Soap-scrub with kelp. Healthy soap with algae Master class: making healthy soap with algae

where I often shop. After all, summer is just around the corner!
and in the summer all our reserves and folds eaten during the winter
You can’t hide it under a thick down jacket!))

I love the DNC company for their white DNC clay,
so after seeing modeling soap for weight loss from DNC
with seaweed, I ordered it right away.

Price is about 160 rubles, soap weight is 100 grams.

The order arrived quickly as always from OZONE!))

At home, I carefully studied the composition and took pictures of everything - see. PHOTO-->


* The composition is simply excellent!
* It smells pleasant and gentle, unique, apparently of algae, with a pleasant citrus tint!
* Natural style paper packaging!
* It’s very pretty, beige-coffee, interspersed with algae and clay.
* Touchingly wrapped in a piece of natural burlap,
who turned out to be good in the role
small natural washcloth - sponge.
* Sooooo economical, I started washing with it (not every time, but twice a week)
It’s still February and it’s barely started))
* EFFICIENCY - see below!))
* Perfect for taking with you on vacation!!! easy and beautiful!!
*In general, a very wonderful soap!


soap base, soybean oil, white clay,
fucus seaweed, orange oil,
ginseng extract, macadamia oil.


When I washed myself with it for the first time, I felt that it tingled and was noticeable!!
But I didn’t just lather and rinse, no!
I want the effect!))) and I rubbed myself with it properly, especially the problem areas were the tummy, legs and thighs, I didn’t pour water into the bath so that the soap would have a more concentrated effect on the skin.
I read this advice on one forum!
Sit like that for 5 minutes, it burns! yes, the skin is burning!!
But not to say that it is directly intolerable, one can be patient,
but you can just feel the fat melting,
skin tightens!

I highly recommend doing this - drink coffee, collect all the coffee grounds for 2 days,
then in the evening of the second day we get into the bath, but don’t fill the water,
and rub the cellulite areas properly with this soap,
then we take the coffee grounds and start rubbing ours on top of the soap
ate reserves)) Leave everything for 5 minutes to act,
and wash it off!
The skin is super!

I felt its effectiveness
and I’m delighted, this soap really works!

It is effective, it is 100% because after only 3 sessions
(I showered with him every other day)
I noticed that the emerging cellulite had completely disappeared!
The skin has tightened!

Natural, effective, I’ll order it from my favorite OZONE,
and by the way, I paid there as always with Webmoney earned here,
so it’s also profitable!

Suuuper!! Soap with seaweed DNC 5 points!

And by the also appreciated the effect.

Order soon, summer is almost here!))))
I recommend!!!

Also soaps from the OZONE online store

Scrub soap from scratch is an excellent body care product that combines deep cleansing and light massage at the same time. As scrubbing particles in soap from scratch, you can use any herbs, ground coffee, oatmeal and much more that your imagination tells you.

This scrub soap will contain kelp. I, of course, do not believe in the anti-cellulite properties of soap, but I think its use in a complex of anti-cellulite procedures will not be superfluous, so in addition to kelp, this soap will also contain laurel oil in superfat and lemongrass essential oil.

Recipe for scrub soap with kelp:

At 600g. oils
Wheat germ oil - 100g. (16.67%)
Rapeseed oil - 50g. (8.33%)
Grapeseed oil - 100g. (16.67%)
Castor oil - 50g. (8.33%)
Coconut oil - 50 g (8.33%)
Palm oil - 150g. (25%)
Palm kernel oil - 100g. (16.67%)

Water 33% - 198g.

NaOH - 84.9g.

Superfat - 2% - safety - included in the calculator + 7% laurel and grape seed oil - added at the end of cooking.

Lemongrass EO - 2 bellies. 10 ml. CO2 rosemary extract - 2-3 ml.
Laminaria thallus (can be bought at the pharmacy) - 2 tbsp. spoons

We will prepare the scrub soap with kelp using the hot method.

1. Weigh the vegetable oils and melt them in a water bath. Prepare an alkaline solution. Cool the oils and the lye solution to the same temperature, then pour the solution into the oils and blend with a blender until smooth. Details.
If this is your first time making soap, be sure to study.

2. Place the soap mass, reduced to a trace, into the oven for a couple of hours, set the upper and lower heat and the temperature to 60-70 degrees.

3. While the soap is being prepared, you need to prepare the mold, superfat and herbs. If you are not a fan of thrills, then the herbs need to be crushed as much as possible, you can even sift them through a sieve so that the sticks do not get in. Because otherwise they will not gently scrub, but scratch you mercilessly!

4. Pour boiling water over the chopped herbs and cover with a lid, let them brew. Just a little bit of boiling water is needed, just enough to cover the herbs. If there is too much water, the soap will then take too long to dry.

If there are solid oils in the superfat, place the herbs poured with boiling water in the same container where you will melt the oils - this will allow them to steam.

5. After 2 hours, the soap is ready - the indicator strip shows green. Add brewed herbs (without excess liquid!), oils for superfat to the soap mass and mix thoroughly. For more uniform mixing, you can use the mixer at minimum speed.

6. Lastly, add essential oil. Mix again.

Place the soap in the mold. Don’t forget to carefully “tap” the mold so that there are no holes in the finished soap.

7. The next day, the soap can be removed from the mold and cut.

Hot soap can be used immediately, but it is better to let it sit for at least a week. This way, excess moisture will evaporate from it, the soap will become harder and acquire more pleasant sensory qualities.

Soap-scrub with kelp according to this recipe turns out to be very aromatic, tonic and refreshing. It is pleasant to use both for a morning shower and for evening treatments.

Using a scrub soap helps remove dead cells and promotes higher penetration cosmetics, applied after it. However, you should not use scrub soap more than 2 times a week.

Happy soap making!

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Anti-cellulite with Laminaria algae

Seaweed Soap Recipe

Sunflower oil 50 gr.
Cocoa butter 50 gr.
Castor oil 70 gr.
Shea butter 35 gr.
Coconut oil 180 gr.
Olive oil 135 gr.
Palm oil 130 gr.
Total fat 650 gr.

Alkali NaOH 96.7 g.
Water 247 gr.

Superfat - shea butter 52 gr. (8%)

Ground kelp seaweed about 20 gr.

EM lemon balm and jasmine, thyme

Making soap

Soap perfectly moisturizes the skin, because... contains shea butter, has a slightly scrubbing and tightening effect due to algae.

Seaweed added to the trail after adding superfat and essential oils. If desired, add sea salt to one part to enhance the healing effect.

Salt add equally with the amount of oils used, that is, if we divide the mass in half, then 325 g. salt should be added to the trail in one half of the mass.

Benefits of Shea butter

Unrefined Shea butter is an environmentally friendly component with excellent protective, softening and moisturizing effects.

Shea butter is a source of vitamins A and E, which are necessary for the normal condition of our skin.

Vitamin A promotes cell regeneration (renewal), which makes the skin rejuvenated. Vitamin A also effectively soothes and nourishes dry, acne-prone, and exhausted skin.
Vitamin E slows down the aging process and reduces the risk of cancer cells, thanks to its antioxidant properties, improves microcirculation.

The use of Shea butter is indicated and effective in the following cases:

    in the treatment of eczema, psoriasis, allergic dermatitis; for the treatment of burns, bruises, wounds, muscle pain and sprains; for joint pain it has an anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effect; moisturizes and rejuvenates aging and dry skin; protects the skin from negative external influences - heat ( is a natural UV filter), cold, radiation and sun; helps restore flaky skin after sunburn; softens rough skin on the hands, heals cracks on the lips, heels; perfectly heals diaper rash in babies; to improve blood circulation, during massage; to prevent stretch marks during during pregnancy; to prevent the appearance of scars; soothes sensitive skin after insect bites, irritation, or after shaving.

Shea butter does an excellent job of protecting skin and hair in the hot African climate. Back in the first half of the last century, scientific studies were conducted that confirmed the fact that African peoples who use Shea butter have amazingly elastic and smooth skin, and almost do not suffer from skin diseases.

In the absence of skin diseases, there is no need to use a lot of Shea butter - it is enough to treat the problem area of ​​the skin once a day with oil, which will be absorbed exactly as much as the skin needs.

With daily use, your skin will look great, soft and healthy.

Cosmetic properties of kelp

The healing properties of sea water and sea air have been appreciated and widely used since ancient times; it is not for nothing that Plato said that “the sea washes away troubles.”

Algae preparations have a powerful stimulating and thermal effect on the underlying tissues. When applied, the active substances contained in them penetrate the skin, forming a “depot”, enhance the breakdown of fat in the subcutaneous fatty tissue, activate the renewal of the skin and the release of tissue hormones by the vascular wall. A unique combination of biologically active substances, their natural origin, helps to normalize the body’s neuroendocrine mechanisms, and as a result, strengthen its protective components, such as, for example, the immune system.

    strengthening of metabolic processes in tissues; lipolytic (breakdown of fat deposits); vasoactive (vasodilation); skin nutrition (algae - an additional source of proteins, lipoproteins, microelements, vitamins); stimulation of the activity of fibroblasts (cells that provide skin tone); relaxation (relaxation, cleansing from stress); drainage (accelerating the removal of excess fluids and toxins, strengthening the vascular wall).

Indications for use: obesity, cellulite, decreased skin tone (due to chronological and photoaging, rapid weight loss, etc.), skin diseases (psoriasis, neurodermatitis without exacerbation, ichthyosis, keratoderma, etc.), chronic stress, edema syndrome, arthritis, arthrosis, osteochondrosis, rheumatism , radiculitis, radiculoneuritis, muscle pain and other conditions accompanied by pain.

In this master class you will learn how great things are made. It contains the most useful and natural ingredients - in particular, dry seaweed. They are known to have a miraculous effect, which is why cosmetics containing algae and minerals are so popular. Today's beauty industry is moving by leaps and bounds, so making soap with your own hands will not be a problem - the most important thing is to get everything you need for the job.

In this master class, we invite you not only to practice, but also to give it fantasy forms. This soap will make bathing procedures much more pleasant and fun.


  • soap base (white and transparent),
  • dry seaweed (kelp, fucus),
  • spirulina tablets,
  • dry ground parsley,
  • cosmetic fragrance “waterfall”,
  • mortar,
  • molds,
  • water bath.

Master class: making healthy soap with algae

1) Take spirulina tablets and crush them - they will be used as a dye. Use a mortar to grind.

2) Melt soap base and add some seaweed to it. They won't color your soap at all, but will give it a slight scrub effect.

3) To make your soap smell nice, add fragrance to the base (a couple of drops will be enough) and mix everything well.

4) Pour the mixture into the mold. For this you need molds; silicone ones are best; they are very flexible and comfortable.

5) In order to tint the base, add a little ground parsley or spirulina powder to the base.

6) To make boat soap, use a flexible jelly mold. Pour the colored soap into the bottom of the mold, not too high, but just filling the depressions.

7) To ensure that the soap layer hardens evenly, spray the surface of the uncured layer with alcohol. Set the mold aside and let the layer of soap harden properly.

8) Melt and scent the white soap base. It is better to use the same fragrance as in the first layer. Pour a white layer onto the frozen layer of green soap. The form can be filled to the top, or you can make several multi-colored layers.

9) Mini-soap can be made using the same principle: the transparent layer with algae should be shaded and emphasized with a white layer.

10) Leave the soap to harden, and after it has completely hardened, remove from the molds and enjoy!

Good afternoon everyone!

Today we'll talk about sea soap from Makosh under the wonderful name Novorodnik! The Novorodnik symbol symbolizes the movement towards goodness, integrity and unity; the Slavs identified its four swastikas with the conscience, spirit, soul and body of a person. This soap has such a beautiful legend. As you can see in front of you is not just a piece of soap, but a whole story, I like Makosh’s approach to his creations. And considering that I really love soap and am in awe of these beautiful pieces, I try new things very often, I couldn’t help but try this beauty! I purchased three different Makosh soaps, but now we are talking about only one and I liked it more than the others, it is very close to me in aroma. Its aroma is marine and at the same time very enchanting with notes of pine needles

I was reminded of a beautiful poem about the sea...

You are my wave of the sea,
wayward wave,
How, resting or playing,
You are full of wonderful life!

Are you laughing in the sun?
Reflecting the sky's vault,
Or are you hesitating and fighting?
In the wild abyss of waters, -

Your quiet whisper is sweet to me,
Full of affection and love;
I can also hear the violent murmur,
Your groans are prophetic.

Be in the stormy elements
Sometimes gloomy, sometimes bright,
But in your azure night
Save what you took.

Not a ring, like a treasured gift,
I dropped into your swell,
And not a semi-precious stone
I buried it in you.

No - at the fatal moment,
Attracted by secret charm,
Soul, soul I live
Buried at your bottom.

F. Tyutchev

And in fact, the soap looks like a sea pebble, it’s very pleasant to take into your hands, and I love when care turns into pleasure.

Makosh soap is very beautifully packaged! Those who have used this cosmetics know that almost all products are presented in beautiful jars made of natural wood. The soap is in a box made of hard cardboard (I usually use these later for sachets in a closet or on a shelf in the room), the cardboard is stylized as wood. Very laconic design and such soap is beautiful to give as a gift

On the back of the box there is all the information about the product and the full composition. The soap has a 100% natural composition, and there is also a sign that the product is not tested on animals.

Ingredients: juniper decoction, pine branches and cones, saponified coconut, palm, palm kernel, grape seed, apricot kernel, castor oil, virgin coconut oil, macadamia oil, lactate and sodium citrate (lactic and citric acid), glycine, wheat proteins, spirulina, chili pepper extract, kelp extract, eucalyptus and juniper essential oils.

As follows from the description, in addition to saponified oils, the composition contains pure oils, these are coconut and Macadamia, so the soap is a little oily when lathered, its foam is airy and soft. After using it, it does not dry out the skin at all, and surprisingly does not tighten the skin of the face! Yes, I washed my face with it, before applying a scrub or cleansing mask to my face with clay, I always wash my face with soap. This piece is very suitable for this purpose; the pores are cleaned twice as well if you wash your face with it before the cleansing mask. Although I know that many people do not accept facial soap at all, if you wash your face with soap only 1-2 times a week, your complexion will improve and your pores will become cleaner. If you wash your face every day, on the contrary, the condition of the skin may worsen, since the skin can become dry or more irritated; soap is not very acidic for the face. This is a great product for the body every day.

In my photo, if you look closely, different leaves are shown on the soap, but I use one, and bought the second one for future use because I liked it, so these are two different pieces of Novorodnik, maybe from different batches, or maybe the manufacturer puts different stamps just for variety)

The soap is oily and melts easily from water, so don’t hold it too much under the stream; it’s better to immediately lather it on a damp washcloth and just rub it on wet hands. It is consumed a little faster than harder varieties of soap, perhaps if it is aged for half a year, a year (soap has a shelf life of 2 years) and when buying it in a store you will most likely receive a fresh piece, like me, aged soap usually becomes harder, less fades and lasts longer. I have conducted similar experiments more than once (of course not with this soap) since I learned about Makosh not very long ago, about six months ago. In general, soap is natural, the longer it sits, the better it becomes, but the aroma may decrease due to the evaporation of esters and the weight due to the evaporation of water.

Using this sea pebble bar is very simple, like any other soap, you can wash, wash your face (infrequently) or just wash your hands with it. The soap dish should have a drain, ideally like mine is made of wood. I tried storing it on a plastic soap dish with a drain and pimples, and the soap there became more soggy and felt worse.

It foams very well, abundantly, this of course depends on the washcloth used, with a “Japanese” washcloth the most ideal option, there is a lot of foam and at the same time you can thoroughly rub the skin with it, which is important for the anti-cellulite effect of this soap! Pepper and algae extracts will better penetrate the pores of the skin, stimulate blood circulation and help the skin breathe better, and essential oils will give you an aromatherapy effect. After all, as you know, coniferous esters in soap give a feeling of warmth, improve mood and transmit the necessary signals to the brain. I really feel the aroma of the sea and pine forest from this soap, which is why I have associations with pine trees on the seashore, and this is very calming and peaceful. It’s good to apply an anti-cellulite product or oil after it to all problem areas of the skin.

In addition to Novorodnik soap, I also have Makosh Dukhobor soap (ginger) and soap with beautiful name Overcome grass - it contains birch tar and you can imagine how fragrant it is, it also contains birch charcoal, neem extract, I took it to treat all sorts of inflammations, it seems to me that it smells very strongly of fire or ashes. Up close, of course, it’s harsh, but the skin definitely smells like coal, very original, I’m afraid to use it yet, it’s black and oily to the touch) If anyone has experience using it, write in the comments, for now I just store it, sometimes I’ll open it, smell it and put it away When I decide to try it I'll definitely write about him

Price: 260 rub.

Manufacturer: "Workshop Makosh" Ekaterinburg.
