Inexpensive contextual advertising. Cheap contextual advertising. Among the advantages of this method I can name

Contextual rates are set by Yandex.Direct and Google Adwords through an auction. Auction bids are updated every 15 minutes and depend on the competition for a specific key request. For example, the more advertisers want to show their ad for the request “order suspended ceiling", the higher the cost per click.

The cost of going to the advertiser’s website also depends on the display position. So, in Yandex, the cost per click in guaranteed impressions (at the bottom of the first Yandex search page) is lower, in the first place the guarantees are higher, the entrance to special placement (at the top under the search line) is even higher, the 2nd place of a specialist is even higher, and the highest price for click on the 1st place of special placement. Moreover, the difference between the closest positions (for example, the 2nd and 1st special accommodation places) can vary significantly.

It’s similar in Google Adwords: the cost per click above the search results is significantly higher than below the search results.

The question arises: why overpay for special accommodation when you can pay the minimum for being in a guarantee? The fact is that in many topics, conversions are brought only by advertisements that are shown in special placements.

This is especially noticeable in “hot” topics, when the user needs to satisfy a need here and now - for example, car repair, calling a tow truck, ordering food to the office, calling a taxi, and so on. In this case, the user does not waste time studying large quantity advertising offers, but makes a choice among the first few and, as a rule, does not reach guaranteed impressions. Turns out it's cheap contextual advertising- this is a myth. But there are still ways to make it inexpensive and significantly reduce costs.

First, let's take a closer look at what affects the cost of contextual advertising:

  1. Business topics (in competitive topics the price is higher).
  2. Geographical coverage (in Moscow and St. Petersburg the cost of advertising is higher than in the regions).
  3. Terms of placement of contextual advertising (price may decrease over time). The cost per click in the evening, at night, and on weekends is much lower than in the daytime, especially in the B2B field.
  4. Advertising campaign strategy and placement positions (special placement or guarantee).
  5. Use relevant ad texts and landing pages.
  6. Use in advertisements the maximum possible number of characters and adding all extensions.
  7. Setting bets in context in such a way as to maintain the desired position without overpaying.

What needs to be done to make contextual advertising cheap?

  • When selecting keywords You need to focus on mid- and low-frequency queries. With them you can count on cheaper contextual advertising than with high-frequency ones.
  • Detailed negative reviews both at the campaign level and at the level of specific key queries can significantly reduce the failure rate and make traffic from contextual advertising higher quality.
  • Traffic from thematic platforms is quite cheap. In some topics, it is no less converting than from search. But you need to constantly monitor the quality of sites and eliminate non-target ones.
  • Create relevant advertisements - use a key query in the texts, create ads for each query. Such advertising has a higher CTR and a lower cost per click.
  • Use all possible extensions in advertisements: virtual business card, quick links, clarifications, displayed links, images - in Yandex.Direct; phone numbers, addresses, sitelinks, display links, structured descriptions, prices, etc. - in Google Adwords.
  • Optimize placement positions. In some topics, it is enough to appear in the guarantee, and there is no need to overpay for special placement.
  • Use an automatic bid update system. Since they change every 15 minutes, it is physically impossible to update the rates manually.
  • Optimize display times. To reduce costs, you can set up the display of contextual advertising in the morning, evening and night, but limit it to the day, when the cost per click is very high.
  • Create separate advertising campaigns for regions, since due to high competition, the cost per click for the same request in Moscow is many times higher than in the regions.
  • Create separate advertising campaigns for display on search and on thematic platforms in order to use more precise settings.

Inexpensive contextual advertising is a long and painstaking process. It can only be done by professionals who will take into account all the subtleties of the topic, offer the optimal solution for a limited budget, and effectively set up an advertising campaign that will generate profit.

What do you need to quickly promote a commercial website on the Internet? In most cases, the wait for SEO promotion to work is very long - the first effect begins to be felt only after a few months. All that remains is to use contextual advertising networks.

There are a lot of contextual advertising networks. There are both small and large chains on the market. Moving in large networks is difficult, expensive, but effective. And if you need free contextual advertising, and you decide to turn to the services of small networks, then this approach is often doomed to failure - the prices here are very low, but the number of sites is extremely small. Why pay for an advertising campaign that no one will see? Therefore, free (read: cheap) contextual advertising in small networks is unprofitable.


Cheap contextual advertising is advertising campaign, tuned by an experienced specialist. As for independent attempts to advertise, they often end in failure due to the lack of necessary knowledge. In order for contextual advertising to be cheap and effective, you need proper settings. You can learn this yourself by watching numerous videos on Youtube or purchasing training courses. But there is another way to secure cheap contextual advertising - for this you need to launch campaigns using coupons. This is true for contextual networks such as Yandex.Direct or Google AdWords- that's two largest networks contextual advertising.

In order to reduce the cost of placement in these networks, we need coupons from these networks. Yandex.Direct coupons with a nominal value of 9,000 rubles can easily be purchased for 3-4 thousand rubles, thereby saving up to a third of the starting amount - a great way to experiment with minimal costs. Coupons are activated on new accounts, and only for domains that have not been advertised in Direct for the last year - detailed conditions can be found on the service website.

Google AdWords

As for Google Adwords, there are also coupons here that you can get absolutely free, thereby providing yourself with temporary but free contextual advertising. The denomination of the coupon for Russia is 2000 rubles, activation is possible only for new accounts created no more than 14 days ago. The coupon provides a kind of discount on advertising in the amount of 2,000 rubles. After this amount is exhausted, you will have to pay for each click from your wallet according to the cost calculated by the system.

Another developing contextual advertising network is Avito Context - with the help of this service we will be able to advertise various goods and services.

Using an Excel function and a request template in Direct

generate ads

Ad creation process

and multiply them (move the cursor to the lower right corner of the cell - a cross will appear. Hold the mouse and move the cross down - a list will be created with the conditions specified by the CONCATENATE function in our first cell):

Propagating advertisements

Now we have a list of advertisements, a corresponding list of queries and a URL. In general, you don’t have to use the ## template for key phrases (since we have one ad - one request), but it happens that for one ad you can automatically select several requests at once and to save space in the campaign it is convenient to use the template right away.

How can you quickly create a campaign from all this?

We automate the process of loading ads using the Direct function “Manage campaigns using XLS/XLSX”: go to the list of campaigns in Direct and select this function at the bottom.

Using Direct functionality

Before loading the campaign, we download the ad template and use it to generate our several thousand ads (I first made one ad in the campaign, then downloaded it through Excel and compared it with the template; other ads were created based on the resulting example).

Unfortunately, you cannot create more than 1,000 ads in a campaign in Direct, so be prepared for the fact that you will have many campaigns (I did more than 10).

We create advertisements for sections and filters in the same way. The principle of selecting queries will be the same: we select all query options for all sections (for cars these will be filters, gearboxes, etc.), apply everything to them possible options names of car models (Lada, Lada, Zhiguli, etc.) and using the service we multiply all requests: we get “filters for the tenth Lada”, etc.

Working with the service is very simple: in the “Variable A” block we include a list of primary queries, and in the “Variable B” block - a list of queries with which they need to be multiplied (the “Brute force” function is already set to “all to all” by default) and Click the “Generate” button. If you don’t figure it out the first time, experiment, everything is very clear there! If you are still very scared, then use Excel again, but it will take more time.

This is what the request generation service table looks like:

Let's get back to our announcements. Here we can no longer create a suitable URL as easily as in product cards, however, we have much fewer URLs, so after sitting for half a day, we can create a list of URLs with using Excel load our group of requests into the next campaign (or again use the help of a programmer).

The third group of queries is the most difficult to assemble. There will be questions like “how to fix it,” and recommendations, and much more. My advice: take the most general query in without specifying the region and take at least somewhat suitable queries from the resulting list. But you can often direct users who come through them even to the main page of the site.

For each type of request it is better to do separate campaign- it will be easier to manage bets and analyze results.

Contextual advertising campaign settings

Basic principles:

  • no negative words (we collect all the cheapest things, so no restrictions are needed);
  • Be sure to connect the Yandex Advertising Network (this can be done in a separate campaign);
  • select the strategy “Display in block at minimum price” or “Highest available position” (I tried both, I didn’t notice any difference, but cases are different);
  • we include impressions for additional relevant phrases - 100% in maximum mode;
  • We set a common price for each campaign and, gradually changing it, achieve the optimal ratio of “cost per click – number of clicks.” Unlike a traditional campaign, you don’t have to pay much attention to CTR in context; we have a different task.

Important points

  1. By underestimating the cost per click too much, we risk dropping the overall CTR of the campaign below 0.5% and ruining the “domain karma” (as a result, the cost per click, and therefore the cost of attracting a client, will increase), and by overly increasing it, we can get too expensive a lead. After a week of experimentation, I managed to adjust the optimal ratio.
  2. You need to use not only Yandex.Direct, but also Google AdWords. The fact is that search engine audiences are different, and our goal is to collect all the cheap clicks.
  3. Analysis of the campaign - the most important moment. Without knowing how much a lead costs you now, how will you understand whether the strategy on your website is working or not, whether it is profitable for you? The site must have Yandex.Metrica or Google Analytics with configured goals. If you have an old project, then before starting the campaign, collect statistics for at least several hundred sales (the more data collected, the more likely it is that you will get a statistically correct picture) and try to calculate at least the average cost per lead for the site. If there are no statistics, or you don’t know how to work with them, roughly calculate how much you are willing to spend to attract one client and compare it with the results of the campaign.
  4. If the campaign worked at the level of product cards, then there may be a problem with removing ads from publication on cards where there are no products left, and publishing ads on new cards. In this case, you cannot do without automation, and specifically, working with the Direct API (

Hello, dear readers!

Each advertiser sets the main goal of obtaining the best results while maximizing cost savings. And this is logical. Everyone wants to attract potential customers and promote their services or products using cheap contextual advertising. Here it is important to understand what you can actually get for this or that money. There's often no point in saving money on advertising if you don't get the return you deserve from it, right?

As a result, after trial and error, you have to turn to a more competent specialist and spend more and precious time. This article will help you avoid such problems and remain a winner!

“The client receives what he orders...” This truism fits our case perfectly. And those who are looking for cheap contextual advertising on the Internet should not forget about it.

Specifics modern market services is such that the number of offers is incredibly huge. In such a variety of artists and companies offering, it is easy to get lost if you don’t know what exactly to look for. In this area you can find agencies that price their services at 15 thousand rubles. and even more. There are also specialists who work for less than 3 thousand rubles. Although, at first glance, the amount of work seems to be the same.

So, what's the catch?

And the point is this. The Internet is filled with private freelancers who understand a little about the context. They take a lot of orders and do a template setup. Basically, they are not responsible for what they did. After all, if you think about it, what kind of specialist will cost 1000 or 2000 rubles. bother, sit for days, delving into your direction, thinking through all the nuances so that in the future your advertising works to the maximum?

Let's figure it out. To earn at least 20 thousand rubles for a specialist, he needs to serve at least 10 clients. Naturally, the order of thoughts will be such as to quickly put everything together, hand in the work and forget about it. What awaits the customer in the future:

  • expensive clicks;
  • low number of impressions;
  • non-target clients;
  • junk keywords;
  • not configured statistics;
  • lack of advertising management tools.

Now let's look at the second option. Choosing better services requires a completely different approach. Of course, the cost will be slightly higher, but the result will be different. There is work going on here.
