Baba Yaga congratulations at the New Year's corporate party. New Year's scenario for adults “New Year in the company of Baba Yaga. Merry New Year's competitions with the participation of Baba Yaga

Shooter can't stop running
And it's time for us to celebrate
New Year what's knocking on the house
And it sparkles with garlands!

Come visit us now
An old lady will come running,
It will be a nice evening...
Just shh..! Secret! In your ear...

Baba Yaga appears on the stage, hobbling out and carrying a bag of gifts.

Baba Yaga:
I'm a funny old lady
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties
I love listening to them too.

Baba Yaga calls five girls and women onto the stage, hands them the words of ditties and scarves on their heads. To the music of the song “Ditties by Babok Ezhek” from Soviet cartoon“Flying Ship” women perform written texts. Baba Yaga begins.

1. Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

2. New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

3. Hey, beautiful girls,
Come on, let's not get bored!
Better ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

4. Last New Year holiday
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

5. I remember with the devil last year
We kissed deliciously
In the morning the forest people
We were bullied!

6. Sing, sing, merry fellows!
Dance, drink.
Here we sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which she takes out of the bag.

So that you don't get bored now,
At the table, so as not to yawn,
Yaga and I solve riddles at once
Let's make a wish for you now!

The presenter and Baba Yaga take turns reading riddles. The best expert is given a gift from Baba Yaga's bag.

1. Who is this knocking on the door?
Who pinches their mouth and nose like that?
You don't want to believe it, but believe it,
Because that's for sure... (Father Frost)

2. Tickles the nose forcibly
And my finger hurts,
Who smells strongly of the forest?
Can you guess it? This... (Christmas tree)

3. Who is almost the owner of the forest?
Who is always like here?
Who is cunning and attractive?
That's for sure... (Leshy)

4. Who ate jam on New Year’s Eve?
Who was sent off the roof by the wind?
Who is not boring with, without a doubt?
This is kind... (Carlson)

5. Who is this with that braid?
And with such a figurine?
Who is this young guy?
This is... (Snow Maiden)

6. Who is having fun today?
Who's a little sad?
Who's got a glass?
It's Grandma... (Hedgehog)

What kind of holiday is it in Rus'?
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, grandma, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from far away
And you haven't even met
So that no tears fall,
I want them to sound
Lines to my glory are an honor!
Sing, don't be shy!
I have texts too!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes texts to everyone present. This song is performed to the music “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” by Raisa Kudasheva. The song has been redone, so it’s better to type out the lyrics in advance.

A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
They called this grandmother
It's simple - Baba Yaga!

The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The snow sang ditties to her,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma is blooming
For our grandmother's holiday
Suddenly people were invited!

Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday
And a lot of joy
She brought it to us!

We raise all our glasses,
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who can't eat salads?
Call me - I’ll help!

Baba Yaga:
I give everyone gifts
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate the New Year brightly
And good luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
But also for the feast
Invite us to visit!

Baba Yaga gives each person present a gift and the text of the final song. The last song is performed to the music of A. Lepin. The song “Five Minutes” was performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko. The words have been rearranged, so each guest is given texts in accordance with the theme of the evening! Baba Yaga begins, and everyone present picks up the melody!

New Year is coming
Raise all our glasses
Let's drink people
So that everyone can catch happiness!

Chorus: New Year is coming!
Happy New Year!
This year you will be lucky -
We all know this for sure!

New Year is coming
We give gifts to everyone,
Let's have fun people
And we fill the glasses!

Chorus: 2 times.

After the final song, presentation of gifts. The evening is over. Happy New Year!

To have a fun New Year 2020, you should think ahead entertainment program, including in it interesting competitions, practical jokes, riddles and skits. Productions featuring fairy-tale characters are especially popular among children and adults.

Your guests will love the small New Year's production about Baba Yaga, which we bring to your attention.

Scene with Baba Yaga for New Year 2020

A comic New Year's greeting from Baba Yaga (a man can play this role) will begin with her appearing at the holiday:
- Oh, my broom, my broom!
Where have you taken me?
Well, I got the transport!
Is your navigator broken?
Oh, tell me honest people,
Isn't New Year here?

Santa Claus appears in miniature, he sees Baba Yaga:
– Yes, we are celebrating the coming year here. And you, grandma, as I remember, no one invited you here.
Baba Yaga:
- Santa Claus, respect me,
Otherwise I'm your holiday
I'll turn it into a big scandal.
You saw me in action:
You know, I’m a thunder woman,
I'll cause a pogrom here,
I'll destroy all your tables,
Yes, and now you will dance,
So don't be a jerk
Appoint me Snow Maiden
Ali the Snow Queen.
I want to be first everywhere!

Santa Claus does not agree, and then in this comic scene Baba Yaga reports that she has bewitched New Year's gifts.

– Dear guests, there will be no presents for you from Santa Claus! But I will present you with my gifts - you will not forget them forever. (She takes out various things from the basket and gives them to the guests.)

- So as not to suffer from a hangover,
I made a potion for you
From toadstools, toads and snakes.
Drink it without fear!
(Gives a jar of pickles.)

- I poked around in the closets,
I collected some drugs.
To be strong in love,
Here, take a carrot.
(Hands over carrots.)

– For colds and sore throats
Oranges help.
And so as not to be tormented by pressure -
Here is the instruction:
Eat grapefruit more often
You will be like this fruit.
(Gives these fruits.)

- But this is jelly made from mold!
Haven't you drunk it yet?
So accept it when it starts
The body is a carousel!
(Gives a carton of fruit juice.)

After this, Santa Claus says:
- What kind of gifts are these, grandma? Snegurochka and I prepared completely different gifts for our guests - New Year's ones.

He addresses the guests:
- Let's break the spell between you and me.

Guests will solve riddles and receive prizes for this - calendars, small toys, sweets, etc. Santa Claus will invite those present to answer the questions:

  • Previously, in Rus', the New Year was celebrated on March 1 and September 1. Which of the Russian tsars issued a decree according to which this holiday began to be celebrated on the first of January? (Peter the Great).
  • Which Russian city is considered the geographical homeland of Santa Claus? (Veliky Ustyug).
  • In which country is New Year celebrated together with Cattle Breeding Day? Santa Claus, who is dressed as a cattle breeder, wears a fox hat, has a long whip in his hands, and a snuffbox and flint on his side. (In Mongolia).
  • In which country is the residence of the Snow Queen located? (In Lapland).
  • Why don't they serve birds in Hungary? New Year's table? (It is believed that otherwise happiness may fly away from home).
  • Where before the New Year it is customary to fill all the dishes with water, and after the clock strikes twelve, a real flood begins, as people pour water from the windows? (This custom exists in Cuba).

Merry New Year's competitions with the participation of Baba Yaga

A comic greeting from Baba Yaga for the New Year 2020 may include a “Guess” contest. Its participants are divided into two teams, one of which must depict a well-known proverb or fairy tale using pantomime. The second team must guess what proverb they are talking about. The maximum number of attempts to give the correct answer is from three to five.

Baba Yaga:
- They didn’t want to make me the Snow Maiden - and there’s no need. I’ve already become your Princess No Laugher: your performances don’t amuse me. Let's better hold another competition.

To participate in this funny New Year's competition, Baba Yaga divides those interested into two teams. The first team is Princess Nesmeyana; these participants sit on chairs and look as sad as possible. The second team must make them laugh.

To do this, you will need to tell jokes, sing ditties, perform ridiculous movements, etc. Each smiling “non-laugher” joins the second team. After this, the teams can switch roles.

Can be carried out music competition with Baba Yaga, whose participants will perform one verse of the song “Winter”:

Winter lived in a hut at the edge of the forest.
She salted snowballs in a birch tub,
She spun yarn, she wove canvas,
Forged ice bridges over rivers.

The ceiling is icy, the door is creaky,
Behind the rough wall the darkness is prickly.
As soon as you go beyond the threshold, there is frost everywhere,
And from the windows the park is blue and blue.

I went hunting, cut silver,
She planted the thin moon in a crystal bucket.
I sewed fur coats for trees, made sledge paths,
And then she hurried into the forest to rest in the hut.


Baba Yaga:
- Oh, thank you, you made me laugh! I no longer wanted to do magic.

Then in his comic congratulations Happy New Year, Baba Yaga decides to sing ditties:
- I'm a funny old lady,
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
And I love to sing ditties,
I love listening to them too.
Stretch your furs, accordion,
Yes, play - have fun!
Sing ditties, Grandma the Hedgehog,
Sing, don't talk!

She addresses the guests:
- What, did you like the way I sing? And you know what? Let me teach you to sing too.

She invites several girls and women onto the stage. The participants in this skit perform ditties together with Baba Yaga:
- Our accordion is good,
Yes, we are beauties too!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

Hey beautiful girls
We're not bored today!
Ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

Baba Yaga:
– Last New Year holiday
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

All together:
- Sing, sing, merry fellows!
Dance, drink.
Here we sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

Santa Claus appears on stage again:
- What an old lady, what a Baba Yaga! Any young person will give a hundred points ahead! Let's thank her and sing a song in her honor.

The participants in this cheerful New Year's miniature with Baba Yaga dance around her and sing:
- A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
What was this grandmother's name?
Our light, Baba Yaga!
The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The bear sang ditties,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!
But the New Year suddenly came
And grandma blooms -
For our grandmother's Christmas tree
I called the honest people!
Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday,
And a lot of joy
I brought it to all the guests!

Main character comic scene, Baba Yaga states:
- Well, you were afraid of me...
And I am Yaga of the heart,
Though harmful, but eternal,
Gray-haired, but perky,
Grandma is agile.
I'm flying on a broom
And always tipsy.

To top this off New Year's greetings Baba Yaga addresses the guests:
– Happy New Year!
May he bring joy
May everyone be happy
It will be this New Year!

May he be rich and generous
For good luck and goodness,
I wish you happiness
The New Year has arrived for everyone!
Happy holiday, my dears! Happy New Year!

Baba Yaga

(Kikimora and Baba Yaga appear in the hall)

Baba Yaga: Hello Kiki!

Kikimora: Hello Yaga!
Where are you going, hag?

Baba Yaga: Look into the distance!

Kikimora (looks surprised and says): Wow! People!
Celebrating the New Year!

Baba Yaga: I want to go to them.

Kikimora: Let's hang out there together?

Baba Yaga: Are you really that, Kiki?
Look what men!
They are so eye-catching!
What kind of outfit are you wearing?
All in rags! What a nightmare!

Kikimora: Yaga, watch yourself!
Has it been a long time since you changed your outfit?
And the hair sticks out like tow!

Baba Yaga: Well, yes! Of course you're right!
You know, our affairs are bad, Kik,
The people will not accept you and me!

Kikimora: I want it for the New Year! (stomps his foot)

Baba Yaga: You know what, come on Kiki,
We'll put on wigs with you. (takes out a beard and Santa Claus hat from his bag and puts it on himself)
Oops! Here I am Grandfather Frost! (hits one palm against the other and spreads it in different directions)

Kikimora: Who will I be?

Baba Yaga: And you are my Snow Maiden! (Baba Yaga takes a cap with pigtails from her bag and gives it to Kikimora.
Kikimora puts a cap on her head and looks in the mirror, admiring herself.)

Baba Yaga: We will speak publicly
Look, behave yourself! (shakes a finger)

Kikimora: Come on, don't Bubni, Yagus,
I'll figure it out on the spot.
(Kikimora and Baba Yaga approach the guests.)

Baba Yaga (changes voice intonation):
Hello, honest people -
Cute young man!
I came to you for a holiday,
Also my granddaughter! (points with hand)
We wish you on the New Year:

Kikimora: There is ice on the roads,

Baba Yaga: Happiness, joy, fun,

Kikimora: A whole lot of fly agarics!

Baba Yaga: So that in the glorious Year of the Monkey,

Kikimora: Everyone ate bananas!

Baba Yaga: Be loved! Love!

Kikimora: And annoy the neighbors!

Leading: Stop! Stop! Stop! Dear guests, somehow you don’t look like Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Who are you?

Baba Yaga: I, Santa Claus!

Kikimora: And I, Snow Maiden!

Leading: We will now check if you are telling the truth. Let's sing together the famous song “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”
(Music sounds.)

Leading (starts singing): A Christmas tree was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest (invites Kikimore to continue the song)

Kikimora (sings): Snow Maiden is a beauty
I came to see you for the holiday. -2 times (points to himself)

Leading (shakes his head negatively and continues singing the song):
The snowstorm sang a song to her -
Sleep, Christmas tree, bye-bye, (gestures Baba Yaga with a hand gesture to continue singing the song)

Baba Yaga (singing): Frost brought a bottle,
Hurry up and open it! -2 times

Baba Yaga and Kikimora (singing together):
Cowardly bunny gray
Jumped under the Christmas tree
But give him a drink from Santa Claus,
Alas, I didn’t offer it. -2 times
The presenter gives a sign to stop the music. The music stops playing.

Leading: What kind of Santa Claus and Snow Maiden are you if you don’t know this song! Who are you?

Baba Yaga: I, Yagusya, mischievous!

Kikimora: I, Forest Kikimora!

Together: Forgive us for the lies, people!
We wanted New Year
Celebrate with you -
Songs to sing and dance.
The cunning plan failed
You have exposed our deception!

Leading: You shouldn't have done that. We are always happy to have guests. Please come in and have a seat.
(Yaga and Kikimora sit down at the table and say a toast).

Baba Yaga: May it be the Year of the Monkey with love,
He will come with hope!
Good luck, happiness, joy,
It will bring health!

Kikimora: Good luck in your personal life,
Good luck in business
And rustling “greenery”
More in your wallets!

Kikimora (barely taking a sip of the drink, he says):
I'm getting drunk quickly,
Isn't it time to leave?

Baba Yaga: I'm in control of the situation!
We will hold a competition!
(Yaga and Kikimora conduct dance competition "Gait")
Participants are divided into 2 teams. Each team stands in a column at the same distance from the Christmas tree. Task: as soon as the music starts, the first participants, with dance movements, reach the Christmas tree and return back, pass the baton to the second players, etc. The team that quickly and correctly completes the task wins. Dance movements should not be repeated. Baba Yaga and Kikimora present prizes and say goodbye to guests.

Kikimora: Happy New Year, with new happiness!
Goodbye, friends!
(Baba Yaga and Kikimora leave.)

Shooter can't stop running
And it's time for us to celebrate
New Year is knocking on the door
And it sparkles with garlands!

Come visit us now
An old lady will come running,
It will be a nice evening...
Just shh..! Secret! In your ear...

Baba Yaga appears on the stage, hobbling out and carrying a bag of gifts.

Baba Yaga:
I'm a funny old lady
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties
I love listening to them too.

Baba Yaga calls five girls and women onto the stage, gives them the words of ditties and scarves on their heads. To the music of the song “Ditties of Babok Ezhek” from the Soviet cartoon “The Flying Ship,” women perform written lyrics. Baba Yaga begins.

1. Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

2. New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

3. Hey, beautiful girls,
Come on, let's not get bored!
Better ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

4. Last New Year holiday
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

5. I remember with the devil last year
We kissed deliciously
In the morning the forest people
We were bullied!

6. Sing, sing, merry fellows!
Dance, drink.
Here we sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which she takes out of the bag.

So that you don't get bored now,
At the table, so as not to yawn,
Yaga and I solve riddles at once
Let's make a wish for you now!

The presenter and Baba Yaga take turns reading riddles. The best expert is given a gift from Baba Yaga's bag.

1. Who is this knocking on the door?
Who pinches their mouth and nose like that?
You don't want to believe it, but believe it,
Because that's for sure... (Father Frost)

2. Tickles the nose forcibly
And my finger hurts,
Who smells strongly of the forest?
Can you guess it? This... (Christmas tree)

3. Who is almost the owner of the forest?
Who is always like here?
Who is cunning and attractive?
That's for sure... (Leshy)

4. Who ate jam on New Year’s Eve?
Who was sent off the roof by the wind?
Who is not boring with, without a doubt?
This is kind... (Carlson)

5. Who is this with that braid?
And with such a figurine?
Who is this young guy?
This is... (Snow Maiden)

6. Who is having fun today?
Who's a little sad?
Who's got a glass?
It's Grandma... (Hedgehog)

What kind of holiday is it in Rus'?
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, grandma, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from far away
And you haven't even met
So that no tears fall,
I want them to sound
Lines to my glory are an honor!
Sing, don't be shy!
I have texts too!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes texts to everyone present. This song is performed to the music “A Christmas Tree Was Born in the Forest” by Raisa Kudasheva. The song has been redone, so it’s better to type out the lyrics in advance.

A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
They called this grandmother
It's simple - Baba Yaga!

The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The snow sang ditties to her,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma is blooming
For our grandmother's holiday
Suddenly people were invited!

Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday
And a lot of joy
She brought it to us!

We raise all our glasses,
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who can't eat salads?
Call me - I’ll help!

Baba Yaga:
I give everyone gifts
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate the New Year brightly
And good luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
But also for the feast
Invite us to visit!

Baba Yaga gives each person present a gift and the text of the final song. The last song is performed to the music of A. Lepin. The song “Five Minutes” was performed by Lyudmila Gurchenko. The words have been rearranged, so each guest is given texts in accordance with the theme of the evening! Baba Yaga begins, and everyone present picks up the melody!

New Year is coming
Raise all our glasses
Let's drink people
So that everyone can catch happiness!

Chorus: New Year is coming!
Happy New Year!
This year you will be lucky -
We all know this for sure!

New Year is coming
We give gifts to everyone,
Let's have fun people
And we fill the glasses!

Chorus: 2 times.

After the final song, presentation of gifts. The evening is over. Happy New Year!

The script is intended for an adult audience and can be performed among friends, colleagues, and classmates. You should prepare a Baba Yaga costume in advance and choose a performer for this role, as well as print out the lyrics that will be distributed to everyone present during the holiday.

Both a woman and a man can lead the holiday.

Shooter can't stop running
And it's time for us to celebrate
New Year is knocking on the door
And it sparkles with garlands!
Come visit us now
An old lady will come running,
It will be a nice evening...
Just shh..! Secret! In your ear...

Baba Yaga appears on the stage, hobbling out and carrying a bag of gifts.

Baba Yaga:
I'm a funny old lady
I've been living on Earth for a hundred years,
I love to sing you ditties
I love listening to them too.

Baba Yaga calls five ladies onto the stage, hands them the words of ditties and scarves on their heads. To the music of the song “Ditties Babok Ezhek” from the Soviet cartoon “The Flying Ship”, women perform written lyrics. Baba Yaga begins.

Stretch your bellows, accordion!
Come on, beauties!
We'll sing ditties for you,
We know you'll like it!

New Year we all over the country
Let's celebrate together!
Pour a glass! With Yaga
Let's drink to the holiday!

Hey, beautiful girls,
Come on, let's not get bored!
Better ditties with grandma
Let's sing loudly!

Last holiday New Year
I celebrated with the goblin,
The forest people sang along -
I danced a striptease!

I remember with the devil last year
We kissed deliciously
In the morning the forest people
We were bullied!

Sing, sing fun!
Dance, drink.
Here we sang ditties for you,
Don't forget us!

The women leave the stage. Baba Yaga gives them gifts, which she takes out of the bag.

So that you don't get bored now,
At the table, so as not to yawn,
Yaga and I solve riddles at once
Let's make a wish for you now!

The presenter and Baba Yaga take turns reading riddles. The best expert is given a gift from Baba Yaga's bag.

Who's that knocking on the door?
Who pinches their cheeks and nose like that?
You don't want to believe it, but believe it,
After all, this is for sure... (Father Frost)

Tickles the nose forcibly
And my finger hurts,
Who smells strongly of the forest?
Did you find out? This… (Christmas tree)

Who is almost the owner of the forest?
Who is always like here?
Who is cunning and sexy?
That's for sure… (Leshy)

I ate all the jam instantly,
Sent from the roof by the wind,
It’s not boring with him, without a doubt, -
This is a good... (Carlson)

Who's this with that braid?
And a slender figure?
Who is this young man?
This is... (Snow Maiden)

Who's having fun today
and is a little naughty?
Who's got a glass?
This is Grandma... (Ezhka)

What kind of holiday is it in Rus'?
Celebrate without songs?
Come on, grandma, start it up,
Let's all sing together!

Baba Yaga:
I came from far away
And you haven’t even met
So that no tears fall,
I want them to sound
Lines to my glory and honor!
Sing, don't be shy!
I have texts too!
Join us!

Baba Yaga distributes leaflets with the lyrics of the song to everyone present. The song is performed to the tune of “A Christmas tree was born in the forest.”

Song about Yaga:
A grandmother was born in the forest,
She grew up in the forest
What was this grandmother's name?
Our light, Baba Yaga!

The snowstorm sang a song to her,
The bear sang ditties,
But grandma is not happy
For many, many years!

But the New Year came suddenly
And grandma blooms, -
For our grandmother's Christmas tree
I called the honest people!

Now she's smart
She came to us for the holiday,
And a lot of joy
I brought it to all the guests!

We raise all our glasses,
Together we drink to Yaga,
Who can't eat salads?
Call me - I’ll help!

Baba Yaga:
I give everyone gifts
And I wish from the bottom of my heart,
Celebrate the New Year brightly
Live in luck and love!
Live in peace
Friendly, simple,
To the feast of Yaga
Invite us to visit!

Baba Yaga gives each person present a gift and the text of the final song. The text is sung to the tune of the song “Five Minutes” from the movie “Carnival Night”

Baba Yaga begins, and everyone present picks up the melody.

New Year is coming
New Year is coming
We raise our glasses!
Let's have a drink, people.
So that everyone can catch happiness!

New Year is coming!
Happy New Year!
This year you will be lucky -
We all know this for sure!

New Year is coming
We give gifts to everyone,
Let's have fun people
Let's refill our glasses!
Chorus: 2 times.

After the final song, presentation of gifts. The evening is over.

A couple of phrases from us:

This script is quite short, so it is good for holding a New Year's event in lunch break or after working day(glasses can be without alcohol). It can also be included as part of the overall scenario for a large New Year's party.

If you are planning a longer party based on the above scenario, then add several games and competitions to the program. In addition, you can ask the party participants to prepare individually small concert numbers in advance - songs, dances, poems, etc. During the holiday, everyone can perform and receive a “branded” souvenir as a gift from Baba Yaga.

Since in this case the only character of the holiday is Baba Yaga, to emphasize the New Year's theme, add elements of the Snow Maiden's costume to Yaga's costume - for example, a Kokoshnik and a braid - (you can directly on top of the scarf to make it look funnier). But you can sew several large snowflakes onto your clothes, and decorate your broom (what is Yaga without a broom?) with tinsel or attach several Christmas balls to it. By the way, a broom can be made from spruce branches - natural or artificial. Yes, and the bag - if you use a regular Santa Claus bag, it will look as if Yaga stole it from New Year's grandfather. Therefore, sew a couple of patches onto the bag, and you can choose a simpler fabric itself.

To make the holiday with Yaga more organic, try to ensure that everything used bears the imprint of both the New Year and the main character of the party. For example, on gift packaging and leaflets with song lyrics there may be not only an image of a Christmas tree or Santa Claus, but also a cobweb or a broom. Also match the prizes handed out by Baba Yaga to the theme. Try to imagine what Santa Claus would choose for prizes and what Baba Yaga would choose. The same goes for competitions, games, and music used (in addition to New Year’s music, songs about Baba Yaga can also be included in the program).

Try to tune your imagination in this way and you will see many new and interesting possibilities that will make your party special and unforgettable.

New Year's scenarios, chants, congratulations

  1. adults
