Presentation on the topic of Dante Alighieri biography. Presentation on the topic "Dante" The Divine Comedy. I. Introductory speech of the teacher

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Dante Alighieri, (real name Durante Alighieri) (1265-1321) Italian poet and politician

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Born in Florence, in an aristocratic family. His ancestors took part in the Second Crusade. Almost nothing is known about Dante's father and mother, nor about the circumstances of his early youth. Dante received the usual education for that time, but he himself recognized it as insufficient.

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In 1274, that is, as a 9-year-old boy, he first met the daughter of a neighbor and friend of his father, Beatrice Portinari. Estimated portrait of BeatricePortinari

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Youthful love influenced all the work of Dante Alighieri. He has a fairly long life by medieval standards, a little over 50 years. And so, throughout its creative way he sang to Beatrice. However, both Dante and Beatrice found legitimate life partners. The poet's wife was the beautiful Italian GemmaDonati, and his muse married the wealthy signor Simon de Bardi. Nothing had changed in Dante's soul: his heart still belonged to Beatrice. However, the poet's beloved died unexpectedly at the age of 22. Alighiere was shocked. He decided to tell the world his love story, reflecting it in a short story "New Life".

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Alighieri's feelings, which have passed through the centuries, were noted in painting, music, poetry and dramaturgy.

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In 1291, Dante married Gemme Donati for political reasons. From this marriage there were seven children - six sons and a daughter. In 1302, Dante was accused in absentia of misappropriation of public money and sentenced to a fine. He moved to Rome, but he was found there too. The poet was sentenced to be burned for his political views. His property was confiscated. Long years of wandering began.

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Monument to Dante 1865 Florence. The work of the sculptor EnricoPazzi

Wandered around Italy. In 1308-1309 he moved to Paris. Here he was caught by the news that Emperor Henry VII was going on a campaign to Italy. Dante joined the emperor's troops, hoping to return to Florence with them, but his dream did not come true: the emperor suddenly died. The poet went to Ravenna, where he spent the last six years of his life with Prince Guido Novella da Polenta, the nephew of Francesca da Rimini, who was sung by him.

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The pinnacle of Dante's work was "Comedy", named with light hand Boccaccio's Divine Comedy.

The poem "The Divine Comedy" was created in 1321. Calling his work a "comedy", the writer characterized it as a poetic work written in the folk language with a frightening beginning and a happy ending. The poet Dante depicted the journey of himself in the other world. Dante is depicted holding a copy of The Divine Comedy next to the entrance to Hell, the seven terraces of the Mount of Purgatory, the city of Florence and the spheres of Heaven above, in a fresco by Domenicodi Michelino

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The Divine Comedy is extremely symmetrical. It breaks up into three parts: "Hell" (34 songs: 2 introductory and 32 describing hell, because there can be no harmony in it), "Purgatory" (33 songs), "Paradise" (33 songs). The poem is written in tertsina - stanzas, consisting of three lines. This penchant for certain numbers is due to the fact that Dante gave them a mystical interpretation. Since the number 3 is associated with the Christian idea of ​​the Trinity, the number 33 should remind of the years of the earthly life of Jesus Christ. In total, there are 100 songs in the Divine Comedy (the number 100 is a symbol of perfection). First page of the Divine Comedy

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According to Catholic tradition, in the afterlife there is hell - the place of condemned sinners, purgatory - a place where sinners atone for sins and paradise - the abode of the blessed. In the introductory song, the author tells how he got lost in the forest in the middle of his life's journey. The poet Virgil invited him on a journey through the underworld. Upon learning that Virgil was sent by Dante's deceased beloved Beatrice, he immediately agrees. Dante's meeting with Virgil and the beginning of their journey through the underworld (medieval miniature)

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Hell looks like a colossal funnel, consisting of concentric circles, the narrow end of which rests on the center of the earth. Having passed the threshold of hell, inhabited by the souls of insignificant, indecisive people, they enter the first circle of hell, the so-called limbo, where the souls of virtuous pagans reside, who have not known the true God, but who have approached this knowledge and have been delivered from hellish torments for that. Here Dante sees outstanding representatives of ancient culture - Aristotle, Euripides, Homer, etc.

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Next round filled with the souls of people who once indulged in unbridled passion, gluttons, forced to suffer from rain and hail, misers and spendthrifts, tirelessly rolling huge stones, angry, bogged down in a swamp. They are followed by heretics and heresiarchs engulfed in eternal flames, tyrants and murderers swimming in streams of boiling blood, suicides turned into plants, blasphemers and rapists burned by falling flames, deceivers of all kinds, whose torments are very diverse.

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Journey through the circles of hell

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    Finally, Dante enters the last, 9th circle of hell, intended for the most terrible criminals. Here is the abode of traitors and traitors, the greatest of them - Judas Iscariot, Brutus and Cassius - they are gnawed with their three mouths by Lucifer, an angel who once rebelled against God, the king of evil, doomed to imprisonment in the center of the earth. The description of the terrible appearance of Lucifer ends the last song of the first part of the poem.

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    The lord of the tormenting power Chest of ice raised half; And I'm closer in height to a giant, Than the hands of Lucifer to a giant; For this part, you yourself would have calculated, What is he all, gone with his body into the ice floe ... Cocytus jets of ice to the bottom. Six eyes sharpened tears, and bloody saliva flowed from three mouths. All three of them tormented, as they ruffled, According to the sinner; so, on each side, one, three of them languished.

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    Having passed a narrow corridor connecting the center of the earth with the second hemisphere, Dante and Virgil come to the surface of the earth. There, in the middle of the island surrounded by the ocean, a mountain rises in the form of a truncated cone - purgatory, like hell, consisting of a series of circles that narrow as they approach the top of the mountain. The angel guarding the entrance to purgatory lets Dante into the first circle of purgatory, having previously drawn seven Ps (Peccatum - sin), that is, a symbol of the seven deadly sins, on his forehead with a sword.

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    As Dante rises higher and higher, bypassing one circle after another, these letters disappear, so that when Dante, having reached the top of the mountain, enters the "earthly paradise" located on the top of the latter, he is already free from the signs inscribed by the guardian of purgatory. The circles of the latter are inhabited by the souls of sinners atoning for their sins. Here the proud are cleansed, forced to bend under the burden of weights pressing their backs, envious, angry, negligent, greedy, etc. Virgil brings Dante to the gates of paradise, where he, as he who did not know baptism, has no access.

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    In the earthly paradise, Virgil is replaced by Beatrice, seated on a chariot drawn by a vulture (an allegory of the triumphant church); she prompts Dante to repentance, and then lifts him, enlightened, to heaven.

    Plurality of Meanings in the "Divine Comedy"

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    Final questions:

    What is the name of the period of Dante's life when he creates the Divine Comedy? What tragic circumstance in Dante's life gave impetus to writing the work under study? What is the main number in Dante's Divine Comedy? How many circles of hell does Dante depict? What is the multiplicity of meanings in the Divine Comedy?

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    Dante Alighieri, the great poet and thinker, a harbinger of the Renaissance, was born in Florence in 1265. He came from a noble Roman family who participated in the founding of Florence. In Dante's hometown basic education, and then continued his studies at the Faculty of Law of the University of Bologna. In Bologna, Dante met many poets of that time, Guido Gvinicelli, the founder of the so-called "sweet style" in poetry, had a strong influence on him. A new style assumed the free expression of the feelings and experiences of the poet, the breadth of the use of words, the general accessibility of the language of new poetry. After returning to Florence, Dante participated in the battle of Campaldino, which was won by the Florentines, then engaged in political activity. In 1302, Dante was expelled from Florence and never returned to his native city. He traveled in Italy, lived and taught in Paris for some time. The last few years the poet lived in Ravenna, where he died in 1321. The turning point in Dante's life and work was his meeting with Beatrice. They saw each other for the first time at a party when Dante was nine years old and Beatrice was eight. From that time on, Amor took possession of the poet's heart, but Beatrice dies at the age of twenty-four, and Dante carries love for her through his whole life and sings of her in his grandiose work, the Divine Comedy.

    Grave of Beatrice Portinari. Dante carried his love for Beatrice through his whole life and sang it in sonnets. Beatrice died at the age of 25. And the color of love and the goodness of regret Your mourning face has shown me more than once. He shone with such mercy, That on earth I find no comparison.

    In this great work, Dante set himself the goal: to really help people cope with the fear of death. This task was extremely relevant at that time: the soul of a medieval person was torn by horror before hellish torments. In this great work, Dante set himself the goal: to really help people cope with the fear of death. This task was extremely relevant at that time: the soul of a medieval person was torn by horror before hellish torments.

    Gustave Doré Doré (Louis Christophe Paul Gustave Doré) is a famous French illustrator, painter, sculptor and engraver (). For eight years () he worked on illustrations for Dante's Divine Comedy, which are still considered one of the best to this day. Dore's engravings are imbued with drama. The artist, through well-chosen motifs of the surrounding landscape and lighting, especially masterfully gave picturesque engravings.

    Illustrations by Blake William English poet, artist, illustrator (). To complete the illustrations for Dante's poem, Blake, at the age of 67, begins to study Italian. Before he died, Blake managed to engrave 7 of the 102 drawings. 69 of them illustrated the songs of "Hell", 20 "Purgatory", 10 "Paradise" and 3 more without specifying the song.

    This composition illustrates the 29th song of Purgatory. On the right side, Dante (dressed in red) is depicted looking towards the Garden of Eden. Beatrice, the beloved of the poet, rides through the garden on a magnificent chariot drawn by a griffin, surrounded by the spirits of the four evangelists (to the left of Beatrice we see images that are somewhat similar to the heads of an eagle (John) and a calf (Luke), to the right of an angel (Matthew) and a lion (Mark) The three women standing on the ground represent Faith (in white), Hope (in green) and Mercy (in red).

    The painting depicts the second circle of hell, where the souls of great lovers are: Semiramis, Cleopatra, Achilles, Helen, Paris, Tristan. Separately from the others, in a curl of a whirlwind, the souls of Francesca da Rimini and Paolo are placed. Above Dante's head, in a radiant sphere, is the symbol of the immortal kiss. Diagonal composition gives the scene a special expressiveness. The feeling of the infinity of the vortex is created due to the fact that the artist places the beginning and end of the flow outside the image.
