How to develop a sales line. Sales department development strategy. We develop a unique selling proposition

Hello! In this article we will talk about increasing sales in wholesale business.

Today you will learn:

Features of wholesale trade

The production volumes of your enterprise are quite large and you do not have time to sell the products? Then it's time for you to think about wholesale sales.

Wholesale sales - a type of trade in which one enterprise provides goods to another enterprise in large quantities.

If you decide to hire new employees, then it is best to take a closer look at the sellers of retail stores of similar specifics. They are already familiar with the product, know the specifics of sales, and know how to work with needs.

Another, no less successful source of personnel is competing companies. By luring several employees to your staff, you will kill two birds with one stone - you will unsettle your competitor and get professional sales people.

However, be careful. A competitor's employee may turn out to be a spy or simply return to his old place over time, taking yours with him. client base.

You can also look for employees in companies from related industries. Such candidates will be easier to train than those who have worked with a completely different product.

Instead of looking for new employees, you can train existing ones. In addition, there is various ways aimed at increasing sales volumes. For example, organize a competition among account managers and award best seller month.

How to attract new clients

  1. Using cold calling. We have already talked about them earlier, so we won’t dwell on them. Let's just say that when choosing this method special attention You should pay attention to the database itself with contacts of potential clients and information about them, as well. A script is a conversation script that your manager will adhere to.
  2. A great source of clients is your customers.. If you have established a trusting relationship with your customers, then ask them to recommend your company to their partners. This is a pretty effective method.
  3. Look for clients at various events: get acquainted, exchange contacts.
  4. Use to attract clients. Personal sales via the Internet or telephone will be especially relevant.

Mistakes in optimizing wholesale sales

Error 1. Good seller will ensure high sales volume.

There are not so many really good traders, so there won’t be enough for everyone. In addition, it is very difficult to determine the degree of professionalism of each individual employee. Therefore, if you rely only on your staff, you are unlikely to get good results.

Mistake 2. Expanding the product range will cause an increase in sales.

This is a mistaken opinion of most entrepreneurs. Introducing new product categories can reduce profits, especially if new product has nothing to do with the main one.

Example. The Biс company several years ago introduced solid perfumes into its product range, the bottles of which resembled a lighter in shape. However, the project turned out to be unprofitable and soon the lighter perfumes were discontinued.

No, it won't. It is necessary to advertise a product, but in moderation. Excessive advertising will not only hurt your pocket, but will also irritate potential consumers. It is better to advertise not a lot, but of high quality, that is, personalize your messages, choose the right communication channels.

Mistake 4. We lower the price and sales will increase.

This doesn't always happen. Wholesale business is characterized by large volumes of purchases, which increases the risk of purchase for the consumer. If your price is lower than the market average, the client may suspect the low quality of the product or your dishonesty.

Remember that too high or too low price must always be justified.

For example, if you set a high price, you can show the customer that your product is of very high quality. In the case of a low price, tell the client that you have your own system on which you save, or you own several levels of production at once, or the raw materials from which the product is made are supplied to you at a large discount due to long-term cooperation with the supplier.

When it comes to the need to increase conversions, the method to increase the number of customers is to understand the mechanism of their thinking. This is where social research by psychologists in the field of neuromarketing comes to the aid of web marketers.

Yes, we are all different, but in many cases our brain reacts to certain situations in the same way. Understanding these subtleties of human thinking can help you find an approach to customers and get them to take the desired actions, saving a lot of money on your advertising budget.

Below are ways to offer services, descriptions of customer behavior patterns, tips for increasing conversions, and some of the most striking real-life examples that will tell you what your customers think most often and how to use all these psychological phenomena to achieve their goals.

1. Overcome the “barrier to entry”

There are situations when a person needs an additional incentive. To do this, many companies give the potential buyer the opportunity to try out the offer completely free of charge for a certain time. During this time, the user gradually gets used to the product or service, which creates a high probability that after the allotted period has expired, he will not be able to refuse and will want to extend the validity of the offer, but for money.

It is of great importance here correct wording offer. To do this, most companies often use this phrase on : “Sign up for a 30-day free trial.” But you will agree that the phrase: “First month free” sounds much softer and more attractive. The goals are the same, but potentially a different result. You should also use a subtitle to reinforce CTA element , for example, “Cancel your subscription at any time.” Don't be lazy to experiment, create several options and choose the most effective one using .

2. The magical power of persuasion

In studies of behavioral psychology, one curious feature was established: as soon as randomly selected volunteers were told that they, in the opinion of the researchers, belonged to a group of people “having an active citizenship position,” these same volunteers, who received a subconscious directive to increase involvement, increased their voting activity by 15%.

Let us recall that the volunteers were selected completely at random, but their behavior was most decisively influenced by the conviction that they belonged to certain group. This psychological phenomenon can be used in marketing campaigns: find a way to convince users that they are unique and chosen target audience your product.

3. Types of buyers

Experts in the field of neuroeconomics have identified three types of buyers:

  • economical;
  • spenders;
  • moderate type.

In order to force buyers of the first type (and such 24% of the total) to fork out money, there are various methods of influence.

Here are some examples of how this can be done:

  • Changing the offer price - when the price remains the same, but is broken down into easier-to-understand amounts (for example, 150 rubles/month versus 1800 rubles/year).
  • Internet company AOL has replaced paying for Internet services per hour to paying per month. This is the opposite tactic to the first example, the essence of which is to prevent users from tracking their expenses on a daily basis.
  • All inclusive resorts provide a sense of security because the client knows that all services have already been paid for and there will be no unexpected expenses during the holiday.
  • Netflix uses the system monthly payment for unlimited access to movies instead of paying for an individual movie.

4. Become stronger by admitting your flaws.

How to increase sales due to your mistakes? There are many examples of disasters that have occurred over the past years (for example, oil spills). The reason for this was the reluctance of companies to notice shortcomings in their work until the moment came when it was too late to change anything. For example, the Japanese energy company TEPCO admitted its mistakes only a year and a half later, which resulted in a nuclear crisis on the coast of Japan.

You've probably received emails from a company apologizing when something was done wrong. In this way, the company makes it clear that such cases do not go unnoticed, and in the future everything possible will be done to avoid their recurrence.

In your spare time, explore the Admitting Failure Project ( Here you can find stories of companies in which they openly admit and analyze their mistakes so that their bitter experience serves as a lesson for everyone else.

5. Tell me what to do next

In the course of research, American psychologist Howard Leventhal came to the conclusion that people tend to neglect relevant information if it does not contain certain clear instructions. Consumers tend to think that possible problems will not affect them in any way and there is nothing to worry about. But when the information is followed by instructions, the effect is amazing.

Thus, in one experiment, the number of people who received a flu vaccination increased by 25% after receiving specific advice on how to avoid the disease.

By the way, this is one of the most effective ways attracting new insurance clients. It serves the same purpose - it indicates the further path for your user.

6. Nobody likes to wait

Consumers tend to fear delivery and verification issues when purchasing online (especially around the holidays), which has a huge impact on the conversion process. Therefore, in order for the client to trust you, use phrases that are reassuring, for example: “We will quickly deliver any of your orders throughout Russia”, “If the product does not fit, you can immediately return it to the courier”, etc.

7. Find a competitor

If you create one for yourself - even a virtual one! - a competitor, and you will be able to make the advantages of your offer look brighter compared to your opponent, people will become more loyal to you, especially if you pit companies against each other in a fun way.

Remember, for example, a funny video about the confrontation computer systems MAC OS and PC, which significantly increased the number of clients Apple. Or a classic example of a PR battle between Coca Cola and Pepsi, in which the huge advantage of Pepsi is the unclassified composition of the drink, which inspires the trust of many consumers.

8. Increase sales using your phone

There is an art to increasing sales using your phone. You should forget about purchased number databases, which are often used by representatives of unscrupulous companies: intrusiveness can only ruin your reputation.

Offer your services to those who are already interested in them. You need to have information not only about your product, but also about the person you are calling: where he works, what he does and is interested in, what problems he has - and how your product can help solve them.

A great way to legally collect this kind of information is to create a special landing page, or capture page, and place a lead form on it with the required fields. There are already ready-made landing pages in many areas - select your niche, add the page to the editor and customize it for yourself in a couple of clicks.

In addition to a tempting offer, don’t forget to offer the user something in return: free book, participation in a webinar or a demo version of the product.

9. Attract like-minded clients

Tell your potential customers about your company's global purpose (for example, charity), then you will have a chance to attract like-minded people with similar intentions. For example, in one study, 64% of respondents said that this factor prompted them to make a purchase decision.

A striking example of this approach is a charity event to increase sales conducted by TOMS Shoes. Its meaning was as follows: when a pair of shoes from this company was sold, the company sent another pair to children in need. Thanks to this promotion, millions of pairs of shoes were sold around the world, and, accordingly, millions of children received new shoes completely free of charge.

A great way to sell and increase conversions through good and useful deeds!

10. Social proof

Research shows that people are more willing to make purchases when they have no doubt about the trustworthiness of your company and the security of transactions.

One of the ways to gain trust is an official document (quality certificate, for example), the results of certain studies and, of course, reviews from satisfied customers.

Pamper them with surprises, and you will win loyalty to your brand and get huge amount valuable positive feedback. Online store Zappos shoes is a classic example of such tactics.

Having believed the promise to receive your order within 5 days, you receive it in two days. Or they give you the opportunity to return the shoes within a year! With the help of similar pleasant surprises the company has managed to accumulate a colossal number of customer reviews on its website, which is a powerful marketing tool for influencing the buyer.

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Today we have an attraction of unprecedented generosity. We will not just talk about increasing sales, you will receive part (20%) of the methods and methods that we use in personal work with clients.

You will learn 42 techniques from marketing, sales and HR. It will take you at least 3 months to implement all these methods, since I will share not just the tricks, but real tools for sales growth.


2. Conduct a mystery shopper

Of course in your own company. Moreover, I would even say, ruthless, who will reveal all the shortcomings of your employees.

And you don’t have to think: “Why conduct a secret shopper if nothing is really set up in my company yet.” To get to point B, you need to know point A. And without a hiding place, you won’t recognize it.

3. Analyze competitors

And you don’t need to skip this point, as you usually do, I’m sure you don’t have this, which means you’re not just under-earning, but also spending money ineffectively, because some of the marketing and advertising is running idle.

5. We develop something unique trade offer

If you are not now a huge company with a big name, then it is very difficult to stand out from your competitors when, in fact, everyone has the same thing.

And angelic patience for instilling such a habit among the staff. But I assure you, literally after 3 months of such fees, everyone will understand the meaning and benefit of these things in the form of increased sales.

7. Testing pricing

Wow! One of the most important, simple and main ways to increase profits is to raise prices.

In order for this to go unnoticed by buyers and there is no rebellion “No wonder your prices have gone up,” you need to correctly formulate your own and be sure to highlight the shrimp product in it.

8. Waking up sleeping clients

I dare to suggest that if you have a database, it is in terrible condition. In notebooks, on pieces of paper,... In rare cases (20%) it is in an Excel file. And I'm not even talking about availability CRM systems from ours.

Therefore, you collect everything in one place and then begin to contact someone who has already bought something from you, because returning a client is always easier and cheaper than attracting a new one.

“What if I have a one-time sale?”, you may be thinking now. So call and try to sell them something else.

For example, if you are installing kitchens, you can call the client and offer to change the color of the facade or do maintenance (tighten, lubricate, etc.). Finally, you can sell the services of other partner companies.

9. Lottery launches

A quick way to expand your customer base and at the same time launch . The bottom line is that we are organizing a free lottery for everyone.

To participate in it, you need to come up and fill out a form. The most important thing is to choose the right place with your target audience.

10. Working on contact points

Our task is to determine the most important areas, or as they are also called, where they make decisions.

For some it’s a website, office and phone number, for others it’s trading floor, locker room and cash register area.

You need to write down all possible points of contact with the client, then create the TOP-1 and improve them to shine.

11. Enter coupons for repeat purchases

One way to make customers buy from you more often is to introduce a coupon with a small denomination for the next purchase with a limited validity period (2-3 weeks).

Do you think this is a way to increase sales in retail store that's all? And you can make, for example, a coupon for a free replacement of a window or suspended ceiling in the bathroom.

And they will be happy to give it to friends. Therefore, this idea is also appropriate for increasing wholesale sales.

12. We introduce unexpected bonuses for clients

I think you have heard stories when a fish seller put a silver coin in the mouth of one fish every morning, thus attracting customers through word of mouth.

We did approximately the same thing with one of our retail clients, adding a branded German chocolate bar to customers’ orders. The buyers were very pleased.

13. We work with shop windows and the entrance area

One of the inexpensive ways to increase sales in a store, especially if it is located in a walk-through location, is to create selling windows and a sign.

You need to make sure that you have not just transparent windows, but a sign that introduces your name. You want these elements to attract and encourage people to come inside.

14. Developing a map of the trading territory

The goal is to block the main customer flows in the offline space. An example from experience: by correctly placing pillars around the office of one of our clients, we increased the flow of incoming traffic by 20%.

Therefore, do not underestimate such a simple, at first glance, tool as.

You need to constantly maintain contact with your customers. To do this, you collect their contacts and send messages not occasionally, but purposefully (once every 2-3 weeks) with a specific offer and call to action.

You can choose any method of interaction: , SMS or whatever is more convenient for your customers. This method is suitable for increasing sales in the wholesale business and in retail sales.

By the way.If you plan to do mailing, I recommend the services: UniSender , MailiGen , SendPuls . This is perhaps the TOP, and besides, they have been tested from personal experience.

16. We launch promoters

According to the majority, promoters no longer work. But we are practitioners and we know that this is not so.

It makes no sense to launch promoters only in one case if you have a long transaction cycle and a lot of time passes before a person makes a purchasing decision.

Retail/catering/fast services (beauty salon, for example) – feel free to launch it. The key to this idea for increasing sales is where to give away and what to give away.

17. We are developing/refining.

If your company has a “salary + percentage of sales” system, then you need to change it urgently, because such a scheme does not motivate you to fulfill the plan 100%.

For successful implementation, you need to study: instructions for creating a motivational scheme (retail /) and guidelines for setting up.

18. We are holding a promotion

I think there is no need to teach you how to carry out actions. But I can give you ideas and marketing tricks for carrying them out, here are 16 examples for every taste and color.

19. We are launching a competition for staff

Due to the fact that about 30% of the increase in sales can be obtained by properly motivating sellers, you need to upgrade in this direction.

One way to increase sales is to launch.

The essence is a competition between employees, where there is a final result and a great prize.

20. Implementation of a merchandising plan.

Merchandising is a huge field of activity. Moreover, these are not only psychological “things” like color spots, but also quite important points in terms of use.

For example, the height of exhibition windows. Naturally, you need to start with the basic ones, and then move deeper.

21. We introduce non-cash payments

It’s funny, but many save 2-3% on bank acquiring, thereby reducing the client’s payment options and killing their own.

In our practice, we noticed that purchases over 1000 rub. people do it mainly by map (80%).

And large purchases (up to 300,000 rubles) are paid more often with credit rather than debit cards.

22. We are exploring the possibility of purchasing on credit

It turns out that it is not so difficult and not so expensive. Banks are now willing to provide installment plans (and even interest-free), which can be issued by your sellers/managers.

And their commission of 5-7% is not that big, considering that this is a kind of USP and eliminates the hassle of extracting money from debtors.

But if you don’t like the idea of ​​cooperation with banks, then I recommend introducing interest-free installment plans from your company.

Taking into account the fact that the number of purchases due to installment plans is increasing, you can easily compensate for even this percentage of non-return by giving up on it.

23. We introduce selling price tags

Speaking globally, you need to make sure that yours can be sold without the participation of the seller.

If we go with the minimum plan, then one of my favorite tools is to place stickers “Best Seller”, “New”, “Product of the Day”, “Free Shipping”, which are also part of the selling price tags.

24. Place a magnet on top

The essence of such a tool is that we make a condition - anyone who buys at s____ (a figure 10-30% higher than the average bill) will receive a bonus in the form of a super-duper s____ (something that will be valuable to the client and has a low cost price for you).

Thus, you and the client have a reason to make a larger purchase, see the video below for details.

25. Collecting feedback from customers

The funny thing is that people trust reviews. Of course it’s real, not fictitious. And in order not to step on a rake, read our two articles

After studying, you need to collect reviews, package them in a pleasant appearance and place it EVERYWHERE possible.

Or even better, ask your clients to write reviews about you from their account on a suitable platform.

26. Scent marketing and audio marketing

Both aroma and audio marketing imply. And it would be a sin not to use such simple things to increase sales.

They do not provide global growth, but they influence the general background, when the client stays with you longer and more comfortably in your company, and consequently leaves with more good impression from you.

27. Improving the site

The topic is not just enormous, it is titanically overwhelming. After all, the site can be improved forever.

In your case, it can either be easily retouched or completely replaced. To be sure that your site sells, I strongly recommend that you study our following materials.

28. We form and launch the sale of bundles

This is when you buy a ski suit, alpine skiing, boots and sticks. All together it would cost you 50,000 rubles, but if you buy as a set (bundle), then they sell it to you for 45,000 rubles (cunning people manage to sell sets for even more).

It doesn't just work well, it functions like a clock in minutes. This is a working tip for increasing sales for retail.

29. We are working on a customer loyalty program

Many people devote their entire lives to constantly searching for new clients, and at the same time forget that retaining existing clients is also important.

The loyalty program copes well with this task. Which one to choose and how to launch it painlessly for your business can be read in the article.

30. We write sales scripts

Of course, your sellers have sales scripts in their heads. And, of course, everyone has their own and the best one.

Therefore, we make one general and, in all necessary areas:, and.

Plus we add to it the answers to everything that your sales people will remember and write down.

31. Adding services/products

To earn more from one client, we must think about what service we can sell if we are in the product sector.

And what goods or services can we sell if we are in the service industry? For example, in an M-video equipment store they sell an additional warranty in addition to the main purchase.

Or another example, the company stretch ceilings additionally sells apartment cleaning services from partners (and receives a percentage from this).

31. Launching a sale

For those who want to make their monthly turnover in a few days, we have written a whole step-by-step article

Do you want to increase sales of your products or services?

There are two news: good and bad.

The good news is that after reading this article you will learn 3 fundamental secrets to increasing sales.

The bad news is 90% of people won't use it these secrets. Not because they are worthless or difficult to implement. No. Just people in an eternal search for magic buttons, magic pills and universal life hacks.

  • 100 tips for a sales manager
  • 100 objections. Business and sales
  • 111 ways to increase sales without increasing costs
  • Dealing with objections. 200 sales techniques for cold calling and personal meetings.

I'm not against books like this. Most of them may even be useful. BUT! They can only be useful as a supplement.

The sales system itself must be built on unshakable foundations. Like a house on a strong foundation.

In this article you will learn about how to increase sales by building a system that works:

  • In any market
  • In any conditions
  • For any product (product, service, education, software).

For simplicity, ​in the examples I will use the word “product”. By this I mean services, software, and educational products.

Secret No. 1. Low entrance fee

We can look at the relationship between seller and buyer through the lens relationships between ordinary people. For example, men and women.

Let’s imagine that a young man approaches a girl who is completely unfamiliar to him and says: “Will you marry me?”

At best, they will laugh at him. Why should a girl marry the first person she meets?

But most companies build sales this way. They immediately invite the person to go to very serious step: make a purchase for an impressive amount.

Someone might object:

"But the potential customer knows that they have a need. And they also know that our product can satisfy that need."

Let's return to the example of human relationships. Imagine that a young man approaches a girl and this time operates with the following:

“You don’t have a wedding ring on your hand. This means you are unmarried. You look 20-25 years old. At this age, 90% of girls want to get married. So, maybe you don’t mind if you and I get married?”

Just because a guy knows about a girl’s desire does not mean that she will want to marry him. And even if he wants to, it’s definitely not at the first meeting.

The presence of a product does not mean that a potential client will want to buy it from you. And even if he wants to, it’s unlikely at the first meeting.

But how do ordinary human relationships work?

Usually a guy invites a girl for a cup of coffee. A cup of coffee is absolutely small commitment which is easy to agree to (unlike marriage).

If everything goes smoothly at the first meeting, then the guy can invite the girl to lunch, dinner, and so on.

The easiest way to increase sales for your company will be if in the first step you offer small micro-commitment. Having made this micro-commitment, the potential client will be satisfied and will look forward to further, more serious proposals from you.

The entrance ticket can be either paid or free.

A free entrance ticket can be any lead magnet – a piece of very useful information. For example, for an online cosmetics store, a good lead magnet would be the PDF brochure “5 Rules for caring for oily skin.”

After reading this brochure, a potential client:

  • Will receive value from you in the form of useful information
  • He will begin to trust you, because after reading the information from the lead magnet, he will be convinced of your competence
  • Finds out what skin care products he needs and where it is more profitable to buy them (from you).

A paid entrance ticket can be a product sold at cost or even free of charge (with delivery charges). For example:

With the admission ticket we get two very important benefits.

First of all, we convert as many people as possible from just “passers-by” to clients. Why is this important? Because it is much easier to sell to an existing client than to someone who sees us for the first time.

Secondly, with a small micro-commitment, we evoke two of the most important feelings in a potential client: trust and gratitude.

Many companies know the importance of trust. This is why they love to show reviews and cases.

But many people forget about gratitude. But this is a very powerful weapon...

Robert Cialdini

The first rule of influence is gratitude.

In simple words, people feel obligated to those who give them something. gave first.

If a friend invites you over, you will feel obligated to invite him back.

If a colleague does you a favor, you feel like you owe him a favor in return.

In context social relations people are more likely to say yes to those to whom they owe something.

The effect of the “Law of Gratitude” can be clearly seen in a series of experiments, spent in restaurants.

On your last visit to a restaurant, the waiter may have given you a small gift in the form of chewing gum, a mint, or a fortune cookie. This is usually done when the bill arrives.

So, will giving a mint affect how much you tip? Most will say no. But in fact, this small gift, like a mint candy can change everything.

Research shows that giving one mint to a guest at the end of a meal increases the average tip 3%.

Interestingly, if you increase the size of the gift and give two mints instead of one, the tip does not double. They quadruples in size- up to 14%.

But perhaps the most interesting thing is that if the waiter gives only one piece of candy, he turns around and starts to leave, then pauses, comes back and says:

“But for you wonderful people, here’s an extra piece of candy,” then the tip just skyrockets.

On average, tips increase by 23% not due to the number of gifts, but due to the fact how they were handed over.

Thus, for effective use"Law of Gratitude" you must be the first who gives...and make sure that the gift is personalized and unexpected.

As I said, using the Law of Gratitude can be powerful weapon. For example, major drug trafficker Pablo Escobar used the “Law of Gratitude” for his own purposes.

He built houses and provided food for the poor people. In response, they undertook to protect him, carry out his instructions and were literally ready to die for him.


If you are selling something illegal, harmful, immoral or useless, please do not read further. I don't want to good marketing used for bad purposes. Also, no amount of marketing will help if you have a bad product.

Simply implementing a cool entry ticket can double your sales. And you no longer need to look for 100,500 ways to increase sales.

What entry ticket can you use to increase sales of your business?

If you sell products it could be:

  • Lead magnet (a piece of valuable information: PDF report, price list, e-book)
  • Small free gift
  • Coupon
  • Discount
  • Sample

Here is an example of the discount that Godaddy provides for purchasing a domain (1st year):

We see that at first Godaddy gives away the domain 8 times cheaper (payment for the second year):

A huge discount is the entry ticket to this domain registrar.

TOak increase sales of services? Use the following entrance tickets:

  • Leadmagnet
  • Service at a very low price
  • Consultation

For example, on the website almost all services cost 500 rubles (a good entrance ticket):

If you sell software, The entrance ticket can be:

  • Trial period
  • Demo version
  • Product demonstration video
  • Consultation

For example, one of the most expensive email messaging services, ExpertSender, offers a live demonstration of the program as an entrance ticket:

They don’t even show rates on the website, but use a price list in the form of a lead magnet:

If you sell educational products, your ticket of entry might be:

I would like to point out that implementing an admission ticket increases your company's sales, but does not necessarily increase its income. Because income and sales often do not correlate with each other.

But how to increase the company's sales increase its profitability? Secret number 2 will help with this...

Secret No. 2. Expand your product line

Since you won't get rich by selling admission tickets, you need to offer other products to your customers. For example, when purchasing a domain, you will also be offered the option of protecting contact information:

professional mail:

and similar domains:

When purchasing a service on Kwork, you will also be offered additional options (urgent execution, additional edits):

Big companies like Apple, McDonalds, Amazon do the same thing...

Did you know that selling a burger for 2 dollars 9 cents McDonald's makes money only 18 cents? This is because every client costs this company V 1 dollar 91 cents:

$2.09 - $1.91 = $0.18

But how does McDonald's make money then?

On Coca-Cola and French fries. Together they bring $1.14 (profit growth 6.3 times). As you can see, a competent product line can increase profits significantly.

On the iHerb website, additional products are sold using the “Frequently purchased with this product” widget:

Want to know how increase product salesas quickly as possible? Just offer the customer related products when placing an order. You'll find that increasing product sales has never been easier.

Companies spend the most money on attracting customers. Therefore, every additional sale to existing customers, every additional option or product increases profits incredibly strongly.

If we talk about methods increasing sales and profits– a large product line without competition. And developing it is not that difficult.

In your business you can:

  • Come up with a new product.
  • Make a premium version of an existing product.
  • Combine several products and make a set.
  • Create a subscription.

Easiest to implement premium version existing product and set of products.

For premium version you can add additional features, extended support, and so on.

Sets products are good because it is more profitable for the client to buy it than each product separately. For example, you have three products for $500. You create a set and sell it for $1000 (instead of $1500).

Subscription is one of the best monetization options since the client pays you on a regular basis. For example, if you have a car wash, you can launch a subscription: an unlimited number of car washes for 1,000 rubles per month.

There are companies that combine subscriptions and product bundles. For example, the streaming company DAZN has revolutionized the world of sports broadcasting.

If previously boxing fans had to pay a TV channel $65 to watch one interesting boxing evening (PPV), now they can pay the streaming service $10 a month and watch all sporting events for 30 days.

Total value of products from the last box is 8428 rubles. But you get it all for only 1400 rubles.

Why is the company taking this step? For what is now they have a guarantee what you will pay every month. You can also buy other products from them that are not included in the sets (Law of Gratitude).

If you are looking creative ideas To increase sales, consider expanding your product line. Sets, subscriptions, passes, premium packages - there are more than enough options.

Secret No. 3. Return track

The reality is that not all potential clients will sign up for your entry ticket. Not everyone will buy the main and related products. Therefore, it is very important to have a return path.

Increasing company sales through a return track is one of the most underestimated opportunities.

The return path is clearly defined scenarios for the return of potential clients to purchase your products. If they have already purchased, we use the return track to encourage repeat purchases.

To implement a return track we can use:

People often ask whether promotions can be used to increase sales. Stocks are another tool return tracks. Use them wisely and you can significantly increase your sales.

Better yet, stop looking for different tricks to increase sales. If you want long term growth, use the basics which you have just learned about.

How to implement all this in your business? I prepared it especially for you premium video “One-page sales system”. After watching it, you will get a clear plan to increase sales in your business.

Meanwhile, there are hundreds of ways that, without requiring special investments, help bring in more customers. Below is described TOP 5 best methods to increase sales. This is the basis from which any entrepreneur can build.

Building a customer base is one of the best things an entrepreneur can do for their company. At the same time, it is necessary to conduct not only existing buyers, but also those who just “came in to look”.

One of good options get contacts of a potential client in retail trade— invite him to fill out a form and give him a discount card, a discount on his first purchase, or a gift in return.

How, using your customer base? You can attract buyers with promotions and special offers. One option is to target a specific customer segment and prepare gifts for them.

When a person comes for a souvenir, the manager should try to make sure that he leaves not only with a gift, but also buys something in the store. Naturally, promotions and gifts should arouse interest and be useful - this is the only way they can attract new customers and increase sales.

Calls to the buyer after the purchase

Gifts for clients still require certain investments. How can you increase your profits without investing any money at all? Show customer care. This method helps increase customer loyalty.

The point is simple– after purchasing a product or service, the manager calls the buyer and asks if everything is in order: is the washing machine working well, was it possible to set up the laptop, was the product delivered on time, is any additional advice needed, etc.

Let the client know that you are always ready to help him and eliminate all shortcomings, if any.. Will a person be pleased that people care about him? Certainly! And probably next time he will again use the services of such a caring company.

Give the client more than he expects

Trade in Russia, as well as the service sector, is still at a below average level. Try to remember the last time you were surprised with impeccable service.

In our country, customers are happy that they were not rude in a store or company office. Such seemingly elementary things as high speed service, polite communication with the client and respectful attitude towards him already exceed a person’s expectations and become a reason for a repeat purchase.

Therefore, if you are thinking about it, first of all set up a service. Selling a product with a high level of service will be much easier. Unexpected surprises are also great., which were not announced.

For example, stores that sell cosmetics and perfumes often give customers mini versions of their products. The client will be pleasantly surprised by a handwritten thank you card, a discount card for the next order, a small box of chocolates or some kind of souvenir.

The method works great both in the service sector and in retail trade. People often respond warmly to such surprises and tell their friends about them, create posts on social media. networks. As a result, word of mouth works and, in addition to one loyal client, the company receives hundreds, or even thousands of new customers.

The effectiveness of the method can be demonstrated by the example of a company providing services in the field of music business. After the buyer purchased a certain package of services, he was offered to repost on Facebook, and in return he was given products worth a total of $100.

In five days, information about the company’s services received 250 reposts. This helped close 34 deals totaling more than two thousand dollars.

How to increase sales with promotions

Stock - effective method, helping to push people to make purchases. The main rule is to carry them out regularly.

Look at corporations like M.Video, L’Etoile, Lenta - people know that they can almost always buy something on sale, and that’s why they go there.

Another important condition is your special. the offer must provide real benefits to the consumer. For example, retailers often offer buy two items and get the third free. This is especially true for clothing stores.

And in networks selling household appliances, attract customers with promotions like “exchange your old TV for a new one.”

Killer USP

A unique selling proposition (USP) is what sets a company apart from thousands of competitors.. “Always sober movers!”, “We will deliver pizza within 30 minutes or pay for the order ourselves,” “If you find a product cheaper, we will refund the difference” - these are examples of effective USPs that “shot” in due time.

Now such proposals occur quite often, so entrepreneurs constantly need to come up with something new.

How to increase sales using USP by 345%?

How effective a USP can be can be seen in the example of the Australian pillow company Tontine. The company was the first in the world to indicate expiration dates on pillows..

They began to put a stamp on each product with a date, after which it is better to replace the pillow with a new one. At the same time, the company launched advertising on television.

In this way, the company hoped to increase profits by a third, but the effect exceeded all expectations. Unusual idea helped increase sales by 345%.

Using the methods listed above, a company can increase sales without serious investments. All these rules work and are successfully applied by both small enterprises and global giants.

However, it is worth remembering that when choosing what suits your company best.

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