People who get up early work more efficiently. Successful people get up early. Successful people eat right

Most jobs are day jobs, but not all people are early birds. If you are the complete opposite, have a hard time waking up, always skip breakfast, are always late for work, then you are called a “night owl.” It is known that 1 out of ten people is a “lark”, 2 out of ten are night owls. And there is a middle ground, they are called "hummingbirds" - people who can adapt in the morning or at night.

It is clear that most morning “larks” will find it difficult to work in night jobs, such as bartender, doctor on duty, police. Night owls are ideal for work that starts late. These are workers in the 24-hour service sector (police, ambulance workers, dispatchers, firefighters). If your activity doesn't suit you, then it's time for you

Debate about who is better

People have different rhythms. Circadian rhythms affect the timing of sleep and wakefulness, hormone release, body temperature, they determine what foods you like best, exercise, sex and other activities. They also affect the choice of work, partner and hobbies. All of us could feel and perform better if we could synchronize our activities with natural rhythms throughout our lives.

They say that your partner should not be the same chronotype as you. Oops. You go to bed at eleven in the evening, he goes to bed around four in the morning. While this has its own charm, you'll get a head start on his snoring.

Psychologists say that night owls are smarter than early risers. Oscar Wilde said: “Only stupid people are geniuses for breakfast.” But a high IQ does not necessarily mean Street Smart (practical wisdom, street wisdom).

Most of us adapt very well to the demands of life. For example, students who rarely go to bed before 2 am will almost certainly turn off the lights earlier when they graduate from college and start working during the day. And they will become even more early risers once they become parents. They may complain, but most will cope. And by the age of sixty, many of them will be comfortable going to bed and waking up earlier than they did when they were younger.

Just as it is pointless to argue who better than women or men, it is foolish to say that morning “larks” work better than night owls, they are simply in a more advantageous position. Most businesses operate during the day, meaning early risers are more productive and have a higher chance of earning more money.

During daylight hours, do you constantly want to sleep, does intense brain activity occur only after dusk? What do you call a person who likes to work at night? What do you call an individual who is awake at night and sleeps during the day? Why does this happen and what are the consequences for the body? All the subtleties of the phenomenon: the reasons for its occurrence, the pros and cons of such a habit.

A person who is most active at night and sleeps during the day is called a nyctophile. This noun was formed from the name of the phenomenon itself. Nyctophilia is a conscious desire to remain awake at night, based on some psychological reason or disease. Moreover, the nycphile will be sure that it is in dark time day, his brain works more productively, his performance increases.

It is worth noting that the popular belief that a person who likes to stay awake at night is called a “night owl” does not work here. The thing is that “night owl” is just a person’s chronotype, indicating that a person prefers to go to bed late and wake up a few hours before noon. We are talking about situations where the daily routine is changed by 180 degrees. Day is night, night is day.

I like to work at night - is it harmful?

There is no clear answer to this question.

On the one hand, for a person whose brain activity begins at night and gives good results, it will bring only advantages. On the other hand, with constant nyctophilia syndrome, many metabolic processes naturally inherent in the body are disrupted.

We have noticed that people who work exclusively at night at will(note shift work etc.), somewhat weaker and more emotional than those same “white collar workers” who leave for work at 7 am? The thing is that long working hours reduce the production of melatonin, the hormone responsible for sleep.

Systemic disruption of necessary night sleep breaks the balance of natural regeneration of all internal organs, increasing the chances of their rapid wear. Subsequently, the nervous system comes into play, emotional excitability increases, and inexplicable outbursts of aggression appear.

Causes of performance at night

There are several reasons for the desire to reverse day and night. After reading, you will understand for yourself how harmful night work is for you. Just ask yourself the question, why don’t I sleep at night?

  • Own choice, habit, inability to control oneself

The most common occurrence: you stayed up late, woke up around lunchtime - you can’t fall asleep that day. Having “scrolled” around this circle several times, day and night change places. It is possible to get out of this closed chain through an effort of will - go to bed earlier, get up early, despite the desire to sleep.

  • Disturbance from a physical point of view, insufficient production of the “sleep hormone” melatonin

This problem can be solved with the help of harmless tablets - melatonin - the sleep hormone. Of course, a preliminary consultation with a doctor is necessary.

  • Psychological disorder – fear of people, large crowds of people

The most terrible and neglected form of “confusing” day and night. Caused by a dislike of being in a crowd, and as a consequence - being among people in general. Nyctophiles at this stage are extremely successful in their night work, however, they lose their communication skills with people. With such disorders, the help of specialists is necessary.

Almost all people who need to get up early wake up with great effort. But waking up early also has its advantages.

Scientists have concluded that waking up early is good, around 5 a.m. or even earlier, having also conducted research, we found that the most productive hours for work are in the morning. And there is nothing strange about this, because in the evening all processes in the brain are subject to slowdown. The strongest inhibition of these processes occurs between the first and second hours of the night. Based on the conclusions of scientists, you need to go to bed around 22:00, and get up at about 5:00 or 5:30. Then sleep will be beneficial. If, however, a person has a different schedule, this is not a problem, because you can get used to the new routine by spending 1 month on it.

When a person gets up early, he has more time for his own affairs. The hours you get free from sleep can be spent on your favorite hobby or dedicated to your family. Also, working early in the morning turns out better, because at such an early hour most people sleep, this also applies to close people who can interfere and distract. Self-improvement classes are very good in the morning; you can devote time to reading your favorite book, etc. Of course, you can do all of the above things in the evening, but at this time friends on social media can distract you. networks or the same relatives with their questions. Psychologists have found that a person who gets up early in the morning values ​​his time more than others who get up later.

Medicine says that waking up early is good for your health, because a person feels in good shape and his health improves. At the same time, the same scientists found that sleeping in the morning hours after 6 a.m. is harmful and does not bring any benefit.

If we take Japan, for example, then the working day there begins at 5:00 and ends at lunchtime. In the same country, doctors doing research early awakening They concluded that in the early hours the body undergoes a kind of adjustment of all organs and even the composition of the blood changes for the better.

Those people who are actively awake in the early hours of the day are capable of becoming good poets, artists or musicians, or simply optimistic and cheerful people.

If a person gets up between 7:00 and 8:00, then he is provided with low physical and psychological tone. Such people are prone to loss of appetite, hypotension, migraines, decreased immunity and passive activity. And if in the process of life they have to struggle with difficulties, then this process makes them nervous, fussy and overstressed.

Why should you wake up early in the morning to become successful? Let's look at 6 reasons. Read and share information with your friends!

I try to select materials for you that would help people striving for success to make the most of every minute of life.

In today's article we will talk about when it is right wake up in the morning to achieve what you want.

When do you prefer to wake up in the morning?

Let’s be honest: if it weren’t for the annoying alarm clock signaling that it’s time to get ready for work, what time would you get up every morning?

What time do you get up on weekends?

We once talked about this topic with friends, and almost everyone admitted that if they didn’t have to go to work by 8.00 or 9.00, then no one would voluntarily wake up at 6 or 7 in the morning.

And everyone views the weekend as an opportunity to sleep off, so they try to stay in bed for as long as possible.

Only Oksana, the new girlfriend of one of my friends, was able to surprise me, whom he brought to our company for the first time, saying: “And I always get up at 7 in the morning, whether it’s a working day or a day off.”

I was even more surprised when I found out that Oksana is a freelancer, that is, she works from home, taking on as many orders as she sees fit.

Wake up in the morning It is not a formidable boss or work schedule that forces her to start early, but internal discipline.

To my question “Why?” the girl was sincerely surprised and answered:

“Well, of course! If I sleep until 10.00 every day, and then spend time getting myself ready, checking email, having breakfast, etc., then my working day will not start until lunch.

If you spend 1 hour longer in bed, you still won’t get enough sleep, but you’ll lose precious minutes doing so. important stage like making a to-do list.

You shouldn’t do this in the evening, because a tired brain is not capable of generating smart thoughts.

Morning hours are the best time to improve your body: attend a workout, do exercises, go for a run.

Try to retrain yourself to go to the gym in the mornings rather than in the evenings.

Physical activity promotes the production of endorphins, which means that the charge of hormones received in the morning is enough to feel energetic all day.

By waking up early, you will be so hungry that you want to have breakfast.

And this is another step towards improving your figure and improving your health.

Doctors never tire of repeating that breakfast is the most important meal of the day and should not be skipped under any circumstances.

But those who get up 40–60 minutes before leaving the house simply do not have time to get hungry.

You gain an advantage over your competitors.

Just imagine, stupid Vasya Pupkin, with whom you are fighting for the position of head of the department, is snoring in two holes, and you have already been working on a presentation or report for your superiors for two hours.

By waking up two hours earlier every day, you gain an advantage of 10 working hours per week (excluding weekends) and about 200 working hours per month.

Impressive, right?

Works great in the morning (from 6.00 to 8.00).

I am ready to confirm this personally, because I have made it a habit on the days that I do not attend gym, write articles for you in the morning, not in the evening.

So, in the morning I spend much less time writing one article than in the evening, and texts, as for me, written in the morning turn out to be more interesting.

And when I come home after work, I don’t have to immediately run to the computer to continue working with the site.

I can leisurely have dinner, watch the news, and finally relax.

which will help you wake up early:

Just try for at least a month wake up in the morning at 6.00 and you will see how much more you manage to do every day.

It will be difficult at first, the bed will beckon you back into its warm embrace, and you will really hate the alarm clock.

But then waking up in the morning will become a habit, and you will easily jump out of bed with the confidence that you are one step closer to realizing your dream: becoming a successful person.

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Would you be interested to know what truly successful people do in the morning, before breakfast, and follow their example? Their success, one way or another, is due to the ability to start the morning correctly.

What do truly successful people do before breakfast? Chinese philosopher Han Xiangzi said: “If you ask a question, then you already know half the answer.”

Every morning we wake up to the ringing of the alarm clock and then panic begins: we rush headlong to the bathroom to get ourselves in order, tripping over the cat or the furnishings in the apartment, hastily have breakfast, do a dozen more useful and unhelpful things and run to work. This is the beginning of our usual working day, but few people think that the morning is the foundation of the day and it is responsible for further success and annoying failures.

If a person says every day all his life that he doesn’t like the morning, maybe he’s living wrong?

Would you be interested to know what truly successful people do in the morning, before breakfast, and follow their example? Their success, one way or another, is due to the ability to start the morning correctly and this is one of the many things that distinguishes them from the gray mass.

Perhaps all your life you haven’t thought much about what happens in the morning, but it’s high time to become better and, most importantly, more successful than hundreds of other ordinary people who curse the usual morning.

Time management expert Laura Vanderkam discovered what truly successful people do before breakfast and wrote about it in her book What the Most Successful People Do Before Breakfast. In the book, Laura gave advice on how to greet the morning fully prepared.

How do successful people start their morning and what do they do before breakfast? 8 morning principles of successful people.

1. Successful people get up earlier in the morning

Successful people do not say to get up very early, depriving themselves of morning sleep, but earlier! No need to stand up close. You will calmly do all your morning chores, you will not be late for business meetings or work. Businessmen recommend showing up to work early, so you can get into the flow of work and stay informed. latest news first.

It is not for nothing that the old advice “He who gets up early, God gives to him” has passed down through the centuries from wise ancestors.

2. Successful people do exercises in the morning

Former Pepsi chairman Steve Reinmund gets up at 5 a.m. and runs 7 kilometers; Apple CEO Tim Cook is already in the gym at 5 a.m. Do you need more examples to get your laziness off the pillow?

It doesn't matter whether you choose to jog, go to the gym, or do regular exercise. It is important that your body finally wakes up and gets ready for work.

Morning exercise is very good for health; it will make you look younger, fresher, more energetic and improve your performance.

3. Successful people are always up to date

Watching the news for five minutes in the morning on TV or on the Internet will keep you up to date with all the latest events. This is not only because successful people are accustomed to having information, but also because it can make you reconsider your plans for today or the near future. The weather forecast alone is worth it. It will also allow you to maintain a basic conversation.

4. Successful people make a to-do list in the morning.

Plan a new day. Successful people always remember that there are only 24 hours in a day and not a minute more. This is a most valuable resource that you must manage skillfully.

It doesn't matter what you do, but if you don't clearly visualize or better yet write down a list of the necessary things you need to do today, you won't achieve anything. The necessary things must be done in due time, otherwise this avalanche will engulf you.

When making a list, do not forget about the correct order of necessary tasks; the most important ones should be completed first.

Time management expert Brian Tracy often uses Mark Twain's expression: “If you eat a live frog first thing in the morning, it will be left behind you, for a quiet day and nothing else, more difficult, will happen.” Successful people deal with difficult tasks first and calmly work on the rest of the day.

5. Successful people make a to-do list.

No matter how funny it may sound, such a list is also necessary. What do you do every day that you shouldn't do?

Surely, you hang out on social networks more than necessary, visit some random sites, wasting precious time, get distracted by empty conversations, watch stupid programs or TV series, make unnecessary meetings and calls.

Unnecessary things take up valuable time, preventing necessary things from being done and taking away precious “free” time.

Successful people decide in the morning what they definitely shouldn’t do. Make a list in your notebook or smartphone and add to it throughout the day.

6. Successful people visualize their success every morning.

Remember the film “The Secret” or “The Secret”, based on the book of the same name by Rhonda Byrne, which talks about the ability of the power of thought to influence the surrounding reality.

Imagine in the morning, for a while, how you would like to see your career, family, relationships and any other components of your life. Don't be afraid to dream, imagine, visualize new reality, make the law of attraction work. The power of thought and positive thinking will help make your dreams come true.

7. Successful people eat right

You are what you eat. If your body and brain are not properly nourished, how can you compete and succeed in the cut-throat competition for first place?

Buns, breakfast cereals, lemonade are not at all healthy eating. Fruits, juices, healthy food smoothies will help completely saturate your body and brain with the necessary nutrients.

8. Successful people don’t forget about their family even in the morning

Oddly enough, but contrary to popular belief about the difficulty of combining career and family, many successful people, including businessmen, have excellent relationships with their children and their other half.

Even in the morning, pay a little attention to your children, if you have any, even if they are old enough, and be sure to kiss your significant other before leaving. This not only increases your life expectancy, which scientists have already proven, but also allows you to maintain warm relationships and makes you happier and more successful.

Laura Vanderkam, in her book “What Successful People Do Before Breakfast”, not in vain touched on the importance of the “right” morning, on which the start of each day, and the quality of life in general, depends.

When someone says that they hate the morning, just smile broadly, because this person has not yet realized the meaning of the morning, its strength, energy and does not know how to live correctly, but not you.
