Entertainment "Gatherings" in the preparatory group. Evening of riddles “Golden Autumn Evening of riddles for the senior group

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

Riddles came to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

They planted a large vegetable garden,

The harvest was great.

Guess what, guys?

What was growing in our garden?

1. No windows, no doors,

The room is full of people.

(to the music “Like ours at the gate,” the “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

2. The red maiden sits in prison, and the braid is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins around, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

3. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins around, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

4. Friends, I am proud for a reason.

From above I am green, hard,

But inside, it’s more fun than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat down in a circle.

1- “grow” and spin,

2- “heel” and spinning,

3- Walk in a circle, holding hands, and sit on the children’s chairs.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

A competition is being held “Who can name the most riddles.” For each riddle, children receive a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Leading: Now kids, it’s time for us to play.

Competition games:

1. “Bring the ball in a spoon”

2. “Bring a tablet on your head.”

There is a knock. The Riddle Grandmother appears.


Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

Did you recognize me?

Children: No!


How can that be?

I am the Riddle Grandmother.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn’t know Uncle Styopa.

Everyone knows Uncle Styopa.


Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

I was once... (a sailor)

That he once lived a long time ago

At the Ilyich outpost.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa...(tower).

And in this book there is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these name days

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Almost killed her

But to the insidious villain

Someone cut off the head. (“The clattering fly”).

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home.

Well, guess and answer quickly

The name of this fairy tale is… (“Masha and the Bear”)

Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout to them: “Where? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

Out of frustration and shame.

But everything ends well,

Everything returns to its place.

Everyone has forgiven the culprit,

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not get them dirty and wash them often. (“Fedorino’s grief”)

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It contains a rich mistress

Lived happily

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned to the ground. ("Cat's House")

Didn't tremble before the wolf

I ran away from the bear.

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (“Kolobok”)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, come up to him and come back, walk in a circle, and the “gingerbread man grows” (gradually stands up). When the music ends, the children stop.

Kolobok, Kolobok,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing opposite the “Kolobok”): But you can’t get away from me, Kolobok! “Kolobok” runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.


Well done guys, they solved the riddles well.

(The riddle grandmother treats the children with sweets.)





for children 5-6 years old

Children enter the hall to cheerful music.


Good evening! Good evening!

This evening is not simple, but special.

Riddles came to visit us.

Try to guess them.

First listen to my riddles.

They planted a large vegetable garden,

The harvest was great.

Guess what, guys?

What was growing in our garden?

  1. No windows, no doors,

The room is full of people.

(to the music “Like ours at the gate,” the “cucumber” enters, spins and bows)

  1. The red maiden sits in prison, and the scythe is on the street.

(the “carrot” enters, spins around, bows and stands next to the “cucumber”)

  1. A hundred clothes and all without fasteners.

(the “cabbage” enters, spins around, bows and stands next to the “carrot”)

  1. Friends, I am proud for a reason.

From above I am green, hard,

But inside, it’s more fun than the dawn.

(the “watermelon” enters, spins, bows and stands next to the “cabbage”)

Dance of "vegetables"

Before the start, the “vegetables” sat down in a circle.

  1. "grow" and spin,
  2. “heel” and spinning,
  3. They walk in a circle, holding hands, and sit on the children’s chairs.

Leading: And now I will listen to your riddles.

A competition is being held “Who can name the most riddles.” For each riddle, children receive a chip. The one with the most chips wins.

Leading: Now kids, it’s time for us to play.

Competition games:

  1. “Bring the ball in a spoon”
  2. “Bring the tablet on your head.”

There is a knock. The Riddle Grandmother appears.


Hello guys!

I hear laughter in your hall.

Did you recognize me?

Children: No!


How can that be?

I am the Riddle Grandmother.

I brought you riddles.

And the riddles are not simple, but literary.

Do you know everything about Uncle Styopa?

Host: Who doesn’t know Uncle Styopa.

Everyone knows Uncle Styopa.


Everyone knows that Uncle Styopa

I was once... (a sailor)

That he once lived a long time ago

At the Ilyich outpost.

And what was his nickname?

Uncle Styopa...(tower).

And in this book there is a name day.

There were many guests there.

And on these name days

Suddenly a villain appeared.

He wanted to kill the owner

Almost killed her

But to the insidious villain

Someone cut off the head. (“The clattering fly”).

Girl sitting in a basket

Behind the bear's back.

Without knowing it himself,

He carries her home.

Well, guess and answer quickly

The name of this fairy tale is… (“Masha and the Bear”)

Oh-oh-oh! Oh-oh-oh!

There's such a commotion here

Everyone is running, rushing, jumping.

They shout to them: “Where? Where?"

Well, someone is crying bitterly

Out of frustration and shame.

But everything ends well,

Everything returns to its place.

Everyone has forgiven the culprit,

It's bad to be without a hostess.

And she promised them.

Do not get them dirty and wash them often. (“Fedorino’s grief”)

And now about someone's house

Let's start a conversation.

It contains a rich mistress

Lived happily

But trouble came unexpectedly

This house burned to the ground. ("Cat's House")

Didn't tremble before the wolf

I ran away from the bear.

And the fox's teeth

Still got caught... (“Kolobok”)

Game "Kolobok". Children stand in a circle, and a bun sits in the middle. Children, accompanied by cheerful music, come up to him and come back, walk in a circle, and the “gingerbread man grows” (gradually stands up). When the music ends, the children stop.


Kolobok, Kolobok,

You left your grandfather

You left your grandmother.

Child (standing opposite the “Kolobok”): But you can’t get away from me, Kolobok! “Kolobok” runs out of the circle, the child tries to catch up with him, running one circle.


Well done guys, they solved the riddles well.

(The riddle grandmother treats the children with sweets.)

This holiday is dedicated to the national holiday Erofey-leshegon ,

Historical background
According to legend, an evil spirit expelled from the village into the forest in September sank underground until spring, trying to do a final mischief to people. Therefore, on Goblin Day we tried not to go into the forest.
Phonograms of the play “October” by P.I. Tchaikovsky, the howling of the wind, steps on autumn leaves, the song “It’s fun to walk together...” by V. Shainsky; body for Alyonushka; pictures depicting mushrooms - honey mushrooms, fly agaric, boletus, russula, chanterelles; 4 baskets, an equal number of wooden mushrooms made of counting material, red, yellow and blue balls; 4 chairs-houses for hares; sun and fox masks.
The hall is an autumn forest - fir trees, trees (props), yellow and red leaves lie on the floor near them. Along one wall are cards with pictures of mushrooms.
Children enter the hall to the play “October” by P.I. Tchaikovsky from the cycle “The Seasons” and take their seats.
Every day the wind is sharper
Tearing leaves from branches in the forest...
Every day it’s early evening,
And everything gets brighter later.
The sun hesitates, as if
No strength to rise...
That's why the morning rises
Above ground almost noon.
I. Maznin
Song about autumn (optional)
A soundtrack of rustling leaves underfoot sounds. Alyonushkas enters the hall in a box and greets the guys.
Leading. Where are you going, Alyonushka?
Pick mushrooms in the forest.
After all, I love waves
More than anyone else in the world.
They grow under the birch trees,
They grow under the aspen trees,
Mushroom pickers are eagerly awaited.
And sometimes in autumn
With bodies, with boxes
We'll go to the forest to pick mushrooms.
N. Lopatina
Leading. Alyonushka, don’t go into the forest today. After all, today is the reserved Lesha day. If you get caught by Leshy, he will drag you underground with him.
Alyonushka. These are all superstitions. I'm not afraid of anyone or anything!
Leading. At least put your blouse on inside out so that Leshy doesn’t recognize you. Everything is topsy-turvy for him, so he will accept you as one of his own and let you go home.
Alyonushka. Here's more! I'll start dressing funny! I'm not a slob. Will you guys go into the forest with me?
Children. Yes!
Alyonushka. Then get up and get ready to go!
Motor exercises to the song “It’s fun to walk together...” by V. Shainsky
Alyonushka. Here we are in the forest.
You, bor-borok,
Give me boxes of berries,
A box of mushrooms,
A bag of nuts!
Russian folk saying
The wind howls. Leshy appears.
Who's walking here?
Is he collecting my mushrooms?
It's me, Alena.
Salty mushroom for you!
I'll grab you
I won't let you go home,
I'll drag you underground!
The goblin grabs Alyonushka. She begins to wail.
Alyonushka. Why did I go into the forest, I didn’t listen to my elders! Grandfather Leshachok, please let me go. How will my grandparents live without me? My ones are old - they won’t bring water, and they won’t store firewood. (Cries.)
Leshy. The dampness has spread! I really don't like women's tears. Okay, so be it, if you guess my forest riddles, I will let you go.
Alyonushka. Can the guys help me? Leshy. Okay, let them guess too. I'm kind today. Listen and think! (Make riddles.)
I found them in the forest,
And now I’m taking it home.
You see - a complete basket.
We will fry them with potatoes. (Mushrooms.)
L. Wenger
And now the task becomes more complicated: you must not only name the mushroom that I will tell you about, but also find it.
The goblin asks riddles, the children name the mushroom and choose the corresponding picture.
In the forest on a meadow Rotten stumps.
And on each of them
There are many dashing brothers. (Honey mushrooms.)
V. Khesin

Here's someone important
On a little white leg,
He has a red hat
There are polka dots on the hat. (Fly agaric.)
N. Pikuleva

You keep wandering, wandering through the forest,
The web is like a curtain.
Bent down a little - you see instantly
White, strong... (boletus).

So noticeable on the path
And in the grass. All white-legged.
In different hats. Well, don't hesitate!
Collect... (russula).

Under the fallen leaves
The mushrooms hid together.
Very cunning sisters
These yellow ones... (chanterelles).
I see you know mushrooms. But do you know what berries grow in our northern forests?
Children. Lingonberries, blueberries, blueberries, cloudberries, cranberries...
Alyonushka. Let's, guys, collect berries and mushrooms for Leshy, let him dry and cook them.
Game "Collect mushrooms and berries"
4 children are participating. Everyone holds a basket. Wooden mushrooms made of counting material and balls of different colors in equal quantities are scattered on the floor. Children, on command, begin to collect “mushrooms” and “berries” in baskets. One child collects mushrooms, the second - red balls (“cranberries”), the third — yellow (“cloudberries”), the fourth — blue (“blueberries”). The child who completes the task first wins.
Leshy. Leshachok was respected. I’ll pickle the mushrooms, dry the berries and make jam. Now listen to my new riddle.
He came, filled the tubs,
I diligently watered the beds,
Noisily he washed the windows,
I danced on the porch.
Wandered around the roof to my heart's content
And he walked through the puddles into the field. (Rain.)
L. Sandler
Song about rain (optional)
Goblin. And I remembered one more riddle.
We all like it
Without him we cry.
And as soon as it appears -
We look away and hide:
It's very bright
And it's hot and hot. (Sun.)
I. Maznin
Russian folk game"Sun"
Children stand around “Sun” and sing:
Bucket sun, Hand in hand, the children walk
Look out the window in a circle. "Sunny" circle
Shine a little light! lives in the center.
The sun is shining They stop and show their flashlights.
The kids said: “Sunny” performs a “spring”.
- And play in the field, The words "sunshine".
Jump free.
Leshukonsky Arkhangelsk district region
Children and “Sunny” jump scattered around the hall (random jumps - on two legs, on one leg, hops, etc.). The presenter says loudly: “Tuchka!” Children should quickly stand in a circle near the “Sun”.
Goblin. Now I’ll check if you remember what animals live in our forest. (Make riddles.)
Will climb into the garden
And let's go over the garden bed
Stuff your mouth with cabbage
Sneaking carrots:
Will gnaw for an hour or two
And he flies home like an arrow. (Hare.)
I. Maznin
Who is the biggest in the forest?
Who is rich and wears fur?
Who's in the den until spring
Does he dream day and night? (Bear.)
V. Stepanov
The gray robber is brave and angry.
He almost ate a goat yesterday.
Fortunately, Tuzik and Trezorka
They watch the flock vigilantly.
I barely dragged my legs
Seasoned from dogs... (wolf).
G. Ladonshchikov
This red-haired cheat
And insidious and cunning.
He catches fast hares deftly,
Chicken steals from the yard.
And profit from mice
The nimble one loves... (fox).
G. Ladonshchikov
Musical game “Hares and Fox” by A. Maykapar
All the riddles have been solved.
I don’t remember a single one!
Keep your promise
Let me go home.
I'll let you go, but lastly
Make me laugh.
Will you cheer me up?
Answer, children!
Prepare your ears quickly.
We'll sing ditties now!
1. We do not hide addresses,
We are from Arkhangelsk,
You know and I know
Why are our lands famous?

2. Razdolny tundras,
Yes, coniferous forests,
Yes, free meadows,
Yes, with lively songs.

3. Box full of blueberries
We'll bring it from the forest,
If it seems a little to you -
We'll also go into the forest.

4. Don’t go, girls, into the forest,
Mosquitoes bite
And for those who are the most beautiful,
They rush more than anyone else.

5. Our boys walk proudly
They will lift their nose higher,
That's why russula
They won't find it under the bush.

6. The girls went for raspberries
Yes, and we got lost,
How they saw the bear
They immediately rushed home.

7. Along the perky forests
The sun is smiling
Our northern ditties
They soar to the skies.
Goblin. You made me laugh, Leshenka! So be it, Alyonushka, I’m letting you go home. Just remember: don’t go into the forest on Lesha Day! I’m so kind today, and next time I won’t feel sorry for you. And as soon as I hear the rooster crow, I will fall underground and hide from the winter and cold. Only in the spring will I get out into the world.
Leading. In my opinion, guys, it’s time for us to hide Leshy underground, otherwise he’ll change his mind and take Alyonushka with him.
Children crow. The goblin screams “falls underground” (runs away). The children leave the hall with Alyonushka.

Abstract. Evening of riddles in the senior group “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us”

Description of material: I offer you a summary of an evening of riddles for children of the older group (5-6 years old) on the topic “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us.” This material will be useful to teachers of senior groups, parents, and students of pedagogical colleges. This summary is aimed at expanding and enriching children's knowledge about surrounding objects and their word formation.

Summary of the evening of riddles “Postman Pechkin is in a hurry to visit us.”

Integration of educational areas: “Socialization”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Artistic creativity”.

Target: continue to expand and enrich children’s knowledge about surrounding objects, the name of which consists of two simple words.


Educational: Form an idea of ​​complex words and their formation from two simple ones.

Educational: Develop logical thinking, the ability to solve riddles and justify your answer, draw conclusions.

Speech: Develop coherent speech, express your thoughts consistently, enrich your vocabulary: russula, plumbing, glass cutter.

Educational: To cultivate interest in the objects around us and a caring attitude towards them.

Demo material: Illustrations depicting answers, 7 cards with numbers from 1 to 7 (the letters MOLDTSY are written on the back), a children's scooter, a parcel, a table with a samovar.

Methodical techniques: Game technique, conversation-dialogue, examination of illustrations, encouragement, summing up - reading the word “well done”, physical education for attention “Commanders”, choral and individual pronouncing of words, drinking tea.


There is a knock on the door.

Educator. Guys, we have a guest.

The postman Pechkin (disguised as a teacher) rides in on a scooter.

Pechkin. Hello guys. Do you recognize me? I came to you on a transport that rolls itself (demonstrates.) How can it be called in one word? (scooter)

That's right, this complex word consists of two simple words, repeat these words in chorus.

Well done. They sent me a package with riddles, but I can’t solve a single one. Help please. (takes out illustrations-guesses from the parcel, lays them out on the table reverse side, draws the children’s attention to the fact that there are numbers written here, and on the other side there is a secret, we will see it if we guess the riddle).

Educator. I also have numbers (1-7), (places them on the board in order)

There is also a secret under them, we will see it at the end of the evening.

Pechkin. Guys, what number do you want to solve the riddle? (children walk around the table and choose a card with any number themselves - they call 3)

Pechkin is reading.

I am related to Moydodyr,

Open me up, open me up.

And cold water

I'll wash you quickly. (Plumbing)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Well done, you solved the riddle (turns over the sheet and shows a picture of a water pipe).

What words did you use to make up the word “plumbing”? (conducts water)

Educator. You have guessed the riddle number 3, let's open it on the board (turn over the card - there is the letter L).

Pechkin. What number do we use to solve the riddle? (at the request of children -1)

Pechkin is reading.

They stuffed her mouth with meat,

And she chews it

Chews and chews and never stops

And he puts it on a plate. (Meat grinder)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Correct (shows a picture of a meat grinder.) Name 2 simple words(chops meat)..

Educator. You have guessed the riddle, open the number 1 (M)

Pechkin. Walk around the table and choose the next riddle. (children choose 6).

On the mirror skating rink,

On the only skate

He took a ride once

And the whole skating rink fell apart. (Glass cutter)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin. Well done! guessed the riddle (shows a picture).

Educator. You have guessed the riddle number 6. Turn it over (C)

Pechkin. I suggest playing the game “Commanders”. Hear this word - complete the task that I tell you. If you don't hear it, don't do it. I'll see how attentive you are. Please stand in a circle.

Commanders, hands up, (execute)

Commanders, clapped their hands, (execute)

Stomp your foot (do not perform.) You can give up to 8 tasks.

You were attentive. What riddle are we solving now? (2)

We have a robot in our apartment,

He has a huge trunk.

The robot loves cleanliness

And it hums like a TU airliner. (Vacuum cleaner)

Pechkin. Right. Name 2 simple words (dust sucks), (shows a picture).

Educator. You have guessed the riddle, open the card (letter o)

Pechkin. What number do we use to solve the riddle? (children choose the number 7)

I'll scream, I'll scream,

I'll fly under the sky. (Helicopter)

The children are reasoning.

Pechkin praises the children and shows them a picture.

Pechkin. What words does this compound word consist of? (twirls and flies).

The teacher opens the card on the board under number 7.(s)

Pechkin offers to solve the following riddle. (5)

Without asking the ford,

I boldly climb into the water -

At every depth

Only up to my waist. (Motor ship)

Children's reasoning.

Pechkin praises the children and shows them a picture of the answer and asks them to name 2 simple words.

The teacher opens card No. 5 (D) on the board.

Pechkin. I myself will guess the last riddle under the number 4.

Who, on the shore of a couple clubbing,

Blowing smoke from a pipe,

Carrying himself forward

And me too? (Locomotive)

Gives the wrong answer, the children correct it.

The teacher opens the last letter and invites the children to read the word that appears on the board “well done.”

Pechkin. Thanks guys for your help. You are attentive, smart, diligent, and helped me solve the riddles.

The teacher draws the children's attention to the table where the samovar stands and invites everyone to tea.

These riddles can be used next time.

Floats quickly in the sky,

Overtaking the birds in flight,

Man controls it.

What is it?.. (Airplane)

I remove the snow

Not with a shovel, not with a broom,

And with an iron hand. (Snowplow)

Across rivers, across mountains

We hear music and conversation.

Helped us hear them

This miracle is a chest. (Radio)

In the morning we go to the yard -

Leaves are falling like rain,

They rustle underfoot

And they fly, fly, fly. (Leaf fall)

Near the forest on the edge,

GCD for familiarization with fiction and folklore.

Topic: Literary lounge “Evening of mysteries.”

Target: introduce children to the history of riddles;

develop logical thinking, memory, speech and creativity.

Tasks:consolidate with children the concept of “riddle”, ideas about the genre features of riddles; learn to comprehend riddles; develop the ability to listen to each other; develop the ability and desire to write riddles, interest in genres fiction, word creation.

Vocabulary work: riddle - small literary work, genre x/l, antiquity.

Material: illustrations depicting the life of people in the old days, a candle, a selection of riddles, envelopes with riddles.


Children with a teacher are in front of a screen on which pictures appear as the story progresses ( illustrations depicting the life of people in the old days) , slides.

1. Organization.

Educator:Guys, look what book I found in our closet. How bright and beautiful she is. Listen to what is printed in it. (Reading riddles). What I read to you now (Riddles). Right.

Although I’m still small, of course,
I racked my brains for a while,
And then she came - the answer.
It was good... (RIDDLE).

Educator:Children, what is a riddle?

Children: Mystery - this is a problem that needs to be solved. The subject of the riddle is not named, but its signs, actions and purpose are given, by which you need to find the answer.

Educator:Yes, you are right, a riddle is a problem that needs to be solved, and it is also a small-form literary work - a genre of fiction, describing objects or phenomena that contain a task or question. To guess a riddle means to find a solution to a problem, to answer a question, that is, to perform a rather complex mental operation.

Do you know how the mystery arose? Tell me? (children's answers) Oh, if you want, I’ll tell you the story of the riddle and even show you a little.

Teacher's story: A long time ago, people began to create riddles. To compose riddles and solve them, people needed to observe a lot of the world around them (objects and objects, various phenomena). The riddle developed people's powers of observation and taught them to think. In ancient times, people used the riddle as one of the techniques of the secret language to hide their thoughts, to protect their home, their family, their livestock, and tools from “evil spirits.” Hunters, cattle breeders, and farmers resorted to secret speech. They called tools and animals not with words you know, but with riddles, that is, with an intricate description that had to be deciphered (guessed). The content of the riddles reflected the life of a person, the reality surrounding him: plant and fauna, natural phenomena, objects of labor, everyday life, etc.

Without arms, without legs, leaning in all directions.

(Cradle) Slide

Twisted, tied up, dancing around the hut.

( Broom.) Slide

With the development of man, his life has changed, it has become richer and more diverse. The riddles have also changed; they tell about the achievements of human culture and their way of life.

If I see dust, I’ll grumble,

I'll growl and swallow.

(Vacuum cleaner) Slide

Musician, singer, storyteller,

And just a circle and a box.

(Tape recorder) Slide

There are no wings, but it's a bird

It will fly and land on the moon.

(Rocket) Slide

Educator:Guys, what kind of riddles are there?

Children:There are different riddles. Some are short, one line, some are in the form of poetry. Folk and literary. About objects, about natural phenomena, about animals, about plants, about professions.

Educator:You're right. At the same time, in each riddle the object is not named, and you have to guess what it is about. To make it easy to guess, the riddle says what the object looks like, or it is called with such an apt word that you immediately understand what it is.

Soft, but not fluffy.

Green, but not grass.

Animals eat, but not berries (Moss)

Hey, bells, blue color -

With a tongue, but no ringing. (Bells)

Who has one leg

And even that one without a shoe. (Mushroom)

And also in riddles they compare the object with others. For example: Oval, but not egg. Brown, but not a potato. Rough, but not bark. It grows on the cedar, but not a needle. (Cone)

What is this? Right. How did you guess?

Physical exercise “Show me the answer”

Children, I will tell you a riddle, and you will show the answer with your movements:

1. In summer he wanders without a road

Near the pines and birches,

And in winter he sleeps in a den,

Hides your nose from the frost (bear).

2. Jump-jump, jump-jump,

Long ear - white side. (hare).

3. The tail is fluffy, the fur is bright,

And insidious and cunning.

The animals know everything in the forest

Bright red... (fox).

4. Moved by the flower

All four petals.

I wanted to rip it off -

He took off and flew away. (butterfly).

5. He tells everyone to dance

Will make you sing songs.

He makes everyone happy

Doesn't know how tired he is.

He has lived with us for centuries,

Friendly, noisy...( round dance)

Holding hands, we dance in a circle, stop and talk in a circle.

Educator:Children, tell me what time of year it is now?

Children: Autumn.

Educator:And, you know, in the autumn in the distant past there were “mystery evenings”, which were usually held after the completion of agricultural work, i.e., harvesting. In the evenings, whole families sat down, lit a candle, and the elders asked the younger ones various riddles: about people, clothes, houses, household items, tools, field work, natural phenomena. Such evenings were lessons of folk wisdom. These lessons helped children and teenagers acquire knowledge while having fun and taught them to be observant.

So today we will spend such an evening with you - “Evening of Riddles” in our literary living room.

Children and their teacher go to the “round table” (the tables are arranged in a semicircle) and take their seats.

Each child has an envelope containing a riddle that he came up with at home with his parents.

Literary lounge “Evening of mysteries” (with a lit candle).

Educator:Dear children, today in our literary living room we will puzzle and solve the riddles that you came up with with your parents at home. And then, we will put your riddles in the album “Mysterious Teremok”, which we started filling out last week.

1. "Homework - riddles about animals."

Educator:Children, which of you wants to be the first to tell us your riddle?

Children take turns going to the teacher’s table and asking their riddle, and the rest guess it.

2. Compilation of the album “Mysterious Tower”.

Educator:I think now we can put your riddles in our album “Mysterious Tower”.

Lesson summary:Conversation – reasoning “What are the benefits of riddles”

Educator:Well done, you did a good job. What did we do today? Children, what is a riddle? What are the riddles? Children, what do you think is the use of riddles?

Children's answers.

Children, did you like coming up with riddles?

I have a proposal for you, let's continue to come up with riddles based on diagrams and pictures, and we will also put them in ouralbum “Mysterious Teremok”, which we will now have in our book corner and will be replenished with your help.

Leisure “Evening of mysteries”(PRODG. GROUP)

Goal: To consolidate children's knowledge about natural phenomena in autumn, the names of vegetables, fruits, berries and mushrooms.

Develop visual and tactile sensations.

Cultivate endurance, attention, perseverance.

Material. A wonderful bag with dummies of vegetables, a tree with riddles, pictures of mushrooms, coloring pages autumn theme, crossword.

Literature used. "500 best poems and songs for children's parties" O.A. Novikovskaya, "Material for classes on speech development" T.I. Podrezova.


Today, children, we will hold an “Evening of Riddles” together on an autumn theme. Be attentive and patient. I suggest rhyming for warming up.

We, friends, will ask each other: What has come today?...(autumn).

Autumn, autumn - bad weather. Puddles right at ... (threshold).

There are puddles on the threshold, take care... (legs).

A cloud, like a bird, across the sky... (rushes).

Autumn, autumn the leaves are falling, the leaves are yellow...(flying).

The wind blows, blows, the sun clouds... (closes).

It's been raining since morning -

Autumn is sad...(time).

Guess riddles about natural phenomena in autumn.

  1. Falling from the branches

Gold coins (autumn leaves).

  1. A bird flies across the blue sky.

Spread her wings -

Got the sun (cloud).

  1. Large, fractional, frequent

And the whole earth was wet (rain).

  1. It is unknown where he lives.

It swoops in and bends the trees.

If he whistles, there will be tremors along the river.

You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop! (Wind)

  1. Milk floated over the river,

Nothing was visible.

The milk has dissolved -

It became visible far away (Fog).

  1. They fly without wings

They run without legs

Without a sail they float (Clouds).

Well done! You know the signs of autumn very well. Let's continue further. You all know that the harvest is harvested in the fall. Now we will visit the garden.

The teacher reads rhymes.

Who cleverly hid in the ground? This is a red...(carrot).

The ground was wet from the rains. Born today... (beets).

He who ate without bread will experience a lot of torment... (onion).

Here's a green guy, he's called ... (cucumber).

Is there a traffic light in the garden? This is red...(tomato).

Settled firmly into the ground. Golden...(turnip).

Educator. Now we will play the game “Find the answer” (in a wonderful bag there are dummies of vegetables, children find the answer by touch).


  1. I don't upset anyone

Small, bitter,

And I make everyone cry (Luk).

  1. For the curly tuft

I dragged the fox out of the hole.

To the touch - very smooth,

Tastes like sweet sugar (Carrot).

  1. Luke's brother (Garlic).
  2. What they dug out of the ground,

They fried and cooked.

What we baked in the ashes

They ate and praised (Potato)

  1. Green calves

Tied to the garden bed (Cucumbers).

  1. Like in our garden

Mysteries have grown -

Juicy and large,

They're so round.

In summer they turn green -

By autumn they turn red (Tomato).

  1. Not a book, but with leaves (Cabbage).

Educator. Well done! And you successfully completed this task! Now, listen carefully and count the vegetables

The hostess came from the market one day,

The hostess brought home from the market:





Parsley and beets.

Oh!.. (you can bend your fingers)

F/m – let’s all clap 6 times,

We'll drown everything 6 times,

Let's all sit down 6 times,

Let's stand together 6 times.

Educator. We visited the garden, we'll go to the garden soon.

The teacher reads rhymes.

  1. This is our pear, you... (eat it).
  2. It’s very, very sour, it’s called...(lemon).
  3. I know: in my garden

Ripe apples...(I’ll find them).

  1. The plum is blue and smooth, but inside is so... (sweet).
  2. I only need one

Sweet, juicy...(orange).

  1. Monkeys love sweets...(bananas).
  2. A sweet cargo has arrived
  3. It's called...(watermelon).

The teacher draws the children’s attention to a tree drawn on whatman paper and reads the poem “Miracle Tree.”

Like ours at the gate

Miracle - the tree grows

Not the leaves on it,

Not flowers on it,

And magic balls with riddles.

  1. It is juicy and fragrant,

And the outside is golden.

There are many lobes in it, friends,

For you and for me (Orange).

  1. The kids tore it off

Blue cones.

The cones are smooth,

Sweet inside (Plums).

  1. Scarlet, small

With cane and pit (Cherry).

  1. Round. Rumyanoe

I will get (Apple) from the tree.

  1. The leaves are dense and varnished,

The fruits are yellow and tasty,

Eat it quickly.

Ripe means...(pear)

  1. Little black striped one,

And in the middle is something sweet (Watermelon).

Educator. All the riddles were solved. Well done! I have prepared a crossword puzzle for you, we will solve it together now. Crossword about berries.

F/m The children walked, walked, walked,

White mushroom found

One fungus, two fungi, three fungi,

They put it in the box. (Children imitate the movements of a mushroom picker)

At first I’ll be small, I’ll snuggle up to my knees.

Then I will grow big and reach the lamp. (Perform appropriate movements)

Educator. Children, now let’s play the game “Say a Word.”

  1. Red sisters are growing in the forest...(chanterelles).
  2. I'm growing up in a red cap

Under the slender aspen tree,

You'll recognize me a mile away

My name is... (boletus).

  1. These friendly guys

They grow on a stump in the forest.

They call them... (honey mushrooms).

  1. Among the young pines

In a shiny dark hat

A fungus is growing...(oil can).

  1. Near the forest on the edge,

Decorating the dark forest,

He grew up as colorful as Parsley,

Poisonous...(fly agaric).

  1. I love wearing different hats -

Now in yellow, now in greenish,

Either in red or grayish.

Collect, don’t hesitate, this is...(russula).

  1. Gray hats,

Speckled legs.

They grow under a birch tree.

What are their names?...(boletus mushrooms).

  1. On a thick white leg

Brown hat.

Surely any mushroom picker

He dreams of finding... (boletus).

  1. Grow on the edge

Red-haired girlfriends

And their names are...(volnushki).

Well done! You are very good at solving riddles. Autumn brings you autumn coloring pages.
