Presentation of unstressed endings of singular nouns. Presentation for the Russian language lesson "unstressed case endings of nouns." "Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom"

Russian language lesson

4th grade


“Spelling of unstressed case endings of nouns.”

“Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom.”

In the woods..., above the river...

A dacha has been built.

Lives at the dacha...

A small dog.

The dog is happy

And the forest...m and,

But there are disappointments

In a dog's life .

In the woods e , over the river O th,

A dacha has been built.

To the dacha e lives

A small dog.

The dog is happy

And the forest O m and dachas e th,

But there are disappointments

In life And canine

Work algorithm :

To correctly write the unstressed ending of a noun you need to:

Step 1

Determine the declination.

Step 2 Determine the case.

Step 3 Remember what ending the word has in this case and declension.

Step 4

Using the reference word, determine the ending of the noun.

(1st panel - earth, 2nd panel - horse, 3rd panel - steppe)






  • P A lto
  • M O rkov
  • TO A mouth e l
  • AND e bark
  • B e gray hair
  • G O r And umbrella
  • P O year

1st class Conversation, weather.

2nd class Potatoes, horizon.

3rd class Carrot.

1 cl.

3 cl.

2 cl.

-i, -s -a, -i -i


Oh, oh, oh, oh

1 group . Insert missing endings, determine declension and case.

Turned to the river, helped the old lady, creaking on the wood, waving a flag..., drawing on the fabric.

2nd group . Find a noun that ends in -e-.

I wrote it in my notebook, ran up to the pier, played on the playground, spun in the air, walked to the birch trees, found it on the road, walked along the path. .

3rd group. Write down each word in R.p., D.p., P.p.

Desert, glass, palm.

4 group . Determine the declination. Write the words in three columns.

To the yard, to the groves, from the wool, to the pier, in the sky, to the camp, along the roads, on the horse, on the top of the head, to the sirens, on the boat, to the villages. .

  • breathed cold...
  • died hall O d O m
  • pushed snow.k..
  • pushed in my sleep and To O m
  • (for) t.nula le.k..
  • tightened le d To O m
  • paddle on the ice
  • l e tread on the ice
  • (over) silvered and...
  • silvered or e m
  • nar.dila in sh.k.
  • nar I dila in shu b to and
  • pr.b. stung on the branch.
  • pr O b e sting on the branch e

D/Z p.25 exercise 2, p.20 study.


Russian language. 3rd grade. Unstressed endings for singular nouns.

Topic: “Unstressed endings of singular nouns”

Lesson type: a lesson in the integrated application of knowledge and skills

Lesson objectives: Systematize knowledge about ways to check unstressed endings of singular nouns. Update knowledge about word morphemes, sounds, and the basis of a sentence. Teach to use acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Shapes: frontal, group, pair work.


Equipment: cards, screen, computer, audio/video recordings

Technologies: elements of problem-based learning, the use of health-saving techniques.

Lesson progress:

1.Organizational stage

Let's start the Russian language lesson (writing the numbers in a notebook)

What big topic are we currently studying in Russian lessons?

How to check the unstressed ending of a singular noun?

Today we will continue to work on this topic and, in addition, we will go on a long journey. But where, you will find out if you solve the encrypted word


2. Reproduction and correction of students’ basic knowledge

Yes, indeed, today we will travel to Africa.

Why is the word Africa written with a capital letter?

In which hemisphere is this continent located?

Show the location of this continent on the map.

Africa is the second largest continent after Eurasia.

This is amazing mysterious world, where there are deserts and wild forests, river banks, seas and savannas.

What can we say about the climatic conditions on this continent?

The highest temperature recorded was in Africa; it reached +58 degrees above zero.

The name of the continent, as scientists believe, comes from the name of a tribe that used to live in the north of the continent and was called AFRIGES

This is a densely populated continent, with at least 5 children born in every family. Now you will get to know them.

( video "Children of Africa")

I recently visited this wonderful continent and learned that they treat raising children in a special way. For example, children are allowed to use knives and other sharp objects, since it is believed that children with early childhood must learn to help their parents. In some tribes, parents wake their children several times a night. Why do you think?

(it is believed that it is harmful for children to sleep for a long time, they can suffocate) Parents do not allow many children to go to school.

You, children from Russia, are luckier; you have the right to go to school, take lessons, and get an education.

3.Motivation educational activities students

So, let me remind you, today we are going on a trip to Africa. And when going on a trip, we must take with us baggage, baggage of necessary knowledge.

And so, in order not to forget anything, I have prepared a list of necessary knowledge. But trouble happened, the words fell apart and now it’s not clear what to take with you.

I suggest working in groups and collecting these words.

(Colored envelopes with parts of words)Group work

So, what do we need to take with us, what knowledge?

1) Parts of a word. – Which ones do we know?

2) Members of the proposal. – Which ones do we know?

3) Parts of speech. - Which ones do you know?

4) Letters and sounds. - Which?

5) Declension. – How much do we know?

6) Cases. – How many and what?

4. Application of knowledge in a new situation

A) Phonetic analysis

Some luggage is collected, we set off on a journey through the African savannah.

The African savannah is home to many animals. It is believed that the African continent has more wild animals than any other. You, of course, know some of them.

I suggest you recognize the animal by its voice (if they don’t recognize it, thenvideo of a hyena )

Of course it's a hyena. What can you say about this animal?

And now the task for groups - Make a phonetic analysis of the word “Hyena”

(work in groups and check)

Are there any errors when performing phonetic analysis, what are they?

B) Work on unstressed endings and other spellings

And now the next task for the groups. You receive cards with sentences, your task is to find all possible spellings in these sentences.

1) A lion cub lives in Africa and gnaws on a large bone.

2) In the desert, a camel does without water.

3) A crocodile is hiding in a muddy river.

4) A cheerful chimpanzee is sitting on a palm tree.

5) Bloodthirsty sharks swim in the sea.

6) A spotted giraffe stretched out on the grass.

(Checking spelling in groups + writing sentences in a notebook, each student from the group writes down his sentence and underlines the spelling)

Physical break (group dance)

C) Analysis of proposals by composition

The next task will be like this, you need to analyze the composition of the sentence that you wrote.

(checking is the basis of the proposal)

D) Selection of synonyms for a complex word

- Find a complex word in sentences and find synonyms for it

(angry, cruel, predatory...)

Well, if the sharks that live in the seas of Africa are extremely dangerous, then these marine animals are very peaceful.

(video - dolphins)

The Red Sea is home to several species of dolphins, such as bottlenose dolphins

    The weight of a newborn is up to 12 kg.

    Adult weight - up to 400 kg.

    The length of the newborn is 1 m.

    Adult length - up to 3 m,

D) Independent work Notebook No. 2 p. 10 No. 10

5. Information about D/Z, instructions on its implementation

Our journey is coming to an end. And to extend it, you get one more task that you will complete at home

Write down vocabulary words from the dictionary that relate to the continent “Africa”

6. Reflection.

- We have returned from our journey

What did you get out of the lesson?

What were the difficulties?

What did you like about the lesson?

Lesson topic “Unstressed endings of nouns in the singular” Purpose of the lesson: to improve spelling skills of unstressed endings of nouns in the genitive, dative prepositional cases. Lesson objectives:  Consolidation of knowledge about the essential features by which these cases are recognized.  Develop spelling skills for unstressed case endings of singular nouns.  Develop spelling vigilance, logical thinking, imagination, memory.  Develop the ability to work in a team and enjoy the successes of comrades. Equipment:  Multimedia  Computer  Power Point presentation  Cards with tasks  Photographs, illustrations on the topic: “Defender of the Fatherland Day” Lesson progress 1. Motivation for learning activities: Say hello to the guests. Have a seat. Open your notebooks and write down the date. Take a simple pencil and draw your mood in the form of a smiley face at the top, in the left corner. Close your notebooks. On your desks there are cards of different colors with numbers. Even numbers, smile at odd numbers, now odd numbers say something kind to even numbers. Well done! Now we're ready to dive into the lesson. Attention to the slide. Let's start with a knowledge test. Slide: They are marching around the square... Explain the missing letters. 2. Updating basic knowledge. Slide: Square, man, defender. Determine the part of speech of these words (noun) What is a noun? (children's answers) What number are they in? (singular) And if these words are changed by case, the emphasis will fall on the ending? (no) What will these endings be called? (unstressed) Why are the words written several times? Repetition. Let's try to formulate the topic. Lesson topic: “Unstressed endings of singular nouns. Repetition” Maybe you noticed something else special? (the lesson is dedicated to the holiday of February 23). Well done? What do you want to get from this lesson? (children's answers) (we will improve the skill of spelling unstressed endings of singular nouns). – Which vowels create particular difficulty when writing?

– Let’s remember what needs to be done to write the ending correctly? (algorithm, supporting words) 1st declension: land, country, water. 2 declensions: elephant, village, window. 3 declensions: rye, steppe, shadow. Now change these 3 words by case. Swap notebooks and check the slide. Evaluate your desk neighbor. Working in teams. Unite the holders of cards of the same color. (4 teams are formed: green, orange, blue, red) Number 1, take the task for your team. Game “Find a Pair” Proverbs are given, but they are mixed up. It is necessary to connect the beginning and end of proverbs, highlight the ending, determine the case and declension of nouns with missing letters (distribution of roles in the team, 57 minutes are given for work) Slide: He serves his homeland faithfully, he fulfills his duty approximately. A bad peace is better than a good war. A coward is afraid of his shadow. It's okay to make friends with a song in battle. Without courage you cannot take a fortress. Think with your head and fight with your strength. Who is Collective verification. For each correct answer the team receives a point. 3. Generalization and systematization of knowledge and methods of activity. Students form two circles. Even on the inside, odd on the outside. Walk in a circle (counterclockwise and clockwise) Take as many steps as the letters in the word “HOLIDAY” (8 words) turn to face each other. Question: noun. feminine, with a zero ending, a soft sign at the end, what declension is this? The outer circle answers. (“Ilnara, what did Artyom answer to you?”) (3rd grade answer) Let’s continue. Take as many steps as there are cases in the Russian language (6 cases) Question: determine the declension “February” (2nd cl.) (answers from the inner circle) Take as many steps as there are voiced sounds in the word “army” (3 voiced sounds, p, m,j) Question: come up with a word of the 1st declension and put it in the prepositional case. (outer circle responds) Thank you. Well done! 4. Application of generalized ZUN in new conditions. Work in pairs. On the slide are the words from which you need to make a sentence. Defender, real, courage, possess, must. (A true defender must have courage.) Happy holiday, dad, I, s, congratulate you. (I will congratulate dad on the holiday) Explain the spelling of the endings of nouns. 5. Monitoring and self-control of knowledge, skills and abilities. Quick poll. Children name the ending Slide: after a snowstorm at the top

near a birch tree in the air in the sun in a clearing about honor - You worked well in class. You can ask exciting questions to your classmates. Now draw your mood below, in the right corner. (cards for teams) 1 team (blue) 1. Connect the proverbs with lines according to their meaning. 2.Add and highlight the ending, determine the case and declension of the same nouns. Without courage... he fulfills his duty approximately. Golov... think, you won’t take the fortress. Who is the Motherland... serves faithfully, but with strength... fight. With songs... friendship is better than good fight... Don’t bother your coward in battle

The thin world is shadowy... afraid.

“Every day of life adds a piece of wisdom.”

Our motto: “We know. We want to know. We'll find out."

Which spelling is missing?

played the pipe...

approached the aspens...

made it for my grandmothers...

saw a mouse...

there was a grove

in the west of the desert...

Lesson topic:

Unstressed endings for singular nouns


1.Put the noun in its initial form.

2. Determine the declination.

3. Determine the case of the noun.

4.Remember the ending of the noun of this declension in the required case (look at the table).

5. Check using support words (helper words).

Key words

  • I class - wall, ground
  • II class - table, horse
  • III class – steppe

  • TO 1st declension include nouns w.r. And m.r. with endings -а, -я in its initial form.
  • Co. 2nd declension include nouns s.r. with endings -о, -е, as well as nouns m.r. null-terminated in its initial form.
  • TO 3rd declension include nouns w.r. null-terminated in its initial form.

Which spelling is missing?

played the pipe...

approached the aspens...

made it for my grandmothers...

saw a mouse...

there was a grove

in the west of the desert...


Dance "I am a star"

Cases and their endings

1 cl. 2 cl. 3 cl.

I.p. -a, -i -o, -e,- □ -□

R.p. -s, -i -a, -i -i

D.p. -e -u, yu -i

V.p. -u, -yu -a, -ya, -□ -□

etc. -oh, -ey -om, -eat -yu

P.p. . -e -e -i

Study report___ _____ (last name, first name) about work in the Russian language lesson _____(date)

  • I worked in a _______________ mood.
  • I'm __ happy with myself.
  • I have difficulty when (what) _________________________________.
  • I worked (underline as appropriate) actively and did not make mistakes, not very actively and made small mistakes, rarely and made a lot of mistakes.

Evaluation of my work and my comrades

  • I liked the lesson...
  • I succeeded in class...
  • I was happy in class for...
  • I can praise myself for...
  • I still need to work on...
