You can't celebrate a wedding like that.
We remembered the rituals,
We were interrupted at the wrong time...
Since we got to the Maidan,
Come round them, ataman!
Let it be according to the old rites
Walk with us!

Cossack girl, bridesmaid:
Dear Galya and Gregory! Please accept this cake as a gift. May your love be sweet, etc.

Cossack girls present flowers, and the crowd shouts: “Bitter, bitter.” The general choir sings the solemn Cossack song “Wedding”.

Oh, where is our Shchukar?
Here I am, faq, gutar!
Well, grandfather, I'm very glad
Well done ceremony!
The youth convinced us
They have Don blood in their veins.
Still I'm confused
To the younger generation...
Tell me which one!
Are there any heroes here?
Haven't the Cossacks withered away?
You'll say the same thing, really.
You've completely withered away,
And they have fathoms in their shoulders.
Come on guys, come out
Show your strength!
Come on, Sashka, take off your shirt.
Don't flash your eyes,
Have fun with weights!

There is a competition to see who can lift the weight the most times.

Can they wield a saber?

A competition is taking place. At the moment of the competition, as if accompanying:

Every person loves
A holiday of all kinds.
That's why it's the worst
Both in labor and in fight!
And it’s his habit -
From time immemorial
For dashing daring
Respect heartily.

Shchukar is trying to walk along a log. Esaul invites young people to a pillow fight on a log.

Well, thanks to everyone for that
Know our Quiet Don is strong.
There is gunpowder in the flasks,
There are eagles in the Don villages.

In the middle of the competition, Shchukar, watching the action at the moment of fading interest in them, shouts out:

And now, honest people,
Get the faces out of your beards!
Tea is not a funeral service for us,
Quite the opposite!
Now we can't shed tears -
Sing songs and drink mead!
Since you came to have fun,
So so be it.

At the entrance to the cultural center there is a choir. The choir sounds. Song "Oh pancakes, pancakes."
Invitation to the House of Culture.

Who is hungry for food -
Let him come here:
Come to the Cossack kuren,
Here we have pounds of it!

Preparations are underway at the cultural center. In the foyer there are tables with traditional Don cuisine.

For example, get
Rolls straight from the oven.
There's turkey roast
There is cherry plum compote.
There are sausages and cheeses,
There is half a centner of caviar,
There are Caribbean lobsters
And Don sturgeons.
Ataman Esaulu:
What are you worth, you fool?!
Let's hurry to the Cossack kuren!
Hey people, come here.’
This is sold here
You will never see.

All guests go to the foyer, where an exhibition of traditional Don crafts is displayed. A “Samovar Table” is also organized there. Table with treats. Under the Cossack emblem (Cossack on a beer barrel) there is a beer bar with dried fish and crayfish.

The owner of the kuren:
I'm always glad to have guests,
I also have a stage here.
Come in, Cossack people,
I’ll tell you how many dishes there are.
I will treat all the guests,
But, grandfather, I won’t let you in!
You're aiming right at my stomach!
You don't appreciate humor,
You won't understand the joke!
I'm not out of malice, sorry!
Okay, old man, come in! Walks with Shchukar onto the stage. To the guests: Come in, settle in, have fun, and help yourself! A guessing game is waiting for you - Mandalina, balalaika, Samovar and kvass are waiting for you, Everything is available for you!

Cossack woman (with tray):
But who wants gingerbread, who wants cookies?!
How much does your product cost?
Sweet tea is not turpentine?!
Cossack woman:
We don't sell anything -
We give away for free!
How do you solve the riddle?
You get a treat!
Cossack woman:
And here they give spiritual food
And not for a ruble, but for a thousand at once!
Local poets read their poems and couplets!

Literary associations perform. A relay race of ditties is being held. Auction of proverbs and sayings “On the Don, a proverb is not spoken out of idleness.”

Esaul: .
With Ataman Kashev
I've been everywhere.
And in many cities
I marveled at the miracle!
I saw yogis in India,
Equilibrium in China,
About the talent of fellow countrymen
I remember it often!

A Cossack girl invites her to the auditorium for a concert of amateur folklore groups. Music is playing.
The leading characters of the concert are Aksinya and Grigory. The program is built from the existing creative capabilities of the recreation center and the region.

Dear fellow countrymen! Daring Cossacks!
Our evening is coming to an end,
Speech is not to be spoken by hand.
We said everything without words,
Today they proved to you:
What flows in the end
The blood of the Donets is in our veins.
All participants of the evening take the stage.

- What is our Cossack glory -
We are heirs by right.
That we observe traditions, we treasure the memory sacredly.
What we are glad to keep in our hearts;
Songs, dances and rituals! .
In a word, Cossacks in everything,
So let's sing!
Let's say goodbye together
Everyone's favorite song
“Like across the Don beyond the river.”

The general choral song “Like Beyond the Don, Beyond the River” is performed. The evening continues in the foyer. Open: beer bar, “Samovar team”, “Tasting table”.

Target: to cultivate patriotic feelings for the native land, interest in its history, customs and traditions of the Kuban Cossacks.

  • To instill a love for dances and songs that glorify the beauty and majesty of the Kuban region.
  • Expand active and passive Kuban vocabulary.
  • Strengthen physical activity skills.
  • Develop physical qualities - speed, agility, strength, accuracy, coordination of movement.

Participants: instructor - ataman, teacher - grandfather, children.

Material and equipment: wattle fence, grips, watering cans, baskets, cast iron pots, mini-stilts, sunflower target, dummies of fruits and vegetables.

Hall decoration: Kuban landscape, poplars, Cossack hut, cast iron pots on the fence, jars, embroidered towels and scarves.

Musical arrangement: phonograms of songs of the Kuban Cossack choir “To the Cossack family nema perevodu”, “Varenychki”, “Yak I am alive with the master”; phonograms of songs by the ensemble “Istoki”, modern and folklore songs of the Leningrad Pedagogical College “Native Stanitsa”, “Leningradsky District”; phonograms of songs by the ensemble “Uman Cossacks” music school village of Leningradskaya “You and I are Cossacks.”

Venue: music hall.

Progress of the event:

A soundtrack sounds: roosters crow, cows moo, dogs bark. Noise, laughter and voices from behind the scenes:“Boys, are we going to the Cossack circle today?” “Are we going to invite the girls?”

All the lads: And how do you eat!

Guys: Girls!

Girls: What?

Guys: Will you go for a walk?

Girls: We'll come!

Guys: Then get ready!

Girls: Will you go yourself?

Guys: Yes, we are already ready, we’ll just harness the horses. So we’ll be there before you!

Girls: Well, we'll see about that later!

The boys leave and line up in pairs. The girl runs out into the middle of the hall. Calls her friends: “Girls, follow me!” They form a circle, whisper, and then run away behind the fence. The phonogram “To the Cossack family nema perevod” sounds. The clatter of hooves is heard. The Cossacks appear with the ataman, go around in a circle and line up in two ranks.

Ataman: Well, boys, let's show off our brave prowess!

Cossacks: Let's show!

Cossack: Well, what about the girls? (Noise behind the fence.)

Ataman: Oh, boys, I feel like they’re here! Get ready to meet the girls!

The Cossacks line up diagonally across the hall. Music sounds, Cossack women come out.

Dance "Cossacks".

To the music, children form a line in pairs.

Ataman: Garneau, dance garneau, boys and girls. Do you know that in the old days, Cossacks and Cossack women gathered at the Cossack circle to show off their prowess and sing songs? Isn’t it time for us to show ourselves off, look at the girls, and start street festivities?

1 Cossack: Cossacks of Cossack Street, come to me!

2 Cossack: The boys and girls from Yarmarochnaya Street are here!

Ataman: So, the competition is held between Yarmarochnaya and Cossack streets. Shall we compete?

Cossacks and Cossack women: Let's compete! What are you doing?!

3 Cossack: What if we win? So what will happen?

Ataman: But here we have apples and two baskets. Whoever has more apples in his basket wins. Well, so many villagers have gathered, they will judge us. Oh, boys, your horses are stagnant! It's time for the steeplechase to begin. Do you see the barrier ahead? Riders on horseback overcome obstacles, go around the cast iron, return, and pass the horse to the next one. And whose street completes the task first gets an apple in the basket.

Ataman: Well done, guys! Dashing riders. And the girls were preparing for the meeting of the Cossacks, they cooked borscht, made dumplings, curled their curls, and waited for the boys. Well, Cossack girls, shall we show our skills? Move the cast iron, but it’s hot, move it on a handle. I think the Cossacks from Cossack and Yarmarochnaya will actively root for the girls.

Relay race “Carry the cast iron.”

Ataman: Planting potatoes is a difficult task and caring for them is labor-intensive. Here forces need to be united. Both Cossacks and Cossack women participate.

  1. uch. dig holes (lay out rings);
  2. uch. lay out the potatoes;
  3. uch. watered;
  4. uch. weeding;
  5. uch. treated against pests;
  6. uch. spud;
  7. uch. dig, collect;
  8. uch. collect potatoes.

Whoever completes the task faster, that street wins.

Relay race “Planting potatoes”.

Ataman: The potatoes were removed and now the pumpkin, squash, corn, and beets are still in the field. Well, girls, let's harvest the harvest. Cossack women are participating. Attention! You must take turns moving the squash, corn, beets, and roll the pumpkin all together. Is everything clear?

Relay race "Harvest".

Ataman: Oh, fast girls! But now the boys will show their accuracy. Whose team will throw more potatoes into the pot? Think about the most convenient way to do this. Each person has 2 potatoes. The street will be the first to show its accuracy...

Relay race “Hit the cast iron.”

Sounds: the cry of a rooster, cow, horse.

Phonogram of the song “Yak I served in the master”, “We’re popping corn”

Cossack 1: Oh! We didn’t even dance today.

Cossack 2: And I want to dance so much!

Oh, play some music

In mene novi cheryvyki,

Start playing boys

Bo wants to dance!

Dance "Troika"

Ataman: You cannot become a Cossack without courage and strong will. But the Cossacks will try to show their will and courage now. Get on mini-stilts.

Relay "Stilts"

Ataman: Guys, does Dida Gratius have kavuna bachila? Oh yes!

Guys: Wow! Otse yes!

Cossack 1: And I really want a kavunchik!

Cossack 1: Pishly on the bashtan.

Cossack 2: Oh! It's far away!

Ataman: But it’s far away, there’s a field of soyakhiv, and there’s a chestnut tree. Come on, follow me. And here are the soyahi. Now we’ll find out which team is more accurate. The team starts from Yarmarochnaya Street. Try to hit the target exactly. How many accurate shots were there?

Relay "Sunflower".

Ataman: Oh, guys, I know the game, it’s called blinkers. Choose girls. Stand in pairs in a circle. The Cossacks hold their hands behind their backs, the Cossacks in front of their chests, the Cossack, blinking without a pair, tries to lure the Cossack to himself, the Cossack in a pair tries to hold her. If he doesn’t hold it, he becomes a driver. "Morgushki"

Ataman: Look, his chest is already visible. And did Gritsko always sleep, let’s teach him a lesson! Let's step back and slam everyone together and stamp them down. (we change the gun to a stick).

Grandfather(wakes up): Hands up! (Grabping a stick lying nearby.)

Ataman: Ay, I-I'm that tsezh stick!

Grandfather: Oh, God, where is my gun?

Ataman: Otse, you guard Dida so well! didu!

Grandfather: Oh, guys, you shouldn’t tell anyone that we’ll make you laugh.

Cossack: Okay, we’ll tell you what we’ll do.

Grandfather: Ta utsi kavuny zabyrate .

Cossacks of Cossack Street: We'll take it!

Cossacks of Yarmarochnaya Street: No, we'll take it!

Ataman: And now we’ll see who can pick up the most watermelons. From each street, one Cossack came to me, the rest in a column, the last one holding a bag. At my signal, you begin to collect 1 watermelon, pass it to the first in the column, the rest between your legs, and the last one into a bag.

Relay "Bashtan".

Ataman: Let's say thank you to Dida! And you did and count how many apples are in the basket. We competed all day.

Ataman and Grandfather sum up and report the result.

Grandfather: Well done, Cossacks. I remember that it used to be like this in our country - one step at a time, one street after another, first they competed, and then they danced.

Cossack: So we will dance. Give us our village!

Dance "Two-step"

Russia has many fabulous places.

Russia has countless cities

Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,

But it won’t be more dear than here

My village is 210 years old

I share her fate with you.

My great-grandfather and my grandfather loved her

And I love, I am the son of Kuban.

Ataman: Today you showed that everyone is worthy of the distinctive sign “Son - Kuban” and “Daughter - Kuban” and I am proud to present them to you.

The presentation of signs takes place against the background musical accompaniment- medley on the themes of Kuban songs.

Scenario of the holiday “Cossack gatherings” in senior group MKDOU
kindergarten No. 4 "Bell"
The Cossack song “Hello Don” is performed by a Cossack
ensemble "Donets"
Presenter: Cossack region! Into the darkness of centuries
I see I am your distant descendant
I see the glory of the Cossacks,
I hear the Cossack crying sadly.
Host: You and I live in a region rich and glorious in traditions and people. Our edge is
truly wonderful, We love the Don region, our Motherland. And we study carefully
relate to your past.
Child: Very often behind events and the hustle and bustle of days.
We don’t remember our antiquity, we forget about it.
Child: Although flights to the moon are more familiar to us,
Let's remember Cossack customs, let's remember our antiquity.
Host: Today we will take a closer look at traditions and customs, songs and
games of the Don Cossacks. Let's see how the Cossacks lived many years ago.
Child: We respect antiquity, we preserve antiquity.
Let us sing a sonorous song about our beloved land.
Song “Like beyond the Don, beyond the river”
Presenter: The Cossacks were very hardworking, they worked from morning to evening. But when
the work was finished, the Cossacks were getting ready for gatherings. Round dances, songs yes
sing ditties, show yourself, look at others, click seeds, and be kind
exchange a word. Cossack women spun, knitted, and embroidered.
Child: On the rubble in lighthouses, or on some logs,
There were gatherings of young and old.
Whether they sat by a sliver of light, or under the bright sky.
They talked, sang songs and danced in a circle.
Round dance “like we had on the Don”
Child: The life of people is marked by a century, the old world has changed.
Our leisure time is sometimes small and what can we say.
It’s boring to live without get-togethers; they need to be revived.

Host: So let's sit and talk about the Cossack region.
For many years this region has been called the Cossack region, and so they sing about it in a song.
The song “Across the Don Region” performed by the Cossack ensemble “Donets”
(A Cossack and a Cossack woman come out)
Cossack: We had a great night, Cossacks!
Children: Thank God!
Cossack woman: Welcome, dear guests!
Have fun and joy!
We have been waiting for you for a long time,
We don’t start the holiday without you!
Cossack: We welcome dear guests
A round, lush loaf.
It's on a painted platter
With a snow-white towel.
We bring you a loaf of bread,
Bowing, we ask you to taste.
Cossack woman: You are welcome to come to our kuren, dear guests!
Come in, have a seat.
We have a place and a word for everyone!
Cossack: We have prepared some fun things for you for every taste;
To whom a fairy tale, to whom the truth, to whom a song.
Song "Golden Bee"
Cossack woman: Our room is small, but it’s so beautiful! There are many items here and
things. Guess the riddles:
Grandma is gray and white and sweet to everyone in winter.
And when summer comes, everyone forgets about grandma. (oven)
The stove was heated with dry grass, straw, dung, and then firewood was placed. Bake gently
called “mother stove”, “nurse stove”.
What kind of dishes did the Cossacks have?
Children: Clay jugs, cast iron pots, cups, bowls, wooden spoons.

Cossack woman: The whole family ate from one vessel. We started eating according to seniority, whoever wanted
to climb without a queue, I could get a spoon on the forehead. Cossack women loved to cook.
What Cossack dishes do you know?
Children: Borscht, fish soup, noodles, jelly, broth...
Cossack woman: Do you know what the Cossacks slept on?
Children: On benches, trestle beds, and children and old people on the stove.
Cossack woman: There were no beds yet, they appeared later and the bed became a decoration for
kurenya The bed was covered with a knitted blanket. The duvet was sewn by the Cossack woman herself, and
the top was made from colored scraps (a patchwork quilt). There was a mountain on the bed
pillows under covers.
What did every Cossack woman have in her kuren?
Children: Spinning wheel.
Cossack woman: Cossack women spun yarn, and on long winter evenings they knitted mittens from it,
There was always a chest in the corner.
What is it for?
Children: Fold clothes.
Cossack woman: Before the advent of irons, clothes were ironed using a roller and a chopper.
Cossack women loved to dress beautifully; they wore skirts and blouses called
“couple”, they wore an underskirt (spidnitsa) made of cotton, silk or wool. Above
they wore a “zapon” apron with a plant pattern. Low boots on feet. Head
half shawl headdress, lace shawl.
Host: Look how smart our Cossack girls are.
"Dance with Scarves"
Cossack: But this is what the Cossack uniform will tell you. She was called "Cossack on the right." It consisted
from a blue overcoat, a blue uniform, blue trousers with red stripes, a cap and
hats with a red top.
Host: And here are our dashing Cossacks.
Child: Let me dance, let me stomp.
Will the floorboards in the hut really burst?
"Cossack dance"
Host: At gatherings, Cossacks and Cossack women played different games.
Game "Burn, Burn Clear!"

Presenter: Well, let’s stand in a row,
Let's talk okay!
Child: Foma, why aren’t you coming out of the forest?
Caught the bear.
So lead me here.
Yes, he’s not coming.
So go yourself.
He won't let me in!
Child: Tyukha, do you want to eat?
No, I had a snack.
What did you eat?
Yes, I ate a crust of bread.
And you would soak it in a pot of sour cream.
Yes, she didn’t fit into the pot.
Child: Fedul, why did you pout?
The caftan was burned.
Can you sew it up?
Yes, there is no needle.
How big is the hole?
One gate remains.
Presenter: The nursery rhymes are good,
Well, our songs are in harmony!
Cossack woman: What did the Cossacks consider the main decoration in the kuren?
Children: Checkers, a dagger, expensive weapons obtained in battles.
Host: But it was not always peaceful and calm in the villages. Cossacks took part in all
wars waged by Russia, and then returned home, where their mothers, wives,
Song “A young Cossack came from service”
Presenter: Not everyone can be born a Cossack,

Without any traditions, but simply destined!
This is where our get-togethers end. We got acquainted with traditions and customs
Cossacks, and we will always cherish and respect the heritage of our people. Well, what kind of gatherings
no tea and treats.
Presenter: The hostess places the samovar on a wide table.
He treats you to pies and the feast is on!
Play and chat over simple conversation.
The Cossacks gather in a friendly, noisy crowd.
I would like to end our holiday with the words of our fellow countryman Oleg Mavrin:
Let the Quiet Don flow
Keeps peace above the surface of the waters!
Be the world above us as a glow in it
Always be starry, firmament!

Target: familiarize students with the traditions of the Cossack class; cultivate interest in native culture; broaden students' horizons; correction of the emotional sphere.

Equipment: a model of a village house with a stove, a stand “Astrakhan Cossacks”, towels, the hall is decorated with posters with proverbs about labor:

What goes around comes around.
Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
Patience and work will grind everything down.
The bee is small, and it works.
The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do
Put off idleness, but don’t put off doing things.
Not everyone sows bread, but everyone eats it.

The progress of the holiday

1st student.
Our country is called Russia,
Let the peaceful sky shine above her.
Let your heart be filled with joy
Let millions of people sing the songs.

2nd student.
Here it is, Russia, our country,
She is very, very big.
Russia is the Motherland, our home,
Where we live together with you.

3rd student.
Beneath the sky are mountain spurs,
Below are fields, expanse, width.
Paths and paths run
These spaces are my homeland!

4th student.
Growing up under the warm sun,
We live together and have fun.
Russia is dear, dear...

Bloom and grow stronger every day!

The song “Song of Russia” is performed, lyrics. O. Vysotskaya, music. V. Lokteva.

1. Look how beautiful everything is,
Look how spacious it is!
Like a mother, the willow bowed down
Over the sleeping river.
The breeze blew up at once,
Having broken through the ring of clouds,
And daisy with a yellow eye
Looks the sun in the face.

The sun is shining over Russia,
And the rains rustle over it.
In the whole world, in the whole world
There is no country like her relatives,
There is no country closer to her.

2. Look, what forests
And the gardens are noisy all around.
Our Motherland – Russia –
Getting better every day.
You see, apple trees and plums
They lined up along the road.
About living and being happy
In Russian villages they say.

5th student.
Everyone in the world probably has
Favorite corner of the earth,
Where are the leaves in a special way on the willow
They bent over the thoughtful water.
Where the sky is higher and the spaces are wider
And it’s so free and easy to breathe,
Where to everything in this beautiful world
The soul reaches out childishly...

6th student.
How many fabulous places does Russia have?
Russia has countless cities!
Maybe somewhere it’s more beautiful,
But it won’t be more dear than here!

7th student
Here on the left bank - my city,
And on the right bank is my city,
And by the sea, on a spit, on a cape...
Where can you find such beauty?

Here on the left bank there are islands,
And on the right bank of the island,
And by the sea, where the lighthouse shines, -
This is my dear Astrakhan!

The song “City of Astrakhan” is performed, lyrics. and music V. Tuktarova

1. Only the sun is in the east
Only colors the sky,
You will wake up early in the morning
And all the people are with you.

City of Astrakhan, native city
Forever young and forever alive.
The domed Kremlin sparkling,
Captivating everyone with beauty.
The city of Astrakhan, my native city,
It's impossible to part with you.
It was written in my nature to know,
Apparently you have become my destiny.

2. A city with many traditions
You are rich in history.
You love your townspeople
And you are happy to have guests too.

3. And wherever I go,
Leaving home and family,
Anyway, favorite city,
I can't do it without you.

Presenter. Our region is truly wonderful. More than 120 nationalities live here. We love our land, our Motherland. And we learn to take care of our past. Today we will take a closer look at the traditions and customs, songs of the Astrakhan Cossacks.
Let's see how the Cossacks lived many years ago. We got to the village with you. I can't see anyone!

Brownie Proshka. Apchhi! Apchhi!

Presenter. Oh, who is this?

Proshka. Who, who! Otherwise you don’t know! (Jumps out from behind the stove.) It's me, Brownie Proshka. I live and live in this house, I know everything in the world.

Performs a song to the melody “Water Carrier Song”, music. I. Dunaevsky

Amazing question
You are asking this seriously.
You should be ashamed, friends,
Brownie - it's me!

I live in every house
And I cherish the peace in it.
I guard the hearth
You can’t do it without me, friends!

Proshka. Who are you?

Presenter. We are young Astrakhan residents. We want to see how people used to live, how they sang songs, how they worked. There is no one here except you. Where is everyone?

Proshka. How - where? Everyone is busy. The Cossacks went to water their horses. The girls are weaving cloth. Here they are, look!

Girls come out, sing (music and folk words) and dance in a circle with towels

And to the villages by the river
The girls were weaving cloth.
They weaved and soaked
They lowered me into Cinderella.
And they were taken out from the ashes,
They hurried to the river.
They hurried to the river,
There the canvases were wetted.
And they were taken out of the water
Yes, they beat it out with a roller.
The canvases were dried on the grass,
And then they sewed towels!

Proshka. From morning to evening people worked. People made up proverbs and sayings about this.
Do you guys know proverbs about work? Let's check it now. Let's do this: I'll start a proverb, and let the one who remembers its ending raise his hand, and then complete the entire phrase. So, let's begin. (He says the beginning of the proverb, and the guys must say its end.)

  • What goes around comes around (and comes around).
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
  • Patience and work (everything will grind).
  • The bee is small, and (it works).
  • The day until the evening is boring (if there is nothing to do).
  • Put off doing nothing, yeah (don't put off doing things).
  • Not everyone sows bread, but everyone eats it.

Proshka. Well done guys! It's not in vain that you study at school.

Leading. But they didn’t like lazy people and idle people, they ridiculed them. Hard work has always been valued in people.

The Cossack comes out with a pillow and goes to bed.

Leading. Oh, Proshka, you said, everyone is working, but someone is sleeping here.

Proshka. The day is in full swing, there is a lot to do. What a couch potato! For him it’s morning or evening – it’s all the same. It just turns from side to side. Get up!

Cossack. Come on! You're disturbing my sleep!

Proshka. Get up, get up! (TO Azak gets up and leaves)
People work during the day and gather for gatherings in the evening. What would a get-together be without tea? We need to get some water and brew some tea.

They sent young people
Under the peas under the water.
And the water is far away,
And the bucket is big.

Song-dramatization “Annushka”, music. A. Filippenko, lyrics. T. Volgina

Presenter. A girl is walking, and near the river Cossacks are singing songs and talking about their native land.

Boys perform the song “At the Volga River”

1. Near the Volga - mother river
The Astrakhan Cossacks gathered.

Oh, yes, yes, oh, yes, yes, our Cossacks.

2. The blacks beat with their hooves,
Our Cossack girls sing merrily.
Oh, yes, yes, oh, yes, yes, there are rivers near the Volga.

3. A song about the Fatherland, about the home of birth,
About the high harvest in the field.
Oh, yes, yes, oh, yes, yes, there are rivers near the Volga.
Oh, yes, yes, oh, yes, yes, our Cossacks.

1st Cossack. A Cossack without a horse is like a soldier without a gun.
2nd Cossack. A Cossack does not cry in trouble.
3rd Cossack. A Cossack will drink from a handful and dine on the palm of his hand.
4th Cossack. The Cossack himself is starving, but his horse is full.
5th Cossack. For a Cossack, a horse is a dear father and comrade.
6th Cossack. To a Cossack, a horse is more valuable than himself.

Sketch by N. Krasnov “You are not a Cossack!”
Two students participate.

1st Cossack.- Should I tell you why a horse listens to a person?
2nd Cossack.- Well, tell me, tell me. Let's listen.
1st Cossack.- Notice what kind of eye the horse has. Convex. Like a magnifying glass. This means that everything in front of her is enlarged. Can you imagine how she sees us! Huge giants! Well, he’s afraid. That's why he listens.
2nd Cossack.- Why are you stupid, what? Who told you that?
1st Cossack.- The Witcher lived in our village...
2-Cossack- Your witcher is lying! The horse obeys not because it is afraid, but because it trusts, loves... I’m puffed up, Ershov, why are you here? There are no blinders to wear near Toby's horse. You are not a Cossack!
3rd Cossack. After work, we invite everyone to a get-together!

Presenter. The Cossacks loved horses very much and were devoted to their true friends and assistants. Songs, proverbs, and poems were written about them. Without a horse, a Cossack is an orphan.

Boys perform the song “Oh, near the meadow”

1. Oh, near the meadow, near the meadow,
With a wide field,
With a familiar herd
The horse walked at will.

2. You walk, walk, my horse,
I won't catch it yet.
I'll catch you and bind you
Silk bridle.

3. The yak caught the Cossack horse,
He tied him with a bridle.
Hit him in the sides with a spur -
The horse flies like an arrow.

4. You fly, fly, my horse,
Don't be in a hurry,
Near a nice yard
Stop, stop.

On the rubble, in the light,
Or on some logs,
There were gatherings
Old and young.
Were you sitting by the torch?
Or under the bright sky -
They talked, they sang songs,
Yes, they did a round dance.

1st student.
Like on our street
All the people are worried:
The Cossacks are coming, they're coming -
Well done guys.

The song “Astrakhan Cossacks” is performed.

1. Astrakhan Cossacks,
Yes, Astrakhan Cossacks
Cossacks, Cossacks, Cossacks, Cossacks.

2. They walked along the streets,
They walked the streets.
We walked, walked, walked, walked.

3. Young people were loved
They loved young people.
Loved, loved, loved, loved.

4. Gifts were given
They gave gifts.
They gave, they gave, they gave, they gave.

5. A small gift
A small gift.
Small, small,
Small, small.

6. Gold plated, cast,
Gilded, cast.
Cast, cast, cast, cast.

7. Silver ring,
Silver ring.
Ring, ring, ring, ring.

8. My heart hurts,
My heart hurts.
Heart, heart, heart,

9. My dear lives far away,
My darling lives far away.
Far, far, far, far.

The Cossacks are coming,
The dancing begins.

Performance by the Cossack song ensemble “Polyanitsa” (director A.V. Lepyokhin)

I love to have fun
Everyone get up for the game!

The game “Get the handkerchief” is played.

The players walk in a circle, performing dance movements. In the center of the circle is a leader with a pole in his hand, at its end there is a scarf. When the music ends, you need to jump up and take out your scarf. Whoever succeeds in this becomes a driver. The game continues.

Presenter. In the spring, the Cossacks began to build a plow and a harrow, to plow the land in order to sow grain. Agricultural work began - youth games were started in the villages, which told about these works.

Round dance game “Sown millet.”

Two groups take part in the game: a group of girls and a group of boys, who line up in two lines facing each other at a distance of 8 steps.

Girls' words:
“And we sowed millet and sowed...” take 4 steps forward and two stomps.
Then to the words:
“Oh, did Lada, they sowed, they sowed.”
They return to their place.
A group of guys, repeating the movement of the girls, sings:
“And we’ll trample down the millet, trample it down.
Oh, did Lada, let’s trample, trample.”

The girls, replacing the guys, sing:
“We will give you 100 rubles, 100 rubles,
Oh, did Lada, 100 rubles, 100 rubles.”

The guys, replacing the girls, continue the song:
“We don’t need 100 rubles, 100 rubles,
But we need a girl, a girl.”

The girls go towards the guys with the words:
"We'll give you a maiden, a maiden,
We will give you a scythe, a scythe."

The guys answer:
“We don’t need oblique, oblique.”
The guy chooses a girl for himself, bowing to her.

Girl. Oh guys, what did I see!

All. What!?

The village drove past a Cossack,
Suddenly from the gateway
The gates are barking!

The horse was eating porridge
And the Cossack is oats.
The horse got into the sleigh,
And the Cossack was lucky!

Knocking - strumming along the street,
Foma rides a chicken.
And Timoshka is on a cat
Along the crooked path!

Boy .
Katya, Katya-Katyukha
Saddled a rooster.
The rooster crowed
I ran to the market!

The blue sea is burning with fire,
White fish flies across the sky,
A ship is sailing across an open field,
On the ship gray wolf costs.

And the agile fox barks:
At least hold it to the right, at least hold it to the left,
And then turn wherever you want!

Well, guys, you've lost your mind,
Almost scared me to death.
And where has this been seen?
And where have you heard this?

You play, accordion player,
Play, don't be shy
Today you, accordion player,
Try your best for us.

Girls and boys perform ditties.

They say it's like little ditties
These days it is no longer in fashion.
Just how out of fashion they are
If people love them.

Hey, laughing girls,
Sing some ditties.
Sing quickly
To make it more fun!

Play more fun, accordion,
We will sing to you from our hearts.
We, the girls of Astrakhan,
How good they are!

Oh, my dear side,
Dear side!
Here we are met everywhere
Astrakhan land.

We respect antiquity
We preserve the antiquity.
About our beloved land
We sing sonorous songs.

You play, play the accordion,
Cossack accordion!
I'm a fighting girl
From the edge of Astrakhan.

We are friends with a cheerful song,
We tell you honestly
We live well, don’t worry,
We eat bread with caviar.

We sang and danced for you,
They stomped on their heels,
And now we ask you,
So that we can be applauded.

Presenter. But it was not always calm, cloudless, peaceful in the Cossack villages. The Cossack holds on to the plow with one hand and the combat horse with the other.

Only the enemy will move,
Our Cossack is already on horseback -
Chopping, stabbing, having fun
In an enemy country.

The song “A tree is blooming in the garden” is performed.

1. And in the garden the tree is blooming,
And the Cossack is on his way.

And the Cossack is on his way.

2. Yes, the Cossack is on a campaign,
Yes, the girl sheds tears for him.
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

3. Don't cry, girl, don't cry
Don't erase your brown eyes.
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

4. Yes then, girl you will cry,
Yes, how can you get along with the ranks?
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

5. Yes, as in the formation, in the formation,
Yes, on a black horse.
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

6. Yes, on a black horse,
Yes, on a Cossack saddle.
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

7. Yes on a Cossack saddle
Yes, with a saber, a dagger.
Eh, one, two! Oh, grief is not a problem.
And the Cossack is on his way.

Leading. Before the campaign, the Cossack bowed at the feet of his father and mother, asked for forgiveness if he had offended him by accident, and the father gave his son an order:
“Serve properly, don’t disgrace the villagers,” “Don’t get into trouble in vain, but don’t trail behind.”


And may God send you strength
The duty of service is sacredly observed,
To serve as we served the king,
And maintain the glory of the family.

Go where they show you
Lord, superiority and turn,
When will they be ordered to fly into battle?
With your blessings, go forward!

But neither in battle, nor before battle
Don't scold or scold,
Be a Christian before battle
Cross yourself...

A war horse is more valuable than anything else,
And you, my son, cherish them,
And you’d better eat better yourself,
And keep the horse in the hall!

Our hundredth commander -
He is our master in everything.
He did not sleep and did not doze,
I trained my hundred.
I pulled up my hundred,
At least show it to the king.

The song “Commander” is performed

1. Oh, if only in our hundred,
The commander is good.

My dark-haired one, my black-browed one.
Chernobrova, black-eyed,
Curly head.
Bravo, bravo, Katerina!
Bravo my darling!

2. The commander was nice,
Life was fun.

3. He rode on a horse,
The horse reared up under him.

4. He drove up to the Cossacks,
He said goodbye to them.

5.They will remember you
Brave Cossacks.

Presenter. Cossacks took part in all the wars waged by Russia and made an invaluable contribution to the glorification of Russian weapons; they wrote many glorious pages in the history of the Great Patriotic War.

Bold courage lived in their hearts,
They are strong in their love for the Motherland,
They reached the Reichstag in victory,
Heroic sons of their country.

The song “Our Cossacks are riding, riding through Berlin” is performed.
sl. Ts. Solodar, music. Dan. and Dm. Pokrassy

Along the Berlin pavement
The horses were going to water.
They walked, shaking their mane,
Donchak horses.
The horseman sings -
Hey guys, not the first time
We should water the Cossack horses
From a foreign river.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.

He leads the horses in steps,
He sees a girl with a flag
And with a scythe under his cap
It's on the corner.
With a thin figure, like a vine,
The eyes glow blue.
Don't delay your movement -

Kazaku shouts.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
He would be glad to linger
But, catching an angry look,
Come on, trot - reluctantly
He shouted as he galloped.
The cavalry passed dashingly,
And the girl blossomed.
A gentle gaze is not according to the regulations
Gives it to the Cossack.

Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
Along the Berlin pavement
The horseman rides again,
About my love for a girl
Sings like this:
"Even though the blue Don is far away,
Even though sweet home is far away,
But a fellow countrywoman in Berlin
I met a Cossack..."
Cossacks, Cossacks,

They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.
Cossacks, Cossacks,
They're driving, driving through Berlin
Our Cossacks.


All the existing peoples in the world,
Bless the bright hour!
These years have rumbled away
That they overtook us on earth.

The gun barrels are still warm,
And the sand didn’t absorb all the blood,
But peace has come. Take a breath, people,
Having crossed the threshold of war...
A. Tvardovsky

Let the glory of the heroes roar incessantly,
The honor of the coming dream will not diminish,
And let to the pedestals, like a living memory,
Flowers are laid down for the ages of immortality.

To be born a Cossack
Not everyone is given
Without any traditions
But it’s simply destined!
If so, put on the uniform
And you will stand in line,
For a Cossack - as the norm:
Keep people's peace!

Is The song “Cossacks” is filling out

The Cossacks became despondent, -
dusty road,
does not lead them on a long journey,
song of the Cossacks.
The days of yore are not forgotten,
fighting songs.
The military spirit died out in the chest,
The Cossacks fell asleep.

Eh, Cossacks,
guys are daring
Pick up the song
grandfathers and fathers,
Let them remember
years of fighting.
There will be new victories
glorious Cossacks.

And let it be a little for now
big hat
But in an old Cossack saddle
I'm already holding on.
The Cossacks are growing up
the song is heard.
The ataman will say quite:
“I’m proud of the change!
And again the Cossack song
It will flow over the river.
Smoke swirls above the pipe,
fires broke out
You dashing Cossacks
The burka goes
If the saber was handed over
Her fathers are for you!

Presenter. This is where our journey into the past ends. Goodbye, Proshka! And you and I, guys, will always cherish and respect the heritage of our people.


  1. Gorbunov N.P., Kucheruk I.V., Afanasyev S.N. History of the Cossacks in the Astrakhan region: Tutorial for senior classes of secondary schools, primary and secondary educational institutions vocational education. Astrakhan, 2002.
  2. Bibliographic index “Astrakhan Cossacks: History and modernity”, section 3: “Musical culture of the Astrakhan Cossacks. Songs of the Cossacks. Folklore", published by the Astrakhan Regional scientific library them. N.K. Krupskaya.

Elena Galaktionova

Cossack holiday "Favorite city on the Don"

music director of the highest category

Galaktionova E. V. Novocherkassk

Participants of the holiday: all children of the kindergarten.

Stage decoration: Cossack room - in the middle of the table: samovar, cast iron pots, bowls, wooden benches on the sides; on the central wall there is a shelf with household utensils, painted boards, embroidered towels; decoration “Wicketwork with flowers and sunflowers”. Puppet theater: Grandfather Shchukar, granddaughter, woman Aksinya, cow, goat, horse, dog.

The Cossack hostess and several children from the folklore ensemble come out onto the site. Children act out a small scene" In a Cossack family: girls set the table, embroider, play with dolls. Boys clean the horse's mane, knit a fishing net.

An introductory conversation with children about the Don land, their hometown, and Ataman Platov.

Children's concert.

Hostess:- Come to our holiday

Let's dance together

Sing, joke, play, dance.

*** “Cossack songs” are played.Children sit on benches

The more we value the past

And we find beauty in the old,

At least we belong to something new!

1st child: We Cossacks are proud of the village.

Traditions of grandfathers

We strive to continue.

Senior folk group. groups. performs a Cossack song

*** “Oh, you, Don!” (Cossack folk song)

2reb: We love our village,

We love our native land.

Let's follow traditions

Blossom, our dear land.

3rd: I'll write a song because of Don

I’ll take you around my native Russia,

** Dramatization of the song "Novocherkassk Waltz"

4reb: As the bread went, so did the pie,

And the pie came, so damn it went,

And damn it went, and the guest came.

Like ours at the gate

People are gathering

People are gathering

To a merry round dance.

*** Dance "Lady" Folklore group of children d/s

Mistress. And you Cossacks, don’t be shy

Practice singing, everyone!

(address to other children)

(invites the kids)

*** “We’re going to the farmstead, hooves are clattering” ( author Galaktionova E. V)

Mistress. Come in, dear guests.

Tell me where you've been

What did you see( garden)

***Dance “We went to the garden”(folk melody)

(children come out preparatory group)

5th child:: From us at this hour - an orchestra for you!

If you want, have some cabbage soup.

If you want, play the spoons.

***Orchestra “Kalinka” (Russian folk melody)

6reb: Let me dance,

Allow me to stomp

Is it really in this house?

Will the floorboards burst?

(older children are welcome)

*** The dance “Fog came out from under the hill” is performed

Mistress. You are welcome

And bread and salt in the old way

With bread and salt, any joke is good.

Where it's warmer, it's more fun.

***Children perform “Don Comic Chatushki”

7th child: We didn't come here to fight,

We want to take a walk,

We invite you all

To the Cossack dance.

] ***Children st. gr. perform a circular dance “Ay, on the mountain Kalina" Kalina"

Mistress: Let's play the game.

I will make wishes riddles and you will

clever in guessing

.(use puppet theater)

1. With a beard, not an old man,

With horns, not a bull,

The bast pulls, but does not weave bast shoes (Goat).

2. Grayish, toothy,

Prowls across the field,

Looking for calves, lambs (Wolf).

3. Who bakes rolls for us

Hot, hot, out of the oven?

Out of the oven and out of the heat

Our grandmother (Varvara)

4. Every day there are ships

Mothers lead by the hand

\I'm glad to see all the kids

Our Cossack (Kindergarten)

***Song “Kindergarten”(round dance is performed by children of all groups)

Hostess A. Oh, and they danced, oh, and they played around.

It’s young and green, it’s advisable to take a walk.

You can't get the youth to sleep in the evening,

But you won’t get up in the morning.

I forgive you, dear guests,

to the table for a treat - bagels and

Apple jam!

The holiday ends with tea.

Publications on the topic:

Concert-greeting for Cossack preschool children on the occasion of the anniversary and the holiday of the Intercession for teachers and guests of the Cossack college“The concert is a greeting to “Cossack preschool children” on the Anniversary and the holiday of the Intercession for teachers and guests of the Cossack College in Novocherkassk.”

Summary of educational activities for children of senior preschool age “My Favorite City” Abstract of GCD for older children preschool age“My favorite city” Purpose: To form in children an idea of ​​their hometown through.

Entertainment script “My Favorite City” Municipal preschool budget educational institution « kindergarten No. 85" city of Cheboksary, Chuvash Republic. My favorite city.

Project “My Favorite City” on spiritual and moral education for children 5–6 years old long-term. Implementation period 1 year. Abstract The project was developed by a teacher at a municipal autonomous preschool educational institution.

Host: Children, listen to the song and tell me what city it is about. The song “Smile, Vladivostok” is playing. Children's answers Presenter: Correct, 2.
