Interesting ideas for photos. Ten ideas for a photo shoot in the city

Stopping the moment is every person's dream. The art of photography is designed to deceive time and remember important and touching moments. Today, people take photographs of almost everything, from food to small children. Every day billions of new photos and videos are posted on the Internet. Not all of them, as a rule, are distinguished by an outstanding artistic component and semantic load.

A photo shoot in the studio is a holiday that will remain forever in the life of a model. So why not arrange it for yourself? And how to choose an image for a photo shoot in a studio for a girl to look original, but appropriate and not vulgar?

Purpose and idea of ​​photography

Any photo shoot in the studio and images for girls, photos are selected individually, according to the characteristics of the model.

First of all, you need to decide on the purpose of filming. There is a difference between shooting in honor of a birthday, taking photos for the business world, and simply wanting to please yourself (this article is not talking about targeted weddings and photo shoots “in anticipation of a miracle”). If the reason for shooting is the desire to have fun and remember the bright moments of life, then you can experiment. In other cases, it is better to adhere to the canons and principles of appropriateness and expediency.

It is also important to look on the Internet in a girl’s studio in order to choose what is more interesting and take into account other people’s mistakes.

Having decided on the goal, you can move on to choosing the main idea. Will this be a shocking shoot to surprise everyone, or does the model just want beautiful photos for social networks? Perhaps photographs need to be taken for future paintings on the wall or to send to relatives and friends with whom it is not possible to see. Or maybe these are photographs to once again amaze your loved one with their beauty.

There are many options, and for each you can come up with interesting ideas for images for a photo shoot in a studio for a girl.

An image for a photo shoot in a studio for a girl is only doomed to success when all the nuances are taken into account.

First of all, you should make sure that your makeup and hairstyle are impeccable. Since flash and special studio lighting neutralize most of the brightness, the makeup should be somewhat exaggerated. Then it will look beautiful in the photo. It is better to choose a hairstyle based on the amount of time and hair type. There is no need to build architectural delights on your head if you only have a couple of hours allotted for hair and makeup. It’s better to focus on one thing, but do it well. In the end, simply well-groomed, flowing hair is always appropriate.

Posing is the basis of any photo shoot. You don't have to study at a modeling school to become photogenic. There are several classic poses, adding your own personality and zest to them, you can get bright and beautiful photographs.

Princess image

The most hackneyed, but also the most romantic and tender image for a girl for a photo shoot in the studio is a princess. Why are we talking about him at all if everyone is tired of him? Yes, because it suits absolutely any young lady, regardless of the features of the figure, skin, hair and other girlish nuances.

This type of photography can be transformed by adding some sophistication to it. For example, you can come up with the image of a bright sleeping beauty or a dead princess (waiting for the healing kiss of the prince, of course). The princess can also run (with or without shoes) or sing.

In this case, it is better to rent an outfit. So, the image will be complete and perfect.

Shooting in grunge style

Grunge is back in fashion, and this is a great image idea for a studio photo shoot for a girl with a rebel soul. For these moments, you can allow yourself everything that contradicts the painfully boring office style, showing everyone freedom and challenge. Ripped jeans or shorts, oversized T-shirts, plaid shirts tied at the waist, knee socks, leather will help achieve an authentic look.

And, of course, careless hair and makeup will be more appropriate here than ever. By the way, careless makeup is high-quality, but done using a special technique. Not to be confused with smeared face paint.

Grunge is not for everyone, but sometimes you really want to try yourself in a new role, surprising yourself and those around you.

Filming in noir style

Black and white photographs will never go out of style. You can diversify a series of identical photos using the vintage style of old Hollywood. The shooting will turn out to be very stylish, bright and original. It is enough to put on beautiful makeup with clear graphic arrows a la Dior and red lipstick and choose a tight-fitting velvet or silk dress. The look can be complemented with a hat, cigarette holder, high gloves, and fur.

You can go against the rules and do original photos, if the image for a photo shoot in the studio for a girl is decorated with male paraphernalia. A men's suit, hat and false mustache will give thousands of likes in social networks, and simply add variety to the gray everyday life.


Watershoot or aqua photography is a charge of positive energy and another great image for a photo shoot in the studio for a girl! There are not very many such studios, but those who look for them always find them. It is important to take into account that makeup should be impeccable and consist only of waterproof products, while you should not spend any time on hairstyle. The bravest ones can wear only lingerie or a bikini. You can also experiment with your husband's white shirt. Even a light summer dress would be appropriate here.

This kind of shooting usually turns out very bright and sexy! You can add a touch of drama or self-irony to it and get new individual photographs.

The image of a superstar or James Bond girl

This idea can be used in a couple photo shoot with your loved one, or on your own. Makeup and hairstyle come to the fore again here: they need to be flawless, be it modern curls or shiny straight hair. You can rent a dress or use one of your colorful bodycon dresses. Large accessories imitating expensive precious stones would be very appropriate. There is local looseness and playfulness, sexuality and sensuality, brightness and bitchiness. You can, at least for a moment, be a star, towards whom the spotlight and admiring glances of fans are directed.

Such a photo shoot greatly increases self-esteem and makes you feel like the brightest, sexiest and most amazing! Sometimes this is better than any sedative, and, most importantly, it is healthier.

Briefly about the main thing

As is known, positive emotions determine success in every person's life. By following the tips on how to look for a photo shoot in a studio for a girl, you can get an unforgettable experience and vivid photographs.

The most important thing is to remember that a photo shoot is a holiday, and at the holiday you need to have fun! Therefore, no matter what image is chosen, no matter how the makeup turns out, perhaps the hairstyle will fall apart during the process, the main thing is to smile, be sincere, cheerful, real, playful and yourself. This is the best image for a photo shoot in the studio for any girl!

Interesting ideas for a photo shoot will highlight and capture your mood. Thoughtful details and professionally selected lighting will turn your photo into a real work of art. The key to a successful idea is right choice photo stories, scenery and costume. Below are the most interesting photo sessions of girls, after reading which you will create unique images that fully reflect your nature.

A photo shoot on the street, in a park or by a lake can be made unforgettable if you carefully approach the preparation.

Selection of style and plot

The choice of plot and location is the beginning of it all. Before you start preparing your costume or hairstyle, decide on the type of photo shoot. Professional photographers They will help you choose a topic and tell you which direction is right for you. Photography in the following styles is considered the most original:

  • retro– will highlight the fragility and tenderness of a woman (preference is given to fitted dresses, berets, hats, knee socks, stockings and shoes with tapered toes)
  • free ()– ideal for coquettes, the main plot is a naive seductress (light dresses, sundresses, tops or short shorts with a shirt tied on the stomach are used)
  • – a combination of danger and femininity, strength and beauty of a girl (clothes with a distorted color scheme, or military uniform, hairstyle should be simple and unpretentious)
  • trash– the photographs will surprise and shock, they combine contemplation with destruction (there are no specific limits for your imagination – torn clothes, bright makeup and messy hairstyles)

There are many scenario options, but to make your pictures original and unusual, use these tips:

  • use large accessories, they will not only help you make the right accent, but you can also play with them in different ways
  • Choose your makeup depending on the chosen style (matte tones look great on camera; for photos in studios, pearlescent shadows are usually used)
  • everything should match, from the color of the shoes to the shade of nail polish

If you haven't been able to decide yet, trust the photographer. A professional will recommend several options for thematic photo stories, help you play with your idea and suggest the most advantageous poses.

Professional photos in the studio

Among the photography locations, the most popular are considered to be. Here you can create any story and shoot many unique shots on various topics, for example:

  • bring scenes from your favorite cartoons and films to life
  • arrange a photo shoot in Vogue style
  • get photos dedicated to your hobbies (dancing, sports, singing)
  • organize holiday photo sessions (New Year, birthday, March 8 or February 14)

In the studio, photographers will prepare the background and decorations. A woman will be able to try herself in the role of a famous film actress, or act with her favorite pet. The ability to recreate any event or time of year is an advantage of studio work.

Unusual photos in an abandoned building

Photo stories in abandoned buildings look extravagant and interesting. In this case, it is not necessary to choose frightening and gloomy outfits. You can appear in the image of a fatal beauty, or a “Lolita” girl.

To make it unusual photos, use these tips:

  • High hairstyles and elegant dresses with an open back look great
  • short dresses in pastel colors and ballet flats are perfect for the Lolita style
  • by choosing casual, bright clothes and catchy makeup, you can shoot a photo story in the “Punk” style
  • Regardless of the idea, makeup should be rich

Photos taken in abandoned buildings will not only be interesting, but will also highlight your creative nature.

Photo session underwater

The popularity of this trend is increasing every day. To implement such an idea, you need a shallow and beautiful pool. Also, a woman should feel comfortable under water and not be afraid to open her eyes.

To receive beautiful photos Please note the following:

  • special waterproof makeup is used
  • Loose hair looks best underwater
  • choose outfits made from thin materials
  • green, red colors, as well as a combination of black and white look great

At first glance, it may seem that only a professional model can achieve original poses underwater, but this is not so. Your natural shyness will allow you to shoot a tender and romantic photo story that will be remembered for a long time.

Interesting ideas for a photo shoot diversify the shooting and make it truly unforgettable and unique.

Photo studios, in the fight for clients, offer many ready-made ideas: photo sessions in stylized interiors or with plain backgrounds, in rented suits, with professional body art, in fashion, beauty, fantasy styles... But is it really necessary for a good result to rent someone else’s cliched ideas, interiors and costumes? Of course not. Sometimes original ideas for a photo shoot at home look much more interesting.

But before you arrange a photo shoot, you need to think it through carefully. Select good photographer, with whom you will be comfortable and interested in working. Remember a few important rules for a photo shoot at home: makeup should be appropriate, the interior should be thoughtful, and unnecessary details should not appear in the frame. Look around: your home is not only your fortress, but also a storehouse of interesting ideas.

During the photo shoot, stay alive, real, move, smile and feel comfortable, you are at home. Here are a few standard poses which you can start from:

Alone at home

Agree, there are a great many ideas for a portrait photo shoot for a girl at home. Approach the window: from the side of the room, your silhouette against the background of the window opening looks very intriguing. Wear clothes that flatter your figure. This could be a dress, a set of top and shorts, or beautiful underwear. Use transparent and translucent fabrics for decoration. The silhouette of a beautiful stranger, coquettishly outlined by a thin veil - isn’t this a great idea for a photo?

Let's continue the tour of the house. If your bedroom is bright enough, a “gentle morning” could be a great idea for a photo shoot. Put on your favorite pajamas, prepare yourself a “breakfast in bed” of coffee and fresh cakes, place a few soft toys in the background - a gentle and romantic look is ready!
And if you are far from romanticism or want to look at your photographs in the image of a temptress succubus - we exchange our favorite pajamas for beautiful lingerie, cakes for strong black coffee, and remove toys from the frame altogether - and now we have a completely different picture.

If you have retro-style items stored in the attic or chests of your house, and you can arrange a pin-up style photo shoot in your apartment or with older relatives. IN home library or near bookcases there are also ideas for photography: you can choose the image of a sweet, intelligent girl or a stylish secretary. In the kitchen there are images of a rosy-cheeked housewife with delicious pastries and a mischievous cook in a short apron. Take a look around - in your home you can find many interesting ideas.

Long live bachelorette parties!

Do you think a bachelorette party is just the name of the party that the bride throws before the wedding? No, this is a whole storehouse of ideas for a photo shoot with friends at home . Take a pillow in one hand. In the other - a teddy bear. Dress code: pajamas. At the start, attention, into battle! Scatter feathers around your apartment, throw them into the air during a photo shoot to add dynamism to the frame!
Evaluate the interior of your apartment. Does it have elements of oriental style? Then we close up tight buns, put on silk robes or, if possible, a kimono, draw arrows, whiten our faces, order sushi. An evening with geishas is also original idea for a photo shoot.

Has your apartment not seen any renovation since the time it was inherited by your grandparents? No problem. We are organizing a photo shoot with the code name “Back to USSR”. Print dresses, bouffant hairstyles and shopping bags with groceries are welcome!

Have you recently renovated in a high-tech or minimalist style? Feel free to call a photographer and arrange a beauty photo shoot. Don't forget to practice your facial expressions - models on beauty shoots usually don't express anything, and this effect is not so easy to achieve.

Baby is wonderful

Children's photographs are great not only because they are incredibly cute - they allow you to immortalize all stages of your child's life. But in a photo studio, a child can get nervous from the abundance of strangers, equipment, flashes... To prevent this from happening, it is better to conduct children’s photo sessions at home. If you choose the right ideas for a baby photo shoot at home, you will get not only professional photos, but also a charge good mood and positivity, while having a great time with your child.

Invite him to play the role of your little assistant: let him, together with you in a mischievous chef's hat, prepare delicious pies. Or he will stand next to his mother to wash the dishes. Maybe he will share your favorite hobby with you?

If the child is still too small to help his mother, this is not a reason to give up the idea of ​​having a photo shoot with him. Sew or order couple suits - a cute home dress for yourself and booties for your baby, made from the same fabric, and arrange a couple shoot.

Or maybe your home lacks magic? Start a tradition of organizing a carnival photo shoot for yourself and your child every holiday: let him be dressed as Santa’s little helper or an elf from the North Pole for Christmas. For Easter, you can sew an Easter bunny costume, and for Knowledge Day, something like a school uniform or graduate hat. And from holiday to holiday, the size of carnival costumes will increase and increase, and in each subsequent photo you will be able to note how much your baby has grown during this period.


If you are just waiting for a new addition to the family, it is worth immortalizing this moment. In the future, you will be pleased to remember these weeks in anticipation of a miracle, and when the child grows up, it will be easier to accept the fact that he came from his mother’s tummy. Yes, yes, this one, in the photograph. Decorated with a gift ribbon like a gift. Or captured on an improvised “calendar” with the months counting down. First month, the tummy is not noticeable at all. Second, third, sixth... And now, instead of my mother’s big belly, a small charming man is looking at us from the photograph. Isn't it a great idea for a photo shoot? Invite the future dad to take part in the filming process: he can, for example, change emotions and poses next to you from photo to photo: here he is calmly smiling next to you in a photo of the first month of pregnancy, now he is openly surprised by the appearance of his belly in the fifth... Or maybe , does it inflate your belly until the baby comes?

Family photos: from generation to generation

Remember when cameras first began to appear, many families had a tradition of bringing all generations together to take a family photo? Everyone prepared carefully for the day of the shoot: they picked out costumes, did hairstyles, ironed collars. Looking at such photographs, you involuntarily think that they had (and have) much greater value than modern series of family photographs from holidays, walks, meetings... Isn’t this a wonderful idea for a family photo shoot at home - to make it so simple, but such a prepared and thoughtful shot in retro style? Find a suitable background at home, it could be heavy curtains or a plain wall. Tell your family and friends about the date and idea of ​​the shooting in advance. Choose your costumes. Believe me, these efforts will be pleasant. Ask the photographer not to shoot in fashionable styles and not to saturate the resulting photographs with post-processing - the result will not disappoint you.

And if you want to “fool around on camera” a little with your loved ones and at home, feel free to arrange photo sessions on a variety of topics. Play a pirate scene with your kids in the bathroom. Buy the Twister game and capture your loved ones in the most unexpected and comical poses. Arrange a New Year's photo shoot at New Year and “courageous-patriotic” on February 23. Take photos of the process of preparing and eating a family dinner or organize a shadow play one evening. The main thing is to learn to see ideas for photo shoots around you.

When your own ideas are not born for a long time, it can be useful to be inspired by others. Collect a collection of masterfully executed photos that you would like to repeat. Look through them and be sure to try to shoot some of them yourself.

Where is the novelty here, you ask? It's very simple: you most likely won't be able to recreate your favorite photo exactly, and that's absolutely normal. But there will be a wonderful author’s photo “based on it.” And in the process of working on a photograph, a completely new version of the borrowed plot may be born.

Photographer: Alexander Pyatiletov.

Remember that in the creativity of a beginner, other people’s ideas are almost the main thing. building material. You just need to be able to process them.

Method 2. Master the genre to perfection

Choose one photography genre you like and work only in it for a while. If you shoot landscapes every day, it is likely that your brain will get tired of the monotony and eventually give up completely. new idea. Switch to macro photography, nude photography or still life - whatever you like best. The main thing is to wait patiently for the “breakthrough”.

Method 3. Unleash life

Instead of intensely turning over in your mind ideas for photo shoots, you can let life itself offer you a great story.

Photographer: Irina Amosova.

As a rule, all the necessary costumes and props can be found bit by bit from friends. Feel free to ask and invite your friends to become the heroes of your photos. This way you will reduce shooting costs and attract new models to participate.

Method 8. Travel to another era

Take a closer look at your surroundings: perhaps there are faces around you that seem to have come to us from another time? For example, Dita von Teese is often called the face of another era. Agree, this actress suits images in the style of the 30-40s of the twentieth century much more than what is in fashion now. Perhaps you also have friends who would look perfect in antique-style photographs?

Photographer: Alexandra Aksentieva.

However, it is not necessary to go too far into the past. Think carefree hippies or 80s disco style. History generously provides ideas for photo shoots in a variety of guises. Relive the vivid experiences of the past in your photographs.

What if retro style doesn’t attract you, why not turn in the opposite direction - into the future? Embody your own ideas in the photo or look at some images from science fiction writers, as well as in films about future worlds.

The new era has not yet arrived, but has already cast a shadow in literature, cinema, and photography. Why not take advantage of this?

Method 9: Explain the process in detail

Devote the time of your photographic creativity to some process in its entirety. It can be interesting to photograph an artist who is painting a picture (about shooting pictures) or a craftsman working on some beautiful product, preparing dinner in the kitchen, a sporting event, a tournament of gamblers. Capture the mood of the participants, the scene, and the smallest details for dynamic, lively images.

Photographer: Karina Kiel.

Spend time with your camera, for example, at the poker table. Let your photos show cards and chips on green cloth, cool faces of players, stylish suits, a general environment with dim lighting and good furniture.

Don't miss a single detail so that the action of the game is revealed to the fullest in the photographs. Any other process can be presented in exactly the same way: right down to the way a cat plays with a ball (I wrote about how to photograph cats in this article). Ideas for photo shoots as much as interesting activities exists.

Method 10. Allow yourself a little madness

Nowadays, creativity is increasingly equated with weirdness. The crazier the idea you use in your creativity, the higher it is sometimes valued. So it’s time to break out of the framework of standard thinking and learn to think less seriously and adequately.

Photographer: Nikolai Tikhomirov.

Try experimenting with the location. Place your subject in a completely inappropriate environment. So, you can take a small aquarium with fish with you into the fresh air. A photo of an aquarium on the shore of a pond, for example, will be filled with an interesting semantic game.

Take household items into the forest or onto a busy avenue, and shoot typical street attributes in a cozy interior. Let reality become a little chaotic in your photos, the locations will change places.

A little craziness can be a great highlight of your creativity. Such experiments provide the photographer with much greater scope for self-expression than reality, which is stingy with miracles.

Photographer: Andrey Kezzin.

Now you know several roads along which fresh people come ideas for photo shoots. Hopefully writer's block won't be a problem anymore. You will always know what to do in anticipation of new ventures and where to look for original thoughts. If you have your own ways of finding inspiration, please write about them in the comments. Good luck!

So, you armed yourself with a camera, agreed with the model and are going to shoot an artistic portrait? Take note of these tips for filming in the city.

Some subjects just beg for a photo shoot, while others you didn’t even know about. We give you a dose of inspiration and ten best ideas about where to go for a portrait shoot in the city.

1. Alley

Let's start with the most obvious. Every city has parks, and in parks there are alleys. Take a closer look: the trees planted on both sides of the path are photogenic at any time of the year. Use long lenses to enhance the effect.

Henry's beautiful world © Zaneta Frenn

2. Cafe

We will not make a discovery if we write that the interior of a cafe can be used to reveal a variety of images and plots.

3. Subway

If your city has a subway, you're in luck. It is most convenient to conduct photo sessions without attracting too much attention late in the evening. And this is not the only type of transport that can be used for photo shoots.

4. Electric train

The train is also suitable for taking portraits. The main thing is to catch the morning or evening light. The only pity is that it usually falls during rush hour.

5. Train station or train station

Don't want to go? Take photos at the station. It’s better not to go out on the way, remember the fate of Anna Karenina.

6. Tram

The topic of transport does not end there. The tram is a very photogenic form of transport. Take advantage of this.

7. Library

You didn’t expect such a turn, but... There is an excellent reason to sign up for the library. Shelves with books are ideal for creating an artistic portrait. A bookstore is also good.

8. High-rise buildings

Even if your city has nothing but residential areas, it doesn’t matter. The rhythmic pattern of high-rise buildings will be a good background.
